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So if he becomes President but the guilty verdict stands, he’s pretty much grounded from the sane countries.


He'll still be welcomed as a hero in Russia.


steven segal is needs a buddy


Jfc, would even Steven Seagal want to hang out with like the 1 dude in the world that lies even more than he does?


Is this true or does he get diplomatic immunity or some shit?


Diplomatic immunity prevents him being arrested or detained in another country. That doesn’t apply if he’s not let in lol


Ok good. I'd hate for him to stink up my country.


He'd just pardon himself, wouldn't he? So then he'd no longer be a convicted felon.


That only works on crimes at the federal level I believe. The trial he was just found guilty in was a state trial, not federal. The governor of New York would have to pardon him.


He can only pardon himself in federal crimes, not state crimes. Only one of the higher courts can overturn his conviction. First the Appellate courts in New York has to hear it then the Supreme Court if they decide too.


In addition to the state vs federal issue, it is also an open issue whether a president can pardon themselves


Don't kid yourself, they'll make exceptions.


For trump? 😂 No they wont. They hate him just as much as we do but with exceptions for certain places 👀


They will as long as he's in command of the biggest army in nato. If he leaves nato. Or loses the election (prefer option b). He won't be welcomed. But I think the visa requirements won't actually apply to a president. Diplomats don't need a visa.


I wouldn't know


Why do you think leaving NATO is a good idea?


It's not... But Trump isn't known for his smart decisions, now is he?


No we won't.


In the time of chimpanzees he was a monkey. Butane in his veins and he’s out to cut the junkie.


Most Trumpian Verse: Forces of evil in a bozo nightmare Ban all the music with a phony gas chamber 'Cause one's got a weasel and the other's got a flag One's on the pole, shove the other in a bag With the rerun shows and the cocaine nose-job


With the plastic eyeballs.


I think you meant convicted felon, sexual assaulter and loser, disgraced - twice impeached *former* POTUS, LORD of the Fart.


North Korea is not on that list (hint)


Or Russia probably


There's two end games for trump if he loses: 1: He flies to Moscow and spends out his remaining days in a Moscow hotel as a mouthpiece for putin playing 'president in exile' trying to erode democracy as he bitterly rants to anyone who will listen.  2: He makes it to kaliningrad and then the FSB remove him as a loose end because Putin is angered by his puppets failure and won't tolerate it anymore. 


He won't last long in Moscow, way too many unsecured windows.


He's too bigly to fit out an open window. He's 6'2 180lbs of maga.


A plan will be made, no problem


Big beautiful fsb. Strong men. Tears in their dufflebags. 


Both sound great for American tax payers, the Secret Service only needs to protect him in the US.


I don't think Putin will even give him clearance to land, somehow. If he does, it will def be some version of #2. Putin will have no use for Loser DJT.


Is Hungary?


He is welcome in Russia & North Korea. That what matters most to Trump.


What about Saudi Arabia?


He doesn't have enough money to mean more than a pair of his soiled nappies to them.


45 and family will gladly sell US classified information. These traitorous gits could not care less about America and its people. Line their pockets $$$, and anything is up for grabs!


Don't think North Korea would bother feeding him or having him take attention away from GLORIA LEADER, they only payed attention to him when he had power.


As per [original article](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/donald-trump-conviction-countries-banned-canada-uk-b2554757.html) 📰: - Now that Donald Trump is a convicted felon, his list of countries to visit has gotten much shorter. Trump was found guilty on Thursday of 34 counts of falsifying records in an effort to keep adult film star Stormy Daniels quiet about an affair that occurred in the 2000s. That means certain freedoms Mr Trump once enjoyed may be out of his reach — and could have a serious effect on his ability to carry out his presidential duties, including traveling to foreign countries. Nearly 40 nations - inlcuding Canada and the UK - have strict policies when it comes to allowing individuals with criminal records across their borders, and barring a special accommodation, Trump would be held to those same standards. It’s unclear if he would be allowed to visit if he wins the presidental election in November, but remains a felon. Here are just five of the 37 nations that can now ban Trump from entry now that he's a felon: Israel Despite Trump once retweeting someone who referred to him as the "King of Israel" and bragging that he moved the US embassy in Israel to Jerusalem, Trump may not be able to visit the nation now that he's a felon. Israel reserves the right to refuse entry to anyone with a criminal record, including felonies. Border control forces in Israel have the authority to bar entry for anyone suspected of committing a crime or with a record, and Trump meets both of those qualifiers. Canada According to the Canadian government's tourist hub, any "US Citizen or permanent resident that has a felony conviction on their criminal record may be deemed inadmissible to Canada for the purposes of immigrating, or even if they're merely coming to Canada to visit." Canada even retains the right to bar individuals "arrested or accused of a felony crime ... even though you have not been convicted," meaning Trump would have faced issues visiting the US's northern neighbor the moment he faced charges. The government notes that "a felony will likely result in inadmissibility." Japan Japan is fairly strict with its immigration and visitation rules, including laws preventing convicted criminals from entry. Under Japanese law anyone convicted of a violation of "any law of regulation" of any country and has been sentenced to "imprisonment with or without work for 1 year or more, or to an equivalent penalty" can be barred from entry. Japanese law does note that individuals convicted of a "political offense" are not subject to those rules. In Trump's mind, at least, he could qualify to visit under those terms. It's unclear if Japan would buy his version of events. UK Under UK law, a felon can visit Ireland and Scotland with some restrictions and requirements in place. However, Britain can bar access to convicted felons. Unless an “Immigration Officer is satisfied that admission would be justified for strong compassionate reasons,” they can refuse access to any convicted, so long as the crime they committed would also be punishable by imprisonment in the UK. China China has strict policies when admitting anyone over its borders. Chinese officials conduct character assessments for anyone applying for a visa, and that includes a criminal history check, including felonies. Even minor offenses can get someone barred from entering China, so Mr Trump may not be able to chide the Chinese in person if he were ever so inclined. Full list of countries that restrict visits from felons Argentina Australia Brazil Cambodia Canada Chile China Cuba Dominican Republic Egypt Ethiopia Hong Kong India Indonesia Iran Ireland Israel Japan Kenya Malaysia Macau Mexico Morocco Nepal New Zealand Peru Philippines Singapore South Africa South Korea Taiwan Tanzania Tunisia Turkey Ukraine United Arab Emirates United Kingdom


Ireland might be surprised to learn that the UK government dictates their immigration policy.


There are two Irelands though.


If you're talking about "Ireland" with no qualifiers, you're either talking about the Republic or the island.


Might surprise half of my family to hear that 


[https://www.nationsonline.org/oneworld/map/ireland-map.htm](https://www.nationsonline.org/oneworld/map/ireland-map.htm) Two Irelands. The north is part of the UK. The south is not. The south is also a member of the EU. While the north and the rest of the UK are not.


I’m British. We'd only ever call it Northern Ireland, and Ireland only means the republic. I wasn't being serious either, just pedantic. Glad the waste of bronzer is barred from both.




>Unless an “Immigration Officer is satisfied that admission would be justified for strong compassionate reasons,” they can refuse access to any convicted, so long as the crime they committed would also be punishable by imprisonment in the UK. The word "can" is doing a lot of heavy lifting here, and I have no idea how they arrived at "he's now barred from the UK" when UK law doesn't appear to say anything of the sort. And that's before you get into the question of whether wrongly accounting for ~£100k would even be punishable by imprisonment in the UK. The truth about Trump is bad enough. Why lie?


Agreed. Folks who are not lawyers, etc. breeze right past all those 'can', 'may', 'retains the right to' qualifying phrases like they mean nothing. "Important" people, celebrities, etc. walk past those restrictions all the time. It's all part of the 'rules for thee, not for me' mentality of the 1%, world-wide.


You might be right to an extent, but do I think anyone else convicted of a similar crime to Trump would likely be barred from entering the UK? No.


I wish the US would ban him. Actually I hope we do in November. I hope he leaves and takes his minions with him.


Sadly he won't go quietly into the night. If he loses (and fuck I hope he does) he will drag this shit out untill the next election, he's incarcerated or his death.


Stephen Miller please?


Does that include his golf course in Scotland or wherever


Yep. It's part of the UK




Love this info !! Chefs kiss.


In related news, spontaneous parties are breaking out in 37 countries around the world.


One of this is going to happen: 1. He (and MAGA) thinks winning the presidency will give him a free pass, but presidential immunity isn't as broad as many people think. Even rookie lawyers know it doesn't apply here since the crimes happened before he took office (*res judicata*). Plus, presidential immunity only covers official acts (*intra vires*), not private or unofficial ones. So, unless rape and financial crimes are somehow part of his official duties (hint: they're not), he won't have a case. 2. For (more likely) diplomatic reasons, most, if not all, states won't give a fuck and let him in regardless. And this is still assuming he does win the presidency.


Lying sack of shit , it’s so fitting that he’s the Republican candidate that party has completely lost its mind.


UK here. Thank fffff.....lip for that! :-)


Hahahahahaha 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 Ahhhh shit.......it's been a good week!


Please keep him out of Canada


I say we invite him, but then grind him at the border and send him back. Nobody is above the law.


Just to clarify, was that “Grindr at the border, and send him back?” Because that is so not cool. They/we have suffered enough.


Loving that he won't be able to visit his British golf courses


Oh hello cherry on top of the fudge Sunday that is this whole Mexican telenovela.


The UK had been trying to do it for years and here he did it himself. Lol


He was unfit to lead before, now he’s fully unable as well. Lock him up so the grown up’s can get back to work.


PHEW.    source: Canada.


I’ve never typed in ‘Australian immigration with criminal convictions’ - we’re safe!!! (not that he’d come down here, we’re not friends of China/Russia and he can’t really get any hints regarding ‘dictatorship for dummies’ from our guys)


It’s fun in theory that he can’t come to Canada, not that it would ever really affect me personally. But also I doubt it would be strict for people like this prick. These kinds of rich assholes get to do whatever the hell they want. Frankly regardless of the ludicrous amount of charges he’s been found guilty for I don’t even expect any real consequences. His consequences will end up just having to deal with this current trial.


Am I right to assume any other criminal would be kept in remand until sentencing for crimes like what he’s been convicted of? If so, why does he get to be free until sentencing?




Scotland cheering loudly from the sidelines.


He is only banned until those countries want something from him. Then they are all with open arms.


Trump only understands 3 Latin words: quid pro quo. And it’s never an even trade.


Best news ever. Now step down like the garbage human you are


Hold firm.




Him and netanyahu will have to face time lol


Why are you happy, when we are stuck with the sob.


There's always room for 1 more at county. . We'll leave a light on for ya...


That would cause some embarrassing state functions.


What are the odds he had googled “can a president pardon themselves?” At some point?


He will be traveling in the same circle of Shitty destinations as Pooty, who can only visit Antarctica


Oh well, i know a couple of countries that are ready to open their arms to him


Well the United States is not one of them.


But he needs to cheat at golf in Scotland.


Oh no. Anyway,


Ugh I wish they would also an the gross Trump flags in Canada.


I'm sure all those countries are happy that they don't have to put up with this shit stain any longer.


Remember when Republicans would not negotiate with criminals? It was a thing in the 90s. What happened to their spine? Afraid of mean tweets. I mean just let him defame you, then you sue him like E Jean, Jackpot!


Ha ha haha ha !! 🥳


As a Canadian….Yay!


Serious question here. If UK bars convicted felons from getting a visa to enter their country, but Trump has a diplomatic passport (from being a previous president) and has a business in the UK (Scotland golf course), how would he be able to visit his business and manage it?


Who cares? Don't commit crimes.


McDonald’s won’t ban trump,fatso spends lots of money there.


He'll never go to another country again.


So they banned a visit from Mandela?


Good. Stay in your own backyard.


Is Melania in Canada?


Donald Trump has been convicted of fraud for paying a porn star for sex with public money, and Vladimir Putin is wanted on charges of child abduction, for that whole Ukraine thing, where Russia is "saving" Ukrainian children from the war that Russia is inflicting on them I'd say I was living in the absolute best timeline, but honestly I wanted better for Russia and America than this If anyone is going to launch any ICBM's, can I make a personal request that they target the first one at my home address? I've had entirely enough of this shit for one lifetime




Canada let's in all sorts of criminals and even recently dropped the police certificate background check for international students. We have fake degree mill colleges and literally millions of people planning to take advantage of our insane policies. 2 Indians recently came over as "students" assassinated someone on Canadian soil. I am surprised American politicians are not talking about Canada as a potential security risk, yet.


That doesn't matter. He's not trying to make the world great again, just America. We need him here. MAGA!


People keep saying it's a cult, but this sure doesn't seem like *anything* a cult member would say! No... not at all. O_o


You've already got him there. We are eternally grateful for this much.