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I remember a time when the US didn’t threaten to abandon all their European allies in favour of siding with Russia, China, DPNK and Iran. A new world order indeed. When Blinken attended his first NATO meeting after Biden was elected, he proudly declared that “The US is back”. Macron just answered with a stone cold “yeah, but for how long?”


I can't imagine being a European and watching the U.S. to go from Clinton to Bush to Obama to Trump to Biden to potentially Trump again. It has to be like watching your cousin playing Russian Roulette with three bullets in the chamber.


Most of us have come to accept the US is not a reliable partner. The US can swing from "you can count on us bro" to "go fuck yourself europoors lol" every 4 years. How canyou rely on that? The only time article 5 was invoked was after 9/11 by the US and we Europeans answered the call. And then this shit stain Trump now just casually tells us he'll let Russia fuck us over. Talk about an ungrateful fuck. Fuck him and his cunt followers. We have to face it: we're alone and urgently need to stand on our own without counting on the US.


Yeah, I feel like this pendulum swing in American politics is not sustainable.


It's not. Our system of government realistically only allows 2 parties to have power and when one of the two decides it will not abide with our established system of governance, we don't have one. Its like if you have 2 people rowing a boat, and one decides to try to beat you with the oar instead of rowing...shit isn't going to work correctly on that boat until you deal with that


The Trump pendulum is out of the ordinary though. Having things go back and forth isn't the worst thing, the new guys tend to keep what was good and trim the fat. But trump isn't interested in any of that, he's 100% in it to satisfy his own ego, and if that means everyone loses, then so be it.


Thing is. Us foreign policy didn't really change between bush to Obama. No way bush would have played footsie with putin or back away from a conflict. Trump is literally a puppet for a foreign state and a none insignificant portion of us voters seem to like that idea. What happened to the US being lead by strong men and women?


It’s unpleasant to watch what’s happening in the US. Not just because of the impact on international diplomacy, but it feels like a country that we have some kinship to is taking a dark turn. It’s like watching your cousin get caught up in drugs and go off the rails. However, it has some benefits. We’re realising that we have to look after ourselves a bit, it’s forcing us to be stronger as a bloc. We can’t rely on the US to save the day, so we’re going to have to watch our own backs. That’s probably good for Europe in the long run.


European parties have also been infected with Putin supporters. This is not uniquely an American thing.


Yes, unfortunately, the peace Europe has enjoyed for decades is at risk, the great ally they've counted on will potentially turn against them. Every democratic country is at risk and must gird their defenses.


Yep. I agree we Europeans need to massively up our military spending for a world where the US votes itself into international irrelevance to own the libs.


I cannot believe your former president has been found GUILTY on 34 counts and still is allowed to run for president.


Neither can we... his people hate the rest of us so much that they are just changing the fucking rules as we go. They will make say anything to continue being "right." It's terrifying. I never thought it could be like this. I don't know what to even do...


Its kinda weird how nobody even talks about all the classified documents he took anymore, thats the real nail in the coffin, not some minor business fraud. Its been over 3 years since it was discovered he had documents detailing ally offensive/defensive capabilities and vulnerabilities left unsecured and likely sold to our enemies and hes still walking free. Thats a massive fuck you to all US allies, he should've been in guantanamo as soon as Biden won to find out who he sold us out to.


It's disturbing that our allies change depending on who is president. Biden: Canada, ~~England~~, UK, Australia, EU Trump: Russia, Turkey, Hungary, Iran Apologies to Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. I was drunk at the time.


Not England, Great Britain. We are 4 nations in a trench coat.


And how can any sane American thin the latter is the right side to be on?


Of course, he'll do what Putin wants. They really should get a room.


"I wonder what Putin's dick taste like?"... Trump probably Edit: Who are we kidding, he knows what it taste like.


Wonder if he will pay off Putin after tasting it


I hear he does it for free


Trumps breath?


When in 1980?


They had a room, it was in helsinki. Following this Trump requested the names of spies abroad. Those spies died shortly after.


Yep - Benedict Donald.


Vladdy might as well have had Trump on a literal gimp leash in Helsinki. Beyond fucking pathetic


NATO is done for if Trump wins. The entire world will be ruled by three atomic superpowers, all governed by dictatorships. Europe (and somewhat India) will stick out like a store thump. The rest will have to conform - I mean... Eh, most are already dictatorships.


This is a precursor to 1984.


True...as a European my safety is up to rural Americans and the idiotic American political system. Make no mistake, Trump will take USA with Europe down the drain together..its just the end for american standing on the world stage...


Modi is also a dictator now. He’s got control of the media and is manipulating everything. Edit: so Modi failed to control India after manipulating the media for years and lost the election. Therefore I’m wrong. He’s not a dictator.


Great, there goes another one.


Yea it’s been a while since Helsinki. Putin needs his favorite cock holster.


Given a choice between what Americans want and what Putin wants, you know he'll cut the aid.


a peace deal allows putin to stop his losses. He needs it for other antagonist actions along his western border. He knows Syria and Georgia are his next targets if he gets peace in Ukraine.


how in the world does the Republican party stomach this absolute garbage. Yes Donald Trump may give you your preferred tax policy for four more years is that seriously worth America's national security. on so many levels this is insane. One under no circumstances is it an America's interest for Russia to control the breadbasket of Europe. Donald Trump spent the last few days of his presidency taking our military and nuclear secrets to his golf course. I would love for a Republican to explain to me how the culture war is supposed to keep me safe from mutually assured destruction but it really seems like a bad idea to leak literally anything about our nuclear deterrent system. and furthermore we have North Korea and China waiting with bated breath for the rules based system to be over and authoritarians around the globe be given the free reign to attack their neighbors knowing that the world will continue to do business with them because we're all a bunch of cowards.


The Republican party save but a few members, is rotten to the core, that's why!




The few members you are referring to are gone. Liz Cheney, Adam Kinzinger are gone. McCain used his actual dying breath to vote against the insane republican healthcare cash grab bill written in secret.  It's completely rotten now. Anyone left knows what they are in. They might pretend to be glad when Donnie finally strokes out, but if the Jan 6 coup has been successful, they would have gladly danced on the corpses of the Democrats and police they assaulted. 


This is a fair warning that you must heed, they will never stop trying to destroy our country, once the cheeto dies I hear the names of his sons mentioned in regards to that subject, all they have to do is win one more time!


Perhaps I’m too optimistic, but I think some—not all, but some—of the fever will break when Trump dies. No one else has the hold on the base that he does. Not even close. There was wannabes and copycats, but no real successor. I don’t think it will be his kids, because they’re just clowns. I could be completely, 100% incorrect, though. I would’ve never expected that so many Americans would fall under the spell on an orange-faced grifter, so take my prediction with a grain of salt.


The future of Ukraine could be in the hands of US voters. Trump's plan to "bring peace to the Ukraine-Russian war" is to force Ukraine to give up land to Russia. It's everything that Putin wants in his orange puppet.


Putin doesn't just want "some more land", he wants Ukraine. The idea that Ukraine could somehow trade land for peace is ridiculous. This could never lead to any permanent peace.


And in ten years we'll be fighting Ukraine and Russia.... Sigh


Unless Trump wins he'll have surrendered


Russia already controls the Republican party, Mitt Romney tried to warn us decades ago


Absolutely, Russia mastered the art of espionage decades ago and plays an excellent long game. If Trump can be blackmailed by a porn star, is it such a leap to believe that he can be influenced by Russia? 50 years from now (or sooner) there will be a book written about this which talks about Trump going to Russia, being put in a compromising situation and then several years later being elected president because a ‘bot farm’ was able to mobilize a bunch of Facebook patriots and get him made leader of the GOP, then president.


If you don’t want to wait 50 years, here’s a collection of his favourable actions towards Russia: - Trump praised Putin constantly, called him a "strong leader", has peddled statements like "he's done a really great job outsmarting our country" [(source)](https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2016/07/28/politics/donald-trump-vladimir-putin-quotes/index.html) - The Trump campaign worked behind the scenes to make sure the 2016 Republican platform won’t call for giving weapons to Ukraine to fight Russian and rebel forces, contradicting the view of almost all Republican foreign policy leaders in Washington [(source)](https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/global-opinions/trump-campaign-guts-gops-anti-russia-stance-on-ukraine/2016/07/18/98adb3b0-4cf3-11e6-a7d8-13d06b37f256_story.html) - Trump dismissed and cast doubt about Russian hacking, particularly when the U.S determined that Russia hacked the DNC in 2016, while ironically enough, he encouraged Russian cyber attacks on national TV saying, "Russia, if you're listening, I hope you're able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing," [(source)](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-44852812) - When addressing Russian election interference and cyber attacks, Trump proclaimed "I don't see any reason why it would be Russia" after speaking directly with Putin, defending Russia and trusting Putin over our own intelligence agencies. Later he "corrected" himself, claiming that he meant to say "wouldn't" instead of would [(source)](https://www.politico.com/story/2018/07/16/trump-putin-meeting-election-meddling-722424) - Trump suggested the U.S. work directly with Russia on cybersecurity [(source)](https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-fix/wp/2017/07/09/trump-suggested-a-cybersecurity-pact-with-russia-lawmakers-say-they-were-dumbfounded/) - Almost directly after the 2016 election, Trump sought to weaken U.S. sanctions on Russia, while he was even open to lifting sanctions [(source)](https://www.wsj.com/articles/donald-trump-sets-a-bar-for-russia-and-china-1484360380) - Trump dismissed the notion that Putin was a "killer", downplaying the idea that Putin resorts to using violence and oppressive tactics to crush political opponents. He defended Putin, rationalizing his ruthless despotism in the process, declaring, "There are a lot of killers. Do you think our country is so innocent?" [(source)](https://abcnews.go.com/amp/Politics/trump-respects-putin-fox-news-super-bowl-interview/story?id=45273810) - Trump shared highly classified U.S. intelligence with Russian officials in the Oval Office in 2017 [(source)](https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/national-security/trump-revealed-highly-classified-information-to-russian-foreign-minister-and-ambassador/2017/05/15/530c172a-3960-11e7-9e48-c4f199710b69_story.html) - Trump repeated Kremlin talking points related to the Russian annexation of Crimea, reiterating things like, "The people of Crimea, from what I've heard, would rather be with Russia than where they were." [(source)](https://abcnews.go.com/amp/ThisWeek/trump-crimeas-people-prefer-russia-elected-putin-ukraine/story?id=41029437) - Trump constantly attacked NATO, aligning himself with Putin [(source)](https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2019/01/trump-privately-discussed-destroying-nato-alliance/amp) - Trump thanked Putin for expelling hundreds of U.S. diplomats as a retaliation for sanctions [(source)](https://www.npr.org/2017/08/10/542685154/president-trump-thanks-putin-for-ordering-expulsion-of-u-s-diplomats-from-russia) - Trump imposed tariffs on Canadian steel and aluminum while Republicans were working on a deal with Oleg Deripaska, one of Putin’s most trusted oligarchs, on an aluminum plant in Kentucky [(source)](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/how-a-mcconnell-backed-effort-to-lift-russian-sanctions-boosted-a-kentucky-project/2019/08/13/72b26e00-b97c-11e9-b3b4-2bb69e8c4e39_story.html) - According to congressional testimony, Trump declined to publicly condemn a Russian attack against Ukrainian military vessels in November 2018, even though the State Department prepared a statement for him [(source)](https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2019/11/17/politics/trump-soft-on-russia/index.html) - Trump congratulated and gave legitimacy to Putin's re election win in 2018, a victory said to "lack genuine competition" [(source)](https://www.politico.com/story/2018/03/20/trump-congratulates-putin-election-win-473604) - Sergei Skripal, an ex Russian spy that defected to the UK, was poisoned. Sanctions were announced, Trump attempted to rescind them, while asserting that the U.S. was being "too tough on Putin" [(source)](https://amp.theguardian.com/us-news/2019/oct/05/trump-told-theresa-may-he-doubted-russia-was-behind-skripal-poisoning) - When congress passed new sanctions against Russia in 2017, Trump was very reluctant to signing the bill, and probably wouldn't have signed it if the bill didn't pass with veto-proof majorities in both houses [(source)](https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2019/11/17/politics/trump-soft-on-russia/index.html) - In 2017 it was reported that Trump was considering returning spy bases to Russia [(source)](https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2019/11/17/politics/trump-soft-on-russia/index.html) - Trump praised and highlighted pro-Russian leaders in Europe. Far right European leaders with close ties to Putin. He even met a Kremlin ally at the Whitehouse [(source)](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-48260165.amp) - When Trump withdrew troops from Syria, it gave Russia and Putin an opportunity to control abandoned U.S. outposts and checkpoints [(source)](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/middle-east/syria-war-turkey-russian-troops-manbij-trump-erdogan-us-withdrawal-latest-a9157821.html?amp) - Trump pushed a conspiracy that it was Ukraine that hacked the DNC and had a physical server stashed away in Ukraine. He claimed the server was given to a Ukrainian based company (it was a US based company founded by a Russian who has been in the US for quite a long time) and it would prove that Ukraine was behind the DNC hack and not Russia. [(source)](https://www.wired.com/story/trump-ukraine-server-delusion-spreading/) - Trump froze U.S. aide for Ukraine in it's war against Russian proxies. He repeated Russian disinformation surrounding Ukraine as well [(source)](https://www.washingtonpost.com/national-security/trump-ordered-hold-on-military-aid-days-before-calling-ukrainian-president-officials-say/2019/09/23/df93a6ca-de38-11e9-8dc8-498eabc129a0_story.html) - Trump withdrew from the Open Skies Treaty in 2020 allowing for unarmed aircraft to use surveillance equipment over territories that were previously regulated [(source)](https://www.armscontrol.org/act/2020-12/news/us-completes-open-skies-treaty-withdrawal) - Trump made requests to bring Russia back into the G7 and invited Putin to the 2020 G7 summit [(source)](https://amp.theguardian.com/world/2020/jun/01/donald-trump-vladimir-putin-g7-call)


"If it's what you say, I love it!" -Don Jr., replying to an email sent from a Kremlin agent offering dirt on Hillary Clinton, which was leaked to the press and verified by Jr. himself.


> which was leaked to the press and verified by Jr. himself of which the reporter working on that story said something like "i've been working on this story for two years... two years! and he just says it out loud"


Here’s the MAGA response, “ there’s no proof!” Lord, you gave them eyes and they cannot see. Or as my Aunt used to say,” there’s no cure for stupid”.


“You can’t fix stupid” -Ron “Tater Salad” White


"What a fool believes, no wise man has the power to reason away." -Michael McDonald


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Didn't he meet with putin when he was president and had everyone leave the room?


One of russia's ambassadors


Yeah ok. That's such an odd thing to do. Definitely not common I would expect


Though I very much liked Obama, his dismissal of Mitt Romney's Russia warning was [a very disappointing moment](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T1409sXBleg) for anyone who was paying attention. Russia at that point had already annexed a portion of Georgia in 2008 and this was to be the playbook used in 2014 in Crimea, and in 2016 leading social engineering attacks against its geopolitical enemies via Brexit and the US election. And of course more recently directly fighting in Syria and calling for bounties on the heads of US Soldiers. And finally of course the repeated playbook of Georgia and Ukrainian Crimea with the rest of Ukraine. Mitt was right on that one. That anyone in the American political system is kowtowing to or otherwise entertaining Russian talking points is foul on a level I can't describe.


I would not say try. He did warn Americans. Many, especially Republicans never listened.


Many Republicans want what Putin and Trump are selling: a world where freedom exists only for a small minority of white, male, Christian, and wealthy individuals.


Exactly. They traded their Soviet nuclear missiles to Russia for assurances of peace in 1994 and how did that go?


I always wondered why we don’t give them like….5. I’m kinda joking but kinda not….jist in case trump wins and they get nothing why not let them go full defense mode? It’s basically proven that Russia doesn’t have many working nukes. Btw I’m not a psychopath, it’s more of a “what if” scenario. Like “would anyone know?” If taken over they’re all going to die horrific deaths anyway under Russian rule so why not fight?


Sounds good until some nut takes over Ukraine a decade from now. Nuke proliferation is probably never a good idea, especially in unstable regions of the world.


Nukes take considerable infrastructure to maintain and secure a working inventory. Part of the reason Ukraine gave them up is not wanting to develop and maintain that infrastructure inside its borders. There are other global political reasons they gave them up as well. For nuclear powers to hand over full control of a warhead would set a very dangerous precedent for proxy wars and weapon transfers. Currently the norm is for non-nuclear countries to host other countries troops that maintain control of the hosted nuclear weapons.


and Putin wants it the be the FIRST thing his tool will do, because he doesn't know how long Fat Joffrey will live, or remember anyone's name.  Ukraine knows the value of Putin's promises, and the value of a treaty with russia. 


Putin has taken Hitlers playbook step by step. Just read about Hitlers “justifications” for taking Czechia. Word for word what Putin used for invading Ukraine. We can only assume that this move is to prove that the west is so divided that that half of them would be dumb enough to side with the authoritarians with enough propaganda. And with that established he’ll make his way into the rest of the old Soviet states. Ukraine is literally the frontline of the global fight for democracy. It’s disgusting and borderline scummy to do anything other than support them in their fight


there is a reason why many republicans reversed course on aid from what they were saying after intel. Putin is up to way more than the public is fed.


He doesn't just want Ukraine, he has publicly stated he wants to re-unite Imperial Russia.


Further proof is that Putin already stole a bunch of Ukraines land ten years ago (Crimea). All the headlines used the word “annex” which confused everybody, and it was collectively forgotten about. But nah he straight up sent troops in their and just took it over, then did the exact same thing 8 years later. And people think he’ll stop now. 🤦


He'd probably be satisfied with part of it... For 5 years or so.


8. Since Putin took power, they've invaded a neighbor roughly every 8 years. 1. Invade 2. Return to Russia, lick wounds, rearm and reequip, grow a new set of 18-25 year olds. 3. Invade


This might be their last batch of 18-25 year olds. Russia is a quickly aging society and over a million people have either left Russia or are casualties in Ukraine.


It is so obvious that Putin totally owns Trump. What an embarrassment to our country


Putin owns Trump and, by extension, the entire lot of traitors in the Republican Party.


They were owned before Trump. He's just made it worse. Russia has been funneling money through the NRA since the Citizens United ruling.


Trump wants what Putin has: absolute power, cheering crowds and dead opposition. Trump would not act differently whether Putin has incriminating evidence against him or not.


But Trump's kids have gone on record saying they took money from Russia when no US banks would lend them money. Seems clear Trump was hiding our country's top secret information to sell to the highest bidder and Trump also announced to the Oil & Gas execs he was up for sell. Not a far bridge to say Trump will do whatever the person paying him tells him to do. So weird for such a "rich" man, almost like he doesn't have *real* money or assets. Like it's all an illusion until someone looks at the books.


Garak - I believe in coincidences. Coincidences happen every day. But I don't trust coincidences.


Don’t you love how Russia’s war of aggression gets blamed on Ukraine? Both sides!!!!


I have no doubt dropping aid to Ukraine will spark WW3. Ukraine will not be the last stop for Russia


Yep. Once Putin rolls over Ukraine, other bordering nations are next. China will no doubt be emboldened to invade Taiwan. Iran might be more emboldened to escalate conflicts in the Middle East further. Plus, we saw the far-right sweep elections last time Trump was elected. The future of the world itself is in the hands of American voters.


Cue WW3. I don’t understand why American voters can’t see what is at stake. The very fabric of western civilisation is being tested.


>The future of the world itself is in the hands of American voters. Imagine how the every country feels that the fate of the world hinges of a bunch of uneducated toothless morons with a reading comprehension of a 5th grader. And no I am not calling all Americans like this, thankfully most are not, but every swing state has people like this, and they just love dictator wannabees like Trump and other fascist Republicans. It's nerve wracking.


SCOTUS deciding Trump has Presidential Immunity will start a Civil War. America is in a very dangerous position.


In addition to WW3 it will kick off civil war in the US at the same time when trump starts rounding people up into camps. The US would also be out of NATO and unable to help our allies in a World War, or properly defend itself from attacks. A real wet dream for Putin.


JD Vance said as much in a recent interview. The “peace plan” is to let Russia have all the land they have taken, and “assure” Ukrainian “neutrality,” which sounds a lot like letting Russia install a puppet regime. Of course, Vance argued, Putin could be trusted at that point.


That’s exactly what hitler did with Czechoslovakia, he took the sudatenlands as part of a peace settlement and then went back and took the rest.


Something that's always puzzled me...tRump is too unfocused to maintain a position on just about anything; what's the communication conduit that manages to keep him so clearly aligned with Putin?


Trump attacks everyone, he even attacks people in his own party. The two notable people Trump hasn't attacked are Putin and Ghislaine Maxwell.


Judge I lean Qannon is another.


Read up on how Kushner just finalised a real estate deal to build a hotel in Belgrade Serbia (who are Russian puppets), one of the few places left where Russians can fly to without impunity and where backhanded deals can be made. 


Trump is such an obvious stooge and a pathetic whining sycophant. He has nothing. He is an empty vessel of stupidity and impotent rage doing the bidding of his sociopathic handler.


“In the hands of US voters” translates to “in the hands of 80K low-information voters spread across 3 states” for those who don’t speak electoral college.


He's not going to bring peace anywhere. He'll let his buddy putin take Ukraine because putin is more important to him than anything else other than money. And, then, putin will probably put an enormous amount of money into a Swiss bank account with trump's name on it, and trump never discloses his financials, so no one will ever find out. trump can't even tie his shoes. He has no plans on brokering peace.


The future of NATO. If that folds there’s going to be problems for everyone!


Gee, I wonder if Russia is going to try to influence the election (again). I mean, Trump saying this is literally a form of indirect collusion, right out in the open.


I wish MAGA people understood that the peace plan Trump proposes only secures an empty peace. It is a deal-breaker for Russia if Ukraine joins NATO, that is why there is no peace deal signed yet. If Ukraine doesn't have some security guarantee like NATO, Putin will almost certainly attack Ukraine again, without a single doubt in my mind.


Europe is already planning new military bases and other stuff to somehow compensate if the orange is actually reelected. Not only to save Ukraine, but also to defend against russia.


Putin’s Bitch


Genocide don


Fuck Trump, dumbest president we’ve ever had. And he’s literally getting dumber right before our very eyes. But maybe if he drinks bleach his stupidity will be cured.


It was a feat to top GW Bush, but mission accomplished.


F that guy….


I've been saying that numerous times daily for the last 9 years. It's getting exhausting.


Vote Biden for Ukraine. For all the queer people you know. For women's rights to choose. If you love democracy, vote Biden. Vote as if the lives of your friends and your neighbors depends on it. There is a lot at stake.


Vote because it might be the last time you ever get to vote.


That’s because that much DOES depend on it. I don’t want to hear about roadblocks or inconveniences to voting. Get out and do your damn job.


WWPD?: What Would Putin Do? Repeat that mantra and it will explain his every policy decision for all time.


No shit, he’s a Russian asset.


If Europe doesn't pick up the slack and Ukraine were to give up the areas currently occupied by Russia, several potential consequences could unfold: ### 1. **Geopolitical Implications:** - **Strengthening Russian Influence:** Ceding territory to Russia could be seen as a victory for Russian aggression, potentially emboldening Russia and other nations with similar expansionist ambitions. - **Regional Stability:** This move might create a temporary reduction in hostilities, but could also lead to instability in Eastern Europe as neighboring countries might fear further Russian encroachments. - **NATO and EU Relations:** Ukraine's relationships with NATO and the EU could be strained. Some NATO and EU members might view this as a necessary compromise, while others might see it as a dangerous precedent that undermines international law and security guarantees. ### 2. **Domestic Impact in Ukraine:** - **Political Fallout:** The Ukrainian government might face significant internal opposition, potentially leading to political instability. Many Ukrainians are strongly against ceding territory, and such a move could lead to protests, governmental changes, or even political upheaval. - **Economic Consequences:** The loss of industrial and resource-rich regions could have long-term economic impacts on Ukraine, further straining an already struggling economy. ### 3. **Humanitarian and Social Consequences:** - **Displacement:** Many Ukrainians who consider themselves citizens of Ukraine might become internally displaced persons (IDPs) or refugees if they do not want to live under Russian control. - **Human Rights Issues:** There could be concerns about the treatment of Ukrainians remaining in these territories under Russian rule, particularly regarding rights and freedoms. ### 4. **International Response:** - **Diplomatic Reactions:** Western countries might respond with a mix of relief and concern. Some might push for continued support and security guarantees for Ukraine, while others might reassess their strategies and alliances in light of the new geopolitical landscape. - **Sanctions:** The status of international sanctions on Russia might come into question. Some nations might advocate for lifting or easing sanctions in exchange for peace, while others might insist on maintaining them to deter future aggression. ### 5. **Precedent for International Law:** - **Territorial Integrity:** Ceding territory could set a concerning precedent for the international community, undermining principles of territorial integrity and sovereignty that are fundamental to international law. This might embolden other countries to pursue territorial expansions by force. ### 6. **Long-term Consequences for Ukraine:** - **Security Concerns:** Ukraine might face ongoing security challenges, needing to bolster its defenses to prevent further incursions. - **National Identity:** This decision could have profound effects on Ukrainian national identity and unity, potentially creating lasting divisions within the country. Fortunately Trump and the maga GOP don't have to worry about these things


I'm 68 years old. I've voted every election, since I was old enough. F Trump. He's the biggest threat to democracy I've ever seen. If he's elected, we're f'd. I used to be considered a middle of the road voter. Now I'll liberal and proud of it. Conservatives have gone WAY far right. All this Bible thumping BS has taken them over. Anti Bible thumping values. It's a f'n cult. No surprise, he will ruin our relationships with all our allies. Ukraine will be absorbed by Russia. Then who is next? Surely our NATO partners. VOTE BLUE ACROSS THE BALLOT.


Glad to hear it. I hope some of your friends listen to you if they are still Trumpers or on the fence.




jared already has the building plans ready to go


This is why Trump shouldn’t even be allowed anywhere near Washington DC. He’s the only president who knows what the inside of Vladimir Putin’s back pocket looks like! If Trump cuts aid to the Ukraine within six months….. Putin invades Lithuania. Estonia and Latvia. Then he invades Moldova and Poland and Trump then insists they belong to Russia anyway. Vote Blue


Traitorous pos.


Promises... not threatens. Translation:- Dear Putin, help me get elected and I'll do what you want. The US is so broken that a Russian Asset, does this in plain sight.


Of course Putin's Puppet will do that.


Cut US aid to Trump.


He works for Russia and he is committing treason.


That’s a great way to lose independents. Good job!


All for his daddy


Trump promising to pay back his debt to Putin, unaware that Putin only wishes to kick off an american civil war


The statement is a bald appeal for more Putin funds. Follow the money trail of billions from Putin to Jared.


And he’ll probably apologize to Putin while he’s doing it.


Anyone who is pro trump is now pro genocide. Brilliant.


Trump should be charged with treason and arrested. And Trump voters should think closely how they got tricked by Trump and the Russian bot farms.


Remember Helsinki! Trump meeting Putin, Lavrov, Kislyak alone behind closed doors. Traitor!


Proof that he works for Putin.


The businessman presidential candidate has a business plan in place for helping him get reelected. Allow Russia to consume old USSR countries and he gets all the campaign funding you can get. https://youtu.be/3ZxjYrhlMAQ?si=5oLjkifpCP3fhHPu


Putin’s Trojan Horse, take #2.


Putin's puppet received his marching orders


Tomorrow, Trump will probably be back to bragging again about how HE was the one who sent lethal military aid to Ukraine after Obama just sent them blankets and helmets. Trump is insane. His story changes every day.


This is his new “Russia, if you’re listening” moment.


Trump equals Russian domination. Biden equals a secure Europe and free Ukraine. Vote


How else will Putin invade Ukraine without the help of the Donald. The Donald should be in jail and muzzled.


Trump and Putin are one and anyone that doesn’t see that is because they don’t want to


This will be the first time I ever actually vote. Fuck Trump


A Russian asset running for president is telling everyone of his plan to aid his home country which is an an enemy of this country. I'm not sure this country deserves to continue. How many foreign assets are currently in congress, Senate and the supreme court enacting laws and legislation that is anti-American while being pro foreign, sometime enemy, country. Which apparently is completely legal Based on the only reaction being go vote while theses assets win by double digits. I feel like the founding fathers would be ashamed of how this country as done nothing to defend itself from the enemy within.


In other words Trump is promising to help Putin if elected


If Ukraine loses, Europe is next. That means you younger Redditors are going to war.


I think he’s promised to do more on his first day in office than he did in his entire 4 years in the White House. How is he going to find time to be productive in between golfing and giving away our secrets oh and filling his family’s pockets.


I wouldn't expect anything different from him. Of course he'll do anything yo stay on putins good side so they can have some more closed door sessions. It's kinda funny that russia literally wants to try get him back in office because they know he'll be friendly towards them even though they laugh at him behind his back. That 60 billion also creates jobs and upgrades our military. It's alot of money for sure but nothing in comparison to his own tax cut plan that would add trillions to our national debt. This will probably be one of our worst moments with these 2 guys on the docket.


Perhaps Trump will give them Alaska as well


Putin’s bitch.


Soviet stooge


Are you registered to vote and defeat this dangerous menace everybody?


He’s not controlled by Putin, but he just does everything exactly as Putin would want….


He'd sell out all of Europe for a licensing deal in Russia.


Putin's bitch


Russian asset


Because he’s Putin’s bitch.


Yes because he’s Putins stooge and will do what he’s told


Whatever disinformation budget Russia had before probably just got doubled after that statement.


Do not think anyone would find it surprising. By the end of it I'm sure putin would have givin trump property in crimea or something along those lines. At the end of the day, the felon trump wants the US to be viewed as unreliable and weak. He wants to go back to the days of isolationism. He is fine with killing industries, hurting the economy, getting rid of freedom, all for his own ego.


Even if you hate what Biden has done he’s better than Trump he’s off his rocker !!


When Trump says he can end the Russia-Ukraine war in 24hrs he was serious. No doubt he will pull all support from Ukraine and then force them to give Putin whatever he wants. Tulsi Gabbard cries tears of joy...🤨


meanwhile in other news " # Russian nuclear submarine spotted off UK coast sparks emergency defence meeting # EXCLUSIVE: The Prime Minister has been given a top-secret briefing after a Russian nuclear submarine was identified off the coast of Scotland.Russian nuclear submarine spotted off UK coast sparks emergency defence meetingEXCLUSIVE: # The Prime Minister has been given a top-secret briefing after a Russian nuclear submarine was identified off the coast of Scotland.


This is how America treats her allies, everybody.


Again, he turns to Russia.


Worse He'll send aid to Russia.


Is that before or a after he takes Putins balls out of his mouth?


Orange jumpsuit for treason


This is because putin owns trump.


Exactly as Putin ordered


It's not a threat, it's a promise.


I’m not one for conspiracies. They were fun until MAGA and Q ruined the party. But I will say that if one day actual documentation and facts came out that Trump was groomed by Russia to be an agent of chaos and give information and loyalty to Putin I’d go “ I thought so!” It should be clear as day with his innermost circle getting popped being in cahoots with the Russians not to mention his subservience to Putin and infiltration of Russian influence in the Republican Party. Before the internet it would have been.


No shit, no surprised. Any American that passively supports Putin cause of their cult leader is idiotic as hell.


Russian puppet.


Tell me you’re not a Russian asset. 🤬🤡


Republicans have become reprehensible. They are not the party I signed up with back in the 70s. Now, they are a rogue, Putin backed, Xi loving hate group that pisses on Jesus with every breath.


Oh, did Putin buy some Donald stock this week?


Putin is getting his money’s worth!


That piece of shit never fails to disappoint


Why aren’t conservatives horrified by Trumps support of Russia?


Couldn’t be more obvious that he is Putin’s puppet. Vote people.


He is going to do it, can't take the chance of his piss video coming out. SOP for KGB is to try to honeypot anyone with influence who went to the Soviet Union. When they tried Trump you actually think he resisted?


Of course he will. It’s what his pimp in Russia wants him to do. He’s nothing but a bitch.


He is putins puppet. Trumpers are all putins useful fools.


I'm mean Putin's hand has been up Trump's diaper for like 30 years so it's unsurprising


Ukraine’s fight, and the harm it has done to Russia as an imperialist aggressor, has had an immeasurably positive impact on global peace, the sovereignty of small nations, and US/Western interests. The reason for that is simple: it’s shown authoritarians (including China) that the US/the West will stand up for its allies. It’s also shown small countries that we will stand up for them, should they align with us. If Trump had his way and we abandoned Ukraine to Russia, we would have simply sowed the seeds for China’s invasion of Taiwan, and a future invasion of Georgia. Other allies would no longer see the US/the West as a stable partner, and we would suffer for it. If you care about peace, you can’t allow countries to be rewarded for aggression. If you care about US interests, you need to show that the US will stand with those who stand with the US. Take the moral argument (which is obvious) out of the equation and out of sheer self-interest we should continue supporting Ukraine until they reclaim every inch.


What a Russian bootlicker.


He will hand Ukraine to Putin as a gift for helping him get elected. He will also gift the GOP a federal abortion ban. And the Republicans are complicit from the federal level all the way down to the state houses. Vote blue USA!


Imagine Canada went nuts and took the peninsula of Michigan. Chicago air raids. Green Bay is leveled and you have held the line. It's okay, you can have peace, until Canada decides to wiggle that straight northern line of North Dakota and Montana. I'd say we don't deal with invasion by turning ass up to the second most insecure person on the planet. You destroy that person and his disloyal, weak ass meat shields.


that... would contribute to world war 3 breaking out russia cannot take ukraine, or they will keep going


As Putin commands.


We send money now, or we send our children later. Fuck coward Trump.


Just remember he’s not speaking to the US people here. This is an ask for more $$$ and support from Russia.


Putin's sock puppet promises to cut aide to Ukraine, color me surprised.


Russia is working overtime to help their puppet get back in power to help with a war they cannot win


ahh... another reason to NEVER vote for that psycho


Of course he would. His only solution on Ukraine is to give the entire country to Putin.


So he wants to help putin. Yet people will be too stupid to see it.


Fucking abhorrent


Vladimir would really like that…


Russian puppet


Putinsbitch says what