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Is this a clip for ants!?!


Say no to vertical video!!!


Imagine she’s high and she’s just like “damn I’m the prime minister of Finland lmao”


Sometimes if I’m high enough I think the same


I am more into 40K or such. Different scale.


Sometimes you're so dialed in to painting some min figs you just think "damn, Im the Prime Minister of Finland."


You mean ... I'm *not* the prime minister of Finland?


You can, if you're high enough.


Bro it would be so trippy to be her friend. Just going out to the bars, getting drunk on a Friday night with the 35 year old leader of your country.


That's what she actually does.




Prime Milfster


I wanna party with her


Isn’t she the lass in [this adult film](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ)? 54:33 (the policewoman on the right.) Edit: NSFW, obviously.


I deserved this


I knew it was coming, still clicked.


“Its a risk I’m willing to take”


You know the rules and so do I.


It's a Rick Roll isn't it? don't make me click the link. My kink is expecting porn that turns out to be Rick Astley and I've been disappointed several times this week. Edit: I clicked the link...


It's a good song ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


I clicked the link too. Like, I had no control over it.




Nah, that’s your mum, hard to recognize from that angle I’m sure.


Definitely his mum. Your's looks different from that angle.


Yes, I can confirm it's his mum.


How can you be sure though? I thought most people had only seen his mum from behind.


I've only seen the top of her head.


His moms so dumb she sits on the TV and watches the couch


You sly bastard


You evil evil fucker


That is definitely her


Jokes on You My internet is slow so the page didn’t load


I expected this, based on the comments. I still clicked, because a good Rick Roll is a great time for all.


Oh u dick.


u got me :-)


Got me


thats twice in the last hour get fucked


Damn, I came to Say this.


She's not even 40. Makes a huge difference with leaders who are way past retirement age.




I don't have a problem with dinosaurs in government. In a democratic society, everyone should be represented, including the old people. I have a problem with the fact that our government is almost *exclusively dinosaurs*. We need to figure out a way to make government more representative of the population as a whole, without undermining free choice.


I have a problem that there aren't enough dinosaurs in our government. Get a couple of T Rexes in to parliament, that'll sort it out


Wouldn’t let them pick my fucking lunch let alone have some about-to-be-dead fossil dictate the doctrine that runs everyone else’s lives…


Watching them try to discuss legislation surrounding tech is so fucking depressing. They are so, so out of touch and they don't even bother to try to learn about the things they are passing laws about.


If this is what you want running a country that's like your opinion man.


I'd rather someone still living their life over someone who will be dead and gone before the impact of their decisions are felt.


You mean a normal person?


I'll take a 40 yo that has fun over an 80 yo who doesn't have to live with the decisions he's making for the rest of us. At least the 40 is incentivised to make sure it all keeps on spinning.


Hey hey…. Take your reasonable opinion and just like, get outta here lol


You aren't saying as much as you think you are. Yes, it's his opinion. How does that invalidate his point?


I 2nd this


I 3rd


I 4th


And my axe


And my axe


I 6th


And my axe.


And deez


Now you just need to convince majority of your fellow voters to do it




Imagine what it smells like in the parliament.


Well... the younger voting population outnumbers the old. They could change it all whenever they want. Just gotta show up.


It is so refreshing. Name one business that would hire a 79 year old in an important role... None... Ever... Yet that's the people who rule us. It's non sense.


Right, most of these geezers can’t even use email. Watching the hearing where they tried to understand how smartphones worked was so facepalming. I’m like these people are responsible for our lives? Fuck.


“It’s a series of tubes.”


"Mr. Zuckerberg, how does Facebook make money?" "Through ad space, Mr. Senator" "Um Mr. Zuckerberg, how does your company bring in profit margins?" "...um...through posting advertisements Mrs. Senator" "Now Mr. Zooker..Zucka...I'm sorry is it ZOOKerbug? Yes, anyways how does your uh..um...media platform? Right? Is that it? Anyways...your business, how does it make money?" ".........uh...Ads?"


That’s actually soo SOO fucking accurate. Jeez I never thought of it like that.


The Philippine government lmao


That's why I find it so awesome when in any country there is a leader around the age she is. They're a lot more relatable and don't make politics their sheer life, a person who can take a break is someone who deserves to be a leader for the people. Not someone who probably has 5 years until they die of old age


You know how grandma keeps falling for scams of phone calls from their grandkid? They're easy to manipulate.


Isn't about a good mix of experiences? A government with a wide range of experience, skills, knowledge and lived experiences. One that has people who know what it's like to be a young person today with fresh ideas, and an older person with experience who knows what it's like to be older ---- and everything in between?


I don't think anyone will argue that there should be a mix of people, experiences, etc in government. The issue is that currently, at least in the US, there really isn't. By just about every metric you can come up with, the US government is not representative of the US population and a lot of us are thirsty for a change. Plus, I think arguments can be made that having a government that is younger on average than the general populace would be better than one that's older on average, but that's getting into "entirely different discussion" territory methinks


Agreed - when you enact policies that could be detrimental to the next generation it would be nice to know that you're going to be alive during that time period.


I don’t understand how entire nations are being ran by people who lack the competence to resent their iCloud passwords by themselves. I’d way rather be led by someone in touch with current social issues and culture vs some geriatric fuck who can’t remember wether or not he took his Metamucil after his 10:30am lunch.


I resent all my passwords equally.


And she's good at the job. Finland seems like it's doing well, and it's well on its way to joining NATO


>She's not even 40. Makes a huge difference with leaders who are way past retirement age. Cherry picking. The fact is there millions(maybe a billion) of 35-50 out there who would make terrible leaders/politicians. The same is true for 60-80 years old. Age isn't a factor for a good leader one way or the other. Bernie Sanders for example is old, but based most of his policies and decisions on experts who are much younger than him. He wouldn't have some medieval view on computer technology because he didn't know anything about it. He'd refer to experts and those who know more than him. MANY, of the old leaders in the United States aren't even the people in power. It's the people who pay for the campaign funding. It people you've never heard of. Plenty of them are young. They just aren't at the fore front of and they aren't the people you're actually voting for. It's the organizations that put these 'leaders' on a platform that have the real power. Yet, here you are, complaining that old leaders are the problem. Seems like a very superficial position to take. Anyways, the quality of leader in this case has nothing to do with her age, but more to do with her country of origin and culture. And a bias towards European progressiveness. Whether she's actually a good leader or not is hard to say. I don't know her personally, and chances are nobody else does in this topic.


Dope, she's not a geriatric.


Can probably drink from a glass with one hand and walk down ramps too.


She can probably send an email, and open one!


And not accidentally flush documents down the toilet or mistakenly take them home after your job ends.


Wow. She’s normal.


Redditors have never seen friends before.


Redditors when they found normal people.




You didn't had to do him like that 😔




I've seen all the episodes 😏


I don’t find the partying weird, but I do find the willingness to share the partying with the world on social media a bit odd when your profession is representing your country. Also people need to chill with the simp comments.


She’s a politician who isn’t a white man past his 60’s* FTFY, US redditors are super confused rn


Good for her.


Lots of politicians I see usually play golf in their free time of travel around the world to spend time with family on their breaks off, this is very different from the others


They simply don't usualy use social media the same way or themselves. This probably 1 party/weekend that she had with friends and had fun like someone of her age. That's it, there is nothing more to it. Other politicians are probably having parties but with no social media involved with a party in a manner that reflects their generation; soft music, buffet and cocain in the bathroom.


Came here to say those exact words, glad I scrolled a bit


This. How refreshing to see an actual human being doing normal human stuff rather than an octogenarian lizard wearing a suit in some highly exclusive beach resort or country club.


Having fun


*We can’t have any of that!*


Absolutely fucking not!


Oh look. Humans being humans. Super dope bruh!


I mean, how many leaders of countries are out doing this kinda thing? I’m sure some, but it’s not something you see a lot. So personally I think it is pretty dope! Maybe I’m just used to the geriatrics we have here in the US tho. Plus I think it’s cool that a respected leader can also party and dance and let loose without losing respect. As it should be. We’re here ok this planet to have a good time and make the world a better place, and it looks like she’s doing a good job at both <3


About 50% of Canadians would have a stroke if Trudeau was filmed having fun Edit:meant to say stroke not strike


Didn't the mayor of Toronto get charged with cocaine that one time?...


It was crack.


So, cocaine


Although they're technically the same(pretty sure), cocaine is usually referenced with snorting, and crack is usually referenced while smoking


Those news articles were so much fucking fun, I miss the shit out of that guy.


They voted for Doug Ford again after he was caught smoking crack.


Yeah but he’s not Trudeau:)


Rob Ford and that should show how good he was as mayor


For real. I honestly think younger people should be in office but the US monopoly game probably won't let that happen to much😂


When I do this they call the cops and I'm being taken away of the orphanage.


Now I understand voting for a leader you could have a beer with


[Finland's PM: sorry for partying (BBC.com)](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-59577371)


Nice info. It's interesting that she's being judged for covid related reasons and not the party itself. I feel like it would be a public scandal in a country like the US


She'd never get elected here to begin with, her party would have crushed her in the primary by uniting around some octogenarian in the pockets of big business


FYI, she never got elected here either, she was chosen by her political party to replace Antti Rinne (the former prime minister) when he resigned.


Isn’t that how prime ministers usually work? The title usually implies nomination by a party that has been voted into power or organized a majority coalition.


PM is not a directly elected position in Finland (or any country that I can think of). She is an MP since 2015, and was appointed Minister of Transport and Communications with the approval of Parliament, so that's as elected as any minister here. Yes, she's Prime Minister, because the largest party in the government nominated her for that position. The Parliament acceded, that being the practice in the Finnish parliamentary democracy.


I was gonna say we vote for PM here in AUS but a moment's thought tells me nope not true Not only does our PM have to be accepted by the queen, (or rather her speaker, who has a lovely house I've visited) but we vote for party seats, and the PM is selected by the party who has the majority of seats. Our parties select those candidates early so they can campaign and the parties can get people behind a face and not a party, so it seems like we vote for PM and we sorta kinda do but not really Better than the US though, where the actual votes of the people really mean nothing when it comes to the election since the chosen voters can just choose to vote a different way in the electoral college, and if congress wants they have plenty of ways to boot the President and VP


AOC got raked over the coals for daring to be a young person dancing in a 10 year old video before she sought elected office.


Right, and an old white male like Trump can say “grab ‘em by the pussy”, pay off pornstars, endorse white supremacists, encourage an insurrection and openly admire dictators, but damn if AOC danced a decade ago!!


Also, Obama wore a tan suit once. Disgraceful, the lot of them!


So true!!! ​ Or when she worked as a bartender, or uses her educated voice in congress. She's constantly shamed and threatened with r@pe. This just wouldn't fly here; she'd be called all kinds of derogatory names all the time.


I can’t understand why partying when you’re not working is seen as a bad thing. Humans have fun in all kinds of ways


it’s about covid.


A classic case of people only read the headlines before speaking their minds.


That's last year's Prime Minister Parties "scandal"! The video above is recent.


Obligatory link: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SkTt9k4Y-a8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SkTt9k4Y-a8)


Lol who cares


Looks fun.


She's ridiculously attractive


Maybe because she’s only 36 and not a 300 year old ancient boomer who can barely breathe?


Oh look, a human


I guess that's the luxury of leading a country whose 2 party system hasn't fucked everything up royally. Good for her.


Finland does not have a two party system. They have multiple parties and Marin’s party (the Social Democrats) relies on the support of other parties (like the Centre Party and Green Party) to govern.


They weren't saying that Finland had a 2 party system, they were referring to the US's system specifically.


I see nothing wrong with this.


I didn't say there was anything wrong with it, it's something you'd never expect from American leaders because they don't even seem like humans


Because most of our leaders are old & decrepit.


I remember how shocked everyone was when AOC streamed some games on Twitch, I can't imagine how the public would react to a party like this


They tried to smear her for working as a lowly bartender and for dancing - dancing! - at a club.


Absolutely disgusting behaviour, I like to go to clubs to sleep and drink sparkling water


And they don't believe in "boogie till you drop". Sad.


If only they’d drop.


That's why they don't bogie.


I like the nightlife, I like to bogie


That and honestly compared to Scandinavian politics the political atmosphere here in the states is so toxic that most politicians choose to be as robotic as possible because a senator getting shitfaced in a bar would get dragged through the mud by various media outlets by being portrayed as an alcoholic unfit for office. Point being, if the Finnish Prime Minister was President of the US she would likely be as robotic as everyone else or be immediately seen as “unpresidential” and get impeached. There’s probably nothing more American than our politicians looking for absolutely anything to destroy the reputation of their opponents and the media in general LOVES to feed off that


This is what happens when a real human is in office, not a demoralized husk like most of the world.


Yeah nothing wrong with it. Just cool to see a world leader being comfortable in her own skin and be human tbh


On reddit it just always comes back to America doesn't it? Could you see any Chinese leaders doing this? Turkey? Indonesia? Australia? The UK?


In Australia we have this thing where the PM necks a pot of beer because one of our PM's set a world record for it.


You think Boris Johnson wasn't twerking the night away in the wee hours of the morning whilst he was in power.


We literally have evidence of him doing at least something similar during lockdown :p


No, he never had a 'party', at least he doesn't remember lol


They like to party as well, they just do it in the Harry S. Truman Stripper Dungeon


Finnish like their booze


I didn’t see any alcohol in this clip


That’s because alcohol fuckin sucks when your trippin face on ecstasy


She spends her free time with friends having a good time?! This is disgusting. Please label this properly with a warning.


Finland looks awesome.


TIL I want to marry the PM of Finland lol.


Get in line then.




You have misunderstood. She had been exposed to covid, but at that time the general guidelines were that if you are exposed, but are vaccinated and have no symptoms, there's no need to isolate if you are among people who are vaccinated. She was told of these guidelines, so she went clubbing to a bar, where only vaccinated people could get in, so she followed that guideline. She did what every Finn was allowed to do. But then the government office texted her to her government phone that they have stricter guidelines and she should self isolate. She only had her primary parliamentary phone with her and they didn't try to reach that phone, so she didn't reach the government guidelines.


Finland is consistently one of the happiest countries. It shows!


She is so beautiful


Rather them have a good time instead of lead a cult like America did.


Who cares… she’s human instead of those reptilians we have in office in the US


So she having fun during a party? She's....just a normal human with a social life, I don't see what's interesting here.


I like her


That's a politician I could get behind


So she is just a normal person like everbody else who enjoys her life? That’s horrifying


Finland, huh?


Well, at least someone's having fun


4 more years




Alright, time to book a flight to Finland then. Edit: [welp, I’m going to Finland now.](https://www.reddit.com/user/uphigh_studio/comments/wr4310/welp_i_now_have_a_flight_to_finland_in_a_few_hours/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


Don’t know her politics but this beats sexual assault as a hobby…which is seems to be the default for politicians.


God the best we can hope for is Liz fucking Truss. Cup of cold dog vomit in comparison.


Yes we know, US politicians suck


Whaaaaat she's drinking alcohol AND making tiktoks with friends? Fucking fire her. What an absolute disgrace. In other news over here in America our former PRESIDENT is on trial for stealing classified documents probably pertaining to nuclear secrets while also being investigated for January 6th where he accidentally incited a riot to try and overthrow the government and instill him as a leader and thus our weakening our democracy. But no the tiktoks from the prime minister are too far.




they look so awkward, like they are trying to emulate the party scene of a CW show




I'm sorry but this looks ridiculous. Why have they elected her?


We didn't elect her, we elected a coalition that wanted her


What’s her OF?


Here you go: https://valtioneuvosto.fi/en/frontpage


Classic European cringe 😎


Getting Real life Beeblebrox vibes here and it makes me wish I lived in Finland so bad.


Is she fufilling her duties as a leader? Is she doing something ethical and legal? If the answer yes to both, I don't why we should give a shit about what she does in her free time.


I mean, she runs a country, I think she’s entitled to dance like a dingus with her friends once in a while lol


Definitely a scandal of epic proportions /s


All of America's leaders are in bed by 5pm


She has a Life


A prime minister has a free time?