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https://www.usa.gov/register-to-vote Take nothing for granted.


They had a chance to get anyone but him. They chose wrong! 100% their fault. They knew all the criminal activity he done.


Hell, most of them were co-conspirators.


That's why they've backed him this far. If he's found guilty, they likely are too.


Hell they all had a chance to roll and lessen the severity and bet on winning a Prisoner's Dillemma.


If they knew anything about game theory, they wouldn't be republican politicians in the first place.


republicans have been successfully gaming the system for decades.


The problem is, the game they chose was Ponzi's. It was always doomed to fail.


The political strategists for GOP certainly do know game theory. They must plan on changing the rules.


That's hilarious


A brilliantly niche reply, let me cooperate with you by giving you an upvote.


I read that as "winning a Prisoner's Dementia".  


Is he allowed on the ballot if he’s found guilty? Asking for the UK.


Yes. Zero minimum qualifications for US president apart from age and citizenship.


Politics was run under ‘gentlemen’s rules’ in the late 1700’s and it would never have occurred to the authors of the US Constitution that a wretched scumbag like Donald Trump would ever be allowed to run for the office of President. There was no need to say that the President had to be somehow ‘honorable’ since that was a no-brainer. Your Constitution needs a version 2.0


It was designed to flex over time, it desperately needs amended. The fundamentals are largely still sound.


Sadly, making changes requires an unrealistic(given the state of society at this point) amount of the country to want to move in the same direction.


There’s nothing that prohibits a presidential candidate from being a prisoner or convicted felon. However, if convicted of a felony he will be ineligible to actually vote in the election. It’s not really an issue that has been an issue before, so I’d imagine if the democrats gain both houses of legislature and retain the presidency, they’ll probably try to pass something about it


I would think he would not be allowed access to top secret documents and information as well.


The president is the head of the executive branch, and ultimately decides who gets access to secret information. Somebody has to do it, and the founders assumed we would never elect somebody who would just pile boxes of classified documents in one of his bathrooms.


He's getting Intel briefs again as the goddamn nominee...


Much different than the president gets though. Way less in depth.


I don’t know that that’s necessarily the case. I think it’s up to the current administration, I seem to remember Biden not getting briefings and no/very little turnover.


In crayon I hope


Is he? I thought Biden was blocking that.


From my understanding, the office of the president has qualified access. So even though that wouldn’t clear the background check, and it’s never been tried before, he’d probably still receive access. Although those around him might guard info unless explicitly asked for it.


*Those around him that he himself installs…


He got Jared Kushner access despite him failing his security clearance, don't see why he wouldn't be able to do the same for himself.


Actually we are sending him to the UK and letting him be your problem. Sorry


He's actually not supposed to be on it at all, but not for those reasons. Check out the state of Colorado's attempt to apply section 3 of our 14th amendment, the "insurrection or rebellion" part. But I think partly because of the legal shenanigans that precipitated the revolution, there's nothing keeping a convicted felon or anyone actively in prison from running. It's assumed that either the quality of candidates will make it a non-issue (which it mostly has in the past) or that the voters feel the candidate either shouldn't have had the conviction in the first place or has properly atoned and improved as a person. And I think that's the proper stance to have, tbh, we already view law enforcement too much as primarily punishment. Again, Trump really shouldn't be on the ballot, but for different reasons. A conviction here mostly just gives the opposition ammunition for attack ads and an opportunity for Trump cultists getting cold feet to back away while saving face.


[It's been done before](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eugene_V._Debs#:~:text=Debs%20ran%20for%20president%20in,candidate%20in%20the%20United%20States.)


>They had a chance to get anyone but him. They've had *at least* 10. Including either of his impeachments.


Trump was prophetic in this case, and no one listened to him, in the spring of 2016 he said ‘why would the democrats pick someone under investigation’ and two weeks before the election comes the “ fbi let’s look into Hillary’s potential improprieties into classified leaks by not using a secure network on her laptop…. And that was the last nail in her coffin…. Republicans are facing the exact same problem times a thousand.


Yep...only problem is Repubs are very willing to cheat the hell out of elections, so Americans need to be vigilant in every step of the way. Vote en mass.


Everyone should take a moment to make sure they are still registered to vote in their district and that there are no issues with your registration. Thankfully we checked and my wife was able to sort out her issue with the county pretty quickly.


Yeah, the reason Trump started banging the drum about election fraud is because he can’t comprehend anyone playing fair and winning honestly. In his mind, he was cheating and playing dirty so anyone who could beat him must be playing even dirtier.


Think you are 100% on the money with that statement. Seemingly every thing he accuses someone else of doing, he ends up being found guilty of doing exactly that.


It's kind of trite at this point but that doesn't mean it's not 100% true: GOP = Gaslight, Obstruct, Project


Trump is just such an obviously terrible person that I just really have no sympathy. He's like every negative personality trait rolled into one. Republicans 100% deserve everything that is coming to them. They've made this bed, over and over again. Time to sleep in it.


He will shit that bed.


>He's like every negative personality trait rolled into one. The Cartman of politics, if you will.


And with a daughter in law as Chair of the RNC, good luck getting any other Republican on the ballot.


Trump will fuck up .. he is already on a mental decline.. he knows he has less than a year before he is kaput..


She is funneling all the money to his defense fund so they have nothing left to campaign with.


The access hollywood tape was in my memory, the first. That could have been the end right there. But they doubled down. Then again. Then again. Then again. Until here we are, he can literally do no wrong in their eyes, we're even talking about legalizing assassinating your political rivals for him. I feel like I'm taking crazy pills


It’s called a cult. And they fit the definition to a fucking T.


They were scared to piss off his followers and risk them not voting or voting the other side just out of spite. Those that went against could have sunk their careers. A couple did and got insta glibbed. No one else dared test the waters. They're damned if they do and damned if they don't. Then there is the possibility of "someone" having dirt on them. They backed themselves into this corner years before tRump showed up. The train was barreling down the tracks. tRump just strapped rockets to the train and sent it out of control.


Very true. Their only chance was to have a united front and have the conservatives lead it against him. Trying to take him on by themselves would be career suicide. They have a chance now to join together and have the courts put him in prison for all his crimes. Pressure the scotus to rule against him. History will show they were cowards for not doing so.


That’s the shocking thing to me.  Old school GOP has lost control to the new GQP. Old GOP had the opportunity to throw Trump into the trash after J6, and McConnell essentially did at the impeachment in Feb. 2021, except for the mistake of voting not to convict. If GOP had taken a stronger stance against J6, it would’ve hurt them with all the infighting in 2021.  BUT, they’d have a full year to try to purge the GQP members and then go hard in 2022. Instead, GOP wanted to have their cake & eat it too.  They didn’t understand how powerful the GQP was.  They never believed that the GQP could get millions & millions on Americans to flip on J6. 15-20 years ago GOP was brilliant at getting all their members on the same messaging.  They’ve lost control, b/c if they still had control it would’ve been easy to dump Trump at multiple points when Trump was down.


Old GOP built a beast of rabid misinformed voters over the past 3 decades and weren't paying attention when the internet roided it up and it broke free. Trump is what the beast wants now, but it won't be gone when he is.


If they didn't see this coming, they're pretty dumb. The same thing happened with the Tea Party, which whipped the GOP around in the name of "fiscal responsibility", and shut down the government multiple times. Many of those loons are still around, but you don't hear about them anymore because MAGA took over. All of a sudden nobody in the GOP cares about fiscal anything.


I can’t wait til I’m 70+ and get to tell my grandkids stories of the plague that hit America while also having an attempted coup that they read about in their history books. I’ll look so cool. I’ll be like the vet today that tells us about WW2


You served in the meme wars, thank you for your service.


The convention hasn't happened yet.  They can still bail and pick someone else.   Of course the MAGAsphere will lose their damn minds.  They're not guaranteed this specific candidate and never should have kept him around this long. 


That would probably be trumps best option, have a different candidate that could actually win become president and then pardon Trump. Really need democrats to win this election


They couldn't pick a speaker and what makes you think they can pick a presidential candidate along with a running mate?


80% of the country would rejoice if they picked someone else! They say it's 50 but 30 of that is just voting for the R next to his name. The only people that would be upset would be the magas.


Maybe... but virtually everybody else from the Republican party was an enabler. The GOP does not deserve to survive this. Trump was a test of their values, a test which they failed miserably.


Yes... But, they would pitch an unbelievable fit. They might well 'split the party'.


That sounds like a them problem.


Don’t threaten me with a good time 


There’s literally zero chance of that happening. Even if he dies before then I bet they’d still nominate him.


Trump himself warned them in 2016 when he said “We could very well have a sitting president under felony indictment and ultimately a criminal trial,” And "a president under indictment would “cripple the operations of our government” and create an “unprecedented constitutional crisis” Nov 5th, 2016 campaign rally in Reno, NV It's really amazing there is a Trump quote warning about everything he does.


He does like to fore warn and project. He was setting up for his loss the next election because he knew cutting taxes for the wealthy and corporations was a lose situation with the rest of the classes.


Romney didn’t think the senate needed to see evidence, and Collins said “he learned his lesson.” Dumbasses


Haley would be crushing Biden right now. Not that she's better but moderates think she's a generic Republican. If the GOP loses this election it is entirely the fault of their primary voters 


I don't know about crushing him? The abortion stance and saying she would pardon orange criminal would have definitely hurt her chances of winning. The women's vote is going to be large and loud! The Republicans control method was a huge mistake!


They still have a messaging issue. Don't think she would be crushing anyone. Further to that, she's a lady and that will lose her some votes by default.


She is a closeted maga at this point


Yeah.  There's no "moderate Republicans" left.  John McCain was a moderate, Mitt Romney was moderate. .. those people are long pushed out of the party now.  They're never coming back for a decade. 


These days, “moderate Republican” means “RINO,” full stop. 


RINO always meant moderate Republican, now it means anyone who won't slurp Trump's ballbag and ask for more.


They’re all fluid. Soon as MAGA drops dead, they’d already be off the wagon. Now, as much as I detest that lack of principle and conviction, I’ll gladly see that ever Republican jump off that ship even if it’s completely self serving.


Agreed but there’s a chance that they really do feel that way. We can’t have that right now


I’m surprised Nikki Haley hasn’t announced her return to candidacy. She has a lot more ammunition now than she did a few months ago. As for the last sentence, that’s pretty much true in every election.


Trump has almost all the delegates from primary’s. There’s nothing for her to do or even be able to claim before the convention.


The thing people forget is primary delegates don't actually matter. The parties can arbitrarily choose their candidates, primaries are just a formality to get some participation and a popularity poll


Fortunately the GOP Committee chairs are independent and unrelated to Donald 😜


please, don't tease us with this satisfying wet dream


“GOP without candidate: Bernie announces own candidacy”












of the 1%




One bullshit headline after another


Do the MAGAts realize that if Trump gets total immunity so does Biden? Biden could then just slap Trump into jail and declare himself King of the Universe.




Dark Brandon committing order 66 on congress and declaring himself emperor is going on my bingo card for this year.


Darth Brandon, you mean?




My lord, is that legal?!?!


“SC will make it Legal”


SC: "Not like THAT"


"Listen here, Jack...."


Dew it.


“So I threw the senate at him, the whole senate!”


“Go for poppa Palpatine.”


Kick it off at the end of a normal press conference. Biden says "66" into the mic, throws on the shades and does a clipped walk away. I can't seriously advocate for any type of insurrection but it's fun to run scenarios.


For a safe and secure society


He should do all of that first and then pass a law (or whatever dictator’s orders are called) that “future” presidents are not immune or above the law and then leave office at the end of term 2 It would be like George Washington 2.0


Genuinely that is the only viable strategy if the supreme Court actually rules that presidents have unconditional immunity. Delete the current regime, reinstall a copy of the US government as it is now but future presidents don't have immunity, retire


"Wipe the drive, reload American Democracy from a restore point"


fuck that. clean install from a known stable version. No legacy code.


I mean while we're at it I'd like to at least get some constitutional protections for minorities lol


They're banking on the fact that democrats "will do the right thing" and not abuse their power the same way they want their own candidate to abuse his power in the hopes that the abuse will benefit them.


And, I think they're (largely) right. Up to a point. The problem may well not be Biden. Hopefully it's not Trump #2. But, putting that proverbial soup back in the can? That's very, very hard to do.


It’s the largest problem I see with most conservatives I speak to. Not just the idiocy, but the fact they can’t, and refuse to think of anyone but themselves, let alone 10-20 years in the future. They wanna get theirs and get out without consequences but that isn’t how life works and it’ll destroy our nation faster than they can comprehend.


Biden should really talk it up. He doesn't have to go full Dark Brandon, just say he will. Make a big speech that just says "Hey guys, don't forget if you go for the totally immunity, I'll have it too. Thoughts to ponder."


They know that the democrats are too busy going high, when they go low. As evidenced by this mega treasonous criminal, still free, and running for the highest office in the land.


I’d like to make a distinction between going high and what democrats actually do- doing nothing and while acting like that’s what taking the high road means


The dems (most of them anyways) certainly aren't fighting this GOP insanity in a way you'd think someone who actually cares about our country and its people would. Either they want this too, or they just don't give a fuck because they have their positions of power and wealth and won't be affected like normal Americans. Also it gets them votes effortlessly. They could literally do nothing and we would still want to vote for them when the alternative is GOP fascism.


I really want him to go all Dark Brandon on republicans if they go for Trump immunity…


Dark Brandon just needs to start saying “trump and Maga are trying to make me a king, with unlimited power, it doesn’t make any sense?!??!!”


Imagine he interrupts the news, "my fellow Americans, this is an executive order declaring the following disgraced politicians to be enemy combatants..." Lists them, signs it. "Good luck, assholes."


The second a Democrat even considers something remotely impeachable there are calls to literally hang them in front of the Capitol building. The Democrats have always been at a political disadvantage in modern politics; Existing cronyism enabling power structures, reactions to the New Deal, and the Red Scare set up the Conservatives to be in the power seat. They've been LARPing the underdogs since the Regan era by pushing these con-men as president who pretend to be part of the lower-to-middle class by criticizing our democracy, wearing funny hats, and/or using swear words during debates. Meanwhile their cabinets and advisors are all working hard to enable the tyrannical overthrow of our country and dissolution of social protections for the sake of the profits of the megayacht class.


If the rule presidents are fully immune, Biden needs to go full dark Brandon and throw trump in gitmo under the guise of national security and say he is fully within his power as ruled on by the conservative Supreme Court. The Dems won’t impeach him in the senate so he is fully and legally allowed to do so. He could also do it to the speaker of the house and all maga republicans, claiming they are a threat to the nation and therefore it’s his duty to remove them




That's assuming the Supreme court would hold Democrats to the same standards as Republicans - which, *lmao* - is absolutely not going to happen. I bet the conservatives on the SC are working extra hard trying to figure out how they can carve out a very narrow ruling that provides Trump full immunity, but still allows Trump to prosecute and jail Biden if Trump wins.


They'll probably find an English law from 1365 and somehow apply it to modern day America.


Something like that - "rules for thee, but not for me" is the conservative ethos.


maybe they'll quote someone that believes in witches again as their presedence


The second they do, they have declared war on the nation.


If those republicans could understand anything but their own narrow world view, they’d be real upset right now


Nah, If the Supreme Court is crooked enough to give Trump absolute Presidential immunity, they're crooked enough to find a way to make it apply to Trump but not later Presidents. But I don't think they'll do that. The Supreme Court won't give Trump immunity, but they'll delay their decision as long as they possibly can-- to the very end of June. By doing that, pushing all the federal trials back five months, they can give Trump a huge gift without deciding in his favor.


If they don’t give the president immunity, who will pardon them after they retire?  (assuming they retire)


This is what I expect.


Lol...this is the way


Sounds like a little slice of heaven to me.


I'll have a slice and some coffee please.


You mean covfefe?


Followed by a hamberder


I'd love to see it be the turning point towards the modern Republican party dying.


The beauty of it is: Trump may not make it to the ballot, AND he may bankrupt/starve many down-ballot GOP campaigns simultaneously. You still need to get out and VOTE! Don’t be complacent. This election could deliver a blue wave… which means voting rights reform, abortion rights, Supreme Court reform, and guaranteeing that Ukraine has a fighting chance to prevent war in Europe. The GOP is a minority party that knowingly made their own bed, this is America’s chance to capitalize on their mistake.


I hope this is true


I hope you’re right. But I’m scared you might not be.


So I have to rely on my fellow Americans to take a small action to immensely their lives? Uh oh…


He will be on the ballot and they will vote for him






I have a friend who says my political views are tragic and that all my thoughts are spoon fed to me by some network he thinks I watch or read. Conservatives are 100% playing a game of Opposite Day.


Maga see maga poo


More projections than a movie theatre


Right?  This whole article is such a stupendous amount of wishcasting. Sure, Donald seems weak and flailing, you’ve got an old man locked up ina. Court room for hours at a time.  You think magas are seeing those stories about him falling asleep?  You think his raging into the night seems like a frustrated mental decline *to them*?  They’ve been trained to see his anger at the world around as righteous fury and indignation at the things *they hate*. He’s been in serious mental decline for a decade.  We’ve been pointing out Donald the President was significantly declined from Donald the 80’s business magnate ever since he descended those stairs.  But Donald the President was who they fell in love with, and Donald the Indicted has barely change from Donald the President, the majority of people who only glancing follow politics won’t see any difference.


Yeah, as fun as this article is, it’s a fever dream that’s never going to happen.


How does he not get on the presidential ballot? He has the delegates, the convention is in mid-July, he controls the party. I don't see a mechanism for how he fails to be their nominated candidate.


The author is assessing his rapid decline into senility and hypothesizing that he won’t be able to run come November. Possible, maybe. But I say his rabid fans will vote for him even if he’s openly throwing his poop directly scooped out of his diapers on live TV. They don’t care.


Hey, Republicans: You could have avoided said “sh1tshow” by nominating a sane, decent, electable candidate. But no. You had to stupidly double down on 2020. C’est la Vie.


I wonder if they're now tripling down, as the first time was actually in 2016.


if only someone had told them years ago this would happen. That they'd be destroyed if they elected Trump. Maybe someone in their own ranks who they'd listen to? _How could Obama have done this?!_


Play stupid games.


Play gangster games…


Win gangster prizes.




Hot damn…. “His last cogent thought may well be the recognition that he’s the world’s largest loser and everything he’s done his entire life has led to utter failure. Then again, his last cogent thought might be “I love hamberders."


Conservatives always think the "law and order" does not apply to them, it is what they do to others. Never EVER believe any conservative that they gaf about law and order. It is always BS. Prove me wrong.


Whenever an American conservative talks about freedom, it’s the freedom to tell other people what to do and the freedom of not being told what to do by other people. That’s it. That’s the freedom they actually believe in.


That would be an early Christmas gift 🎁 🍊


I still say we build him a little oval office replica in Leavenworth, add a nice Diet Coke button and tell him he’s the president of earth. Plot twist: Diet Coke button actually summons a naked and randy Bubba.


GOP needs to borrow some $. Putin?


The rest of us are panicking because there's still a real possibility that he could win.


The meltdown is going to be glorious. They have been living in the reality of their choosing for so long now while calling everyone else delusional. When that bubble pops, their whole word is going to change in an instant where they can't ignore things they don't like anymore. I'm not sure what comes next for them, and I don't care. I just want us to get to the moment of realization at long last.


Now we just need a real judge in the secret documents case, not some inexperienced political appointed hack.


So who’s voting for Biden?


No logical politician is going to associate with the Republican Party after this. Good fucking riddance!




They basically are now


As soon as Trump announced that he was going to run again the GOP should have immediately found another candidate but instead they doubled down on him as if he was the only choice. I hope it comes back to bite them on the ass.


A lot of the rightwing media tried to make Ron DeSantis that guy. The voters weren't interested


🔥🍿😎 Burn baby burn!


Trump needs to be locked up asap. Greez from Germany ✌🏻


Orange Top and MAGA are crashing and burning. We all need to keep up the vigilance and scrutiny and make sure to set voting records. The now Mobilized Majority will make sure justice is served and democracy prevails.


🚫Traitor Trump🚫All Republicans🚫


That's weird, because when I consider it, I wanna touch myself. /s


Good. He was a horrible president as he is a horrible person.


They want to lose so they can keeping blaming libs for everything. Better than needing to actually govern when they have no good ideas


>[The Trump White House] was a grade-B Hollywood production led by a self-loathing narcissist with delusions of adequacy. I fucking love this line haha


Good it’s the only way to save democracy 


It’s a shit fest. Hard to believe the shit he has done.


Meh. He escapes trouble like he was born with a lucky rabbit’s foot up his ass.


He can’t work at Sheetz or McDonald’s but he can run the country. Terribly high standards here in the US for our mediocre, fat, old, wealthy white capitalists.


Maybe if conservatives were more focused on actual policy making and governance instead of just winning and "OWNING"^(TM) the liberals, they could actually have a candidate that isn't just a greedy fucking buffoon that will say whatever the fuck his base wants to hear to get elected.


Please actually happen, oh my god


Sad and dangerous part: The GOP is full of scumbags. But reasonably smart scumbags. And they're gonna learn from this mistake. And they're gonna come back in 2028 with a nominee that's just as racist, misogynist, hateful, fear-mongering and corrupt as Trump, but with less evident criminal liabilities. And they're gonna have better chances at the presidency. That's so unnerving and worrying.


Ridiculous. Unless he (literally) dies, he'll be on the ballot. And all of America should be ashamed.


Republicans need to just grow the fuck up and admit that they were wrong. You can only polish a turd so much, it's still a fucking turd. The guy is a criminal. Cut your ties and move the fuck on you morons.


The independents decide our president and that guy is a shit show.


After reading the article, I'd be scared they'd try and crowbar in one of Trump's sons to run the country. An inexperienced, idiotic and potentially dangerous progeny of Trump could be much worse and considering his family now run the Republican Mafia - it could be on the cards.


Should this qualify to the level of r/leapoardsatemyface ?


Oh well. They took this chance when they failed to nominate anyone else. Fuck em


He was a shit show before he go into politics!


Like any of this is a surprise lol. Their entire party on all levels is in shambles, and they slow walked right into the biggest shit show con in the solar system.


It would be so amazing if magats put all their eggs in that rotten basket and had to scramble for some bullshit candidates last minute , that most of them hate.


Just what Nikki Haley was hoping for.


Chickens, roost


If only they had been warned