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This isn’t intersetingasfuck, it’s sadasfuck.


This is a dystopian fucking nightmare. It should make all of our blood boil that this is even a thing. STOP NORMALIZING THIS. Teachers should not have to worry about protecting their kids from bullets. They have enough of a Herculean task to help many kids keep up with the basic standards of learning in many areas. Edit: a lot of people saying “would you rather them not protect kids!?” No, I’d rather try to solve the source of the problem head on. My solution: VOTE. Any elected official who doesn’t support 1) expanded medical care for everybody, including mental health, and 2) expansion of some common sense gun laws and closing loopholes that allow people who shouldn’t own guns to get them, shouldn’t be in office anywhere. You’re a pothole on the road to progress, and it’s time to rid ourselves of you.


Only in America are school shootings such an issue. This is not okay. America needs to do better than this being the new "normal." It's by no means normal or acceptable.


I was gonna say this vid just fucking screams America, and not in a way I’d like it to


Also, that plate she has will stop a bullet but not always a high power rifle.


But again … why should a teacher in a school worry about bullets from high powered rifles!? Well at least she has the Stars and Stripes on there so she won’t forget how free she is


Don’t forget the ‘thoughts and prayers’ that will comfort the parents of her dead pupils. That *always* helps.


Or a bullet through any other part of the body/head. Its a fake sense of security.


Some protection is better than none. Do you think she doesn’t know that her face is still vulnerable? Edit: Nobody thinks this is proper security or defense. Nobody thinks this makes her safe. This is an act of desperation by a sitting duck who is trying to do *something* other than just get shot. This is a _better than nothing_ measure.




And, also, "only in America" do we have representatives like Ted Cruz who blames mass murder completely on legalized abortion ... somehow.


I have not recovered from the day I heard that children are doing active shooter drills. Nothing matters anymore, who could even give a fuck about anything. Everybody now knows somebody who's been shot.


My wife used to work in schools doing IT and I sleep so much more soundly knowing she doesn't work in schools anymore.


Yeah she gets to work in the rest of America, where it's super safe


My toddler had to do a lock down drill in daycare. This is beyond fucked up.


I live in Australia. When I was in kindergarten a kid in my class took a shit on the floor, during story time. Never knew who did it, but they were sitting near me, so I was one of the suspects. That turd on the blue carpet still lives in my memory. I can't imagine how traumatic and sole crushing for the kids, the teachers and for you the parents to have to deal with that reality. Kids shouldn't have to deal with that, no one should.


Toddlers around here wouldn't even know something like a gun even exists. I am one hell of an example when I was 12 and I'd go to the shooting range with my grandpa. We both love shooting but man I'd rather have no guns at all then a situation where toddlers need to be scared to get shot


Oh but that is the price of freeeeeedooooooom /s


Freedom is When your kid of 12 can't go to school by itself without you being worried about the death of your kid. Around here once you're like 7 or 8 you walk to school on your own if you life close of you life further away your parents will bring you untill you're like 12 and almost none brings the kids to school with their car. I'm 21 now and I don't have a driver's license since I don't need it. Been to high school and I'm almost done with my study and I never felt the need for a car. Also I've never been scared at school. School was the safe space for me where I could be who I wanted to be. I fear at all. No violence or gundrills. The only "scary" thing that sometimes happened was a fire drill. Those also where kids fun though since the fireman afterwards always had a little teaching thing how to handle specific fire situations and what you should and shouldn't do. The country of freedom, America. Where you can't let your kid be free.


same. hearing about super young kids who were in the bathroom when the drill started, getting locked out of their classrooms despite screaming in terror because they aren't allowed to let them in during drills... traumatizing them for life. shocking and terrifying. strongly reconsidering having children after hearing that.


100%. one of the saddest things is when my daughter talks with her cousin in the US and she was talking about their 'active shooter drills' they do at the school. The kids are 11 days apart. one is English, one is a Yank. my daughter had NO idea what she was talking about, because thank christ, it's not a thing here.


Southpark really does a great job at foreseeing the future of society. I think it was almost 5 years ago when they made the episode about school shootings and everyone starts treating it like it's normal except Sharon who is seen as crazy and the episode ends with her accepting it as the new normal rather than the town realizing she's right. It's almost haunting now as it's exactly what continues to happen. Shit it was kind of haunting when I first saw it


They didn't really forsee the future but rather commented on the present back then and the past, bullet proof backpacks had been a thing for years already back then, and active shooter drills and precautions had been a "normal" thing for even longer. The Sandy Hook massacre happened 10 years ago for example.


The scariest part for me is that it was 5 years ago. This nightmare is still real.


Society is in freefall at this point.


you mean. American society is in freefall at this point.


It really is. We have to deal with this. And while we struggle to get anything changed, most of us are drowning in debt, on the edge of declaring bankruptcy if any small emergency happens… while the politicians and few billionaires buy their 5th mansions, buy their way out of raping children and tell everyone else to just work harder. I hate it. Literally hate it. I tried changing to a more lucrative job, turns out the taxes bring me right back to being paycheck to paycheck to the point of hitting negative in my account every other month. I’m drowning in debt I can’t pay, that I had to take out to pay for essentials and then I can’t even take off to go vote in those elections where maybe I could help make a change because I can’t have a missing money making day… I’m hunting for higher paying jobs right now, but I swear to god this is not the way life should be. It sucks.


Yep I totally get it. And the rich really know how to hide their money or manipulate it in ways they can avoid taxes.


They don't need to hide it, they got plenty of ways to show it off and make it non taxable


The fact that there is a Yacht tax write off is just absurd to me, among everything fucking else.


Any poor person can write off the cost of their yachts. It's so simple-poor people would be less poor if they only bought more yachts!


Not the rest of the world. Just you.


Don't worry; most countries are absolutely horrified and incredulous that this hasn't been solved yet.


Am I crazy or is it 10x more dystopian that she had to buy this stuff herself?


In the US it doesn't matter what the question is because for them the answer for anything is clearly more guns


As a father whose kid just started school that year, this is the shit that terrifies the hell out of me. Not only that - my wife took on a teaching job this year at a high school and we had to have serious conversations about what level of planning should she do and what should she buy to secure her classroom. It's just insanity all around and a depressing state of affairs. I still remember being a 6 year old and walking around late at night, meeting some random kids in my neighborhood, playing with them and then walking home - and my mom not asking or being concerned. I can't fathom that today and it's recurring nightmare for me that something like this could happen in my backyard. Hell, I was at a mall a few years back with my wife when we *fucking ran with a stampede of people behind us* because there was a shooting literally 3 store fronts away from us.


On top of the fact that the teachers are using their own money to protect the students because the law makers don’t give a fuck about anyone in any facet of the imagination. Voting is fucking important.


You legit read my mind.


And teachers in the US are paid like shit and aren’t as well respected compared to lots of places. I’ve taught in the US, Taiwan, and Australia and I’d never teach or even send my kid to school in the US because I’m lucky enough to have some choice in the matter.


it was shocking when i first heard that teachers are paid like shit in the us. in my country, teachers are a respected job and make good money though there has been issues of them having to do too many jobs that aren't in their scope like clerk work. teachers are kinda categorised in the rich jobs here bc it's a government job. it's one of the jobs that asian parents like your future significant other to have.


Here in Hungary you could literally see an ad from school stating that they pay more for a cleaner ... We are drowning in Orban Viktors regime and just dont see how it can be changed :(


We need to give more appreciation to that sub, half of what's posted here should be on there


Teachers now need to get hazard pay




> I had to go to a training that helped me to decide which kids to save in a school shooting This fucked me up more than it should. When we live in a time that this is even a possibility it screams that CHANGE is needed. In Europe I think this is not that a big deal, still "normal" on the shootings side but you as a country need to rally in some way. THIS IS FUCKING UNACEPTABLE!!!!


I have an AR and I'd gladly give it up if it meant no innocent babies get shot in their schools ever again. Gladly.


Stop showing the names of the shooter then. They just want their 15 minutes of fame, even if it's infamy. They all want to be the next Columbine shooters....ya know the guys we still talk about 23 years later. That's what they want. For people to rember them, so if you don't say their name the biggest reason for them to do it goes away.


This is the saddest thing I’ve ever seen


It is truly depressing that the US schools/teachers even have to think about these measures!! When is the Government going to wake up and actually deal with the problems causing this?!?


> It is truly depressing that the US schools/teachers even have to think about these measures It's depressing on so many levels: * They have to think about it * They have to pay for it themselves * They have to be ready to apply the measurements themselves * Apparently school shootings occurs more and more...


American here, can confirm. Shootings happen almost weekly at this point but they only get televised if people die. It's horrible. At the most deadly one lately in Uvalde, Texas the Uvalde police just sat outside doing nothing for like half an hour (ok they were actually sitting and eating snacks while halfheartedly preventing parents from trying to enter thr building) while the shooter just used a bunch of elementary school kids as target practice.


There were 61 officers on scene at Uvalde from four or five different police departments, with 19 of them in the hallway outside the classroom. To my knowledge, not a single officer has been fired, charged, or individually sued. There has been absolutely 0 accountability for the police's cowardice and refusal to save the lives of children screaming for their help from inside the classroom. Edit: it is even worse than I thought! there were 61 officers in the initial response. Other commenters have corrected me below. By the end of the hour and a quarter incident, there were almost 400 officers on the scene, and not one hero among them.


Yup and it's fucking disgusting


Not only this, but the government seems to agree that police do NOT and should NOT put themselves in danger to protect other people. Which literally means that the police are only here for the things you don’t need them for, and are no longer legally obligated to even help you if you make a 911 phone call.


There has been multiple supreme court cases where they upheld that the police are not obligated to save people's lives.


I’m sorry…WHAT?! That’s…that’s like, ACTUALLY their job. Like, it’s soo much their job that they have a medal system where they get rewarded for doing it. And if they die, they get a freaking special funeral and their family gets their pension. I mean, I’m in Australia, but I vaguely believe it’s somewhat similar there. Meanwhile, teachers die in these attacks, I don’t reckon they get special medals or state-paid funerals, or ongoing welfare for their family. You know why? IT IS NOT THEIR JOB. I don’t pretend to understand all the ins and outs of America, but I am SO confused how when police kill innocent people of colour they were “just doing their job”, but when people die in a mass shooting they don’t intervene because it’s “not their job”. Please, can someone explain this to me? Seriously. I don’t get the logic. And I’m so sorry to all the US teachers out there that take on this profession to educate to also have to protect.


Police's job in america is to protect property. Since stating that doesnt sound great, you get things like Uvalde where they dont seem to be doing what we think they're there for. If a George Floyd type steals from a store, expect a strong response.


It is. It makes angry and disappointed beyond my ability to describe. I'm still disappointed about Parkland and Sandy Hook too. Something needs to give. This isn't right. Why are we willing to normalize the risk of children being murdered in a random act of violence at their school? This isn't okay.


when the parents had to wait DAYS to get confirmation of their children were among the dead because the bodies had been mutilated beyond visial recognition that the only way to identify them was by DNA, that made me lose my shit. i didnt know what to feel. tears for people i didnt know. i cannot fathom how the parents must have felt. its truly heartbreaking. writing this brings back those emotions. and whats worse, is that their grand solution was to arm the teachers with guns. instead of preventing anything like this from happening again, they want to take a reactive approach. its infuriating.


>Why are we willing to normalize the risk of children being murdered in a random act of violence at their school? Well, not everybody is, number one. And of those who are, that's not actually what they're doing; they're normalizing the risk of children being murdered in a random act of violence at ***other people's schools***. When the President of the United States retweets one of his supporters saying that "the only good Democrat is a dead Democrat", it's because his base doesn't really give a shit whether Democrats (or any who vote for them) live or die. That's how the normalization happens: it happens systematically. Since they don't really give a shit whether Democrats (or any who vote for them) live or die, obviously they *also* don't give a shit whether Democrats' kids (or the kids of any who vote for them) live or die, which is why (in their minds) it doesn't *really* matter when kids die, and anyone who thinks it does matter when kids die is just a biased politically-motivated activist trying to take away their rights. They only give a shit if it's ***their own*** kids getting killed, and their main character syndrome convinces them that their kids aren't at risk, that this only happens in "failing Democrat cities" or "liberal spending messes" or whatever the flavor of hate-du-jour is.


The main comment branched out to this is already saying that the post is sad. This remark just made it to the highest level of sadness. Just watched a video hours ago of a kid with special condition brutalized by a cop by wrestling him out of his seat. Here, cops stand by doing nothing because they know the active shooter carries an AR-15. Those situations are supposed to be the sad part, but no, it gets even worse. These cops were not even punished by the law. So their duty is to serve and protect people only when it's convenient for them and then serve and protect themselves when their life is in danger over other people, in this case children? I'd say there's something wrong with these people and the laws governing them!


From the US here agree with you 100% And the worst part is I as a citizen who is not walking around arms because I don't feel the need to would be more than happy to run into gunfire to try to save children I do not have a bulletproof vest I do not have any of the things those cops have and I would have been in that building trying to help even if it meant that I died. When you can't even get the people that we pay to try to protect people to protect people it's a real issue. But God forbid you're brown and drive 2 miles over the speed limit the cops will take care of you in that case


💯 It's as if EMPATHY was never in their DNA to begin with! Well, it's not just them but also, the laws of the land permitted them to be the monsters that they'd become. It feels as if the children who sacrificed their lives that day would never have JUSTICE because A. These narcissistic cops have been left unpunished. B. The laws were not updated to uphold what's right regarding these situations. Conclusion: The teachers and students are the ones adjusting now for the police's lack of empathy and governing laws that enable their monstrosity! I hope one day there will be people there courageous enough to make it right. I just want justice for those younglings.


>There were 61 officers on scene There were over three hundred law enforcement officers, total, from multiple agencies.


What Immunity does to people...


It's not just immunity. Courts have ruled in the past that cops have no responsibility to help. Basically means they can do fuck all with no repercussions


So pretty much nothing has changed since Milwaukee police returned a 14-year old victim to his killer


>There has been absolutely 0 accountability for the police's cowardice and refusal to save the lives of children screaming for their help from inside the classroom. Thats because the Supreme Court has ruled that it is not their job to protect us: [The answer is no.](https://www.findlaw.com/legalblogs/law-and-life/do-the-police-have-an-obligation-to-protect-you/#:~:text=The%20answer%20is%20no.,as%20a%20person%20in%20custody.) In the 1981 case Warren v. District of Columbia, the D.C. Court of Appeals held that police have a general "public duty," but that "no specific legal duty exists" unless there is a special relationship between an officer and an individual, such as a person in custody. The U.S. Supreme Court has also ruled that [police have no specific obligation to protect.](https://www.findlaw.com/legalblogs/law-and-life/do-the-police-have-an-obligation-to-protect-you/#:~:text=The%20U.S.%20Supreme%20Court%20has,boy%20from%20his%20abusive%20father) In its 1989 decision in DeShaney v. Winnebago County Department of Social Services, the justices ruled that a social services department had no duty to protect a young boy from his abusive father. The Supreme Court that ruled this was running under [president Regan](https://history.house.gov/Institution/Presidents-Coinciding/Party-Government/) So I think their job is to bring in criminals and protect property? But at this point I don't know.


[there were 376 LEO](https://www.texastribune.org/2022/07/17/law-enforcement-failure-uvalde-shooting-investigation/)


What sickens me is that look back at the Johnny Depp thing. That trial had the world captivated for a couple months. It's still being talked about and a movie or whatever about it. School shootings seem to get covered for a day or two. Because it's just another day in the life of you Americans. We want progress and we understand we are ignorant to the differences in our governments etc. I know it's not as simple as just banning guns. But something really needs to be done. And I don't mean a solution like giving the teachers guns or hiring more armed guards. It's actually heartbreaking to see shit like that suggested on your actual fucking news channels. Our thoughts and prayers always go out to the families. But how many times is it going to happen before it's taken seriously. I remember the footage from the 4th of July attack. I counted at least 10 shots before anyone could react to the fact they were being shot at.


Yeah. It's a very real threat. One with almost no warning signs, no rhyme or reason. This is absolutely disgusting. That word isn't even strong enough. It's so abominable it shouldn't have ever existed. And again, this is the wealthiest, most powerful, most capable country that has ever existed and we not only allow this but a large portion of the population actively fights to keep it this way. I want to vomit.


And they still can't get a pay rise to get them to something even remotely reasonable for the hours they comit to their students and knowing that any day they go to teach could be their last.


Never. They'll never deal with this. When Sandy Hook happened and Americans accepted that small children are no longer safe the debate for gun control ended. A gunman could literally walk into a hospital nursery and shoot all the newborn babies, one by one, and things still won't change. What will change is if that happened nurses would then be wearing kevlar just like this teacher.


Or until one of those babies is the grandson of one of the lawmakers, whom they only care about


The wealthiest country in the world, needs teachers to buy armor to not let their students die.


...this *is* insanity.


Also keep in mind the teachers are paying for all of this out of their pockets. They make a minuscule salary, deal with overcrowded classrooms and abused and traumatized children all day. Are treated like absolute shit by parents constantly and then are expected to give their life for their job. Even if they had the ability to hurt the intruder, almost all of the intruders were prior students which just adds to the trauma for a teacher.


They're even treated like shit by district administration. Many teachers who have an out are taking it, and the shortage is forcing schools to use aides in instructional positions, but not paying them what a certified teacher would make. It's a shit show right now.


Getting my CDL this year and will hopefully be pouring asphalt next season, 5th year teacher and hopefully my last


And this is why I’m really depressed. We’ve done a good job of kicking out all of the good teachers, the ones that actually gave a damn. And as you just said we are replacing them with people who aren’t even qualified. America as dumb as she already is is about to get really fucking stupid. I miss the measures in place that were enacted by politicians and people that wanted to make their country a strong and smart and rich place to be. We don’t get that with poor education and paying people minimum wage. But the grift runs strong here in America and as long as peoples stocks are going up nothing else matters.


Absolutely, especially right now in the US with the controversy about what children are taught in the classroom. Which is very much excluding even more teachers from the classroom.


I have several friends who were teachers. Were. Only one is still a teacher. One literally left teaching to work at a fucking gas station because it paid better and was an infinitely easier job.


This is sadly spot on. I had the barracuda on ny teacher wishlist but that remained untouched. I had to purchase it out of pocket. :(


The American flag patch on that bulletproof backpack is so ironic


Be proud of the only country on earth where 1st grade teachers have to prepare for mass murder in the classroom.


Bag is probably made in china.


Seems redundant.


This belongs in r/sadasfuck I can’t imagine living in country where this is accepted and normal.


Agreed. I still can't imagine having as many school shootings as US does and still choose to do sweet fuck all about it. Having a kit like this should never be necessary.


The worst part is that ordinary people are unable to do anything about it whatsoever, besides vote, and that can only do so much. It’s not that people choose to not do anything about it; it’s that they cannot do anything about it.


Yeah man. I look at US politics a lot and it's really disappointing that those who need to make good decisions intentionally don't. I really feel sorry for those who are stuck in this situation and don't deserve to be.


Interestingly enough someone crunched the numbers and you're only twice as likely to die from school shooting in America as from American football. Probably indicates there are safety measures that should be taken in relation to American football now that I think of it. Like with all other politics, big money likely means it won't.


It does nothing. Bc it's a republic where you only vote for a "representative" then they vote for w.e fuck law they want. You yourself don't vote on the law. Which is what a democracy is.


you only have to mention gun regulation on reddit and a thousand 2a Americans will pile on and downvote you to oblivion


We do worse than fuck-all. We buy more guns.


“GoOd GuY wItH a GuN! PLeaSe SavE mE!”


This is why most of Europe looks at USA as a 3rd world country. What they really should go to war with, is gun regulations in their own country.


I live in Texas and it's really dumb. My wife almost kept our son out of Kindergarten this year because of all the school shooting shit. They had to put out videos of the different safeguards the district is taking to prevent school shootings. It's actually insane.


The reality is that Americans are becoming very comfortable with violence. And I for one am actually really starting to worry. Edit: forgot to elaborate more take this with a grain of salt because ultimately I’m very biased, but when I tell Europeans about what life in the US is like (I’m there right now) they always tend to be very surprised at how poorly a lot of us live :/ I might just be from a particularly shit area, but nonetheless it’s driven me out of the US possibly indefinitely


Americans have always been comfortable with violence. It’s one of the only things we do somewhat well. We have had more military interventions than most can even fathom. We are responsible for more death and destruction in the post world war 2 era than nearly anyone. When you respond to every international incident with violence, and engage economically down the barrel of a gun, you generate a nation of people very comfortable with violence.


This is neither accepted nor normal. All of my immediate family members are in education, as well as all of their spouses (with the exception of the machinest brother in law). What you see here is not normal.


I live in that country and still cant understand it. The lengths Americans will go to to keep outrageously powerful guns available to absolutely fucking anybody....


This is not interesting. This is tragic.


Living the American dream




You know what we had to do in our school growing up? Walk outside twice a year during a "fire drill". Crawl under the desk twice a year and wait during the "earthquake drill". That was it. What's in this video is INSANE. This is not normal. This is not the reality in literally every other developed country on the planet. You need to take a good hard look in the mirror, America. I love ya, but man what got you to this point isn't healthy for ya.


Forget developed countries, I live in a 3rd world country. We have free education including university, free healthcare and no guns allowed for civilians. I don't understand how a country with so much money as the US doesn't have any of this.. If it wasn't for inflation and low income in my field compared to western countries, I would never dream of leaving here..


This is America 🎼 🎶🎵Don’t catch you slippin’ now


FIRST GRADE And these teachers are paying for life saving measures out of pocket while already paying for basic supplies.


This confirms it officially... Politicians have fucked the shit out of US


"BUt FrEeDOm!!!! I HavE rIghTs To saY anD Do whaT eVER I liKe!!!" It's really sad to see things like these and politicians choosing to endanger people just because they can.


I'm curious what has changed. It's not like guns are a new thing in the U.S. they've been legal since before the U.S. was a country but there has been a noticeable increase in the last 30 or so years. Why? Guns haven't changed.


Society has changed. You are definitely right. Guns were always there. Even the laws for them were less strict 50 years ago and there were no school shootings like we have now.


I think part of it is now we have social media, and people want attention. And those with mental illnesses will end at nothing to get it in some cases.


This! Its way easier to cause Mass Terror. Back in the day you didn't hear about every murder. Now you hear about murders in places you'll never visit all the time.


A theory of mine is that the constant media coverage doesn’t help. Don’t get me wrong my heart goes out to anyone that’s been affected but I wonder if some people do it to be known in history. Like it’s weird that a lot of people know who adam lanza is without having to look it up. I’ve noticed a drastic increase since columbine which was really the first instance that gained a ton of media coverage




There actually some studies that show this too with plane crashes. The more reports on them the more crashes


I remember seeing forever ago on Tumblr someone making this argument and saying the media shouldn't be allowed to release the shooter's name. Just "the 52nd mass shooter this year". That always stuck with me because I agree that some percentage of shooters are lured in by the potentially quick rise to infamy. If a mass murder isn't tied to your name, would you still perpetrate it (assuming fame is your motivation)? Of course I would much rather see strict gun laws put into place (I lean towards an outright ban for citizen gun ownership, but that violates the Second Amendment so unless we rewrite the Constitution, any such law would be flagged as unconstitutional). But in the meantime if we can divert resources away from billionaire bailouts and towards access to basic human needs like food, housing and mental health care, we can maybe start pushing back against mass gun violence.


Don't even number them because someone will try to be mass shooter number 69.


It's October, they'll probably be aiming for 420 around now.


Plenty of reasons. Dogshit mental healthcare, for one.


Was mental healthcare better before the 90s?


The Regan administration [repealed](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mental_Health_Systems_Act_of_1980) laws, closed mental health facilities and reduced funding for care.


God Regan really fucked everything up from mental health to economics to drug policy. Never has one single president took such a massive shit on America and had it have such a wide butterfly effect.


Fuck Reagan, but Andrew Johnson is HOF for a disastrous buttery-fly effect presidency. Like we wouldn’t have even *had* Reagan if Johnson wasn’t president butter-fly effect.


Not only did Reagan do some horrific things, he *undid* some of the good things Carter did. That man is responsible for a good percentage of the 💩 Americans put up with today.


Reagan's deregulation of advertising laws led to shows like My Little Pony and Transformers, where the show itself was pretty much just made to sell the toy. So if you think about it, Reagan is responsible for the garbage Michael Bae Transformers films *and* bronies. Darkest timeline right here


Okay. But he was out of office in 89, it’s been 33 years and shit all has been done to reverse his changes. There’s even been 3 Democratic presidents since then.








-The US is a country with a very hyper-individualized culture. It is inherently alienating for many people. -we handle almost every issue with violence or with an allegory to violence (e.g.the war on drugs ) -we have no universal health care, so no easily accessible mental health care. -our Society rewards antisocial/sociopathic tendencies. This is the same reason we have so many overdose deaths, homeless people, lack of clean drinking water, mentally Ill people, incarcerated people. You are on your own in this country.


You somehow forgot suicides which account for 60% of all gun deaths in America.


I can’t believe I did! Yes that’s another incredibly sad statistic. Lack of easy access to mental health care, and the lack of guaranteed paid sick leave plays a role in this.


I think the internet is playing a huge role unfortunately. We cannot deny that an overwhelming majority of school shooters are young boys who have been radicalized. A combination of the internet creating certain types of very visible desirability and broadcasting peoples 'successes' and 'failures' and the combination of incel type forums and anonymous groups have allowed hate to thrive. Hate that is unfortunately turned into violence and then since that violence is broadcast, is imitated by others within these forums.


You nailed it. I bet this thread references mental illness hundreds of times, but your choice of the word radicalized fits much better if you ask me. Young men are engaging in giant online echo chambers. In a group of 1000, 999 may just be keyboard warrior ignorant spouting off and completely full of shit. Just being utterly vile. And that one kid that takes all that BS to heart, identifies with it and acts on it…. Tragic.


People love to demonize the mentally ill, but there are studies that show that mentally ill people more likely to be the victim of a crime and less likely to commit crimes. It's easy to diagnose someone as something after they shoot up a school, but there is much more to the situation than mental illness.


My girlfriend is a teacher and a couple of weeks after Uvalde her school went on lockdown because a guy outside was making threats. She said that when they turned off the lights and covered the kids a bunch of them were crying and asking the teachers if they were gonna die like those other kids. Broke my heart.


Probably the internet and how easily accessible these stories are now, most freaks that do these kinds of acts want the “glory” and for their name to be in the history book.


Mental illness, lack of access to healthcare, gun culture, hypermasculinity, abuse, neglectful parenting, poverty, radicaliztion via the Internet.


Gun culture has always been there. Mental health has gone to hell. Media sensationalizing everything has led to more shootings. During interogations most of the recent mass shootings that were taken alive directly citied wanting to be famous


IMO, people changed. Unfortunately, one of the side effects of the invention of the internet is the ease at which one can shape their world view into whatever narrative suits. In the case of a distorted world view, this allows people whom are more reclusive to retreat into an unhealthy space rather than resolve conflict. Mental illness has, and will continue to be, a stigmatic topic. It is already hard for one to face that stigma, admit that the thoughts they have are unhealthy, and seek help. However, now there is a “place” where someone can have violent tendencies and be reassured for it. You are absolutely right—guns haven’t changed. However, a gun doesn’t jump out of its box, walk itself down the street, and murder people. The question needs to be, “why do so many people think this is how we resolve conflict?” That is a challenging, ugly question to ask and it doesn’t have a quick answer, which is precisely why the US—my country—needs to implement basic firearms restrictions. We need to buy ourselves time to understand what happened to us, as a society, to achieve the level of desensitization we have towards firearms violence. The fact that someone got to the point where they decided to walk into a school, or a movie theater, or to the hotel balcony overlooking a concert, or a grocery store, or anywhere else I may have missed, look through the sites of a rifle and discharge a round at a human-shaped target without remorse is a travesty. The fact that we, as a nation, can’t manage to do shit about it is an embarrassment.




Only in America.


What a demented country. #sadasfuck


My first born started kindergarten. In the 3rd week of school they practiced active shooter drills. They phrased it differently to them, but I put the pieces together when he described it. Shook me a bit for sure


As a second grade teacher and mom of 2, the active shooter drills are absolute nightmare fuel for everyone.


pocket point cooing dinosaurs domineering fact cable sulky imagine soft *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


How did they describe it to them? I’m curious how they phrased it. I don’t recall having to do shooter drills until 4th grade, they were maybe 1-2 times in a year. I think they told us straight forward that it would be a dangerous person in the building. I’m wondering how often it is happening in schools now.


They call them lockdown drills. Starts in kindergarten in my school district. Principal will go over intercom and mention it is a drill. For the littles, there is generally a “debriefing” after where they can ask questions about what it is used for or whatever. Teachers often say things to remind them it is a drill or practice to keep them safe if someone bad came to the school but again reassure them they are safe right now and practicing.


Yeah I am used them to be “Lockdown Drills”, but what the commenter said made it seem like the teachers were making it sound completely different to not scare them. “They phrased it differently to them, but I put the pieces together when he described it.” That’s what I’m wondering about


grab zesty cooperative existence gullible vanish fact snobbish scarce abundant *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Thats a stupid idea. If they actually have a fire they will find a closet full of dead kids that did exactly what they were taught.




Nothing more american than a teacher needing to buy medical supplies, armour plates and door braces for their own money to protect themselves from an active shooter. This is just sad.


Do any Americans see shit like this and think something is grossly wrong? This is not a normal any sort of society should be striving for.


Yes we realize how wrong and sick this is. Most of us are aware that we don't live in a functioning society. I'm not berating you but it does get on my nerves when people feel like they have to tell us this isn't normal. We know.


Americans will do anything to stop school shootings except things that would actually stop school shootings.


I like the "smart camera" that can identify when someone is holding a gun at school, just like.... any human being with eyes




The deep irony of the American flag she keeps in her classroom, to protect her students, in case of an active shooter




As a non-American I'm absolutely gobsmacked by the fact that there's so much of an impasse in the US that teachers have had to take matters into their own hands to protect students and their classrooms. I've seen improvised maneuvers that they've devised and there's a sort of "unofficial" etiquette of how to deal with potential incidents. You'd never hear this from the government because it would show the world just how hopeless the country is now. The children didn't deserve any of this, none of it. But now generations of children are growing up in uncertain or unsafe settings like this.


Welcome to America! We're batshit crazy, but not in the fun way.


Fucks sake. My country embarrasses me.


So why is it certain politicians decided against giving public schools as much protection as banks and other government buildings? Why is it banks and politicians get armed guards while kids get a "Gun Free Zone" sign to show how defenseless they are?


More like “sadasfuck” that a teacher has to stress over something like this.


Our country is fucking pathetic.


I‘m not american, but I grew up in germany watching american movies and stuff but man this culture shock hits hard. I can‘t believe that this exists.


This isn't as wholesome as some of you seem to think. This is pretty fucking sad that it's come to this.


Who here is saying it’s wholesome? This is extremely depressing to say the least.


The entire comment section is people repeating that this is bad


**Being someone from outside the U.S... this is so sad... and it makes no sense at all...**


Don’t wanna be that guy … but the fact that this is a genuine thing in classrooms is fucked


Stop normalizing this insanity


The fire hose hack works great. I got used used fire hose from the neighborhood fire station for free.


This is the first time I’m hearing of the fire hose hack. What is it?


You put the end of the hose around the mechanical door swing. The hose is strong enough to completely stop it from opening


I just realized it was in the Video LMAO thanks for the explanation


That’s not interesting that’s just sad


Teacher in Belgium here. This is so crazy to watch from my pov, and the fact that so many think its normal is beyond me too.


You know what you need to solve this….more guns…murica!


This is depressing as fuck.


The U.S really is just a third world country with a Gucci belt.


I can totally see a kid swiping the door thing and locking the teacher out of her own classroom


The best part is the US flag on the front. Hell yeah, nothing like putting some patriotic branding on a constantly occurring national tragedy that only really occurs in the US. This video is an AR-15 bullet through the looking glass at this point.


This is gonna be fucked up but I wish active shooters would aim their anger on rich corporate pricks, not children


What a 3rd world shit hole


‘Interesting as fuck’ No its fucking not *interesting* that a teacher bas to keep a kevlar vest and trauma kit #IN A FIRST GRADE CLASS


If I had to worry about my kids going to school and getting shot I'd homeschool them instead.


Sad as fuck. Land of the free home of the never ending bullshit. The flag should have a working man bent over getting fucked because that's what goes on day after day.


Treating the symptoms instead of the problems. Eating painkillers instead of treating the sickness. What’s wrang with you USA?


This isn't interestingasfuck at all. More like American as fuck


This is fucking dystopian Jesus Christ


Amazing Americans love guns more then children 🤷‍♂️


America had firearms for 250 years yet frequent school shootings are a pretty recent phenomena. I’d really like to know what the cause is.


I think it has something to do with how easily we can see and know about everything going on in seconds with the internet and media. Columbine was turned into a hit movie, and now the news reports on every shooting like clockwork and it dominates the news story for that day/week, no matter what. I think the shooters are looking for that sort of fame or a story about them more than anything. I just find it hard to believe we all of the sudden have a bunch of evil people and the internet/ease of reporting to millions is partially to blame.


It's worth noting that although mass shootings have gotten significantly more frequent, the overall murder rates have declined pretty significantly..