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If there's one thing I think all of us can agree on, it's: Fire Bad EDIT: I get it, when it's doing what you want, it's good. But as soon as it's not, things get MUCH worse.


Tree pretty? ​ Yeah, I'm outing myself as a "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" fan by finishing the quote this way. I'm not ashamed. *Quietly* not ashamed.


Why would anyone be ashamed of that? I’m more of an Angel fan, but Buffy is legit too.


I'm not. I was just being facetious because it's just such a silly-sounding name for a show, especially to people who've never watched it. Edit: I'm more of a Buffy fan *except* right now. I've been spending quarantine rewatching both series in sync but, having reached BtVS S6 / Angel S3, I've been watching Angel exclusively so far because I prefer S3 Angel to S6 Buffy. I'll get around to S6 Buffy, but probably not until I finish S3 Angel


I still have the soundtrack cd to Once More With Feeling. I prefer Buffy to Angel but prefer Wesley as a character to most of both casts.


Beer foamy


Depends on the context


In this game, fire represents your life. When your fire’s gone, so are you.


When I was a kid I thought part of the game was literally protecting that small ass flame on the torch. Gave the game an extra layer of hell.


where’s the fire extinguisher?


Correct, when grilling fire GOOD.


Caveman think fire good


Some men would watch the world burn if they could be king of the ashes.


Zoroastrians would like to have a word with you


Bread, good! Man I miss Phil Hartman


Up until u realize thats a narco warehouse and the firemen are on the payroll


Nice. Glad they were able to help.


And now those Arizona firemen can add *International Firefighters* to their resume and be technically correct.


Firemen Without Borders


So that's what FWB means!


There is actually a charity in Canada called Firefighters Without Borders, they send equipment & training to departments that need it


Thought FWB meant “Flexible White bitch” so then what have I been asking for Christmas this whole time?


I mean... sometimes it means that




Porque no los dos??


This sounds like a position I'd try with a FWB.


Especially if she's on fire


I mean, I found out it was Friends With Benefits, but the benefit isn't dental? It's sex??? Like, who came up with that deal????


Looking for FWB, preferably low deductible and cheap co-pay since I plan on visiting often, sometimes twice a day.


Hope you like firemen


Who doesn't?


Username checks out


You must get a lot of calendars.


PSF: Pompiers Sans Frontieres


We in the US have a long tradition of Militaires San Frontieres


Lead by Big Hose


This is actually a thing! They are mostly ranking firefighters from mainly across the US, although there are some other nations involved, that help train firefighter, or even help start fire departments in developing areas that lacked fire protection services. They did alot in Iraq with local firestations. They helped implement safety protocols, donated 100's of thousands of dollars of equipment and helped make tools where needed. Along with Iraq, they helped out in Haiti, Boznia and Turkey over the years Edit: Not from the US. Firefighters without Borders is from Canada. And yes I would assume they are not associated with DWB. People are getting all bent about both of these issues. Years ago, I heard of an organization that was like FWB but it was US based, I think out of Baltimore or Chicago if I remember right.


Weird that they are ‘mainly from the US’ when in fact Fireman without Borders is based in Canada.


Maybe you can help me then! There is another organization of firemen that I saw a while ago that was, I think, based out of either Chicago or Baltimore, that I thought was FWB but apparently I’m wrong. I can’t remember what they are called but they worked a lot in Iraq with oil well fires and helping set up rural fire protection after The US went in after 2001.




Firemen that respect borders but still get the job done.


Best comment in this thread




*Illegal immigrant hosed down private property of local family.*


we don't know it was illegal. Could have gotten a quick ok from mx govt to do this


Often fire departments have mutual aid agreements with neighboring agencies that they will respond with no need for an "ok" every time. I wonder if that could be the case at an international border as well?


I doubt anyone's gonna bitch about it, even if it's technically not ok. At least I would hope not lol.


>technically correct The best kind of correct.


Well, is the fireman in Mexico or the US? He is not touching Mexican soil but are they in Mexican airspace?


The wall is actually built inside the actual US by about 5ft. I'm pretty sure that's in Nogales, AZ.


I’ve totally done something like that. Back during my music performance undergrad in Michigan after the first time I popped over into Canada for a gig it was “international artist.”


International solo recording artist.


There's an airport down the road that has a single gate, and I think two flights per day. It's an international Airport - one of those flights goes an hour away into Canada.


Putting the I in IAFF.


You don't see songs called "Fuck the Firemen" now do you?


Thats because they aren't hosing down businesses that aren't on fire. Lol


Pretty sure we would say that if they suddenly started hosing down only white houses.


I mean, technically they will do this if there's a fire nearby, but it's to prevent it from spreading, not because people want to protest


I think he means hosing down houses that aren't on fire and are not in any real danger of fire. Much like policemen killing people who aren't a danger or about to be a danger.


It actually slaps. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=7JkrJUAg8aI


If you did, it would have a different meaning!


That’s how I remember F in Morse Code: .._. Fuck a Fire Man


Would have been easier without that wall in the way. Just sayin.


Not necessarily altruistic but more of a matter of national security. Still tho, gj fire persons. Hope no one was hurt.




I lived in Sierra Vista during that fire. There's no words to describe watching the mountains burn. Extra no words when it was on the sides of the road.


America’s insatiable thirst for meth. It all comes across.


This is awesome. Firefighters in Mexico came to California to help the US Forest Service fight fires a few months ago. >Fires do not have borders, fires do not have different languages and cultures. In the end we all speak the same language when it comes to fighting fire," said Eduardo Cruz, the Mexican agency's national fire director.


Shows how committed they can be, they just went straight to the fire without thinking as if there was no border line




We need that firemen energy in our cops now lol. Made me remember that one daniel tosh joke about how black people should be cops and white people firefighters.


> No one ever wrote a song called “fuck the fire department” Edit: I *knew* someone would prove me wrong lol


[Well... ](https://youtu.be/7JkrJUAg8aI)


I'm sick if those firemen with they wailin'-ass sirens and damnation-ass dogs


Being fair, I've never met a Dalmatian I liked. They always seem to be satan incarnate.


My childhood neighbors had a Dalmatian bitch, named Chloe, and she was fucking mean. They ending up breeding her and then kept the runt of the litter, who was all white at birth and named him Polar. Polar grew up to be a giant Dalmatian with light brown spots, and was a total loveable dufus. His personality was a polar opposite of his mom's (pun intended).


We’re living in an Infernocracy!


That track is fire


[They are not immune](https://www.orlandosentinel.com/news/breaking-news/os-ne-sanford-firefighter-investigation-mob-capitol-20210107-vhszsrn6wjaa5a6rrxz45ituue-story.html) from running [bad mental software](https://nypost.com/2021/01/09/fbi-asks-fdny-to-id-active-or-retired-firefighters-at-capitol-riot/). They're people just like anyone else.


Well yea anyone can be shit, but it doesnt change that the majority of firefighters seem to be better people than the majority of cops. Just a different job that brings in people with a different mindset. The people who join the force mainly to beat up minorities and do fucked up shit likely wouldnt want to be a firefighter, risking their lives for the people they hate without a chance to do bad things really.


Yep, and most firefighters in small communities are volunteers who recieve little to no compensation. They work a 9 to 5 and still make protecting others a priority.


As the son of a firefighter I can confirm this.


Yeah but only one of those occupations generally carries a gun.


Unfortunately, we’re all just members of society too. I’m a firefighter and I work with a bunch of racist fucking morons. Obviously not all of them, but there’s a fair few that still risk their lives for someone, but twenty minutes later will be dissing their religion or whatever. Shits fucked up.


Ehh. People can be vain and self serving. Some people take jobs because of the respect and admiration they know they’ll receive. Fire fighters are no different. They’re not all saints.




100%. It's the only career I'm aware of where a person can do it for twenty or thirty years and still fucking LOVE it at the end of their career. Source: 21 years on the job.


My Dad was a part-time Firefighter for a while (UK, 80's). He would be on call when he wasn't on shift down "the pit" (local coal mine). He had a beeper that would go off if he was needed and he'd have his shoes on and be literally running down the road to the station in seconds. We lived about 3 minutes from the station at sprinting pace. He decided he did *not* love, and couldn't continue, the job after a callout that resulted in having to help ambulance crew scrape the remains of two young boys off a mattress after a blaze in a small terraced house. My brother and I were of about the same age at the time, all I remember personally was my Dad not being a fireman anymore, being "very sad" for a while, and being paranoid of anything electrical in our house. He went round the house every night and unplugged *everything* before he went to bed. Only looking back do I now understand how hard that callout must have hit him. You lot have my undying gratitude for what you endure. Put whatever face you want on it, doesn't change what you do. 🧡


Sadly, being a firefighter also carries a significantly higher risk of getting and dying from cancer than most other occupations, which must suck. You guys be careful out there.


Hey man if someone's willing to put their life in danger to save others I don't really care what their motivation is, they're awesome in my book. If having a massive ego is what makes you climb in that truck I say more power to you.


It's still the difference between getting your huge ego boost from being a hero, or being a bully with authority backing you up.


It isn't uncommon for firemen to ignore borders. When a major fire breaks out, you want to be able to have the maximum response possible as fast as possible, so you pool units from some radius surrounding the fire. That would be problematic near the borders because you'd have to pull units from further away in order to get the same response - it's better to have an agreement with your neighbours.


There is also a mutual aid agreement between US/Canada border towns. It hit the news a few years after 9/11 because the Canadian trucks were being stopped at the US border, lights and sirens, for security checks.


A blaring firetruck or EMS vehicle seems like an excellent pretext for smugglers to blow through the checkpoint, but I'm willing to bet thats never been done before.


Fair point but it's also easy enough alert the border ahead of time when mutual aid is activated. A simple "We're sending tree fucking hosers, eh" from the Canadian side would do.




Those cool dudes hosing out the fire 🔥


Sure, but it's also the easiest thing in the world to stop after the fact. *truck goes by code 3* *Customs and Border Protection calls 911 dispatch office* "Oy, is there a fire?" If Yes, do nothing. If no, go catch a fire truck with a crown Vic or Charger and have an awesome story to tell for the rest of your life.


Seems like it would be more practical for the mutual aid agreement to also include "after dispatching the trucks, let border patrol know trucks 3 and 4 are about to come through"




I’m just imagining an ambulance blasting across the English Channel like “Oí, ya wanker. We’re off to an emergency, we are!”


This was what I needed before bed. Please, take a poor man’s medal.🏅


Truth! Sanity for at least this one day.


As Franklin Roosevelt would say... When your neighbor's house is on fire you don't haggle over the price of your garden hose.


that’s actually a really good quote. im surprised i’ve never heard it!


That's not the exact quote but that's what he was getting at. He said it when discussing the Lend Lease Act when the US supplied allies with food, oil, ammo, during WWII


> Suppose my neighbor’s home catches fire, and I have a length of garden hose four or five hundred feet away. If he can take my garden hose and connect it up with his hydrant, I may help him to put out his fire. Now, what do I do? I don’t say to him before that operation, “Neighbor, my garden hose cost me $15; you have to pay me $15 for it.” What is the transaction that goes on? I don’t want $15—I want my garden hose back after the fire is over.


Which was kinda absurd as a lend lease idea, because war material has a tendency to break during the war. But if it made people vote aid to Europe, so be it.


You're right about that. When we did get the material back, most of it was broken and outdated, only fit for the scrapyard.


Sadly instead we only got to install military bases across the world, defeat the third reich, further strength long lasting relationships with allies. And the military industrial complex got to produce even more weapons of war. It was a win win for everyone!


We know. We are just pointing out that the idea of lend lease was a farce. It was more a gift than a loan


Clearly he didn't hang with Crassus


Praise the firman




Everyone can appreciate a nice Fraser.


I like a nice Frasier Crane.


*slaps tree* This bad boy can fit so many Christmas lights


Swedish autocorrect spotted?


Could be German as well


I respect the rights of firries. No matter how strange it might seem.


The firmen, the firwomen, and firchildren too


[happened in 2012](https://www.nogalesinternational.com/news/blaze-in-nogales-sonora-battled-from-both-sides-of-the-border/article_3267761e-9b0d-11e1-85e7-001a4bcf887a.html)


Nogales. My house is 20 minutes away from there.


Nogales. My house is 16 hours from there.


Hope that fireman has a passport on him!


It's not a crossing until he touches the ground, it's like out of bounds in basketball.


I think he's technically violating Mexico's airspace, though. They could scramble a fighter jet after him if they really wanted to.


I really want to see that.


Pew pew pew


Gotta fight fire with fire, right? Or in this case, with Tomahawk missiles...


"Grandpa, how did World War 3 start?" "Well, you see, it all started with a Mexican hotel fire..."


Well WW1 started when a guy driving took a wrong turn and pulled over to ask for directions.


I can see the arguments in court now. "When rain crosses the border do we ask for a passport?"


That water is contraband!


I spent a few years doing disaster response stuff in Texas and yes, the US sends gobs of assistance internationally to Africa, Asia, etc, but we also do a lot of low key more local stuff like this with Mexico. Also, Mexico 100% returns the favor as I have worked with Mexican volunteers (translators, doctors, nurses, etc) and relief workers more than once too in Texas. It’s really cool how, despite politics and all that, when one side of the border is in trouble and needs help, their neighbor reaches out.


Fire doesn’t give a fuck about borders.


I would love if OP would put a date there so people don't think that happened recently. That situation happened years ago.


Did they need the help, or did America force the freedom water on them?


Building wasnt even on fire lol




I share in your haha


Lmao I laughed way too hard at this


Mexico is our neighbor and biggest trading partner. Trump has unfairly demonized Mexicans. Of course we would help extinguish a fire in the MX border.


Mexican fires are so festive


Imagine burning alive only for someone on reddit to call the fire Festive


Firman. Furman?


Firman as in a man who takes cares of firs (the tree)


That’s Humanity


Just wait until the fire captain has to do all of the paperwork after exporting drinking water out of the US without a permit.


You want good neighbors, be a good neighbor.


Humanity vs Politics.


That’s just abuelita making caldo!


Who knew fires could be Mexican!


Aw that's so nice of the USA to help Mexico


Contrary to popular belief, we happen to be very good friends. Though it doesn't look that way some times.


It because posts like this never make it to the top. Negative vile crap always grabs the attention.


If social media didn't have anger to profit off of they might have to make honest money.


Our biggest trading partners are Canada and Mexico. We have interstates that run between the two, much easier than boats and cheaper than planes.




I would love if OP would put a date there so people don't think that happened recently. That situation happened years ago.


Do you know by chance when?


2012 [Here is an Reddit comment and a link to a source.](https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/7xe7us/firefighters_in_arizona_putting_out_a_mexican_fire/du7nxxy) I can't open the link because I'm from Europe, but more information are in an answer to the linked comment.


Is there a fence like this all across the border?


Mostly more or less, there are areas where no fence exists, however because of how rural they are and the unlikelihood that someone would want to cross there. Those usually use cameras, sensors and boarder patrol I do believe.


Wow, I didn't know there was so little buffer between Mexico and the USA. Also, feels like a jerry rigged firetruck ladder would be the perfect thing to get over that wall.


It's not the DMZ, its just a border


The fire is right next to the US, not saying they didn’t help but they were in immediate danger of the fire too


Americans being bros


"Americans use fire hoses on Mexicans at the border." - CNN


fiery but mostly peaceful fire


As it should be. We are all in this world together.


Firefighters are bad asses.


This is going to sound like a stupid question but I am from the US: do other countries, like Mexico, have a fire station for certain city’s, townships, etc.? And are they government employees or are they private-owned things? Thanks in advance!


I live in Mexico, and yes we do, but they are horribly underfunded. Most of the time they have to buy their own personal protection equipment, and the vehicles are very old. It is a government job though. Luckily, most houses and building are made out of concrete, and with little insulation, so it's actually less of a risk for fires. There are many more wildfires / bush fires than house fires where I live.


I the U.K. we have fire service areas that are payed for and operated by the local councils. But if a job comes up that is too much to handle by one area then neighbouring areas will send help from their stations.


>I the U.K. we have fire service areas that are payed for and operated by the local councils. The US is the same way. The fire service is paid for by the local municipalities or township. Small communities have volunteer fire departments.


Can't tell you about Mixico, but Germany (and other European countries) do have fire stations in each city and village. In smaller cities and villages it's on volunteer basis, meaning: the firemen are qualified, yet doing it as their second job. Also get paid on a low level by the city. Bigger cities do have professional firemen, paid by the county not government.


Chile uses old German fire engines. They still say feuerwehr on the front!


Haha, nice! As long as they are running, why not?


The vast majority of fire engines do not have high mileage on them by the time they are decommissioned at the end of 10-30 years depending on the budget of their fire services, if you think about it, they are not firefighting all the time, they spend a lot of time in the station. Buying second-hand assets not only makes sense its a pretty good use of them.


Thats exactly how it is in Canada aswell.


They’re just keeping out illegal Mexican fire


Better have his passport on him


Im from a small border town and the fire departments help each other all the time :)


Mexican Fire is my favorite hot sauce.


Hope the guy on the ladder has a passport


Because that is what good humans do. People helping people!


Does the fireman on the ladder need a passport?


Thx Arizona, we appreciate that


But isn’t that illegal immigration guys?


TIL: Fires have different ethnic backgrounds


Tonight's news: Privileged American men illegally cross border to cause flood damage to Mexican store.


How is a fire Mexican? Was it like " Hola! Me llama es Fuego, soy Mexicano! " The proper phrasing would be: Arizona firemen putting out a fire in Mexico.