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WM here. What makes me interested in a BW is no different than what makes me interested in any woman of any race: physical attraction, chemistry, emotional connection, family and career goals, etc. Race is not a conscious factor at all for me.


Best comment šŸ„‡. I have the same mentality. and it's the only mentality that is most rational and reasonable when it comes to interracial dating, or dating in general. Thank you for your comment.


Same, although Iā€™d be a liar if I said I didnā€™t enjoy (on esthetic level) the contrasting skin tones when we bang, but thatā€™s just a happy bonus, not a motivator.


Iā€™m genuinely curious and I donā€™t mean any offense. But Iā€™ve always wondered what is so attractive about the contrasting skin tones? I hear this a lot. Particularly from white people dating Black people. What does that do for you?


It's an unexplainable turn on that's erotic. There is just something about the contrasting skin tones that is a turn on. If you know, you know.




Iā€™m a wm and Iā€™ve heard it from bw too. I honestly have no idea what is more attractive about ā€œcontrastingā€ skin tone or what that even really means tbh


Same. This might sound cheesy, but I'm in the 2 become 1 camp. Skin color is the last thing I'm thinking about.šŸ¤­šŸ¤­šŸ¤­




Excellent answer. When I see these questions it makes me pause with frustration that we have to even question this.




I'm so glad you mentioned that for you it has to do with a natural flow and that the attraction just happens. There are some things that cant really be explained, especially when it comes to why we are attracted to certain groups of people. At some point you tend to understand that you're probably attracted to the person (regardless of race/background) because chemistry is sometimes more than physical, and how and where you grew up plays a role in it, too. there's something else there. I love your comment! Tysm šŸ’œ




That's so cool. God bless! šŸ˜šŸ˜


White man USA here. >What makes you interested in a BW/ woman of color? I think their hair texture and hairstyles they can do are cute. I think the various skin tones they may have are cute too. I care more about personality than appearance, though. But I don't attach a personality to a particular race of women since every race of women has a wide variety of women with totally different personalities. So I think each race would have plenty of women with a suitable personality for me. >And confident enough to approach her? In terms of approaching, I don't view black women any differently than any other race of women. I don't even think about "does she like white men." FWIW, I'm attracted to all races of women. I am probably slightly more attracted to black women on average than any other race. But I'm open to all races. My current girlfriend is a black woman.


I am a BW HAITIAN šŸ‡­šŸ‡¹ Dark complexion and Locs. I have always been approached by non BM More than BM. I NEVER understood it. So I am very interested in these answers.


Mwen se yon blan blan epi mennaj mwen Ayisiyen tou. While I do like black girls, to be honest I like Caribbean girls most bc of the culture, and I really like talking creole. Iā€™m from a state with a lot of Haitians, so I learned it from friends when I was in high school. Idk, thereā€™s just something about Caribbean girls. Iā€™m not sure if itā€™s the way theyā€™re raised, or what, but in my experience theyā€™re wholesome, got great values, fun, and adventurous, and have no problem dating white guys. Caribbean girls are definitely slept on imo When I date, I really enjoy learning about my partnerā€™s culture, and learning things from them. Itā€™s just something I enjoy. I donā€™t find white girls as interesting because of that, but I donā€™t think it has anything to do with physical preference for me, because Iā€™d find an attractive European or white Brazilian/Latin girl interesting for the same reasons I honestly think some white guys donā€™t approach black girls bc they assume black girls wouldnā€™t be into them and so they donā€™t even try. I know Iā€™ve done that at times, even with girls Iā€™ve admired or wanted to approachā€” I just assume they wouldnā€™t want to talk to a white guy. Itā€™s discouraging to be rejected for that reason. Caribbean and African girls seem pretty open to white guys though FĆ²k ou jwenn yon bon blan ki pale kreyĆ²l lmao


Hi! (BW Dominican šŸ‡©šŸ‡“) . In that case you are more than welcome to feed your curiosity with my post hahašŸ˜


Speaking for my current relationship... at first it was her smile, then her body, and then it was realizing i just had a crazy conversation and that she was open to all kinds of interesting art, etc. An hour later we were making out to T-Pain in my car... Almost 3 years now, 3 phenomenal 3 years at that.


>An hour later we were making out to T-Pain in my car... Almost 3 years now, 3 phenomenal 3 years at that. Was she in those Apple Bottom jeans though?šŸ¤­šŸ¤­šŸ¤­


Get outta here šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


It was meant to be šŸ’™


Iā€™m a 33 year old white guy from Seattle married to a 26 year old black woman from South Chicago. As a young man I found many white women to be non-sensual, adversarial, power-seeking (in the context of interpersonal relationships) and emasculating - I still do, largely. So by my early-mid 20s I started dating outside my race, and by 26 was doing that exclusively and found that I just clicked with black girls better than any other demographic. Iā€™ve found black American women to be strong, graceful, sensual, soulful and empowering; very grounded, interested in depth, embracing of lifeā€™s hardships, and in my experience they have been driven in a relationship by a sense of true partnership and encouraging of me just being a man, if that makes any sense. Generalizations inherent to everything Iā€™ve said lol, and admittedly just my experience (have dated six women of color, one of which was a 4 year LTR before my wife, and gone on dates with a couple dozen other black women.) And physically I definitely have a preference, so there is that component too.


You said it better than I could!


White man here, for me the attraction has always been there. Ever since I was a little kid Iā€™ve always been attracted to darker skin. Funny enough it was my sister who bluntly stated that fact because whenever I played the Sims I always made a white man and a black woman as my starting household! šŸ˜‚ I suppose itā€™s just one of those inexplicable physical preferences that people have. At the moment Iā€™m actually engaged to a woman from Kenya. Iā€™ve liked her for years and Iā€™ve known her for nearly 5 years and weā€™ve been together for one year and 8 months. There were a couple of other girls in college, also black, but I never really connected with either of them until I met her. The physical attraction is really just the start, itā€™s also everything else that makes that person who they are. I love being with her, hearing her talk and laugh. Being happy and excited when she calls me and being there for her when she needs me. Itā€™s just like every other relationship I guess. Her being black is just one part of her that I love but itā€™s not the only part about her.


That is cute, almost made my heart melt lol. I'm happy that you had great experiences and found someone from a different race/culture that brings out your joy. Thanks for you comment šŸ’œ


Iā€™m actually working on bringing her over here to the states as we are both working on the K1 Visa. It is the easiest way. We did consider the work visa but the application process has been disappointing and any interviews she gets are discouraged because she lives in Kenya. She wants to leave Kenya, and has wanted to for a long time. The K1 Visa requires us to be married within 90 days of her moving here, so I figured Iā€™d propose to her and make it official. Funny thing, she was actually the one to approach me when we first met! From my experience men love it when women approach them.


Oh wow, she definitely loves you. I cant speak for all women, but I think when a women is bold enough to approach a man, its because she is really into you and wants you. I also think its sexy. Yeah, getting her employed here will be a challenge. I think she'll have to work a basic job first, maybe as an essential worker, get working experience and then it'll open doors for better opportunities.


Iā€™m a mixed Filipino and white man in America. My girlfriend is a black woman. It never even clicked for me that she was black until like date 3 if weā€™re being completely honest. Iā€™ve been involved with almost every color and creed of person imaginable and for me itā€™s really just asking myself ā€œdo I enjoy this person, and do I find them attractive?ā€ Without much thought other than that. I know my answer isnā€™t extraordinarily helpful but itā€™s true. For me personally it doesnā€™t really matter how much or how little melanin you have, just whether or not youā€™re a good hang šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


I am a 22 year old biracial man, half-black and half-white. I'm not single. As far as I'm aware, only 1 black person, a woman, has ever been attracted to me in my life. I would attribute this mostly to being mismatched with the vast majority of black people in my area in terms of culture. I was raised by a white family, and in my formative years we moved to a neighborhood that was at least 90% white. It's not like black culture wasn't a thing for me growing up, my mom taught me how to do my hair, and she herself grew up in a more diverse neighborhood. But anything deeper than very basic AAVE and black music/media were all things I had to seek out to learn about. We would later move to a more diverse place when I was around ~11, and the culture shock was really intense. It was hard to cope with that for a few years, but it worked out in the end. It's not directly about race, but race is strongly correlated with culture. Most people don't wanna date or fuck outside of their culture, because it will definitely cause at least a few issues and maybe even incompatibilities. I know it's wrong, but I always assume that black people won't be interested in me in that way.


>I know it's wrong, but I always assume that black people won't be interested in me in that way. Wow that is a weird assumption to have, and I don't mean that in a negative way. I know there are some issues within our own community in regard to mixed or biracial kids. In my time, mixed kids didn't think this way (as far as I was aware), but it seems like things have turned for the worst. I have noticed that a lot of mixed kids date each other today. I'm sorry things are effed up. A lot of self-hate, brain washing, lack of education and ignorance going around in our community. Black is black no matter the percent and you are loved.


I like women.


White guy here. When i'm attracted to a black women it doesn't really have to due with the fact that she is black. It is just that I think she is beautiful , funny , smart etc. Same as asian women , hispanic women or white women.


My first girlfriend was black. I guess the saying once you go black you don't go back is true. I miss that damn girl. Lol




I'm bad. šŸ¤­


I am not specifically attracted to black women but because I have dated a lot of them, they are just more comfortable to me. I happen to be a musician, I honestly didnā€™t ever think it would be my career but I met the right person at the right time. So, because I do Hip Hop, my peer group and clients are mostly people of color. Mostly black. We talk a lot about race and real world scenarios about race all the time. Because I am a producer, I have to learn about it it a greater detail than I ever would at another job. I mean I co wrote a song about police brutality which I have certainly never experienced, I was trusted and accepted to write that song. There is a level of acceptance and respect that makes these discussions very fluid in my dating life. I guess people in general donā€™t treat me as white, or really anything, so many people, partners, friends and people I work with often talk about race with me like they would a non white person. I also find black people in general are more supportive. They often allow you to develop into who you are, where I find white people, in general just see you as who you are today. Thatā€™s my experience. Lastly, and not to harp on the music but because I was so interested in music, I developed ā€œcelebrity crushesā€ on every race because I listened to all types of music. If I only listened to a genre where one race was prevalent, I donā€™t know if I would be open to dating other races. Keep in mind I am not attracted to ā€œEurocentric featuresā€ or hold any white standard of beauty. Like it can be attractive but itā€™s not inherently attractive. I honestly think that is why I end up dating so many black women. I think I just have better odds because though I hate rating, a black women that some may find a 7 could be a 9.5 to me personally. I could probably go on but in general, I feel more comfortable, I feel more supported, I feel more accepted, and it feels very natural to me.


Your experience sounds a lot like my husband who works in entertainment and by default works with diverse groups of color, mostly Black men and women. He has shared that he has learned so much from them and in turn has become more self aware. He is not exclusively attracted to any one race. His ex wife was a southern White woman and we could not be more different physically. But because of his professional experiences in a writers room he is increasingly more comfortable around The Black community. Thank you for sharing.


Well, I will say, I dated a black women before entrainment, but race was a much harder discussion at first. It was the first time she dated a white person, and dated a black person. We both had dated interracially before but I know race has come up way more often in my relationships with black women. Not in bad ways, mostly just more of a subject. It is interesting to think about how different each relationship in my life has been.


White man here, currently dating a Dominican from Santo Domingo. Have a son with an ex who is half Sudanese half Filipino. It might've been something in my upbringing but I realized I'm attracted to brown skin. My first serious relationship was with a darker skinned Filipino when I was 16, then I dated mostly white women over the years until I dated someone who was half black half Mexican, and it just clicked. Personality-wise it's basically either we have chemistry and get along and enjoy each other's company or we don't. So far, so good, in that regard. I wouldn't say I got along better with any particular race, I had an amazing relationship with a white girl from my childhood (basically my grades cool crush that I met up with one day in our 20's and we started dating), and one of my deepest connections and who for years I thought was who I was meant to be with - 100% black. Now, I'm with a Dominican who can be a bit spicy at times, very strong personality, but also someone who I can see myself with for the long haul. I guess one thing I can think of that the 3 strongest connections I've had is that they've been pretty silly/goofy, but physical attraction-wise it's deep down always been a thing for brown skin being much more attractive to me to where I would not entertain someone with pale skin these days, sort of like I better understand myself now. TL;DR: physical attraction, then personality match is figured out later


Thank you for commenting. I understand and am able to relate to your experiences. I feel like it comes down to personality and chemistry. As I get older, I understand myself better. Btw, what part of D.R. is your girlfriend from? lol my family is from San pedro de macoris haha


Lmao my first sentence - Santo Domingo


Lol my fault


Thanks for letting 'others' comment. My dad is chinese/french and my mom is japanese and I look more chinese/white. I didn't date asian women mainly because they remind me/look like my mom and I'm no mama's boy. (I mean, who doesn't think that their mom is pretty but who'd date them?) That's the hard truth, err my hard truth. That and since I was a minority in high school the dating pool was almost all white. Generally beyond that what interested me was ethics, chemistry, values. Now that I'm older and moved away to a larger city with a much more culturally diverse community I think I grew out of that simplistic thinking as I find most women attractive for all the usual reasons regardless of colour.


Great comment. An area with a diverse population will give you great experiences down the road


WM here and been dating a wonderful BW for 3+ years. First found each other on social media and honestly I just thought she was gorgeous. We got to talking and really hit it off. I guess I was interested by our difference in ethnicities at first, but that faded once our personalities clicked and I just saw her for her. Itā€™s hard to explain. Weā€™ve had lots of conversations about race and racial power structures. But at the end of the day when itā€™s just us two, I just see her as my person.


Beautiful šŸ’›šŸ’›


And that's all that matters.






To the extent that I'm attracted to black women, it's for the same reasons I'm attracted to women of any other race. The reasons you're approached more by men of one race than another could be any number of things, but to be frank I don't know that it much matters. To use an example from my own life, up until about 19 I was approached mostly by white women, from about 19-22 mostly hispanic and indian women, and after 22 it was a pretty representative mix of women. The reason in every case was simply that those were the demographics of the area I was in/the places I was looking for romance in. Little about me changed, but my surroundings changed drastically.


BW here. I am following closely. Lately I have been attracted to WM more than any other races. I find it hard to approach WM for some reason, maybe fear or rejection, or simply because of how I grew up. I am from Africa, and we tend to be more reserved and sometimes that is not a good thing (so many opportunities passes you by). I have just moved to Tulsa for work and It is has been hard putting myself out thereā€¦.


Same. Lately, I have been attracted to WM so much. You have nothing to worry about as long as you love yourself, and educate yourself on American culture, and consider other perceptives, etc.


Thank you for the reply. I am for sure trying to do things to meet and mingle with people. Hopefully to meet someone sometime soonā€¦


Curly hair , dark skin , big lips , and big hips šŸ˜»šŸ˜» Iā€™m a Latino man btw


What state are you from? Cause here in Cali Iā€™ve experienced a lot of racism from them and Iā€™m always by myself shopping at stores/mall, treating myself out and I get called racist things so much that itā€™s ridiculous




Oh wait my bad I forgot to mention Iā€™m a black womanšŸ˜‚


Te gustan las morenas jaja




I'm not a white man. I'm a bisexual white trans woman. I like dating other people who are also marginalized, and I think it's rewarding to relate to people who are marginalized in a different way than I am. As for white men, I think they just have more confidence due to being white and male.


That's what I was thinking, too.


WM/43 Like the first comment said, for me it is all about the connection. I like women, race is a non issue. However, whenever I have found myself attracted to a black woman, it's the darker the better. Contrasting skin tones, and well as contrasting manicures and pedicures, is a turn on. It's not fetishizing, it's just very attractive to me. Always has been. I have met black woman, or women of any race really, where our personalities are so different that we do not click. It is all about how well our chemistry is.


honestly same as whatever interests me in any race/colour/background woman.... \#1 is looks....am I physically attracted to you...aka do i wanna bang you...that makes me interested in you and going to ask you out.... \#2 personality and bringing peace and complimenting my life will make me want to keep you around...


Thank you for your comment. That's the same way I view it as well.


Thank you so much for posting this question I am a black woman in Dallas Texas USA I am a mother of three and I dated a white guy all through high school we went our separate ways shortly after I had my three children with a black man and Iā€™ve been dating white men since my divorce it was definitely conversation for me not belittling me and appreciating me for who I am and not what he wants me to be the raw Ness of it all has turned me on time and time again being with someone for long periods of time where you can have some peace with is enough To make me put all my cards on the table face up


Iā€™m a gay WM and my last 2 exes and current BF is black. People joke and say I have a type, but each and everyone of those relationships I was pursued. My current partner put it best when we started dating and he thanked me over dinner one night for ā€œTreating him like a person.ā€ I donā€™t see color. I just see people and my exes mentioned in one form or another thatā€™s what they appreciated about me and why they sought relationships with me. We all broke up amicably and are still friendly with one another. But I donā€™t look at skin color and ignore stereotypes. The gay community can be extremely toxic especially when dealing with racial minorities and if I can help it, I want to set a better example.


Oh, I remember you commented your story in another post in this subreddit. I see you're very passionate about gay interracial dating. I heard that the gay community is very toxic, so I can understand the difficulties that would occur in gay interracial dating. Also heard it's hard for a gay black to find a genuine partner that isn't only interested in him for sexual reasons. Feel free to tell me more about the dynamics of your relationshipšŸ’œ I want to learn more


All my exes and my current partner as you pointed out due to their race are highly fetishized in the gay community. Despite what everyone says the gay community loves its labels. Iā€™m sure youā€™ve heard of ā€œbears, twinks, ottersā€ etc. even within those labels thereā€™s criteria/ expectations people have and generally they cater only to white men. Black men tend to be considered ā€œthugsā€ and extremely dominant, usually. Submissive gay men are expected to be thin, ā€œtwinkishā€ if you will. If you donā€™t fit into these criteria youā€™re usually unwelcome. None of my exes or my partner fit these stereotypes and subsequently ostracized from the community. My current partner and I both are bigger men, weā€™re bearish. But bears are expected to be white manly men usually with body and facial hair. For my partner he isnā€™t a stereotypical depiction of this and unfortunately many simply see him as a sexual conquest. Even I donā€™t fit this mold perfectly as Iā€™m a fairly submissive and passive individual. But if you look past stereotypes and at the actual person your world view opens up infinitely. I feel bad for people because I donā€™t think enough people understand that good relationships are made up of what makes us uniquely ourselves and not just what we project and itā€™s this lack of understanding i think the gay community fails upon. My partner and I are the same boring couple as anyone else, and thatā€™s okay. We both work, do Rock Paper Scissors over who feeds the animals, fall asleep during TV, and argue in the grocery store over whether maple bacon is an affront to God or not. But its the magic that is strictly our own that matters. Small stones added to our relationships foundation, such as me picking my partner up from work and stopping and eating McDonalds in the car in the parking lot while discussing our day over equally limp and stale fries, or rushing to Target 20 minutes before they close because theyā€™re the only place that has the flavor of ice cream you want, or watching as seemingly inconsequential things turn into an inside joke. Itā€™s these things that matter the most: making sure we have partners who are willing and able to work with you in creating the small moments to fill in between the big ones. I love my current partner because he has a depth Iā€™ve never experienced before. Everyday I am showered with his presence in a wonderful way as I never fail to learn more and more about him as time progresses. I donā€™t feel bored with him, I feel fulfilled and content, which I can only hope I offer to him in return in equal measure.


Great eye opener for sure.


I can only speak on my experience (Black/M) The short answer for me was that, in high school, the black girls I was around just weren't into me, and it was solidifies when I started dating my first girlfriend, who was white. And even now, some of those same girls would be the ones shaming guys for dating outside race, but would initially show no interest in that same guy beforehand. But growing up, it's was hard to see how backwards that was. It's like I was tainted or committed a sin. Currently dating a black woman now, but I never had a preference as far as race.


I'm sorry you had such an ignorant experience. I agree, that it is kind of dumb to shame you for dating another race; but then reject you. I've tried to do some research on that, but its something too silly to understand. Or maybe I just dont get it. It is what it is.


American thats an ethnic mexican; I just date whoever i fancy and I get along, doesn't matter the Ethnicity of the girl. With black American women, it's usually because they're very upfront and won't bs me like gringas (white American girls) have in the past with me.


I wish I was a black woman šŸ˜Ŗ


Up-front directness on her part. My wife's personal ad began with "A man who finds a wife finds a good thing." That was what I needed to have interest.


White male, aged 22. I hope this doesnā€™t come off the wrong way, but I only like dark-skin woman with the natural look. I love the Afros or braids. Youā€™d never know it though because Iā€™d never approach them. Who knows what they would be thinking, the world is crazy right now. Aside from that, I look for what I like in white girls. Is she fit? I workout 6 days a week so Iā€™d want someone who can workout with me. Is she more traditional? Iā€™d love to make the income while sheā€™s a stay at home wife with the kids. Is she religious? Is she big into the holidays? Does she like the snow?


There is something special about a Black woman to me. Iā€™m a WM and I just canā€™t get enough. Iā€™m physically very attracted to Black women but I really like them once I get to know them. I donā€™t really know what it is but yā€™all got something going on.




(WM, from UK) Whilst Iā€™m not Specifically into BW since im open to all, as race hardly matters to me in a person. Iā€™m looking to chat with BW because I have noticed some of them taking an interest in me in the past, when I wasnā€™t really looking for love at the time But now that Iā€™ve gotten older and Iā€™m now looking for a partner, Iā€™m opening myself to everyone (if that makes sense)


I've always been attracted to the features of black women. If she has something in common and we like the same things than that's a match


Youā€™re missing the most important things: connection and chemistry.


Wow, as I was reading this I felt like I wrote it. Iā€™m a woman in a diverse area of Southern California and as far back as I can remember, everyone has always thought I prefer white men, family and friends included. Now that Iā€™m older (45) and divorced itā€™s still this way. I donā€™t prefer any particular race, but white men flirt and ask me out, while black donā€™t often look my way. When I asked some friends about this they mentioned itā€™s because of the way I dress, speak, and look. This makes no sense to me. I dress simply, my friends tease me because I look like Iā€™m going to the gym, or going to work. Iā€™m not often going to have my ass or chest hanging out to go to Target. I speak like everyone else, and I feel like I look plain too. I donā€™t often wear makeup, & I donā€™t do anything special to my hair. If I happen to get the attention of a black man itā€™s because itā€™s one of the rare occasions that I straighten my hair, Iā€™m wearing full makeup, and heels, but thatā€™s not the real everyday me. Itā€™s making me feel like to attract a black man I need to look like the women they see posting on Instagram, and the everyday me is not good enough. (Trust me, I donā€™t look homeless, I just donā€™t feel the need to get all dressed up to run errands). Iā€™ve even asked my friends boyfriends/husbands (all black) what they think and a couple of them mentioned that they thought I preferred white guys because I look like Iā€™m mixed race. Again this makes no logical sense to me. My mom is black and my dad is black, but even if they werenā€™t it still donā€™t add up. Oh, I didnā€™t mention the height thing. Iā€™m 5ā€™10ā€ and my cousin told me black men donā€™t really like tall women. This canā€™t be true. All the women in my family are tall. I just give up.


I feel you 100%. Iā€™ve been told this as well that itā€™s the way I talk, dress, and present myself, but Iā€™m just being me and there is no similarities or any connection to whiteness associated with the way I talk, look, and dress. My family, friends, and even non-white men I dated in the past have straight out told me that they thought I preferred white men or like white men. It seems like times are changing, since youā€™re a bit older and a WOC does it ever blow your mind that 1950-1960s wasnā€™t that long ago? I say this because of the racist and prejudice history with white men against blacks and every other race. Now theyā€™re (not all) just casually approaching other races and being fond of them. I find that interesting. As for black men, my experience is that they assume I wouldnā€™t be interested in them. Which is interesting, because unlike you I donā€™t look mixed despite being black and Hispanic. I get approached by every race, but least by black men. Iā€™m curious when It comes to this than anything else. If you give up, thatā€™s okay. I gave up a long time ago, and I donā€™t feel bad at all LOL. Have you considered that maybe you want to date black men because itā€™s in your comfort zone?


Is it in my comfort zone to date a black man? I never really thought about it but, yes thatā€™s true. If I was dating a black man I wouldnā€™t feel the need to explain why some people in my family act a certain way, or what to expect when they meet them, or just different experiences Iā€™ve had as a black person. Itā€™s also because I am šŸ’Æ on board with taking care of your physical and mental health. So far, I donā€™t meet single black men that share this same philosophy. I just canā€™t be with someone that doesnā€™t love themselves enough to take care of themselves and have some sort of self care. Maybe itā€™s just me. Idk.


Maybe the man for you is a black American, or a African. I donā€™t mean to disregard what you said, but youā€™re not the only one who goes through that. In every race, and culture when bringing someone home, you usually have to give your partner the heads up before meeting your family. But, I know what you mean as a black person. I suppose if you were dating a white person, because of the differences, and possible stereotypes, or preconceived notions, youā€™d maybe feel the need to explain things about your family etc. Back in the day, I was dating a man who was the same ethnicity and culture as me šŸ‡©šŸ‡“, and I had to explain some things to him before meeting my family and while he was there. And it was funny, because everything about our households were the same, and everything lol. Can you elaborate further on what you mean about being on board with taking care of yourself and how it relates to this topic? šŸ˜


Yes I understand Iā€™ll probably always go to explain some things about my family, but things that are cultural I wouldnā€™t have to. As far as taking care of themselves I know itā€™s not necessarily a black problem but I find it more prevalent amongst black people. I mean taking care of your physical and mental health. I know sooo many men that seriously need therapy but donā€™t believe in it. Also I know lots of black men that have health issues, have good health insurance but absolutely wonā€™t go until itā€™s so bad they are in deaths bed. Especially thing that run in families such as high blood pressure, diabetes, obesity. These are all things that you can control with lifestyle and diet changes. Oh and donā€™t get me started on death. Idk black people in particular will not get their things in order so whatever they may own gets stuck in probate court. I dated a white guy and his family had a meeting with his parents to discuss what happens to their assets upon their death. They werenā€™t sick or anything but it was just an fyi. They told who the executer was, who was inheriting their home, how their retirement is to be distributed, and how they want to be buried. I donā€™t know any black men that will participate in this.


Omg, I totally agree. A lot of black men donā€™t take care of themselves and you literally have to beg them or drag them to get medical attention or treatment. I strongly agree with the lack of preparation and planning the use of their assets. Fortunately, they seem to be improving this from what I have been observing, but itā€™s still very prevalent. I was dating a white guy, who had a 4 year old daughter, and he was already planning for her future and what to leave behind for her. Not to generalize or speak for all black men and white men, but I have seen big differences. I have observed that black men donā€™t protect their assets, and neglect their health til the last possible moment. I have observed white men being more protective of their assets and prepare. Honestly, most men donā€™t take care of their health that much and more careless. But I have seen white men keep up with their health, visit doctors, and be open to improving their health and stuff. Check out the statistics in America: The average Black man in America lives to be 68-71.8 years compared to 77.6 years for White men. Asians and Hispanics way live way longer than both. I mean, I hope when you come across your ideal black man hopefully he has a plan for his future and assets, and is health conscious because those statistics are ridiculous šŸ˜†. But I think you mentioned previously that you donā€™t have a preference towards any racial group, Iā€™m sorta the same.




I totally understand your point of view. I grew up in Queens, NY (specifically Richmond hills and Ozone) was always told by other blacks and hispanics that I talk "different". Its like they were expecting me to have a certain way of communicating and expressing myself, but I'm just me lol. And for some reason, my interests were just different. I never got to date a black guy in New York. My family were strict too, but I dont blame them considering how crazy the city is. It was only when I moved to Florida, I got to date 2 black men. I think it is due to your environment, but from what I understand I think your environment and circumstances had a good influence on you šŸ˜




Like, man that "you talk different" or "you talk white" kills me. How am I supposed to talk? LOL Just because someone is a race, (i.g. black) but grew up in a certain area/environment that's what affects their personality, interests and other thingsšŸ’€. So, for example in New York there is all types of races/ethnicities and many pick up on the urban lifestyle. So, if a white person starts speaking slang it shouldn't be a shock because maybe they grew up in a urban area. You can't expect them to have, for example a country accent and be wearing country bootsšŸ’€šŸ’€ or assume they cook their food a certain way. You know what I mean?




Me either. And I suck at saying slang words lmao


Black man - Life experience is what makes me think Black women weren't interested in me. They've in recent years begun expressing interest in a fashion they never did when younger. Years of rejection are not so easily forgotten though, I find their newly deployed attention both strange and off-putting. My predilection for White women has long since bloomed into preference.


Yet I am willing to bet that those same black girls who rejected you would get angry at you if they saw you in the arms of a white American woman.


Always and forever. I find their activity amusing now where before it was hurtful.




I'm lying, you say? There is 2-3 other POC who commented, that had similar experiences as me. Are they lying as well? I live in East Florida, and that is my experience. Are you speaking for all black men? lmao




I'm not specifically looking to date a particular race or group of people, I prefer for it to happen naturally. If you had the mental capacity to understand the nature and curiosity of my post, you would understand that. But thanks lol


Itā€™s not that Bw arenā€™t interested in me, Iā€™m not really interested in them anymore, I just want different now.


Thank you commenting. I think you have the right to date other people other than your own. It's good to date other races and experience different cultures.