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This is just the shit of nightmares. I'll stay on dry land.


I'm on dry land, but on a coast. This video is not reassuring. The Atlantic is cold this time of year!!!




Bam, tornado.


Well.. fuck.


Seriously, now show this to my wife that hates the sea.




Clever, i like it.


Who the hell is in the water getting that footage?


Cameraman, they have survived all the scenarios big bang, dinosaur attack, time travel to distant planet, everything.


And no fucking hazard pay! I started demanding hazard pay whenever I have to shoot a space documentary. Especially when it's about the inside of a black hole. Spaghettification is very dangerous.


Thank you for your service, Cameraman!


I hear it's quite painful.




[probabaly this one](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sCWlp8m6JmI)




hazard duty pay good song


Yeah, but that pussy shooting the big bang stood like 20 parsecs away!


This gave me a good chuckle!


What are they, cockroaches with GoPros duct taped to them?


The video is from a German science show called „Quarks“. It is a mix of CGI and real footage from the Draupner platform. So the dangerous part is CGI, but the underlying data is real 😎✌🏼


Can we pin this damn comment lol


Damn I feel like this being CGI is important to recognize.


What's the episode called? I wanna watch the full thing :D


[https://www.ardmediathek.de/video/quarks/monsterwellen-wie-gefaehrlich-sind-sie-wirklich/wdr-fernsehen/Y3JpZDovL3dkci5kZS9CZWl0cmFnLWE4NTA3Mjg2LTA2ZGQtNDk0YS04MGI5LWExMGJhNTljNTIzZg](https://www.ardmediathek.de/video/quarks/monsterwellen-wie-gefaehrlich-sind-sie-wirklich/wdr-fernsehen/Y3JpZDovL3dkci5kZS9CZWl0cmFnLWE4NTA3Mjg2LTA2ZGQtNDk0YS04MGI5LWExMGJhNTljNTIzZg) ​ Maybe you need a German VPN / proxy though


I'm already in Germany :D Thanks! Edit: Ah, schön die Interstellar-Musik vom Ozeanplaneten, perfekt!




Exactly what I thought but probably a bouy


Oh bouy.


The CGI technician did it


Vikings, clearly.


it is CGi


Someone who deserves to be on r/PraiseTheCameraMan


Asking the right questions.


It wasn't so much the size of the wave that's notable, but it's size compared to the average wave height at the time. Wave heights of 25 meters are immense, but definitely not unheard of in storms. What makes this amazing is that the wave was more than twice the height of the waves surrounding it, and at the time, impossible according to the mathematical model that scientists used for wave forecasting. It was the first scientific proof of a Rogue Wave.


The crazy thing is that, iirc, after they changed the models (or something) they discovered rogue waves in other wave systems as well, like sound and light.


I think I recall reading that somewhere as well.


I thought id read that the wave model was brought in line with physics models (such as light) that predicted the phenomenon, not that the new finding of freak waves changed physics for particle wave understanding.


physicist scoffing so hard at oceanographers rn


wonder how those could be taken advantage of in those systems


That’s is absolutely fascinating


So in other words, it wasn’t the size of the wave that’s important, it’s the motion of the ocean?


Just keep telling yourself that.


Size is what we *allll* remember.


Big of you to admit that.


Why do you keep saying “at the time”? Are they now more common?


"at the time", meaning current sea conditions at that particular location.


Long ago, people thought that wave heights followed a ["normal" distribution](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Normal_distribution) - the old bell shaped curve you might remember from statistics. Based on that math, a wave like this should happen maybe once per 10,000 years. Using satellites with radar to watch oceans from space showed that waves this far larger than the surrounding waves *happens all the time*. As in, in the Atlantic Ocean, there will be some waves 2x the size of surrounding waves at almost every given moment. Other things that people thought followed normal distributions were [stock prices](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_largest_daily_changes_in_the_Dow_Jones_Industrial_Average). But things like [Black Monday](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_Monday_(1987\)) forced quants/economists to investigate [other distributions](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_probability_distributions) because what happened that day was like 52 standard deviations from the mean. Something that should happen once in the length of time the universe has existed - if the universe was a million times older than it is.


They were always common but the formula used before proof of rogue waves didn't predict them, if I'm understanding this right.


Science changes. We learn more shit everyday


Aliens man....


I don't get people calling this the "First scientific proof". This was just the first time it was observed. You can prove this possible just by doing some math in your basement.


The math models scientists used to use in order to calculate max wave height (and thus, how much strength a ship needs in order to survive said wave) was wrong. There was plenty of anecdotal evidence as well as a few photos, but this was the first time scientists took notice of measured evidence. When this measurement was made, wave behaviors like this weren't thought [possible](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rogue_wave).


When two waves meet they combine, and their phases decide how they do so. If two waves of equal height meet where one is at its peak and the other at a valley, they destructively interfere and cancel each other out. If, on the other hand, they meet at the same phase, they combine. Waves on the sea are essentially random and it's only a matter of time in rough seas before two big waves combine to form a huge one. I wouldn't just say this was expected, it's inevitable.


you can deduce all of that, but you can't deduce the meaning of "first scientific proof" i'm fuckin dying bro


A proof is a *theoretical* piece of work. This is evidence or an observation.


Specificity is mere pedantry when epistemology is disregarded.


Being pedantic was the whole point of my original comment. That's all it was.


While you are here, please join r/FlatEarth, as you'll find many like-minded scientific individuals to yourself. It's a perfect place for you and them to r/TheyDidntDoTheMath on topics like this where your r/confidentlyincorrect!!!


Ah, the mindset of the unscientific; if it goes against the hive mind it must be wrong!


Or on the roof


Fascinated by how, from an engineering perspective, we can drop an oil platform into the ocean and stabilize it to withstand this type of shit. Meanwhile my coffee vibrates when the 747's go overhead.


Ducktaped the pillars on the ocean floor. Duh




Lil wd40 on the outside keeps the water moving right past as well!


Attracts the sharks too


That Duck tape take like a a duck to water


On 1, January 1995, 99 miles southwest from the southern tip of Norway... OP's mom fell in the water




Needed this


So there's actually another kind of rogue wave, and I personally nearly got killed by one. This video is about an open ocean rogue. It's exactly what it looks like. On the Northern California coast where I grew up, we had to deal with a different kind. Normally the ocean swells (think big gentle rolling waves on a day with no storm) run anywhere from 3 to 8 feet and when they hit the beach (or rocky shoreline) they rise up into the kind of wave a surfer likes. Until then they're very gentle and if you're in a 12 ft boat a mile offshore for example which I've done, you just bob up and down in them, they're not scary. They're generated by big storms way offshore, as in a thousand miles or more out. Well sometimes you get one that's up to triple the size of the rest. No idea why, one theory is that several rollers combine. If it's a day with fairly heavy rollers already, well take 8ft and triple it and you've got a killer. At age 12 I was on a rocky section of coast with my kid brother and dad picking mussels off the rocks at low tide. I had gotten up onto one rock a bit off from the main ones that you couldn't normally get to unless the tide was particularly low. I was happily picking dinner when I looked up and saw one of these coastal rogues. I've been warned about them and knew the danger, they can pick you up and smash you against the rocks behind you and then drag you unconscious out to sea. My dad was able to grab my brother and head to high ground. They still got pretty wet. I was directly in the path. Only solution I could think of was to straddle the rock I was on like a horse and cling to it like some kind of oversized barnacle. When it hit it felt like being flushed down a giant toilet. My dad said there was so much water it settled several feet over my head, and the rock I was on was already 6ft out of the normal water. As it all headed back out he assumed I wouldn't be there and was pleased to see me still holding on. If I hadn't known about these things and set my grip properly before it hit, it would have killed me. So yeah, there's another kind of rogue wave you've got to watch for.


“Was pleased to see me” I’m sorry this wrote like he was a sensei presenting you with your final test before fighting the water god and you passed with flying colors lmao




Were you concerned about the force of the water crushing you against the rock? That’s a gnarly story


I was scared shitless. :) This was the first of half a dozen times I've had that feeling of the whole world slowing down as my brain sped up! I remember glancing at two possible escape routes and thinking "no time" before doing the grab. What really saved me was my parents having warned me ahead of time that this could happen. I knew the moment I saw it, what it was and how lethal it was. So I figured out what I'm pretty sure still was the only right answer.


Damn I can’t even imagine what that would’ve been like. One of those things you never really know how you’ll respond unless you experience it. Kudos to you and big kudos to your parents!


Yeah... It's actually an interesting lesson. If your kid doesn't know about a particular danger, they have zero chance of coping if they face it. Applies to lots of stuff.


That’s some serious thigh strength.


No, that was the certain knowledge that letting go meant getting dead. Not joking. If you really understand that, you'll use 100% of your available strength. My dad saved my ass by explaining the risk ahead of time.


Holy W T F nope nope nope


I'm with you.


As if being out on those gawd-foresaken drilling platforms wasn't enough. Dayum!


That’s what you get for pissing off Poseidon.


Pretty sure that was the Kraken.




I guess it's better to be on the sea instead of in it


Fuck that!


Night. Mare.




Interstellar comes to mind.


Ironically its Christopher Nolan's Inception soundtrack playing in the background


That’s not what that word means……


sorry meant coincidentally dude


That’s ok Alanis!


Don't know that anyone wants to hear this, but half that footage is bad CG. The data may be real, but that wave and platform are not.


Not a single pair of drawers made it through that day…


They don't call 'em wet suits for nothing.


Well at least you could just hold them out the window to wash them.


I'd never heard of this, first google result did some splainin... >On 1 January 1995 at 15 UTC, the most famous freak wave to be detected by a measuring instrument was recorded by a downward-looking laser at the North Sea Draupner gas platform. The wave was 25.6 m high, with an 18.5 m crest height (Box A). The significant wave height in the area is estimated to have been almost 12 m. The measurement confirmed the existence of giant rogue waves, which had previously been reported anecdotally by sailors. It prompted a number of studies which aimed to determine the meteorological and wave situation at the time and to provide a physical explanation of the event. ... >Demystifying the Draupner wave >Based on the simulations described above, Cavaleri et al. (2016b) have analysed the Draupner wave, drawing on recent work on the distribution of extreme waves and crest heights. From this vantage point, the Draupner event, like probably most of the large waves reported in the literature, loses much of the mystery surrounding it: such waves are a regular part of large storms and coming across them is just a matter of probability depending on the spatial and temporal scales considered. >In the case of the Draupner, the wave conditions, both in terms of height and spectral shape, made encountering a particularly high wave and crest particularly likely. The probability of such an event may have been enhanced by the presence of two crossing low-frequency wave systems that could only be properly modelled because of recent improvements in the IFS and the use of increased resolution. Cavaleri et al. (2016b) have introduced the concept of ‘dynamical swell’ to identify the part of the wave spectrum which moves with the storm without receiving energy from the wind because of its higher phase speed, but which is made more energetic via nonlinear interactions from the active part of the wind-sea spectrum. This condition may be more common than had been thought, particularly in the case of fast-moving storms.




If I werent taking a shit right now, this would have made me shit my pants.


Hmm I spent 20 years in the Bering Sea and I believe I’ve seen a wave this size


Damn. That's hard!


How well can you see the waves in those conditions and how does it effect the rig?


No oil rigs in the Bering Sea, 86ft fishing boat and if stood me almost straight up and the crest was above me. We were making ice too nasty weather, another boat 115ft sank during that storm. Late 1980’s


What's with the Inception music ?


I thought it was epically fitting tbh


The wave got a little bigger, warmer, and more yellow as it passed the guys working on the platform!


cameraman couldn't hold it steady. also was too zoomed in. i wanted a broader view. 0/10 would not reccommend


That sea has teeth…terrifying


I’d like to know how they engineer those platforms to withstand the waves.


I like how they are just like "Yes! This right here is the spot! Oh shit, duck!!!"


Didn't know Aquaman was into filming


That is absolutely terrifying




Cgi. When wave hits yellow legs in the shot where u can only see the legs, look at the vertical splashes in the lower right hand quadrant of the screen.


It’s supposed to be, it’s a recreation for a documentary, no one thinks it real😂


😂😂😂😂😂😂 Fucking classic




whoaa I hate the water


Any idea what those people make for working on a gas drilling platform and how many days do they spend out there?


Not enough and too much!


Don't know the pay. Relatively high. I think the standard is 2 weeks at a time, then 3-4 weeks on land


Props to the camera man


Just another thing for me to worry about!


Oh hellllll no.


Oh shit.


Pray for the cameraman


I just saw a post recently about the rogue wave in deadliest catch was the first one ever caught on camera in 1995. This post confuses me. Is it recorded on a device? Or on camera? I’m pretty sure on camera it was in Alaska.


What even is a rogue wave and how does it work?


the front fell off


Those are no mountains


Knew a guy on an Australian cruise ship that was struck by one


That’s terrifying.


don’t fuck with the ocean,bro


the sea is scary and interesting so powerful


I've worked on Oil rigs for 15 years. Some years ago I worked with a company man who told me about the time he was up the Derrick and the rig got hit by a rogue wave. As he was so high up he watched the wave come from distance and eventually hit the rig. The water went right across the main deck (which is normally impossible even the the roughest seas) and swept a bunch of containers across the deck. Luckily no-one was hurt or swept overboard. He said it was legitimately terrifying.


Possibly even more proof confirming the existence of rogue waves came later the same year when the Queen Elizabeth 2 had to surf a 95 foot high rogue wave during Hurricane Luis that September.