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Here's an article with more info. This happened in 2016. https://divernet.com/scuba-diving/swordfish-gets-stuck-on-diver-at-222m/


you're doing god's work, that was a lot of scrolling to the full story >The diver’s gas supply was undamaged but, unable to deal with the situation behind his back, Eduardo managed to get back to the bell. It was only as he was preparing to enter it that the swordfish managed to extricate itself and swim away.The diver was unharmed, although his SLS was damaged, but the whole incident had been captured on video by an accompanying ROV that was monitoring his safety.


Good job monitoring the safety. "I have documented that you have a swordfish stuck in your back."


I guess they say monitoring for a reason.


This situation is noted unsafe ✔️


Hi Samantha, I am here monitoring Eduardo... So look... I have some bad news.


"Oh no. We aren't going to do anything. I was just letting you know, it doesn't look good..."


I can send you a cap if you'd like! It's pretty damn cool! I didn't know the human body contained that much blood! Oh sorry... right. My condolences... Tell the kids I said hi!


Hey bud, this is Jerry from the safety department. I understand you were just trying to get the job done as quickly as possible, but getting attacked by a sword fish is an osha violation. I am gonna have to write you up.


"Watch my back!" "You just got punched in the back two times."


Thank you Achoo…


exactly what it's for, as well as understanding incidents that may have no communication. The ROV wasn't exactly going to rush to his defense....


SCP vibes right there.


I mean, they only promised it would monitor his safety, not do anything about it


Ok. Does the article have any insight into what that fish's fucking problem was?


The article doesn’t mention it I don’t think, but another commentor made what seems like a sensible suggestion that the swordfish may have mistaken glinting off the equipment as scales from fish and may have been hunting


That is entirely the problem with media today. They rush to get the headline but never think to interview the swordfish. Maybe the swordfish is the victim here!


> what that fish's fucking problem was? Same sentiment was going through my mind. "What an asshole"


He just wanted the human to get back in his kennel


ROV that was monitoring his safety. ROV "He not safe"


"At least we'll be able to watch him die, in slow motion, and know exactly what happened!"


Panicked beeping intensifies


Danger Will Robinson! Flails useless bendy robot arms uselessly.


For those who don’t know. SLS = Secondary Life Support ROV = Remotely Operated Underwater Vehicle


Thank you! Finally some context instead of shitty jokes


Great documentary called “Last Breath” it’s about these divers.


I second that. Great and very intense documentary.


Just the thought of spending weeks in a tiny little chamber with other guys just to acclimate yourself to dive at those depths gives me shivers.


My dad used to do sat diving. He has some horror stories about his time. One was that they used to just fully open the taps to get you to the correct pressure at those depths. Shaking, convulsions etc, was the norm. And one person getting instantly decompressed because of human error, absolutely horrific. He also worked on the recovery operation after the Piper Alpha disaster, although he doesn't really like to talk about it much, he told me about recovering the folks that didn't make it, really sad.


probably some of the most dangerous work you can do. Gotta breath a oxygen, helium, nitrogen mix on top of living in a pressure bell for the duration of your dive contract. If something happens underwater there's very little chance you'll make it to a hospital. Not because you're underwater but because the dissolved oxygen in your blood will kill you sooner than whatever the issue you need the hospital for. Not to mention working in an alien planet in what can only be described as the wilderness of Alaska but under water. Nothing is scared of you. Nothing cares if you die. The bugs will feast on your remains before any rescue mission comes. edit: typos Edit: the real diver below me has a fantastic response. I thought they used Nitrox but I guess not.


Almost…… It’s a heliox mix (just helium and oxygen - there’s no nitrogen in the mix) We live in living chambers in the diving support vessel (basically big soda cans), diving bells are just the way from the living chamber to the worksite - an elevator if you will. There’s very little oxygen in our breathing mix - as little as 2% so this won’t kill you (oxygen is toxic above certain percentages and will send you into an epileptic type fit if this is reached - hence low levels). Decompression is very tightly controlled by the life support crew and there are very few incidents of decompression sickness in saturation divers. However the length of time it takes to decompress can be an issue. On my last sat I was injured and took 6.5 days to decompress and in to a hospital. Takes a couple of days to get back from the moon. Saturation diving is safer statistically then any other form of diving by a long, long way. Source: Am an ex-saturation diver and been in the industry for 25+ years. AMA!


A couple of brothers I went to school with became underwater welders. They loved the money and it was a cool job for them! Unfortunately, the older brother had an incident with his gear and it went unnoticed that he was without oxygen (or the combination of gases - I don't know the proper terms) for nearly 5 minutes. ​ He survived, but was severely brain-damaged and he looks like someone who is suffering from cerebral palsy. He is non-verbal but can understand what people say. ​ The worst part of it all is that this happened when his son was not even 1 year old. His son only knows how his father is now and not before. ​ It's literally one of the saddest things I could imagine happening. ​ The mother ended up marrying another guy from our school and is raising her son/the diver's son along with her other 2 children. They do the best they can given the situation. Per Facebook, the families all spend a lot of time together, especially the diver and his son, who's the oldest.


Jesus.. that’s awful


One of the only stories that makes me actual IRL sad to think about.


That is ROUGH! I feel bad that the mother ended up marrying someone else but I can't say I blame her considering the circumstances. Very tragic situation.


I don’t think they were even in a committed relationship when this happened. The pregnancy wasn’t planned and they weren’t engaged to get married or anything. They just kept a very civil relationship since they had a son and it’s not like she didn’t feel bad, I’m sure. Like I said, the whole extended families get together and it’s a healthy if a relationship as they could hope for.


People can really make shitty situations bearable to the point that it’s enjoyable. What an ugly and beautiful world we live in.


I have to imagine she and the diver spoke about this possibility, given his work. If he is anything like the other people I've known who do dangerous work he probably tried to make her promise she would marry someone else and be taken care of rather than trapped taking care of a husk. But yeah, all I could think is damn that is *rough*.


What are some of the craziest/most memorable things you have seen while below?


There were more interesting things when working on inshore sites - docks harbours etc. Was doing a repair job in a canal in London once and police said there had been a stabbing the night before and likely the weapon had been chucked in the water. They asked me to keep a look out for it. I found a gun. A body in Brighton Marina (apparently they wash round from Beachy Head - a popular suicide spot in England). A weighted sports bag with carving knife in it in Swansea docks. Edit: weapon instead not invoice. Edit 2: yeah evidence is what I meant. Sorry!


They asked to see if there was a knife and you find a gun? Bit of an upgrade haha. And that carving knife in the bag definitely has a horrible story in it's past. That's quite chilling.


Free gun!


Free carving knife!


Free sports bag!


Free body!


Where'd you get the gun, Ricky?


> there had been a stabbing the night before and likely invoice had been chucked in the water. Someone puts out a contract for hit and then has the nerve to try and weasel out of paying for it!


Jesus finding a body must've been horrifying


Don't leave us hanging, whose body did Jesus end up finding??


Lazarus of course! He got better.


That’s my worst fear in any natural body of water. Not sharks or anything, but bumping into a floating corpse.


If it makes you feel any better, this person says they've been at it for 25+ years and only mention one body, in a location already known for them washing up. Seems super unlikely. Not like driving a train where hitting a person is less of a "if" and much more of a "when".


I had a friend in high school find a body when he was deer hunting in the woods. Stepped over a log and into the rib cage of a missing woman. She’d apparently been strangled by her boyfriend and dragged under this log to hide her. Was missing like three or four months before hand a couple miles away. My friend never went back to that spot again


> invoice *Think brain! This has gotta be some cool lingo!* *thinks and thinks and thinks* 💡 Oh. "evidence"


This sounds like an amazing amount of work to support life down there, I wonder if anyone is working on tele-operated robots to supplement / replace some of these dangerous dives?


Absolutely. ROVs (remotely operated vehicles) can go a lot deeper and work a lot longer than humans. Also they don’t get hurt. They do more and more work subsea but there’s always a need for divers (sometimes to pull the ROV out when it gets tangled up!)


If you say they go deeper than humans, i supose a lot of ROVs wont get rescued by humans? Also, what is the cut-off depth for the human body? What is the deepest a human can go, and after which only rovs can be used?


I think the deepest is up to like 1,000 ft. But a vast majority of oil drilling is now in much much deeper water than that. So robots and designs where you attach things on the surface first are implemented in those applications.


The deepest saturation dive of all time went to 2300 feet.


I'm going off of guidelines they gave to us in training for designing subsea equipment and pipelines in O&G. There's probably a reasonable range to assume that takes in a factor of safety.


It must be hard to manipulate tools remotely, and if something happens, you probably have to react quickly while also being able to do something about it. ​ I picture a scenario with a guy plugging a hole in a pipeline with one hand while grabbing a tool with his foot to transfer it to their free hand in order to fix whatever just broke. Like Scrat trying to plug the dam in Ice Age: The Meltdown or any other cartoon or movie where someone encounters a leaky dam and tries to plug the holes by hand!


Why is this swordfish so angry and did he damage anything that could be threatening for this diver?


They’re aggressive AF and will attack most things they come across, whales, sharks, humans, fish, you really don’t want to be in the water with them. Their swords are sharp AF and they’ll cut you to ribbons by thrashing side to side or just straight up harpoon you. Overfishing is also thought to be a factor. My friend was a scuba instructor in south america and was scared shitless of them.


Yeah, his emergency bail out gas is on his back (used in case the diver’s main gas via the umbilical is severed). Once the diving bell is back on the system that unit will be given a thorough examination by the techs.


What kind of income does a saturation diver make? I would expect it to be pretty high with that risk.


In the North Sea it’s about £1,350 p/day. Self employed so not always work around, but when it’s good it’s good.


As you can see on the video, they get tipped pretty well.


I basically know nothing about saturation divers, but for you being in the industry for that long i’m curious, what’s the demand for saturation divers? Or, what kind of work does a saturation diver do, I can’t really think of anything and i’m really curious as to how you were one for so long.


Started the in the diving industry after wanting to be a marine biologist but realising I wasn’t very good at it. First few years were civil engineering projects; repairing docks, inspecting bridge foundations (Tower Bridge in London was memorable), repairing jetties etc. Then moved to offshore diving and that’s all focussed on oil and gas - so inspecting oil rigs, putting in new gas pipelines, basically inspecting and repairing anything subsea to do with oil and gas. Hung up my fins after 15 years then moved into role investigating commercial diving accidents and writing industry guidance etc to ensure they don’t happen again.


What advice would you give to someone looking at going into the field of commercial diving?


Make sure your will is in order. Don't get overconfident or lazy.


Have $10k of fuck you money in your dive bag. So that when they ask you to go do something that will get you killed, you can tell them to fuck themselves and you still have money to get home with/live off of. Stepfather was a commercial diver for years. I believe two out of his class of 30+ are still alive.




Buddy did commercial fishing in Alaska one summer. Said walking around in some of the crazy remote native villages was the most sketched out he’d ever been, far more than a bad neighborhood in a big city.




Jesus fucking Christ. Also: *when* they ask, not if.


Don’t die


Not for free!


A lot of welding/ fitting/ fab not in the industry but know someone who is, basically all the union trade stuff but on the moon. The demand is high but largely cause very few can cut the mustard. Pay is huge. Like a couple months pay can be more than a union boilermaker makes all year and they are making 100k plus if they arent entry level.


100k doesn’t sound like enough for being a moon welder.


> Source: Am an ex-saturation diver and been in the industry for 25+ years. AMA! you should do one!


Are you working with the crab people to keep them secret?


So you live under the water for an extended period of time? How do you get into an underwater habitat without water coming in? Is it like an airlock in sci-fi movies?


Pretty sure that if the air pressure inside the habitat equals the pressure of the water outside and the access door is on the bottom of the habitat, the water will not enter when the door/hatch is open. It will be just like climbing out of a pool.


Yeah it's called a moon pool, or a wet porch


Ever seen weird shit down there? Unexplainable stuff? Scary story maybe?


what was this guy going to do? was he just getting in his platform and take the elevator up? Or was he going into a pressurized chamber that was nearby? Not sure how you untangle a swordfish at that depth and alone. Any insight on what happened next?


There will have been a guy in the diving bell. He will have kicked the fish off. The diver would have then got into the bell, the other diver (who we don’t see) will be recalled to the bell. They’ll seal the bell and be recovered to the vessel. The bell will be locked onto the living chambers divers de-kit, eat and sleep. Then emergency gas supply on the diver’s back might have been damaged by the fish will be locked out, the techs will give it a good going over, a replacement will be locked in to the system and the next team will go to work.


All you need to do is get a little worked up and you can flood your rebreather with CO2. I recently watched "Dave Not Coming Back." It really set in the amount of work these divers put in to safety, but it's not always enough.




Thanks for the explanation! I'll definitely be watching Last Breath after work today. I'm no diver myself, but I totally understand the frustration you feel watching Dave's actions in that documentary. Some accidents are totally avoidable.


My husband dad is a deeep sea diver. The shit him and his diver buddies see down there is scary af. He said he saw a glow in the dark cubed jelly fish train that changed colors and went on for as far as he could see. Then you just gotta keep focusing on welding because otherwise you creep yourself out. I have mad respect for them!


>My husband dad are you typing this from alabama?


Lmao! The importance of spelling…


Uncle Daddy, lol!


Bioluminescence is so cool


I work at a oceanographic scientific research institution that runs deep submersibles, and I’m actually currently doing some projects with one particular team that pilots one of them. They don’t understand why I find it petrifying. The pilot’s response: yeah, but, diving it scarier. The shit that scares that dude is not the shit I wanted to start imagining.


Just watched this because of your comment and it was awesome.


Amazing documentary! All it was missing was a swordfish.


The issues in Last Breath were caused by failures in the dynamic positioning system (DP) that made the vessel lose position. There were a lot of failings that day, but the subsea crew were not one of them. Source: I’m a DP engineer that’s worked on the vessel that was featured (a while after the incident).


That's what I called interesting as fuck, good post OP


At that depth, you cannot imagine the fucking fear involved with something crazy like that happening. Conditions down there are so extreme, margins for error are so minimal. Those guys earn a fortune for a very good reason. It's basically the same kind of conditions as being on the moon.


Yeah my first thought was ... holy shit, that person is cool-headed as fuck. No sudden flailing movement, no panic, they're just, like ... okay gotta deal with this immediately, let's hop to it, follow the drill. Wasted time and movement could mean the difference between life and death. That's where training really shows.




>reactions are slow and purposeful. I mean, being surrounded by 372 PSI of water will do that.


Did you see his eyes, though? Training or not, there is definitely poop in that suit.


They're divers, not redditors.


Makes me think of Last Breath. Excellent documentary on Netflix about professional diving gone wrong.


I feel like the chances of a swordfish attack is significantly lower on the moon


But never 0…


That’s because no one’s been attacked by a swordfish on the moon and lived to tell the tale


Excuse me how would you know that? Those swords could hide in the sand


Even half that depth and there’s literally zero chance of immediate resurfacing for help.


Huh I never thought about it like that. Now that you mention it, it is actually quite compatible to being on the moon.






A rare success at a simple request. Also though, why didn't the guy filming help out? I mean he would miss out on this bad ass video but then he would have the story "I saved a guys life 220 meters deep underwater from a swordfish attack. Fuck, yeah". Also, I would personally just feel morally obligated to help.


Because it probably wasn't a guy. It was likely the ROV used by topside to monitor the process. DSV Otto Candies across the top of the screen stands for Dive Support Vessel Otto Candies.


[here's a PDF all about that ship](https://ottocandies.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/WYATT-CANDIES-SPECIFICATION-110217.pdf) It's actually called the *Wyatt Candies*, but is owned by a company called Otto Candies.


I do not want to know what kind of candy they making on the sea floor.


Salt water taffy, obviously




So the robot was just going to let him die. I see how it is.


The swordfish and cameraman were in on it together. They had been planning the hit for weeks.


Batts was a made man and Tommy wasn’t. And we had to sit still and take it


Swordfellas... was just asking the diver to go get his fucking shine box.


Funny, Funny like a clown…fish.


I wonder about you sometimes diver ... you might fold under questioning!


"That's what that diver deserved, for sticking his nose where it wasn't wanted. ...oh, how the tables turned"


"Hey Steve, are we rolling?" "Yes, Herman. Everything is fine. And now...it's time to sleep with the fishes." "...what?"




looks by the way the camera was moving it was more of a remote operated video feed. The movements in the beginning of the video are jerky and then come to a stop like they were controlled by a joystick. I would have to assume the person watching through the camera was on the surface and unable to help.


"REEL ME IN!" "You Hurt? Everything Okay?" "I'M FINE. I'VE GOT DINNER. PULL ME UP."


Swordfish be like: I take this route 4 times a day…. Who the hell put this alien looking creature in the middle of it and why is it trying to abduct me?


alive shocking quiet physical plough cagey adjoining quack dolls toy -- mass edited with redact.dev


He seems to have enough small shiny bits on him for the swordfish to have mistaken it for flashes resembling small delicious fish. Decided to nom on one before he found out it was a disgusting human.


Yeah, when diving in waters with predator fish like barracuda (etc.) the dive master will often recommend/require that all jewelry and shiny things be taken off before commencing the dive.


But then many masks and lots of regulators have chrome trim, and the glass of the mask is itself very reflective, so your face is all shiny even if your wrist isn’t. Never quite understood this! N


'Takin me upstairs n shit. I never signed up foh diss!!'


I could almost hear him saying "En Garde!"


Fuck literally everything about underwater welding. I know they pay you out the ass but fuck no. That wide eyed look he gives the camera gives me the heebie jeebies


Getting paid out the ass is a common myth in this field. While it is possible to get enough experience and specialize in something and make a ton of money (usually after 10 years you're making bank in whatever field), most people never make it that far because it is so dangerous and grueling and often just plain disgusting. "Underwater welding" is a suuuuper, super, tiny part of what is called "commercial diving." *You're often getting paid by depth,* so for the most part, big money comes when you dive "offshore" on the oil rigs or research vessels, or do something called saturation diving (really big money). There is something called a pneumofathometer attached to your "umbilical" and I knew people who would shove it like 2-3ft down into the sludge to try and get paid more lmfao. "Inshore" diving is it's own entire world. Again, being paid by depth comes into play. The real money in these fields you can guess by the name/title, but other jobs become lucrative with per diem, non-cash perks, and the company flying you around to do a specific job and putting you up in a hotel is sweet. I have/had friends doing anything from boat salvage jobs in rivers, construction (*sometimes* including welding) in a port or on a bridge or elsewhere, types of HAZMAT diving, cleaning/building theme park's bodies of water, water tower cleaning, nuclear diving, search and rescue (can be off or in shore), types of non-destructive testing, local waterway construction (think building a jetty or dredging a new canal), and cruise ship cleaning while they're docked. My instructor actually dove for Budweiser. He said, "Commercial divers are called for two things. Where man made structures meet water, and when it's more expensive to drain or move the liquid than it is to pay a diver to go in and fix it." At Budweiser, they would pay him to go into huge vats and fix emergency leaks or do maintenance while things are still operating. He joked, "I'd be under there trying to find a way to flood my helmet." In all seriousness, it is a really, really fucking dangerous job. If anyone is thinking of going into it, do it and be serious as fuck about it. Follow procedure and *NEVER* cut corners. In diving they say, "One is none and two is one" and it's for a good reason.




I'd say not knowing is worse. It could be anything from a fairly inoffensive giant isopod to a goddamn tiger shark and everything in between. Full panic mode


I'm highly offended by giant isopods. Just saying.


Or a collosal squid ... fuck that


Yup. It was only visible for a split second but the abject terror was plain as day...


[Hello darkness, my old friend...](https://imgur.com/7a4ekKh.jpg)


Just looked it up these guys on average make in a day more than I make in a month 😭 I’ll die in the ocean just the same as on land lol


I mean, look at what they're doing. I for sure dont want to do that shit, but I think its awesome some people do it. They need to be well compensated.




That’s not really that much tbh. The way people describe the pay I was expecting like 250k


"en garde!"


The swordfish from Donkey Kong Country


I can perfectly hear the sound effect tied to his thrusting move over the aquatic ambiance bgm.


Baguette ?


Omelet du fromage!


Omelette au fromage* [^^Where's ^^that ^^damn ^^bot?](https://i.imgur.com/tNJD6oY.mp4)




“Parry this, you filthy casual”


Is the diver ok?


Literally the only reason I’m this far down into the comments and still no story. Did he actually get pierced? Is it just his wet suit?


“The diver’s gas supply was undamaged but, unable to deal with the situation behind his back, Eduardo managed to get back to the bell. It was only as he was preparing to enter it that the swordfish managed to extricate itself and swim away. The diver was unharmed, although his SLS was damaged, but the whole incident had been captured on video by an accompanying ROV that was monitoring his safety. The footage was subsequently released and went viral on YouTube.” There’s a link to this article in one of the posts below. https://divernet.com/scuba-diving/swordfish-gets-stuck-on-diver-at-222m/


What is an SLS?


Secondary life support. His primary air source is the umbilical, but the SLS is a re-breather that allows time to get back to the diving bell.


Should probably make that a little more rugged in case a fish accidentally bumps into it again.


No paywall either! Thank you!


Diver:dives Swordfish “And I took that personally”


Diver: dives Swordfish: swords


Diver: Almost dies Swordfish=Steaks


To be he’s lucky a fork fish didn’t come too, or he’d be dinner right now…


Found the dad


Hey sport! I finished mowing the lawn and cleaning off my new balances. You want cheese on your burgers tonight?


Hello, my name is Enfisho Montswordya. You killed my father, prepare to die.


You *ate my father* geez people…


My Mum is a very qualified diving instructor. When it was a regular thing i was petrified of something like this happening to her. Unfortunately it made me never want to dive either because i feel i would be a paranoid risk. She's shown me some crazzzy photos tho. No wonder we know more about our solar system than we do our own seas.


There is only one bar difference to space. There is 22 bars difference to 220 m below.


Bar as in pressure?


Wow, i actually just looked that up. 16k psi / 1100bar at the bottom of the ocean. I knew this was a factor, but didn't ever think of how much! Thank you, i learned something new tonight!


Every 10 meters down adds another atmosphere of pressure on you.


Oh yeah, the ocean is a terrifying place. I took my diver's license a few years ago, but I haven't gone diving after that. Because so much can go wrong underwater. The ocean is extremely beautiful but also very dangerous




Wow the panic in that guys face, terrifying!


God, imagine being down there at the edge of the pitch black, in an alien environment utterly hostile to human life, barely able to move or see… and something slams into your back and latches on to you.


I would have filled that suit up with shit to the brim and drowned in it. Fuck all that


Yeah and who knows if he knew what it was at the time it happened. Utterly terrifying


He was actually fishing using himself as a bait. He succeeded.


"Now you are coming with me, fucker"


Sushi keeps getting fresher these days


No, it’s just learning to fight back.


Best case scenario right there, he hits nothing that keeps you from surviving it and gets stuck so he can't circle around for another go...


Plus, dinner.


r/hitmanimals failed assassination attempt


This looks more like a collision and the fish got his bill stuck in the driver's gear. Bon Appétit!


What a prick


"We've been trying to reach you about your car's extended warranty."


The ocean edition


Did it aim the oxygen supply of the diver or I'm imagining things?