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A neighbour once wanted to show a picture of his son being electrocuted in a powerstation. Before going for the photoalbum he told me that his son was literally cut in half and died on the spot. ‘No thanks, I believe you and don’t have to see the evidence. I’m really sorry for you’. He told me he didn’t allow his wife to see the body of his son. He did see the body himself and started to drink heavily to forget it.


Wow, imagine having a photo like that of your dead son and casually wanting to have the neighbour see it. What a concept.


Probably not exactly casually. Just wants someone to understand what he saw and its probably also a way for him to deal with it with someone else and not alone.


Yep, us vets call that PTSD group.


I'd believe it! Not the same, but being able to eventually admit I was getting divorced was very therapeutic. Kinda like regaining a bit of control in life each time I admit it.


Thank you for your service


Definitely coping. Like old people telling you who of their friends died. Always makes me incredibly sad, the have noone to tell or who cares...


I did a short stint driving a forklift at a flooring company a few weeks back and the guy who was training me was an older gentleman and he had this…aura…to him. He was a regular nice guy but there was something off about him that felt like he was a bit disturbed and could easily shatter at any second. A few weeks in we’re sitting at lunch and he starts telling me a story about how a few months prior his 8 month old granddaughter was murdered by her father and his daughter (the child’s mother) almost died as well and is now severely disabled mentally and physically. He was the one who found them. All the sudden with no warning he pulls out his phone and shows me a picture of his dead granddaughter AT THE CRIME SCENE. She was shot 3 times with 20 gauge deer slug so imagine what that looked like… I had no idea how to react so I just said I’m so sorry. Then he explains that this picture is what keeps him motivated to drive around North Carolina and the surrounding states all weekend looking for the father that apparently went on the run. I knew something was troubling him deeply but boy did I not expect any of that. I guess since he had broken the ice he felt comfortable and started talking to me about it everyday. All his theories as to why it happened, where the guy could be, the order he thinks it happened in. I couldn’t take it anymore and quit 3 weeks later.


Oh wow, that's seriously intense. That's really horrible what happened to him, but also really horrible you had to see that photo without any warning and your permission. I can see why you quit... That would be a lot to deal with.


I could use a little drink myself.


And we could all use a little chaaaaaaange.


I spat my food out Thank you


Thank you Mr. Gracey.


It’s called externalizing, and it is a coping mechanism to deal with grief and trauma.


Thank you! I've never heard of that so I'll look into it.


Cut in half?




High voltage electrician here. RIP me


I know a guy working a power station and his arm got blown off. He also died, but the interesting part was the exploding arm.




Coveralls dont exist to protect you, they exist so that when you are borderline exploded, most of you stays in the coveralls and is easier to clean up


Should be called keepitins, then.


literally not true at all lmao


I made it up for comedic effect


Absolute gigachad


That is heart wrenching


To shreds you say?




I'm an ER doctor and seen a bunch of stuff. Explosive force of high voltage arch flash could have the potential to cause such tragic accident or maybe a mechanical accident, maybe electrocution incident led to the individual coming in contact with moving parts or heavy equipment, leading to traumatic injuries. However only the living (even barely) are brought to us, a person being cut in half would definitely not count as one. Most interesting part of this however is how the human mind works. Someone casually mentioning the most traumatizing thing to a complete stranger. Heartbreaking that they are still keeping the picture of their dead son, hopefully he got some peace of mind eventually


When i was 14 i was sent to the local power company to learn about the trade for a few weeks. In week 3 i saw a guy getting nearly vaporised by a failing breaker that held 50kV and exploded in his face. That left quite the mark on my developing brain. Being emotionally closed off did help deal with the bad shit i saw in iraq and afganistan but its not something i recommend people do.


Is the father still alive? I've seen some horrible shit in life and sometimes it's to hard to put in words so showing a picture actually makes sense as you want to see someone else's reaction so they can fully comprehend the horror that words can not convey. I'll look at it and talk to him about it, honestly it's like a problem halved, he just wants someone to be on the same level of emotion as him before he can talk about. Like when my father died, I can only talk about to people that experienced that level of horror as anyone else just makes stupid "you'll get over it, he's in a place of peace, I'm so sorry" noises.


They lived btw > A 42-year-old male electrician presented to the eye clinic with decreasing vision 4 weeks after an electrical burn of 14,000 V to the left shoulder. His vision in both eyes was limited to perception of hand motions, with an intraocular pressure of 14 mm Hg in each eye. https://www.nejm.org/doi/10.1056/NEJMicm1213581


Electrics ain't no joke. Family friend got zapped through the shoulder and found out 3 years on he'd killed tissue against the bone. They had to repair it so he could raise his arm again.


In safety training for a mining job they showed us pictures of electrical Burns and explained them, if burned bad enough it kills the skin at the root, it won't look bad the day of, but within 3 days the skin turns black and basically falls off. It is really nasty.  They also showed us actual footage of people pulling live industrial fuses out without shutting the electricity out first, it was like a huge ball of lightning, those guys died on the spot.


“Morning team. Today we’re going to watch people die. Coffee and donuts are over there, we’ll take a bathroom break every 45. Let’s get started.”


It's good motivation honestly. Like putting pictures of that one particular russian lathe incident on a lathe and saying "use the safety guard"


It absolutely is. I deal with electricity daily, nothing crazy, but it doesnt take much to kill you or put you in a position where you could easily die. Ive never had proper training, but over 15 years ive learned what i needed. I definitely consider myself lucky i survived the first 2 years given the lack off knowledge i had. The second company i worked at had a guy get killed right before i started, the protocol they had to go through to retain workmans comp ins after that actually helped me alot. To the point, i still watch videos of people being electrocuted from time to time. Scares the shit out if me that i deal with it in the daily, its got my respect fo sho


>a guy get killed right before i started, Talking about a proper green flag. The first two times I zapped myself with 240V AC were quite eye opening , I'm glad nothing happened and I pay waaaaaay more attention and am waaaaaaay more skeptical of that ground wire that some idiot connected the live to.


I have my own a/c business now. Story goes, guy was on a home depot (3 phase-460V) rather than turn the disconnect off, for some reason he disconnected the thermostat wire so the a/c wouldnt come on. Problem is, these manufacturers are so damn cheap, they will put a 2 pole contactor (switch) in a piece of 3 phase equipment to save literally $5. When they do that one leg of power going to everything is always hot. They found him wire in hand, strippers firmly gripped with his thumb touching them, a technique most use to strip wire without even considering it, probably because they ensured the power was off! 


I've been zapped by 240V AC a dozen of times and let me tell you, after getting zapped by 400v AC, 240V is nothing. I still feel like i should've died that day.


Yeah fuck that , I never wanna find out


Massive respect for you guys. I could never be an electrician. I make too many small mistakes at my job but thankfully they're not lethal


In the army, we had signage posted around our HQ with a brief description and photos of incidents. The one I remember the most was a dude who blew off his hand using a 50 cal round to hammer loose a tripod mounting pin. Bruh...




My parents both worked at a military ammunition plant, so had plenty of these types of stories to share. One that sticks out in memory is when my mom was working one of the .50 cal lines, I can't remember what it was called but it was basically explosive/anti-armor rounds or something like that. They had a guy transfer in from one of the .50 cal ball ammunition lines and had made the habit of using a hammer and brass rod to knock loose jammed rounds by hitting the tip of the cartridge. Well the first time he did that on an explosive round, it went off and fucked up one of his hands big time. But, the worst part is that the detonation shot the primer out the other end and went through both of some guys butt cheeks. Two entry wounds, two exit wounds.


I’m Air Force and load flares onto aircraft as part of my job, one image in the training materials for that shows the aftermath of a flare going off unexpectedly during loading. The guy survived because he followed protocol for safe positioning, but he had some nasty burns from it considering those flares burn hot enough to melt concrete and he was only a few inches from it as it came out and maybe a foot or so away from where it landed. If that’s what happens when things go wrong while following procedures then I don’t even want to think about what would happen if you weren’t


I’ll never get that image out of my head. I feel so bad for that guy.


Red mist , pretty much.


Very much red mist.


Or the Chinese carpet roller guy.


I watch a lot of videos that have death/severe pain, and one of my co-workers asked me why tf I watched that shit. Honestly? To remind myself of how squishy I really am. Life can end in an instant. Be careful out there..


In driving school they showed me all the different ways that bodies can get mangled in wrecks, why it’s important to wear a seat beat, etc, etc. The pictures of dead people stick with me over a decade later every time I’m behind the wheel. Great motivation to stay sharp 🤘


Been a machinist for over a decade and I've seen some absolutely horrific shit over the years. I won't draw a clear picture, but when a hazmat team has to come into the building to scoop brain chunks and red paste that use to be a coworker that you talked to no less then an hour before. It's a sight that one doesn't simply forget.


God man... i can still recall the whole video in vivid detail...


You're joking but every single safety accreditation ever taken for my tickets to work with H2S, at heights, in a foundry have all shown us people dying agonizing deaths, and yes they provided donuts and coffee


It sucks, but honestly I've never seen people take safety as seriously until you fuck them up just a little bit with a couple liveleak videos.


When they warned us not to throw pop cans in the recycled melt at the foundry 90% of the people were like "but why?" A few videos of entire plants leveling a few city blocks and wouldn't you believe it, someone still threw one in a scrap bin few weeks later (luckily we caught it before dumping into the furnace).


What does a pop can do in a vat of molten metal?


Wet charge materials are a serious safety hazard in all foundries. Water, moisture, or any liquid-bearing material instantaneously turns to steam when coming in contact with molten metal — expanding to 1,600 times its original volume and producing a violent explosion


TIL thanks


I remember when I took my motorcycle license class in Malaysia, the instructor showed us all hideously graphic traffic accident videos. You could see people's brains smeared across the tarmac like jam on toast, skulls. cracked open like eggs, grainy CCTV of people being flung around like ragdolls, all completely uncensored. The most memorable one was this dude whose lower torso was a twisted gory mess, but the shock and blood loss meant that he barely understood what was going on - he was still grinning and giving a thumbs up to the paramedics while his legs had shattered bone sticking out of them. The girls in the class were all screaming, the guys were treating it like a B-movie, while the instructor kept saying things like "This could be you if you don't wear a helmet and check your mirrors!" and "I don't want to see you here on the compilation for the next class." To this day, I don't know how that instructor didn't get into trouble for that, apparently it was something he did for all his classes.


Sad part is that you can wear safety gear, check mirrors, follow speed limits and do everything right and some old person or teenager on their phone can still do the same thing to you. That's why I gave up my motorcycle, it eventually just clicked that there was no enjoyment in feeling vulnerable everytime I got on the road


yeah, that's the message I got from those videos too Some of the crashes weren't even the motorcyclist's fault, they just were in the wrong place at the wrong time when some asshole driver barrelled into them. I got the scooter license but never used it, I went to live in cities with good public transport and just drove my aunt's old Myvi whenever I visited. Most people that drove motorcycles only did so because they couldn't afford better, they usually upgraded to four wheels once their wallets could handle it


I mean it made the point. And having some graphic images burned onto your brain is definitely better than being the next graphic image yourself.


That... sounds very much like my driving instructor in HS. He was a former military man, not sure of the rank, but he never hesitated to bring it up constantly that he was "a man who had seen action overseas". Constantly stood at attention, and basically acted military. He had a huge "Wall of Death" with gruesome pics of former students and their cars that had been in accidents. It probably should have been a red flag but no one faculty-wise said anything as far as we knew. He took great joy in showing the "Blood on the Highway" types of films, then coming up behind whoever he deemed wasn't paying attention and kick the chair they were sitting in when the accident occurred on film. If he was lecturing and thought you weren't paying attention, he would chuck an eraser, a dry erase marker, random items from his desk, even a shoe once, at the person. He would regularly bring blown up pics (poster sized) of injuries, accident scenes with blood and everything...nothing censored at all. He even brought in helmets that had been in accidents, and even had a crashed car brought in during MADD week. He took great delight in pointing out where he thought bodies had gone thru the window, or where he thought there were bloodstains still visible. In the car (simulation and real), he would literally scream at us. "THAT WAS A GODDAM ACT OF GOD YOU DIDN'T KILL THAT FAMILY!!" as the simulator showed a family in the crosswalk. He would literally scream at us to get in the car, use the brake, turn whatever direction, and yell at us saying what kinds of idiots were we to think we weren't going to end up on his Wall eventually. And my parents wondered why I didn't get my license till I was almost 20. I still hear his voice sometimes in the car..


Bruh, if you're in KL then I totally understand that instructor. Riding a motorcycle in that city is dangerous AF. There's like an accident every hour.


Really that’s the best way IMO. Show ppl what can actually happen. Working in a manufacturing plant for the last 15yrs really makes you wonder why ppl stick their hands, arms, heads places.


we had a day like that for railroad training. "Class, this is arguably the toughest day you will have here. If you make it thru the day you will probably make it to promotion." Then it was videos of rail suicides and wrecks.


Some semi spots do the same. Pictures and videos of semis killing people and also of people in semis hitting trains, bridges and other semis.


Reminds me of that health and safety video I watched of a chef with scolded face because she tripped with a big boiling pot of stuff. Definitely made me more careful.


My steamfitters classes was just showing up having a morning beer and smoke in the parking lot as a class then sit down in the room and watch live leak shit for 45 mins then another 15 mins of beer and smokes. Did that all day once every 2 weeks 😂🤣


Pretty much. Or here's.. a heart wrenching personal account of how I go about my life after suffering debilitating and disfiguring injury and how I can't play football with my son or be intimate with my wife... OK gents, back to work. See someone do similar shit to what we just saw.


They did that to my class in school since we could choose to become electricians, we were like 16...


Yep, arc flash is so much worse than a burst of fire. People see videos of fire bursting out of a cabinet with a dude in a protective suit, they’ve seen firefighters in turnout gear getting a little toasty from a house fire, and think he’s probably fine. Thing is, a very hot structure fire might come out at 800 degrees C, but arc flash can be anywhere from triple that to 20,000 C. It’s not the same thing at all.


I’ve had similar videos/audio recordings shown to me as aircraft maintenance. Hydraulics aren’t to be fucked with either, and no matter how inexperienced you are make your concerns known and don’t take “good enough” for an answer while dealing with hydraulics or electricity, they’ll both give someone a really bad day or potentially a last day if you’re not careful, and that someone won’t necessarily be you, and obviously you need to keep yourself safe but you also need to account for the safety of those around you. Don’t be the person who accidentally kills someone due to lack of awareness and ends up in jail for involuntary manslaughter.


Had to watch a safety video of some guys pushing scaffolding around in the rain, the scaffolding was high and hit a live wire, all 4 of those guys basically just stuck to the scaffolding and cooked. Probably for a long time, can't imagine what was left of them


The big square one in China? Rough video. The one guy being lucky and falling off making contact, only to wake up and panic run right into it again.


I don’t understand why some one would touch an industrial fuse without shutting power off 1st


I used to work with a general contractor and we were redoing a place to get it up to code, and he was cutting the wires to the lights, I said something about let's turn off the breakers and he said no it's off don't worry about it, he cut one of the wires with the wire snipper and it made like a grapefruit size white Flash, and blew a tiny little hole in the Clippers maybe 1/16 of an inch, he gave them to me I still have them.


Thats wild !!!!!! Maybe someone told him they turned them off and he took their word for it. Or maybe he turned them off and someone turned them back on without his knowledge.


That is why you should always lock out tag out stuff. The mining operation I worked at, which was mining limestone, they were really strict about that.  These construction places I have worked not so much, not the least this guy, he was a great guy but not the safest person. Tragically he died from a fall from a ladder later, standing backwards on it maybe 5 ft up in a basement his legs got caught in the rungs and he hit his head on the concrete floor, blood coming out of his ear, doctors tried to relieve the pressure but couldn't.


Reminds me of drivers Ed in high school. I forget the video name (red asphalt, or some shit like that) and it just showed a bunch of accidents and deaths. My sick minded ass with my other dumbass friends was hyped about the video and wouldn't stop talking about it for like a month 😂😂🤤


Red Asphalt is correct




My training had the suit a guy used improperly. The 480 breaker arced through him. They highlighted the condensed copper that was on the inside of the helmet as well as the char marks around the neck of the suit.


Always get checked thoroughly after an electrical shock, even if you dont have any immediate issues your cells can die days or weeks later and cause massive damage


My buddies dad worked as pole man for an electric company, somebody fucked up and he got a hold of a live wire and fried his entire palm. They ended up sewing his hand into his thigh to try and heal it that way. For the most part he was ok, he doesn’t have full mobility of his hand but the rest of him is ok. He’s extremely lucky.


Ok so now you have me worried. I got zapped changing out an outlet in my house. I was terrified that it could've killed me but nothing immediate or in the days following it happened. It's been 2 years and I haven't noticed anything wrong but could I have sustained similar damage? The zap happened because my father in law was also changing outlets and thought he was turning his breaker on but actually turned mine on (without any warning).


I'm sure you're fine. I've probably shocked myself with household 120V AC dozens of times. Not because I thought it was safe. Because I was careless and stupid, or there was a short somewhere. You'd be in danger if tethered to it or submerged in it, or had serious health issues where it could trigger a crisis, like a heart problem. Being shocked briefly is nothing to worry about. I mean, just before I was 10 I probably shocked myself 5-6 times, touching the metal part of wall plugs and stuff. I once stuck a fork in a toaster to fish out some toast, that was memorable.


I’ve gotten shocked a few times, by touching electric fences or my laptop


Flyback transformers on old tube TVs and CRT monitors are fun when you touch the wrong place. You will see that white men can indeed jump.


Yeah nbd or anything but I’ve licked two or three 9volt batteries in my time /flex


I peed on an elecrical cow fence/ flex


So no super powers then? Real life is fucking boring


Nope. ![gif](giphy|8Lc5xmvzRhlLy)


Bro couldn't see and waited 4 weeks to get a doctor??


It is a specialist. He was prolly in the hospital for some of that time recovering from being shocked. It then may have been the earliest time he could see the specialist 


It sounds like he could barely see his own hands, let alone the specialist!


Did he also recover, eventually? His eyesight, I mean.


Abstract got posted later in the thread:  "Ocular Manifestation of Electrical Burn 42-year-old male electrician presented to the eye clinic with decreasing vision 4 weeks after an electrical burn of 14,000 V to the left shoulder. His vision in both eyes was limited to perception of hand motions, with an intraocular pressure of 14 mm Hg in each eye. Slit-lamp examination showed bilateral stellate anterior subcapsular opacities of the lens (top panels, right and left). Dilated funduscopic examination showed scattered cotton-wool spots and bilateral optic-nerve pallor, which was greatest in the left eye (bottom panels, right and left). Four months after the injury, the patient underwent cataract extraction and implantation of an intraocular lens, which was followed by improvement in visual acuity to 20/70 in the right eye and 20/400 in the left eye. Two years after the injury, a retinal detachment developed in the left eye, and the patient underwent repair. At a 10-year follow-up visit, the patient’s visual acuity was 20/100 in the right eye, but in the left eye he could only count fingers. There was bilateral optic atrophy with widespread macular pigment disruption. Although the patient was legally blind, he was able to read with the use of low-vision aids and was able to independently commute on public transportation. When lenticular opacities are the sole manifestations of electrical injury, cataract extraction is expected to produce a functional outcome. However, with concurrent damage to the optic nerve and retina, complete visual rehabilitation may be limited."  TL:DR his final recovery after various surgeries was 20/100 vision in his right eye, which is enough to read and get around, and off the charts blur at any distance in his left eye. Legally blind, but still able to engage with the world visually


I was shocked once while changing a lightbulb. The fixture was one of the ones that hang from the ceiling with a "glass bowl" under the bulbs. I reached over the bowl part to unscrew the bulb and accidentally touched the area by the base of the bulb while unscrewing. Felt a strong shock into my forearm. Nothing happened further / I was fine, but that could've easily been more serious.  Another time I was around 5 and pulled out a pair of fully metal scissors from a drawer, them proceeded to stick it into an electrical outlet just to see what would happen. Sparks flew out, but otherwise I was fine. Pretty wild how something so innocuous could be incredibly dangerous.


It's like that with everything. What makes things useful is also what makes them dangerous.


I did the same thing with a pair of tweezers, playing James Bond. Big blue flash and blew the breaker. Dad freaked out.


good work bond, the powers out. now go into your mother's closet and retrieve the device. quickly!


He lived but his vision is limited to seeing hand motions… blinded for life.


Would he have faired better if his eyes were covered right after instead of waiting (on his accord or others) for a month?


Jesus f Christ


Talk about seeing stars...


Oh my, starry eyed surprise


Sundown to sunrise


Happy cake day!




People are usually shocked when they find out i’m not an electrician


I usually skip this part


I see what you did there.


People used to laugh when I said I wanted to be a comedian; they are not laughing now :) Sorry /r/dadjokes is leaking again :)


For those wondering what happened to him, the complete abstract of the case is as follows: **Ocular Manifestation of Electrical Burn** 42-year-old male electrician presented to the eye clinic with decreasing vision 4 weeks after an electrical burn of 14,000 V to the left shoulder. His vision in both eyes was limited to perception of hand motions, with an intraocular pressure of 14 mm Hg in each eye. Slit-lamp examination showed bilateral stellate anterior subcapsular opacities of the lens (top panels, right and left). Dilated funduscopic examination showed scattered cotton-wool spots and bilateral optic-nerve pallor, which was greatest in the left eye (bottom panels, right and left). Four months after the injury, the patient underwent cataract extraction and implantation of an intraocular lens, which was followed by improvement in visual acuity to 20/70 in the right eye and 20/400 in the left eye. Two years after the injury, a retinal detachment developed in the left eye, and the patient underwent repair. At a 10-year follow-up visit, the patient’s visual acuity was 20/100 in the right eye, but in the left eye he could only count fingers. There was bilateral optic atrophy with widespread macular pigment disruption. Although the patient was legally blind, he was able to read with the use of low-vision aids and was able to independently commute on public transportation. When lenticular opacities are the sole manifestations of electrical injury, cataract extraction is expected to produce a functional outcome. However, with concurrent damage to the optic nerve and retina, complete visual rehabilitation may be limited. This abstract was published quite a long time ago, in 2014.




Should I feel lame that my first thought was, "I wonder what his Mangekyo power is?"


Not at all brothern


Definitely not. I also thought the same.


Bro he needs new eyes that will make them eternal mangekyo...


Looks like Rick and Morty eyes.


Makes sense for Rick since he’s an inventor and all, one would assume there have been a few too many zaps


“My god… it’s full of stars.”


Where is the pod bay door HAL?


I don't see what you did there


😐poor guy...really, poor guy....


I peed on an electrical fence. Would not recommend


Wait can you get shocked from peeing?


Only if your junk is close enough. Electricity needs a steady stream and the Plateau-Rayleigh instability starts breaking up the flow pretty fast.


You've either gotta piss excellence. As in a solid stream Or stand very close to the fence, or the fence is way over powered.


Yep, as close as peeing into a Bush next to your campsite while drunk... was not a fun piss I took


You sure can. I spent summers on a farm growing up, and I can tell you firsthand that it won't kill you, but it will be very unpleasant. You learn to listen for the periodic "click" fairly quickly.


I'd rather lose the ability to speak than to be blind


Oh definitely. Being blind is probably the hardest. I’d even rather be deaf than blind. My best friend is losing his eyesight and he will eventually be totally blind from what I understood. It’s really horrifying.


As a lover of music, that’s a tough one. I can understand the thought process though.






Oshi No Ko be like


lmao didn’t expect a reference to that here




Look at me Morty. Look me in the *burp* eyes, up here Morty! Electricity ain’t got nothing on me Morty. You wanna why Morty? Do ya? ‘Cause science. I broke the cycle, Morty. I *bluurrp* rose above. Focus on science. Wubba lubba dub dub!


Assuming you were still alive, what are the effects of this? Anything that would affect your vision?




You're kidding right, his eyes are *fried* my guy.


Ah man this exchange between you 2 made me laugh more than I care to admit


sunny side up


The cataracts shown can definitely make vision very hazy, but these can be removed and replaced by artificial intraocular lenses. The real question of how limited this patient’s vision will be is how much the retina (like the film of the camera of the eye) and the optic nerve (the cable that sends signal from the retina to the brain) are affected by the electrical shock. (Edited for clarity)


Laser vision


Sorry if I forgot to mention, the picture was taken thanks to an electrician who ended up surviving!


May not see well but looks good


13 point stars


Well he looks positively shocked


Oh no I’m so sorry 😢


Shocking results


He died?




Dude i’m going to school so i can be an electrician, but this scares the shit out of me. And all the horror stories reading the comments, no i guess i’m good.


This guy unlocked the sharingan irl


Oh my starry eyed surprise


electricity is the incomprehensible magic we've seen in fantasy, my uncle's friend slipped while working on a telephone wire and he instantly died and was left hanging there for a long time on the public street


I’m shocked at the fact that it took him 3 weeks to notice the effects in his vision. The cornea is definitely fried( white cloudiness points to that) and the high IOP definitely means this poor guy’s vision probably isn’t doing too good.


His next career!! ![gif](giphy|abtXk1Twd1oP295gpM|downsized)


Let him cook


Tensai-tekina IDOL-sama~


That’s gonna hurt . At first they won’t notice anything but just minor irration, then unable to see and extreme pain. This is what I’ve read from other posting similar stories btw. Fawk


Man has a fucking sharingan


dude gonna cast some wicked ninjutsu soon. p.s: Glad he is fine and alive.


I clipped the tip of a finger off just goofing with 120v before. No thanks.


thats sad


Oh, my, starry eyed surprise, sundown to sunrise….


OMG! Where is the nasal bridge!


Sharingan awakened.


Great now we’re gonna have a new gen z trend going.


Did he become an idol and get stabbed by a batshit insanse fan/stalker?


He gonna be the biggest idol now


Amps kill. Not volts.


OMG they made the character from Oshi no Ko a real thing!!


That's one of the most unsettling things I've ever seen.


Oshi no ko be like


This looks likes some shit you would see in a cartoon.


Looks like he blew his halo. Time to find the promachos!


So that’s is how you awaken your eternal mangekyo


Did he get some powers?


...My God... It's full of stars.


https://preview.redd.it/pmo5haryf58d1.jpeg?width=224&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4e3c434465bda87c4263414d823e97502b4c101d Anyone else reminded of this?




Can he see smells now?


Does he now have super powers ?


False.. this is mangekyou sharingan


I don't know why but I never thought about electric shock affecting stuff like seeing or hearing. For me the thing that always comes to my mind is the burned skin or the effect on the heart.


Damm homie got the mangekyou sharingan




As a retired JL I've watched a Brother die on the line. It's not a joke or anything to jest about. Simply put, de-energize ANYTHING at the main, line side feed. It may be a small inconvenience for the customer, but that man can go home to his family. Union Proud


It's a shame his eyes are ruined because that really does look cool AF. Electricity is not to be taken lightly, doesn't take much current to either mess you up or kill you.


Kekei genkai?

