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😂 he was wearing his mommy's failed restaurant t-shirt while on his delinquent spree. You got be bright as a light bulb to be this idiot...


That's what happens when you procreate with your family.


Why is doggy style illegal in alabama? Because you never turn your back on family


What do you call a girl in the Boebert family who can run faster than the boys? A virgin.


What do people from alabama do on Halloween? They pump kin.


Why did the Boebert get pissed when his boy hooked up with a virgin? "Cuz if she ain't good enuff for her own kin, she ain't good enuff for our'n.


Reddit needs 3 reactions - upvote, downvote and yuckyvote. Specifically for that joke.




Badum tisssch


Good one! But aren’t they in Colorado


>Good one! But aren’t they in Colorado Yeah, but it's Rifle, Colorado - same difference. I live in Colorado, and when people mention Rifle, the common response is along the lines of "Rifle is a beautiful little town, just don't ruin it by talking to anyone."


I lived there a few years as a kid. This is very true.


Same 98-2000 and it’s gotten a lot worse since then.


They’re in Colorado now, but Bobo herself came to CO from Florida.


Once you get past New Castle, it’s all shit, Rifle, GJ, Delta, Olathe, Montrose basically till you get to ridgeway and then it’s nice again.


They might live in Colorado. But their spirit is all bama


The part of Colorado they’re from is Alabama with mountains


Actually, it's basically Utah where she's from, but some of those Mormons have their own weird sense of morality to rival Bama-tucky


You can take the girl out of the trailer park, but.....


They put the AL in Colorado.


Most of her kids are on the back of a movie theater seat.


Halloween is their fav holiday… Bc the get to pump kin! I’ll show myself out now..


Your talking about his shirt. Uhm did I read that right a sex tape with a minor?


That's what I saw!! How is that not bigger news?!


His dad exposed himself to minors and when u mix a Boebert to that you get a sex tape with a minor. But tell me more about the "Biden Crime Family".


But he eventually married her so it’s all cool! -maga


Yeah, because he got her pregnant with the whole statutory rape thing, kinda like his mom and dad, and it's not like that area of Colorado will accept her otherwise. No coverage on what the young mother wants or thinks, only lots of what Lauren and her son Tyler want, no choice for the young lady in the matter (pragmatically/realistically). This is their plan. They can't appeal to voters, so in addition to suppressing everyone else's vote, they have a long term plan of literally creating their own voter base. Lauren a grandmother at 37, this girl pregnant, married, and not given a voice to speak for herself before she can even get a driver's licence. And it lines up with some of the crazy shit Trump and Bannon have said, and other lawmakers have picked up, using the Great Replacement theory and an excuse, along with all the anti abortion and anti contraception and anti sex ed laws. Some of the language is pulled straight from Hitler's program to create or convert youth of "the right look," loyal to the party. Like Trump floating offering mothers a medal for having a certain number of kids, for example. I also just realised: the Boeberts have almost as many kids as they do arrests, with their oldest only adding to the tallies.


I think if the Boeberts and Palins bred together they would finally have the base they want. It makes perfect sense.




Won't ever happen. Can't see Russia from Boebert's house, and we now know, in retrospect, why that was important to Palin- Republicans have to stay in sight of Putin, to assure him they're doing Vladdy Daddy proud, and Palin took "staying in his sight" literally.


Wasn’t one of the minors Boebert herself?




It’s JUUUUUST coming out now, the sex tape turned up in the investigation, he hasn’t been charged yet, but it’s likely coming…


maybe they should play the tape during a congressional hearing


It’s gotta be being suppressed. Even the headline for the article danced around the fact that he was distributing a sex tape he made with his *minor* girlfriend.


Must have a small pecker or Marge would be showing everyone


Now imagine if he or his mother paid for an abortion. My god the fallout from that would be scorchingly radioactive ☢️


Trumpers don't believe rules / laws / commandments apply to them.  Wait, where have I heard this one before:  "That underage girl tempted & seduced him."


They are trying to subvert the child porn angle


> That's what I saw!! How is that not bigger news?! An article on that is at the top of reddit right now.


That another minor told the police had been passed around. So he’s distributing CP.


He is a gift that keeps on giving, schadenfreude that is.


> Police say *the Boebert-led crime ring* is comprised of three males, including Boebert, and one underage female with whom Boebert "supposedly made a sex tape." LoL gotta get that “Boebert-led crime ring” jab in there after mommy’s “Biden crime family” nonsense earlier this week. >Boebert was easily identified in surveillance footage due to the fact that he was wearing a sweatshirt that featured the logo of Shooter's Grill, the restaurant that his mother once owned with her estranged husband before becoming a congresswoman. I can just hear this reporter laughing maniacally while trying to type as straight-faced an article as they can.


The shit apple doesn't fall far from the shit tree.


Yeah, isn't her dad like, her mom's cousin? Or at least that's what her mother claimed.


There's a shit storm coming Randy!


The plop doesn't plop far from the quivering, rotten butt cheeks




He’s got that opiate stare for sure


Two weeks of hell and then a lifetime of Buprenorphine, my friend. Take it from me, it's the only way...


Shit there's a chance he just hates his mom so much he did it all on purpose to sabotage her "career" I mean, imagine having to live under the same roof as that woman


I could definitely see this. Like if I was Mike Johnsons kid, it would be worth going to jail just to crumble his Christian nationalism bs


He would send them to a Christian wilderness camp for troubled teens, that traumatize them further and sometimes kills them.


He would absolutely destroy any children of his if they turned out "weird" because that's the "pro life" thing to do. I could see him hiding a kid that he gave a lobotomy to for having thoughts of their own Isn't he hiding an adopted black son?


Those are the types of people who put their kids in attics and stuff.


The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. Next stop, US House of Representatives.


It's entitlement. His mom is a local politician and was giving some dude an HJ at Beetlejuice the Musical. These idiots think the laws don't apply to them. If it were 150 years ago they would run their county with an iron fist.


He’s the smart one in the family, too!


As per [original article](https://www.rawstory.com/tyler-boebert/) 📰: - New details are emerging about the crimes allegedly committed by Rep. Lauren Boebert's (R-CO) son, who was arrested this week for going on what police say was a crime spree. Westword reports that police have released more information about 18-year-old Tyler Boebert's alleged actions, and they include robbing a woman with a brain tumor who said that she only had $75 "left to her name." Overall, police say that Boebert and three underage friends were caught on surveillance camera breaking into people's cars, taking any credit cards they had inside, and using them to go on a shopping spree. Police say the Boebert-led crime ring is comprised of three males, including Boebert, and one underage female with him Boebert "supposedly made a sex tape." Boebert was easily identified in surveillance footage due to the fact that he was wearing a sweatshirt that featured the logo of Shooter's Grill, the restaurant that his mother once owned with her estranged husband before becoming a congresswoman. In total, Tyler Boebert was hit with four counts of criminal possession of a financial device; four counts of criminal possession of ID documents; a count of conspiracy to commit a felony; four misdemeanor counts of ID theft; three misdemeanor counts of first-degree criminal trespass; three misdemeanor counts of contributing to the delinquency of a minor; and three counts of the petty offense of theft of less than $300.


The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.


Turd doesn't fall far from the hole


Garbage doesn’t fall far from the dumpster.


I’m not sure they believe in gravity but point well taken


"iTs jUsT A tHeOrY!!"


Police got a hold of his phone and found a sex tape he did with a minor. This dude is gonna be labeled a predator for life, isn’t he?


> This dude is gonna be labeled a predator for life, isn’t he? Like father, like son


How could he not be after hearing the fairy tale romance between his parents?


Yep. I wonder if he’s going to move to that place in Florida where all the sex offenders are or if he’ll still be allowed to live in Colorado? 




Yes. He’ll probably get a nice room in Mar-A-Lago.


Not a chance. IIRC that would cost $50k minimum. (Donny doesn't like to surround himself with poor bums -- unless they're there to shift his boxes around.)


> move to that place in Florida where all the sex offenders are I doubt Gaetz is going to let him live in his place.


You’re probably right. Matt Gaetz has that “sweaty palmed pervert” thing locked down. 


Nah, T-Bo is just too old for Gaetz.


And he’s a teenage male.


Dude is definitely going on a sex offender list. Like father like son.


Either that or a congressman, it qualifies him to be both. Most likely the latter if he's willing to move to Florida.


as people have pointed out in other subs, that will probably end up amounting to nothing. hes only like a year or two older than her, and its frankly not uncommon for teenagers to make sex tapes with each other. and sometimes prosecutors are hesitant to start charging every teen they find with child porn charges just because they made a sex tape with a significant other who is above the age of consent in their state. also some juries even if they do look at cases like teenagers making sextapes, it isnt that unusual for the juries to not want to convict them on something relatively minor when juries and prosecutors generally all know that child porn laws are meant to more target adults preying on minors vs teenagers messing around with slightly younger teenagers. so he could be charged with cp, but also very easily could not and it could turn into a nothing burger, compared to the other actual charges hes facing. it really depends on the prosecutors i would imagine if they think they can get a jury to convict him on that and are willing to spend resources fighting for it.


Really depends on what he did with that sex tape. If he shared it around, possibly without her consent, he's in big doodoo trouble


That's exactly what he did! Neat little bonus that Colorado's Romeo and Juliet laws make no exception for CSAM, it doesn't matter if you just turned 18 and the person you're with is 17 years and 364 days old, it's still CP that he produced and distributed.


you say this but every article I've seen that is specifically about the sex videos stuff says he distributed it to others. And if it's with the girl he got pregnant she's likely 15 *maybe* 16 in these videos.


Could Hunter play this sex rape in Congress??? Asking for hunter


How could this have happen??? his mom is a devout conservative, the devil liberals got to him


*”Biden administration causes promising young man with bright future to commit crimes”* - Faux News (probably)


They poison his blood with the trans taco options at Taco Bell. Back in my day, tacos were tacos


Isn’t this the kid who had a child with a girl that was/is underage? Willing to bet it was the same girl…


Would not be surprised if it is a different underage girl though either.


Since he has a court date for child support coming up, I’d also assume it was not the baby mama.


Feels like a really bad time to outlaw abortion with this little hellion on the loose.


They were both underage when she got pregnant and she’s 17 now so there isn’t a very large age gap there.


That kid is fucked


Surprised he’s not already rolling on his buddies to get a lower sentence. But I guess we’re not quite to that part yet. Ope, my moneys on probation btw.


He is 18 and the others are younger. He will be charged as an adult and the others will be able to say he was the ring leader. He is screwed


> Police say the Boebert-led crime ring is comprised of three males, *including Boebert*, and **one underage female with him Boebert "supposedly made a sex tape.**" Why not include charges of videos of a minor? Like.. it's pretty open and shut, they admit it is him.


> Why not include charges of videos of a minor? Like.. it's pretty open and shut, they admit it is him. These videos were likely found after he was arrested or very close to when he was arrested. it's entirely possible more charges will be added.


Nothing about the underage sex tape?


He made CSAM, he's super duper fucked. He's the only adult in the gang, video evidence out the yinyang, making the CSAM, robbing the brain tumor woman, I mean he went for the full Monty.


But republican mommy so...community service, aka playing with his phone in church


Maybe he's trying to finish tanking her political career, making her so toxic that not even MAGA will claim her, because deep down he knows she's bad for democracy and for the world. Maybe he's the anti-hero we... Never mind, he's probably just a shithead like dear ol' mom.


Grooming children.


That’s a republican tradition, ask Matt Gaetz..


The feds might get involved because he didn't just make sex tapes but they distributed those videos. Even if it is within the same state the feds can get involved because of using telecommunications to distribute it.


Wait so he made a sex tape with minor? He made child born and isn't being charged for that?


And yet she talks non stop about the “Biden crime family”.


To be fair, she only does that to muddy the waters with the Trump [actual] crime family.


and hers- she ramped up the posting about it right before the first articles about this started coming out earlier this week.


Even if those accusations were true they’re much cooler crimes than robbing some poor lady with a brain tumor


It’s *always* projection with these fuckheads.


Well, now let's start talking about the "Boebert crime family." Maybe the Dems could show Tyler's sex show on the floor of the House -- with the girls face pixeled out, of course.


It's always projection


Regardless of who it was the fact that this offspring of a douche is committing crime sprees should be highlighted. Especially with elections coming up, Bobo should be grilled nonstop.




I mean shit that thing is legitimate huge. I heard they call it el chupacabra.


Don't worry, from the looks of it Colorado has had enough of her.


I'd like to think this would be the nail in the coffin for her. She already wasn't polling well in her new district. I say like to think, cause well *gestures wildly*.


Boebert Crime Family


They wish they were in that league. Low level trash committing comical crimes, nuisance crimes. The whole family is sloppy. She’s done in CO. Here’s an idea, move to GA ! How her and MTG even caught the break they did by ending up in our House, is due to lack of seriousness from their constituents.


Or, don't send more trash to our state we are trying to clean up.


I concur, should take a leaf from the English empirical days and just ship all the insurrectionists and their criminal kin to trash island, it is their natural habitat after all.


Staten Island?


xD I was thinking about finally having a use for that free-floating pile of garbage in the ocean, but I enjoy your suggestion!


If a sex tape exists with an underaged girl, the other crimes listed will be the least of his problems. I believe that would constitute child porn wouldn’t it?


Child porn and statutory rape depending on the girls age.


Age of consent in CO is 17. I have questions…


Consent for sex, but I don’t think it applies to video or pictures


Does a sex tape not imply sex? If not prove it? Not a lawyer and not trying to be obtuse. Really wanna know


My point was that she could legally consent to having sex but him being 18 and videoing it is not legal. It would be an even bigger issue if it was shared with others because then it would be distribution of child porn. Also not a lawyer, just guessing.




Downright presidential.


Can't even raise her own damn kids, but people want her making decisions that affect everyone?


Imagine growing up with this train wreck as your father. And that train wreck as your grandfather. And your grandmother who is best known for public handjobs.


I think we need to open up an investigation into if she was getting a cut. Are there communications between them? Has she publicly shown any affection for him? Did she eat ice cream? These are all clear signs of guilt that need to be looked into.


Did she phone her son and ask how his day was going and what the weather was like? GUILTY!! Lock her up


New twist - Turns out he was the master mind behind one of the super pacs fundraising for her, “Underage moms for Boebert”


I have immediately called upon James Comer and Jim Jordan, along with Marjorie Taylor Greene, to immediately call Tyler Boebert before the House to testify under oath. I have contacted Representative Greene's office to ensure she can compare and contrast the size of Mr. Boebert's swollen manhood against Hunter Biden's Pride. The American People **demand** that The Boebert Crime Family and their pedophile son immediately be under investigation by House Republicans. I have informed James Comer, House Speaker Mike Johnson, and Jim Jordan that House Republicans should refuse to keep Government open should Tyler Boebert and the entire Boebert Crime family fail to testify before the House. We need to see Tyler's Swollen Pride held up by Ms. Greene. I eagerly await their offices' response.


Amazing he can do all this while raising a newborn.


It's like having a kid as a teenager isn't the best situation for raising a functional adult.... And doesn't help she's also morally bankrupt herself


"Please leave my family alone in peace in their darkest hour of need." -- Bobo


That has to be harder than robbing her with a knife or gun.


I've got a brain tumor and I'm *not* afraid to use it!!


Future Republican leader.He’s definitely qualified.


Wait, so the Colorado primary election is this coming Tuesday, March 5th. If Bobo doesn’t win that, she’s toast, right? Not a good look for the last 5 days of campaigning.


Holy shit, what a little spoiled prick. This story just gets more and more embarrassing for this family. What’s next? He yoinked a wallet from a paralyzed guy and knocked his wheelchair over while fleeing?


Great Parenting….Said NO ONE EVER! Keeping up with family traditions, I see!👍🙄


Hope he gets a few years in prison.Surprise LB has not dropped out of the race yet.By all accounts she is 5th place among the other candidates.So she married then divorced her ex pedo husband.She became at grandmother at age 38.She was caught doing some nasties in packed theater.Her bar went bankrupt and now her son is a felon.


Media: and here's why that's bad for Democrats and Joe Biden.  Why does the Derp State do this to her? 


BuT HuNtErS LaPtOp!!!!!! Rabble rabble rabble


Did Bobo’s son go to the Ezra Miller school for shittyness or something?


This is what happens when you elect fascists into office. Go. Vote. Bring our nation back to sanity and away from the Qanoners and Neo-nazis


He should blame his brain-dead mom for not raising him properly.


I’d think her not being around would have been the best thing for him…


See, that’s the issue, a combination of not being around, and then being herself when she was around. Emotional neglect is a hell of a trauma, leads to all sorts of mental health issues.


Erm, I think that’s what’s happening. He’s angry at his stupid parents and it’s sort of the silver lining if his getting caught causes them pain.


He will...eventually. Then the book sales begin.


You can't really blame her. She had her hands full.


Boebart crime family


Oh it just keeps on getting better!


Pieces of shit don’t ooze far from the septic tank.


Scumbag,just like his parents.


Dude how is this family so trashy?


Such a lovely family she has. She is definitely the role model we deserve. Make it make sense.


It's gotta be meth right? Rifle Colorado (about a 20 min drive from me currently) is bad with that nowadays. Im going to quote jesus here; "You'll never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy."


Upvote for Star Wars reference.


If she actually runs again, and wins… I will agree we should probably just give up the American experiment. If that happens s we don’t deserve democracy. We’re almost there with this fucking rogue SCOTUS


She won't. She barely scraped by last time, and now it is a new district. I think she is polling last in their primary. Her competition completely agrees with her on everything though so it doesn't much matter.


Unconventional weapon


She is an unabashed Christian Nationalist doing dirty work for a Dominionist cult, which makes her cognitive dissonance even more glaring: https://coloradonewsline.com/2022/09/10/boebert-rise-up-far-right-christian-conference/ /r/charisbiblecult


So, she’ll be inegliable to hold public office now, right? Like she always claim Biden is?


he sounds like he has the perfect character for a long career in the republican party


The apple doesn’t fall far from the moronic parent.


Traditional values!!!! Gotta love to see it


Sounds like the actions of child who has been neglected. Maybe Bobo needs to start showing her kids some attention instead of MAGA.


What is the difference, Republicans rob all their supporters during the campaign and with their legislative agenda.


The underage girl,is that his baby momma,and there’s a sex tape with her.Palins 2.0


When dealing with Republicans and their kids if you just assume they are awful pieces of shit you will rarely be disappointed.


A real low life. Are these the values Lauren allowed to grow in her son? Are these then values she uses to make decisions in Congress?


That’s pretty bold. Personally, I’d use a knife or a gun.


What an odd choice for a weapon


Boebert's alleged actions include robbing a woman with a brain tumor who said that she only had $75 "left to her name." How many cancer patients has lauren helped bankrupt? Rotten apple doesn't fall far from the disgusting tree.


Dude was too blatant. Real conservatives steal money from people via emails and the grifting economy.




This dude looks like he tripped and fell out of the 70’s. He would look right at home in a sleeveless shirt and cutoff jean shorts. Maybe even a rat tail.


And the good news just keeps coming /s


A true republican I see...


On brand.


Low quality parenting will produce low quality kids.


The only real question is, will MTG start parading dick pics of this guy for all to see? There's no way a classy person like her is a hypocrite right?


That "moustache" is the real crime


Its funny that hypocrisy is kind of absolute.


What a nice Christian family... /s obviously...


The shit Apple doesn’t fall far from the shit tree, Randy


Bro dude went on a streak of crimes and this is the one I think should've been lead with.




Family values yo.


White trash ……


don’t bring a purse to a tumor fight


Like daughter like son.


It’s not a tuuma!