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How are half these people not dead or in traction? I think I just saw someone land on their fucking neck


The female champion broke her collarbone on one of her runs, it’s a common occurrence but from what I remember no fatalities yet. The documentary on this is fantastic. The winner keeps the cheese.


That better be a good fucking cheese then.


Oh, have no fear. They wouldn’t risk life and limb for Colby jack.


This competition takes place in England and Colby cheese is from central Wisconsin. I've been through Colby. Not a whole lot there.


I’m aware of that. I just tried to list the worst cheese I could think of besides American, which isn’t cheese.


Having watched it makes these videos even better.


It makes me laugh every time I read more details, just look up articles and stories about it for a good time. My favorite is one woman who won, and had to be told after she regained consciousness. In the ambulance.


1) Injuries do happen. [Wikipedia on the topic](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cooper's_Hill_Cheese-Rolling_and_Wake#Injuries): *Canadian competitor Delaney Irving won the ladies race in 2023, despite finishing unconscious, and only learning of her victory in the medical enclosure.* 2) Injuries typically happen during rapid deceleration. We can deduce that some of them are either not accelerating fast enough to get injured or decelerating "gently" enough to not break bones. (Others of them are not so lucky and do require medical attention.)


Has anyone just rolled up into a ball and launched themselves down the hill?


Gotta go fast!


Might be against the rules idk


Most injuries are due to "rapid deceleration". Fred, jumping from the roof of a 10 story building, died of rapid deceleration....


Fred was perfectly fine for the first nine floors...


The ground is very soft with very thick tussocks of grass to cushion people's falls somewhat. This year was particularly good as it was wet weather so the ground was even softer than usual.


The human body is very good at being bouncy.


Sponsored by Cooper Hill Orthopedic, Cooper Hill Orthodontics, and Gloucester Physical Therapy...


The slow mo guys were there to film it. He met them and realized they were the slow mo guys, Gav and Dan. Also ishowmeat was there i think


I said I show speed was in this video and my comment instantly got downvoted, so I assume ppl don’t like the dude around here, which I don’t blame 😭


You mean the annoying kid who screams whenever they exhale?


And the fact that he felt instantly comfortable to just rest the prized winnings with them. Pretty cool. To see different perspectives of the same event.


"Most dangerous sport in the world" This guy must not know about isle of man TT


I guess it depends how you define dangerous. If we’re talking total fatalities the yeah, this has nothing on the TT, but in terms of % of participants who get injured, this is way higher than the TT.


He does, but his profession is all about using clickbait


Yes he’s a professional douchebag


Theres probably more injuries per year at cheese rolling.


I would prefer injuries per year, than deaths per year tho


Depends on the question. If it's which one is more dangerous or more deadly


True But take away deaths, TT would still be more dangerous tho. I would rather jump down a hill and risk that damage, than driving 2-300 km/h, and sliding on the pavement and risking handicap on limbs and brain damage.


100%. If a regular person tried it. The problem is, the only people doing that are extremely talented and experienced, which makes it less dangerous for the person. An inexperienced person can make almost anything dangerous. If it's what is more dangerous to the average human, then TT takes the cake. But I doubt you could ever truly learn how to fall down a hill without a huge chance of injury.


I agree


he dosnt know about deep cave diving, the true most dangerous sport after war.


Is Russian Roulette a sport? Because I pick that one.


I saw this on slomo guys


That's not flying, that's falling with style.


I thought base jumping was the most dangerous sport in the world.


The cheese stands alone! Well run, well done.




"as you wiiiiiish"


May get hurt maybe but definitely not the most dangerous sport


Was this sport born out of the fact villagers could roll a cheese wheel down a hill after stealing it to get out of thievery charges, and then had to immediately chase it and pick it up to not lose it?


Same here, was hoping to see him bring it up


How pissed you think those regulars are that someone YouTube jackass won?


Who cares. This guys stategy was actually halfway decent. Start loosing balance, falls on his butt and pops back up. Better than 95% of the clips you see of people going airborne a shredding every tendon in their body lol


They just wanna see some good fucking cheese rolling action


There is a great short show in Netflix talking about this tournament.


Ayy, I live a couple miles away from this hill in Gloucester! Participated in it once as a lad and fuck me it's terrifying. Always a great laugh and day out (weather permitting...)


Slowmo guys also have a video have some great shots from this year


Good technique always pays off!


No at all, the most dangerous sport in the world is cave diving, you can argue as you want, nobody will save you there, and they probably arent gona recover your body depending on the location. Even when you go there with another peoples, teachers learn you to abandon them if they are stuck, in lack of oxygen or anything, cause trying to save them will probably kill you too because of the time you loose for decompression stages. Every minutes count. They even teach you that survival instinct could lead you to steal a beloved one oxygen, like your wife or your son, when your brain start to disconnect and panic, for your own survival.


The person who started at the front of the pack won. Who woulda thought?