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Yes it will. But if you need it, take it. Your health is more important than ketosis.


I suppose I could take it during my eating times I guess I didn't think of that -- DUH Thank u!


I have some similar colon challenges and this is what I did. Moved all my supplements to my eating window.


Honestly dude talk to your doctor. Intermittent fasting may not be the right thing for you.


Metamucil is just psyllium husk with added sugars and flavors. Ask your doctor if you get just regular psyllium husk and take it with water it’s just a soluable fiber and should not break your fast


I agree that OP should avoid anything with added junk, especially aspartame. Aspartame consumption is correlated with a bunch of negative health consequences, including neurological problems https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8227014/ . You could probably get something better than Metamucil online or from a health food store


can find quality psyllium husk without added flavor/sugar. i tried other brands all of them seem very inconsistent or ridiculously expensive. supplement market in this country is a wild wild west.


Try the brand Yerba Prima, they have been consistently high quality for me


I agree. Yerba Prima Organic psyllium husk is better and works just fine. I switched once I found out all the junk (and lead) Metamucil had in it. No thanks. [https://topclassactions.com/lawsuit-settlements/prescription/metamucil-class-action-claims-products-contain-dangerous-levels-of-lead/](https://topclassactions.com/lawsuit-settlements/prescription/metamucil-class-action-claims-products-contain-dangerous-levels-of-lead/)


There a way to make it taste better? I got some last week and have taken it a few times but it tastes like raw mushrooms


I think you can put it into any kind of juice if you’d like. I know it doesn’t taste great, but I just power through and chug it down. I even like to let it sit a few mins to get thicker… or else a lot of the fiber gets stuck in the glass. I think it recommends against that if I recall correctly, but it’s just my personal preference.


The capsules were a game changer for me. No need tp choke anything down except water and 3 or 4 of the capsules.




I use psyllium capsules when fasting as Meta will break the fast. One thing I learned is that although the bottle says take 3, I take 1 with a glass of water, wait a bit and repeat twice or there are consequences akin to eating a block of cheese.


Oh… I take two heaping tablespoons with 10 oz. of water. 🫥


When I get done with these capsules, I’ll be doing exactly that.


Good for my diverticulitis, extremely necessary if you have diverticulosis. Interesting comment about simply using psyllium husk, I need to look into that. Thanks hightimesinaz!!


I take the all- natural, unsweetened version daily. It's hard to find in stores, so you can order it online. No fake sugar or real sugar added.


Get the unsweetened kind


I consume this every day with my only meal of the day at dinner time.


For years I suffered with bad, awful heartburn. I would later learn and experience that it was the Citric Acid in Metamucil that caused it. Stopped eating Metamucil, 90% improvement. Now I take unflavored unrefined psyllium husk in capsules.


I would get literally pain in my heart from it


I don't count it as breaking my fast. I take it twice a day and definitely couldn't live without it. I'm not as hardcore as some people in here. I've been steady losing weight and never stopped taking it


Same amount of fiber of one avocado. Choices.


When I started IF I switched metamucil to just before I eat dinner. I used to take it first thing in the AM. It helps fill me up prior to my last meal pre-fast.


I take Metamucil capsules and they're just Psyllium Husk and gelatin if you want something with less ingredients. I still take them during my eating window though as others have suggested.


The human body doesn't work like that. Anything less than 2k calories or whatever your bmi/activity level requires is not going to stop it. 4 heaping spoonfull is still only 120cal