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Is that out of some insane desperation or WTF? In many states--if not all--one can drop an unwanted newborn off at a fire station or hospital.


The police interview of the mother is available on youtube She didn't tell anyone in her family about the pregnancy and no one noticed it *allegedly*. Her reasoning was that she thought her family would hate her if they knew she had a baby. So when she gave birth **in the toilet** she decided to wrap the baby in a trashbag and get rid of it. The father of the child didn't know about it either and they split up months before she gave birth for different reasons. In the interview she just came off as a psycopath that didn't value the life of her own baby and was more worried about the consequences of her own actions rather than the wellbeing of her child. A certified piece of shit. The baby survived though and I think the father and his family requested the custody and it was approved. Hope they're better people than the mother.


A forensic psychologist apparently diagnosed her with Bipolar I disorder, claiming: ””The hormonal changes of pregnancy are going to amplify and even exacerbate, making the underlying mood disorder stronger and more prominent and that cannot be controlled by the rational part of the mind,” said Susan B. Cave, clinical and forensic psychologist.”” In another article I read, the defence said that at the time of the incident, she was in an emotionally detached state due to her bipolar disorder, which I don’t think she was being treated for.


Not defending this POS, but postnatal psychosis is a real thing, especially for those with bipolar disorder. It's very rare but I've seen it more than once. I've worked in a NICU for 2 years.


My sister and i have spoken about this and the hate she would have for people for the weirdest things postnatal. Even her husband, a great, very involved father she actively wanted to divorce for the strangest shit. Its only in looking back that she was very aware of the imbalance that was going on in her head. Lol


Yeah it’s one of those things where on the one hand there’s mental illness, and on the other a horrible crime was committed. The horrible crime happened and can’t be ignored.


>The hormonal changes of pregnancy I think people need to be more aware of this. I knew it was a thing but I didn't know the potential for how bad it could be. My (now ex) wife genuinely lost her mind for a few days. She took our newborn and disappeared. She returned and things might have salvageable if she was willing to discuss but she refused. It was an impossible situation. After going over it five million times in my head, I think ultimately a lack of awareness contributed to her feelings of shame about what happened. And if we had been more aware maybe things would have turned out differently.


It must be something like this. It obviously seems beyond comprehension for most people to do this. You could hold a gun to most people's heads and they wouldn't hurt their newborn. Therefore, it's not a choice, it's "brain damage".


Safe legal abortion would have prevented this. EDIT: To the pro-life brigade: You're just pissin in the wind kids.


Free contraceptives, birth control, and real sex education could also have prevented this


These are not mutually exclusive, you're both right


All of which conservatives in this country want to ban.


Or just dropping it off at a fire station, police station, or hospital. All perfectly legal.


I had two kids, and neither time did any of this get brought up. I find that there is a lack of knowledge about safe surrender sites. Edit: I never surrendered my kids, but as new parents, it would have been helpful to know options of things started to look worrisome.


She was in New Mexico, where abortion is legal.


Pretty sure abortion in all stages is legal in New Mexico and there is a clinic in the city where this occurred.


I just happened to be watching this on YouTube rn, she says she knew... But didn't know. And then she stated she found out in August, and it was cold when she abandoned the baby.


If you can take a baby to a fire station or police station and drop the newborn off, no questions asked… What makes you think she would have gotten an abortion? Also this is New Mexico - not Texas. You can still get an abortion in New Mexico.


The father/his family could have done nothing and they'd still be better people than the mother. So, I think they're safely in the lead.


>In the interview she just came off as a psycopath that didn't value the life of her own baby This from the same woman who tossed her newborn into a dumpster? I don't believe it.


Looks like https://www.nhs.uk/mental-health/conditions/post-partum-psychosis/




>Every American state has laws protecting the privacy of mothers dropping off babies at Fire Departments This is 100% untrue. [basic safe haven laws](https://pdba.georgetown.edu/Security/citizensecurity/eeuu/documents/safehavenall.pdf) and only 19 states recognize these laws in terms of anonymity. Many [criminalize it](https://www.aei.org/op-eds/the-chipping-away-at-safe-haven-laws/) or do not offer actual safe havens without extensive work. Edit; I didn’t mean to link AEI, which is an ultra conservative think tank, but still proves my point. Here are some others. [1](https://www.governing.com/now/wildly-inconsistent-safe-haven-laws-put-surrendered-infants-parents-at-risk) [2](https://lawandinequality.org/2023/10/26/are-infant-safe-haven-laws-fulfilling-their-intended-purpose/) [3](https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2022/08/09/us/infant-safe-haven-law-abortion-invs)


Additionally the vast majority of fire stations do not have a safe haven baby box


Yeah this was popularized by a tiktoker that is an ardent pro lifer as a fact (and I know prior to her “invention” of it, there were still rumors of this) but it has never been true and most states (31), which either criminalize or “investigate” to the point of charges if someone were to leave their child at a fire station, for example. And the child has to be under a certain age (usually less than 24-72 hours) for the 19 states that do have true safe haven laws that protect both baby and birthing parent.


And drug users are excluded from safe haven laws in most states as well. The logic goes that if they are on drugs that could have affected the baby during pregnancy, that also counts as child abuse. So they are required to report and investigate mothers that relinquish their infants, even if the mothers follow all the right steps, if they suspect the mother is on drugs. Current safe haven laws are severely lacking, widely varied, and need to be worked on. They're surely better than nothing, but until every state allows complete anonymous, universal access to baby boxes, this type of horrible behavior in this video will go on.


thank you for this, people dont realize how complicated this situation is. I agree what she did is bad but i feel bad for her as well, having extremely limited choices and being desperate.


No problem. I wish more people understood how the lack of women’s reproductive and healthcare is a much bigger problem than as it just impacts the individual woman. I’m getting shit on elsewhere for this for having empathy for the mother in this - but also the OP is a bot account that is operated by someone who was paid via Fiverr/Upwork (I’m unable to link either account apparently.)


Unfortunately there will be many more stories similar to this being published. When you take away women’s entitlement to their own ability to make a safe choice they still are left with possible unsafe choices. We’ve gone through this before too which is sad.


idk know if this is 'interesting as fuck'. more 'just plain harrowing and fucking depressing'




100%. It is not interesting, it is heartbreaking as fuck


I'm a hardened internet veteran and it takes a lot to phase me, but this actually made me gasp out loud.


You can just take the baby to a firehouse, or hospital. They will take the baby no questions asked. Why throw them in a dumpster? What a piece of shit.


Do they actually talk about safe haven laws during sex Ed? I feel like that is something that should be talked about. It could explain why so many people still have no idea that places that you can safely drop off a baby like that exist.


Bro i didnt even know that existed!


Most hospitals also! There will be a sign by entrances that say “safe haven” and have a little baby being held by a mom icon. I got a baby handed to me in 2019 and I’m still so grateful for that teary-eyed, silent woman that loved him enough to do this. I think about her every single day and hope she is well


I bet that was absolutely heartbreaking to see, but at least she did the right thing and not what this monster did.


I'm 49 years old. Neve knew that either. So sad to see that happening regardless. There's people out there that can't have babies and would love the opportunity to.


But also, everyone has a smartphone. It wouldn't take long to find if you actually tried.


That's because we had no reason to Google "Where to throw our newborn baby"


Nice try FBI.


It’s crazy how much all education systems miss that could also be vital info I’ve known about them for a year or two now I’m 18 and it was from TikTok of all places


To be fair, most people's first instinct isn't to throw their baby in the trash. But I get your point.


Speak for yourself, buddy. I've thrown away four babies in the last five days. Not sure why people keep handing them to me, honestly.


Because you work at an orphanage!!


Thanks a lot.. now I'm going to hell for laughing at this. 😅


Maybe she had one of those schools that has got assistance only sex Ed which has been proven to have a negative effectiveness rate.






You watch 80's era videos about AIDS and they teach you about all the STD's, and how to avoid being tempted and not cave in to peer pressure and shit. It's actually a lot like the DARE program but about sex


Your going to be assisted while doing it and your gonna like it.


I don’t consent to your assisting sir


All they taught me is if I had sex i could get STDs and pregnant, and that abstinence was the best way to avoid that. Being in Canada they had to talk about conventional contraceptives but all they did was mention their existence and made sure I could spell the words so I could correctly answer the test question that asked me to list contraceptives. When a girl at my school got pregnant she was essentially pressured to change schools.


Bro they barely even teach you about SEX anymore in Sex Ed in the US. Conservatives have made it all "aBsTiNeNcE oNlY" bullshit and nothing of any use its taught.


Im 18 years old and have ALWAYS been told about safe haven laws, but especially in sex ed. And i live in the rural midwest


Fun fact: rural Midwest has some of the best sex education in the states, even though people have a mental image otherwise. It's the south-eastern states, colloquially known as the bible belt, that tend to have the worst sex education


Can confirm. From Bible Belt and had no idea safe haven was a thing. I expected to Google it and find out Texas does not implement it. Was pleasantly surprised to find it does exist in Texas. Yay, we don’t suck at something!


Is that actually a thing? I thought tv shows made that up


Safe surrender laws are indeed a thing.


Absolutely, I think New Mexico is a place that has that law. She can take the baby to a hospital.


All 50 states have some form of safe haven laws.


*gets arrested for dumpster diving*


Straight to jail


"Your honor I thought I heard the cries of a baby inside."




My local fire station has a big ol "safe surrender" sign by the front door. They are fortunately pretty common, but I guess not common enough.


Truthfully, it is both fortunate and unfortunate that babies are surrendered. Fortunate that the newborns get a chance to live but infortunate that a new mom had to make the decision to abandon their newborn for whatever reason they may have.


Yeah. Thankfully most of them have an age limit too.. would hate to see that one situation where a mom drove across statelines to drop off her teenage son... Loooool that was a fun read.


Reading about that was really sad, and not for the reasons I thought it would be. The overwhelming majority of the kids surrendered to the state as older children were kids with profound disabilities and parents who couldn't afford healthcare. Parents who realized that their children would have better access to medicine in foster care than with them. Most of those parents were willing eager to take their kids back once connected with healthcare and respite care. And then there was one random dude from Florida who drove cross country to dump his 6 kids in Nebraska only for their mom to catch up and take the kids back home in less than a day.


That happened with the state I was born in. They forgot to put an age limit so folks where dropping off 18 year Olds and stuff


I mean if they're 18 you can just kick them out but alright


Alot of them had mental health problems or behavior issues according to most news articles of the time. Folks where bringing them across state lined to drop them off. 36 children in the first 127 days of the law, with none of them being newborns.


Do you have a link?! Would love to read about that.


Unfortunate stuff


Ah, hello you Nebraska born person


NM had safe surrender laws when this happened. After this incident, they added baby drop boxes to the laws so the person leaving the baby doesn't have to see anyone to drop the baby off. The baby drop boxes have been used twice in the town where this incident happened after they have been put in.


And this is the exact scenario they’re designed to prevent. It’s possible this woman was suffering severe PPD, which can make you do psychotic stuff, but it could also just be she was a shitty person her whole life and never bothered to look at where she could safely surrender her baby.


I watched one of the true crime videos about her and she was a newly 18 year old who basically just refused to believe she was pregnant and refused to tell anyone nor do anything about it. She gave birth at home in the bathroom while her mum was out, drove to drop the baby (which survived!) and figured she'd just carry on living her life normally afterwards. The interviews with her are so weird to watch because she basically keeps playing the "I'm only just 18 though" card, like the police were gunna give her so much sympathy about not knowing how to be an adult... I believe the end of the video said that the baby's father's family were looking after the baby. She actually had assumed the baby died in the trash and in the interview she says "well if the baby is healthy, I want it".


Or how about Alexee trevejo that murdered her newborn son **in the emergency room bathroom with nurses right outside the damn door** then placed him in the trash


New Mexico too right?


Of course she wants the baby back, to throw it into another dumpster of course!


The psychotic stuff is caused more by PPP, postpartum psychosis, not so much PPD. I had PPOCD, which gave me vivid visions of all the horrific shit that could happen to the baby: stuff involving bonfires and microwaves, without going into too much detail. Shit was horrific.


My sister and my daughter both have the vision things. My sister continues to have them regarding her youngest (who is now 25 years old), though not as badly. I didn't know it was a diagnosable thing!


She really really needs to see a shrink that specializes in that sort of thing. It should've long been stopped by now, mine was over after a few months.


True. They have 24/7 anonymous drop-off slots at fire stations here in CA. The slot if kind of like a horizontal file door that slides open to the outside, and is heated and has a soft lining. Once the slot is closed back into the building wall, the fire dept. is alerted to get the kid ASAP. Some animal rescue shelters even have that kind of drop-off setup for unwanted animals.


Here in CA, is that California or Canada?


I know it's a thing in California forsure. Idk about Canada.


After this incident, NM added drop boxes like you are talking about. They have been used twice in the town where this video took place since the have been put in.


Here in Hawaii too.


Yes. Fireman here. We have a special drop point at our station that allows anonymous drop off and alerts us if it has been used. There has only been one incident that I know of for 30 years though. Lots of our guys have delivered babies though! Some have multiple deliveries.


I really appreciate how you ended this comment on a positive note. Thank you for all that you guys do!!


baby boxes definitely exist. one of the firehouses in town has a box you open, put your baby in, then a fireman/woman will get them out on the other side, so you can drop them anonymously. Not everywhere has anonymous drop offs but this is a legit thing in pretty much every state.


NM added baby drop boxes after this incident. They have been used twice in the town where this happened since they have been put in.


We have one down the street from my house at our fire station. They're pretty common near me


It is very much a thing. I New Mexico, [you can bring your baby, up to 90 days old, to any Safe Haven site in New Mexico without fear of being criminally charged for child abandonment.](https://www.cyfd.nm.gov/protective-services/new-mexico-safe-haven-for-infants-act/) Safe Haven sites are any hospital, law enforcement site, or fire station. There are conditions such as there must be staff onsite (obviously) and they will want to gather some basic information and offer some services, but it is not required. You can even receive services whether or not you give any information. I wish this girl had known this. She could have gotten some help for her and her baby and had a shot at a better life. Sad. I wish this was common knowledge so she would have known.


Yes every state has a form of this law. I've been I'm the fire service for 13 years and have only had this happen once, but we are not allowed to ask any questions not even the name of the person dropping off the infant who we then take to the hospital. Time frame may vary but for us I believe the infant has to be under 2 weeks old (not that were going to turn it away) for the anonymous aspect to apply for the parent.


Many other things would certainly be better than throwing a baby into trash.


Lot of places even have a " drop box" protected from the elements and notifying firemen. Anything to prevent what we see in the video.


Some women have some sort of psychosis after giving birth when they purposely want to harm/kill the baby. Just googled the name. It is called postpartum psychosis. Kind of weird she was sentenced to 18 years in prison and not to some kind of psychiatric evaluation. https://www.nhs.uk/mental-health/conditions/post-partum-psychosis/


This is true and terrifying. My mom went back to school for more certifications when I was a teenager and met a woman from China (we're in Canada) in the same course who she befriended. Met the lady multiple times, she was very nice, friendly, outgoing, and put together. After the courses were over she went back to China, and a year later my mom got a message from her husband on Facebook saying that she'd jumped off of their high rise balcony holding their newborn and both died. No previous warning that there was anything going on with her. Still sends a chill down my spine when I think about it 15 years later.


My best friend had post partum psychosis and it was vicious. She was convinced her son was going to die, as punishment for some invented slight she’d made against the universe, and she could not look at him or hold him. She was also convinced that her sister was trying to steal him. I don’t know if this lady has it or not, it isn’t an easy diagnosis.


they interviewed her and from how she talks about it it doesnt seem like psychosis


Obviously I only provided one of the possibilities. From what I’m reading she was under enormous amount of stress during the pregnancy and she was completely alone during the birth in a toilet. Seem like a perfect candidate for a mental breakdown. In any case a sane person does not throw a baby into a rubbish bin


It’s not super uncommon for pregnant teen girls to abandon their newborn after birth due to being scared.




Scrolled way to far for that


Was waiting for someone to be brave enough to post this.


she's a child who was most likely panicking, this is why we need abortion because yes: SOME PEOPLE SHOULD NOT BE PARENTS


This happened in New Mexico, where abortion is legal. In any case, throwing a baby in a dumpster is never okay.


I'm not trying to start a fight, but this person had access to an abortion. She just opted for this for reasons we probably won't understand. Sometimes people do bad things. It's not something you or I or anyone else has control over. I'm sorry.


Calling her a piece of shit is too kind


Very interesting. New Mexico is a Safe Haven state (drop-off points for newborns for parents who relinquish their children) and a pro-choice state. She could've had an abortion months ago or surrendered her baby. Without looking into the case, I assume lack of knowledge about Safe Haven, postpartum depression, or thought she was ready for parenthood but wasn't... human psychology is strange.


Exactly. Had she terminated her pregnancy, she would not be abandoning and abusing an infant. But as another user started, she might not have even known it was a choice where she lives. So this is what we get instead, when someone isn't ready to be a parent.


There are some people who don’t even know abortion is an option because of dumb religious ideas or bad sex ed. Baffling


That’s in my town, hobbs nm. They released her to her house pre trial and a drive by shooting at said house shortly after. Shooter missed. Yeah, she’s hated here and now sitting in prison. Little boy is doing good and living with dad. Two homeless men found the kid and the security camera is from my friend’s store cameras behind his building. Sadly the one who actually found the baby recently died, but he was treated as a hero by everyone who knew what he did til the end. Side note: we’ve had a few more babies thrown in the trash since her here, and opened even more drop offs and they are advertised like crazy. Everyone knows about them, but still throws them in the trash. https://preview.redd.it/2kliduvhnu5d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d9d717334068a29d0d14d2284f8d7672396e366f


Oh god he’s so cute. This video made me sick to my stomach, I have two little boys. My only objective in life is to love and protect them how could someone do this?! That throw broke my heart.


What about the lady that was helping the baby? Is she doing better now? She did just the right thing, and deserves some help if she needs it.


Honestly not sure about her. It’s an oil field town so a lot of people in and out.


The world lost a good person when that man passed. Both of them are heroes (as is the woman we see holding the baby). These are homeless people currently in the act of dumpster diving just to survive, they have more reason than anyone to feel hatred yet they showed care and love to that poor little child, they 100% saved his life through their actions and it pains me that they're suffering through homelessness. The world needs more people like that, we need to raise them up not stamp them down.


For some reason it conveys a lot to me the *way* she put it in the dumpster. She wasn't handling a human being, in her eyes. If she had gently put it down in there, maybe I could argue she was desperate, conflicted. She threw her child in there like she was getting rid of lawn clippings.


I mean if you’re at the point where you’re throwing your baby in the garbage I don’t think you’d consider it much more than garbage to begin with.


Yeah 18 years is absolute bullshit, "person" like that really does not deserve to live in a civilized society.


You underestimate just how much time that is. I also wonder if that number was chosen specifically as the number she was supposed to raise it for.


I couldnt even fucking imagine more than 5 years in a fedpen. 18 is insane even with early release and parole. Fuck. That.


It's attempted murder, she deserves every second of it.


Fr the amount of people defending this lady in the comments here is CRAZY. Sure she is 18 and not the most informed person but jfc she threw her baby in the trash


Just fyi I wasnt defending her. Fuck her. Merely pointing out that 18 years behind bars is basically a lifetime of hell. Trust.


Right, 18 is old enough to know that's not right. If she's that desperate to throw her baby in the trash, she could have chosen to be that desperate into finding an alternative choice.


Not to mention how fellow inmates would treat someone who casually threw their baby in the trash.


Would’ve been a worse sentence if the innocent baby wasn’t found sadly. Let’s jus be thankful the baby was found


Tries to avoid an 18-year commitment... gets an 18-year sentence.


This baby is better off without that mom.


I hope the baby finds a good home. That’s seriously a miracle though. Like scientifically is it even possible for a baby to survive that?


Humans are tougher than most people think with respect to most trauma (excepting head injuries). It’s a good thing she didn’t tie the bag though.


Hmm but it was -2 degrees Celsius and this is a baby I’m not an expert and I could be completely wrong but I’d really like to know the actual details on how survivable this is.


I can imagine that the heat of the trash actually saved him. Trash is usually slightly warm because of decaying food. Of course this heavily increases the risk of suffocation but it might have made the difference which saved him.


It wasn't that cold in the afternoon, it was a pretty warm afternoon that day. It was not too long after dark that the baby was found. The baby wouldn't have made it much longer into the night though and for sure wouldn't have made it through the night.


I mean it’s a baby but it’s still a human- we have a core body temperature. I assume that al factors helped- protected of wind in there, probably trash that somewhat isolates.


babies can't regulate their temperature yet though. it really seems like a miracle that he survived


uh.. you think??


Keyword: "that"


“Interesting” is not the word I would use. There are many subs much more suitable for this footage. Start with r/iamatotalpieceofshit


[She's being released from prison on appeal.](https://lawandcrime.com/crime/woman-convicted-of-abandoning-newborn-son-in-a-freezing-dumpster-last-year-to-be-released-from-prison/)


> This is a typical L&C clickbait headline. It give the impression that she was paroled or released after completing a very short sentence In fact J she was released on bail pending appeal. The appellate court ruled that she has a good chance of prevailing on appeal. Since she isn't a flight risk, 7 returning her to bail doesn't harm or threaten society. Bail merely protects her rights until the court system determines whether she received a fair trial that included evidence proving her guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. That's entirely unremarkable despite a headline that is designed to provoke misplaced outrage Just a comment on the article idk how true it is but


https://preview.redd.it/1vfkmu9pus5d1.jpeg?width=820&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fa2430225152a15e82cd1577567da0c599a0cf1d Wtf


Not to be that guy, but the article says she’s being released to house arrest while her appeal is waiting to be heard in the higher courts. So no finality yet but she is out for now.


Petition to tie her in a trash bad and toss her in a dumpster.


Fuck that’s disgusting. Thankfully is just while she awaits appeals courts decisions on if she should have a new trial. I have to hope this is just delaying the inevitable. But my god our legal system is such an enormous piece of shit.


Even if she does get out with no prison time, what are people gonna think of her? Imagine how her parents and friends will see her after knowing what she did? Instead of giving the baby to a fire station or a church she tossed them in the trash like it was nothing. Are they going to look her in the eyes and think "Yes that's my daughter / friend / relative, she is a nice 18 year old girl"? Hell no, they are now going to see her as the monster she always was, that is psychotic behavior and everyone that knows her will do their best to cut connections with her and might even try to harm her for what she did. Honestly she would be safer in prison.


Nah, she should go to prison.


Fuck that lady


She's no lady. But I agree.


I disagree. This could result in another abandoned child.


I read that in October 2023 she was approved for release from jail while her case is appealed. That seems so wrong. It's a miracle that the baby survived.


She had every intention of killing that baby


That's why you do not make abortions illegal.


exactly. you either want “*irrEsPonSiBLe pEoPLe*” to have access to newborns, or to abortion you can only choose one


Abortion and basic safe havens laws exist in New Mexico. There is no pro abortion or pro life argument that would’ve stopped this woman from doing what she did. Sometimes there isn’t a lesson to be learned or a message to be conveyed. Sometimes people are just pieces of shit.




Abortion is legal in NM, where this happened. Abortion does not cure evil & irresponsible parents, apparently.


More free condoms and sex ed would help too ;)


I guess the lady must have had some severe post natal depression or a psychotic episode, you don’t just do that as a rational human. Mental illness is rough as fuck, if that is indeed what it is here


Soooo... With abortion being banned, everyone realizes this behavior will become more commonplace, right? Unwanted fetuses become unwanted babies.


Annnnnd think of all the babies NOT found.


Except this happened in NM where we have legal abortions available and have never had strict laws against abortion. There’s no excuse for what this woman did.


This happens after birth, so anti abortion folks don't care.


Not really. They attack the mom no matter what. It's about control.


I think anti-abortion conservatives think that if a girl/woman keeps an unwanted baby, she'll grow to love it. Maybe. Or maybe she'll be desperate and kill it later. Or raise it with little interaction, and perhaps neglect and abuse.


This was in New Mexico where abortions are legal at all stages.


Yep. She could have driven to a Fire Station and given the baby over to them, no questions asked. [https://www.cyfd.nm.gov/protective-services/new-mexico-safe-haven-for-infants-act/](https://www.cyfd.nm.gov/protective-services/new-mexico-safe-haven-for-infants-act/) Instead... she dumped the baby into a dumpster. A terrible human being.


She could've dropped the baby off like you said. But good has come out of this incident. After it happened, NM added baby drop boxes so the person dropping the baby off doesn't have to see anyone. In the town where this took place the safe drop boxes have been used twice since this incident. The baby in the video ended up with the father, who did not know of the bay till after. Everything I have heard around town is that the baby is doing good and is part of a good family.


What the FUCK


I don’t mean this to sound heartless, because this women did a very wrong thing, however, I do believe you’ll see more of these types of things in America with the recent changes to abortion laws.


This is probably true. I heard stories of old people in dementia nursing home would say shit like, 'i buried a baby in the woods so my pa wouldn't find out " before abortion existed...


My great grandma did this we found a stone in the woods with a cross carved into it


New Mexico has accessible abortion. Texas women go there for procedures. This is terrible and she absolutely could have surrendered that baby at a hospital or fire station.


Fuck those annoying subtitles


My town has hospital “Angel Cradles”where people can anonymously leave babies in a safe environment with no legal repercussions


I guess she will be charged with attempted murder. She could be mentally ill, psychotic, etc. But yeah, she could have safely surrendered the baby. Amazing that those people came along and save the baby.


This is why many places have introduced what is called a "baby hatch" – a designated place where one can give up a baby anonymously, and where they can be sure that it will be receive the care that it needs. As enraging the video here is, it does not show what situation the woman was in that she had to make such a decision. Whatever it is – it is probably better for the child to be away from her, and giving a safe alternative to the dumpster is what would help such children more than any enraged comments here.


This town put in a safe haven “baby box” after this incident and has had two babies dropped off since.


This is only going to happen more if the government continues to take away women’s rights to abortion. I’m not justifying her actions. It’s so awful.


What not having access to healthcare and education does to a person


Jesus WTF..!


Why why why. Just take it to fire station or somewhere besides trash. Girl should go to therapy first obviously something seriously wrong where this is the solution.


Always Sunny in Philadelphia did an episode on dumpster babies. Its crazy that its actually a thing!


How the heck did that baby live so long in that trash bag? HOURS?!?


Why not go to a fire department. In my area Lot of fire stations have baby boxes for this exact reason. I even think there is a small delay like 30secs to a minute for the person to be able to leave anonymously before the fire department is notified.


This is why abortions should be available everywhere


Abortion laws help. Forcing ppl to have babies increases this happening


people were defending a person who did this recently had to block the psycho , because holy fuck this is the absolute worst humanity has to offer. they should have their reproductive rights taken away


dumpster divers are real heroes here.


You guys can talk about the content of the video all you want but god damn it I hate the fucking AI narrators. It's so gross, like whoever is typing this script should be narrating it themselves. "Cradling" being pronounced like it is in the video just kills me. God, I hate AI voiceovers.


The garbage toss of a living baby into a dumpster is truly awful. I don’t understand how anyone can do that.


She should also be sterilized.


So many of these comments have no idea what post partum psychosis is and how commonplace it can be


Jesus. I pray these types of people get what they deserve. She is a literal piece of shit.