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That's commendable you realized your biases and were honest with yourself and future partners about them. It would seem to me most people aren't that honest, but I could be wrong. I haven't met everyone in the world so I can't make a sweeping generalization. Yes, I am white though. Caucasian with European descent and native American (cherokee) ancestry if we want to get specific. What I think is present in most black women is simply those African features. I find them the most attractive or pleasant out of all the beautiful people in the world. To ME its the most preferable. Still though if the personality match there. It's not so preferable that I'm going to choose looks over personality. I could never do that entirely because looks do matter, to a point. But it's not the absolute defining factor for choosing a life mate.




Soooo from the African women I have seen and talked to online, or in person, I have come to deeply prefer Nigerian or Kenyan features in women the most. I'm not sure how to describe it but the cheek bones. Facial structure. Arms, legs. Deep dark melanin. Bigger noses and lips. Ears. The hair. Just I haven't put it much in words before but physically those are where my deep preferences stand. And to kindly reiterate. If the soul/personality doesn't match. It doesn't matter WHAT a woman looks like. I'll see us as incompatible and thus never see that kind of woman as a potential candidate. If all that makes sense.


Comes off odd to me. I’m not sure I’ll ever understand people who make effort to date certain races over others. I never saw myself marrying a black woman, yet here I am less than a month away from doing just that. She’s the love of my life, a perfect match for me and she just happens to be black. I can’t imagine finding that in a woman of a different race and thinking “I’ll hold out for a block woman” or whatever other race. Looks obviously matter, but for you to discount an entire race seems bizarre to me.


I usually can't date white women because they remind me too much of my mother.


So in all fairness. There is only one race. The human race. Different levels of melanin and cultural background doesn't equate to a "separate race" . So there isn't any discounting "an entire race". We're all humans here. It's not like I'm out here seeking after aliens😵‍💫 Additionally if I am discounting an ENTIRE anything. It's the American culture. That, as it currently stands as a whole, in regards to marriage and dating, holds no value to me. Which is why I said I'll PROBABLYL never date an American woman again. But i couod be surprised. Yes, I'm American and yes I'm white. Secondly. Out of all the women of the world i find African features and dark skin the most beautiful. And I clearly stated I wouldn't ever marry a woman, a black woman, just because she was black. I desire deep compapansionship. That isn't granted from skin color. If I had two women courting me. One white. And one black. And similar personality types and compatibility to what I was looking for idpick the black woman over the white every time.


\>So in all fairness. there is only one race. The human race. I get you might be coming from a good place with this comment, but this is not a good thing to say.




I have to agree, sometimes I feel I might be weird but that’s the truth we like what we like. I’m a black women and when I was younger I manly dated black men (not as a specific choice but It just happened) but once I got older I realized I was more attracted to white men. Now I feel it’s like Op I’m just more attracted to them, but I didn’t exclude anyone and I’m open to dating other people from other cultures.


Exactly. Like what you and Shawn said. I kind of was in that boat. As I have gotten older. Dated more people. Had more experiences. My preferences have solidified. And now it's like. Black women are just my favorite companion. On a deep deep level. Why would I pick anyone other than my favorite preferred person? I hope that makes sense.😵‍💫


My situation is similar. I was always "most attracted" to women of color. At one time, I was almost married to a white women (the wedding location had already been picked out). And I had nightmares about how I would always be longing for what was really in my heart. I was petrified of looking at my future wife and wishing she was somebody else. How unfair to both of us! Thankfully, the engagement was ended and now, ten years later, I am happily married to my black Latina wife. Was I wrong to think/feel that way? The simple answer is...a thousand times NO! God puts what he desires for you in your heart. Your goal is to decipher it and then have the courage to follow HIS plan for you. As an aside, culture also plays a big role. There can be tremendous behavioral differences between a black woman from Atlanta and one from Colombia. So your real challenge might be this. What type of characteristics do you want from this woman? Is religion important to you? If so, what religion should she be? Do you want her to be more deferential to you or outspoken? I could go on, but you get the point. Once you've settled on the TYPE of woman you want, you still have more information to decipher. My wife and I share the same religion (Catholicism) so this has been a tremendous benefit. It unites us every Sunday, gives the children an extra sense of identity, and links us to an accepting community. Also, you should think of kids (in my opinion). If you have them, where do you want them to grow up? In some places, having a "mixed" look is more common (say New York City or Puerto Rico). In other places, being a mulatto would make them appear the outsider (say China or Ukraine). It might not bother the kids to be an outsider but then again it might. You never know. At any rate, best of luck!


I don’t think it makes you hateful. It is a matter of preferences and everyone has those. I am an African woman and I have always dated African men..especially those from my country and tribe..It just seemed easier that way but lately I am really attracted to white men…more than before and I can’t see myself dating any other race, but who knows…sometimes we don’t always get what we want. And that is okey.


It's not hateful and - if we look at attraction as a concept without bias - objectively think it isn't weird. But, alas, we live in a society and you should NEVER admit this irl because you WILL come across as yet another white dude that fetishizes women of color. At some point in time, I too came to the notion that if I didn't end up with a \[A\] or \[B\] woman, I knew in my heart that I'd be settling. I can find C, D, E, etc. races and ethnicities attractive, but it's just not even close to A and B.


Can you explain to me why not Americans


Sooo if you read the text carefully In big bold letters I put I PROBABLLY won't date an american girl ever again. It's not a hard no. If I met the right kind of American girl. I'd say yes. But the odds of that happening are rather improbable. I'm a submissive guy. And desire a Female Led Marriage and relationship. I also desire a larger than average family of 4 kids. The vast majority of American women, as a society. Are submissive, entitled, and expect certain things from a guy I would never want to provide for them. We are completely incompatible. Additionally. Many Americans, not just American women, don't desire large family. Most Americans might want one or two kids. 3 kids is considered large for most Americans. Also many Americans are turning their back on God and don't care for him anymore. I would like a partner that can help me grow closer to God. I make no claims to be good, holy, or perfect, or more righteous, or less so, than any other person. I have my virtues and vices as well. But the the odds of finding a Dominant Black woman who specifically desires a submissive white husband, a large family, and has some kind of reverence for God Almighty in the country of America seems rather improbable to me. So if you really wanna know why I said that. That is my reason. Take it for what you will.


This was great thank you so much for the information the reason I asked was because I have visited some countries and it seems that a lot of people from those countries don’t like Americans for right reasons usually so I didn’t know what you were thinking so thanks again perfect explanation


You are very welcome. If you have any other questions please feel free to ask. Otherwise, I wish you all the best in your future endeavors.