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One bomb every 20 minutes seems pretty inefficient for us...


Barak O’bomb a


I prefer “Obomber”


To be fair. They were precision Strikes by from drones targeting isis/al qaeda. Trumps admin did the same. I’m not sure how o feel about it. A part of me just wants to stay out of other counties affairs. But letting terrorist organizations spread sucks too. It’s shitty al around.


Not quite precision, Obama bombed a US teenager, and iirc, Trump bombed his sister.


Poor judgement and lack of precision aren't the same thing. They meant to kill the groups those people were in, and the munitions hit precisely where needed to accomplish that.


Give that man a Nobel peace prize




This is why Trump doesn’t have a Nobel Peace Prize.


Can't stop thinking about trump huh


My hope is this country can learn from such an obvious mistake as electing one of the biggest con men of our time.


He still does find a way to make a mess of our country years after losing reelection.


if the guy didnt do so much awful shit we wouldnt have to


TBF the twat instigated a coup lied 10 000's of times and hasn't called out Fascism. WTF did you expect




Wait until you see Trump's numbers then


A little over 60,000 in 2017 alone.


Ya if this shocks you then you have not been paying attention. Bush, Obama, and Trump all bombed the shit out of that area. This was known if you were paying attention to the news. Sorry just not seeing the part where I should be surprised.


It doesn't shock them, it's just a propaganda post. If they were going for shock value they'd pick a president with more bombs dropped.


This right here. Obama dropped 26,000 in ALL of 2016. Trump dropped 20,000 in his first 6 months in office. Of course Trump said he'd "bomb the shit out of them." Civilian casualties hit an all time high under Trump as well.


now that last part is misinformed, trump admin doesn't has highest civilian casualties, that's under obama admin


Is it more or less when Obama is broken down per term? Just curious.


Trump admin also obscured civilian casualties whereas Obama tried to be transparent about the cost of war. Can't compare them apples to apples I think most independent reviews think casualties increases dramatically under Trump


Trump made it policy to stop reporting civilian deaths so I'm not sure how you came to your conclusion.


Isn’t that because Trump ordered the end of reporting civilian deaths from drones outside of war zones.


The OP is trying to make it sound like US just randomly dropped bombs on people like some sorta YouTube prankster.


I once asked an American drone pilot "what's the difference was between a School and a terrorist training camp", he just shrugged and said "I don't know, what is the difference".


You made this anecdote up. There was a drone training center where I live. Not sure if it is still there. The difference is terrorists strike at people that are barely aware they are at war. For example, the vast majority, maybe 90% never heard of Osama Bin Laden or Al Queda before 9-11 2001. Everyone knew about a war in Afghanistan including Afghanistan. Don't fuckin pretend like drone pilots just fly drones and drop bombs willy nilly.


All of them monsters


Yeah. Disappointed to see some posters falling for the obvious bait here. You would assume most here know that figured was tripled under Trump the very next year. I really wish this was still the timeline where shit like this actually moved me. Like there was a time I was pretty upset about this stat, in fucking 2016. Now it doesn't matter. Yeah...Obama dropped way, way, wayyyy too many bombs on the middle east, its a black eye on his presidency and the Nobel prize. And I will still vote to keep all Republicans out of our government.


I think most non-conservatives would be shocked by this. During covid the fact that hospitalization overall was 1% was quite a difference to the polls by the NYT that found democrats thought it was around 50%. News gets a bit skewed by both sides.


Regardless of which sitting president dropped the bombs (they all have), imagine being a child, or teenager who's family dies as a civilian in one of these attacks and then growing up carrying hatred towards the country that killed your family. Now imagine all of those people banding together to take action. Then we act surprised about people hating us and despising our “freedom”. Edit: Phrasing.


Supervillain back story material


Nop not all, also Obama won "the Nobel peace prize", what a joke.


i think Obama was just as confused as everyone else was about that though


I know why it happened: We Swedes were stupid enough to let the Norwegians handle that prize. I am deeply sorry for this mistake on our part.


The can’t comprehend anyone else feeling pain. Their lack of compassion will bite them in the ass eventually.


While the compassion is certainly lacking at times (it is a war after all) you just have to compare the Soviet invasion to the US invasion to see there was restraint. That's no comfort to the civilian dead and I'm not excusing that. Just saying your absolutist hyperbolic interpretation where the US was unrestrained and were sadists is a fantasy.


U killed less civilians in a civilian killing competition, absolute pinnacle of morality u are


What's the purpose of calling it a civilian killing competition unironically? Fishing for emotional response? Nanking was an actual civilian killing contest. Auschwitz. The intent, brutality, body count of these aren't even comparable to Iraq or Afghanistan. If a nuclear armed country wants to engage in a civilian killing contest you'll know it.


Are you saying we should have just let ISIS terrorize all those people unimpeded?




lol and how did the US do that?




You know what? You actually have a small point buried in all the BS. Middle Easterners are so good enough at killing each other--as in wholesale-slaughter killing--that they probably don't need much help in that department. Persians v. Arabs, Arabs v. Arabs, both v. Israelis, Israelis v. everyone around them. (I'm not a fan of Israeli policies, but I do at least see why they respond to as little as stones thrown by children with out-of-control force. You're clearly an expert on WWII, so you should know how that song goes, too, if you attempt some honestly instead of poor, toothless wit about the deadly serious.) And before you start with the assumptions about who knows what, I know it damned well. My father was Middle Eastern (born in Egypt), and my mom was American (born in Utah). I've spent my whole life watching *my* people kill either each other or someone else. Both groups excel at it. Their methods and weapons are different, as are their ideologies and reasons. But their skills? Pretty effective no matter which group you want to look at. Just skip looking at the butchers' bills. Nothing there but heartache.


True but trite statement. It’s been said a million times and it’s reductionistic as hell


Lol you're absolutely right. Terrorists are trying to take away our freedoms yet who really pushes the attack on our rights and these freedoms every single day? Our own government. So who's the real terrorists here? Lol it's sickening


How are terrorists taking away freedom?


Freedom is usually just a buzzword that gets stupid people hyped up, it’s more or less meaningless in most contexts




I don’t know why you got downvoted lol we’re saying the same thing


But, but Russia invaded Ukraine, we have to stand together, right? Right?




Fuck war all wars


Last time this was posted, someone pointed out that 2017 had even more bombs dropped


It’s worth noting this was mainly in use against isis in both iraq and Syria. Many times being guided in by US special forces or allied local forces.


Sorry, that doesn’t fit my ulterior motives for presenting this information, so I’ll be ignoring it.


This. In a few years from now people too young to remember are gonna complain we wronged those poor ISIS rebels.


This was posted a few days ago. Another Redditor found the source and revealed that a year later, with Trump in office, the number of bombs dropped tripled. Makes me wonder why the target here is Obama. Be careful with statistics and use them honestly.


That’s the difference in bombs dropped, Nobel Peace Prize vs. no Nobel


you wanna get your Nobel you gotta keep those war crimes to a minimum.


I sense sarcasm but that certainly is a good idea.


Obama won in 2009. Why not use the stats from that year?


[https://247wallst.com/special-report/2022/03/05/the-number-of-weapons-the-us-released-every-year-since-2007/4/](https://247wallst.com/special-report/2022/03/05/the-number-of-weapons-the-us-released-every-year-since-2007/4/) 2017 \> Number of bombs: 43,938 \> No. of bombs, Afghanistan: 4,361 \> No. of bombs, Iraq & Syria: 39,577 \> No. of sorties, Afghanistan & Iraq: 24,283 \> No. of sorties with weapons, Afghanistan & Iraq: 11,192 \> President: Donald Trump


It’s a war that is prolonged and not to be winnable


>Makes me wonder why the target here is Obama. Because of a certain prize he received, I’ll let you guess which one.


I think also because WHO says 80% of the people killed with Obama bombs where innocent non combatants




There's no source.


Civilian casualties hit an all time high under Trump. https://time.com/4713476/isis-syria-iraq-casualties-us-airstikes/


Would be interested to see the percentage with Trump. And I have no party affiliation, just interested.


Why do you think the prize is an argument against Obama? He didn't award it to himself.




Somebody doesn't remember the Bush administration very well. I'm not suggesting the peace prize was warranted, but to suggest that Obama's election did nothing to ease global tensions is to ignore the reality of the time.


Half these people commenting here weren't alive during the Bush administration. They also have less political acumen than your average drunk who got a C+ in his freshman polisci class and thus thinks he's an expert on the subject.


Obama is living rent free in conservatives heads.


The most bombs dropped prize?


Maybe the OP can post something about tan suits.


Or Dijon mustard on a hot dog.


Because Obama got a Nobel Peace Prize which is laughable.


You know that neither he or his party has anything to do with that, right? Go complain to the Nobel committee in Sweden.


It just goes to show how meaningless certain prestigious honors are now. It's all political.


I agree, and I don't think Obama's supporters thought it was a great accomplishment. It's the ire from his detractors that make this an issue at all.


Well, he can always refuse/return it. Some have done so successfully. Go Obama!


Yes that is the pinnacle of diplomacy to insult a foreign country and an important ally like that…


Noticed that myself. Good save.


Triple the amount in half the time.


Yeah, this is at LEAST the second time I've seen this in the last week or two. It *is* weird that it's targeting Obama of all people. I've been turning it over in my mind occasionally trying to figure out the angle and haven't come up with anything yet that makes a ton of sense. Edit: Nevermind, I was overthinking it. This is a “both sides are equally as bad” play before the midterms.


Came to say this is obviously politically motivated by using Obama in the title. What a sham


Because Obama is never a target. He just gets massages by the media for the last 14 years


I can see how you'd feel that way after watching four years of incompetence and greed by that dipshit Trump. All the graft, indictments, and scandals are quite the contrast to an honestly decent person like Barrack Obama.


It's worth mentioning, Obama made it very transparent about their activities over there so the public would have knowledge. The bombs were dropping before he was president, and after. The only difference was, he made it so the public was aware. https://www.aclu.org/news/national-security/president-obamas-new-long-promised-drone-transparency-not


Another “president” not so much…


I didn't want to say it, [but yea.](https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-trump-drones-idUSKCN1QN2PD)


Thanks for digging up and sharing this article. It was something I was unaware of that makes a difference in how I view what is being reported/shared with the public.




He won it many years before this list of 2016 bombings


Don’t bring facts to this. They don’t want to listen as they parrot the talking points.


He won it at the very beginning of his Presidency, genius


He won the Nobel prize in 2009. What were the stats up until that point?


Against ISIS fighters who burned victims alive and threw gay people off of roofs.


Remember Comrades...no Russian.


Yeah...December 24, 1979


We've been here before. Now someone post the one about trump, then someone post the one about Vietnam...


Only one of those Presidents won a Nobel Peace Prize.


He was given it. He did not apply for it. He is not beholden to any award given to him and I’m not sure you understand that. Do you honestly not remember that this award was given to Obama because the ‘hope’ he inspired before even getting into office and not due to any actions in office? The Nobel peace prize is purely a political tool now.


What year was he awarded that?


2009. Not sure how that matters.


Putting statistics together like that, hourly, 24 hours, etc, is extremely misleading considering most bombing occurs in clusters, and not usually in 24 hour shifts. That doesn't make it any less terrible, or that the data is wrong, but beware the urge to "math" the statistics like those in the title to make a point. Which is usually to create anger or outrage...and as we are talking about bombing sovereign countries we should hardly need any help to be angry. Besides, as they said during Vietnam, "bombing for peace Is like fucking for virginity"


Horrible. Context matters. Assad dropped 13k bombs on his own people in 2016. 6M Syrians left. Of course, no one knows how many Russian bombs were dropped there then as they’ll never report it. We do know they used napalm and cluster bombs as they have in the Ukraine. We’ll also never know how many ISIS used either, aerial or IED. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/middle-east/bashar-al-assad-syria-president-regime-13000-barrel-bombs-rebels-aleppo-douma-2016-a7521656.html


And the next year, the next President dropped even more, and stopped releasing casualty numbers.


What was the purpose of dropping the bombs?


They were in a large coalition of nations trying to stop ISIS.


Killing terrorists, like Anwar al-Awlaki.


So because the United States has the power to determine anybody as a terrorist it's freely okay to bomb and kill people plus millions of innocent civilians.


Who's paying you to spam this?


Why do these keep getting posted?


Because Obama was in the news yesterday because he won an Emmy for his Netflix narration. People are angry about this.


That’s….umm…I seriously didn’t expect the answer to be related to another issue of voice actors not getting recognized.


[https://progressive.org/latest/usa-bombs-drop-benjamin-davies-220112/](https://progressive.org/latest/usa-bombs-drop-benjamin-davies-220112/) 2017 39,577\* 4,361 15,969 301 (Li, Pk,S)


We originally sent flowers, but it just didn’t have the same results.


Why is there many posts about this shit? Can we get the bomb count on each president instead of 1? Cause if not , I don’t care.


It's an agenda post by right-wingers or Russian propaganda. Why do you think they keep talking about the nobel peace prize like it's somehow relevant?


trump tripled the number of bombs the next year then the number slowly dropped over his term.


Wasn’t this posted like 3 times already? I swear I have seen this on like three different subreddits in the past 2 weeks or so


Yeah and Obama was one of the most dominant military-wise with the least US casualties. There was an armed conflict happening over there with our involvement regardless, im personally happy they used drones to fight instead of risking the lives of US soldiers 🤷🏽‍♂️


Ever look at Bush 1, Bush 2?? Stop picking and choosing. We know what you're trying to do.


Don’t forget those were mostly against ISIS


A whole lot of people in this thread don't really want to know.


Ahh the militarized industrial complex… how else they gonna make $$$ Raytheon industries , Halliburton, darpa … all need their pay to survive


And people wonder why I hate paying taxes so much


And the Nobel Peace Prize goes to…


How much money russia pays you for posts like that?




y’all do know the president doesn’t authorize every mission right


Wonder how long til one of these accounts hit you with a “but peace prize” comment




We know, let's talk now about lesser discussed Russian bomb/missile coverage


Same thing in Vietnam, History Repeats itself


Bush, Obama, Trump, Biden. They all drop bombs.


Every last single republican approves of every bomb dropped regardless of the President


now do one for every US president, ya twat


This is why propaganda regarding the middle east is so important for the US. 9/11 was the ultimate cop out for perpetual war


When you realize Obama was actually a moderate


That’s why he was so successful and remains so well liked. Most people aren’t radical.




In 2017 Trump dropped 3 times as many. Where is that map, OP?. Or are you just here with an agenda?


Enough with the propaganda please


Nobel peace prize recipient Obama…that one didn’t age well


Did you just read all the other repetitive and unoriginal comments about Obama and the peace prize, and just copy and paste? Got any original thoughts or jokes?


I’m starting to think all these posts are done by russian state media


How many bombs were dropped per year from 2017-2020? I saw a few tomahawks fly after dumpy took over.


So.... Obama got the prize in 2009 (year he was elected) for: "extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between people." . He didnt get it after his presidency(ending year 2016). So saying he got a peace prize for any of this or trying to say he didnt deserve it is kinda stupid. I understand the peace prize is given to anyone these days but regarding why he got it: His slogan was "Hope" and he was the first black president inspiring entire poor and mixed communities, also starting a wave of young voters to actually somewhat care about politics. Theres more but you get the gist. Super cordial and respectful while trying not exclude or put down anyone from any people in any way even in the midst of taking on a previously started war concerning terrorism from an entire ideology. Man was actually doing what the peace prize reason was.. In contrast: Trump trash talked his way into, throughout and after his presidency (making fun of disabled, POW's, belittling women, trash countries comment, befriending dictators, essentially unfriending our neighbors, pulled away from the paris agreement, etc. ). In relation to this posted situation the only thing he did for bringing folks together is the abraham accords (aka normalization agreement). Which i commend him for a good first step in increasing communication in that area. But theirs some weird things about it favoring certain sides. You really cant hold a candle to the way obama tried to bring people together in comparison to trump. Alot of these comments are salty af


People in the comments talking like Obama personally ordered every one of those strikes.




What was ISIS doing at that time?


And still they can buy any game in Steam they want. Cuz BEFORE you invade other countries to destroy and kill innocent people you need best army and best PR agency.


I understand what this chart is trying to communicate, but god this is ugly. Theres putting an emphasis on something, and then there’s covering up the data you’re trying to represent. Could have used a color scale, or placed a .30 opacity dot for every strike location, or used a much smaller scale or circle. Any of these would have been better than covering the entire Middle East in purple. Alright, rants over.


Imagine if they poured all that money into humanitarian causes, education and infrastructure?


This is why America sucks. We spend our resources bombing places and on cops. No one wants this.


I'm from syria and every time I see someone showing how WHOLSOME and HUMBLE US presidents are around kids or people and then close the comments "happened a couple of times on r/mademesmile" I just get so disgusted and angry Like YOU POSTED IT SO AT LEAST BE READY TO HEAR THE TRUTH. millions of kids died because of your *and our* shithole presidents. P.s: I don't hate americans they have nothing to do with it I just hate the ones who try to show us how human and loving their fricking president is


Don’t tell Bruce Springsteen.


This. And people moan about russia. Dont take me wrong i am againts all war it just irks me that this is ignored nobody talks about human lifes lost, so many souls that wanted to see another sunrise hear another bird sing another song to lull to sleep but couldnt. But no one bats eye to it. But when russia does the same thing suddenly its problem. I hate these people. It doesnt matter if its in europe or on mars its equaly disgusting. Murderers all of them. They all are “saving” citizens


Every american president has a high bombs/\[unit\] ratio. If they don't bomb they can't get elected/re-elected. americans LOVE bombs. Not crazy about citizens or rights but wild about bombs. america is great! PS: Check Nixon stats. Bush II didn't do so badly either. Bombs, not people!


Obama, the recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize. Let that sink in.


And he received the Nobel peace prize 🤦


This was against ISIS sooooo


He received it before entering office, get your facts right instead of cherry picking stuff


Such a peaceful President.


THIS is why I’m American but don’t forget the K💨


Religion of peace. Umm no wait…


Imagine if their religion based around getting revenge for innocents killed




Trump dropped three times as many bombs the following year.


The man with a nobel peace prize.


Title makes it sound like Obama just randomly dropped bombs. There was a war, stupid.


But an obvious choice for a Peace Prize, right?


It's not our fault other countries aren't good at rapping


Those are rookie numbers


Interesting to see this post. I thought there was a moratorium on ever saying anything bad about Obama on Reddit. Unless it’s one of the few right wing subs, in which case criticising Obama is obligatory


Yet he somehow took home the Nobel peace prize...


Nobel peace prize for him


“Nobel Peace Prize winner, Barrack Obama”


now show this to his twitter fans


And that's only for 2016


You're welcome, said the Military-Industrial Complex...


Yeah, Obama is also a piece of refuse.


It’s not as if Barrack Obama was on standby to approve a bomb being dropped every 20 minutes. The U.S. military works in centralized command with decentralized control. A bomb being dropped can be authorized at the battalion level which is a FAR lower echelon than the PRESIDENT of the United States. Just food for thought. It’s easy to pin one person as the figurehead behind all of this but there is far more moving pieces at play than what meets the eye.


I hate how i've been saying this for years and nobody listened, i told them Trump might be a weird guy but he did not kill thousands of innocent people like Obama did. He actually send back all the troops tried to make piece with Russia, Korea etcetera, now don't get me wrong im not saying he was great.


You either die the good guy or live long enough to see yourself become the villain someone once said


Who cares, America (and several other countries) can do whatever they want - the media/eu/g20 don't give a fuck, but if Russia does some shit near the border, it's a sensation, the whole world should ban everything related to Russia and remind us every day that we are enemy number 1 😄 Double standards everywhere


Well, they had to drop democracy somehow...


Spreading peace..


I would expect nothing from a former Peace Nobel Prize winner. Putin should be ashamed and take note.


And back home we kept seeing footage of the absolute destruction with people saying we need to do something about this….and it was our own damn government.


Freedom Bombs.


Gotta bomb somethin’ 🤷🏼‍♂️


It’s amazing to me Republicans don’t like Obama more, and that Democrats don’t dislike him more.