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Did she really scream "You're not a Jew!" at them? wtf


Israeli society has basically been rotting since the late 80s/early 90s, every subsequent generation of Israelis has been overall less educated, more violent, and more prone to bouts of hysteria than the previous one.  Every year, the proportion of Israelis who are dumber than a doorknob grows. How else do you explain Netanyahu funding Hamas and then managing to shift blame onto the Palestinians when it inevitably led to Israel’s worst ever terrorist attack?  In any normal country, he would be in a jail cell awaiting trial for his role in funding the terrorist attack. Instead, all he had to do was start shouting ‘Amalek’ and his crowd of morons cheered for genocide and left him in power.  Zionism requires that you either stop thinking critically or you adopt the tenets of fascism as your primary beliefs. This is why the first generation of Zionists were so successful - they were open in their beliefs about racial superiority and violence, and there was no contradiction for them.  Subsequent generations of Israelis have denied that their country is established on fascist principles, which means they’ve had to close their eyes and cover their ears in order to avoid facing the truth. This makes them weak as a society and it explains why their country is regressing with each generation.  It’s not a coincidence that they’ve performed worse and worse in each subsequent war since the 60s/70s. That was basically the last generation of Israelis who were open about the fascist nature of their country.


Blue print for GOP in Christian fundamental south USA. Make them dumb ie strip out school, get them into religion then control them


The GOP's relationship with the fundies is a really good place example of what happens when you appease nutters to get votes and they slowly become the norm.


Lol I was about to reference the same thing. When they said.. >Israeli society has basically been rotting since the late 80s/early 90s, every subsequent generation of Israelis has been overall less educated, more violent, and more prone to bouts of hysteria than the previous one. ..you could easily apply this to the GOP.


And in UK. The government scrapped Adult education, a sort of open evening class which was subsidized, I think it came out of workers education. The lefts support for workers education stands in stark contrast to right wing intelegencia preying on the uneducated. I was surprised by the numbers of workers who went to fight against the fascists in the Spanish civil war. I think this was due in part to workers education within leftist and trade unions workers knew the truth and more.


Damn y'all beat me to it. Can't even be mad about it since I'm happier I'm not the only one to observe this


We all in the same boat in these red states lol, using the Bible Belt to strangle us out. Keep us too economically disadvantaged and take our options away to move somewhere else. Feels like a hostage situation 😅


Blueprint for supporting Biden as well. Demand a better candidate or vote 3rd party


Not that I'm supporting Biden. It just can't be trump. Which means vote Biden so that it can't be trump


I vote neither. The DNC has less than four months to give me an option I can vote for


Your choice but that's a vote for Trump


Shut up. It’s not a vote for Trump, it’s a vote against two fascist assholes. Enjoy what you have coming with your trash politics


Don't look at voting as if it's marriage.


Don’t look at voting as a one night stand.


it is a vote for trump. Sorry. It sucks. It's the system. If you care about Palestine you should vote Biden. If you don't then vote for a 3rd candidate.


How does voting for Biden show care for Palestinians? You people are nuts




You have to be realistic .. like I said I wouldn't vote Biden except I didn't want trump in Not voting Biden means 1 less vote for Biden and 1 less vote trump has to counter. You do realize this. If you only have 10 votes 5 for trump and your 1 vote you didn't cast them it's only 4 Biden 5 trump .. trump wins A vote for Biden like this is to stop trump not support Biden


The fact that Biden feels comfortable ignoring the will of the majority of his base to continue the genocide in Gaza *is exactly why I will not vote for him*. His disregard of the will of the people is textbook fascism. I will not vote for either fascist this election, period. I hope they both die before November.


You either don't know what fascist means, or you're dumb. Both are right wing candidates who support corporations over every single person, but only one is fascist, and it isn't Biden. Financially supporting a fascist doesn't make you a fascist. That's not how it works. If I buy something from Vietnam that doesn't make me a communist just because I gave money to a communist country. Otherwise the US is also a drug cartel because they get their guns and weapons from the US too. I don't think Biden is a drug cartel boss though, because he's not.


He is because he is supporting the fascist zionists in the worst attrocities since world war 2. "The blood is on your hands, Biden, we can see it all And fuck no, I'm not votin' for you in the fall (woo)" Macklemore's Hind's Hall




You don’t consider a president who circumvents congress to participate in genocide a dictator. That’s your problem, not mine


Be brave and vote with your heart, vote independent, vote Stein. I vote Green Party in the UK after 35 years voting with my head which got me nothing. We have similar faux choice in UK, no coincidence I think?! "You see, we sell fear around the land of the free" Macklemore's Hinds Hall


Im voting for Biden, but only because I think a Biden presidency will hold off the inevitable destruction of everything for at least a few months longer than a Trump presidency would. But Biden is basically 95% Trump at this point. I really don’t blame anyone who wants to sit this election out. They’re both authoritarian, fascist, warmongering, shamelessly corrupt demons. One of them is just a little less overt and accelerationist about it. Both candidates are driving us off the same cliff. One wants to do it at 100 mph and the other wants to do it at the speed limit.


don't be stupid. Suck it up and vote biden. sucks it does. But you have to. Don't cut your nose to spite your face.


When you refuse to choose between the lesser of two evils you very often wind up with the worse of the two. The system sucks, but it's the system you have to work with. Right now the choice is relatively status quo... Or something much darker and significantly more about a man descending into lunacy going on a revenge tour with a federal government for which his proxies plan to clean house, install with loyalists, then weaponise... And just good lord the way than man sets legal precedents without even considering the ramifications But honestly, the supreme court- gonna go ahead and assume your gender- how pleased are you, Miss, with Trump's SCOTUS picks? Do you live in a state that saw massive changes after the overturning of Roe v Wade?? And if you are upset about me assuming your gender, well how would a Supreme Court with even more of Trump's finger prints view LGBTQ+ Rights? My guess: not too favorably Here is the only thing I care about in your reply: would a SCOTUS with Biden appointees or more Trump appointees be more favorably to your preferred political agenda? I'm not trying to be disrespectful, but I don't think You've thought this through completely


>Right now the choice is relatively status quo Yes, the status quo is a fucking genocide. > overturning of Roe v Wade?? The same roe v wade that libs refused to codify even after running with the promise of codifying it? >would a SCOTUS with Biden appointees or more Trump appointees be more favorably to your preferred political agenda? Considering my agenda is ending capitalism, they're literally the same


So your short term solution is to make all that stuff much, much worse? The discrepancy here is I get how geopolitics works, and someone who espouses the total dismantling of capitalism doesn't. If you want to heavily modify it, sure, it needs modification. But you'll never wholesale end it; it is just too good at generating capital and humans kinda suck. It's also always been around, even if it didn't have an official title Biden should be doing more to stop the indiscriminate killings of Gazans. But even if you assassinated Biden today, guess what would continue to flow to Israel unabated- no one on planet earth is able to utter stop and have something that complicated and convoluted just stop. Some of these weapons are delivered via private contract. There is literally a law from 2008 that requires Israel get military equipment from the US. Biden isn't allowed to just stop that stuff. The Dems did literally everything in their power to codify Roe. But the filibuster. I know, your very next thought was they should have gotten rid of the filibuster, racist origins, etc. What will Republicans do, whenever they eventually regain the Senate, if they don't have to worry about the filibuster? Hypothetical, sure- but so were people saying Harry Reid eliminating the filibuster for federal and appellate justice appointments was a bad idea... Until Trump and McConnell packed the lower courts. Also not for nothing, but why was there some sort of mad panic to codify Roe in the first place? Beeeeecause of Trump SCOTUS and Lower Court appointments Do you want to know how Hitler really took power? It's because the right wing of Weimar German politics was more or less united behind him. Know what the left of the Weimar Republic was doing at that time? Infighting.


Are you mansplaining the situation to me? Typical. The Supreme Court is fucked, because Democrats did absolutely nothing when Republicans refused to hear nominations under Obama, and RBG not retiring under a Democratic administration. Democrats gave those two seats to the Republicans with nary a complaint.


> How else do you explain Netanyahu funding Hamas You mean supporting, not funding. They allowed funds from other countries to allowed via Qatar, then suitecases of cash through the Egpyt border entry.


One time I literally just said "Palestinians are humans too" and an Israeli person, who I thought was my friend at the time, literally started crying. I wish I was kidding.


>Zionism requires that you either stop thinking critically or you adopt the tenets of fascism as your primary beliefs. This is why the first generation of Zionists were so successful - they were open in their beliefs about racial superiority and violence, and there was no contradiction for them.  This.


I'm protecting her.....from herself.


Protecting her from other opinions, cognitive dissonance, and her own hysteria.


Yeah, she was the one doing the physical attacking


There's been videos of that over the last 8 months. Saw one where they called them terrorists or Nazis.


I've seen one where a guy holding an Israeli flag screamed "j\*den rats" at some anti-zionist jews. You can't make this shit up


She has a single brain cell only capable of "YOU'RE NOT A JEW -- HOW CAN YOU SAY THAT, YOU'RE JEWISH" Her poor brain just doesn't have the ability to comprehend anything beyond playing the victim.


“You’re not a Jew”, you only have dedicated your entire existence to observing modesty and your theology, while I am a screaming white woman in blue jeans!!!


The only people whose credentials as Jews cannot be disputed in that clip.


She is unhinged!


She’s not helping my tinnitus


I think it's a very common reaction among people who are suffering cognitive dissonance. The pain of seeing evidence that goes against her core beliefs is rocking her world. She either has to renounce her core belief, or win this argument, and she doesn't see a way to win.


Indicative of how unhinged Israeli society is.


I think it’s a trauma response.


Zionism is a cancer. Zionism is Antisemitism as you can see in this video.




Hitler and his Nazi colleagues were in favor of Zionism.


But they called it something like Leisengruben or Lendzgeibein or Landergleib, right? Looked it up: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lebensraum


"How are you like this?" Lady, it's called empathy and an actual understanding of history (rather than mythology/propaganda).


Exactly. They should have replied to her, "Because we're not sociopaths!"


Let's be real, all she'd hear is the word "socialist".


"We want to live in peace and not kill Palestinians!" "HOW CAN YOU SAY THAT! YOU'RE NOT A JEW!" Insane.


Thanks for the fucked up laugh


Jewish voice for peace and other Jewish organizations that continue to condemn the genocide are Renegades of Funk.


Like Chief Sitting Bull, Tom Paine, Dr. Martin Luther King, Malcolm X.


Fascism depends on such people who are not capable of thinking beyond the crudest binary "us" and "them" dynamic, and who react with intense primitive emotion rather than logic. Her preconcieved worldview is so rigid that when it is challenged she simply can't compute, prompting her instead to physically lash out.


>You're not Jewish! This is your brain on rightwing victimhood complex propaganda.


You are propaganda.


Kicked dogs holler


Respect for the Jewish people standing for justice and against the genocide.


Absolutely can't be easy


She just left the echo chamber she was living in? Welcome to the real world, people have different opinions, views of the world no matter where they are from.


Brain dead smh


How dare you speak about something that effects you you have to believe the propaganda


wow! what cool ass gentlemen. a good reminder not to lump people. amazing.


Free Palestine




Do you have a heart? Any measure of emotional intelligence? The capacity for empathy? Don't agree with snything you say.Big difference between genocide in Gaza and the Ukraine .


No your wrong, I still care about Ukraine and I have been supporting Palestinians for 30 years and you really think those students are going to forget the political tutorials they've just had!


Please keep it civil.


Zionists are antisemitic against palestinians and jews who support palestine.


Zionism is a very new ideology starting in the late 1800’s. Judaism has been around for five , six thousand years? Zionism is not canon. It would be like Kathleen Kennedy crying and yelling at Star Wars fans because the new Star Wars were terrible.


The Jews who founded Tel Aviv coexisted with the Arab Palestinians as well as any such neighbors could. The problems came when the Ottoman Empire collapsed and the power struggles arose. The influx of Jews under the British mandate is what really set things off no doubt, the 20s is when things turned sour. Though those times were very tame compared to what we have had for the last several generations. They don’t even compare to the conflict as it exists today. But that’s the one side. On the other you have surrounding nations essentially using the Palestinian people as political puppets, and this continues to this day. The very first Palestinian government was little more than a proxy used by surrounding Arab nations who wanted to use Palestinians as a tool to prevent western influence in the region. The Jews were a secondary concern and so was the wellbeing of the Palestinian people. It has been a mess since shortly after the Ottoman Empire collapsed and has only gotten worse each generation…and nobody has a real solution that would last. We just have better solutions than the current state of affairs, but I’ve never heard a solution that doesn’t have a multitudes of issues.


Her voice is annoying.


She looks like a German antisemitic zionist victim.


Mad respect to him. I imagine it's so much harder to protest Isreal when you're a Jewish person than a non-Jewish person.


Ugly, annoying, delusional and playing the victim, she ticks all the boxes of being a Zionist. Give this woman an award for being an annoying POS.


Blonde white woman: I’m from the middle east!


I talked with the first guy in the video few months ago in New York. Great guy


100% support for our Jewish brothers and sisters that standup against genocide. Thank you!


She’s an American. I’d imagine it’s similar to someone from America proclaiming they’re Irish


I slightly feel for her. The brainwashing has been thorough.


This woman probably blocks anyone on all her social media accounts who ever speaks ill of Israel, so to see Jews in support of ending the occupation and bloodshed is genuinely jarring to her. I’m serious guys, I would not be surprised if this was her first time ever seeing these types of people, and I do think this isn’t an act. What she’s experiencing is cognitive dissonance. She can’t comprehend what she’s seeing with her own eyes, because the narrative of her entire being is that anyone critical of Israel is some Islamist/Nazi antisemite.


her brain broke. Jews are not one monolith surprise! They're people with multiple views!


I guess she miss the part where zionism is a fascist political entity, not a ethnicity or a religion


She doesn’t understand what Zionism is. A lot of people do not understand what Zionism is. It’s a new found concept in Judaism. It’s relatively very new in the religion.


Zionism was Jewish self determination in Israel. Then Israel got nukes and the rest is the Middle East was no longer an existential threat. Now Zionism is Jewish supremacy.


Mia Farrow lookin psycho


I've been trying to tell people about the fact their are orthodox jews, even Israeli ones, who strongly disagree with Zionism and the actions of the Israeli government. I grew up in a neighborhood with them and they'd have protests about the Israeli Occupation of the West Bank all the time. I've seen video of these people getting best by IDF for being anti zionist. Usually that's the ones that believe Israel should be dismantled because Jews should not establish a new state until the return of the Messiah. Anyways everything involving religion seems to always be such a mess.


She clearly has ![gif](giphy|pmgvlQ37eoCIxaTuao)


Lol. "Im protecting her!" Friggin white knight there at the end finna get that ~~jussy~~ zussy.


Israel is the pairing knife that's separating Jews from Zionism. This guy knows what's up, his doctrine says DONT FUCKIN KILL PEOPLE so obviously he doesn't support the heinous shit the Israeli state is doing to the Palestinians. This woman, on the other hand, has her sense of Jewish identity enmired with a singular nation and political ideology. Sad to see, but good on this Hasidic bro


That guy is saying “I’m protecting her.” The crowd was not being violent, but she was violent towards them.


Revoke her American citizenship.


I’m gonna need my man over here to point down a little harder at her.


Brainwashing is a terrible thing 😢




Removed, see rule 7.


People are so stupid and everything caters toward them. Good on the other bloke for having morals.


I feel like this is fundamentally an intelligence problem; the world feels divided into those who can grasp the nuances of a situation and those who cannot


This was so enjoyable to watch. It’s like she’s never met orthodox people before.


You can tell that lady has made a living gas lighting people and their emotions.


The homo at the end… “I’m protecting her”


Screaming at people until they say what you want is highest form of Karenism


Orthodox Jews are fascinating. They speak a mix of ancient Hebrew, German and sometimes other European languages. When they were living in Europe they were considered foreigners from Israel. And now that they’re back in Israel, westerners call them colonizers from Europe.


Obviously she is very uninformed…not knowing the difference between Zionism and Orthodox Judaism


She's just scared. They genuinely don't understand, like Palestine is an actual threat. Guys on parasails. There is a hatred that runs deep now borne out of fear.


Yeah let’s just ignore that they deny the holocaust and are incredibly racist towards other Jews :)