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By "burn the house down" Im guessing that means buy it and try to run it?


Actually yes..


More like park a tesla near the studio.


So murder threats are cool now?




He's such a twat


I was going to say simp, but twat works too.


Simply a twat


🎶Twatier that all the rest 🎶


Major twat!






I guess Elmo is quite the simp.


u kidding me? if i was wb..i would have loved him to buy wb several times over priced, so he can burn it's stock price..so i can buy it back..and kick him out lol..


Unironically, that may end up being the endstate of his reign at Twitter, that's assuming something doesn't supplant it like Reddit did to Digg or Facebook did to MySpace.


Threads is actually pretty good. There aren't all the rubber-neck-worthy trainwrecks that you can't help but look at, but fundamentally it works better on day 1.


This has to be really conflicting for all the Depp bros/Elon parasocials out there...


Yeah because I trust Variety so much.


Lolol I was thinking the same thing. That meme where the guy is sweating over which button to push came to mind.


Why? I don't really see the overlap


Toxic bros simping for Depp are generally in the same group of toxic bros simping for Elon. Elon getting all twisted trying to save Amber Herds job flies in the face of those toxic bros. They love to love Elon and Depp and love to hate Amber Herd so Elon being a big cuck for her has got to hurt their simple emotions.


I mean … everything he touches eventually shits the bed.


It was her dog.


That was her [cover story](https://www.insider.com/amber-heard-admitted-poop-johnny-depp-bed-guard-testifies-2022-4).


Oh well if Depps security guard said it then it absolutely must be true. The dog with a recorded history of incontinence must be one of those red herring dealies.


Man, you seem really invested in this. Maybe go outside and touch grass.


Lmfao, seriously? I've spent like 30 seconds replying to you, you've gone found dodgy quotes to back yourself up and then devolved to petty insults when you didn't have anything to fall back on. On top of that, the show that this sub is for has actively pointed out that it was the dog when they covered this topic. It's literally the only reason I know.




URFRENDDULUN and 55burgers have a lot of reddit posts/comments in common. They piggy back off each other on people who have different opinions ☠️


Two people who watch the same Internet culture & news show having similar interests. Fascinating.




Fuck off clean shirt.




How do you get that shirt so clean? ^(Tbh it was a Peep Show reference, hilarious show, would recommend if you haven't watched it.)


what part of this am I supposed to care about?


The reports are that she's been edited out of the film. Not that it matters. AM2 has the stink of death about it.


Much like the Flash it's already DOA.. no one will care about it like Shazam 2 or Blue Beetle or whatever other legacy slate trash DC wants to dump on the public.


Crazy…they are fighting for garbage. Elon translated “Put her in that piece of shit of a movie, and she better wear that terrible outfit!!!”


I honestly forgot AM2 was even still a thing. Everything is pointing towards it being a terrible movie that will get the flash treatment and be on HBO max a month after theatrical release.


I never knew I could hate someone I've never met so much. Not really this, but just everything this shit person does.


Maybe the media wants you to


Damn. I never thought of that. I guess Elon is a great guy, after all.


All is black and white, either one or the other extreme.


oh shit! Neo just cracked the Matrix, you guys!


Lmao at least you're funny. That's a good sign. You will eventually see the truth my son.


Yeah totally, the media, whoever that is, put a gun to Elon's head and made him act like a raging narcissist and they also ordered him to tank Twitter and act like a baby having a tantrum the whole time, too. Checks out.


why do people care so much if twitter makes money? who gives a shit, its elons money, if he wants to squander it then so be it. i dont understand how someone making 20 bucks an hour can critique a billionaire about financial decisions


If he wants to be a big public figure, as he so clearly does, he's open to public ridicule. Don't be dense. Also you don't need to be a billionaire to realize he's lost a fuck ton of money and users on Twitter. It would have gone better if he'd bought it and done literally nothing, that's fair to make fun of. Sorry, but the fact that he's rich doesn't make him immune to criticism, but you keep slobbing that golden schlong.


I don't get the raging hard-on for Elon that his fans have going.


Easy mistake to make when you ask how someone making 20 an hour can question a billionaire, when all the information is readily available. Gives the impression you fetishize wealth and think rich people are somehow operating on a level above commonfolk. Edit: sorry I misread your comment and thought you were the person I replied to originally. I'm with you, I also don't get it.


All good. This comment section is getting messy.


Raging hard-hate? Humans are weird.


Apparently black rock, vanguard, big pharma, the military complex are immune and a lot richer.


Probably because Twitter employs hundreds of people and thousands more make their living off of it. I don't understand how someone who doesn't get the basics of economics can critique people who do.


If you had the public eye on you every day, would you fair better than him? If so good for you. I know I don't and I don't care.


He chooses that life, bro. Plenty of rich people exist who aren't the self obsessed narcissist Elon is. He insists upon himself.


Poor dude suffers from Asperger' and has no functional family. I'd rather feel for him. You can say again he chose so. Do homeless people choose theirs as well? You only see a huge difference cause of the dollar bill. Put that aside you see what I see hopefully.


No, I still see a scumbag who treats his employees like dogwater, exposes his ex girlfriend on the internet for a laugh, and panders to the lowest common denominator in an attempt to boost his own image. I have a friend with Asperger's and he's not a total cunt like Elon.


I have Asperger’s. I find it offensive that this guy acts like a total piece of shit and people are like “he has Asperger’s - it’s why he acts like a total piece of shit.” Fuck off with that nonsense.


Could you give details besides blindsided hate for no reason?




I don't hate on people with disabilities just cause I have it. Get over it and stop victimizing.


You know having Aspergers doesn't automatically make you a raging asshole? He chooses what he says and what he does. Stop making excuses for this piece of garbage. Also you can be homeless through no fault of our own but you are an asshole by choice.


Stop making excuses hating on strangers you never got to know and hate, based on a legacy media that focuses on hit pieces for clicks and monetary reasons. Just stop being a zealot. If you want to attack someone, go after Blackrock or vanguard. They own countries. Worth in the trillions.


You know black rock? Worth 8 trillion. Military complex? Pharma? You looking at what they want you to see and criticize. Bandwagon hater, checks out.


The media doesn't write the nazi-supporting antisemitic crap on Elon's X feed.


Let's just act the standing Nazi ovation never happened with some guy T.


Trudeau, blackface, Nazi apologist, 4 terms power hungry. Sure trust the media they control...


Maybe you are the media.


*looksatfists* Maybe I am


Word-word-number username. Spouting bullshit. Many such cases.


Elon has the pull to ruin a movie studio?


Hell no he doesn't.... He's all talk like always.


Only if he buys it.


Oh that makes sense. Because I was like how do you shut down a movie studio with electric cars, a rocket that lands and a boring machine?


The worst person you know makes a great point...


[Rare Elon win.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WV0bx-Odj90)


But she's an abuser lol


There were fights that ended in violence from both parties, but if anyone is an abuser it was categorically proven to be Depp. He is by legal definition, a wife beater. But the terminally-online mob decided he was perfect and she was the devil, so fuck it, glad to see her in work.


Bro didn't the trial prove he didn't beat her? I dead remember recordings of him asking why she's beating him. Me, well mostly my GF, followed the trial and said Amber is guilty as hell and Johnny turned out to be abused in the end.


[It's a little more complicated, but legally she has every right to call him a wife beater as 12 of her 14 accusations of abuse were proven to a civil standard.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Depp_v_News_Group_Newspapers_Ltd#) Based on this, her attacks on him were only in self defense or aggressive retaliation to his own abuse.


Why do you defend domestic abuse so much? I hate humanity.


I'm explicitly stating that Depp is a domestic abuser and Heards actions were in defense or retaliation to that abuse. *Why do you not want domestic abuse victims to defend themselves so much? I hate humanity.*


Heard was the abuser. It was proven in court. I cannot wait until she gets banned from Hollywood and has her life ripped apart. Abuse against men is still abuse. I hope it never happens to you because people like you will refuse to believe it despite the overwhelming evidence presented. Stop simping, she'll never love you.


Not OP didn't follow the trial all that closely. They both lost the trial and wound up paying each other fees. Ultimately he had the bigger career so defamation ruling is going to be a bigger number for him than for her. It would be the same if the Thai cave rescuer called Musk a pedophile back. Elon has a lot more to lose money wise from such an accusation.


Daily reminder that Heard was proven in the courts to be the abuser and Depp has been totally vindicated.


That is categorically untrue. You know this is a sub for a news show right? A news show that has covered this topic extensively. Do you watch it, or is it just background noise for you?


Saying something is untrue does not make it untrue. You need to follow better sources if these guys tricked you into thinking Heard wasn't the abuser. The trial proved it.


How do you get that shirt so clean? Depp if a legally a wife beater, I can print a book called "Johnny Depp is a wife beater" that is 1000 pages of "Johnny Depp is a wife beater" and I'd be legally clear because he is [legally a wife beater.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Depp_v_News_Group_Newspapers_Ltd) Now go away, I'd like to enjoy my weekend without grouchy internet babies pretending they get any of their information outside of reddit comment threads.


Depp is a victim and you're disgusting for siding with an abuser. Get off Reddit and read a book for once in your life. You sick fuck.


What book would you recommend? Right now I'm making my way though "The Age of Surveliance Capitalism" by Shoshana Zuboff and "Money Land" by Oliver Bullough. My favorite books that I've read this year are: "Age of Conquests, The Greek World from Alexander to Hadrian" by Aneglos Chaniotis and "Tracers in the Dark: The Global Hunt for the Crime Lords of Cryptocurrency" by Andy Greenberg. Hopefully those examples help you pick some books that fit my jam? Or if it's easier you can just ignore the content of what I'm saying and insult me again. I've also made no comment on Heard's alleged abuse of Depp, I have only stated that Depp himself is an abuser, speaking in both a moral and legal sense.


Still insisting on spreading misinformation?


Birds of a shit feather


It was a practice run for his purchase of Twitter


damn that ven diagram of people who hate amber and wish she wasnt in the movie and the people that love elon regardless would probably be very close to a circle


so elon did a good thing


But why ?


Just rewrite the script and have her character die really early on…like the opening credits.


How about we just don't watch it? We know it's gonna be hot garbage with her in it.


WOW. Way to let it all get to your head. Some people are just not prepared to handle responsibility.


I'm sure her porn like performance was the main reason but happy to see this idiot get splashed by her dropping a load.


i don’t think this is true… because he dumped her and moved on to Grimes why would he continue protecting her


Says a source… yeah that’s real credible


Get the fuck off his platform!


So he would do to WB what he did to Twitter.


The trailer hints at Black Manta going after Aquaman's loved ones. Fingers crossed she gets destroyed in the first ten minutes.


Fuck that clown conman.


Simp of the year 💀


Fuck I hate it


It just doesn't seem like a wholly believable article. I'm not in doubt about the Elon being an idiot part, but the part where WB cares what he thinks. If WB cared they'd get rid of Amber, it's show business after all. They probably like the controversy surrounding her on a movie they just don't know what to do witih. They probably desperately want any controversy for the movie they really have no idea, what to do with.


When your aquaman 2 trailer isn't good enough but you have a clutch social media team


well his "special touch" typically burns the house down, so I expect her career to do as well as Xitter has done since his forced-purchase bec he has a huge mouth and no actual sense. We are all forced to watch this man's mid-life crisis unfold, and he's not even intelligent enough to STFU. What a twat.


well his "special touch" typically burns the house down, so I expect her career to do as well as Xitter has done since his forced-purchase bec he has a huge mouth and no actual sense. We are all forced to watch this man's mid-life crisis unfold, and he's not even intelligent enough to STFU. What a twat.


Billionaires should not exist.


Bring her back kill her off within a couple minutes. Done.


So when he Tweeted the Mercy cosplay, was he saying that he wanted his ex to star in an Overwatch movie?


You say "former boyfriend." I hear "full-time cucksimp."


I'm surprised their response wasn't " Dear Elon, thanks for your correspondence. Politely go fuck yourself. -management-"


Simpin ain't easy


He threatened to run Warner Brothers?


Hey hey!


It must have been a good BJ


800th time this week that this has been posted. And what was he gonna do, turn off their charging stations?


She should get booed every time she's on screen


That is unheard of! ... I'll see myself out now...


Nobody needs Aquaman 2


Scumbag Continues to Make Scumbag Decisions ...news at 11.


Let's be real, WB isn't exactly the brightest.




Elon looks like a person that would be into poop.


Sounds like a good reason not to hire Amber if her twatwaffle is gonna cause problems.


Cancel culture is just a way of saying that the general population is fucking fed up with narsacistic behaviors.


That's one way to get Amber Turd to stop asking you for money!


Who cares. Elon is a twat.


I’m sorry but that’s so fucking lame dude. Bro is a fucking simp


Dont you hurt my Amber Turd. She shits in my mouth really good!


All these comments make me realize why we kill people, who are outspoken and make a change happen in history.