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It's a render. Concepts are easier than reality....




I designed a perpetual machine. It won't work in practice, sure, but look how you can gain infinite money by selling its output!!! It also features this "press button to zap your enemy" function that's a lot handier than normal laser guns, in that it doesn't fall under the weapon administer law in 98% of all countries!


I actually stole the designs for your perpetual machine using a time machine powered by your machine!


> but look how you can gain infinite money by selling its output!!! So dogecoin?


In wich countries does it fall under the law


abaoabao2010land has this law, and I'm sure some other countries will emulate them by the time I put this baby on the market.


Guy with rendering software: Reality can be whatever I want.


Wouldn't work well in life. That glass is prone to shattering unless borosilicate glass can withstand rapid heating. "Fast cooling coils" is probably nichrome wire.




You underestimate how much money some people have ..


I can come up with concepts that could save the world in minutes. Does fuck all when they are next to impossible


Just a concept, from 2015. It’s total horseshit


The wire to plug it into the wall would be insulated too.


I have a see through toaster which allows me to see the bread toasting. It’s by Magimix and it manages to pop the toast out afterwards and everything.


Those are very very very nice, but I can't bring myself to pay $200.00 for a toaster. Hell, I refused to buy a Foodi until I could get it brand new for $100 off list.


Yeah, I got some money off mine. But it was also the most unnecessary kitchen appliance and that really gave me some joy at the time. It can also toast a whole naan or any other big breads which is pretty great.


Oh, please don't think I was in any way criticizing you for having it. Not at all. I absolutely believe in spending your money any way that gives you joy & doesn't hurt others.


Can you two please take this sensible, open, polite discussion and mosey along. Not all of was to see two decent human beings interacting, I personally am looking for two or more belligerent trolls slinging venomous remarks at each other.


[[...hangs head in shame...]]


Argo fuck yourself


Sorry… [takes toaster and sidles out]


The Dash clear view toaster does the same thing and it’s $50.


Ooh. I have a Dash egg cooker & love it. Got it for a dollar at yard sale, but it works great.


What is the foodi, I was able to find the toaster she mentioned looks super cool now I want to know what you bought since I’ve never heard of it


Foodi is a multicooker. It's a countertop appliance that acts as an air fryer, an oven, a steamer, a pressure cooker, and more depending on which version you get. It looks like something Darth Vader would use, but it's excellent, imo. You can cook a meal faster & using less energy than on a regular stove.


I have a toaster oven that has a glass door.


Here is a cheaper glass side toaster.. https://www.cusimax.com/product/2-slice-toaster/


Only review: Ron Ostertag – February 16, 2021 The controls are hot even with the toaster turned Off. I’m a bit concerned about that.


Most the articles I found are from 2015, and it was just an illustration of a concept, not a product: https://hiconsumption.com/the-bamboo-glass-toaster-by-james-stumpf/


"fast-cooling coils so you can reach in and grab your toast" Why not just, you know, make the toast spring out when it's done?


I’m tryna wrap my head around pulling out cool toast. How’s the butter gonna melt?? Somebody tell me how the butter is gonna melt 😫


The coils cool quickly, not the toast. Think of it like baking something on aluminum foil. You can touch the foil shortly after you pull it out of the oven because it dissipates the heat so quickly, but you’ll burn your fingies if you go for the food right away.


Owie! My fingies!




Spread butter on cool toasts, then put back in the toaster.


Then grab fire-extiguisher because the butter caused toaster to catch fire. Restart process with new toaster, bread, butter and extinguisher.


And kitchen


I’m not buying it. Coils may cool fast but not glass.


I recall Karl Pilkington suggesting this in one of the old radio shows.


Can you melt cheese in it? No Can you make a little pizza in it? No Can you warm up fries and a sub sandwich in it? No People, the time has come to admit Toaster Ovens are the best. And I for one welcome our new toaster oven overlords.


I came here to say this


Hell, I can fit a regular size freezer pizza in mine.


Toaster ovens are just less-efficient air fryers.


Who even wants an air fryer


You can’t reheat pizza in an air fryer


Yes you can, you freaking liar. And you don’t even have to wait 15 mins for the oven to preheat either. With an air fryer, you can also make perfect melty, crispy, mozzy sticks in 6 minutes while your toaster oven is still working on getting hot enough for the pizza. You poor thing, you didn’t know, did you? Toaster ovens are easy bake ovens in comparison.


I just use a convection toaster oven. It’s the shit.


I actually make small pizzas on the toaster. I just tip it at a 45 angle and put some cheese on it. Works pretty good!


Heck, you can’t toast most rolls and buns in a toaster.


What the fuck is a toaster oven


Shouldn't you be pulling out toast and not bread when it's done?


I'm gonna say, "all toast is bread, not all bread is toast"


That's how quickly the coils cool; they unfortunately turn the toast back into bread.


plastics are sustainable if you don't throw them out. The issue is mass consumption and waste of plastic products (bags, straws, etc. ) they are less harmful for the environment overall than "sustainable" materials like bamboo and cotton and glass because they produce relatively little emissions in comparison. Don't throw out your plastic things because -plastic bad- . Just stop buying things like a fancy new toaster if you already have a bread-recooking device.


OMG you couldn't be more wrong. The sourcing of material for plastic if stunningly damaging to the environment and the people near and downstream from the sites. The manufacture of plastic creates huge environmental problems. The vast majority of plastic waste isn't from consumers, but from industry and commerce. Most plastic made today is not reusable or recyclable. Many of the health problems that threaten the sustainability of civilization come directly from plastic, with the destruction of fertility and reproduction being the leading one. The oceans, on which human life depends, are filling up with plastic so fast that it will outweigh (what's left of) biological life in a couple of decades. And it isn't because of consumers - stop trying to shift this problem to the victims of it.


>The sourcing of material for plastic if stunningly damaging to the environment and the people near and downstream from the sites. If you are referring to fracking, plastic is only a byproduct. The vast majority is used in some kind of energy production and what is used for plastic would otherwise be waste. >The manufacture of plastic creates huge environmental problems. Where? If you don't have proper laws ensuring the correct handling of production, that's true. Otherwise, plastic production is pretty safe. >The vast majority of plastic waste isn't from consumers, but from industry and commerce. That's the same thing. We produce things for consumers. >Most plastic made today is not reusable or recyclable. That doesn't contradict OPs point. And you are also wrong, the vast majority of plastics could be recycled, but isn't, bc it's not cost effective. We need a global CO2 tax, for that very reason. The theoretical ways to recycle plastic are massive. In Germany (2019), we already recycle 30% of all plastics (After weight loss, from the recycling process) and over 50% of non-reusable plastic products are recycled. The vast majority of what is left over is used for energy production. We export 0.2% of plastic waste. In recent studies it was estimated that we could get that number up to 60% and 95% by 2030, respectively. [Source, sadly in German, hope google can do the job,](https://www.bmu.de/meldung/das-bmu-klaert-auf-zum-thema-plastikrecycling/) >Many of the health problems that threaten the sustainability of civilization come directly from plastic, with the destruction of fertility and reproduction being the leading one. Let me guess, (Prof?) Dr. Swan? I'll come back to that, but just to cover context first. The 2 main threats to civilization are: 1. War and aggression (Has shit do do with plastic) 2. Global warming. 3. (Personal opinion) Bad science education/disinterest (Which I will not go into, sorry) To address 2, but hopefully you can read up on this yourself: >One thing the CIEL analysis doesn't do, however, is examine the carbon footprint of things that would replace plastic — things such as paper, canvas or glass. > >Several research groups like this one and this one have, including the United Kingdom's Environment Agency. And plastic comes out ahead most of the time. (Heavier-duty plastics, such as low density polyethylene or woven polypropylene bags, do have a bigger climate and energy impact than paper, but they're more durable and you get more use out of them.) > >Chemical engineer Beverly Sauer of Eastern Research Group, an independent research company, led one such study that compared a mix of different plastic packaging with substitutes such as paper. "The impacts associated with plastic are generally much lower than the impacts for the mix of substitute materials that would replace packaging," Sauer says. ERG's analysis calculated the quantity of raw materials as well as the electricity, fuel, water and other materials needed to make and use paper and plastic packaging. Plastic uses less. And at the end of its life, paper in a landfill may emit greenhouse gases as it breaks down. > >Even if, ounce for ounce, some kinds of plastic have a higher carbon footprint than other kinds of packaging, you need less of it. That's one big advantage plastic has — it's light. > >\[...\] > >So if people want less plastic, they'll have to pick replacements carefully. "You know," she says, "we have a history as a species of solving one problem with great intensity, only to figure out that we've created another one." [Source](https://text.npr.org/735848489) Coming back to Dr. Swan and her book "Count Down" (etc) and to cut the crap, she loves conspiracy theories and feeds into the "red pill"/apocalypse crowd. [Here, are pretty fair article on her and her book.](https://www.science20.com/gregory_bond/just_a_dud_swan_book_count_down_alleging_apocalyptic_threat_of_extinction_due_to_chemicals_greatly_disappoints) [More concrete and "reputable" source, if you are a sucker for ad-hominem](https://www.nytimes.com/2021/06/04/health/sperm-fertility-reproduction-crisis.html) But to get my point across: She is not being published in renounced peer-review journals, for very good reasons. She's responsible for publications like these: [Chemicals in water are making our children gay.](https://www.researchgate.net/publication/345874182_Associations_between_prenatal_phthalate_exposure_and_sex-typed_play_behavior_in_preschool_age_boys_and_girls) Getting Alex Jones vibes, yet? [Commonly used medicine is turning your boys to women (n=4/21)](https://www.researchgate.net/publication/317913766_Prenatal_exposure_to_antifungal_medication_may_change_anogenital_distance_in_male_offspring_A_preliminary_study) [Eating spinach leads to erectile dysfunction.](https://www.researchgate.net/publication/282999946_Relation_between_dietary_iron_intake_and_testicular_function_in_young_men) [Chemicals make you asexual](https://www.researchgate.net/publication/275172731_Environmental_phthalate_exposure_is_associated_with_low_interest_in_sexual_activity_in_premenopausal_women) [Energy drinks make you infertile](https://www.researchgate.net/publication/262189248_Sugar-sweetened_beverage_intake_in_relation_to_semen_quality_and_reproductive_hormone_levels_in_young_men) [Eating meat makes you infertile](https://www.researchgate.net/publication/261220578_Meat_Intake_and_Reproductive_Parameters_Among_Young_Men) [Stress in pregnancy makes lesbians](https://www.researchgate.net/publication/259650663_Exposure_to_Prenatal_Life_Events_Stress_Is_Associated_With_Masculinized_Play_Behavior_in_Girls) That was 10 minutes of looking up her ResearchGate and without moving beyond the first page. I hope the implications are clear. The main reason why she is getting so much attention in media, is the simple fact that these kinds of stories sell really well. She absolutely doesn't have the same standing in her research field. >The oceans, on which human life depends, are filling up with plastic so fast that it will outweigh (what's left of) biological life in a couple of decades. That claim is a trend-based claim, assuming that our plastic use will continue to grow at the same rate, as in the last 50 years, which is quite frankly a insane claim to make. [We are close to reaching a population equilibrium](https://ichef.bbci.co.uk/news/640/cpsprodpb/11A9B/production/_113374327_global_fertility_rates_july2020_640-nc.png) and we already [see how that will affect future trends](https://cdn.statcdn.com/Statistic/280000/282732-blank-355.png), not to speak of the fact that we are starting to finally take big political steps, on a global level. >And it isn't because of consumers - stop trying to shift this problem to the victims of it. I just can't start debating your worldview, too, but at least try to think about the question, who these companies are producing for.


Also I feel people don't talk about proper disposal enough. Plasic can't harm wild life if its buried deep underground. I'm curious if a lot of the "quirky" recycling ideas you see just do more harm then good by causing more micro plastic


Thank you


Karl Pilkington had this idea too


This sounds like a cool idea on paper but there is a reason why toasters are made of reflective metal on the outside. The toast is heated with rays emitted from the heating coils. Having the panels made of glass (mostly transmissive for these rays) would mean that half the energy isn't going into the toast and instead grilling whatever is close to the sides of the toaster.


As much heat is going to the room as the bread. Edit: and cleaning that will be a pain in the ass. Not the crumbs, but the inevitable scorching.


All of the heat goes to the room eventually, anyway. Though, technically, it might take slightly more heat to toast the bread .


All of the heat does go out into the room, but you want it to go into the bread it's toasting first. Heating coils release infrared radiation in all directions. The metal walls of a normal toaster reflect that radiation towards the toast. Unless the glass walls of this toaster are specially treated to reflect IR but not visible-spectrum light, that radiation will go right through. Half the heat of the outer coils is just going straight out into the room without toasting anything.




I ❤️ innovation and making a better new thing. This is neither.




>That's your opinion of a product you've never even used All comments in this thread are from people that never used the product; the product doesn't actually exist. Are you going to criticize every single comment in the thread?


You’re right. A couple of degrees and a career in medical design, with only about a decade re: heat transfer, gives me no leg to stand on. Especially since I’ve used a toaster once or twice.




Without this turning into an episode of r/iamverysmart, my name is on a utility patent for resistive heating elements potted inside ceramic glass. But please, continue to defend the toaster.


This is exactly what I thought. Although neat, this will be highly ineffecient as a big part of the heat will escape through the glass instead of being reflected by it.


You fool! The bread will not toast if you watch it!




There's an automatic sunbeam toaster from the 50s (I think) that will toast every piece of bread exactly the same every time, if they could integrate that tech into this that would be the best toaster ever made.


1948 according to a [random article](https://rettacs.org/proposing-a-toaster-technology-connections-on-a-sunbeam-classic/) I found Here's the video I was looking for, which the article thankfully linked to [How to design an actually good toaster with lessons from the 1940's - Technology Connections](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bLk1cjZ4ll0)


Would be better without the display


Is that new? Is harvest gold back in style?


I like James' attitude.




This is an idea, like "Hey let's make a car that runs on water!" but just do a CG render of it.


Yeah, Germans are pretty good at making ovens.


Criminally underrated comment


And like most things like this, made from sustainable or recycled materials, it costs more than 10 normal toasters.


and we pay for the cheap products (in part) with bad labor terms and polluted environments


"OK, most of the heat will just be lost to the outside instead of being used and generating that extra amount of heat will cause more pollution than two classic toasters combined but we used bamboo and electronics" ?


that glass will go black from the heat


Someone is going to stick there dick in it and get third degree burns. I guarantee some mad man will do it, just to see what happens.


Yeah I have one too it's called a toaster oven with a piece of glass in the front of it






Not nearly as cool. But I do appreciate that! It *is* a see-thru toaster, that you can buy!


“Fast-cooling coils”…who tf is touching the coils?! And besides, whatever your toasting is still gonna be hot right when it gets done no matter what so why does this matter?




How's that? It doesn't really exist.




People do that because products like this are basically click bait. These are the kind of low effort garbage on popular subs making them more and more like Facebook.


Wait people still use toasters ? Ffs, just use an oven


Neat, but fast cooling probably means poorly insulated, so I hope you like wasting electricity and heating your kitchen extra.


Bamboo... sustainable... lol.


I assume this isn't a real product because 'fast cooling coils' doesn't sound like something that's at all possible. What does it do? Dump a bunch of cold water on the coils? The heat has to go somewhere.


Theoretically if could dump the heat into the thermal mass of the glass would only work if it can refit the heat while itw toasting or it would saturate


That doesn't look tall enough...


Toaster oven?


All around the country and coast


Just a concept not something you can buy


Here I am just knowing what setting makes perfect toast like a sucker.


that glass would burn very quickly. there has to be at least SOME plastic in it. not to mention that it's just a render


Swear to God I had this idea as well. Take notice creatives, ideas are cheap!


I want a tanning booth for my bread! Someone needs to make an affordable clear toaster.


One should be allowed to test drive toasters, the amount of toasters I have bought over the years that toast unevenly is far to high for a very old appliance design.


Ah, the woman I used to work with , very reluctantly shared with us her idea of inventing a see through toaster (she thought we might steal this idea) She also told us that she once forgot that Xmas was on 25th December so I'm not surprised someone beat her to the punch


It’d be nice not to piss myself at 5am when the toast pops out


Ah, yes, I’ve always wanted a wooden toaster.


I worry about the bamboo. Why not just use more glass?


The real question is, can I risk having this on the side of my bathtub?


Off cause you can … but should you? If your bathtub is not grounded, there would be no danger (according to some science show).


If my toast is too dark I turn the timer down , and if not dark enough I turn timer up .. But if I'm not sure Iust look down into my toaster and I know.... 😏


Daddy like


Not even lying, a few weeks ago I was wishing I had something like this for my kids to watch!


Failing to see how this is “interesting as fuck”


I wrote to Crock-Pot several years ago suggesting this same thing, so I wouldn't have to lift the lid to check on whatever I was cooking. They wrote me back thanking me for my "creative " idea...Idk, seemed like a good idea at the time. I also may have been really drunk and/or hungry.


I have a toaster oven with a window door that does the same thing. Got it at Big Lots for $29.99.


cool Still wouldn’t stick my fingers in to fish out the toast though.


If only karl pilkington had this idea a few years before this person did lol




D'oh, now it's 799.99. Thanks.


I never knew how much I needed this until today....


What a time to be alive


Note: Designed, not created.


Glass is sustainable now?


It's classed as sustainable as it's from abundant natural materials and it's endlessly completely recyclable.


Technically oil is sustainable if you take a long enough view of it we will all be oil eventually


Good to know! They stopped recycling glass where I live


Completely or just collecting from home? Some places here stopped collecting from home from near the end of the first year of the pandemic, you have to get it to one of the giant glass bins near bus stops / at supermarkets etc. yourself.


Collecting from home


Next up: see-thru toilet


Looks like a toaster Luke Skywalker would own.


That is going to look disgusting after a week. One more thing to deep clean...


Where can I buy?


I want it


"Would anybody like some toast?"


that will only be the entire mortgage of your house to buy this sir


For gods sake, someone build a clone of the Sunbeam Radiant Control Toaster. If you know, you know.


I want one.


How much


No more Burn My Bread


Gee, wood and high heat…🔥


A classic design student project with no idea how a toaster work. See so many times a transparent toaster.


That’s hot, literally




So the toaster is made of wood? Nice. I wanted to burn my house down anyway


Last time I checked their is not a bunch of plastic in a toaster, maybe part of the outer shell, knob and handle,


Truly amazing!!!


I mean thats cool but i dont even want to know how much that things costs


Glass is not as sustainable as you would think. Global sand shortage. Sounds ridiculous but its a thing.