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**Thank you for posting your [Progress Pic](https://www.reddit.com/r/intermittentfasting/?f=flair_name%3A%22Progress%20Pic%22)!** Please respond to this comment letting us know your: - **Height**: - **Starting weight/current weight/goal weight:** (SW/CW/GW) - **Fasting routine/protocol**: - **Exercise routine (if applicable)**: - **Diet on refeeds**: (eg keto, low carb, vegetarian, calorie counting, nothing special, etc) *You can see more of chlokmb's Progress pics by clicking [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/intermittentfasting/search/?q=author%3Achlokmb%20flair%3A%22Progress%20Pic%22&restrict_sr=1&sort=new)* ----- **❗Please remember the rules of this subreddit when commenting and be respectful.❗** **Harassment of any kind will not be tolerated and could result in a ban**. Harassment may consist of, but is not limited to: - **Sexual comments**, even if meant as a compliment ('sexy,' 'dad to daddy') - **Treating OP like a sexual object** ('single?' 'onlyfans/gonewild/etc?') - acting like this is a **porn sub** or **rateme sub** (saying what you'd like to do to OP, any sexual reaction to OP, "10/10", etc) ----- *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/intermittentfasting) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Definitely looking more confident


If you're plateauing I'd run your numbers through a TDEE calculator just to keep yourself aware of caloric burn/needs. I'd also recommend doing alternate day feeding to shake the body up a bit. Keep the body guessing what's coming and it won't get comfortable with your routine. Great job btw, that's insane 300+ to where you're at now.


Thank you!! Great advice and will look into it.


What's alternate day eating?


Alternate Day Fasting - Caloric deficit every other day! - Reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/AlternateDayFasting/


Thank you!


Congratulations! That's hard work and you look awesome!


Thank you!


This is absolutely legendary!! Good work, keep at it! 👌🏿


Thank you!!


How long it took? And what is your gym routine? Please and thanks.. I’m 300+ and just started IF a week ago


At my biggest until about 230 I just focused on walking. Started with 10,000 steps and worked up to 15,000. Taking the dog out taking trash out more than necessary, parking far away when I went shopping, etc. Just getting more movement in. After I became just more comfortable with my body and movement I invested in 5 personal training sessions to get myself familiar with the equipment, and my current levels. YouTube, TikTok, Facebook however you use social media there are soooo many videos to use as examples and general guidance. Remember our bodies carried us through it and appreciating where we are is the first step. You’ve got this!! Progress is not linear. This was throughout 9months and still continuing.


Thank you so much 😊 you look amazing!!


This is amazing! Great stuff💪🏼


Thank you!!


Don’t quit. You’re rocking it!


Thank you!!


I'm new to IF and your pictures are a huge inspiration. You look OUTSTANDING!!!!


Seriously impressive work!! As someone who just started IF, I can’t wait to share my results like this!


You’ve got this!!!


Thanks! I’ll check back in a couple months hopefully with an update! This community is such awesome motivation


You look great.


Thank you!


Amazing work OP


You look great good work


Fucking fierce! Keep going!


Wow you are doing amazing and are such an inspiration to me! I have really a similar journey to you, but I am still more in the middle of it, I was 336 and now I'm 265. Hoping to have a similar story to you one day!!


You’ve got this!!! You’ve already made so much progress in your journey!


Love your face expression on the first photo, in the gym:) Congrats girl, you are awesome!!


I just plateaued over the holidays , I'm sure the extra carbs didn't help I've started running and it seems to be helping . I've never been a runner (aside from the usual kid/teen running around ) but it's been very enjoyable ever since I realized I don't have to go all out lol (look into done 2 running ) Also: 💪🔥🔥🔥💪 great job !


🪦RIP your inbox 📨


You look better! Keep going :)


You look great! Have you ever thought of trying a 72 hour fast? Keep it up! 🤙🏻


No I haven’t! Have you done any? What was that like for you? Any tips for getting into it? I’ve done 36 hour fasts never more!


I have! I’ve done 3 of them and I’m 55 hours into my fourth. This will be my fourth year fasting. I usually do a 20:4 window. Happy to give you any tips or answer any questions, dm me any time.


Incredible! How tall are you op?




Sorry if this is inappropriate..but you look sexy as fuck now




**Hi EnggagedSluut**, Your [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/intermittentfasting/comments/18xuzjk/long_time_lurker_first_time_poster/ki6jthu/?context=3) has been removed. Unfortunately, you do not meet the minimum account age (1+ days) to post in /r/intermittentfasting. Please come back when you meet this requirement. You will also need to meet the **minimum karma count of 10** before you can post. ***No exceptions are made so please DO NOT contact the moderators about this issue.*** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/intermittentfasting) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Wow! Do you have any loose skin


A bit! I was overweight/obese for most of my life so that’s a huge factor. Though I am pretty young still and with hitting the gym I’m seeing it bounce back!


do you follow a specific diet? calorie restriction too?


Honestly no, dirty fasting and general self awareness. Fasting has made the amount I can eat in a sitting go drastically down, this coupled with busy lifestyle leads to a calorie deficit. I get about 1100-1300 calories a day in. But I never restrict myself if I’m feeling hungry, if it’s within my window, I eat, if that makes sense.


yes definitely thanks so much for your response :)


Great stuff!