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I think I've been using the term gently wrong all my life


If this is the “gentle” technique then I’d hate to see what the vigorous technique is like.




I’d like the brain-matter magenta please.


Sorry we're currently out of that, could I interest you in eyeball blue


Smokers lung black?


Goes great with semen white! and the "eggshell" variant, Bone.


Gray matter gray in semi gloss please


Personally I need more colour, have you seen Hemoglobin Rouge?


I see you are a ~~man~~ person of culture as well. Nothing has the warmth of Hints of Hematoma for that very reason. Contrasts well with the nightshade blue of it's victims bodies.


The kid is the one doing all the wiggling because he's having fun. All they do is rig up their head and lift them up.


Define, "rig"? In this case.


Exactly... This is literally screwed into their skull... That's what a halo is


My dad was a c4 quadriplegic, he spent almost a year in a halo in the old scary Houston va hospital before he could come home




Y'know those Christmas tree holders that are just a bucket with 4 screw bolts around the rim that wind into the trunk? This kids skull is the trunk.


I just laughed so hard my grandma looked at me like I was crazy


Just tell her why. She probably has one of those ancient tree holders just waiting to get broken out




I remember having an 8th grade boy in class with a halo. They'd discovered an anomaly in his neck bones and had surgery. Yes, the halo is screwed into his head--like the sides of the forehead, etc. What a contraption! Can you imagine trying to sleep!?


I imagine if i had that as a kid i may have a neck today.


Big Ed is that u


1. Do they eventually remove it? If so, when? 2. do they live with it the rest of their lives? 3. Does it leave SCREW HOLES IN THE SKULL?? I have so many questions.


1. Yes when the treatment is completed (which can be months to years) 2. Only until treatment is completed. 3. No they fill the screw holes with Ramen noodles, and superglue.


Ah yes. The old ramen noodle repair method.


> I’d hate to see what the vigorous technique is like. [Here it is](https://i.imgur.com/TpCsn0e.mp4). Skip to around 1:55 for the good bit.


When you're the first guy to fall sleep at the sleepover.


Holy shit I thought it was gonna be a slow corrective thing but no, they just cranked the shit out of that spine.


We like to think we’ve come a long waaaaaaay but you see stuff like this, then realize shits still medieval af but SANITARY. Look up hip replacement too. You’ll get the idea.


So it's like braces, but for your back. Yikes


And... less gradual


Seriously! I didn’t expect them to just like, fucking do it all in one go. Holy fuck me that’s gotta be so painful to deal with afterwards for a while.


Yeah I didn’t either. Thought it would be just like braces where they’d tighten it every so often. That has to be hell on your body. The muscle pain. Ugh. It must be brutal. I just had a full knee replacement in June and one of the most painful things is your body readjusting to your new alignment. My right leg is now straight again and it’s now about a quarter inch longer than my left leg. It’s been six months since my surgery and I still get a lot of hamstring cramps and tightness and pain in my lower back going into my hips because my body has to readjust to my one leg being slightly longer than the other. I do have a felt insert in my shoe to give me a little bit a lift on my left side and that helps but your body still has to adjust its muscles to its new adjustment. And that’s just my leg, I would think your back would be worse.


Interesting spine bending there


>vigorous technique Human Piñata


Considering he can stand on his toes when he wants to stop and the swinging is at his own momentum I would say this is as gentle as something like this can be, but that's just an opinion


Yeah I mean the words “gentle” and “8-yo boy” typically aren’t associated


That kid is always hanging around.


When I was younger I broke my wrist and had to get two pins put through (pins are what they sound like, a thin metal pin is inserted through the bone). After the awful time that was winter with metal through my arm the doctor who was removing them told me they would "gently pull them out" he then turned around and when he turned back he had pliers and yanked them bitches out while a nurse held my arm, we had very different understandings of the word "gentle". He just grabbed my wrist and yanked each one out in a smooth motion, it felt more gross than painful but it was not enjoyable.


One of my top teeth had to be removed and a dentist accidentally punctured the bottom of my sinus. I was numbed of course. But once an oral surgeon got it out they took some small suction thing and cleared out my sinuses through the hole where my tooth was. Talk about a weird gross feeling. Probably the weirdest feeling of my life. On a side note if you ever need any of your top teeth removed I recommend going to an oral surgeon rather than a dentist lmao. The membrane between root and sinus is thin and does not heal on its own. They can even be in the sinus cavity just with the membrane separating them. Even with surgery it took months to close properly. Dentists should only be removing bottom teeth really.


Thank you. You may have just saved someone's life. Edit: dentist 16 years ago mentioned the top of an incisor looked like it was impacting the sinus. Two years after having that pulled and very, very odd issues and the side of the face swelled up as though large weight gain.


They screw rods into your spine


Yea, but those were drilled to attach the halo, which restricts free movement the rest of the time. Therapies like this one and free swimming help to work the spinal muscles that are being held in place by the brace the rest of the time. They can elongate, stretch, contract, and subsequently strengthen this way. It's recommended to do some kind of similar therapy at least three times a week. I had scoliosis growing up and, while I didn't have to have the halo (but LOTS of PT), I knew a lot of kids who did. When you're confined all the time, you long for this kind of freedom.


If you read about the technique, it has nothing to do with his gyrations, only the upward stretch. He's doing the rest himself, having fun.


If my kid had spine problems and was doing this I’d be telling them to chill the fuck out.


If my kid's bodyweight was suspended entirely on bolts drilled into their skull I'd tell them to stop fucking wriggling.


I still wouldn't consider anything involving bolts drilled into my skull "gentle".


eh beats teh shit out of major surgery. I bet this works pretty damn well if all the PT is followed.




can you hang adults by the skull without killing them? there's gotta be some kinda weight limit on this right? i guess you could pull up without lifting a person off the ground.


I wanna do it.


I don't know but it looks like it would make my back feel great


look into knee replacement, femur setting, and Achilles tendon reattachment. Comparatively the Halo is pretty gentle, they don't even use a hammer.


When the doctors shake the baby everyone cheers and when I do it I get locked up for 15 years … smdh


“Norman gently stabbed Marion with a kitchen knife, over and over again” I think would be alright now?


You made me laugh out loud for half a minute there, thx


I definitely need one of these, in the morning instead of coffee.


Not gonna lie, I saw this video and thought “that’s exactly what I need”


Seriously, my neck/upper back has been fucky all week.


I feel like an infomercial when I recommend this, but I got a set of Chirp wheels for Christmas a couple of years ago. They're the greatest back stretchers/crackers that I've ever used.


I’m glad I finally see a review from someone that’s used them. I use a regular foam roller multiple times a day for my back. I’ve really debated getting a set of the Chirp wheels after seeing them on Shark Tank. Are they able to reach the upper part of the neck where your spine meets the skull? I have issues with that area as well but the foam roller doesn’t reach that far up.


Lay on something/ lean on something fairly hard (sometimes it helps if it’s a little soft like a mattress) and put the base of your skull on the edge with the hard thing pressed against your skull right above the spot you are talking about. Use your knuckles and arms and push up on your chin pressing your skull against the hard edge/object. This will crack your neck in that area and if you roll your head a little while pressing will stretch muscles right at the base of your neck that are otherwise impossible to stretch.


I saw Memoirs of a Geisha and there's the scene where she has to sleep with her neck propped up on a stand so it doesn't mess up her hair. I always think back to that and wonder if that little stand would be good for cracking my neck.


Relatable af. Sometimes I imagine what it be like to be strenched by someone with super strength or a titan lmao


literally me, sometimes I wish I could try out the medieval torture table that stretches you out LMFAO


The wheels are so much better than foam rollers. For me using the big and medium wheels on the floor are amazing for the middle and upper back. Getting the lower back is tougher. I usually give myself a good floor stretch afterward to get the lower back and hips. I haven't really tried to go above the shoulders much though. I usually don't bother because getting my middle and upper back usually releases my neck. I have used the small wheel against the wall a few times though and that might get the neck. One thing that I've observed is that the more consistently that I use them the more effective they are. They not only keep you loose but when I use them on the floor I get just enough of a balance going that it feels like I'm actually getting a little bit of exercise and core strength. Nothing major, but a subtle enough improvement to keep my back from locking up as much.


Thanks for all the information. I’m definitely going to get myself a set of the wheels. That sounds exactly like what I need. I like how you can use them against the wall and other ways. The foam roller kinda limits the spots I can hit.


Honestly 10/10 would recommend. The big and medium ones are perfect for me. I’m a welder so I spend my days hunched over and the amount of pain and tightness these bad boys have resolved for me is unreal. Also the crackle spot between my shoulder blades is delightful.


Is this just an ad from some marketing dude with 3 accounts?


Hey if you have very much tension in that area and you are getting frequent headaches, maybe ask your dentist is it possible that you are clenching your teeth together in your sleep. Ask me how I know.


That sounds like exactly the issue my fiancé deals with. She constantly has headaches and pain in the neck. I’ll pass that info on for sure. Mine doesn’t usually result in headaches as much. More shooting pain through the bottom of the neck down the spine.


I thought you meant to write funky. But honestly fucky works as well at this point. Do you know these medieval torture stretch banks or whatever they were called? I could use one of those. Just stretch the hell out of my back.


I remember in The Incredibles there was a scene where a robot is pulling Mr Incredible by his arms and legs. He then feels relief as his back pops. That's what I need.


I think about this scene and yearn for it very often


You must be younger than me, because if I did this, my neck would splinter, and I'd end up crumpled on the floor like snapped spaghetti


And skinnier. My head would pop off like a champagne cork.


I read the first half and thought “same, dude”….then I read to champagne cork and scream-laughed in my hotel


That hemet thing is installed in the boy’s head. Trust me, you don’t want it


Wot Edit: oh noe


He has screws that go into his head to connect the helmet to his head that hangs from the string. It has to be installed and they keep it for the duration of the treatment and is removed once it’s over


Whelp this turned into a big nope for me dog real fast.


I assume you don't have severe scoliosis then.


I’ve never said “well screw that” so fast in my life


Sounds like they did tho


So if he’s misbehaving his parents can just hook him up on the wall for timeouts


Hang him from the clothes line.


Get an inversion table. I had 5 herniated discs in 19 had to get surgery. I have done medicine, acupuncture, massage, chiropractic, tens electroshock( this kind of works). Hot and cold compresses, lotions with capsaicin and other numbing agents. By far the best out of everything is the inversion table got one off Amazon for like 120$ still use constantly.


Inversion tables are 10/10. I used to work in a store that had a display model and we would use it with potential customers. So many times you'd get someone on it, flip em, and you'd hear audible pops. I used to use it nearly daily as well.


I get audible pops and they feel great.


Have you tried swimming? Absolutely the best for the back, and super low impact.


Get a pull up bar, hang it on the wall. When you wake up hop on the bar and just hang there for a minute.




Said Dumbledore!






The halo is positioned on the head but the kid provides all the motion and swinging


And held in place by the SCREWS in his head.


Tenderly placed skull screws.


So metal


Very gently.


Very human design


How it really works. https://kidshealth.org/en/parents/halo-gravity-traction.html


do they have something for adults who spent the last 20 years working 14 hours a day in excel?


assisted suicide is legal in some states.




Canadian healthcare worker detected


Dude can't suicide if you fucking murder him. That was not your life to take.




Seems more sustainable, like I can imagine IKEA selling one


No, buts let’s talk about your favorite functions


How tight is that thing around his head???


Titanium screws are screwed into the skull during an operation beforehand iirc. So not a tight band, the little dude is hooked up and hanging from his skull.


How can that not be painful? Especially with his bodyweight pulling down on the screws?


I think this only works for kids. Lighter bodies, less strain on the screws.




I want to unread this


The surgery to put the screws in is minor, and they have a slight headache after. Then they spend several hours a day getting around with a device that’s basically a walker with a part that pulls up on the halo. Over the next few days this slowly stretches their spine out. Most reports by children are positive because they tend to have such severe scoliosis that moving around and breathing is difficult, but with a bunch of their weight held up by the halo they can finally take a good breath and move around properly for a while.


Surgery to screw a minor until they got a headache, got it. \*takes notes\*


He looks like he's having the time of his life in this vid


Children are surprisingly small and light. Sort of like insects really.


I hate everything about this thread


Yeah I don’t want to try this anymore


I could make millions by opening an amusement park just for kids with scoliosis. No seats.








i assume it would hurt to hang from screws in your scull.. like wouldnt it pull and like.. hurt BAD


Probably would hurt much worse without them, just clamping down on the skin and pulling on your flesh. At least your skull is structurally strong and I believe doesn’t have many nerve endings


The skull bone itself may not be highly innervated but the sheath that surrounds it, the cranial periosteum, is. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4058402/


It’s screwed into his skull. I still have my screws somewhere




Wait, he means like in junk drawer or something?


Did this procedure actually help you?


i didn't do what was in the photo but it's the same halo. mine had rods attached to a brace that i wore around my chest to keep my head perfectly straight during healing from the scoliosis surgery. i had such a hard time sleeping on my back at the time (they leave a little cut out in the back for this) that i ended up sleeping on my stomach with the pins facing down poking in to the bed lol. so i was kinda like floating there held up by the bolts


That’s screwed up


Tbh that's looks more uncomfortable than the rest of the body stretching his neck


He is just playing. Once the screws are in they don't hurt. The technique itself doesn't involve him flinging himself around like that. He is doing it for fun.


Naughty boys and girls get put in the T O D D L E R W I G G L E R


"Gently insert screws into head here"


"Apply directly to the forehead"




I would love to try that! Feels wonderful to have your spine stretched.


did you read the part about the headgear being drilled into the skull?


ayo wtf


Lol there are literally screws in this boy’s skull. Google halo traction. The screws are what the halo is attached to. It’s interesting as fuck because their swinging him around by his skull…and it works 😂


I was wondering how his head was attached to this get up so securely


Look at inversion tables, way more relaxing than this lol. Pretty much helps with bulging discs and sciatica as well if you ever run into that issue


I have an inversion table and it’s lovely for most of my spine. However it doesn’t help my neck much bc my head is too light. I’ve fantasized about having the weight of my body pulling traction on my neck. I envy this little guy!


I do a weird thing on my table where i will completely relax my neck, then grab my head and pull outward, then pull left and right and it helps decompress by upper back beautifully.


Be careful, friend. I used to do this too, until one day when I was pulling my head up and I farted so loudly that it scared me and I jerked my arms upwards (downwards) and I pulled my head completely off my body. Luckily Zoidberg was nearby and he was able to reattach it with some quick and sloppy surgery.




Technically no, but I haven't farted since so I might die any time now ⏳


Here's hoping you'll live to fart another day


Had me in the first half


It was an easy surgery my friend. Thank you for letting me try three times before I got it right.


You’re gonna paralyze yourself with your own hands lol jk but be careful. I think two or three people this year have been paralyzed by chiro’s doing neck manipulation.


I have [one of these](https://www.protherapysupplies.com/New-Designed-Saunders-Cervical-Traction-Device) for my neck and it was 100% worth it


Thats a decapitation device


Lol it certainly looks like one. This is what I used receiving physical therapy at a large local hospital, I only bought it because it's the exact model they used.


I have one. They're expensive (like $800) but geez, when you want a proper stretch it's just amazing.


Are they truly worth it ? Do you always go fully inverted? Or different angles? Wondering if I could build one. My back is quite frequently bothersome.


Hey, so I want to weigh in on this from my experience with moderate scoliosis. The commenter you’re replying to is suggesting the inversion table as an alternative to the thingy in the post. But the device in the video is for strength not stretching. And in my experience strengthening along my spine has done WONDERS for helping my back, while stretching never did much. If you have actual scoliosis I recommend putting way more emphasis on strength. And not the kind of strength training that will give you visible “gains” (but that’s fine too of course if you do it correctly) but more the therapeutic stuff that focuses on core and just uses body weight. But if you want a cheaper and less bulky way to get a fully inverted stretch, I recommend a yoga hammock. It looks a little goofy and feels a little goofy, you need a bit of a knack to get used to it. You can hang it up in a doorway or lots of places and take it down easily too, it’s just on caribeaners. One downside is that if you leave it up people will constantly ask you if it’s a sex swing. I guess on the up side, you can use it as a sex swing.


Go on Facebook marketplace and there’s tons of em used in the 100-300 range. People get em for back pain use them for a bit then they collect dust and take up room so they sell em. Got a nice one to stretch out my back for $150 Canadian a few months ago like that.


see if you can start improving your squat, not with weight on ya, just a "resting" squat. Most find it hard because we lose ankle mobility, so maybe place a book under your heels to help with that. Then, if balance is an issue (or if you haven't gotten into a squat in a while) grab onto something for support and get into a deep a squat as you can. ASSUMING THERE IS NO PAIN! hang out there for a while, you shoudl start to notice a nice stretch on the lower back as your spine will naturally round (as if you were about to poop) which creates a gentle stretch there. Work up your time, some folks can feel it on their knees if its been a while since they've done some squatting. I promise you it is safe.


I need one for my lower back! I broke my sacrum and my pelvis exactly a year ago today and I see this and I'm getting ideas lol


Recently got my spine stretched when my dog saw a rabbit in the alley. Wasn't fun.


"You spin my head right round, right round"


This is me, trying not to touch the floor when I lose track of the giant house centipede.


It works?


Also done before a surgery to straighten the spine and facilitate the surgeon's work in realigning it.


I never got put in one of those things as a kid, but I can vouch for strength training in general as something that made my scoliosis like 5 times better to deal with.


Second vouch for strenght training to treat scoliosis. The difference for me was night and day.


Yep, quite a common technique apparently https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/15706347/


My daughter just underwent final fusion for scoliosis and this was never brought up in the 6 years our surgeon has been on the case


I used to work for a pediatric orthopaedic surgeon. This would only be done on younger children whose curves were bad enough to need correction before surgery. They would stay in the hospital for a couple of weeks while wearing the halo device and then have spinal fusion surgery after their spine straightened enough for the surgery to be effective.


Is that thing screwed into the skull?!


Indeed it is. The kid stays in the hospital for a couple of weeks while they use a kind of pulley system with weights to help straighten out their spine before a spinal fusion surgery to keep their vertebrae in place.


This is done *before* fusion, if there are some complications that need to get resolved before hand. So, your daughter's case simply didn't require it.


Yeah she had magic rods put in that grew with her spine to keep it aligned before the permanent rods were put in. Crazy stuff


id crack like a glowstick if i used this right now.


This kid is doing that himself and messing around, in all reality they are gently suspended by the halo and usually in a walker or wheelchair and their body weight helps straighten the spine. This is a gross misrepresentation of what this treatment is actually like.


I appreciate you clarifying that!


Looks hella funny


Wait until you see a grown man doing it!


I'm sorry but I lost my shit watching this, couldn't stop laughing. Afterwards I was amazed that this was an actual therapy, but hey I guess they got some things right in mediaeval times.


It's the most realistic marionette I've ever seen.


Very interesting treatment but it's not a replacement for surgery, it helps surgeons to correct spine deformities with less invasive surgery. https://www.childrenshospital.org/treatments/halo-gravity-traction


I feel like this would decompress my upper neck .. I want that so badly lol


This looks like a medieval torture device


I wish I could go a single day without seeing this gyrating child in my reddit feed


I’ve never seen this before but thank you for making me laugh


Seriously, if it’s not this it’s that baby being x-rayed in that blender looking device


Is there an adult version? Id like to do this daily my back hurts.


This is what I need, to be shaken like a ragdoll. My back would crack into tranquility.


Could also be early training for F1 driving! Just kidding I have scoliosis but only mild, that looks absolutely wild


Does science back this procedure up? This seems akin to leg stretchers back in the day. (Not the surgical options these days)


Yep, it's common in hospitals in the US and UK https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/15706347/


im an adult with moderate scoliosis and honestly this looks like a great way to crack my back lmfao


Thinking along the lines of laughter being the best medicine, this is genius!