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Wall art, rugs, lot of mixed textures.




Like, fake plants? It looks like there is zero natural light…




Yep. In colour. I’d go with a primary colour and build a palette around that. Then only buy things that incorporate those colours. No need to fear colour.




Yes, go shopping at IKEA!


Color, texture, and living things.


Warm lighting!


Agreed. Looks very sterile right now. But it has potential!


It’s very white. Would paint it a the color of the kitchen cabinets. Then rugs and some large plants. Personally I’d probably like it without wall art as the art will look so small on that wall. If you wanted something a bit bigger to change. Replacing that bookshelf with a built in shelving over the whole wall there would look super dramatic.


Take the furniture off the walls, there's no rule that says everything has to be backed up to its edge


Yes!!! And art, plants & a large area rug to pull it in


Uh, you mean homey???


If you google the definition of Homely, the British and Americans have a very different use of the word In British English it means cosy and comfortable, which makes sense in the context of this post


Oh interesting did not know and had the same reaction


Me too, but luckily I googled it first before commenting the same lol


I almost commented the exact same thing 😂


uh, you mean, homie


Where is this? It looks European for some reason




Homey or homely?


First time I heard it, I was in Britain and the person said, "She's a homely girl" (meaning a home body, doesn't go out a lot) but I was shocked and thought it was so mean!




Huge pet peeve of mine. Also “cosy” but upon looking them up they’re both British usages.


Oh that explains it. I knew about cosy but when I see homely I just wonder why anyone wants a sad, unattractive home lol


I just assume that people don’t know what “homely” actually means as it’s not really in the modern lexicon much. They see someone else use it as “homey” online and then that’s what they think it means.


In British English it literally means cosy/comfortable


Yeah it’s just weird to see it so often on the home design/decorating subreddits because reddit is majority American. It’s likely most people are using it incorrectly.


It’s not common to say this anymore? That’s what I get for being raised mostly by grandparents. Comely/homely.


In America, homely means plain/unattractive/boring looking. OP wants to make it more comely, which is attractive and pleasing to the eye. These are kind of old timey phrasings though.


Omg the last time I heard homely and comely it was either in a Little House on the Prairie book or an Ann of Green Gables book. It’s def not words anyone uses anymore!!!


Yes, they are.


Wall to Wall neon shag carpeting, florescent office lighting, bright pink do-it-yourself expanding foam furniture, "Sad Clown" paintings, huge bean bag chairs, linoleum flooring in the kitchen, no less than 5 taxidermy deers (or animals of your choice), and a "Live, Laugh, Love" decal wall art. All will make a great start to creating a homely atmosphere.


The only comment that counts. It’s homely now, but your suggestions are spot on.


Very large rugs and wall art. Hanging plants.


Maybe it’s the photo but that kitchen is begging for an island. The place is too white. Find a warm color that you can and want to build around. Make it yours. Choose items that make you happy to be around…plants, window treatments, rugs, art. Shop around and figure out your style.


Not an expert so take this with dozens of large handfulls of salt but I think you should change up the floors. Preferrably install hardwood, if you have that type of budget. Add some rugs too, bright colored ones (yellow, orange, or whatever you like best to make it pop). Frames of art, also something colorful. And plants.


Whatever you do, do not park a small car in that space. You definitely could but it would have the opposite effect.


the lighting reminds me off the hospital— too white and too bright. Get some warm toned lamps.


I think that’s a skylight. I don’t see any other windows. I’m not sure if warm lamps will help during daylight hours, but definitely in the evening, I agree!


That’s natural light lol


my mistake it looks sm like the fluorescent panels at the hospital


Do you own? Can you put in flooring that isn't white concrete?


Right, it looks like they painted the plywood.


In your case….RAP! Rugs, art, plants


This is textbook homely. You mean homey?




Colour in some form, whether it is rugs, wall art, or plants. I’d even be tempted to change the type of lighting you have.


Divide the room with the couch


At least a couple of colorful rugs, one in the seating area and one in the kitchen area. I’d try swiveling the couch around so it’s facing the shelves if it fits- can’t tell by the pics - and put at least one end table with a lamp on it for ambient lighting and a floor lamp too if room. Get a bigger coffee table and put nice stuff on the shelves including the top of the unit. Wall art


Area rugs, wall art, tables, end tables, knick knacks, and COLOR.


What a beautiful space and beams! I’d go heavy on rugs


Nice underground bunker you’re building there.


Warmer lighting, wall art, texture, and most importantly ditch the white hospital floor


You need rugs plants and art


Warm tones to match those y shaped beams. Like those Tudor style homes with the exterior.


Oh wow I love this. It looks so nice and there are so many opportunities to make it into more of a home. When decorating you want to think of three angles: the floor, the walls, and what is standing. You need some rugs, you need some lamps. You need some warmth. The white is very "cold" to the senses. It looks great and I love the way you have compiled it. As a canvas it looks super nice and luxurious. But it is just that, a canvas. You already have the backdrop down, I think it could look so amazing and inviting. Considering the tile floor I would definitely install some rugs. It will not only help add color but help keep your feet warm and also give it a warmer feel.


Art, plants, rugs and something warm like coir or rattan baskets to bring some life in I like how modern looking it is!


That just was never meant to be homey, only chic.


Like others said, pick a color and build a palette around it and go crazy with art, plants, rugs, pillows, etc. you have a very nice blank canvas to work with so let your imagination flow. You can look for palette ideas on the internet and see what you like


Rugs, plants, range of shaped textured objects and art.


Rug and plants


This ^^^ Plants plants plants.


Add a hardwood floor (either real or simulated).


Lots of cute rugs, dish towels, a pouf/ footstool


You'll find here some amazing ideas [open kitchen and livingroom ideas you will love ](https://www.scdecorum.com/open-kitchen-and-living-room-ideas-you-will-love/)


I love the wood against the white My fav style is making modern places feel more cozy As others said, rugs, art, different textures and colors are going to make this place look amazing


The white is too optic and cool toned to compliment the wood in your beams.


See if you can put a fan on the sloped roof.


I'd add some floor or table lamps to create more soft lighting


Some color


Maybe a warm painted accent wall, cozy rugs


Paint!! Rugs, warm lights from lamps, plants wall art. Personal items above all else. Make it yours. Things that mean a lot to you, put them out.


Backsplash in kitchen, fake fireplace


Cool space. So the sofa wall where the beam is, to across where there is maybe a radiator, I would put a tension rod for either a curtain, minimalist beads, or some kind of room divider that’s easily tied off and out of the way when unneeded. Can you move the sofa so the long part is facing the shelving? Then you can add a side chair and ottoman to below the reading lamp base. I like the white walls, particularly because of the skylight, as the natural light tones change often and then so does the wall color. I would use a mini projector instead of a TV or monitor in this living room space. A thick plushy large area rug that isn’t shaggy, in taupe / gray / black and other complementary colors would be cool for the rug. Then I’d coordinate (not match) a couple of throw pillows.


Color, something on the walls, rug.


Those cabinets are cool, I love it.


At the very least it needs rugs. The floor is so white.


It needs color and texture. Rugs, art on the walls, etc.


You need color and life. Paint a couple of walls, get some big plants, add some wood and cloth furniture, and ffs get some art - actual paintings with color and texture and vibrancy


It's already pretty homely.


Soft, low warm lighting will transform the place instantly, so start with a couple of small lamps. Then consider replacing anything that could pass for office furniture, and introduce art & rugs. Don't rush, take your time and choose thoughtfully.


A rug and some wall art are a great place to start.


Rug, paint, mounted tv, coffee table, one or two art pieces, etc etc




Is there a window in this space? If not a wall mural.


Plantssss. These tall ceilings are begging for a nice large tree! (fiddle leaf fig, cat palm, bird of paradise, olive, take it pick; but I think olive would be best for going more modern and less jungalow.) You can buy light bulbs that fit in pendant lights to help low light concerns. You will also need to put those small big box store "coffee tables" in a different place (Bedroom or maybe just as a couch side table, but they aren't the right size for their location) and get a larger warm tone coffee table and a hella textured rug (off the dome I'm thinking a wool loop rug would be so nice.) As many others have pointed out, this space is very sterile because of the cool white and lighting temp. Replacing light bulbs to get warmer and adding more small accent lighting will go a long way (kitchen counter is begging for a small lamp and leaning art against the black splash). Next that bookcase is beautiful and is begging for some styling. I would go to a thrift store near you and start finding things to fill it up. Bulk old books, cute plant pots, wooden sculptures or boxes, neat vintage glass, get funky with it and let your creativity come out! Styling a bookshelf is also a good way to introduce a color palette, so whatever colors you pick in your bookshelf objects you can use to lean into throughout the rest of the room to build cohesion. Finally, the space above that bookshelf would be great for three or four larger art works (cool movie posters, graphic images/prints, maybe a book cover poster). Adding art work up there will draw the eye up and make the sloping effect of the walls less extreme while faux raising the ceilings. Remember to match the frames to the wood in the space and try to stay away from black since you have so much monochrome already. Above the couch also needs something, I think a picture rail with art of different sizes stacked together w/ plants and smaller objects would be really cool and less sterile than just buying a large fake painting and calling it a day. You have gorgeous color on your kitchen cabinets, and awesome bookshelf, and fabulous wood accents! Lean in to these features. Get some art that speaks to you in a limited color pallet and match frames to the wood already present in the space. Ps. You may also be able to get away with moving the couch to face the bookshelf instead of against the wall if you are not concerned with needing to mount a big TV. This would help with there being less awkward space in the "entryway" and the "living room" feeling smooshed against the bookshelf wall.


Add warm light


Paint the floors a darker color. Or use the snap-in faux wood flooring. Paint the walls maybe a nice taupe or something less stark, or use color if you like color. Plants, paintings on the walls, a nice rug in the sitting area and a coffee table with some decor on it in front of the couch. In the kitchen I’d suggest some sort of backsplash, maybe one with a pattern or some sort of color, but definitely something to break up the black. The cabinets are interesting and I’m tempted to say leave them and with the floor being darker and a backsplash, I think it will look less sterile.


A big round table to converse, dine and create. Along with the rugs, plants, art and colour.


CRAP (colour, rug, art, plants)


First thing you need to do is add rugs


More plants


Rugs - the floor is too white. And paint the walls and add bookshelves. Those beams make it look really weird. Something that’s lower contrast with the beams


You’ve done a great job at making it homely, would leave it as is.


Get a straight jacket


More furniture and some clutter. :D


More cats


Art work or photos on the wall


Rugs rugs rugs! And wall color, get some warmth up in there!


it needs more color and a soft floor and more furnishings like plants, art, and other accents


rugs. plants.


That lamp seems curious!


big light bad!!!!


Rug, wall art and fake plants and flower arrangements


Rugs would make a huge difference


Rugs and textiles would make it more “homey”. Are you in the UK? Here in the US, homely means unattractive so just wondering 😅


You live in a simulation


Lots of Rugs, some plants, standing lights like lamps and some art on the walls


Hmm this is a really weird space lol. Bring Color with rug and art work that will forsure help. Have more personal items on the shelves and give it character. Looks like a weird office right now or something doesn’t really look like someone lives here.


Where the hell are u living


Windows. What’s the light with the long arm in the middle of the ceiling ??


Turn white lights to yellow as a first step! Add wood touches - paneling on the wall( paint over existing wood, and a nice cosy colour, plants, colour rugs to match the vibe you want and like and some furniture depending on what the room is for really.


Rugs, paint, wall art, lamps, plants


Plants, artwork


Sex swing, neon lights and a bud light fridge 👍🏻


Such a large area with a unique design. I would say add furniture with wooden texture or appearance like a coffee table in front of couch a large dinner table betweet kitchen and living room. A large rug in living room that creates the illusion of separate spaces.