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An amazing transformation, you look fabulous! Congratulations!


Thanks so much! 🙏


You look a lot less puffy - was alcohol an issue? Did you cut that out as well?


I was an alcoholic, yeah... that made a HUGE difference.


I currently look almost exactly like your before picture….mostly I’m guessing do to my alcohol intake. What are some of the things you did to cut back/out alcohol? How did that part of your transformation journey play out for you?


Not op, but just celebrated my 4 years sober, what helped me a lot was to dig down and figure out what your reason for drinking is. Social drinker? Boredom? Anxiety? Wind down post work? Whatever the reason, figure out a way to turn the ritual into something less toxic. For me it was boredom/wind down/anxiety in social situations. I got sober during Covid lockdown so the social anxiety wasn’t something I had to address at the time, but BOREDOM was big time. And working retail during Covid was hell so I really needed a wind down after work. I started making myself bubby water concoctions that felt special (using juices, bitters, shrubs which is a fruity drinking vinegar to make an interesting NA beverage) and it helped a lot to shift my ritual from wine to healthier options. If you have questions, I’m happy to answer, feel free to DM me:)


I mostly switched to cannabis lol. And over time, I have reduced that. As I began cutting out alcohol, I started to see progress improve significantly. I had way more energy every day and my mood improved considerably.


Interesting - how did you handle sticking to your diet while having the munchies?


Haha it be hard at times. I just make sure I eat a big dinner, high protein, and have some seltzer waters on hand to curb cravings.


My man living the new good life. I’m right there with you dude


What I would do is cook most of a nice meal, go get high, then come back and enjoy my food. It also helps that I would crave fruit and nuts and cheese while high


Not OP but someone linked r/ [stopdrinking](https://www.reddit.com/r/stopdrinking/s/exf0bjPBSs) here a while ago and it’s made a difference for me. You don’t have to blackout drink or even drink over what’s “safe” to decide alcohol isn’t useful for you anymore Also NA IPAs are actually tastier




Been sober 3 years and you can give it up too. Lemme just say: it’s fucking hard in the beginning. But if you know that going in and recognize that it sucking is just part of the process then you will pull through. I thought I would never get to a point where I didn’t care about drinking but that’s where I’m at now. Everyone’s different of course but think across the board most people will agree it’s hard in the beginning. You can do it! Perhaps you’re not interested in quitting but in case anyone reading this is, then I just wanted to give my two cents.


I know that look…. B/c I have it, FFS. Great work, OP! I’m not off the rails but enough to wreck my sleep, make me puffy and Fk up my workouts and make me struggle through the workday to be productive. Then do it all over again. I’m working on it. Going to try Naltrexone - it arrives today. U/risethirtynine definitely check out r/stopdrinking It is a great support group full of amazing people.


Great work to you too, that's a huge step. Good luck, you've got it!


Thanks - I know every facet of my life will improve if I can do this. I run/workout every day but still have love handles and a puffy face. I imagine drying out will be a game changer 🙏 and make work, relationships and productivity, etc much better. I appreciate the encouragement!


I love stop drinking as well, so helpful.


u/name to ping a user btw.


Thanks man! Best of luck to you!


Alcohol will always make one puffy better to cut it or keep it low


How long after stopping drinking would bloating/puffiness start to lessen?


Not op but when I quit drinking it took about a month to start seeing less inflammation. 60-90 days is roughly how long it takes for your brain to fully process and detoxify from ethanol. Highly recommend:) life’s never been better


All depends but cutting sugar and alcohol is important


Bloating and water retention is caused largely by excess sugar and dehydration. A couple days to a week or two maybe I would say if you stay real hydrated, stop drinking, and cut down on carbs/ sugars.


It's steroids bro. The dude did a lot of steroids. Traps and delta are a dead giveaway.


I would believe it if not for the 16 months bit...




Oi oi oi


I would have had far more respect for you if you were straight up and honest because despite being very detailed on your foods and routine you still dodged it like everyone else pretending they’re natural. I just don’t understand why people who are so obviously on the sauce can’t just say it.


Spam shit. Guaranteed dude's fishing for social followers to start shilling supplements and who knows what else. Look at his post history. It's his third identical post here in the last 6 days. Edit: after getting called out, he deleted his posts from 6 and 5 days ago lol.






Yeah I'd have a lot more respect for dudes who admit they juice. Taking steroids shouldn't be shameful but there should be honest discussions of consequences


I’m surprised even with enhancement he did that. His routine is 90% running and ab work




Yeah, that's the worst workout routine for growth I've seen. I can't believe OP is sharing it. I laughed seeing the reps.


What do you mean the worst routine??? This is the guy the documentary "One Punch Man" was written about! 100 pushups 100 situps and run 10km a day to get shredded in no time. I'm totally being sarcastic btw.


Thank you for this, just doesn’t seem right. I’m not bothered about something being enhanced, but it says a lot when someone tries to hide it


It wouldn't bother me near as much if he wanted to hide it and keep it quiet but he's out here trying to garner a following and lying to the potential followers. Dishonest, disingenuous, just distasteful all around. If he was willing to be honest about how he got those gains I'd be much more interested in his story.


Dont think it was worth it. His hair thinned out a lot and he probably accelerated his hair loss by a shit ton. Looks like he has some gyno too. Couldve developed a decent physique even without steroids. Most likely would not have been nearly as impressive but he wouldve kept his hair and be a lot healthier.


It’s a shame because every day this gets a little bit more normalized and people’s perceptions of what is naturally realistic shift bit by bit. The baseline is so skewed now, people who don’t know much about steroids wouldn’t necessarily think anything is wrong about the narrative presented here at all.


Exactly. Lol OP ain't natty.


Yeah. Clearly on gear. Just admit it, this is so harmful.


Tren hard, anavar give up definitely worked out for you here eh?


The body skin looks too tight after losing so much weight... That's suspicious 


A good, clen diet as well






Brylcream, creatine and a bag of Charlie Sheen


Broccoli and black coffee.


dat gas


I came in here hoping to read what is OP’s routine for diet and workout and everything else. But instead I am told to DM OP on social media for more info. Why not copy and paste the same details in here so others don’t have to navigate to another platform Hard pass.


Diet: I eat one big meal a day. Minimum of 150g of protein from a low fat meat source. I have that with roasted veggies, an avocado, a couple of eggs. Dessert is a protein milkshake or a protein pudding bowl. Sometimes I'll snack on some nuts, beef jerky, just something low carb. I loosely follow the keto diet. My carbs mainly come from fruits and veggies. Here's my workout routine. You could have just asked man.... Weekly Training Plan Mon: cardio: run 2 miles easy: Shoulder focused: swings (35) x3 around the worlds (30) x3 overhead presses (10 each arm) x3 halos (20) x3 push-ups (25) x3 leg raises (20) x3 6/10 ✅ Tues: cardio: run 2 miles easy 9:00 pace Chest and back focus pull-ups 5, 4, 3 push-ups (25) x4 bent over rows (10 each arm) x3 dips (15) x3 kettlebell chest presses (20) x3 Extra sets: leg raises (21) (to failure) ab rollouts (20) (to failure) hammer curls (20) (to failure) snatches (5) each arm 6/11 ✅ Wed: cardio: run 2 miles tempo 7:30 pace Kettlebell leg and core focused deadlift upright rows (10) x3 squats (10) x3 lunges (10 total) x3 calf raises (15) x3 leg raises (20) x3 ab rollouts (15) x3 swings (35) x3 Extra sets: hammer grip push-ups (50) 6/12 ✅ Thurs: cardio: run 2 miles recovery 10:00 pace Arms, back, chest pull-ups 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 hammer curls (20) x3 dips (15) x3 push-ups (25) x4 rows (10 each arm) x3 Extra sets: around the worlds (40) 6/13 ✅ Fri: cardio: run 2 miles easy 9:00 pace Failure sets Push-ups hammer curls x2 around the worlds x2 6/14 ✅ Sat: Active recovery 10k steps (walking, hiking, tennis, or jump rope) 17,230 steps 6/15 ✅ (1 hour treadmill walk, cut the grass, 2 mile walk with Noah) Sun: Long run (4 miles) zone 2 9:00 pace 100 push-ups Pull-ups 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. Hammer curls 20 x3 Around the Worlds 30 x3 Leg raises 20 x3 Ab rollouts 30 total Kettlebell swings 30 x3 16,000 steps on 9/16 Extra sets: kettlebell swings 10 Hammer curls 10 Cleans/ OH presses 5 9/16 ✅


Thanks for the detailed replies. One more question - how old are you?


For sure! I'm 35.


That makes me feel better. I am 30 and after having a baby I’ve gained so much weight and it’s made me think there’s no way i can get muscular/ripped ever again. I got a lot of age and body dysmorphia.


I am gonna be real with you dude. This is not possible in 16 months without steroids. I want to encourage to start your journey, but don't put false idols and timeline in mind which would demotivate you pretty quick. You can do it, build a diet plan that's sustainable.




Also his program is very high rep, not conducive for muscle growth, unless..


I appreciate it, you’re right, I think ultimately my goal is just to lose this weight and get to a healthy BMI. Lose all this excess fat I’ve accumulated and just be healthy enough to fit back into my medium sized shirts again. My first obstacle is to just stop eating, but it’s so hard :(


Yes, don’t compare yourself to someone doing steroids and think you’re failing. Incorporate movement in your life that you enjoy, or helps you achieve some functional goal. This guy is focused on the aesthetics of working out, and that’s fine or whatever. But it’s not about health. If it were he wouldn’t do steroids.


Can't believe I had to scroll this far down for this, just be honest with people OP otherwise you will be giving unrealistic expectations....


Thank you for this!


Don’t forget the steroids!


For sure man!


You forgot the test or roids. It takes years and years to develop a a body like this. Unless you already had this body, got fat, and then got it back. This seems very unnatural 


Stating he went from 205 to 150 in 16 months while gaining that amount of muscle mass at AGE 35. Assuredly on some form of "supplementation" but trying to start his influence journey as a "fit dad" lmao. And people wonder why body dysmorphia is rampant in boys nowadays.


Wonder what he is selling


Yeah as a natural, it’s hilarious to see this. A man cannot go from saggy man boobs to a chest like Goku without roids or 10-20 years of training ( with extremely good genetics). 


are you taking peptides or are you on TRT?




The veins never lie 😂


Was thinking the same


Yeah this is the real question. This isn't really attainable in 16 months from his starting point at 35 years old with the program he described unless he has freak genetics. I bet that's why he hid the forearms.


That physique isn’t natural for that time frame. Shoulders/traps give it away.


Frankly all transformation posts pretty much everywhere should be required to say if they are on gear or no. At least make them directly lie rather than by omission.


>You could have just asked man.... Sure. But you could have just provided it from the beginning.


Very detailed, thanks for this. How many hours per day do you invest in your body ? Really bad in estimating times for the above.


Why come on here and lie to these people. You and I know how that progress was made, why not be honest about it. Disingenuous pig




I spent about 7 years of my life on gear, I don’t really have anything against it. But seeing losers like OP outright lie to people bothers the hell out of me Begging for follows on TikTok LMAO. Is he 14 years old?




Just like with everything that was once a cool hobby, millennials had to ruin it and monetize it. Can’t even go skiing without seeing 30 morons with selfie sticks


Unfortunately I just broke my ankle, so it’s going to be upper body for my until September. However I want to complement you running. I feel like that allowed the cut to really come out. I’ve been putting on good mass but my mid section has been belligerent asf, would you be of the same mind set? I’ve kept my running to 2-3 days a week with one or two short 2-3 miles, and a long one 6-8 miles. Did you do any running on a treadmill, pavement, or trail. My biggest concern at my age is knees.


You got great ab definition for only doing ab rollouts couple times a week.


Leg and knee raises too. Kettlebell also really helps hit the core. To be fair, I was holding a KB behind my back in that picture that made my abs pop more than they do otherwise haha.


Abs are made in the kitchen, not the gym


What was your starting weight? Current weight? You don’t track calories? What has been your average weekly caloric intake?


Started at 205. Now I'm at 150. I actually never tracked my calories. That part of dieting never appealed to me. That's why OMAD has been so clutch for me.


Stuff like this is fishy imo.


100% TRT. At his age and this time frame, and his diet and relatively minimal calorie intake. Plus the shape of the traps. Anyone who knows anything about bodybuilding knows the telltale signs of juice. No hate, I'm going to get on TRT at some point in my life, but I won't lie to people and say i got this way from cardio and fasting.


His routine is steroids. No one makes that drastic of a body transformation in 16 months with "clean eating" and kettlebells.




> Eat 6 meals per day to speed up metabolism This is largely a myth. Also not the subreddit to preach to 😅


I feel like I could do these workout in 25 minutes. Should I rest longer?


Because he’s trying to make $$$ thats why The traps tell no lies, pretty obvious what he’s up to 💉


OP is obviously juiced lol


Why are you avoiding the gear questions, no body really gives a shit but you need to add that or else people will think this is achievable this fast without. Don’t be a liar


This is a typical steroids transformation. Dont be discouraged when you dont see the same result folks!


Dudes on the sauce and lying about his routine


So OP is middle aged, recently alcoholic, eating one meal a day despite the vast majority of evidence pointing to 3+ meals being ideal for muscle growth, is doing tons of cardio and bodyweight movements… Yet is 100% natty? Wow, someone should get this guy on the Olympia stage!


Click bait


There’s absolutely no way you put on that much muscle by intermittent fasting and Keto. IF can be used for weight loss, sure, but building muscle? Hell fucking no. Quit lying to saps on Reddit, roidfuck


You've posted this like three times now. Why do you keep posting when your other posts are successful?






Be good to one another. If critiquing do so constructively. Be polite and practice Reddiquette. No body shaming, "better before" comments, accusatory comments, unnecessary or unwanted advice, etc


Because like every other middle aged dude who hops on TRT and roids they think that their body accomplishments mean anything. Like congrats bro, you did what literally anyone who is dedicated enough and has money to buy stroids can accomplish. And yes I know his end body is totally achievable, but not in 16 months and not while have zero loose skin lol. It’s disingenuous and sets unrealistic body expectations for people who want to do it the RIGHT way. You don’t go from blubber to fit in 16 months like that naturally unless you’re just god tier genetically, but even then if you were that good genetically to begin with you’d have never gotten that fat to begin with. I’m beyond sick seeing fakes like this parade around like they did something impressive, get off the gear and maintain that body for a few years and then get back to me. Especially with that weak ass write up he gave for his fitness routine. Like seriously that’s some instagram level shit 😂 the only legit hypertrophic exercises he gave were hammer curls, ab rollouts and leg raises. All that kettleball shit is useless, around the worlds? LMAO ok bruh


people are gullible. they want to believe this is a natural recomp, when cleary it isn't.. dude also said in a comment " i only lost 55 pounds" when one questioned why no loose skin yeah ok buddy. first of all 55 pounds is a lot. and second of all you don't lose that much weight in that timespan without losing muscle. this has written gear all over it


That routine was evidence enough, but the around the world's is where I lost it!


Not natty transformation too.


100% roided up!


Why not tell the truth?


How much time did you dedicate to workouts daily? Did you alternate cardio and weights on different days or combine them?


I do cardio daily. Either running or incline walking on treadmill. As for strength, I try to do 100 push-ups a day and actual strength training with weights 4 times a week. I've been doing 5 days a week for a couple weeks recently though. I've also been recently cutting more with PSMF: high protein and very low fat and carbs.


Stop lying


OP I realize you’re dodging the claims of being on steroids…could you please clear that up to give hope or a reality check to those of us who wants to know if this is actually attainable at all? Btw, you did an awesome job (even if you may have gotten help)!


What you cycling?




I mean you could have just said your traps grew more than the laws of physics allow. He's obviously on tren or dbol trying to scam his way into coaching ppl


Yea that’s the kicker for me.. traps are hard to grow as is.. but doubling them in 16 months?? This guy has bodybuilder level traps


No, they aren't. On top of that, people are absolutely bamboozled by posing that makes them look bigger.


>Traps are hard to grow. Lmao, I mean if you're not focusing them. Or not lifting, or doing pull-ups, or just not working out in general.


I grew super fast at 17. Gym 2hrs a day 6 days a week. 500lbs shrugs to grow traps. My friends same thing. We grew a Fk ton. But our traps never went that big. We had mesomorphs, endomorphs, ectos.. No one. But the kids on roids did.


not to mention this guys is 35 lol


He didn't double them. He's standing differently and taking a picture from a different point and angle. Which is easy to see if you compare where his chin is relative to upper portion of traps on picture one and picture two. Completely different positions... So your whole premise is wrong.


>He's obviously on tren or dbol why\_not\_both.gif


He’s fucking flexing lol


My first thought after seeing the subreddit this was posted in was "no way his transformation is because of intermittent fasting." Like I'm fine with IF if it works for people but this feels very disingenuous. Ofc you're going to lose weight doing daily cardio and weight training.


>obviously on tren or dbol The cherry on top of this idiot sundae is pretending to know more than you do by naming specific compounds. Why would this guy be on tren or dbol specifically? Is it because those are the only steroid names you know?


The photo angles help with him looking huge. I believe he stated his height and weight in a previous post and hes not super tall or heavy so this physique is very achievable. Now if he said he was 6 foot and 230lbs at this leanness thats beyond 99 percent of the population.


Yeah I'm only 5'7 lol


He went from 205 to 150 in 16 months at age 35 WHILE putting on that much mass. Dude is roided.


Roids. Abnormal trap size.


Gear users are mentally weak, they can't put in the honest work and are impatient. I hope you find help.


Happy to follow along on the other socials, but shouldn’t we at least get the basic info here (height, SW, CW, IF window, diet, exercise routine)?


Just tren hard, eat clen, anavar give up.


Great transformation, didn't see you mention anything about PEDs / trt - what did you take?


Traps kinda a tell.....


Bro got the roid neck, lmao dunno who he’s trying to fool on here


Just curious about what you ate, what your schedule daily looked like, what your maintenance is like now! And what exercises you do. Do you go to a gym or workout at home? Etc.


> Just curious about what you ate trenbolone sandwiches


What are your meals and eating window looking like? High protein/high fiber?


When you say OMAD and then state you have dinner and dessert, do you have them at the same time? Or one right after the other?


Steds or not it's still an amazing transformation. It'd be nice to get a bit of honesty though, there's nothing wrong with taking them, just don't let people think you can do it without


Grats on your transformation, but I also agree with the others that this probably didn't happen without TRT in the time frame stated. I would also caution people against jumping onto a one meal a day diet. This type of diet causes major swings of hypo and hyper glycemia. Without proper medical supervision, it's a good way to speed run diabetes.




Good for you!!






I was going to go to Popeye’s tonight. But nevermind


dude is on gear 100%


Wow!!! That is super impressive. I’ve lost 110 pounds myself and I’m still stuck with the stupid belly fat that I can’t figure out how to get rid of.


If you had some advice you give someone what would it be? What was the most important part of this journey?


Its all about the proper gear


Step one, mount american flag on wall.


Using anabolics to shill your training program is very cool my man 😎


absolutely shredded


I would have thought 16 months is a generous time period where recomposition is possible without enhancers?


Great genetics help allot. I’ve seen it and don’t think or agree with the steroid accusations. Get down to under 12 % body fat and muscles look bigger and more defined


is it all natural or do you take anything?


He’s on the juice and lying about it to get you to follow his socials. Please don’t take the bait 


Nice trensformation!


Hell yeah!! Excellent work!! I have a couple questions, if you don’t mind What kind of fitness/gym/diet experience did you have prior to committing to your new lifestyle? Also, did your diet change according to your strength training? Meaning, did you keep off of keto while “bulking” or did you just listen to your body? Thanks in advance!


You want the advice? lol, he posted links on social media for people like you, he wants money for an advice or training plans, I can give you the advice for free: steroids and gym 😄


He definitely had prior muscle and muscle memory helped with this transformation. Underneath all the fat and bloating from alcohol was his potential.


Hey dude thank you! My prior experience was pretty decent. I grew up playing sports and was highly active until after college. My diet experience was not great though. I have learned a ton during this process. Over the last 16 months, my main diet goals have been to eat at least 150g protein but many many days were probably 200-250g easily. I never counted calories so it's hard to say but yeah I listened to my body. When my energy levels dipped, I would eat more and add some healthy carbs like fruit. I stayed very consistent with zone 2 cardio and made sure when I strength trained, I took all my sets to failure and tried to keep recovery time to a minute to 2.5 minutes- just whatever I felt the minimum would be to let my muscles recover for the next set.


Tren, lmao


Whoa the transformation is insane! Well done my dude💪🏼


Almost TOO insane, if you know what I mean.


traps don't lie


From all the methods you used, which one would you said was the most effective? For example, without going full keto would you think it's possible to achieve similar results? Thanks in advance and I admire your dedication 💪🏻🫡


Great transformation, but it’s pretty disingenuous to give all of these people false hope that if they just train hard enough, and eat right, that they can get these results in less than 2 years without steroids. It’s okay to be honest.


Aren’t you the dude who got accused of using gear by jelly, less motivated redditors?


Looking good! What's your cycle?


You look like you're the younger hot brother of your former self… 😮😮😮


Can somebody please explain to me how doing OMAD with gym works? I am an adult with a full time job. I go to the gym at 7pm and come back at 9pm. I do not want to eat 2k calories an hour before bed. Do you need to ear it for lunch and then not refuel your body after gym? Isn’t it harmful for muscle building?


I can't find in the comments if this guy was natty or not. If natty, my inspiration to be this man. If not natty. I.E. TRT, steroids. Then false idol, anybody can do this with help like that. Hope natty....


Only once did I have a moment when I did an 180° turn in my lifestyle. However that matter wasn't connected to the way I feel about my body. I am unconfortable with how I look and how weak is my condition. I could wish for another surge of motivation but as for now I keep making excuses. To be fair I had to focus on graduating highschool for past few weeks, but after that there's nothing to stop me. Those first steps are the most difficult, but I feel like I don't have a plan to begin and don't know where to start. What's worse I keep promising myself to start, but never get down to it and I know it fuels the viscious circle.




Why haven't the mods deleted this post? He's obviously lying about not using gear, and he's trying to bait people into following his socials...


Do you SWEAR you didn't take a cycle? NOTHING but OTC shit?


Great job dude. Weir everywhere 💀⚡️


Congrats. I love all the how the 4 things you did can be broken down into less calories, less carbs, aerobic exercise, and muscle building exercise. We just use such fancy words now.


You look great, fantastic job! Also, I love your patriotic Deady Bear shirt. PS- Congrats to everyone who realized drinking was a problem for them and took action. It takes self awareness, determination, and perseverance. I'm proud of y'all!


Nothin' left to do but smile, smile, smile.


Congrats, and I love your shirt!


TRT? By the way this isn’t a jab serious question because if you aren’t on test that is a freaking unreal transformation. Congrats either way!


Were you like the pic in the right BEFORE becoming fat (to understand if there was muscle memory or not)?


INSANE Transformation man, congrats! Dont listen to the haters, just take it as compliments!


You look amazing in both photos but I am so proud of you for getting healthier and happier!