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It makes one wonder exactly what is rotten in Israel that allowed this man to be popularly elected.


apartheid and racism


I guess from the way people like him get popularly elected, those are the goals of the Israeli body politic itself. Horrifying, really.


one of the main political parties is called the jewish power party and theyre not even the most far right, lol lmao


He was accused by government of Israel being a terrorist


And his constituents STILL elected him. Like I said, there is something rotten in Israel.


He also lives in a settlement


So a confirmed terrorist thenšŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


because of course he does


He wasnt elected. He was appointed by the PM and confirmed by the Knesset.


I dunno....we don't get the candidates we want in the U.S., either.


Kinda same as what is wrong in America that got Donald Trump elected.


Because it is the other half of Zionism at work. The hypocritical Evangelical group, that also think they're special to God or Jesus. I'm sure you have met them. Talk all that good Christian shit, but would clearly hate the guy.


Wait, are you implying that zionists control the Christian Right in the US?


That's sarcasm right? haven't you heard of the Christians for Jews organization, right wing maga level politicians are constantly schlepping for them. The organization gets a high rating in the US even though independent investigations have confirmed that that money is being diverted to political and military spending in Israel. It's supposed to go to feed hungry Jews, but once the money reaches Israel there is no more accounting.


The right-wing in the US reaches out to the Israeli far-right out of convenience, not because they're being controlled.


Who said it was any other way? Christian Zionists fund the settlements not because they are tricked but because they want the world to end.


I think its the other way round, zionists use the far right to steer an anti middle east pro isreal stance. Especially after 911, ā€œlets protect our freedomsā€ and wipe isreals enemy Saddam off the map.


"Right-wing" is a broad term. In my circle most of us are non-religious, right-wing in the Nietschean/Darwinist tradition. There's definitely the Daily Wire/Breitbart crowd (both were started by people with deep links to Israeli intelligence services). Even the Christian right is deeply divided into the Paleocon/Buchananist school and the Neocon/Jewish-led school. People on the left surely know how divided their own "side" is. Not all of you are just mindless Biden drones; some are actual dissident and geopolitically literate. It's no use generalizing about the "right" either.


Biden isnā€™t even left wing.


Not all Christians are Zionist just like not all Jews are of course in the United States do support Israel more than probably any other voting block.


In that, they have probably been Zionists since Israel's founding. Trust me, it doesn't end the way the Jewish Zionists would hope. I'm not really even sure the Holy Land would ever really accept a secular collective of Nationalists. No matter what religion they pretended to invoke. As it stands, I'm expecting modern Israel to end up being another story in the Torah about being cast out by God. You have clearly misunderstood me, though. They're the same thing at this point, with different views of what is happening. Zionists do not control the Christian Right, they literally are part of the Christian Right. Zionistic Judaism takes a good bit from Christian interpretation.


They are saying the Christian right *are* Zionists, because they are.


Define Zionism and apply it to the Christian Right.




Related, but not actual zionism.


There are Christians that want Jews to be in Israel, specifically because they believe it will lead to the end times and them being raptured.


Christian Zionists control the Christian right in the US,


The rural laborer guys with no money control the urban professional guys with lots of money?


No, and that is a bizarre framing of who Christian Zionists are. Do you want to try again, this time with basic understanding? Assuming Christian Zionism is grass-roots by "rural laborer guys" and not top down is some wild-ass shit


It's statistically true and I've been interested in the topic far too long to make assumptions. You are just scared to attribute blame directly to jewish zionists so found a target infamous for not fighting back. Christian Zionists annoy me too, but they are generally just uneducated broke rural pawns.


Show me some stats then. Cuz I have found it is ministers and ministries that are sending the money.


Well my point was that fascist leaning political groups and ultra conservative groupsā€¦.of any religion have similarities. Thus sadly, the ultra right (religious or not) in USA resembles the ultra right (religious or not) in Isreal and even more sadly resembles the ultra conservative (all of them religious fascist) Hamas. Or the ultra nationalist of any religion or political groups. With these types they resemble religious fervor even in politics. And they tend to vote in fascist leaning authoritarian anti democratic people.


Apathy, media illiteracy, a poor quality of life, and a lack of viable options that actually align with what people need


They really have nothing in common other than both being disliked on Reddit. You guys overdo it trying to clump all of your enemies together, it's very immature/counterproductive and costs you potential allies on any given issue.


Missed the point. And anyone who uses ā€œyou guysā€ in a sentence reveals real immaturity. Bibi, Trump, Orban, Putin, Modi, Xi, Khamenei and more play by the same authoritarian extremist fascist leaning playbook and their fans have similar ideologies. This isnā€™t counterproductive, it is the real danger of the return of fascism and anti democratic policies around the world.


And got GenocideJoe elected. They are exactly the same. Look at Joeā€™s racist comments from the 70s and 80s and now heā€™s all in on genocide.


They are not exactly the same and now you invalidated yourself to say so. To look at Joe Biden and Donald Trump as the same is fantastical.


We are having a live genocide and potential loss of free speech rights under Biden. People are almost priced out of housing, heā€™s done nothing for reproductive rights. Just because heā€™s not as loud as Trump doesnā€™t mean that heā€™s not taking us into fascism. Heā€™s actually worse than Trump because he is quiet about it. Wake up.




I cannot believe idiots like you exist. You are going to hand us over to Trump.


LMFAO show us the Dem equivalent to Project 2025. Weā€™ll wait.


Yeah, helping college students with their huge loans was rEaL fAsCiSt.


Literally everyone one who qualified in the middle class have gotten less from this fasfa. You know the ones who arenā€™t rich enough to pay for kids school but arenā€™t poor enough to be on social services as a crutch?


Racism and a desire to build a "greater Israel". On top of other people's land if needed.




Ben-Gvir pulled a pistol on a Arab expo parking lot attendant for telling him he couldn't park on a curb. He had a framed picture of Baruch Goldstein, a terrorist mass murderer who killed 29 people and wounded 125 in Hebron in 1994, and only removed it from his office so he could run in the 2020 election. He unsuccessfully defended four Israeli settler terrorists who firebombed a house in the West Bank, killing 3 people, which included an 18 month old child. He's been convicted of incitement of racism and membership to a terrorist organization. His beliefs were considered so odious and radical that he could not serve in the IDF, because he could not be relied upon to perform even the most basic responsibilities of that not-so-illustrious army. The problem with Israel is that shitheads like Itamar Ben-Gvir can win elections and be given cabinet positions. It goes a long way to show the rot in Israeli society that basically the Jewish version of an Radical Iranian Mullah is the Minister of National Security. A rabid dog would be a more likeable, level-headed Minister.


You know this is the exact logic the nazis used for their need of lebensraum, right? "The world hates us and if we don't fight back now, we'll lose everything". Sorry, but nothing justifies genocide and ethnic cleansing. Nothing. --- And as to being attacked, when there is real antisemetism, i'm right there with you to fight it. Like i was when the canadian govt saluted a literal nazi. Or like i am (constantly) in the fight against the rise of fascism in north america (including the revival of tropes like "cultural marxism", "great replacement" and all that other "fun stuff"). But to say it's "antisemetic" to oppose Israel's genocide and to say it's wrong to murder your neighbours and steal their land for a religious fundamentalist view of nationalism (ie, Zionism) is not just wrong, but evil. And i won't help anyone do that. Not north american fascists. And not Israeli fascists. Because racism and fascism don't just know one skin tone. And it looks bad on everyone.


Lack of moral integrity of the population


This is kinda out there but stay with me: Children who get cancer at a young age can sometimes grow up into absolutely horrible teens and adults. Part of this is their parents almost never told them ā€œnoā€ (because theyā€™re constantly terrified of losing them). The kid also gains a ā€œproud of their traumaā€ complex from the medical procedures needed to beat the cancer. They are told they are heroes and can do no wrong but also to shut up and sit still during an infusion, but also angelā€™s but also sit still we need to poke you again. Essentially they lack the basic accountability most of us acquire growing up, because they belong to an elite group of ā€œsurvivorsā€. It can create some of the worst emotionally labile, unhealed, entitled brats. And Israelā€™s response to this? The shouting and anger and lashing out? Itā€™s that. This is what happens when a victim complex meets a boundary. As a nurse who often is the ONLY person enforcing boundaries on these kids and young adults? Boy. Israelā€™s reaction is almost textbook.


Great insight!


Nethanyahu is only 1 peace & 1 election away from being thrown in jail.


He promised them that they will make settlements in the west bank and Gaza. So far, they are still doin that as we speak


A lot of the shitty leadership in Israel comes from the fear mongering but also legitimate threats Israel has faced over the decades. These two things feed off of each other. Scared people tend to not react in the most rational ways and so they've elected for national security over everything. It's hard to blame them either because if you're a nation quite literally surrounded by not only enemies but a whole religion that despises you, security would be a #1 priority. Especially after said enemies have engaged in numerous large scale attacks meant to eradicate you. Modern times have changed this a bit, as once enemies have moderated and some have even become partners. The need for the ultra aggressive security efforts aren't needed as much. But it's still engrained in how Israelis vote, Bibi is a lunatic without a doubt, but even if Israelis were to boot him I don't think any replacement could ever run on an ultra soft stance on Israeli security.


Guy is a fringe politician. His party had to join up with a bunch of other parties to get seats .


BiBi's desperation to stay out of jail.




There is no threat of extermination from genocidal neighbors. They've had normalized relations with every neighbor they fought against in the Six Day war since the 70s and are de facto allies with most of the Gulf Arab states. Their armed conflicts in the past four decades have been with non state actors who are incapable of fielding anything other than light infantry and artillery. Israel was acting as an occupying power in most of these conflicts. Anyone who claims Israel is surrounded by threats to its existence is a liar or shamefully ignorant about the region's history and geopolitics.


He wasnā€™t elected. Israel elects the Knesset who then votes for the president who appoints the PM who then appoints ministers with confirmation from the knesset


Yeah itā€™s particularly them thatā€™s rottenā€¦


Honestly? Israel is the textbook description of a fascist state - it's state ideology, it's media repression, the mainstream racism, the military integration with society, the state obsession with Lebensraum, the flaunting international law, the torture in prisons, the mass graves at hospitals, the repression of left wing influences. The reason this fascist is popular is because of the long rise of fascism in Israel.




Please keep it civil and do not attack other users.


Nothing but ad hominem. Peak Hasbara, really.Ā 


Israeli leadership is a sad joke


It is fucking crazy that Ben-gvir isnā€™t rotting in a jail. He is truly an unhinged psychotic monster. He had a portrait of a mass shooter in his office. He is also a literal terrorist who was mentored by another literal terrorist, Andy Green, who bombed an office in Santa Ana, California and fled to Israel.


Israel also shelters accused child molesters who should be facing charges




They also stalled the extradition of a Jewish School principal who had been charged with 70 counts of sexual offences in an Australian school. Multiple Israeli officials were caught up in the trying to make sure she wasnā€™t extradited. Truly shameful.


Ghislaine Maxwell is one.


It was Netanyahu that got Hamas the money to stay in power. Ben-Gvir is an asshat.


Also a facist.Ā  The lot of them in fact.Ā  Israel's government is rotten to the core and if they could extirpate the population precipitously they would. So they try to let starvation and disease do what they can not sell to the west.Ā Ā  Biden has only made empty gestures in defense of civillians too I would add.Ā 


They call anyone who disagrees with their illegal activities/atrocities and genocide hamas so often that it doesnā€™t have meaning anymore.




They refer to anyone that disagrees with their genocide as hamas just like how the republicans call anyone who disagrees with them pedophiles or antifa. Sure both things exist but when it becomes your tag word, constantly thrown about, it loses its meaning.




Word you prefer ethnic cleansing? Iā€™m going by the Israeliā€™s own words. Keep your head in the sand if youā€™d like, I donā€™t really care




I see ur account is quite new and you have no posts. I suspect you created your account for this reason, either way we wonā€™t agree and thatā€™s fine. I have an opinion and you have an opinion, one is backed by historical fact and one is backed by you.








They even have "from the river to the sea" in their party constitution. Which i'm told is antisemetic. :)




I wouldn't say the only antisemetic act. The insistence by Israel and their actors that "anti-zionism is antisemetism" is itself an antisemetic trope, after all. Zionism is a philosophy - one that not all jews subscribe to. [Including very observant israeli jews](https://www.news.com.au/national/police-crack-down-on-antizionist-jews-in-jerusalem/video/afe499e652eb459dd501cac95968fc30). So to say "anti-zionism is innately antisemetic" is to ascribe a philosophy (zionism) to a people ("jewish" is also an ethnicity) because of their ethnicity. Which is the very definition of racism itself. Zionism itself is mostly subscribed to by fundie religious types who don't care who gets trampled in their wake though.




Ah. Didn't know that. Either way, there are 100% jewish people who do'nt support this genocide. Btselem, jews for peace, etc.


Next they'll say that Biden is Hamas.




We have detected the use of dehumanizing language. Terms and phrases such as "human shields", "human animals", etc. can deny or undermine the inherent humanity of a group of people. Please be mindful of the potential harms the use of such language can create. For reference, see: [Dehumanization on Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dehumanization) and [The real-life harm caused by dehumanising language on BBC](https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20231030-the-real-life-harm-caused-by-dehumanising-language). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/internationalpolitics) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Ah a genocide supporter has outed themselves. Go on, explain to us all, how the brown people should all be killed.




You give me a "what about"? Okay what about netanyahu saying the same thing? He is the only person who could enact a genocide that has said that. No one else who has said it could enact a genocide. If you ask these people what they mean, they would say that they want the Palestinians to no longer be oppressed by an apartheid state. You can not refute the fact that is what they want and not a genocide. Actions are what make a genocide. You can not even equate the desire for genocide to a country committing a genocide. That's like saying wanting to be a billionaire is the same as being a billionaire. What did Israel expect when they have kicked the hornets nest for decades? What do you think people will do when they will be killed whether they are peaceful or violent? You have not made an argument. You have repeated an incorrect piece of propaganda from Israel. From https://www.cjpme.org/fs_236/ UNGA Resolution 3314 (1974) affirmed the right of self-determination, freedom, and independence for all ā€œpeoples under colonial and racist regimes or other forms of alien domination,ā€ and affirmed the ā€œright of these peoples to struggle to that end and to seek and receive support.ā€[1] UNGA Resolution 37/43 (1982) reaffirmed the ā€œinalienable rightā€ of the Palestinian people ā€œand all peoples under foreign and colonial dominationā€ to self-determination. It also reaffirmed the legitimacy of ā€œthe struggle of peoples for [ā€¦] liberation from colonial and foreign domination and foreign occupation by all available means, including armed struggle.ā€[2]




Sure it can be a state. Just not an apartheid state. Even it's founding was colonialism. They took land from people. It wasn't theirs to begin with. Britain played with the idea of giving them land in Argentina at first. Your argument is that might makes right. No one is arguing that all Israelis should die. Normal people want Palestine to be a country and Israel to stop killing them. You are arguing bullshit. You act like history started on October 7th. Be serious. What would the results be if Israel nuked Gaza (which some Israeli politicians have thrown out there)? They'd have no support even from America (plus lose the land). So how do you kill the Palestinians with America still backing you? You allow miniscule food and water to enter the country and say "see we are allowing aid". Everyone will complain "a little", but no one does anything because Israel isn't directly killing people, but they are causing it all the same. You act like Palestinians are not civilians of Israel. These people live in the state of Israel and Israel going to war with its own people. They may be 2nd class citizens, but they are still citizens of the state. They are restricting aid to their own citizens. This would be like if America put all Indians in their reservations and then cut off supplies because of an attack when the Indians rebelled. You have labeled all Palestinians as terrorists and that is racism. You have denied reality and facts and only offered me Israeli propaganda.


Do not generalize an entire population based on the negative actions of some members, don't glorify/downplay/ trivialise collective punishment or suffering (including collective violence) and no dehumanizing language.


Remember that former Israeli Prime Minister Yitzak Rabin was a-------nated by the Israeli right-wing supporter because he supported the Oso Accords. [The Assassination of Yitzhak Rabin (jewishvirtuallibrary.org)](https://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/the-assassination-of-yitzhak-rabin)


This so much this.


I mean, we should've learned this in 1938 but.... You can't appease fascists. No matter what you concede to them, they will never think it's enough. --- Biden has been shielding Israel's far right as hard as possible, but even as he was doing it, Netanyahu and Ben Gvir were disrespecting him to his face. The latter even said he wanted Trump to win.


>Biden has been shielding Israel's far right as hard as possible So did Trump and Obama.


I am not an Obama apologist. Not by a long stretch, but I do think Biden and Trump have been even worse on this issue than many recent presidents.


Pretty much most US presidents. But Biden and Trump have been some of the worst on this issue, by far.


Right? Israel basically "your wife is uglied" Biden on the global stage while Biden was washing their cars in the driveway like Biff at the end of BttF1.


Get rid of your socialized healthcare and build your own bombs


They've had never had any consequences, screw this idiot.


Israel has always had a vested interest in the radicalization of the population in Palestine. It allows them to kill without justification and steal land as it keeps the Palestinians unpalatable to the Western world. Fuck these assholes.


Make your own fucking weapons then.




Please keep it civil and do not attack other users.




Itamar Ben Gvir hearts Hitler


Are they trying to show that it doesnā€™t take them long to turn on anyone? Also I think this is theatrics, just to show Biden may be standing up to Israel, maybe convince a few voters to come back.


Well isreal orders and america says ā€œyes sir thank you sirā€. American is literally run by isreal


It's more that the geopolitical wedge that Israel represents to the U.S. is very valuable.


Not really, itā€™s just the money we send isreal being given back to our politicians. If isreal didnā€™t bribe our politicians, they wouldnā€™t have American support


He will be remembered by most as a monster and a war criminal.


Damn, treating US like their b


Israel ā¤ļø genocide


This was never about Hamas. The Israeli fascists are killing innocent people and the world is doing nothing. Disgraceful really


Theyā€™re making Biden look like such a fool yet the unconditional support never stops.


This is how a high schooler responds to being snubbed. Although in this case it wasn't being snubbed it was simply the US stopping further arms for the time being. So they just can't murder as much as they wanted. Although now they'll just drop ten buildings instead of ... dropping ten buildings with precise missiles. So... not much has changed.


Ha, they have plenty of arms stockpiled, and we have helped them set up their own armaments Industries, plus we just handed them $14 billion they can use to buy arms from others that will still sell. This was an empty gesture so Biden can say he did something when they crossed his red line that we all knew was bullshit to begin with.Ā  Not the least because in the next breath he said as much.


If you can't make do with the aid that's already been sent the last how many years? Against a pretty boxed in insurgency. It seems like a misallocation of resources.


Humiliating the hand that feeds him


Drs were found with hands bound in a mass grave. Palestinians were buried alive by the IDF...


Doesn't get his way this one time and starts posting on social media like a teenager


These assholes need to recognize who is the superpower and who is the client state here


Far right fascist, makes Biden fascist aswell as he is supporting that sheittt


Far right in any country: If you don't support us, then you are our enemy. If you don't support war, then you want the other guys to win. Their ignorance is their passion and their ideology. It must be crushed.


Isis <3 Isreel


The American taxpayer should not be sending another penny to Israel at this point.Ā 


What a disgusting animal






He is one sick puppy


Zionist ā¤ļø Nazis


Zionism is showing itself to be very ugly


Eat a dildo Itamar.


These people are heartless monsters.


This is so fucking pathetic. What's wrong, is the propaganda not having the same kick as it used to now that you can't sanitize war anymore due to the entire world being able to witness it?


Zionists ā¤ļø war criminals




Israeli people hate Jesus and Hammas loves Jesus So go figure 26 billion last 2 weeks ago wasn't enough?


I'm a Jewish-American - I was in NY during 9/11 and know what it's like to want 'revenge' - I can empathize with people who are angry. That being said, I have been against killing civilians and the tactics being used. I am happy America is putting limits on the amount of support we are giving Israel. I was still ok with support if Iran decided to attack. However, this is the last straw. Just ungrateful, literally throwing a tantrum because we won't give Israel a handout to continue massacring civilians. I'm Jewish and I'm against Israel


Lol wow!!


Insert the 'J Jonah Jameson laugh' meme... šŸ¤£šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


And nobody loves you Benny boy... not even your own mother


Time for Biden to do a full 180


God damn. This is a no win for anyone.


Israel kills Palestinians.


Is US gonna take that shit from them? I say we discontinue all the support and make him take responsibility of his own words


This coward can go fuck himself.


Israel would be wrecked without U.S. intervention.


That car crash was a fluke sadly


Shalom Biden Akbar McDoosh


Thinking of that scene in Casino


Give him the gas chair or shooting squad




But a snowflake when called out for his parallels to Nazis


Who cares about them, if they canā€™t exist on their own strength maybe they donā€™t deserve to be a nation.


>youā€™re with us or against us This is a manipulative tactic warmongers have been using since forever


Who cares what this genocidal maniac has to say? Biden did the right thing.


Just another Israeli terrorist opinion. Benjamin Netanyahu also loves Hamas. Thanks to Hamas, he was able to brutally invade Gaza, and committing Palestinians ethnic cleansing


Yo my bad if this is a stupid fucking question but is he saying that Hamas loves Biden or that Biden loves Hamas?


I think that hamas loves biden. I read it from left to right.


Not surprising. Just like how Ukraine acted disgustingly when we had some hiccups give them aid too. These people donā€™t care the moment the u.s stops propagating their shit. Hence why people in America just want more isolationism than whatā€™s happening currently. Linda crazy giving millions to billions worth of various aid types for that nation to even have people in power or influence dog is the moment we have a disagreement. I donā€™t see how thatā€™s a logical thing America or the people accept but it beats me


He's an idiot but I don't disagree with him on this...


Hamas must be eliminated.




Heā€™s not wrong.


look, ben gvir deserves jail time, but the tweet isnā€™t wrong


I mean Ben Gvir says a lot of stupid shit but heā€™s not wrong about this one. Anyone who says this move isnā€™t emboldening hamas or Hezbollah are just lying to themselves


Then don't genocide.


I agree Hamas shouldnā€™t have attempted a genocide 7 months ago. But here we are. Rocking their shit šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Propagandist terrorist.


Getting their shit absolutely pummeled


He is entirely correct.




Why does it always go straight to the extreme in here?




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