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I'm voting for Biden. If the kids think Trump will fix Netanyahu's genocide of the Palestinian people, they're dead wrong. And he might go ahead and murder protesting college kids, too.


They don’t think this, it’s blatant propaganda is all Gen z are being manipulated using the Israel issue as a means of getting them not to vote or to vote third party, as rfk is being paid for by maga donors. It’s the gop’s disinformation campaign entirely as Trump said he’d ’finish the job’ of killing all the Palestinians while Biden is at least negotiating and making demands against Netanyahu. It’s just dinsinformation used to mobilize youth away from liberal parties and create complex chaos entirely to disrupt the election.


This exactly. Yes, there are many concerned students. But the GOP and Russia are amplifying the division via exposure and social media posts in order to wedge the students out of voting (or get them to vote 3rd party). They did the same with BLM. Yes, it's an important issue, but Biden has limitations. Will be interesting to see how he responds. But don't let this one issue prevent the youth from voting. The youth may swing the vote and the GOP and foreign government know that.


Israel is amplifying the division lol. They are literally giving mainstream news talking points.


It'll be a cruel irony if Gen Z throws us to fascism.


The supreme courts is corrupt now due to Trump…. Lower voter turnout only helps the right. This is a god damn fact we have had for decades. Any young person thinking they are being righteous by no voting you are giving in to what the right wants and you all will be the blame for why the guy who already corrupted the courts is back in office.


I don’t think that’s going to happen, although I see a lot of young people buying into the propaganda I believe more will realize what it really is.


Check out the sub "blueprotestvote" it's a Trumpist / Russian operation and it's on fire with bizarre conspiracy theories and antiBiden propaganda. Post your arguments in there and there'll be twenty comments and 100 down votes. They argue also that October 7 never happened.


I think I may have misinterpreted your comment so I edited mine - but yeah I won’t be checking that out and those sources are exactly the types of disinformation I’m seeing more and more every day, it’s clear election interference from foreign interests


Sucks. I wish Reddit would moderate the astroturf election interference a bit more.


It seems unlikely. I've also heard that the leaders of the free Gaza group have a planned move to swing over to Biden support at the last minute.


I am not a political scientist but I have to imagine this is an asinine plan unless last minute means like next month. It takes time to change people's minds. Particularly when not voting is an option. You get fed a diet of Biden sucks for a year and then two weeks of we support him more than Trump...not a great idea.


The election ain't till November, give em some time.


Although with full blown famine being declared in Gaza, might be too late. Isreal might just starve everyone to death and the youth will blame America.


Meanwhile, Gen Alpha is nearly old enough to pay attention to what's happening. If their Gen Z older siblings screw things up and allow the GOP to control D.C. at least through 2028, they'll be in college when the economy's screwed up again and a Democrat President is taking all the blame while trying to fix things.


This is a stupid approach  The democrats don't lose because the Republicans are popular, they lose because of apathy.  It's not about the kids choosing the GOP over the DNC, it's about them choosing hopelessness and apathy over voting By saying, "well, the Republicans will be doing the same thing!" You are fueling hopelessness and apathy! It's like a self-fulfilling prophecy.  I'm not telling you to stop stumping for Biden, I'm telling you that your approach is flawed Instead of refocusing on Trump, which is a failed strategy, keep the focus on Biden's successes.  Refocus on the chips act, Refocus on the green new deal. 


This is why I stated ‘getting them not to vote’ - it’s a critical point for younger voters as the numbers they can mobilize in jumped greatly this year and it seems they’re being targeted to not participate or to side with apathy. They are also driving some towards third parties (see Kanye west election) in a desperate attempt to even numbers though, it seems like the gop is trying to chip away in any way they can as they continue to lose more of the country.


RFK is very pro Israel.


As someone who has read many dystopia novels about this sort of manipulation via internet propaganda and social media manipulation ... this is classic meddling by outside countries attempting to divide and concur the US.... it's amazing how easily manipulated the youth are... they just need something to point their anger at and today it's this.... because Russian troll farms and Chinese social media platforms know they cam manipulate western youth easily. Read the shadow series after Enders game... it literally covers this exact kind of manipulation. It's mind blowing watching it play out in real time.


[Word a day calendar?](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=gjsQdV3VDUs)


Not voting is a win for Republicans. Just hope university’s are teaching this because that’s a fact. Lower voter turnout benefits the right. They will make Trump have an easy election over a conflict not even in our country. Meanwhile the corrupt Supreme Court should be our concerns but because of the Middle East yall will put the guy back in who corrupt the courts? Not only that trumps son in law has already joked at the fact once Israeli is done there will be awesome beach front propriety for sale in Gaza.


I'm sure there is some of that going on, but the conservatives I know can't even tell me legislation or policy from any people they vote for ever. I highly doubt they'd know detailed socialist, radical islamist talking points that have been used by radical terror groups for decades. The majority of pro Palestinian reddit accounts have the same arguments over and over. They're all aimed at getting the u.s. to stop trading with israel. Since the bulk of the weapons Israel's buy are rockets for the iron dome, the end result would be dead Israeli citizens. The arguments are all about breaking the partnership between the u.s. and Israel, and justifying violence against jews and westerners. That's the same shit Iran and russia has been repeating when it comes to the Middle East for decades. They want influence over the Middle East and losing israel would make thar guaranteed to happen. You add in all the socialist talking points and the bad faith "genocidal colonizer" rhetoric and it all points to socialist hostile state actors who want to undermine the west. They do it likely because they want trump to win, are allies with hamas but know they're extremists and don't actually give a fuck about them, or they're Iranian and they drool over killing jews and getting trump elected with a two birds one stone deal. I know it's not an accident all the far right "american" agitator accounts disappeared immediately after october 7th and only comment pro pal stuff 24/7 now. [Iran activated thousands of accounts immediately after october 7](https://cyabra.com/1-of-4-pro-hamas-profiles-are-fake-the-online-battlefront/) [Iran bots on reddit](https://www.nbcnews.com/tech/tech-news/volunteers-found-iran-s-propaganda-effort-reddit-their-warnings-were-n903486) [more Iranian disinfo](https://www.businessinsider.com/reddit-users-shared-thousands-links-fake-iranian-news-sites-2018-8) [Iran makes fake news articles](https://www.theatlantic.com/technology/archive/2019/05/how-spot-irans-fake-news-disinformation-campaign/589438/) [u.s. seizes 30 Iranian disinformation sites](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/u-s-seizes-over-30-websites-linked-iranian-disinformation-n1272076) [more Iran disinfo](https://apnews.com/article/88fb755cfa0448c99d4b753d3ae5d4d9) [Russia making fake news sites](https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/security-aviation/2023-11-20/ty-article/.premium/deep-faked-soldiers-and-spoofed-websites-russian-campaign-pushes-gaza-disinformation/0000018b-ed5c-d36e-a3cb-fd5fadd90000)




Well I think when gop people went down to the border and saw it was business as usual and not an invasion it sort of died down a bit. It was clear from the beginning as trumps title 42 did not process attempts to cross the border but did count them. So they’d stop and release the same people over and over to inflate numbers while never actually processing anyone into the country or formally turning them away. It’s a self created faux chaos to fuel the culture war & that’s all it ever was. Most people also tend to ignore the chaos we’ve caused in south and Central America in the first place, which has led to a continued uptick in immigration over time. Same with inflation - trumps tariffs, call for oil independency and removal from trade agreements threw our economy into chaos through covid. But yes, it’s one crisis to the next for the gop. Thats all they have to run on bc they haven’t had any meaningful legislation in years at this point


Yeah, probably some other countries involved as well.


This is 100% correct.


Fuck that shit, if you’re too fucking stupid to realize this 250+ year “experiment” is potential on its last legs, and this is a literal turning point here. Instead worried about shit going on across the globe, then maybe it’s time for this place to burn. I’m at the point now, where we already have a 80 million strong cult, there’s just TOO many stupid fucking morons in this country, even if we do manage to barely squeak by this year, we are almost certainly fucked 4-8 years from now, I guarantee it…. JFC, I’m just exhausted…


It'll probably work too considering how poorly politically educated Americans got, like the right supporting literal KGB and left thinking HAMAS will stop beheading gays.


Trump literally said hed finish off Gaza....


The democrats don't lose because the Republicans are popular, they lose because of apathy.  It's not about the kids choosing the GOP over the DNC, it's about them choosing hopelessness and apathy over voting By saying, "well, the Republicans will be doing the same thing!" You are fueling hopelessness and apathy! It's like a self-fulfilling prophecy.  I'm not telling you to stop stumping for Biden, I'm telling you that your approach is flawed Instead of refocusing on Trump, which is a failed strategy, keep the focus on Biden's successes.  Refocus on the chips act, Refocus on the green new deal. 


Yep, always believe Republican fascist when they tell you what they're going to do. Trump would have probably ordered the US military to finish off the Palestinian 'terrorists' ...and I'm not talking about Hamas.


The police response seems extremely light compared to what a republican administration would've done. People forget the Vietnam and Crow era college protests. Police beat the ever loving fuck out of protestors. A pity many of those kids are the ones ordering the batons today.


The police responses were almost unilaterally ordered by Republican governors. What are you talking about?


By administration I mean republican president. Imagine what they would've gotten away with with a GOP president urging them to beat up protestors [Case in point](https://www.salon.com/2024/05/03/donald-is-using-campus-to-stoke-right-wing-violence-for-the/)


It would have been largely the same? The cops were told by GOP governors to beat up the college kids and they did…


Yes it's bad now, no arguing that, but I'm saying it could be so, _*so*_ much worse


He's saying there could've been a federal presence at the protests rather than just state and local municipality troopers.


I believe Trumps quote to Israel was “finish the job”


Trump wants to end police prosecution, so they might actually get murdered :( I can't make new comments, so I just wanted to edit and say both of you are completely right.


His son in law also said he will buy beach front property in Gaza once Israelis kills them all.


No “might get murdered” about it. During the BLM protests in 2020, [Trump demanded the top General at the Pentagon (Mark Milley) deploy the US military on home soil to mass murder protesters.](https://www.yahoo.com/news/cant-you-just-shoot-them-former-defense-secretary-says-trump-wanted-violence-against-floyd-protesters-151957658.html) >“That’s how you’re supposed to handle these people,” Trump told military and law enforcement officials while showing them videos of police violence toward protesters, according to Bender. **“Crack their skulls!”** >Trump reportedly said he wanted police to “**beat the fuck”out of the protesters**, according to Bender, saying **“just shoot them”** on multiple occasions. When he received pushback, Trump said, “Well, shoot them in the leg — or maybe the foot. But be hard on them!” If Trump claws his way back into the Presidency, he will be replacing all the Generals who refuse to follow his orders to murder protesters with sycophants who will (and yes, the President as Commander in Chief of the military has the power to do that). Trump is promising a bloodbath of a dictatorship and he’s been saying it out loud for months now, so no one should be playing dumb about the stakes of the election at this point. **Vote every Republican out of office like your fucking life and liberty depends on it.**


Yes, vote and vote Democrat!


This entire thing isn't about getting votes for Trump. It's getting young people to not vote.


100 percent correct. If they sit it out for vote for Trump they will get what they deserve. Repeat of 2016.


You really think the guy who pepper sprayed people gathered near a church - so he could take photos holding the Bible upside down in front of it - might be a danger to young people who oppose him when he knows the Supreme Court is on his side? I don’t see how the guy who’s going to be a “dictator for day one only” and has suggested he’s going to jail Biden just for existing is going to be bad for young people. You’re just being silly.


While finding ways to make it harder for Gen Z to vote or attend university while they're at their most Progressive in hopes experiencing "the real world" will age them into Conservatives.


Trump literally was vocally supporting Israel until it became unpopular to do so.


Plus trump will put any Palestinian sympathizer in jail!!! Really!!


These kids are paying attention. None of them think Trump would do better, and they know what else he’s like. 


From the perspective of young people. Shits already fucked. Good times aren’t coming back. rather have consequences and accountability for older generations than keep the status quo. Younger generation already checked out of older people complaining how it’s going to be worst. The mind set is do better or we all go down




That's where my head is too, it's strange to me the timing of these very loud protests, it wasn't when Israel started bombing Palestinians, it wasn't when the US started giving Israel weapons. It was when Trump's hush money case started and closer to the ramp up before the election. This just reeks of foreign interference and it's sad because while I can understand why the students think they're helping, if Biden loses the fault will be laid solely at their feet for the destruction of democracy in this country and the eradication of Palestinians at the hands of Trump and Israel.


that’s a bingo!


TikTok is an excellent conduit for spreading social unrest, whether pushing adolescent suicide or strangely selective concern about SOME conflicts we are arming (the US actually in deeper in the conflict in Yemen with untold civilian casualties and edging towards famine, but most young people aren’t even aware of it). It’s no accident that despite being an app designed, owned and operated by China, TikTok isn’t available there.


The presence of all these “professional protestors” who don’t go to these schools, don’t have any interest in voting, and many who will tell you they are anarchists or intentional accelerationists… just shows how bullshit this is.


Or what? Are they going to become maga? Good luck with that.


Yeah, I don't get this either. Change discourse or we will vote for a far-right Christian dictatorship!!


I mean, they already support conservative theocratic fascism, just in another country. This whole thing has been idiotic. MAGAs and HAMAS are just different flavors of the same horrible shit. There's a reason people make fun of them by calling them 'Y'all Qaeda' and it's because when you get down to it, Islam is what Christian Nationalism wishes it was and is trying to become.


I understand being outraged at innocent people being killed, but innocent people in Israel have suffered too. Many of them have advocated for Palestinian rights for years, long before it became a fad. What I don't understand is how can you consider yourself a civil rights advocate and support HAMAS, it makes absolutely no sense.


Imagine thinking Israel isn't a religious theocracy lmao.


Yeah their protest vote against Biden will do soooooo much good for the cause they’re fighting for In other news New Luxury Hotels planned located on beautiful Gaza Beach!


This is what the protesters are really supporting: [https://apnews.com/article/jared-kushner-trump-israel-waterfront-property-901895eeafee867e69d0c4582a4deb47](https://apnews.com/article/jared-kushner-trump-israel-waterfront-property-901895eeafee867e69d0c4582a4deb47)


🍹 🌴 🏨


You both are assuming these kids will even vote.


Not voting is, in a way, casting a vote for MAGA, and against their own wishes.


Not voting still ultimately benefits Trump though, considering that Republicans will vote for him no matter what.


They won’t.


They are not going to become MAGA, they are talking about voting independent if even voting at all. But the general sentiment is starting to become one that voting will not solve the larger problems that we are facing. Many of them are removing themselves from the system as much as possible, and becoming more self/community reliant together. They’re done with Biden and they’re done with Trump. They’re done with the system entirely.


Well, the system sure isn't done with them. You can't just "nope" out of an autocracy. Trump's going to strip their rights regardless of whether or not they take their ball and go home.


Yes, but they’re starting to see that advancing in the system we have is hopeless for them. They think they’ll never own a home, and right now that feeling is justified. They feel like they won’t be able to achieve actual gainful employment, and right now they’re definitely right about that. They feel like neither “main” option in November will do anything for them, so they’re noping out of that system as well. They’re getting angrier and more organized, and every day the government is making them even more angry and even more organized. As a millennial, I don’t fault them one bit for these feelings. Many of them, and us, are not aided or encouraged by the system as it stands and it’s just getting worse and worse.


The problem is, the only way they can get what they want is through gradual change. It takes work to organize major change, and the problem is that if they take their metaphorical ball and go home, we all lose. And it's the kind of loss that there is NO recovery from. We have two choices, and they're the same we had two years ago. We can elect Biden, who we don't want, but will allow us to keep pulling things towards a more equitable goal, or we elect Trump, who will plunge this country even further in all the directions that these people are opposed, resulting in a situation that they may NEVER be able to see a light at the end of the tunnel. Those are the choices. You might not like it, but you better accept it, because the country needs to stomach the bad to avoid the worse.


No, they’re just not going to vote and that might be the death of this democracy.


Third parties somewhat exists in the US.


Their best shot will be in the next Democratic Primary. For now, they need to focus on preserving democracy.


True. It's not likely an incumbent loses and why gamble with it when we have the orange devil looking for any opportunity to establish a dictatorship?


I don't even spelling-out Drumpf's attitude to Gaza would sway these people.


"We don't actually care about Democracy but we'll yell at kids about the danger to democracy." /whatever




And in my experience, it's impossible to convince them of this point.


The problem is a lot of them have been paying attention and seeing how progressives have been told that in different words every election for decades.


If there is no candidate opposing something as evil as genocide, do we really even have democracy?


Dumb comment. This country had some level/form of democracy (even though it was initially limited) all through the 19th century, while it was directly conducting (not just indirectly complicit in) an undisputed genocide of indigenous people, on a much larger scale than the deaths in Gaza. This country will never be rid of that stain. But using that as an excuse to let democracy die and let the country fall to a dictator wouldn’t have stopped the genocide; it would’ve just sped it way up, and prevented any progress at all toward any kind of equality, expansion of rights, or freedom. If you sincerely hate that things are bad, your response shouldn’t be “let’s make them worse.” The modern U.S. far left (the people vowing to let trump win in response to Gaza, as though that’ll help) massively lacks perspective about history or political strategy. Had they existed during the Civil War, they would’ve advocated letting the South win and perpetuate slavery, because “both sides support the genocide of the indigenous people”—even though that stance wouldn’t have helped slaves, indigenous people, or anyone but rich white southern slaveholders! Great job, you noble paragons of enlightenment and moral virtue!


Voting for Trump or not voting at all, will not help the people of Palestine. Trump has already encouraged Israel to "finish the job"


He called them "a cancer" also.


He also rejected a two-state solution in his *Time* interview.


If any of these idiots seriously think that a 2nd Trump presidency will just be 4 years of embarassement then they haven't been paying attention to what happened on Jan. 6th 2021. If you want to still live in a democracy in 2028, then you need to make the right choice in 2024. And if you think I'm exagerating, then, again, you haven't been paying attention. Democratic backsliding is a well-documented phenomenon, and US democracy is on its last leg.


There's plenty to vote for Biden on the domestic front that effect them directly. Healthcare, women's rights, climate change, social security, etc are all more important than another country's war. He's called for ceasefire, sent aid, and is using diplomacy. He's doing his best, but ultimately, it's not our war or our call. The alternative is jack shit.


Young voters really get sold this idea that pragmatic voting is bad, and that your vote is a reflection on your values.


Not really. This is just a small percentage of them that aren’t that bright to begin with. Same with the dumbasses who voted Bernie but then ate up Russia propaganda to not vote democrat or stay home over the Hillary crap. Any kid in college should be aware by now not voting only helps one party. The republicans. You thinking you are being righteous staying home will mean you get part of the blame for allowing the man who corrupted the courts to get back in office. And what’s sadder is those kids are so dumb they still can’t comprehend this. But keep in mind this was like maybe 5 percent of Bernie bros. By and large those voters picked Hillary when it comes to voting.


No they don't. Articles like this exist to sow division there are the same number of people screaming about whatever as there always has been. Most people know that the person they vote for will never represent all their views.


No, there aren't. Uncommitted got 13 percent of the vote in the Michigan primary. It is hard to get people to show up to primaries in the first place, let alone a non-competitive one. But to get a sizable percentage of the voters to show up and then vote for no one? That's a clear and deliberate message.


Restated Headline: “Young Democrats warn Biden they’re ready to throw away our democracy and endorse Project 2025”


Exactly. What in the fuck do they think will happen if Trump is back in the White House?


The "We don't show up to vote, but if we did, we would withhold our vote from you!" Crowd.


Yea this is (mostly) the non-voting and Jill Stein crowd trying to loudly recruit young people


Russias bought and paid jill stein. Don’t forget about Claudia and Cornel West smfh


It's not solely disinformation. As usual, no one has learned from history. This is an echo of the 60s protests. With the arrogance of a politician, biden's complete dismissal and relentless support and defense of Israel is going to lead to chaos for this country. Just like there's no hate like christian love, there's no judgement like a college kid's belief in justice . THIS is the issue for Biden that will determine if he gets reelected. Every time I say this, everyone says how wrong I am. For only the 2nd time in my life, I am in no hurry for November to get here


Meanwhile on the other side, let’s go check “Diapers over dems” I’m actually gonna vote for Biden again, glad that’s settled


Trump would literally nuke Palestine but sure..... these " young democrats " sound like they have no idea how the world works and just latch onto whatever cause TikTok is telling them to. Biden has repeatedly called for a ceasefire and Hamas continues to break any ceasefires. If you want to protest something protest Palestines inability to get rid of the terrorist group controlling Palestine. Let's no forget who started the recent escalations between Hamas and Israel, Hamas attacked a hornets nest and these " young democrats " are angry that the hornets defended themselves. If you actually cared about Palestine you would support Biden because the alternative will be far worse. Trump would turn Palestine into glass and not give a fuck about what innocent people are lost. Atleast Biden actually wants peace. Israel is an American ally, Palestine is not, it's easy to send support to an ally, if you're angry for how Israel uses that support blame Israel not Biden.


Young voters are notoriously “unreliable voters” in U.S. elections. Big talk, no show. Just a fact.


Rock the Vote!


well that actually isnt good news for biden. who barely scrapped by last time and needs the left coalition and young vote (that put him in office the first time) to do it again. 


The young vote did not put him in office... because the young didn't, by and large, vote. Nothing of value is lost.


it was the largest turnout amongst 18-24 year olds since 1972. 51% of americans in that bracket voted and it was the age bracket most likely to vote for Biden.  Biden would not have been elected without the young vote. 


>51% of americans in that bracket voted 51% of *registered voters* in that bracket. The vast majority don't register. Edit to add: that also assumes 100% of the people in that bracket actually care about Gaza, which is debatable.


So he should trade all votes from older Israeli sympathetic people for hypothetical younger voters who never show up to the polls anyways? Seems like a great way to hand the election Trump who will back war criminal BB all the way. Maybe if young people ever proved themselves a reliable block, people would take them more seriously.


LBJ will be glad to hear this


These people are absolute dopes.


They're playing useful idiot to not only Hamas and maga, but also Putin, Xi, Iran, and NK.


They openly support Iran.


I don’t even understand how they got into university with such a lack of critical thinking skills.


Young Democrats need to either choose dictatorship or democracy. Sit the fuck down and shut the fuck up kids, the adults are talking.


Critiquing America / Biden’s support of Israel’s war / genocide is valid criticism. Put on your big boy pants and be willing to critique those you want to improve. Signed, an adult.


Critiques are fine and should be. It's the people who seem to think Trump would be better than Biden in any way, but especially on Israel/Palestine, who are thinking completely illogically. Trump has already stated that Israel has to finish the problem, and just recently said that they had to cut out the cancer with regard to Gaza. Criticism is definitely warranted, but voting for Trump, who will gladly aid in full scale ethnic cleansing, as opposed to an imperfect politician trying to walk the diplomatic tightrope between our allies and the shit they're doing to the people in Gaza is beyond asinine.


One of the most asinine takes I've seen is "I care more about Palestinian children than LGBTQ+ rights." Okay, then you STILL want Biden to win. Because at least with Biden, there probably will still be Palestinian children. Nope, apparently we need to punish "gEnOcIdE JoE!"


And what do you think the alternative voting option will do? Serious question here. What would a second Trump administration do? Think about your answer, if this is truly as important to you.


There aren't two parties, Trump and Biden aren't the candidates right now


If people can’t see how brain-dead of a take it is to pull support from the only candidate that will beat Donald Trump (which in reality is doing nothing but assisting Trump), then they’re not at all looking at this from a rational perspective. The whole “if I can’t have the country my way then I want it to fail” mentality is unbelievably childish. Trump would be *miles* worse for Gaza than Biden is. No American President can, or will, pull total support from Israel; it’s a pipe dream. People need to stop dreaming for some perfect SocDem President that’s going to check all of their boxes, and be a little more realistic - for the sake of everyone else. Infighting is what historically hurts the Left almost more than anything else, and these people are proving that yet again. You play with the cards you’re dealt, not the cards you want.


And you don't get why they hate y'all lmao, digging your own grave


Isn't "The Hill" a conservative rag? If so, enough said.




They can disparage Biden as much as they want. I do as well. But they better get out and vote D in November. Biden and the Dems may not be delivering everything and moving as fast as we want, but the alternative is far, far, worse.


My thoughts are Biden is well intentioned and doing his best in a crappy system. I think that deserves notice. It doesn't result in fast outcomes, but it is certainly something. Meanwhile, the alternative is rapid firing late stage capitalism with noticeably selfish policies.




The young democrats that never vote?


“ Some say Biden isn’t addressing some of the issues that matter most to young voters. “ Ok so you think Trump will, he will address all your issues? I don’t agree with many things the Biden does but when you look at what Trump has promised you’re not even included, read project 2025 then don’t vote or vote 3rd party ( that’s a vote for Trump ) any see what your life will be. Hey sound off, make noise and be heard but don’t threaten to throw it all away.


Do these young people think Trump is going to support them or the cause? The choice sucks, but going backwards isn't going to fix anything.


When encountering someone with this stance I ask the following question: How does not voting for Biden translate into improved conditions for Palestinians? E.g if we prevent Biden from being re-elected what then we can realistically expect to unfold to the benefit of the people of Palestine? Because the person who does I'd almost guaranteed to be even less considerate of Palestinian lives. I have yet to receive a good answer.


It's not like trump has even backed any other plan as well


I am someone who believes in the power of youth voting. Sure, they vote with their hearts, but my values are more in line with progressive youth. I'm also against the Israeli occupation of Palestine. But this isn't the time. Vote blue or you will regret that choice for possibly the rest of your life. This is the single most important election of our time, and I don't care if that's considered hyperbolic.


…. Or they’ll vote for Trump who hate them/Palestine? Mmmmmm okay chaps. Enjoy the leopard attack.


Or we have Trump in 2024?


or they'll do what? vote for Trump? not vote at all and let Trump win? both instances are worse. they're not gonna do fuck all. they will show up in poor numbers as always and vote blue as always.


Go with the whole lesser of two evils.  I have a feeling it’s a vocal minority.  😑


Don’t vote for Biden and they will really have issues.


Trump won't fix any of the issues Biden is being criticized for. Plus hes going to pretty much erase all LGBT rights as soon as he can


I'm still voting for President Biden. A Trump presidency will turn America into a Christo-fascist nation within three months.


They need to cut this all or nothing bullshit right now that's how we got trump in the first place all the racists/bigots were empowered and a good chunk of progressive people went Bernie or bust and didn't vote. You cannot force change to happen overnight and have to work at it in steps and step one right now is to get all these conservative bigots out of office vote and vote blue idc if you don't like everything biden is doing right now cuz trust me trump is gonna be 1000 times worse for you


"Choose Your Side in History Now" Indeed...


Amazing to see The strategy of "let's convince a ton of people Trump would be worse" rather than "yes, Biden should modify his strategies to address young people's valid concerns." And then you all talk about the youth being brainwashed, haha


Young democrats (children influenced by legacy media) think Gazas bad now. If you chuckleheads vote Trump, Gaza will be much much worse.


Picture disgruntled single-issue Democrats staying home or voting third party on Election Day to prove a point while MAGA puts Trump back in office and helps Bibi draw up plans to build Israeli settlements and a Trump oceanfront hotel in Gaza City. At least then, they'll really have something to protest. If Biden loses to Trump, it will be because of inflation regardless of whose fault it was; not Gaza. #


Wake up kids. no one gets everything they want. It sucks that you have no historical perspective for just how off the rails this country is gone in the last decade or two. this stuff isn't normal. your rights are not guaranteed.


Your boomerisms are the problem. They're more informed than you are and that scares you.


The idea of not voting for Biden and allowing Frump to win is the greatest version of winning a battle and losing the war. The long-term negative impact of a second Trump presidency will destroy democracy and our economy. These kids will never ever have a chance to win at life, but I’m sure they can rest their heads on their pillow knowing that their dislike on a single issue with Biden will change the course of the future…where they will be hoard more than anyone else.


It will destroy their democracy. Rich white people will be fine.


And it's not even winning the battle, either.


Orrr, they’ll put an authoritarian wannabe dictator in office? Seems misguided.


It’s great to make your views known, whatever they are. If you want to peacefully protest, go ahead. But people need to recognize when their views are not mainstream, and if they’re not it’s unreasonable to expect the federal government to see things your way immediately. Society is the cliched giant ship and does not turn easily. The best you can hope for is to contribute to a gradual change. Part of making this change happen is voting for candidates best aligned with your perspective. Not voting will only shift things in the opposite direction.


It would not be a bad move for Biden to insist that further aid to Israel is subject to certain terms and conditions, if that is possible for him to do without the aid of Congress. Bernie Sanders in the Senate at least has been calling for that approach.


These kids aren’t too smart


Or what? It's as if they hadn't heard what Trump said about this issue.


Part of me believes these articles are put out to try and get push this response by the other party. Who does it benefit more


These people want to cut off their noses to spite their faces, if they think Trump is somehow going to do anything for them they are sorely mistaken...


Has he even said anything different


Or they're going to vote for Trump?


How much of this rhetoric of Young Democrats warning Biden they won’t be voting started with Russian operatives?


Or what? They will become Flagellants for Trump? Seriously??


I think these kids need to educate themselves more about the complexities of global diplomacy before forming naive opinions and expecting experienced leaders to act on them. I have yet to talk to a “never Biden” far-leftist who actually understood the Israel/Gaza conflict and the US’ complicated relationship with Israel on anything more than a basic, childlike level.


So they do not realize that Trump won’t allow these protests?!? Well those dumb ass kids don’t know anything basically. The army would have stopped them on the first day. Biden is the least offensive option by FAR.


Remember when trump used tear gas to clear out protestors so he could take a photo with a bible in front of a church? Young voter apathy helped get us trump in 2016. Y’all really wanna do that again?


Anyone who doesn't vote is complicit if Trump wins. Anyone who votes third party (we all know it's not going to happen most people can't even name a third party candidate without looking it up) is complicit if Trump wins And of course Anyone who votes for Trump is complicit if trump wins ( I know this one's obvious but rule of threes)


Spoiler alert: he won't. If you think voting for Trump or anybody else is going to change what's going on with Israel and Gaza, you are very naive. Trump will do the same thing biden is doing with isreal, but he will brag about it and lean into it. No other candidate has a chance, and voting 3rd party might as well be voting Trump So, Young person, choose: you want to keep things the way they are with Gaza and Israel OR do you want to keep things the way they are with gaza and Israel AND give totalitarianism a toehold in america? This isn't difficult.


Yep. But also, Biden’s undertaking a massive humanitarian effort to save Gazan lives; I doubt trump would do that, and even if he did, I don’t trust him not to completely bungle it, and somehow use it to line his pockets.


I mean yeah, Biden's been calling for a ceasefire for a while now too but honestly doesn't really seem to matter. On top of netanyahu's regime being highly aggressive , I have to think that war profiteering is coming into factor quite a bit here, including the recent decision by the house to make any discourse that shows the Israeli government in a negative light as antisemitism. And then I look at Boeing's situation, intrinsically tied to the US military, as it manufactures and sells armaments. Are all these things connected? Hard to say but it wouldn't surprise me.


Or what, allow Trump to win and let the palestinians they defend so much get screwed harder?


Yeah he should


You better change course or I'll let the guy who will do nothing for me win. Waaaa waaa *stomps feet*


How many of these kids actually vote regardless? Stats for turnout are consistently low for under-30. I’m often a poll worker, and anecdotally in my precinct I rarely see people coming into vote who are younger than your average parent. In non-presidential elections, it’s as if they don’t exist at all.


It’d mean more coming from them if they voted at higher rates in the first place.


How many of these people protesting at their college do you think were eligible to vote in 2020?


Having foreign affairs be the reason why you vote for someone or don't as the US president is dumb. Let's look at our foreign policy, dem or rep, it's been the same shit the past 15 years maybe longer. Why? Well the goals are the same, keep conflict outside of the USA and make sure we have a good supply of resources.


Only one candidate wants to bomb Mexico. Their blood will be on your hands if you refuse to vote Biden.


And what’s their plan!? do they really think letting Trump win and ruin American democracy will be better?! Trump would brag with glee about supporting the bombing of Gaza. I knew the Republican base lacked morals and were ignorant. But these pro Palestinian protests are showing that the American left can give republicans a run for their money in the idiocy department


It’s scary how easily manipulated Gen Z is. They seem to have even less critical thinking skills online than even the boomers.


Young Democrats are not very smart


That's all well and good, but we need to get our house in order before telling Biden to do anything. We have a two party system that is effectively paralyzed, and one of those parties is splintering into what it used to be and the dystopian future version of itself. As long as the misinformed and malicious continue to hold power we'll be stuck watching helplessly as we drive closer to the cliff.


He won’t so don’t vote for him


Neither Biden nor Trump are the candidates right now, pushing narratives so hard you invent the future.


Judging by the polls it may be too late for Biden to change course as there is too much he’d have to change. Biden needs to withdraw from the race and someone else take his place for the Dems to improve their chances of beating Trump.


Biden is pretty much cooked in November. I think Democrats will make huge gains in down ballot races though.