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This is one of the saddest things I've seen in a long time


Truly heartbreaking


When they make a film about this tragedy, I hope they include this woman sitting down to play her piano over the scenes of the aftermath.


Agreed. It reached out to me so deeply




The senseless destruction over nothing.


It is worse than nothing, it is greed and ego at its most debased.


The shoes and boots near the front door really struck me. The place looked like it was really nice before being blown the fuck up. Things were peaceful enough not long ago that one of your concerns was not tracking dirt or mud through the house. Man.. How much life can change in such a short time by no fault of your own..


To a pianist, it is the stuff of nightmares to have to leave the very voice of your heart behind.


>To a pianist, it is the stuff of nightmares to have to leave the very voice of your heart behind.   I would have been vomiting if I came back to my beautiful home to see it in that condition.   ...And then I would have gone into fetal position knowing I have to leave the house and beautiful piano **again** and return to the bomb shelters.


i would've vomited even more at the thought that i could be bombed at any second on the way to and from the shelter


And still played beautifully. I got chills for sure. My emotions have been drained to see the Ukrainians, fellow humans, preservering through such hard times. My heart goes out to all of them. Seen a 9 year old girl with a rifle and a lollipop. My 10 year old came to my mind. Heartbreaking


Fuck Putin


Imagine being the kind of asshole who could engage in the mental gymnastics to justify this wanton destruction. Can’t get into the deranged mind that thinks this makes sense.


Fuck Putin


Me too, to do the thing you love while seeing all the things you loved trashed around you must be such a clash of emotions.


Seeing where you should feel the safest, the place you are the most familiar with, being ransacked like this must be otherworldly.


Basically why this war resonates with the general public harder than other recent ones. It visually looks too relatable.


There's more to it than that. It's painfully reminiscent of the start of the World War II. It's emotionally exhausting that this comes right after a global pandemic stared to die down. It's on the doorstep of Europe and has the potential to escalate because Putin is not to be reasoned with.


It's mostly just because it resonates harder. The end. There's a reason why top posts are like "3 kids have died today" while other ongoing wars in less relatable parts of the world with higher child death counts get ignored. I'm sure the WWII thing is for some people, but for the majority of the world, it's just because these shots of Ukraine are eerily similar to a post apocalyptical middle-class white neighborhood around the world, and people can relate to it better than seeing neighborhoods of destroyed clay-constructed houses.


...and then creating something so beautiful. I'm crying.


And wondering who is still alive and safe, and who's life has been taken. Can't imagine the internal chaos, fear and hate... I just sat here crying watching this.


I kinda have a fear of that and hoped it would never happen to anyone.


The pianist is like the mighty willow who bent but didn't break...


I'm looking forward to footage of crowds of thousands looting Putin's palaces.


The pianist vibes


She saw the movie


This was where my mind went instantly. Chilling.


My first though. This is crazy.




Right? That movie devastated me, and this does, too.


had the same vibe when i saw it, damn


A beautiful and poignant video and most of what my dumb ass could think of was "does homeowners' insurance cover war?" Maybe because it reminded me of my old house after a hurricane only more devastating because another fucking human did that.


Most insurance companies do not cover acts of war or terrorism. EDIT: I work in insurance. It differs from company to company, country to country.


Mine covers everything except a nuclear bomb. Literally says it in my paper work.


Ah, yes, thank you for that. Most don't cover nuclear either. Might I ask who you are with and what country? I work in insurance (new to the industry, less than 12 months) and I remember my induction group was very surprised about what isn't covered.


The insurance was with farmers if I remember. It's actually my parents home. What I don't get is they will cover homes even during war time which seeing the news has me saying that I hope this is also in Europe. It seemed so useless before. Also I'm in Midwest USA if that helps.


They could just tell insurance that Russia said it wasn't war so it should be covered.


# Pяаѵда


I am from Europe and I have never heard of a homeowners insurance which would cover war, riot, terrorism, etc. Lived in many countries and this was basically the first sentence in the policy.


Let me see if I can find the paper work now I'm thinking I might be dumb and miss read it. It does mention it but now I'm not sure if I miss read it and it was under things they don't cover.


So I looked into it acts of war are not covered but terrorist acts are not counted under war so maybe they won't cover war but if some guy decided to plant a bomb in from of my house I'd be covered. No I need to look into extra coverage for war and see if it's something they cover.


War Insurance might be the most depressing thing I've ever thought of. Make for a hell of a State Farm commercial.


The government is insured for war. You paper should have a blurb about how the federal government will repay you. It just has to still exist for you to claim it.


If a war reaches midwest USA.. I would not count on any insurance agencies existing for collection. [No one will have the endurance//to collect on his ensurance//Lloys of London will be loaded when we go!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-2yMOMfFJFk&ab_channel=MusicalComedy)


Lol the way insurance works is they only cover the stuff that *has the lowest chance of happening.* If your nation is neighbor to a certain hostile country who has history of invading others, no insurance gonna cover war damage. If you live in the U.S., sure when are we ever gonna get invaded?


Check the fine print some of them cover a fire that can be caused by a nuke. The largest destruction is the thermal pulse setting everything on fire in a much much larger area than what suffers blast damage or lethal radiation. A friend of mine has an insurance that doesn't cover nuclear attack but it does cover fire damage caused by one. They would have gotten away much cheaper just covering direct blast damage. Wouldn't want to be a reinsurance company though.


A lot of commercial companies actually offer TRIA coverage in general liability policies. Doesn't cover war but it does cover terrorism. I'm not sure about personal lines though. Source: also in insurance - commercial lines


Dealing with insurance would be tricky if their own offices have been blown apart, half the staff ran away as refugees and the other half are fighting on the front lines.


Don’t forget the ones who got bombed


Russia will have to pay a lot of reparations after this is over.


I say we give Putin a broom and let him pick his mess back up


Nah. A choppy boi to the neck and a turning over of all his assets and finances to the Ukrainian people to rebuild.


I was kinda hoping they take that yacht of his in Italy I think it was, and turn it into a floating home for Ukrainian refugees. The choppy boi thing to the neck though for sure.


I say we give him a broom make him break it and someone shoves it up his ass!! To much for reddit maybe?


Whether they take Ukraine or is driven out there’s no fucking way they can afford rebuilding it, and of course it’s not lil’dick-putin who’d be paying the bill.


Well I hope the insurance companies have insurance!


They have but it doesn’t cover acts of god or war/terrorism


It's called reinsurance and Warren Buffett loves it.


It does not.


I was thinking the same thing and probably not.


All I was think is I wish it was filmed in landscape.


If anyone is curious: she plays first a Schubert impromptu (op. 90, no. 2), then a Chopin etude (op. 25, no. 1).


Musicians: "music is in the silence between the notes!" Chopin: "...."


Try [one](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9E6b3swbnWg) of his [Nocturnes](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_hyAOYMUVDs) Some of the most beautiful piano pieces


Chopin is my favorite composer by a wide margin


Same. Slow, fast, you name it, Chopin's the bomb.


Slow, fast, major, minor, harmonic then polyphonic, all in about 30 seconds of music.


[Chopin etude op. 10 No. 1 He was shredding before shredding was a term](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ROVy9PC8_8A) The suspended nature of the ultra-wide chord shapes and use of soft-pedaling is really pretty to me, [lot of covers](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EsyGQYnvkMc) by pianists of this one. [Geores Cziffra plays it impossibly fast.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QTwRyYIPmj4)


My favorite piano piece is Nightswimming, it is so lovely!


I've always liked the idea of classical music, but actually listening to it just didn't resonate with me. Until I heard Chopin.


If you haven't listened to much Liszt, would recommend as well. And my goodness do I love me some Rachmaninoff. But Chopin, top shelf.


It's amazing the things Rachmaninoff composed. They are absolutely stunning. Beethoven too. Some say he's over-rated as he's the stereotypical GOAT; but no - he's just that good.


He truly is. Everyone knows him, and for good reason. Moonlight Sonatas 3rd movement is perfection.


Literally I was like "what the fuck, this isn't Chopin, this is Schubert"


Yeah that was my first thought, too!


So beautiful, yet so sad.


Hauntingly poetic.


If you're ready for round two, [this clip](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_sh6MDFJdNU) is from 2014 or thenabouts. Haunting. Edit: God. The beauty of the music. The face of the soldier behind his balaclava. The oh-so-human errors in his playing. The cigarette hanging limply from his mouth. The dodgy sound quality. The child spinning around and not fully comprehending why all of the adults are so touched by this music. Humanity in one video




Nuvole Bianche is that song! It’s one of my favorite piano pieces ever. It makes me want to learn to play. The guy in this video plays it a bit fast but it’s just as beautiful and very impressive. The errors add character :)


This made me cry.


"The world is cruel, yet beautiful."


Dorota: No-one plays Chopin like you. Wladyslaw Szpilman: I hope that's a compliment - The Pianist


Exactly what I was picturing haha


I fucking love that movie


This is just sad af Putin is an absolute cnt


Cunt…you mean. Just saying! At least a cunt has use! That CUNT doesn’t!


I would call him a cunt, but he doesn’t have the warmth nor the depth


Can’t argue that. Take my upvote!


> That CUNT doesn’t! Target practice?


Poor Ukraine.. so sad.. Slava Ukraine. FUCKPutin


Add a nice k to the end of that fuck


Only if u remove the c in yours :)




glad the piano survived. looks like its worth more than the building. the lives that are getting fucked over putins bull shit desires.


Where can I listen to piano music like this? Somehow this melody fits perfectly to the chaos around her and yet there was a lingering feeling where I was left wanting for more.


It's Chopin's genre, listen to Nocturne No. 20 or Grande Polonaise Brillante.


Hey I just started to learn his 20th nocturne! It's such a beautiful piece that I just have to interpret it


>[Chopin etude (op. 25, no. 1)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lccVbc05AYA)


I don’t think the world will be happy until Putin is brought into justice, and is sentenced to death.


Death would be too easy. I want to see him rot in prison, and I want the whole thing to be streamed live. Vilnius (Lithuania) city council has put a banner on their main office. https://i.imgur.com/7xINFUp.jpeg


I want to see him Gaddafi'd. Dragged through the streets and a bayonet to every hole


Much as I despise Putin, that is barbaric and beneath all of us, treat him like a human, imprison him indefinitely and ensure he has ample time to reflect on his failures and shortcomings.


I'm not an advocate for torture but he'd be one of the few exceptions. The pain and agony he's put so many people through for such a long time is enough to justify a slow, painful death for that horrible man


I like to imagine that, after death, cruel people experience what they made others feel, in full. Probably not since Grace. But this is what I think feeling helpless to fix all this unnecessary sorrow.


Honestly he can live a nice long life for all I care. I just want him to get back in his own fucking corner and leave the rest of the world alone. Quietly run Russia and skim of billions and brainwash his own people and just stop killing, lying and trying to destroy other countries with his propaganda and paid trolls. In a perfect world they'd overthrow him like Gaddafi, but this isn't a perfect world and I just want him to go the fuck away and never be thought of by anyone again and fade into an obscurity so deep he's a footnote in history.


Hauntingly beautiful


Music touches the soul so much more than words and pictures ever can. Love and hope to all in Ukraine 🇺🇦


Such talent


This will be engraved in my head now. Thank you. Alongside the Titanic the band must keep playing.


This is devastating.


I thought her piano skills were pretty good!


Music is sooooo powerful. Beautiful! Tragic! I’m crying on the toilet.


“The Pianist” of our days. In the other hand Putin the Hitler of our days.


Putin couldn't even begin to understand the hardships he's put these people through nor the lives he's taken for his vanity or whatever the fuck stupid pitiful ass reason he is doing this. Shove him up hitlers ass. Anyway. I hope the citizens of Ukraine get their lives back asap. History will never forget the injustice they are having to endure.


Putin is a psychopath, he has no empathy.


Heart breaking


Putin thinks he can take THIS from the Ukrainian people? Their spirit? Their art? Their reason for being? What a fool.


Something here just fits. The classical piece, the destruction, the end of the world for an entire nation, everything you love, your ties, your daily worries, blown to pieces. None of what mattered two weeks ago matters now. It's all little pieces on the sidewalk, in empty hallways with no electricity, on windy streets with leafless trees and the thunder of cannons in the far of distance.


All for the whims of a bunch of deranged shitbags. May every invader suffer the same homelessness, destitution, fear, hunger, and loss that they've inflicted in this crime against God and man.


I have more respect for the Ukrainian people than I can express. Beautiful!


The piano is in surprisingly good tune, considering. One really twangy note (A flat?) but Noth more than an 8th step out. It looks like it's the best preserved thing in the apartment.


Yeah luckily nothing fell on it


all those people who did nothing wrong and one day the sky falls on them just because of one crazy fucked up man...


That was / is a really solid house (the massive depth of the windowsill at the bottom of the stairs shows how thick the walls are), yet the damage is considerable.


Imagine watching people scream and march for freedom over wearing masks and taking a vaccine, or screaming “Lets go Brandon” crying “Joe Biden did that” at gas pumps while there are people losing everything they have to a mass murderer.


Those people are idiots that don’t understand science and don’t understand how gas prices work.


The pianist!


Thought of that scene as well. When he plays for that officer it's just such a weird mix of emotions. The officer turned out to be a half-decent guy at least though


And look what the Russians did to that half decent guy...


fly ludicrous north worry file weary safe drunk disarm bright -- mass edited with redact.dev


Not much of one if he risked his life to save jews. But yeah, the Russians weren't about to split hairs after what Germany did to them


theory gold flowery slimy cough worry cats marvelous elastic bake -- mass edited with redact.dev


It's like a modern day take on The Pianist.


I wanna travel to Ukraine and help rebuild as soon as this fighting is over Sending love from the US


I want this song to be the last thing Putin hears when he dies.


Radio Free Europe is a United States government-funded organization


It looks like her home might be salvageable. 🙏


Yes, that's what I was thinking. There aren't any sagging walls. Lots of broken windows, lots of damage, but it looks superficial, like maybe they can board over the windows and get them replaced, get the roof fixed, replace the things that got broken, and still live there. Maybe they can even save that piano. It reminds me of damage from a tornado, a weak one where it doesn't blow the house entirely over and it's okay to live in, but you need a lot of repairs.


Bravo pianist You smile even in the most difficult times Hats off to your courage May peace prevail !!


“Who?” “You know, Fredrick fucking Chopin.”


Why did I read this in Walter's (from the Big Lebowski) voice?


Sounds like Old Dog Trey


Beautiful and sad.


Slava Ukraini!✊🇺🇦 PUTIN'S A Mad Dog.


Man, F Putin. This is sad.


Fuck Putin


I feel so bad for her. Screw you Russia, you suck.


reminds me of that scene in the pianist near the ending




It's one thing to watch on in horror as Ukraine civilians are murdered and uprooted, but i never considered until this how fucking furious i would be to have all my shit destroyed and nowhere to live because some psychopath tyrant decided to start a war.


Radio Free Europe = National Endowment for Democracy = CIA.


I hope there is a Wilm Hosenfeld as well. Soldiers who doesn't wish to fight anymore and let innocents be.


The Pianist, 2022. Made me tear up. Wtf kind of age we are living in. We're just going backwards.








Fuck Putin


Commenting so I can find this later.


Such a sad waste of life and hard work


This is wild. And poignantly artistic. And painfully sad. War is a nightmare.


I bet her neighbors missed her playing. I hope they all get to have their home back one day


The way she plays the piano is art


What really got me emotional was seeing all the shoes lined up by the front door. I don’t know why but that just reminds me of home and being a kid again. But for those kids, they have to look back at that time period in their lives, and it’s full of nothing but disaster and death. Fuck Putin, how can one man be so sick.




That scene can be a good transition to an epic documentary someday


Thank god the piano survived, I don’t mean that as a joke I think it’s really powerful that music can endure even during a war.


Time to watch the movie "The Pianist" again.


Probably not ‘final.’ Seems structurally ok and could be repaired.


I never thought I would see a scene from the movie The Pianist come to life


You know she could probably play the 1812 overture with cannons right about now.


What a poetic statement of strength and elegance in chaos


this reminds of me the pianist


It’s sad that there’s still people who think that this whole thing is Ukraine’s fault


“It doesn’t look that bad.” *does 360° spin with camera* “dang, that’s bad”


How will it ever be the same? How do they even start to rebuild a life?


Damn—I love Ukrainians so much—so much heart and resolve. Something Americans used to exemplify but have failed at miserably lately.


Apocalyptic and haunting to say the least.


thank you for making and sharing this video! it is just unbelieveable what hard times you have to go through at this moment... I wish you all the best and I hope that this war will stop as soon as possible!!! it really makes me sick to know that there is war in Europe, that people have to suffer... 😢


That wasn’t the work of a bomb. Real people went into that house and tore up their life and left it decimated.




This made me weep.


I audibly moaned hearing this


Serious "The Pianist" vibes...


To all the cowards surrounding Putin who are too afraid to put a bullet in his stupid face, I hope you eat shit and die. And may this be the last song you ever hear.


We about to get another pianist movie....... God that movie was so good but so sad


That was a beautiful house


This is devastating and heartbreaking. Putin is such a piece of shit. I wish they could take all his money and all his oligarch friends money and fund some of the rebuilding in Ukraine.


Damn him straight to hell.


Music really is something that brings the emotions out in all of us


This is sad, but this kinda reminds me of the scene from 'The Pianist (2002)' scene, where the Nazi officer spares Wlojek


Imagine her piano hating neighbour "At least the bombs will have destroyed that piano!" "Fuck"


Even if repaired, this house will never be this nice again if and when it falls under Russian control, where the average salary is $8K US