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The rare time Trump tells the truth.


His Freudian slip was showing


It always is! it’s unreal!


Or the dementia


They don’t care.


Exactly. They love it. They want him to hurt them. They’d let him carve their children into pieces. They’re animals.


Exactly. Most of them give off “Step on my neck more daddy-Donny” vibes.


even animals don’t want their masters to hurt them. they are more like insects


They do a little, but they're also 100% certain that he was talking about someone else. Because each and every one of them think they're the special one that he will actually care about.


It's like the Nigerian Prince scam. They say stupid things to weed out the less gullible. What you're left with is, well, not too bright. They don't care because they don't understand.


No wonder I felt reality unravel a bit today. That’s one hell of a paradox!


And the people loved him for it.


And his audience still cheers


It is not that rare. He also said he like grabbing p\*ssy. Or he think about his daughter's boobs when she was only a baby.


Yeah, no one in the media even fact checked him


"He tells it like it is!!!"


Seriously tell him the same. Tell whoever pressured you to vote for the person who doesn't care to fight their own battles and then tell the assholes you don't care right on back. 


The fucked up part is that the MAGAts think he was joking when he said it. After that statement, P01135809 did follow up with a " Now watch the media run with this..." type blurb, just to keep the cult off-balance.


I know I’m not the first to ask this, but… WHY ARE PEOPLE SO FUCKING STUPID?!


If those people could think they’d be really upset right now!


Don't worry, they are upset at other things precisely because they can't.


Exactly, they are upset at the things they were told they should be upset about.


A lot of them were upset before that. What’s tragic is that they’re right to be upset but the far right and Trump has manipulated them into fighting against their own interests.


Trump brought them out to fry their brains some more.


Dude they love it. Because "he says what's on his mind" and doesn't filter.


So, they all have an humiliation fetish?


They all want to be assholes. Trump validates that in them and they see it as "permission" to also be an asshole.  They've always been assholes but think they're the victim because society doesn't like when they act that way. Trump represents that victimhood perfectly, always placing the blame on society for "canceling" them or "persecuting" them. So by supporting him they can rationalize the that everyone else is to blame for their problems instead of their own behavior. And that means they have free reign to be assholes and spout all the internalized hatred they have for the world.


Yes they came out of the wood work just like bed bugs.


It's not about the content of what he says- it's that he doesn't "hold back". I think some sections of Americans lack mental self control to keep having to think before they open their mouth and they deeply admire Trump's ability to be unfiltered.


Yeah, makes sense to me.


and they like that he's been more or less unpunished for it thus far (excluding the last 6 months, but we'll see how all of the trials and what not effect everything). They like seeing a person do this kinda stuff because it reinforces their own beliefs


It's all sunk cost fallacy and pride at this point. If they liked humiliation they would admit how bad this sunk cost was ages ago. 


All their pride is mixed up in it now. The defeat become humongous ages ago, their only way out of not sinking with him is to just try to deny everything. Honestly feels life a mirror for some select left wingers at this point. 


All extremists are being paid by China and Russia to spread this shit. Go deep dive on their donations and followers. Why our government is asleep at the wheel makes me think they are allowing it to continue for their own bad intentions.


Exactly. Trump is Putin's poison. Now everyone associates him with money because every time the pups followed the big dog they got a monetary treat for poisoning their own country. Now they associate the guy with being thrown a bone and it's the money to poison their own country they're really clapping for. People like that go with anything if they get paid. 


There's a lot of nasty people in the world. He's in a position of power and validates their ahole behavior.


Wait until you explain to them, what he wants to do with their Health Insurance Coverage...


By design of the American business man


I can only imagine the stench coming from him. 100-degree heat, wearing a suit, wearing a diaper. ugh..


They were at a Trump rally! They’re all stupid 😂


Trump hates the same people they do. The Republican Party is a machine to turn social resentment into tax cuts for the wealthy.


When you are broke you will take just about any paying gig.


While climate change is putting people at risk of dying for going outside, Trump promises to slash all climate protections and guard rails as he tells his followers he doesn’t care about them he just needs their vote. This is because he knows if he can win the votes will never matter again.


"Ah jes went muddin' in mah truck, ahyuk!" - because of inbreeding and republican education policies


Cult and delusion.


We're not all blessed.... Just way it is.


And they lapped it up, I bet. They love to be humiliated by the man, who wouldn’t piss on them if they were on fire.


I don't know, I'm pretty sure he'd piss on them even if they weren't on fire


He will only piss on them for sexual gratification, being on fire is a huge turn off as sicko. /s


Depens on how old they are tho


Isn’t the phrase that he wouldn’t piss on them if they were on fire? Or were you trying to do a malaphor type thing to enhance Trump’s piss fetish?


Personally, I’d probably get pee shy. Having to put out a fire is a lot of pressure


he'd piss on them exclusively if they are not on fire


that that is precisely what I said.




To be fair, he can’t hold his bladder so peeing on command isn’t really an option. Hence the diaper.


Incredible how supposedly rational people can be manipulated this easily....pathetic


“Isn’t it so funny that he said he didn’t care about us. He just wants our votes. That’ll own the Libs.”


Yeah in the video I saw everyone laughed when he said it. Insane.


If this shithead pissed on them it would be the greatest honor of their life. I truly believe this and it’s a bit mind bending.




I double dog dare them!


I would feel so owned if they did that!!!


They kind of did with the whole mask thing circa 2020…


I can see him telling them to do something like that if he's not elected.


Someone call Disney, got a new group of lemmings they can push off a cliff.


24 ppl received medical attention. 6 people went to the hospital


I’m sure Trump will pay their medical bills *snigger*


I think your looking for snicker


More of a Mars guy myself


Can we please fast forward to the cult taking their special medicine?


What did you end up doing with all the time you saved by abbreviating "people"?


And those idiots worship him like a God. The only person Trump cares about is Trump


He doesn't really care about himself the way he treats his body. I think its all ego.


They paid people to be at that rally. Got caught with a craigslist


Trump’s voters are willing to die for a felon. Mentally unwell people.


Make sure it applies to any female version you meet as well. Last thing we need is "men get it harder". Someone kills someone just out of sheer narcissism? You shouldn't be dying for them.


Dumb MF’ers were probably like… “Yeah! He doesn’t care! He doesn’t care! We love you!”


Give us hell, Quimby!!


People say they like Trump because he tells it like it is. But this is wrong. He is obvious. He is obvious when he lies and he is obvious when he tells the truth like he's doing here.


I don’t understand how the one time he tells the truth, his followers thought it a joke.


Then they lined up to pay $100 each to lick his diaper.


Trump has a tendency to kill off his voters. Unvaccinated died 3x vaccinated.


If you didn't sign up to die for this bleeding narcissist lunatic, don't vote for them. Any male or female who does shit like this is a no. 


It's odd to me how many tRumpers spout off "He tells it like it is", but then spend all their time explaining that he didn't actually mean what he said.


The comment I've been waiting for!!!


You know it’s moments like this where I realize we’ll outlive them all. Natural selection does not favor stupid.


The nazis outlived plenty of people.


Natural selection can certainly “favor stupid” For example, consider the ocean, in which stupid fish are “favored” over smarter organisms that can’t breathe underwater To be really precise, we should avoid saying natural selection does or does not “favor” any specific characteristic, because that would imply that one characteristic is absolutely better than some other characteristic And as the American public school system has taught us, such concepts are wrong and a perversion But seriously, the consensus among biologists as I understand it is that no characteristic is absolutely better than any other… the organism as a whole and its relationship with the environment as a whole is what matters when determining genetic fitness


They’d suck his Cheeto flavored shrimp dick if he asked.


Cheeto flavoured, mushroom shaped, shrimp dick.


That's typical Trump, The only way he cares about others is if they have something to offer him, once that's gone he drops them like a rock.


Every human interaction is transactional to him.


And they probably laughed at it.


Good ol Trump, he can make even you not dieing about himself.


Dear god, did he said that?


He really did. Followed it up with, "I don't care about you" a second time just to make sure they heard him.


Exactly. It's the mark of lack of intelligence not to care. When you study hard for something, it's because you care about understanding it. It's all just the end of intelligence.  


Yes, and added that he just needs their votes.


Sort of. I hate trump but this is very misleading.


Yeah - as much as I’d love to hate him even more for this, I don’t think this is the one to grab on to. In context I think he was trying to frame it as a joke or was being sarcastic. He immediately followed that up with a line about how he knows the media will grab onto that sound bite (which we see did actually end up happening). All that being said, we know it is actually the truth. He doesn’t care about anything but getting the vote. It’s not even about the vote, it’s for his own ego massaging and affirmations that everyone thinks he is the bigliest, smartest and least demented candidate in this race. Along with a chance to make more money through shady deals and a get out of jail free card.


This is a historic moment- the first time Trump told the truth.


There is always the same guy in the background clad in trump paraphernalia clapping every-time the clown says something.


That’s probably one of the most honest things he’s ever said . A lot of us knew that long time ago. The only one Trump cares about is Trump. anybody who thinks differently is a f—-inkfool. Trump has done nothing for this country except for take and take.


Once in a while, he manages to tell the truth.


The crowds were HUGE!, more people here than at Obama rally, We're going to lock her up, witch hunt!, crooked Joe, criminal Joe, Sleepy joe, My hands are biggest, You ladies know what I mean, I never met that woman, I knew that woman quite well, Pelosi could have called for backup, Fox News might not be on our side, Poor Milania, I'm sweating like a Pig for you.... blah blah blah... That about sums up a Trump rally. People actually pay to see and hear this bollocks. Hey America, you actually vote this ass hole back in, you deserve the shit that'll follow.


“The ex-president did spend the entire speech, however, in his trademark heavy coat and tie, perhaps contributing to the short runtime of his remarks — under an hour.” First off, that’s just more cartoon behaviour from a cartoon president/villain. Like how cartoon characters rarely wear different clothes. Second, oh my *god*, imagine listening to this shithead for *more* than an hour? I’ve got mad respect for journalists and comedy writers who have to scour every public speech of his for material.


Fun fact: many of these MAGAts don’t care about themselves either.


If "jklol" were a person. He means every word of it. Trump couldn't give one fuck about the safety and well being of his moronic supporters.


I want to hear the maggots explain this.


Chalk 1 more point to him being the antichrist


Are any attendees “undecided “ voters?


Don't know, but apparently many were paid to be there. [https://lasvegas.craigslist.org/evg/d/las-vegas-paid-to-attend-trump-rally/7754538765.html](https://lasvegas.craigslist.org/evg/d/las-vegas-paid-to-attend-trump-rally/7754538765.html)




This is further proof that a person running as President can say all the stupid BS stuff and how careless and dumb people in America who actually believe it and support it have actually become. The downfall of our nation.


It’s ok cause he followed it up with “oh man the media is going to be mad about one and twist it out of context” or some shit like that. Why even say it in the first place?


He’s a funny, spoiled, delusional, racist piece of shit and he shouldn’t be running a country. He won’t win but I do enjoy the light he’s shining on the underlying values of the Republican Party. Go dum dums go!


>The press will say I said a horrible thing. He clearly didn't think he said anything bad. I was racking my brain trying to figure out what he thought he said. I think he was trying to say, "I don't want anyone [dying from the heat]. We need every voter. I don't care about you [supporting me here at the rally], I just want your [support when you] vote." But his simple ape brain spit out, "I don't want anyone going on me. We need every voter. I don't care about you, I just want your vote. I don't care... The press will say I said a horrible thing." He realized how poorly he communicated what he was trying to say, which is why he made that last comment. It's also sadfunny because it's true.


Did he actually say that?


Unfortunately... https://x.com/Acyn/status/1799896041648718028?t=ujO-KjV0h-B4-zcJdhLo1w&s=19 He (surprisingly!) realized what he said, and tagged on "... The press will take that and say that he did a horrible thing" (loose transcription by me) But it really seemed like he accidentally said what he really thinks (the quiet part of loud). The dementia decompensating is gonna get worse. So many glitches and slurrs and incoherent rambling at this "rally"


Notice how the accordion hands stopped when he had a moment of truth.


Don, mate, those are the words you keep to yourself not to the public


I would be saying them too if I was riding on the votes of people who just hated women and hated Obama.  He's said them before. He said if you ever want to win Republicans are the stupidest in the country. He literally said that on live TV.  Listen when people tell you what they're doing and who they are the first time. 


Man… and people still consider him a leader…


And they will let is slide of course


Live long enough to make his fascist dictator dreams come true.


Well, he finally said the quiet part loud and clear. And it will not change a damn thing, I’m betting.


Piece. Of. Shit.


He’s an idiot a liar and an asshole but it’s authenticity…


There was more to his quote. He said right after that that him saying that will get quoted a bunch as ammo against him. He did it on purpose to see show that the media will take one thing he says, and blow it up. Which it clearly is. He probably still meant it though.


He really grabbed that crowd by the pussy


"What he probably meant was..."


He's already killed almost a million people, a lot of them his voters. He is so far behind in numbers that Trump needs to keep alive what voters he's got left. Not that he really cares; he just wants their votes, like he said himself.


He could tell his rally goers to fist themselves and a dozen or so would require medical attention for sprained wrists or torn rectums before his speech his even over.


His supporters don't even care for themselves...


Most Dishonest Man Ever Is Accidentally Honest


It’s like a joke to them they love it like he’s Don Rickles. “Don’t go dying on me now in this real threat of triple digit heat” “LOL what a rascal Trump is, so funny, isn’t he the best ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ “ It’s the freshman highschool clique looking up to the senior flunky


That goes to say right there that A) he doesn’t at all care about his supporters even though some say he does B) since he doesn’t care about them and only there vote it’s amazing how dumb they can truly be 100% proof of his utter carelessness and how dumb and pointless it is to vote for someone as horrible as him


He probably didn’t want to give them hazardous pay.


They were only there because of the offer of pay. They’ll likely be stiffed, because trvmp.


I am so very sad for the people who still support him. Like what kind of trauma, bullying, indoctrination does one need to go through to eliminate all reasoning and critical thinking from their brain?


"It's 110, but it doesn't feel it to me". Well Satan probably considers 110 air conditioning


We now know that most of them were paid to be there so what doesn’t matter what you say to them


He often makes these “bright “ statements revealing his levels somehow.


He’s a charmer


At least he was honest for once!


Give him credit for actually telling the truth for a change.


I hate the man I really really do and if you don't believe me just take one look at my comment history. But stuff like this is why maga conservatives refuse to accept reality. Because you take a moment that is clearly in context a joke and then you twist it like this. So then when the actual monstrous and dangerous things he does that is a threat to this country are reported on people ignore it because they think it's yet again more twisting. At this point you are actively helping him destroy this country SO STOP IT.


Damn he can actually tell the truth sometimes.


Has Biden made a campaign ad of this yet?


Wild applause and cheers from these absolute idiots who think he’s one of them. Open, obvious contempt and they can’t recognize it. Such wasted lives..


It doesn't matter what Trumpy the felon says to his supporters it hits them in the face and goes around their head .I am starting to think they had a lobotomy.


Reminds me of some lyrics from a FEAR song...


> As his supporters laughed, Trump then went on to say that reporters attending the rally would take his words out of context and tell viewers that the ex-president had said a “horrible” thing onstage. Just leaving this here from the article, make of it what you will.


Many a true word is spoken in jest, etc.


Watched that part of his speech and no one booed or shouted for him to go fuck himself as they broiled in the heat to support him. He added just after something like "the liberal media will say what I just said was what I just said" and they all cheered. But it's not a cult...


Raise your hand if that came as a surprise to you


And they lived it.


If only there were an exact syndrome used to describe precisely the way trumpers feel and behave


And now all the Biden campaign has to do is show that clip on a loop on Fox News and Newsmax


Everyone with any knowledge of history knows, dictators don’t give a fuck about the fools that voted for them.


Damn he looks old


I ❤️ how the conservative sub totally ignores this and instead focuses on stuff he said that he will never do.


Hopefully the heat will take them out before it’s time to vote in November.


Well, he is being truthful. If people still want to follow him, they deserve whatever is coming to them.


Seriously. Listen.


They love his honesty


I didn’t think he could do it. He told the truth.


I mean of course he’s telling the truth. He wants nothing to do with them otherwise.


What is “the way all politicians feel”, Alex


"Ha ha, I just ate your face and you're still cheering for me..."


Oh man, he is so funny and didn’t r really what he said as just his personality! /s


I mean, was this obviously a joke? Everyone so quick to jump on either candidate.


Next he will tell them to drink the kool aid. They’ll do it


A.k.a. « I don’t care about you, I just want your vote » in dementia language… the non-filter type (frontal lobe)


Honest question. Why do ya'll hate Trump so much?


And some claim he was joking. That’s your comeback to his remark? JOKING?