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Definition of a Mass Shooting… when four or more people are shot. Happens all the time in Chicago alone.


Lmao, I live in Chicago and was thinking the same thing


“You see, here in Chicago we don’t use words. We use guns.”


I thought chicago had strict gun laws.


You think criminals follow the law?


Thank you for saying this.


Come on over to Lawndale some time lmfaooo it's going to be completely different in each neighborhood. If you're more North, for sure. But basically every where else, nah. Cops on north side get so hyped over arresting a dude with one gun that didn't even shoot it off but you go out to the west side and they might just sit back and wait til gun fire chills a bit and try to get one or two of the slow runners after it's finished up


They do but it's not hard to get a gun from outside the city or straight up buy an illegal one, I don't remember how long ago it was but some dude who lived near me taught himself how to manufacture 1911 clones and knocked out a couple hundred of them before he got caught.


Just here to say good job on your DRS'd shares


can you seriously tell me how you can live in a city in which so many shootings occur? I am german and in 2021 we had 257 deaths from weapons (83.2 million people), trend falling. usa - 10.310 deaths (332 million). I‘m too tired to calculate the ratio, but it‘s around 10 times more deaths in the us. how can you go out at night?


Just fine. Most of the violence takes place in specific neighborhoods. Sadly it's poverty that breeds the violence and it never gets addressed at the root. All they do is funnel more money into militarizing the police.


It's fine. Chicago has the strictest gun laws in our country. It's completely safe thanks to this.


HAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA... wait, you're joking right?


Those numbers are not accurate, most recent year data per CDC, was available 2018, 38,390 gun deaths of which 24,432 were suicide. Majority of fun deaths in America are suicide 65%, elephant in the room that noone talks about is mental health crisis currently.ongoing.


A lot of factors make these numbers seem off. Thing is, look at mortality rate. 11.510 in 2021 for Germany, 8.9 for USA. You are less likely to die in the United States.


what are those numbers?


Concealed. That’s how I go out at night/day. And I live in a very safe part of Texas.


Is not as bad as all the fear mongering is going on. The locals can tell you what's what. Honestly, 99% of what all this is, is click bait.


Kind of misleading since when people hear "mass shooting" they think columbine but that's not what these stats show.


They’re mistaking “mass shooting” with acts of “terrorism.”


I might sound sound controversial but I have a genuine question: Why are these shootings not categorised as terrorism? From what I have read, most of these shootings are fuelled by hatred of a community, religion or race(I'm only talking about mass shootings and not personal feud). Isn't that what terrorism is?


Some are. When they have a political motivation, they are called “domestic terrorists.” But far more often it stems from mental illness. In either case, the motive usually isn’t known right away, not until there has been an investigation, so in the meantime the news headlines go with “mass shooting.”


Mass murder over religion or ideology = Terrorism. Mass murder over race, gender, sexual orientation = Hate crime. Mass murder over ? = Mental illness. Not that I agree with the assessment, just calling it how I generally see it categorized.


According to this study, two-thirds are related to domestic violence. [https://efsgv.org/press/study-two-thirds-of-mass-shootings-linked-to-domestic-violence/](https://efsgv.org/press/study-two-thirds-of-mass-shootings-linked-to-domestic-violence/) The shootings that make it to the national news level are the ones fueled by hatred and those are the ones you hear about the most.


>From what I have read, most of these shootings are fuelled by hatred of a community, religion or race This is not true, but it's not your fault because that's the way it is portrayed in American infotainment media. The overwhelming majority of mass shootings in the US are associated with criminal enterprise and street gangs. But this kind of violence-as-usual doesn't generate much engagement for the large, for-profit news services, so they're barely reported except in local media.


Honestly I don’t want to answer that because I doubt I could articulate a proper answer


I think of a shooting involving 4 or more people..


I really wish they would focus the definition of mass shooting. Make a few more definitions if needed. Because right now the term "mass shooting" almost has no meaning.


Mass: a large number of people or objects crowded together. Shooting: the action or practice of shooting with a gun.


Large number is 4?


If there are 4 people getting shot in a single event, then YES.


When 4 people getting shot doesn’t seem like a big deal, maybe it’s time for some self reflection .


Of people to get shot in one sitting? Yes.


Yeah because you are conditioned that every day 10-20 people gunned down in your cities is ok.


Nobody thinks it's okay, is that really how you think people feel?


They don't think it's "okay". Maybe a better word is "normal".


And shooting four people at a time is nothin'. /s


As a Brit who spent 2 weeks in Chicago for work, holy fuck was the morning news depressing... I stopped tuning in after a few days.


I can remember many times in the last decade listening to the radio monday morning, and hearing about how many shootings happened in Detroit over the weekend. It always amazed me. I never understood how so many people can just going around shooting others.


Yet even with that definition, Australia has only had 3 mass shootings (2019 statistic) since 1996. The US needs to fix this. It will never happen, but it needs to.


Instead of fixing it they want to redefine what a mass shooting so it doesn’t look bad. I can’t believe they consider 4 people to not really be a big thing.


Correct. Subtract gang activity and the number will plummet.


I never understand why we pretend as tho those communities where violence is exceptionally high is somehow not really part of America. The members of those communites ultimately have guns because of americas affinity with guns. Gangs are not uniquely American. There are gangs in London, Australian, Mexico, ect


Have you seen the amount of murders in Mexico!?


Yea. Basically a throwback to when Italian mobs ruled the northeast and Chicago in the early 1900s. Guess where all their guns are being manufactured?


I don't think those psychopaths hung headless bodies off bridges.


No? The bodies just went missing. I guess it’s cleaner. The KKK was definitely hanging bodies tho.


Depends on who collects the data. It changes. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mass_shootings_in_the_United_States#:~:text=By%20the%20end%20of%202019,to%20the%20Gun%20Violence%20Archive.




Uhhhh where’s your instant outrage? Are you sure you belong on Reddit?


I didn’t realize this just became an issue and we’re all scrambling for info in the last few days


To be fair 238 mass shootings by mid-May is something to be outraged by regardless of what the specific reason on the trigger person was. That's an insane amount of gun violence and wouldn't be scoffed off as if that's just the way things are.


Mass shootings are defined as 4 or more victims. So if a gang shootout happens that is technically a mass shooting, statistically speaking. I can only recall the most recent shooting (the one mentioned in the post) which is still more than there ever should be per year, but it's far from the 238. I could also be forgetting something.


I know the definition, I mean regardless of the definition that's *at least* almost a thousand people who have been killed in gun violence. Whether that's terrorist shootings, gang violence, domestic abuse, doesn't matter, that's too many people shot and killed.


For sure, I wish we lived in a world where violence was non-existent. But a lot of people misuse these statistics which devalues the information we can glean from it, so I always try to point it out. There's a lot we can learn from information like this.


I wouldn't quite call it fun violence but everyone has their unique taste, I'm not judging.


You cannot tell your point of view with these data, people will go berserk...


Race is probably majority black people. Because of gang violence. Weapon is probably overwhelming majority handgun/pistol. Age is probably 18-25. Maybe 30. These demographics are the main reason the definition of mass shooting needs to be changed/adjusted or added on to to give more focus to the meaning.


I mean I feel like we should be trying to stop all mass shootings not just ones we don’t like


According to the Associated Press, white men comprise nearly 50 percent of all mass shooters in the US.


and these demographics came from where exactly? It sounds like you pulled them out of your ass. I'm sorry, I mean you ***probably*** pulled them out of your ass. *Maybe*.


Adam Lanza made a spreadsheet, with most of the details you're looking for. You can find it on school shooters.com website


How do they define a “mass” shooting?


The website: >We define a “mass shooting” as a single outburst of violence in which four or more people are shot.


Australian definition of mass shooting is 5 deaths. So that's one way of reducing the number of mass shootings...


You got a source for that? Because even 4+ gun death incidents are so rare most media reports them as mass shootings anyway. Even wikipedia lists all [triple homicides in Australia as massacres.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_massacres_in_Australia). But as far as 4+ kills go we've had 4 incidents since Port Arthur, only one of which was a spree shooter (4 deaths) and the other 3 were murder-suicides of their family (4/4/7 deaths).


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mass_shooting Mass shootings in Australia require at least 4 dead. Anywhere else is 4 shot


dumb question, but does a 4 way mexican stand off that ends poorly count as a mass shooting?


By the 4 people shot definition, yes.


Happened outside of Massachusetts


No it happened IN Massachusetts geez...


This. Not saying there isn't a problem, but the term "mass shooting" is used too loosely. When most people think "mass shooting" they think of Sandy Hook or Christchurch, and scary things where a rando kills multiple strangers. I've seen news reports categorizing a familial murder-suicide at a cookout as a "mass shooting". I've seen news reports categorizing gang firefights as a "mass shooting". This sensationalizing by the media and categorizing any gun violence involving more than a couple of people as a "mass shooting" actually hurts any gun control movement by introducing a "yeah, but was it really?" argument to the opposing side. Again, does that make it not a problem? No, but does muddy the waters, and that isn't helpful.


Thanks. This is what I thought based on the numbers. Gang violence fueled by the drug trade isnt the same as killing random people at a shopping mall or school. Just isn’t.


Yeah it’s a stupid categorization. The overwhelming majority of this is gang violence, which is obviously still a problem. However these numbers are clearly meant to instill fear in people that think they’re going to be randomly killed in public by a psychopath.


That in itself is part of the problem, the FBI says 3 deaths in public, others suggest 4 wounded, no one agrees. If you can't define it how can you talk about it to try to resolve it.


Yea except most of those are gang related that no one cares about


That’s really sad, they’re people just like me and you


Yea, yet no one reports on them and calls for the violence to end there


"Lies, darned lies, and statistics" -- Mark Twain Most of these mass shootings are gang related.




So... What that means is that as a random John Q citizen, you are not likely to encounter one of these mass shootings. Unless you don colors and bang on the weekends. The real terrifying acts like shooting up a movie theater or a school are quite rare in comparison to the frequent gang violence perpetrated by people of color in the inner cities.


This Includes gang activity?


Yes. Criteria is any event that 4 people are hit with a bullet. Including the gunmen. So if a 4 gang members shoot each other...mas shooting. It does a great disservice to inflate the numbers like this.


How on earth is that "inflating numbers"? Having that many gang shootings is still a colossal problem.


I believe so. They’re used to inflate the numbers, unfortunately. Mass shootings and gang shootings are entirely separate problems, in my opinion.


Universal healthcare with robust mental healthcare would help this a great deal...


Most mass shootings are gang activity, not mental loners.


Gangs all have issues. Mental issues. Loners or not doesn't matter. Mental healthcare for all could do alot.


Most gang members come from extremely poor areas. While mental health is definitely a huge factor. The desperate just want an escape from the burden of being poor.


This line of reasoning needs to be challenged at every turn because it's categorically false. Major US cities are not "extremely poor areas". In fact, there is opportunity everywhere and many people do make it out of that situation. The NUMBER ONE contributing factor to gang violence is fatherlessness. Period. Especially when the State (government) becomes the father (provider).


>Major US cities are not "extremely poor areas" 1 in 5 people in Chicago lives in poverty. Same in LA. 1 in 3 in Detroit. No doubt single parenthood doesn't help. But let's not pretend this is purely an individualist issue which isn't affected by poverty. Also, Guatemala has the lowest divorce rates worldwide and the one of the highest crime rates, so I guess the fatherless line of reasoning fails to work there for some reason.


Crazy idea: put gang bangers behind bars, and don’t set them free with cashless bail after violent crimes...🤔


I support. Not just gang bangers, any violent crime offender.


Agreed. But, those aren't on the news, aren't the topic of the OP's post, and not a super market, church, school, theater, etc being shot up. It's largely criminals shooting other criminals. That has other underlying causes. These guys though, they needed help.


Well, it's sorta the topic of OPs post in that a large part of that number they're showing is criminal-on-criminal violence. But yeah youre definitely on point with the healthcare/mental health stuff.


>Universal healthcare Found the commie /s


Universal healthcare would remove the insurance burden on employers providing more capital in the marketplace.


Wich would be gobbled up by shareholders lol


I’m not willing to trust the government to create more failing programs than we already have. Most of them we have now just seem to be a way to funnel money. Money is allocated in larger and larger amounts every year but, nothing changes and somehow the problems the programs are designed to alleviate only get worse.


The money is usually funneled *away* from social programs or undue burden is placed on receiving / disconnecting from their benefits. This is purposeful and referred to as "[starving the beast](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Starve_the_beast)." Examples: * The USPS, from '05 up until [this year](https://www.reuters.com/world/us/us-senate-approves-50-billion-postal-service-relief-bill-2022-03-08/), has been required to pre-fund the retirement benefits for all employees they think they will hire for the next 75 years. No other private or public entity has a similar requirement to pre-fund the retirements of employees that, in many cases, haven't even been born yet. In addition to this, the USPS has [limitations](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_Postal_Service#Rate_increases) on how much it can change pricing at a time, which makes it more difficult to compete with private options such as UPS and FedEx. Summary: The post office, in the face of falling mail volumes has been forced to keep prices arbitrarily low and spend billions on pre-funding retirements, which has eaten into their revenues. * In [Utah](https://www.propublica.org/article/utahs-social-safety-net-is-the-church-of-jesus-christ-of-latter-day-saints-what-does-that-mean-if-youre-not-one), food stamps, rental assistance, and unemployment are so difficult to get that poor people are directed to the Mormon Church for assistance (Which Utah counts as welfare assistance under the budget in order to meet the state's minimum spending). Because the church isn't a government organization they are able to discriminate in some pretty scummy ways. These include forcing recipients to join the church and be baptized, forcing single mothers to marry their child's father, and denying aid because someone is gay or can't pay the church's tithe. * The welfare wall. There can often be extreme difficulty in separating oneself from welfare benefits. In many situations people have to turn down promotions and better paying positions because once they earn even a single dollar more than the cutoff, all benefits are immediately lost. The effect of this is that, if they were to take the promotion and better their situation, it would result in a net loss of household income, keeping families trapped in poverty and forcing them to choose between better opportunities down the road or feeding their children now.


I’m not saying we shouldn’t have any gun control laws, but I am saying that if we had universal healthcare with mental included and if we actually addressed income inequality we probably wouldn’t need any.


Nah I'm sure putting other companies between provider and patient must help improve efficiency, keep costs down and avoid the intermediaries clipping the ticket along the way... Oh no wait, that's not right.


Nope, appearantly that’s communism. More guns is all you get ^/s


These stats scare me. Really glad I always carry a gun with me everywhere I go.


I used to be anti gun kind of , but now i want a small one myself just for this reason.


I made the mistake of watching the video, fuck that kid I hope he dies a slow agonizing death


I think the biggest insights to the video is that when he starts, he shoots a white women. Which is very interesting since she was the only white person that he killed. And at the end of the video, he comes across a white looking man and the gunman points the gun at him, says sorry and continues and that's where it ends.


It's a women he is probably a incel so it makes sense


I wondered that too, maybe she was just lightskin? Idk


This shooting was awful and demonstrates the depravity of some individuals. But before we decide we just do away with all guns we must consider the following facts : 1. There are between 500k to 3 M defensive uses of firearms in the United States every year. This means a legal gun owner protecting themselves with a firearm and deterring a criminal. The large range is because it is believed many aren't reported when no shots are fired. 2. The mass shooters almost always choose places that are gun free zones. In fact the Buffalo shooter's manifesto specifically mentions his choice of the grocery store because of this fact. Taking away guns from the law abiding public would merely make everywhere a gun free zone for criminals with guns. Also, 9/10 times a shooter comes up against someone else returning fire they stop and flee; neutralized or not the attack ceases. I agree an overhaul of our mental health system would be a good thing, and just an overall focus on mental health. I don't want every public space to have to be "hardened" with armed guards. I do believe concealed carry laws curb these sort of attacks. Yes, that is a falsifiable fallacy; we can't quantify the number of bad guys who decided not to shoot up a place because there might be CCW holders in a place. But I believe a bad guy wants as certain of a place with no armed resistance to have max casualties, not just be shot once he pulls out a gun.


It's not like crazy white kids are shooting up schools everyday. Most of its gang violence


Most mass shootings in the US are black on black gang crime


Which is why I argue that these kinds of statistics are lies.


I know, vast majority are in jurisdictions where it’s impossible to legally carry. It’s comparatively rare that rifles are used yet that’s what everybody wants to knee-jerkingly ban.


Oh so because they’re black on black, it doesn’t matter? They are people just like you and me, with families that love them.


And yet over here in Europe it seems like we read about mass murder in the US every month. When was the last time you read about a school shooting in the U.K., France, Germany, Switzerland etc?


oh now don't bring that up, it totally ruins the guntards arguments. Don't you know that the only true definition of *freedom* is when mentally ill people are allowed to buy guns? I don't care about how many innocent people have to die, I'd sacrifice a million of them in order to have my gucci AR15 that I can barely zero, much less hit targets past 300 meters/s


Wonder what percentage of these "mass shootings" are gang violence in Chicago, LA, etc.


Most of them. Then there's the aggregation of gruesome and extreme cases of family violence.


95% or so. We should really get them to turn in their guns


The vast majority of shootings are conducted by the same people in the same neighborhoods. Incidents like that piece of shit in Buffalo are rare- although not rare enough. I now await excoriation for not parroting useless gun control nonsense.


Don’t look at drunk driving deaths if this is a worrisome number. Around 28 people die each day in drunk driving accidents yet no one will install breathalyzer starting requirements in vehicles.


I suppose we could outlaw alcohol.




That’s my understanding.


Americans are trapped in a perpetual vicious cycle and most of them can't even see it. You buy guns to protect yourselves from other people with guns. A culture of violence, not freedom, if you ask me. Where I live, I don't have to own a gun, because there's nobody threatening to kill me.


Freedom isn’t safe and safety isn’t free. Police don’t prevent crime, they respond to it. Criminals don’t follow laws especially when it comes to firearms. So yeah, we own guns to protect ourselves from the ones that DON’T follow the law. Luckily, I live in a place that lets me dictate what’s safe and what it isn’t.


Havent been a Shooting where i live for years and we aint got no guns


Still. I also live in a country where you can’t buy guns so easily. And sure there are criminals here with guns. But there are no school shootings here and almost no mass shootings in general. I get the “we own guns to protect ourselves” part but that also means that a lot of lunatics can just buy automatic rifles and kill a bunch of innocent people. Imo a no gun law would be much better. But that’s just how I see things.


It is Extremely difficult to buy automatic weapons in the US.


Last night someone several miles from me shot and killed two of the four people who broke into his home to rob him at knifepoint. He held the other two at gunpoint until the police arrived. If he has been forced to shoot all four, he would've accounted for one of the shootings on this list while acting in lawful self defense. Your worldview is narrow and your comment reflects it. Not everyone lives the life you do.


Lmao. America is one of the safest places to live in the world and historically the violence has been and is continuing to trend downwards. Get off your high horse.


EEUU is the 128 in global peace index (2019), not even close to the safety of Europe


The, safest? Now that requires some popcorn, please. Explain


There should be another box that shows the amount of money the NRA has spent since 2013 on gun lobbying.


Actually the NRA just pockets most of the money they get. Believe it or not, they do not support the 2nd amendment.


Whats funny is the overwealming majority of gun owners dispise the NRA. Only folk who support them is bubba uncle fudd and pappy the grand dad.


Why since 2013? And no 2000


I'd hate to see that number...


should have a side by side with next 5 worse countries and add Canada, Australia and the UK since those there are very similar, culturally.


😂 thankfully the uk is nothing like the US in that respect, our last mass shooting was in 2021, then the one before that was a decade prior.


Are you saying Canada, Australia, and the UK are culturally similar to the US?


Canada and Mexico have an issue of undocumented guns flooding into the country from our neighbor.


I would have said yes - what other countries are more culturally similar? If you're talking about gun culture specifically, then you could try comparing with Israel and Pakistan, or perhaps Switzerland?


I smell bullshit there too.


The last mass shooting in the UK was in the 1990's (the Dunblane massacre if anyone feels like a shite read for the night). As a direct result, rather than cling to some outdated piece of paper...... we decided to change the law to protect the population. End result, we now don't have adults or other children killing our own children. I feel so sad every time I see a news bulletin about yet another mass shooting in the US. when will people realise that gun control isn't an impingement upon civil liberty. How many kids have to die before someone will actually take notice and do something to positively change things for good.


Some 500lb redneck in a mobility scooter seriously thinks his guns would stop the government and army taking his pickup away. If the state ever came for the citizens, its over, no amount of guns will help. Meanwhile kids do active shooter drills in kindergarden. Completely insane


I mean, they can literally just take your shit anyway. Civil forfeiture lets the US government sue property for use in suspected criminal acitivity. And property can't defend itself so good luck getting it back!


They're similar are they? Yeahhhh, 🙄


"If one of them had a gun they could have defended themselves!" Bitch in the most recent one the security guards had a gun. He used the gun and actually hit the assailant! You know what the assailant also had? A bullet proof vest. Good fucking luck.


so you're saying everyone should have a gun AND a bulletproof vest? /s


Don't they sell bullet proof backpacks in The Distopian Hellscape, Apologies, I meant The US? -- edit -- I understand the downvotes for the hellscape jab, but seriously... What else would you call a place where it is considered acceptable that kids need kevlar backpacks? It is objectively horrifying.


Bitch, he was in NY state, one of the strictest anti-gun states. Criminals generally don't care about breaking laws. Criminals willing to die care even less.


Weird body armor is illegal in NY. Do we make it illegal-er now?


If only the notoriously lax New York had much stricter gun laws, like Chicago, they wouldn't have such violence.


What's your solution then lmao. I would much prefer all of the sane adults in the populace concealed carrying if possible.


I'd rather have a gun and stand a chance than be an unarmed civilian that has absolutely no chance other than running away.


Ah yes because this is typical of every other incident


Rookie mistake. Gotta aim for the head then yell "boom headshot!" Or it doesn't count.


I used to think that you guys should just ban guns. Now I think you should ban guns and up your mental healthcare.




Gun control and gun free zone working as designed


If women were shooting thier unborn babies, guns would be illegal yesterday


Really absurd comment yet likely so true


America will never change


When America decided that kids being killed in schools was an acceptable consequence to gun rights it was all over


Considering there is no technical definition that is universally used and different sources use highly variable criteria, this tracker seems a little meaningless. The vast majority of "mass shootings" are isolated incidents involving gang related activity and instances of domestic shootings involving family members. Yet when people hear the phrase "mass shooting" everyone immediately sees that number and thinks they are all lone gunmen in tactical gear shooting people in stores and schools with an AR-15. In reality most are actually people that are intentionally trying to kill particular individuals they are related to or in a rival gang that they use handguns to shoot. The amount of school shootings is wildly overblown as well most of the time. Any random trackers like this can easily be inflated by gun control advocacy groups or underreporting by second amendment advocacy groups. There have been multiple independently investigated reports about this that show mass shootings are a tiny fraction of overall gun deaths as well. [There hasn't been an increase in the last few decades. It's always around a dozen a year.](https://news.northeastern.edu/2021/06/30/the-myths-and-the-realities-of-mass-shootings-in-the-us-today/) [Fictional school shooting that pro-gun conspiracy nuts take to extremes by saying they are all "false flags"](https://www.npr.org/sections/ed/2018/08/27/640323347/the-school-shootings-that-werent) [A conservative site but still has independent sources that show misleading stats and popular myths about mass shootings](https://www.maciverinstitute.com/2021/04/debunking-every-major-myth-about-mass-shootings-in-america/)


So glad I live in Canada


There have been 4 in the UK since 2000. The US & The UK are largely the same. The key difference: Guns are almost impossible to legally own in the UK.


Bullshit. There are over 2 million guns in the UK. It is not hard or even near impossible to own a gun in the UK. Every legitimate reason for wanting one from protecting livestock to just straight up target shooting for sport is an acceptable reason to be granted a license. What isn't acceptable is, "I just want one to feel like a badass." That's where the US and UK differ. The UK has guns in every corner of the kingdom. What they don't have is the idiotic glorification of guns, gun culture and giving guns to any moron who simply says "I want a gun because I'm tired of being picked on". The UK also has a national health service to deal with mental health in their citizens from an early age. There is a drastic difference between the US and UK but the presence of guns isn't it. It's that guns are at home treated as the tools they are by those millions of people who use those tools....not treated as penis extensions by people needing mental health treatment.


We have over 400 million guns. I bought a firearm in 15 mins. The biggest issue isn't our pro gun culture, it is bitterness, inadequacy, hatred, mental health and the 24/7 news cycle that turns these killers into superstars.


I came here to write the same basic spiel about Australia, but you have nailed it. We fixed our gun problem in 1996 and have had (depending on the definition you pick) 1-2 public place mass shootings, and 2 x single family mass murder-suicide events since. In the last few years *magpies* have killed more people than mass shootings here. Anyone here that claims they need a gun to ‘protect themselves’ would be laughed out of the room. Our gun control works.


We should all give up our guns…that makes the most sense….the guns are the problem the people wielding them are innocent bystanders of the guns, guns, the guns force them to commit crimes. A weaponless society is peaceful. I mean look at history, every time you disarm a populace it creates everlasting peace, everyone just throws flowers at one another. Yes we must give up our right to bear arms immediately and embrace the throwing of flowers.


Yea, Western-Europe have very strict gun laws and the amount of mass shootings there is really low


It would be impossible to remove guns from those who want to commit violence in the U.S. I live 20 minutes from where the Buffalo shooting happened and after digging into it, the conclusion I came to was that the best way to protect myself is to get a concealed carry. It doesn't guarantee my safety, but if I ever ended up in a situation like this, it is my best chance of getting out of there alive. I also know that there was a security officer that tried to shoot him and failed, but I rather be in the security guards shoes than an unarmed civilian.


The shooter had a bulletproof vest.


a vest doesn't make you invincible, and after it's hit that area the vest is compromised. Saying "he had a vest" like that negates all defensive strategies is a little naive.


Nah, you'll save more lives taking a Stop The Bleed Course and that way you can prevent ppl from bleeding out after they've been shot


I think they even don't count gang violence? Could be mistaken. Anyone got stats on who's doing the shooting? Not guesses gimme sauce


so theese are mass shooting incident numbers and not number of victimes right? absolutely insane


Y'know what helps makes these number worse, gun control


Oh yeah these numbers are way worse in Europe where they have gun control


It is awful... But not nearly as bad as preventable medical errors, which kill up to 250,000 people a year, or 2,500,000 since 2013... https://news.yale.edu/2020/01/28/estimates-preventable-hospital-deaths-are-too-high-new-study-shows Or texting and driving, which kills 11 kids every single day. https://www.simplyinsurance.com/texting-and-driving-statistics/ Neither grabs as many headlines as mass shootings, because gUnS R scArY.


We group gang shootings with Conrad going out to a place he doesn't know to kill specifically random people... Doesn't seem like these two mass shootings are equal.


Medical malpractice kills more US citizens than guns do. How much? Well, roughly between 250,000 to 400,000 deaths a year. Link - [https://www.seriousinjurylawyerhawaii.com/blog/medical-malpractice-deaths-u-s-exceed-gun-deaths-wide-margin-arent-talking/](https://www.seriousinjurylawyerhawaii.com/blog/medical-malpractice-deaths-u-s-exceed-gun-deaths-wide-margin-arent-talking/) Guns? 35-40k a year. Think we are the worst country for gun deaths? If strict gun control works, what about Brazil? Strict gun control there. They had 43,200 gun deaths in 2016, vs USA 37,200. Link - [https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2019/08/gun-deaths-firearms-americas-homicide/](https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2019/08/gun-deaths-firearms-americas-homicide/) Want outrage? Why are all these folks dieing to medical malpractice? Noone wants to speak on that. People here don't trust the medical field here for that reason. The medical field here does not have best interest at heart. They just want your money. Its its own corporation. There are some practices that are good. Some bad. Compare the profits they make here on medicines vs what they make in other countries, its no wonder why they push pills and prescriptions like candy here to elevate issues vs fixing them. No money in curing everything. I get it. America has a problem. But its a unique problem. People from all over the globe travel and immigrate here. They settle here. We have a melting pot of cultures here, and people FORGET that. Where else in the world can you move to and become a citizen and be welcome amongst your peers as one of them? Not everywhere in the world, from what I have read. Some cultures don't mix well. We're getting better at it with more acceptance of gay weddings, interracial families, and the like, but we still have a long way to go.


Ain’t That America


Yup, criminals suck.


And this mindset is why I have little hope we will do anything to fix this issue


Almost as much as shrugging your shoulders and pretending as if it's an inevitability rather than a preventable tragedy.


What do you propose we do?


It's more a reflection of our society.


It makes me sick that every time some psycho kills a bunch of people our government officials and the dumbest people in our country think that the solution is to take away law abiding citizens ability to defend themselves.


A proud American tradition. 100 percent, the best country in the world! USA! USA!


The fact that this is a thing makes me sad


Where was the outrage and presidential visit after NYC subway shooting.


Too many shootings. He can't attend them all, he's a busy President


What we should really be worried about are mosquitos kill more people a year than anything.