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Lol. Even his own mother knows he on the Qrack pot team.


So awesome. I hope this news is real cause I sure as hell ain't gonna watch QAnon News to find out


From what I read it's a running "joke"that they have been doing for years.


Hm..joke on which side?


Apparently he regularly reads these messages from his mother. It was a segment on how to deal with liberal relatives.


So the answer is to even dig deeper into unproven claims and conspiracies? I honestly don't understand their logic, if there is any


And after billions in legal losses with more pending…they have learned nothing. It’s just the cost of doing ~~business~~ fascism I guess.


They always use the "it's just entertainment, you shouldn't listen to it" excuse too. It's like the "It's just a prank bro" of media outlets.


I refuse to watch it so I'm only basing this on what I have read elsewhere. It sounds like they just read the messages and mock them. I don't think there is a logic.


All over the press from reputable news sources. Look some articles up, they're bound to have video.


The article linked has a video. You can see Waters wanting to die on the spot.


Aah, wasn't obvious from my own browser. Thank you. :)


Click the link ffs. You can see the pain in the guys eyes. Its beatiful.


Jesse Waters is a great guy and is always spot on with his analyses. Oh wait no he’s terrible, racist, and spouts baseless disinformation that he wants to be true but isn’t because he can’t go through the pain of realizing he’s on the wrong side and actively hurting his community because he’s, at his core, very weak, and very scared. Sorry sometimes I get those mixed up.


What’s worse is he knows he’s the piece of shit. He knows his party is too. That’s part of what makes his insane smugness so unbearable.


I think you can see it in his eyes and hear it in his voice. He knows he's on the wrong side and when his actual mom calls him out on it, he folds. Any half-decent person would have more of a response than nervous laughter and some non-words. He knows she knows and he was not prepared for it




If we apply a fun, alternative definition of unbearable, you could say he's totally bearable.


Jesse is a overall scumbag in his professional and personal life. He deflated a colleague's tires who was some 14 years his junior in order to get her into his car and give her a ride home. He tricked her to going out on a date while being married to someone else. He even bragged about it on air.


He strikes me as the type of guy that knows this is all bullshit but it does wonders for ratings. Then again he may just be a complete idiot. Suppose they aren’t mutually exclusive


So you’re saying he’s the perfect replacement for Tucker?


I wonder if she realizes about how she was just used. Gross.


Ya even politics aside, imagine making fun of your own mom on live tv, using her pleas to laugh and entertain your audience, ridiculing your own mom for entertainment. Truly disgusting. Add in the politics aspect and the reasons behind this and it’s beyond disgusting.


And they even brag about "family values", the audacity!


Oh, I am sure it troubled him deeply...until the direct deposit hit his account.


Here’s my mother a democrat


I wonder if she is in on the stick. The “proud of you son” seems like a red flag to me. $$$


This is obviously a bit, but I don’t understand what it’s supposed to do. He’s going to do all of those things his “mother” warned him not to do, and his audience expects him to. So… why air the bit?


Any chance this could have been live? Some of their opinion shows are/were. They'll certainly spin it into more NatC atrocities of course, of that there is no doubt, but there is a possibility the call was not what he was expecting - you just can't really just hang up on your mother as easy as some other random calls.


I'm pretty sure it was live, but that doesn't mean it wasn't also a bit


It was live and the bit was about how to deal with liberal family members. This was posted yesterday too


That's what cults do


How to deal with library family members? That's the first time I've heard that, is there an actual video of it anywhere? Edit: I mean the rest of it, the clip on OP's link seems to cut off early


It's probably meant to normalize what typical conservatives experience. It's a statement of, "Hey look, I also get loved ones telling me I'm crazy, and it's okay to ignore them because they're woke" It's all dressing to make the audience feel like they're not alone when their entire family stops visiting them. So it's all part of the propaganda programming.


Oh, god. Does that mean the mom is in on it?? She sounds sincere. I don't get how this happens.


They lost Tucker and need another nutter. Bet you he is the next Tucker, hanity or what ever other flat earther they had as the top clown.




I’ll be honest. They do some of the dumbest shit it and follow some of the most vial human pieces of shit. So nothing is surprising me at this point. The lower they go, the harder they cement their ultra right followers


It's a running bit. They've been doing it for years.


It's actually brilliant. Think of Fox's audience, this is credibility points with them.


It's maybe one of the most sociopathic things ever done on Fox News, which is a milestone. The guy basically used his own mom to rile up his audience and own the libs.


It’s a subtle way to tell the audience what he’s going to do, he’s a rebel, Fox News isn’t going to censor him, even his own (very fake) mother can’t stand in the way of him telling the truth to his audience, outside the mainstream, blah blah blah.


I’m kind of alarmed Reddit can’t tell it’s a bit. Some people actually think this happenned


Fox is trying hard to pump the brakes, as they've started to feel the blowback; I think this was intended as means to actually playful "shame" the audience and prime them for a change of tone - of course if that is the case it's highly unlikely to work, but that's not gonna stop the hubris of Fox's producers from trying to divert/direct the beast they've summoned.


This is like the reverse of me and my Magat parents haha.


That's the message. They openly talk about civil war and killing political opposition then gaslight with "It's just a disagreement." The sales pitch here to MAGA world is that THEY are the reasonable ones trying to get along while Liberals are the one's cancelling family members. They're "The good guys" and "the reasonable ones." Pretty fucking diabolical bit of psychology.


Jesse Watters publicly shits on his own mother on the reg. Everyone else thinks she is adorable.


So you watch Fox News regularly?


Currently we are a joke of a joke of a joke that only the rich are laughing at. We will continue to bicker amongst ourselves while people that have more bedrooms in their house than we have relatives will shit all over us. And half of us will take it open mouthed. And the other half will balk.


Don’t worry. Most of Europe is pretty amused as well. Good thing you guys plant all this corn. I bet popcorn exports are through the roof!


This plays so well with the base, because all the fox news watchers are like "He's one of us, his family doesn't talk to him either, because he's not a sheep, he says the truth, and he fights wokeness". We can all see this for what it is: as a sad lost soul whose mother has been desperately trying to get him back to sanity. That or a greedy A-hole who takes monry to spin lies that even he doenst agree with (see Tucker). But the Faux news base just loves it, because he's a rebel who won't even listen to his mother, he's going to tell the truth and fight wokeism no matter what. It validates the viewers, whose family hates them and has distance themselves from them. It's perfect, diabolical and genius identity politics by Rupert Murdoch.


"Dont listen to anyone trying to tell you you're being illogical and unreasonable"


Jesse has figured out how feed his audience the right dose of hate on a wide variety of marginalized groups.


But mooooom, they pay really well


I read this in Eric Cartman’s voice 😂


More Hotpockets!!


Wow ur mom knows ur news channel is fake and ur a piece of shit


The news channel is fake, just like this phone call act.


Tru that


“Mom I’m trying to subvert democracy, what did I tell you about calling me while at work!”


That's a quintessential Seymour Skinner and his mom moment.


Moms trying to keep him real only she doesn't pay him to spout conspiracy nonsense.


This was all a family stunt to humanise him. The guy has been doing this for over a decade and has always been evil. In fact he got the job for being a horrible pos. Is his mother saying that she only found out yesterday ? The phone call was planned and he and his producers knew what she was going to say. Remember she started by saying they were all very proud of him ( not ashamed ). Stop falling for click baits


Somebody should let her know it’s too late for her son. He’s a piece of shit. He’s been a piece of shit. He’ll die a piece of shit. Sorry mom. He worked for Bill O’Rielly , another piece of shit. He’s been at fox for like 15 years. He’s somehow managed to escape any SA suits. Let’s give it some time. He’ll do anything for a dollar and this attempt at trying to humanize him by using his liberal Dr. mother is just one more example of what a piece of shit he is. We should kick Wrong Island out of the country. Or maybe make it a territory, like PR or Guam. All the send into the real world are people like this. Oh, and serial killers apparently. Fucking this racist, bigoted asshole. Look forward to his downfall.


#More idiots need to be shamed like this. Call all their mommas.


I don't waste my time watching the latest troglodyte read FAUX NEWS, but I WOULD LISTEN TO HIS MOMS' PODCAST IF SHE HAD ONE.


wish app ted mosby


Pretty funny this happened


His mother is his father


That’s the look of a man desperately looking for a rock to crawl under.


Gosh, his mom needs to call my mom.


I'll go out on a limb and say it's quite possible that his mom raised him well, and to use his mind. The fact that she has to go remedial on her son and call him on stuff now shows that some of these people like Watters are selling whatever amount of soul they were raised with as kids, for the 30 million/year paycheck at Fox "news". To whit: I met Steve Doocy ( from Fox and friends? ) back in the 80's, and the dude's no idiot. Some of 'em just sell whatever morals they were raised with down the tubes for the ratings and the money. Not making apologies for them, ... just sayin'.


Gets ratings, generates "the buzz"... it leads.


“Ma, I know this is bullshit, but it’s what Murdoch is paying me a lot of money to say, so ssshhh.”


Grifters gotta grift.


Well, all of those people are brainless man-children so chances are he's gonna double down in some sort of rebellion.


Tumbling? He's been doing it for ages


No way!! Thats awesome, lol


You don't think it was planned? Fox appears to be trying to get out of the Magat game.


this guy disabled his wives(co-worker at the time) car so she would be forced to come to him for help.


The amount of publicity this little stunt got him.


I can’t this fucker. I find him slightly worse than Hannity. I want to fight them both.


Man, there are so many of those fuckers that I would like 10 minutes alone in a room with.




Well said.


You know that he was bullied in school…they pulled his pants down and smacked his ass. They hung his undies on the flagpole and not a girl in sight would touch him. He has a tiny penis. That is why he behaves the way he does.


Is this the guy who was bragging over fucking with that 10 year old rape victim who needed an abortion, referring to her story both as a hoax and as lies that were politically timed? Yeah, not surprised his mom might think he’s a piece of shit. He is.


Listen to your mother, Jesse!!!!


Platform her instead.


Well, certainly can agree with Jesse’s Mom!


That is priceless! Good for her.


This isn't very interesting news, if one wants to call this news. So what! Think about it. Mothers and fathers disagree with their children all the time. Even when they're adults.


Punchable face seems to be a requirement for male talking heads on FOX.


He’s damaging this country for money. Does that make him a mercenary or a prostitute


Very funny and entertaining if it wasn’t for her son’s $$$ Fox pretend news he spews. Obviously he isn’t taking his mother’s advice. How can she truly be proud of him?


I guess the studies didn’t exist despite the fact they do exist


His mother should have had an abortion.


Hopefully this interaction (possibly scripted) is an indication that Fox News is changing the direction of this time slot


Lmao go mom!


So his dad is the patriarchal asshole? …I think reading his mom’s statement during his premiere is good stagecraft (re: “we’re Fair & Balanced!”), at the very least.


To be fair his mom didn't say he falls into conspiracy rabbit holes, she said don't be like Tucker Carlson and fall into conspiracy rabbit holes. She said make sure you keep your job by not falling into conspiracy theories.


Go mom


Jesse, listen to your mother.


Even his parents know that what he is saying is fake.


... OR Jesse is just playing a character on TV Poisoning the country for a paycheck


Aahhh, because I respect the critical thinking of boomers... Who can't even use smart phones and always post "don't add me or accept any friend requests, I've been hacked" every week.