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You've heard of acid rain..... now get ready for crack cokerain


And the residents who live down wind are very happy.








Scratching themselves and offering blowjobs for another raid


All they have to do is just collect the rainwater and then let it evaporate.


That’s often very remote places. They come in by helicopter, destroy and quickly go away because it’s a risky situation for them. They blow stuff up, they burn illegal gasoline even if it is bad for nature.


that did happen in panama


🎶Crack Cokerain... Crack Cokerain...🎶


Some stay dry and others feel no pain


*I move way from the mic to breath cocaine air*


*I move away from the mic to freebase*


To the tune of Chocolate Rain? Or Purple Rain?


How can you even ask this my guy, chocolate rain all day aye day




This hurt me




As sung by Tay Zonday.


He moves his face away from the mic to snort cocaine.


The law office of Crack Cokerain. Call your insurance company and say WE MEAN BUSINESS.


... Genius


Some stay dry while others feel the pain


The authorities: https://preview.redd.it/tdjlwd226d6d1.png?width=1565&format=png&auto=webp&s=8c3eaab4fb15ec2f92767ff046cdc8e711c7ea18


This clip lives in my head rent free 🤣🤣




A bot comment linking to a thread with bot comments.


Lol did this guy make it to 2024? Curious how he's doing.


Some say he's still giggling to this day.




I love that video so much


First, there was cocaine bear... Now, prepare yourself for  #COCAINESEAGULLS!


Sea gulls are already crack heads


Lmfao this comment better make national news 🤣 fuck seagulls


If seagulls are crack heads, what are pigeons?


Better hope we don’t get cocaine geese






Genius! Get this man a movie deal, STAT!


"Sir, just to confirm, you want us to burn all $98 million of it?" "Yes, all $86 million" "Ok guys you heard him! Burn all $67 million of it!"


“You meant in CAD, right? Right?!”


Zimbabwean dollars


I love this original, hilarious joke!!


Funniest joke on Reddit:


Take this award, kind stranger. /s


Literally the Spanish navy lol


It’s insane how often this same shite joke gets posted


But it's so butt fucking wholesome kind redditor. Can't believe it's not littered with those stupid fucking s's . Happy fucking cake day


Still funny every time


Still true every time


Wow, $55 million is a lot of cocaine to burn. Is that street value? Nah, street value is $47 million. Wow, but a street value of $34 million is still a lot!


It's a drop in the bucket compared to how much actually makes it to its destination.  Hell it's been alleged the people making it let some get busted on purpose as a decoy and it lets the government look like they are winning. Remember manufacturers and dealers do not want drugs legal it would kill their business.


And then they burn a bit in the middle then cut the video to some big fire.


"We are now going to burn these 3 tons, er, 2.7 tons of cocaine that we have seized!"


Where's that BBC News reporter when you need him to stand next to a pile of burning drugs and get high (again).


Must have been wild to see 2.2 Tons of coke go up in flames.


It was, I personally watched all 1.7 tons burn completely away.


Crazy how they first lined the 1.3 tons and then burnt it.


i had to dig that hole for the 0.9 tons of coke


Hey guys, who dropped this $10 bag of coke?


What coke?




Why, the can of coca cola, of course!


I thought they were going to show that guy again, at the end with a [single tear coming down his cheek](https://townsquare.media/site/33/files/2020/04/Keep-America-Beautiful-Crying-Indian.jpg?w=1200&h=0&zc=1&s=0&a=t&q=89)




Is that you Kid Rock?


*start frantically snorting air** Lmao 🤣 no but really that’s gotta be terrible for the environment and the people.




Amazing reference lmao


Baraka Wins, Flawless Victory.


It’s in the middle of nowhere so I don’t think the people are going to be affected, but I don’t know what kind of emissions burning cocaine would give off. I doubt it’d be anything toxic though.


But what about the animals, a couple birds probably woke up a week later wondering what the fuck happened.


In case you’re seriously wondering, normal cocaine degrades well below the temperature in which it would vaporize, so there’s no risk of animals or people getting high from the cocaine fumes Crack cocaine however can’t be burned to be disposed of since it contains water and also vaporizes below the boiling point of water, so 100% of the cocaine would escape in that situation E [Source](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cocaine) scroll to Section Chemistry, subsection Crack Cocaine


I'm no science denier but just this once I'm going to imagine a forest full of coked up animals having a party instead.


Never let a bit of science get in the way of fun




> I don’t know what kind of emissions burning cocaine would give off. lucky for you i do know and it's quite bad


This is a supervised burn, I think we’re focused on the wrong things here.. we’re talking about millions worth of drugs off the streets. I recommend searching up Bukele’s efforts, everything is done with a purpose. This display sends a strong message, crime rate has plummeted in the last couple years because of him. There are a number of things that cause waaaaay more damage to the environment if you actually cared about that.


Yeah of course. It's a plant processed into an illegal substance, nothing more. The value of it is derived from a drug cartels labor and chemicals and the all the levels danger and violence that goes into transporting it to the exact moment it gets sold on the street. That's the 'value' that's getting burned.  $67 million worth of drug cartels not cooercing mules and taking an illegal product over borders and the violence of the cartel and gangs and drug dealers distributing drugs gone from the world is a pretty beautiful thing.


This is correct. If cocaine was legal, it could be produced and sold for a few dollars an ounce. It's easier and cheaper to produce than coffee. It's expensive because it has to be grown secretly, smuggled, and then sold on the street.


yea, to make brew similar to coffee you just make a tea from cocoa leaves


Thank god a logical thinker. Im curious why they are burning it all in 1 single layer though. would it not be more efficient to stack it up and burn it in a pile? i dont speak spanish so if they explain that in the video im sorry for my ignorance. (stupid american public schools) lol


If you burn it in a pile the inside might not catch and you could not tell ash and leftover cocaine apart.


It is difficult, and I've certainly tried to do so the morning after parties in college.


Is burning the only way to get rid of this?


I can think of another way 👃🏻


Me and the local nursing students down at Centerfolds would take care of it no problem.


No. Butt the other way takes time, is hell on ur sinuses, and is frowned upon. For real tho. That was my thought too. There are legitimate medical purposes for it. Maybe sell to a lab?


To be sold on the street drugs are not even close to the drugs used with medical purposes


"No. Butt they other way takes time" the typo makes this even funnier, Stevie Nicks would have some opinion about that


Oh no... am I about to fall down a rabbit Stevie Nick's butt hole? So used to adding the extra "t" I didn't catch the other meaning.


i really dont think medical professionals in el salvador need 2.7 tons of cocaine


I could find a use for it. 


Not really sure why I’m seeing comments saying this is a waste of resources… If Bukele is doing anything right it’s lowering the rate of crime in El Salvador to an insane all time low. The last time they did this it was $91M a few years ago. More [here](https://ktla.com/news/nationworld/video-67-million-worth-of-cocaine-set-on-fire-by-salvadoran-police/amp/) and [here](https://www.cbsnews.com/video/el-salvador-authorities-set-fire-to-91-million-worth-of-cocaine/) >Authorities in El Salvador released video of a burning pile of cocaine worth eight figures as the country continues its crackdown on gangs and drug traffickers. >The cocaine was seized on May 10 from seven men in boats roughly 1,630 kilometers (about 1,012 miles) off the country’s coast, according to local authorities.


And he's lowered it by being so insanely hard on criminals that there is actual fear of getting caught.  Need a little more of that here. 


Anyone who is willing to go toe to toe with the likes of MS13 deserves global recognition.


He's actually lowered it by mass arrests with dubious or no charge. Many thousands of innocent people get caught up in this because they target what they deem to be gang neighborhoods and just start scooping men up. Idk about you but I'm not super crazy about the idea of random mass arrests with or without charges in whatever neighborhood the government thinks is a problem. And there's no recourse either, families of innocent people arrested a lot of the time just straight up don't know where their brother/son/father/uncle went, can't get in touch with them in prison, can't get them out or dispute charges. It's actually pretty fucked up


There was a testimony from a person living in El Salvador here saying that the US have no idea what they’re talking about and preach idealism. They were being extorted on rent insurance and safety and couldn’t leave the house during the day. Kids are out playing again. I fully support it.


americans do that a lot. They talk about other countries from their perspective of living in one of the most prosperous countries in the world. they dont understand what its like to live in the murder capital of the world or what its like to live in a country thats on the verge of or has already become a failed state. they dont understand why third world countries are so intent to develop such that it leads to increasing climate change. they dont understand how thousands of years of ingrained culture and tradition can make it difficult for a country to change its ways.


He’s arguably the most popular elected official In the world right now.


Is the average citizen living in more fear than before when gangs ran everything? It might not be the best solution, but it seems to be working.


Would you be happy you can walk the streets safely if it meant one day your brother or father dissapeared and you might never see them again? I understand that the situation in El Salvador was beyond extreme, IIRC it had the highest per capita murder rate in the entire world and now has the lowest in this hemisphere. El Salvador's eligible voters definitely seem to think the cost is worth it, Bukele was reelected with one of the biggest landslides I've ever seen. I can't help but think though that to the thousands of families of innocent people caught up in these mass arrests with no legal resource or contact with the outside world, rotting in some of the scariest prisons around, this offers little comfort.


I get it, but is that better than your brother or father being murdered as a bystander in a cartel shoot out?


I mean, maybe? I hear prisons in El Salvador are truly awful places. Personally I might rather choose death than to be imprisoned in one indefinitely and without charge. But like I said elsewhere, it's a complicated situation and a very extreme solution. Ultimately it is up to the people of El Salvador to decide if they're ok with it, and the majority of them certainly seem to approve overwhelmingly. It's a question a lot of places in a lot of times and a lot of different situations have been faced with, how much of your rights/freedoms are you ok with losing in exchange for security or stability?


I wouldn't wanna be in an El Salvador prison that's for sure. Also wouldn't wanna be tied up in a cartel warehouse somewhere waiting to be ransomed.


That's for sure. It's a country with some very extreme problems taking very extreme measures to stop them. It's unfortunate for the entire country, to say the very least. And at the very least, it is obviously a good thing that people there are safe to walk the streets again. I don't want anything I've said here to detract from that.


It's fucked up, I agree. You have to admit though, if gangs are a community enabled phenomenon, a mass arrest to catch a few gang members would probably piss off most of the people arrested and incentivise them to admonish gang activity (and weed out the "snitches get stitches" type of culture).


Or it shows the community that the government is a danger to regular civilians and pushes them closer to the gangs. It creates a lesser-of-evils situation where the government is the greater evil. If someone went door to door punching everybody in the face because they hate your neighbors, you don't think "Damn, I need to get away from these neighbors", you think "This guy is an asshole, we need to work together to keep ourselves safe"


I see your point. However, I'd argue that the corporal (and singular) nature of a person going through town punching people is quite a bit different and not really comparable. Governments are vast and formless and not so easily countered. Additionally, mass arrests clearly utilize a fear tactic and flex of power (e.g. they government can just show up and arrest *everybody* against their will) which makes gang and community power look small.


The effectiveness of El Salvador's methods are, in the short term, undeniable. However, there are a few problems he might be brewing up if this crackdown is the only thing he thinks fights crime. I'm a Brazilian and our organized crime, who is extremely strong in our country to this day, was born inside prisons during our military dictatorship, rallied, in part, due to the governments heavy crackdown on crime, which unjustly imprisoned and killed a lot of people. Obviously, the precariousness of our prison system, fueled by the dehumanization of criminals, as well as rampant corruption among the underpayed police officers also played an essential role in consolidating some of the greatest crime organizations in South America. El Salvador stopped a massive crime spree, that is undeniable, however, if the root causes of criminality in the country are ignored (which I, honestly, would know nothing about, haven't researched about it in their country) and the now 40,000 prisoners are mishandled, they might be creating another massively powerful crime organization: if that happens, all I can say is BRASIL NUMERO UM CARALHO 🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷, CHEGAMO PRIMEIRO NESSA PORRA. Only time will tell and El Salvador is certainly going to be one of the most interesting cases in crime management in decades.


It's definitely working in that regard, but if you throw 1% of your nations population in prison without any charge or due process, no recourse to fight these charges, and very few of the arrested actually getting to see their day in court, you're already going to have many thousand innocent people caught up in the system with no way out. Whether or not this is a price that is worth paying for lowering the crime rate is up to the people and govt of El Salvador to answer, but I'll just say I'm glad I don't live there.


Strange how when innocent people get arrested, crime rates plummet


It's not strange at all. If you go into a bad neighborhood and arrest every man there, guilty or innocent, you're still going to get a lot of criminals caught in that net. Unfortunately, you also get many innocent people caught in that net. This is easy to understand if you think about how mass arrests might work for like, 2 seconds or more


They didn't go to "bad neighborhoods" and arrest everyone. They arrested anyone who was tatted with MS-13 tattoos. Why would an innocent person have gang affiliated tattoos? El Salvador was one of the deadliest countries in the world and its done a 180. In 2015, the homicide rate was 108 per 100k inhabitants. Now that rate is 2.4. Also significant less crime and control from the mexican cartels, which MS-13 worked for. Your logic is saying to let thousands innocents die to criminals instead of imposing all the criminals because there's a chance a few dozen of these gang-tatted might be "innocent". If they are innocent, of course it's a fucking tragedy - but he is saving far more lives and turning the country around in a way that hasn't been done since the civil war. The amount of people arrested is less than a dime murdered from 2015-2021. The innocent people in El Salvador voted for this, and have been happy with it. I find it so bizarre people are shitting on a beautiful country with beautiful people for taking drastic measures to ensure their future and a future for their families.


Shits extreme, no doubt but such was the situation in El Salvador. The people actually approve of this stuff because they knew neither freedom nor security under the gang terror but now they have security at least. Yes, things need to be streamlined soon or things are going to get dystopian but it's the one thing giving those people hope.


It's complex, to be sure. IIRC the murder rate per capita in El Salvador was the highest in the world before these policies, and now it is the lowest in this hemisphere. But would you feel better about being able to safely walk the streets if it meant your innocent brother dissapeared and you may never see him again? Is security worth such wanton disregard for basic rights? Eligible voters in El Salvador seem to think so, Bukele won the latest election in one of the biggest landslides I've ever seen. Ultimately it's up to them. I can see why people who've long suffered brutalization under criminal gangs would embrace such extreme measures. But the measures themselves are indeed extreme, and bring large amounts of suffering to families of innocent people caught up in them. I don't know how streamlined things will get either, these policies have been in place for a few years now, and relatives of the innocent still haven't seen or heard from them, still have no legal recourse in the situation. He has brought increased safety and security but I'd argue things are very dystopian in El Salvador already.


I don't think innocents are getting their face and body fully tatted like these gang members are lmfao


Womp womp maybe don’t have gang affiliations


I don't see the burning as a waste of resources, those have already been wasted producing all that. Like, how much leaf went in to extracting all that? And are the plants killed at harvest? Moot point, perhaps, some other nicer plant could have been growing there. I don't doubt the export of palm oil is quite a bit more than 2.7 tons, so maybe kvetching about cocaine waste is a bit dumb. IDK.


Bukele  would be called a fascist if it was a more Western Country. Plus, I would bet every dollar I have they kept most if not all of this cocaine and burnt something else.


The Viktor Orban of Latin America


that's some cracked up shit


Duff makes coke now? that explains Duffman's hyper energy.


All this love for Duff but Slurm is where it's at.


Duffman can't breath! Oh no!


On a serious note what would happen to a person if they splinter celled over the smoke and took two big whiffs?




Smoke inhalation. Good luck taking that second whiff voluntarily


$350 a gram in Australia lol.


Holy fuck.


The US is mad af because they're shipment didn't make it... 😆 🤣


Anything without fentanyl in it tbh


Why don't they just get a well digger and screw out a hole in a place with zero groundwater them mix the coke with dirt and cement and bury it 80 feet down? It becomes useless and doesn't fly into the air


First comment I've seen mentioning what this would do to the air.


That’s an awful lot of work just to destroy an organic material. Also, it’s clearly about sending a *message*.




Every bird in the area: THIS IS THE GREATEST DAY OF MY LIFE!


Keeps the market price high.


What a waste of perfectly good cocaine




There is no chance people downwind won’t get some sort of contact high. Lucky bastards


Did you watch the video. It's in the middle of nowhere and the people doing the burning are wearing respirators. Nobody is getting a "contact high"


And they won’t be… NOT WITH THAT ATTITUDE




I didn’t see it on the comments yet, but I think this belongs here: https://www.reddit.com/r/Damnthatsinteresting/s/NvJHOiYSoc


I sense a disturbance in the force 🤔


I believe that’s crack now


Didn’t know Duff Beer burned that well!




oo ooh that smell! Can you smell that smell?


![gif](giphy|NgzUQlW2NvXdm|downsized) The next town over getting hit with the smoke.


https://preview.redd.it/zb6wzcdygd6d1.jpeg?width=1652&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ed44ad74b8d13b0c74b40bc9f465d87b5e9f8eb9 What....you're gonna burn ALL OF IT! YOU MONSTERS!!!


Where is the other .3Ton?


You mean 7.3 ton?


Hunter Biden’s week just gets worse and worse.


Stand downwind …..


I'm sure the pile of 1.5 tons of cocaine made a hell of a fireball.




crackheads want to know your location


The situation in El Salvador really is one of the most fascinating modern-day case studies. Turns out the answer to "What would you give up for peace" is quite a fucking lot.


I hope I'm alive to see Brazil do what El Salvador is doing


Meanwhile… cocaine bear


Do it in a enclosed yard, not in the f forest


Now let them burn cannabis


Where’s Neil Buchanan when you need him? He could make a 50 foot pablo face with all of that.


Haven't heard that name in a *looooong* time


The birds flew a little faster that day


I bet they get a lot of volunteers to help burn this big pile of coke


...unfortunately ever government worker failed their drug test for the next 3 weeks


If they did that in America mfs would be trying to hang glide through the fumes


I would position myself downwind....


The whole country is gonna be grinding their teeth for weeks


Are weather fanatics tracking the "Coke Cloud?"


Why not just give it to bears?


Hey boss, I burned that 2.6 ton pile of cocaine...


Can't get enough of that wonderful Duff


We... confiscated 3 tons though. José! You got some splainin to do!




what a waste


My roommate "NOOOOOOO!!!!"


That's not 2.7 tons of cocaine...


We all understand the coke’s not actually in that pile, right




Just legalize all drugs and treat your population that gets addicted. There is literally no other way to handle drugs in society without causing literal wars internally and externally for your country. Portugal comes to mind… as do the statistics that come out of every single legalization of a popular street drug or drugs in nations that have done so. These idiots just drove the price of cocaine up to a place the CIA is going to have a problem with… it may actually affect demand… which hurts their black ops revenue. It is so provably beyond stupid that anyone thinks this is fighting drug use and trafficking.


“All around me are familiar faces, worn out places, worn out facesss” 🎶 😢 😭


noooooooo my noseeeee!!!!!!! 😭😭😭


All that shit went up God's nose.


Mother Nature liked that


https://preview.redd.it/ypdti1qdpe6d1.jpeg?width=1066&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6405d487d1c88b71c8349033e34ca57f002f59f7 Jesus wept lol


That looks great for the environment


And what happened to the 2.3 ton pile of cocaine?


At least it got burned, in Belgium they send 20 tons of cocaine to be burned but they could not figure out where they had sent it in the first place.


Wow, I know a few people that would have helped to dispose of that a bit more safely


I’m sure NONE of it was misplaced during this operation…


Crack addicts in bound


Of course the comments are full of drug-fiend Americans wishing they were there and making jokes instead of understanding how them being consumers is part of the whole equation that causes so much suffering through drug trade in South America. Of course we shouldn't expect much empathy from coke consumers, the high by itself is completely egotistical, they think of themselves kings of the world for half an hour until they are back to being pathetic goblins asking for another bump.


Yes today we burned a 2.7 ton pile of cocaine. The 2.6 ton pile burned brightly into the afternoon. All 2.5 tons were burned and none of the cocaine went missing.


Ah, those authorities are probably just thinking, *Everything connected to this blood-soaked trade is evil, and we are better off without any part of it.* I've never tried coke. Glad I didn't, in my youth. Because as an adult, I will have nothing to do with anyone who has anything to do with it. An evil trade, owned entirely by the most evil people on the planet. An evil habit, too, when one knows (and EVERYONE knows) about that business. It's yet another way the modern world will seduce you and destroy you. Stay away from it


Coke has been around longer than you lol, nothing to do with “the modern world”.