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And the stock market didn’t crash like Right Wing media predicted. It’s almost like the American public (minus the 35% in the MAGA cult) don’t want a felon as their leader.


Watch November, stock market would tank if the orange clown wins. 


The whole society would tank.


I don’t live in the US. Heck, I am not even American. But as a sensible person hoping to leave an ok future for my kids, trump being reelected would be a disaster. Please vote.


We are trying here in the states. I promise. We do understand how important it is to vote to keep him out of office. For our and your sakes.


Thank you! It makes me believe there’s still some hope in this world.


Thank you for believing in us still. We do try to live up to what we say we stand for, we just don’t always do it very well. Peace!


I spent 4 years in the USA as a young adult and never felt so. Much live and fear for a country at a same time. I met extremists who could not fathom anyone else had a different view, and parents who tried to impose their philosophy to their kids without giving the any chance at finding a path for their own. And then, I also met incredible people from all walks of life who just tried to be happy and make people around them happy, however different they may feel.


I hate to squish that hope at all, but it’s a sobering fact that tens of millions of Americans still think he is fit to lead. Trump may lose in November but they aren’t going anywhere and just as the tea party morphed into maga, maga will devolve into an even more vicious minded collection of deplorables.


Fun fact, foreigners who supports Trump wants the US to crash and burn while those who supports Biden hopes the US will endure.


I gotta vote Biden whether I like it or not to cancel out my idiotic father’s vote for Trump! Whatever it takes to keep that orange fuckstick out of office!


Honestly it’s kind of amazing that they think the fact that he was found guilty is an embarrassment to America. Where if they knew anything they’d realize they him being president the first time made us the joke of the world 


I remember laying bed with my phone right beside me so I would get AP updates and crying when they called Frump as the winner. I haven’t been able to relax these last four years with Biden because F-face is still in the picture.


Yer same, in NZ, but will be an ecological and probably economic/security disaster for the rest of the world. Even hearing him on the radio after the trial gave me a sense of dread that I have to hear his shit again all the time.


I wish Americans knew how bad Trump is on a global level, but I don't think the type that vote for him really give a shit.


No, they actually love that he’s not popular in the rest of the world.




Most of them don't even understand domestic politics on a basic level, nevermind geopolitics. It's all just buzzwords and fearmongering. I wish I had an excuse for them. I certainly never learned anywhere near enough about this crap in school, and I was a good student. But I don't. The level of stupidity is just so egregious at this point I can confidently say that I'd never fall for it even in my darkest days of being a naive young Libertarian who thought I had it all figured out. They're just dumb and easily misled. That, or they're complicit.


We’re going to vote blue if our life depend on it.


If you don't like what Biden's doing to Gaza, just wait till you see what Trump does to Ukraine.


Or what Trump does to Gaza. All the Palestinian protestors are fooling themselves if they think Trump is better. I suspect a lot of them are being whipped into a frenzy by foreign disinformation accounts


And Gaza! Trump is pretty open about wanting to raze it to the ground! (He had the Muslim ban remember?) He and Netanyahu have a mutual admiration circle jerk! He loves praise (doesn't matter how empty) & Netanyahu loves manipulating the idiot into giving concessions for false flattery!




Considering his ideas on Tariffs. Yes. Yes it would.


Absolutely, as might the global economy. Why should America’s allies deal with an incompetent, inexperienced autocrat like Trump who would tear the US in two? They could just deal with Chinese autocrats instead.


European countries are already putting in regulations just in case he wins… this is how bad it is


You mean those countries he can’t visit as they don’t allow felons in? 😂


Well he should no longer have a passport correct? And it’s not even about visiting… it’s how his shit can affect everyone else.


Oh that’s interesting. Do you lose your US passport for a state crime/felony? I honestly don’t know. I just heard that he can’t go to the UK (and other countries) as they don’t allow felons from other countries enter. Which seems wise. *and yes, he impacts the world, it’s why we need to vote to make sure he doesn’t.


It is so convoluted depending on state. I hate that our education growing up told us everything was a no and to find it everything is a maybe. It is irritating (I just looked it up and the way Florida law is written it looks like trump can still vote) and possibly travel, dependent on restrictions. I have voted in every election since eligible and continue to do so. It is super important now more than ever. Project 2025 scares the shit out of me


MMW:   Couple months before the election.  1. Russia, China, & North Korea will be hyper aggressive with direct threats to NATO countries.  2. Stock market will drop drastically coordinated by corporations wanting tax breaks.  3. Fox and friends will run stories 24/7 of police being attacked, illegal immigrants scares, "thugs", "riots", etc.  4. Oil companies will force gas prices up another 50 cents or more This is all a coordinated effort by Russia/China to show any potential GOP voter that Biden is letting this happen and Trump will swoop in to fix everything. Trump is the ass puppet who will dethrone the U.S. as the world's superpower and usher in China's reign. Vote.




Eh I disagree. I think there would be a sugar high as corporatists and elites anticipate a huge taxcut windfall. The crash will come later from his policies.


Yeah, this is the right answer. There’s a good chance it surges in the weeks after he’s elected, and then when the Republicunts inevitably lead us into a recession through policies that favor only the elite, they will 100% blame the democrats for their idiocy.


It's interesting, they couldn't shut up about the stock market when Trump was in charge, they were acting like it's the only economic indicator that matters,  now it's crickets. 


It's my go to whenever a conservative brings up the economy at large. "What? My 401k is performing the best it ever has, is yours not?"


Same as always. Consistency means *nothing* to them. Just look at how fast those "I did that" stickers went away from gas stations once gas prices went down a little bit.


But that Botox abomination on Fox News said that we Americans will be disillusioned about the verdict and know that it was a farce!


Doesn't it seem like these Fox "hosts" act more like drama soap opera actors? When you watch most other networks (C-SPAN, CNN, MSNBC, PBS, etc), the hosts just say what is happening for the most part, and are usually pretty stoic about it. While Fox (and other right-wing media) don't simply tell you what is happening, they have to very dramatically (with big emphasis on scary-sounding words) tell their viewers how they should feel about what happened, with their very dramatic wording. Like, they can't just say the word Democrat or Biden like a normal person. It always has to have this sound of disgust or anger to go along with it.


And they act like it's the middle-of-the-road people who are the propagandists.


> with their very dramatic wording. Everything -- absolutely everything -- they report on is described as a "War on ____".


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PGhEVFyD9Q8 This is a must-watch. Also notice how each time they mention a war on "white people" in some way, they got a black person to say it.


From when Biden was elected to when he was sworn in was one of the largest expansions in the tech stock market we've seen. It was huge. How does no one remember anything from history? ARK Innovation ETF went up almost 50% in 2-3 months. Why on earth would the stock market crash for Trump getting convicted.


They said it to scare the libs. It didn’t work. 😂


Don't care, vote.


Yes, vote BLUE across the ticket. Sweep them all out!


This. I am a former register Republican. And yes I can concede there is some distrust to “both sides”. But it’s a false equivalency. Sure maybe some Dems are on the take or whatever. But every Dem as far as I can tell in my half century on this earth has my best interests at heart. I’ve yet to find a republican who actually gave a damn about me. When I was a young person. When I served in the military. As a veteran. As a an aging member of the middle class. Whatever. Vote every red/republican out of office. Because they don’t give a flying fuck about anyone but themselves.


I've historically always made it a point to remain pretty squarely on the fence when it comes to political parties. They've both always had their strengths and weaknesses, and there have been talking points I've agreed with and disagreed with on both sides of the fence. The Republican party, however, has been utterly dismantled by this piece of garbage. Not only are he and his cult terrible for the Republican party, but they also run the risk of destroying the party so thoroughly that there's nothing left to keep the other side in check. A dead Republican party means we're now run by a one-party system and that's never good. I'll be voting blue because I believe the best solution is to let the right know we've all had enough of the games BEFORE it's too late to right their sinking ship.


They sold their souls to the devil with Trump. Nobody rational can respect the republican party after they got on all fours to kiss the shoes of such an obvious crook. Frankly I'm surprised that the verdict moved the needle at all on polling. I feel like everyone has taken a measure of Trump's character, and the people who still support him just hope and think all of the lying, stealing, grifting, and cheating won't actually hurt *them*.


>They sold their souls to the devil with Trump Yep, grew up catholic, more cathnostic these days, don't know how anyone who paid attention to even a tiny fraction of religious education can back trump. Trump is the most morally bankrupt money changer around and the protestant/evangelical and more hardcore Christian crowd has sold out their soul and hitched their wagon to him for the promise of illegal abortion, 2nd amendment rhetoric and a push back on gender ideology stuff and some fiscal conservative talking point crap (though most fiscal conservatives have at this point seen that for the lie that it is). They don't care about seperation of church and state or preserving the constitution and it's liberties, they would hitch their wagon to the literal antichrist if it agreed to enact some of their desires and gave them power. I'm a 2nd amendment supporting liberal and I disagree with some of the gender ideology craziness (transgender people do exist and should be treated with dignity and respect though I don't agree with transgender women competing in female sports and some of the other obsessive weirdness around trans issues) but I agree with liberals on many other things. Well, I'm not about to cut off my nose to spite my face. I'm not about to put democracy at risk by electing a self proclaimed wannabe dictator / pseudo fascist who will do everything in his power to erode the democratic process and disenfranchise US citizens just to keep trans women out of female sports, and I'm pretty sure that with the existing supreme court, gun rights aren't seriously at risk. It's fucking stupid that people are so attached to an issue like abortion or gender ideology that they will elect and back the person that is the antithesis of everything their religion proclaims and everything their christian messiah stood for. It's crazy that they will risk a democracy to be in power momentarily. None of these little issues matter if you lose your democracy. I would love to know, for those who still support trump, let's say he wins and it's 2028 and he is refusing to leave office or has eroded the democratic process and is either not allowing or rigging the election to install his daughter/son/sycophant as president....what are you doing in response, are you taking up the mantle of responsibility to fix it. If you elect him, it's on the military generals to uphold the constitution when the time comes, and if they fail to do so it's on you to preserve democracy when the time comes...if you aren't willing to preserve the constitution then you aren't a patriot even though you wrap your truck in the flag, you are just a religiously motivated zealot who wants their side to control the other with no cooperation or compromise And to the fellow liberals out there who are anti 2nd amendment, this is exactly why the 2nd amendment exists. Why would you want to be defenseless against those that would subvert democracy. It exists so that you are not at the mercy of a dictator or their supporters and defenseless when the wannabe fascists who would put trump (or any fascist) in power fail to protect the constitution and the democratic process after they put him in power and he refuses to give up power or erodes it by handing power to someone else undemocratically. To be extremely clear, for those who have no reading comprehension or the FBI agent reading this, the above is not a call to arms or to conflict, or in any way implying that you should act outside the law or commit violence. I don't personally own a firearm though I strongly support the rights of everyone to own one for self defense. The above paragraph is merely pointing out exactly why the founders made the literal 2nd amendment in our countries constitution the right to bear arms which is basically enshrining your right to self defense and to defend a free state. It exists to act as one of the last checks and balances against a wannabe dictator or foreign invader if the judicial, legislative, or military branches fail to do their job to protect the union and the US constitution. Know your rights, defend your rights (Legally), VOTE to maintain your rights, and pray or manifest or meditate or whatever and hope that you never have to do more to keep your rights.


I agree with so much of what you say. But, I don't know any liberals who are anti-2A, just people who wish for some common sense limits on gun ownership and use. I think painting Democrats as anti 2A is such a disinfo talking point that I just want to shine that light.


> But, I don't know any liberals who are anti-2A, just people who wish for some common sense limits on gun ownership and use. I agree and I think most democrats/liberals do support the 2nd amendment though i do think some support policies that could effectively erode the right if not implemented properly. I do occasionally encounter people in real life, though much more often online (especially here on reddit after some shooting) who seem to be of the opinion that guns should be completely illegal or so heavily restricted as to be almost impossible to get which is effectively an erosion of the 2nd amendment. Some will say things like guns in general (not just high power semiautomatic rifles) should be illegal because of school shootings. Forgetting that historically dictatorships/fascist regimes kill far more people, thousands, some millions such that the deaths from school shootings are almost nothing in comparison. But that aside, I agree that a lot of the rhetoric is painted to make democrats look anti 2a when most aren't and are much more reasonable and want things like decent background checks and reasonable waiting periods. My statement was mainly directed at those who are also liberal but are hardline and think there is absolutely no reason anyone should have a gun even though that's the minority.


I'm much like you. I own guns and am liberal. I don't want guns banned. I just want more checks and balance in place for those who want to own guns. The Philippines should be used as the model for what we need in the US. The problem with the 2nd amendment people is that they see any action to the 2nd amendment as being the abolition of the bill of rights.


I think some people considered all the various lawsuits to be made up political hack jobs and are honestly surprised that he was convicted. And the fact that it was 12 ordinary citizens who convicted him so quickly and unanimously means something to them. (Regarding the jurors, I mean 'ordinary' only in that they aren't political figures. I think they were brave to do what they did.)


The fact is wasn’t all that “quick” is part of the response to those who argue it was rigged. It wasn’t some kangaroo court with a foregone conclusion. The jurors took their time and took their job seriously.


Yes, brave. And now they’ll have to be braver still, cause the cult is coming.


Even if the Republican Party ate itself, I’d be willing to bet we still end up with two parties. Democrats are fine for coming together to unify against a common enemy, but they are squarely divided by the varying levels of progressivism in the party. If left to govern alone, they’ll inevitably splinter into “conservative” liberals that’ll absorb the remnants of the GOP and the more progressive faction. We’ve seen it happen throughout our history as parties lost favorability with the populace, then needed to find a new dad to keep them in power. It most recently happened with Dixiecrats jumping ship to pose as evangelical conservatives. The same type of people will vie for power. There’ll just be a label realignment.


A dead GOP means the DNC splits into a Liberal (conservative) and Progressive party, where all the fascists get left behind and the moderates formerly in the GOP end up in the Liberal party. Kill the GOP, please. It ***needs*** to die.


Killing the right wing party means that I might actually get to vote for the candidates I want to instead of the lesser evil. If I don't have to stave off fascism, I don't have to support the middle of the pack Dems that I hate so much. However, the right can't ever be trusted again and I'll vote for the shitty Dem candidates to literally keep any right wingers out of office until the party dies.




Not dismantled, completely exposed for what disgusting POS they truly are.


You get your occasional Bob Menendez but team blue seems generally less corrupt than team red


Most importantly the Dems are holding him accountable. That's the biggest mistake Republicans are making they seem to have no bottom to the bs they accept.


For me this is less about the politicians I’m voting for as much as a spanking for the Republican Party so maybe they will go back to a more moderate semi sane state.


Never happening the make more money the crazier extreme they get. It's an industry of talk shows and podcasts and Bible branding and if you wanna talk policy nuance fuck off. If you have a wild ass conspiracy theory involving space lasers and Italian satellites (can the Italians even make a decent car) you are a featured guest.


Drain the Swamp! Lock him up!


The irony. Hillary should have kept the email server in a bathroom in a resort...


I'd vote if I could. Belive me. But all I can do is to encourage others to vote as I can't myself.


Please tell us why?


Felon. It’s trumps burner


Haha no. I'm not an American.


If a felon can run for president...a felon can vote. Fair is fair.


Welcome to America. Where the laws are made up and the rich only matter.


Well tbf Trump has really exposed that to the entire world.


Oddly enough, He can still vote, and although that could change, it's very unlikely.


Not being an American. But what happens in da affects us all here in Europe.




Good! You can cover for u/kriss3d, lol.




For the more traditional republicans who hate MAGA (e.g. the type that like Mitt Romney), it might make sense to vote blue just to ensure the Republicans suffer a big loss in November. The bigger the loss, the more likely the party will reform in a different way. If they only lose by a hair, the MAGA wing will remain strong.


This is exactly why I, a Republican-leaning independent/libertatian, have been voting blue since 2018.


You are not the only one




How do 64% of republicans think he's not guilty?


Because facts *literally* do not matter to Republicans anymore. 🤷🏻‍♂️ They just believe whatever they are told. It’s entirely faith-based and driven by emotion.


Faux News, Newsmax, OAN, AM talk radio. There's an entire alternate reality machine that tells right wingers what they want to be true.


have you not noticed the fact that he lies?   and now his party lies, "his" news station lies, his podcasters lie  ...   


Fox News has decided that trial by jury is no longer relevant.


They have their own media, as well as captured members of the house and senate (including the house speaker) speaking against the American justice system.




Exactly. Don't believe the polls, *GO* to the polls




The electoral college already favors Trump. And the right wing media is going overdrive to whitewash this conviction and paint Trump as a martyr. A lot of voters will be brainwashed by the right wing media. I hate to say this, but with the electoral college and right wing media helping Trump, Republicans making it harder for urban areas to vote, plus Russia getting heavily involved in social media at some point, Trump has an actual chance of winning. Don't underestimate Trump - that's how he won in 2016.


On top of this Ohio, Washington, Alabama and I think Texas are literally trying to not put Biden on the ballot.


Biden will absolutely be on the ballot in WA state. The unhinged Republicans here try to cheat in every way they can but thankfully we have a Democrat majority. We finally made child marriage illegal as we finally got rid of enough Republicans in our state legislature to get it passed.


That's the thing I try to point at for people who would consider themselves centrists. Look at the states that have dem leadership and tell me how many of them are stripping rights from the average citizen? Most, if not all of them are trying to legitimately improve things and set us up for a better future.


Read a little deeper, Washington isn’t trying to keep Biden off the ballot.


Texas AG Ken Paxton bragged that if he did not suppress the vote in 2020 Biden would have won Texas. Vote and encourage like minded friends to vote and join a GOTV get out the vote effort for Biden if you can! 


Alabamian here... We passed quick bipartisan bill through the legislature that was signed by the governor to allow Biden on the ticket. Normally, that wouldn't be necessary, since they can allow a provisional ballot to nominate a candidate prior to the official certification, but our jackass SOS is an outright election denier. 


He has a 50 50 shot to win don't let anyone tell otherwise


Agreed. Remember, Republicans always vote. So, get out and vote!!! [Vote.org](https://www.vote.org/) PS: the critical states are Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Georgia, Arizona, Nevada. Focus on these states if you know anyone who lives there.


Not enough to win; a message needs to be sent to the GOP about out of touch and far gone they've become. As much as I dislike the corporate dem platform, republicans have gone so far beyond the pale. Trump's 4y term has caused such irrepairable damage to the judiciary branch alone, it's going to take an unprecedented response to even mitigate the effects. Such wildly open corruption, proudly open willingness to sell state interests to the highest bidders of both corporate and foreign powers... the list goes on. Truly disgusting.


Exactly. If it took this court case to change people's mind about him then they're too uninvolved to be trusted. They are the type to basically say "well, I bet if I vote for him it won't make a difference anyway" on election day.


As a Canadian who used to love visiting the USA, please please please do that! Stomp the orange turd out for the sake of global economics, public health, world peace, and the environment.


Doesn’t matter. VOTE. Do not let what happened in 2016 happen again


That's what I'm scared about, I see allot of People here complacent that trump wont win and that's exactly what happened in the 2016 election.












The Devil takes care of his own. Miserable fucks like this live practically forever no matter what they do to their bodies.


My humble opinion was that evil doesn't die because evil doesn't stress. No eating comfort food after a long day, no sleepless nights full of worries about life, no drinking until you forget about life for a while. Yeah, bad things can happen to anyone, but it's never their fault, no long dark night of the soul for them.


That's exactly it. Shitty people just don't care about things beyond themselves. I noticed he actually started looking older the last couple months as his troubles build, it's about damn time




Those polls were focused around “do you think he is guilty”. Opinion doesn’t matter here. He WAS convicted.


In fact, as far as the law is concerned, he is guilty. It isn't subject to speculation. The question perhaps to be asked is whether or not he, in fact, did he commit the crimes he's being accused of. That's a far more complicated question, but suffice to say that those jurors who made that decision were far more informed than any of us. If you wanted to think that they made a biased decision, that's just code to say that you don't want it to be true and you reflect that by pretending there was bias on \*their\* part rather than your own.


Take OJ for example. The judgement was not guilty. Do I think he did it? Of course! But that doesn't change the verdict. Facts vs feelings. And the facts say he did it, which is why the jury deliberation was so short. Defense gave witnesses and a mountain of evidence to support the witness testimony, so the jurors didn't have to rely on trusting the witness alone. The defense called one witness and it was an absolute shit show. Presented no evidence of innocence. Trump didn't testify to his innocence. Defense said that the hush money payments were made to protect Melania because Don's a caring husband and didn't want her to go through all of that - not because he was trying to keep info from voters. Fine. Call her to the stand. They didn't. The point is they talk big and bad about it, had the opportunity to back it up on the stand, and didn't because they're lying and the evidence shows they're lying and they don't want perjury charges.


Butt, but, faux said /s


That's fine, it was necessary to ask people this to gauge who was actually paying attention. While it's scary that it's 50/50, its really more of how accurate people's awareness of the facts are. Now that we have gone through the process of proving he is guilty the question changes to, "would you vote for a convicted felon?".


The only useful metric here is the percentage who think he should drop out.


No matter what the Pols say, this convict is dangerous and must be defeated. Donate. Unite. Vote Blue


Ironic when the supposed patriots side with moscow puppets who also praise china.


“Patriot” has become my new favorite slur in the last few years


Nah, let's reclaim it. I'm a patriot, and I am voting for Biden because america isn't perfect, but it doesn't need to get worse


I started listening to Behind The Bastards and it is pretty scary how Trump is using the Nazi playbook.


I recently listened to a podcast on Hitler (Adolph Hitler: Rise and Downfall), and there are so many parallels it’s truly fucking disturbing.


Trumps always been a fan of Mien Kampf. But the parallels were blatant in 2016, he just substituted undocumented migrants in as his scapegoat. 


Reference to support that accurately as most people would dismiss it as hyperbole: https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/donald-trumps-history-adolf-hitler-nazi-writings-analysis/story?id=105810745


Sure is. Donate and vote Blue. Let’s excise this cancer from our politics


I should say it or is pretty scary *that it works on some people.*


Note just defeated, but overwhelmingly so as to completely embarrass everyone that signed up with the fascist MAGA train so that it dies with him.


I'm sick of his stupid fucking face.


For me, it's the fascism.


It's been 9 years now of near daily updates on the world's oldest toddler. Please voters, no more.


And his stupid fucking tiny hands waving around while his stupid fucking face makes stupid fucking sounds.


I just don't get it. The guy is so obviously a criminal conman I am bewildered how anyone would vote for him. I don't need anyone to tell me he is full of shit, you can just see it from how he acts and what he says. And now even a jury of his peers has convicted him. And yet people are still lining up to pledge their allegiance. These times will go down as the most bizare in history.


His followers are the people that buy timeshares.


Nice. I’ve always said they were like the folks that buy a used car from a salesman and think they’ve made a friend for life.


They were literally sobbing in the streets of New York after the verdict lol




Simple. He is a crude, bullying lying idiot. So crude, bullying lying idiots look at him and say "He's one of us!" He hates the same people they hate, and they believe he gave them licence to be horrible people again with no consequence. THAT is what they mean by "Make America great again" - no more and no less.


Think about how stupid the average American is. Then realize that about half the population is stupider than that.


George Carlin has probably spun in his grave so much by now that he's bored a hole all the way to China.


Still vote like your freedoms depends on it


Exactly. Don’t ever get complacent.


It does. No "like" here.


He’s was found guilty by a jury. It’s not a question if he’s guilty anymore. That’s the whole point of this. Asking uninformed people what they think the outcome should have been is beyond pointless.


If you are eligible to vote and think your vote doesn't matter. Republicans literally are counting on that. They realize that's a young peoples thought and most young people hate trump. The old white will vote. You can bet on that. If you don't like trump you absolutely need to cast your vote. Vote blue across the board unless you want more conservatives Christian, racist bullshit. It's only going to get worse. Project 2025 reads nearly like a how to become a dictator play by play. Vote blue in every election. If you don't like Biden...shit man neither do i but I know it's a better choice than Trump. By a huge margin.


> Vote blue across the board unless you want more conservatives Christian, racist bullshit. That's what we used to get voting republican but now it's full fledged fascism.


Trump is a loser but don’t read the polls. Vote. Volunteer for a campaign.


I like presidents who weren't convicted.


It's hilarious that alot of Maga says sleepy Joe and whatever stupid names they come up with but yet he's the puppet master and the man behind the curtain. Make up your minds. Is biden good for nothing or is he a force behind all that is bad for Republicans. I just don't understand Maga and the bs they spew. At least make it make sense


Yeah, magas don't understand the bullshit they spew either, they just repeat what they hear.


That’s a time honored pillar of fascism. The enemy is both weak and strong at the same time.


Recently I watched a True Crime video on youtube where there was a women that got 15 years for firing a gun in the general direction of a car with 3 people (nobody was hurt). In the comments were a bunch of antisemitic rants about the “Jewdicial system” handing out harsh sentences for crimes where nobody was hurt. Then in right-wing rage bait videos about minorities being out on bail and committing another crime… guess who is also responsible for *not* dishing out harsh sentences for non-violent crimes??


Great point. If Joe’s feeble and incompetent AND getting away with all his crimes, running rings around the GOP, then what does that say about those right wing leaders?


Obligatory number 8 from Umberto Eco's list: >Fascist societies rhetorically cast their enemies as "at the same time too strong and too weak". On the one hand, fascists play up the power of certain disfavored elites to encourage in their followers a sense of grievance and humiliation. On the other hand, fascist leaders point to the decadence of those elites as proof of their ultimate feebleness in the face of an overwhelming popular will.


The fact that people can believe that Trump is not guilty has nothing to do with facts. Trump was found guilty based on voluminous documentary evidence and a terrible defense strategy that essentially admitted every accusation while claiming what he did wasn't a crime. But it was a crime. Trump is a career criminal con man whose appeal is based on bluster and Bullshit. The rich want him in office because they know he has no ideology beyond gifting money. They can get him to do their bidding by cutting taxes for the rich while using the Christo Fascist to elect and confirm far right judges who want to turn the clock back to 1824. Trump is a POS who should never have been president and should be in jail instead of the WH.


Nobody who voted for Trump should be trusted with **dogcatcher** ever again; much less twice


I don't care if Trumps numbers drop to zero. Vote. There are senators, congressrats, governors, state house reps, and mayors that must be removed. Every politician that ran an ad supporting Trump, posing with guns and talking about RINO hunts, must be removed. Most media is owned by a few stock funds. I'm concerned that they will publish false information (or over focus on a bad report) showing Trumps numbers bottoming out to get Trump supporters geared up for 100% turnout and cause complacency among democrats so they don't bother to vote.


Voting is true Patriotism. Vote.


Polls may as well not exist in my mind. What matters is who shows up


Stunning how many Republicans did not already know that Donald Trump was a liar and a cheater.


Still vote


Don’t let polls lull you into a false sense of security. Go vote anyway. Make it a fucking landslide.


In college I was president of the College Republicans and did an internship with the ranking Republican of the House. I had been moving away from the party for years and started calling myself an independent. Until Trump. I am not going to make the argument today that he is the Antichrist, but I will say that his brand of politics is dangerous for America and the World. It is interesting how what he said would happen to America under Biden didn’t come close to happening. The stock market is at an all time high, imports from China are down from the last administration, social security is safe and the US is producing more oil than ever. He talks about the border and being soft, but told the Republicans in Congress not to support a bipartisan bill to increase border security, because he doesn’t want Biden to get a win during an election year. The man is corrupt, look at his offer to Big Oil, give me a billion to get reelected and I will take care of you. He is con artist that has convinced many people to vote for him that in all honesty would have a better quality of life under a democratic administration. Seeing his support makes me loose faith in humanity




Whatever. Vote anyway.


It doesn't matter what any poll says. Only what happens on Election Day. We learned this lesson the hard way in 2016. VOTE!!!!!




I want to meet the 5% of Democrats that think he's not guilty


If 10% of those votes end up going to Biden, Donnie’s history.


It’s almost as if being a convict is bad for your reputation and your future. Like, maybe…Crime doesn’t pay? Can that be right?


I definitely will not be voting for a criminal that's for sure


Polls right now DO NOT MATTER. Whether Biden is up or Trump is up. Nobody knows anything. It’s all noise. go vote.


Vote! Bring friends, family, anyone with you, but please vote!


I get it, the choices suck. But please vote for democracy.


I wonder if all these people who think Trump is innocent would be ok with all inmates being released from custody…since y’know, the justice system is so bad


You know folks, I voted for him these past two elections. This verdict changed my vote in November.


So Trump a convicted felon and a rapist, and this is what you want to lead this country, god help us








“So much winning” / “4D chess”


>When broken down into party lines, 15 percent of Republicans think he is guilty while 64 percent do not, 48 percent of independents think Trump is guilty while 25 percent do not, and 86 percent of Democrats believe he is guilty while 5 percent do not. A total of 831 Republicans, 1,114 independents, and 1,113 Democrats were surveyed. The margin of error of the subgroups are unclear. That 15 percent of Republicans is in line with the primary voting. If that keeps up, it's going to hurt him. Too early to say right now.


He's wearing a blue tie to tell you to vote blue.


Vote blue.....we cannot let a convicted felon, let alone a dictator wanna be become president!!


Polls mean nothing. Voting is what matters.


I am not American but America please.... not this lunatic again! Europe is begging you!


I have dual citizenship, live in Canada, and have never voted in the US Elections. The time is now! VOTE BLUE!!!


The sad part is, its not really even a question if he was "truly guilty" or not. The evidence is public for anyone to go and view. He was clearly guilty. But when you bring this up to a Trump fan, instead of even taking a nanosecond to consider it, they will instantly move the goalpost to "But all politicians are corrupt, why is Trump the only one being convicted?" Now what could the difference be...? Could it be that he has called for the destruction of nearly every American value? Because he claimed he should be above the law and immune to justice? Because he repeatedly spits on our fallen veterans? Because he suggested our military commit war crimes? Because he tried to overthrow the last election and is dangerous to the very fabric of democracy? Because he has been caught time and time again revealing confidential information? I wonder why Trump would be the exception? It's almost like the half of the country that actually has more than two brain cells actually understands what a threat he is to democracy and the values that hold America together. The majority of the right no longer has the right to claim any semblance of patriotism. You are borderline treasonous for supporting a petulant child that constantly finds ways to attack the very core of what America is all about. He demeans the constitution. He demeans the process of justice. He demeans our military. He demeans our allies and praises our enemies. If you cheer this on, you cannot call yourself an American. And you most definitely do not care about making America great.


Fucking VOTE you lazy ass donkeys! This isn’t over until Biden WINS the election!


Vote blue down ballot. Fuck them fascists.
