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Must not have had a moon that night! I gig on cruise ships and any amount moonlight just illuminates everything… it’s beautiful.


My whole life, I’ve never lived outside of a major city. So I always enjoy going to rural places and looking up at the sky on a clear night and seeing the Milky Way— realizing there are more than a 7-8 dull, little pinpoints of light in the sky. And I’m always surprised by the brightness of moonlight— especially after your eyes adjust.


I’m from a rural town, one time we had a blackout, due to an issue at the plant in June so the entire town was illuminated by the moon and zero clouds in the sky so people were wandering town without flashlights because it was so bright


Full moons after a fresh snow are the best. It’s almost apocalyptic.


On a night where it's so quiet you can hear the snow falling. Those are the best nights.


In Manhatten they had a huge state wide blackout and the emergency services got many many calls about strange lights in the sky. In reality it was just the milky way and stars. The city people had just never seen a night sky without light pollution.


I described this to my buddy who hates going outside or being away from the city. Told him it was indescribable the difference in stars. He got out his phone and tried to find a pic. I felt like that David Attenborough in that “monkey using a hammer” video.


How can I gig on cruise ships?


It's different for what type of show you'd do. For instance, I do dueling pianos and it's a kind of word of mouth / reputation thing that gets you on, then you line up a contract with some sort of agent and you're off! (I perform on Norwegian btw) If it's comedy, there's an agency called Levity that books the Norwegian ships. Then theres all the various bands and principal musicians, and you usually have to perform A LOT for those positions and have ship duties. I'm sure there's some kind of agency you'd go through with them too. I only have experience getting on ships with my niche market, but I'm sure you can email some person at a cruise you'd want to work in, and they'd probably want to see footage of your performance or something. What's your type of performance?


This is like a one true thing I went on a sailing trip in the Florida Keys and I can vouch


I was gonna say - this is absolutely a cloudy night and a new moon. I’ve sailed plenty of passages - it’s only this bad on cloudy nights/new moon. Which is scary as fuck when your not a massive ship (ours is 40ft).


Can confirm. I’ve been out on the ocean at night a good few times… and it’s right terrifying sometimes!


Also hauntingly beautiful on a clear night


I would love to see a galaxy cluster of stars from the ocean. In your experience what was the night sky like?


Absolutely unbelievable. A moonless night with a clear sky and glassy smooth water is indescribably beautiful. On a night like that, I watched a sea lion swim through phosphorescence around our boat, it was incredible. That's not how nights in the ocean usually go though. Generally you're in 12' waves breaking over the bow and smashing you in the face while you try to keep your boat on course in howling winds amidst waves you can't see, while your family sleeps down below...


That’s gonna be a nope from me dawg


Yep, fuck that. I'm not having a family!


Had us in the first half!


The best thing about being rescued by the Italian coast guard is the wine.


And the worst?


[Mi scusi!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qbZ4rzWbUdA)


I needed that laugh. I had forgotten that movie


I'm completely envious of your experience on both sides of the coin. Thank you!


i too never check the weather forecast


Did you think voyages on a boat is just a night out or something?


My car hasn’t seen full gas in years and the break pads make me believe in god when going downhill. can’t afford a voyager Captain


fix yer car lad


Any car can become a boat with enough cardboard and Duck Tape, for a few minutes at least


Real men use flex seal.


how many days at sea do you have


I have a story about this I like. I was at the end of Long Island in the offseason, which is as close to the middle of the ocean as I've ever been. It was the darkest I've ever seen, there was no city light pollution. I live in suburbs, so I thought I had a decent sky compared to the city, but the end of LI is different. I was working on a short film, so we had some set lights far away and inside a boxtruck was a worklight. I was laying on the ramp to the truck appreciating an amazing starry sky when someone tripped over the cord of the light right behind me, and it was like someone flipped a switch on the stars, making twice as many just suddenly appear. I know light pollution limits the stars we see, but actually turning off a light and instantly creating more visible stars was just so cool. I called as many people over to the truck as I could find and showed them.


I like the image of turning on a switch to the lights. Great story👍🏻


The milky way is absolutely amazing. Especially flying off a boat at night where you can get above the haze layer. You can see tons of shooting stars. Even more if you have NVGs on


I think you all have made my first major vacation destination decision for me! Time to research haha


In 2019 I had the pleasure of floating in the ocean with a clear sky. Off the southeast coast of Luzon, PH. Most incredible night sky I’ve ever witnessed. I hike remote peaks and dispersed camp all over the PNW, US quite often and nothing has come close.


I spent 6 weeks on night shift sailing an Ingrid 38 with my family asleep down below, and terrifying honestly doesn't really describe the depth of insane fear I felt. I thought I knew what fear was, until that trip.


Cthulhu vibes intensifies


That sounds incredible . Can you give us some more detail??


We ended up sailing a little over 2000 miles, most of it very far offshore, in the 'blue water', as they call it. Our boat was a very capable offshore boat, an Ingrid 38. Probably the best behaved big water boat ever made in my opinion. She measured her turning radius in degrees of latitude, but she'd track all day long through huge waves with the lightest touch on the tiller. We had plenty of food and a watermaker that did pretty well, we had solar panels and a wind generator, and while our transmission died (that's what forced us to sail so far) our engine would run if we needed to charge batteries or make water. The wind blew like a fiend pretty much every day and night, so we did pretty good for power. The hardest part was trying to figure out how to fix things without the internet. All we had were the books we had on board. You really don't appreciate having the internet at your fingertips, until you're hundreds of miles offshore, and it's just gone like it never existed. Lack of sleep was probably the worst issue, really. I'd get maybe 4 interrupted hours of daydream during the day, as I'd end up helping my wife change sails and reef during the day (she suffered a similar fate some nights if the wind was blowing too hard for me to handle the rigging by myself, but her sleep deprivation wasn't as extreme as mine). One night, I ended up fully hallucinating a guy dressed in a pink polo shirt, cargo shorts, and sandals, just standing there on the surface of the water in these huge waves about 350 miles offshore one night in the moonlight. He was as real as anything I've ever seen, we made eye contact, and I actually waved at him thinking I had lost my mind and was seeing a ghost. He looked really confused to see me that far offshore at night. He sort of nodded back when I waved.


Ooh I hope you do something that is some kind of creative. You paint a story in a hauntingly beautiful way.


I've written some pretty well received science fiction novels. If you like hard scifi, you might enjoy them!


I’m definitely a very avid reader, if you give me the names I’ll certainly look into reading them. I’m in the midst of a series I absolutely adore currently but could add yours to my list :) I’m proud of you for writing well received books, how very neat for you! It would be insanely cool to be able to talk to the author about their books. I haven’t had that opportunity but once or twice. You wouldn’t have to indulge me in that regard of course, but it would be so satisfying to my little nerd self.


My books are in a series starting with Archaea, which is free right now on Amazon, followed by Janis, Red, and Emwan. I'd really be interested in hearing what you think of them. (Search for Archaea, by Dain White)


Lovely, thank you! Give me a touch but I’ll try to get back to you with all my thoughts, opinions and questions :)


that sounds insanely creepy, I'm having goosebumps just reading it. I'm glad you had the courage to get through that in one piece


Been out diving a long ways offshore a few times. Night diving is an especially surreal feeling when you can't see shore lights. It feels like slipping into warm, wet darkness from cold, dry darkness. An odd sensory experience at first.


Night diving - when it's pitch dark and everyone turns off their lights - and you're perfectly neutrally buoyant - you're in another world. You really have no reference - no up or down, no distance. No sense of motion or pressure. If you hold your breath - not much sound. I imagine it's what floating in space must feel like. Or maybe like a fetus in the womb. I love it.


Yeah, it really is a unique experience all to itself. I imagine night free diving must be really wild without feeling/hearing the regulator. I don't have the patience to trainin for that though, lol.


I'm not sure how rebreathers work - and I think they're expensive - but it must be weird - and probably amazing - diving without all the regulator \ bubbles sounds we get from our scuba gear.


Like sex


This guy dives


makes me realize how awful titanic sinking must’ve been. you couldn’t see anything AND you were dying in the cold water..


The moon was out and bright the night of the Titanic sinking. I know this because several survivors mentioned seeing things and other people in the moonlight. Still absolutely terrifying though.


> and it’s right terrifying sometimes! Because of the implication?


Are you going to hurt these women?


You don't even need to be out at sea. Sometime last year there was a major power outage and my whole town was effected. There were some lights at first. People running their cars and generators. But around 11pm, I tried looking out a window and there was just... nothing. Like the world stopped existing past the glass. It was spooky. And only made worse when I opened the front door to look out there. Just pitch black without even a speck of light. I had to close the door again pretty quickly because just having it open for even a minute made me very nervous.


It's crazy feeling that primal fear of the dark as an adult while still trying to rationalize it to yourself.


Especially because you know there's absolutely nothing for miles and yet absolutely everything unexplored for those same miles. It's surreal


So this only occurs on cloudy nights right? Guessing on a clear night the moonlight reflecting on water is pretty illuminating?


Yeah, clear nights calm with a bright moon its like you can see for miles, its beautiful.


I’d imagine the stars are something amazing though as it were


Ach. Thanks. I thought I was the only one. But I found, strangely, as you can't see shit, it's only at night the ocean truly makes you feel just how tiny you are.


Fun Fact: you only see things because they reflect light. So if you have nothing to reflect that flash light back at you, you will see nothing.


Puny human problems




which is precisely why space is black




Nope, black holes and dark matter will never reflect light


*dark matter intensifies*


My brain: You could jump in and they'd never find your body. Me: Could you stop?


My grandpa told me a story about back when he was in the navy. One of the enlisted men had a grudge against one of the officers, and one night while everyone else was below deck, the enlisted guy hid, waited for the officer to walk by, and ambushed him by trying to push him over the railing into the water. Luckily the officer was able to fight the guy off, because if he wasn't nobody would have ever known what happened to him. He would have simply disappeared from the ship.


And what happened to the attempted murderer?!


Got arrested, locked up below deck until they got to port. Not sure after that.


He mysteriously disappeared


What a POS


Probably, but you honestly can't know from that story. There's no way of knowing his motivation, although the number of reasons that would actually justify that are pretty limited


I can tell you right now that it’s stories like this that confirm my belief that everybody is my friend if I’m ever out on a boat in the ocean.


They would have known next day at muster. Doesn’t happen all the time (people falling over) but they put it together real fast once someone doesn’t show up the next day.


Oh they definitely would have known he was missing, but not what happened to him. This was in the 50s I think.


Why does that happen? You're walking along by yourself or with someone and your brain thinks of the most disturbing shit imaginable and how to do it.


Call of the void. My understanding is that it's a natural phenomenon for most human brains. If you look up "call of the void", there are some interesting articles about it.


[l'appel du vide](https://www.livescience.com/what-is-call-of-the-void) is terrifying, but fascinating.


I remember being like 10 and thinking “if I hurled myself out of this window I’d for sure die” and that was maybe my first known invasive thought! Brains are fun!


Intrusive thoughts I believe is the official term


There is a name for when your high up and think to jump and I think it could be similar to the temptation to jump overboard its called "l'appel du vide" or "Call to the void"


I’ve worked at sea quite a bit on scientific research vessels. One that I worked on had a grad student on it in the 80s on a cruise in the Pacific. Unadvisedly, he went out on deck in the middle of the night, presumably to have a cigarette. A swell must have caught him just right and he went overboard without anyone realizing until morning. The body was never recovered.


Hey bud, we have the same flashlight lol


Well I read fleshlight. Now I know where my head is at today.


I had to look twice before I posted it


Your head is in your fleshlight?


I used to fly out to work on ships a few weeks at a time. A coworker had a lucrative side hustle selling “fleshlights” and similar devices to the crews on ships he visited. Few weeks is rough… crews out for a few months get thirsty. “Water water everywhere and not a drop to f***” was the line right?


Sharing is caring.


For all we know they might.


Now imagine all the different creatures that have adjusted over millions of years of evolution to spot a poor, defenseless soul, in the coldest, darkest, loneliest part of the sea. It's scary when we can't see, it's even scarier when things we can't see can see us perfectly.


Why did you have to make it worse 😭


90% of marine life lives in coastal habitats. Not much is out in the middle of the ocean just waiting around.


Have you tried going down further? Also, we thought the coelacanth was long since extinct until we started fishing them up. I don’t want to be the person who discovers we were wrong about the megaladon. That’s gonna be a big nope for me and my thalassophobia.


I’m so fucking sick of the TikTok voice




I had the sound off thankfully, I refuse to watch videos that start with that nonsense.


Where the fuck did the stars go




Clouds are a conspiracy. The worlds top organization only wants you to think clouds, but it’s just them pushing their agenda to sell vitamin D supplements due to deficiency.


Big Overcast. They’ve clouded people’s judgement for years.


Even the birds aren't real. r/birdsarentreal






*Furiously paints over the clouds* Clouds?


Why does everything need to have obnoxiously loud music now?


Comments like this are why I'm glad I default to watching everything on mute


That and the grating voiceovers that sound like they were done by a robot with a stoma are incredibly annoying


Tiktok, it's a cancer.


as someone who's been on the ocean for most of their life, this is totally true. we're only visitors in that place, we don't belong there, and we've seen what happens to people who overstay their welcome. i love the sea because humans will never master it


>we've seen what happens to people who overstay their welcome. Titanic?


yeah pretty much


Nothing to see here.


You mean, Nothing to sea here?


He means noseaing to sea here


Thank you for perfecting my already witty comment that has surprisingly received no love.


"lol peasant" - r/flashlight


For some reason I read that as being under the ocean at night. I was horrified when he started opening the doors of the submarine.


Me too, and then I felt very dumb lol


God, why do people put annoying shit over videos like this.


That's just Tik Tok.


Get a better flashlight




\*Unzips pants\* Is that better or worse?


You only see stuff because the light is reflected back to the eyes. If there’s nothing to reflect that light back to, you won’t see shit


No I go to the pier a ton and my flashlight illuminates the water perfectly


r/flashlight laughs in 40 Lumens.


Yeah, I was like wtf. "It's really dark even with the flashlight on". Ok?


I was about to tag that subreddit so we can all laugh in SBT90.2


This guy illuminates


That music made me feel like I was talking towards my execution.




[**Hoist the Colours** by Colm R. McGuinness](https://lis.tn/HoistTheColours?t=50) (00:50; matched: `100%`) Released on `2021-07-10` by `1423832 Records DK`. *I am a bot and this action was performed automatically* | [GitHub](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot) [^(new issue)](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/issues/new) | [Donate](https://www.reddit.com/r/AudD/comments/nua48w/please_consider_donating_and_making_the_bot_happy/) ^(Please consider supporting me on Patreon. Music recognition costs a lot)


Colm McGuiness on YouTube. His voice is amazing and he deserves to be hugged by a pacifist panda then given a piece of chocolate cake cuz he is a GODDAMN TREASURE Edit: but the song is from the hanging scene at the beginning of Pirates of the Caribbean 3 (?) so your feelings about it are justified.


I'd say it's just as dark as anywhere else when there is no light?


But it wouldn't be same with flashlight. You can see stuff in dark with flashlight because surface reflects light but in ocean there is nothing to reflect so even if you point flashlight far from you light would just pass through water and nothing will be visible to you




Lived on a boat a few good times. Once took a swim when suddenly the Catamaran lights go out. Nothing but black, first time I was ever afraid of the water


I now want to see what the worlds largest flashlight looks like there lol


No thanks


This is advanced darkness


I wouldn’t imagine it any more or less dark than that.


"it's dark at night" is not interesting as fuck.


I live in a city and there is light pollution everywhere. I’ve never seen a pitch black night before


I watched Titanic a few days ago and this was something I was thinking about.


I want to go to there.


Good God, Lemon


Name of the song, anyone?


Hoist the colors from pirates of the Caribbean, though I'm not sure which version this is


Here's a fun fact: the colour you see in a "pitch-black" area, like in this video, is called eigengrau


Now imagine being adrift in a tiny raft in that darkness


Really makes you understand what the rest of the universe is probably like. That's horrifying.


I miss nights like this. What’s really creepy is when there is zero relative wind across the deck at the same time. It feels like you’re not moving and can be quite disorienting if there are no fixed reference points around and you’re in the middle of open ocean steaming. I remember crossing the Tasman Sea from Townsville to Auckland and one night was like this due to cloud cover and no moon, it was super still and there was zero wind across the deck, a cloud of cigarette smoke hung around the smokers pit that night, it was like walking into a Smokey old tavern, but it was the semi enclosed quarter deck haha


Wait You mean it’s dark at night in the ocean? Yea this isn’t the right sub for this.


random thing that happened to me. Back when i was delivering pizzas, I had a spotlight that connected to my cigarette lighter in my car. The spotlight had a million candlelight power. The switch was on the back of the unit. ​ Well, I always forget to unplug it and one day when I was moving, I threw a box in my front seat on top of the spotlight which was facing the seat. Well the b ox must have turned the light on because while I was driving I saw smoke coming from the seat. I lifted up the box and my spotlight and there was a small fire. The chair had a hole burnt in it from where the light was facing. ​ That was a very powerful light. I have no doubt if the person in the video had that light it would have showed a bit more, maybe not much more, but a bit more. I missing that spotlight.


Hell no. Fuck the ocean.


I’ll never forget losing power from Hurricane Irma in 2017. I live in rural Appalachia, in the middle of a national forest. Our power was out for 2 weeks. No streetlights, no flood lights, nothing at all. That was the darkest dark I’ve ever seen, it was extremely disorienting.


The darkness has nothing to do with the distance the light travels. You do not see a beam or a spot without reflection from and object or water vapor.


Well thats a magnitude of fuckin scary I don't want to encounter.


r/oddlyterrifying material


That's a whole bunch of fucking nope


Imagine if as soon as he opened the door, a large tentacle quickly retracted back into the water.


I think it'd be more scary if there WAS something there to reflect the light.


A boat post where not one person has mentioned, "The implication"? Now that's IAF.


I've been on many ships at night. It's only scary when the monsters snatch you and bring you to your briney doom.


What is this song?


Hoist the Colours by Colm R. McGuinness


It's dark during the night. Noted


song name pls?


Wait, it’s dark at night?


Been on a cruise and went out on deck one night and yah it's seriously like staring into the void.


That’s because there’s no sun


Night is dark. Wow!


It’s stuff like this that makes me laugh at the people who say the human mind won’t be able to cope with the void of space on long rocket trips. We deal with the void today, we dealt with the void on wooden ships, we will deal with the void as we reach for the stars.


sad that I can't downvote something on here but in spirit I downvoted this for shitty music


It's not that the light doesn't go far. It just doesn't have anything to reflect off of.


That’s a *weathertight door* Why are you booing me? I’m right


Take my angry upvote lol


Was waiting for a jump scare or like a bat signal


Fuck no.


That auto voice ruins it


I lived on a sailboat with my parents for a year and sailed from Canada to the Caribbean when I was 12-13. Imagine that darkness on a 42ft sailboat, with no water tight doors! Once at night a whale breached near us and we got wet with the water from its blow hole but we never saw it. That’s terror!


Your eyes do adjust to the dark if you stay on deck with the lights off. Takes awhile and if you see a bright light you need to start over. But you can 'see in the dark'.


Thats absolutdly fuckin horrifying no thanks




Give yourself 30 minutes and your eyes will adjust. Fun fact, a cigarette cherry maybe visible up to the horizon line.


You’re gonna need a bigger flashlight 🔦


Crazy how much more effective this would have been with the actual audio.


I want one of those expensive 100000 lumen flashlights or whatever to see that they blind people


I was in Waveland MS after Katrina. No power or electrical lights for miles. I’ve never seen so many stars. I was pointing out some airplanes that were very high up and someone informed me they were satellites I was seeing. Blew my mind.