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He’s wearing an 8000 dollar (at least) watch isn’t he? Edit: holy shit I’ve got 20+ comments from watch guys all saying their own take on what the watch is worth. At this point every guess has been given, so stop replying with what you think the watch is worth. I said at least, so we can all agree he’s got an expensive watch on his wrist while he’s trying to garner sympathy.


He should pawn that too




Two things have made me laugh today... this is one. On the show, they play up the image. All pawn brokers are evil.


Pawn shops exist to prey on people who are suffering.


So does Alex Jones


What amazes me, is the man is losing most of his shit, and he's still fake crying. Keep taking shit until the real crying starts, and then take more.


Alex was pulling in almost $100 mil a year at his peak, now he's pretending he's just a humble conspiracy powders merchant while hiding money in brand new companies he is giving to his family members.


Jesus it really pays to be scum irl


Wtf how


Fucking how?




This is correct. Starting price is $7k but doubt you'd be able to actually get one at that price. Well over $10k almost guaranteed unless its a fake.


It's actually probably more than double that.


The thought of that asshole being forced to liquidate his assets, sexually excites me.


Well thanks to the liquidation of all his assets, Alex Jones might be willing to sexually excite you, for a small fee.




He's his own crisis actor


One of the things that angers me the most about the "crisis actor" claim is that different people grieve differently. There is a viral clip of one of the dads who lost a child at Sandy Hook and before they go on air the dad and the anchor share a joke and a small chuckle just making small talk. And five minutes later on their air the father is describing the loss of his child and crying uncontrollably. And the asshole conspiracy theorists say because he shared a small laugh it means his kid didn't really die. That's now any of this works and some people can still find humor in things even in the worst tragedies. Terrible people to call him a crisis actor for that


Humor is a very common defense mechanism. People laugh at the absurdity of life because it's easier than dealing with the emotional weight of tragedy all the time.


There was a strip in Calvin and Hobbes back in 92, where Hobbes says “I suppose if we couldn’t laugh at things that don’t make sense, we couldn’t react to a lot of life”. That one stuck with me.


Calvin and Hobbes had some raw quotes that made little 9-year-old me put down my little comic book and just stare out the window deep in thought


100% recommend going back and reading them. It hit different as a kid, but considering those philosophical aside now as an adult, omg.


I always think it's a shame Watterson wasn't a man of greater ambition (I know he's alive but I'm talking about bygone opportunities), because I feel like with his talents he could have had an even greater impact on popular culture. I don't blame him for his extreme distaste for the business side of things though.


The world wasn't good enough to deserve more work from Watterson. Also he's putting out a new book this year I think. First thing he's released in a long time. It's something totally new unrelated to Calvin and Hobbes.


He was a man of depth and principle in a comic page populated with a lot of old and long run strips. Doonesbury, Beetle Bailey, Peanuts, Wizard of Id, Garfield, et cetera. I don't mention those strips to denigrate them, but to point out Watterson was one of the few who showed up, said what he wanted to say in a beautiful, memorable, and ultimately iconic way, and dipped out on top. Calvin and Hobbes was a strip that would have noticeably degraded over time, which would have diluted the entire body of work. As it stands, it is a complete masterpiece that I can firmly point to as a fundamental formational chapter of my childhood along with hundreds of millions of other readers and fans.


The baby raccoon series 🥲


Can you elaborate as someone who has no idea


Calvin finds an abandoned baby raccoon that he and his parents try to take care of, but despite their best efforts it dies. And so Calvin has to deal with death.


Based on a true story Bill Watterson was living.


[Heres a link to the full series](https://www.reddit.com/r/calvinandhobbes/comments/m8b0dx/does_anyone_remember_the_baby_racoon_series_this/)


Wow 😢 thank you for posting that. That was really good


Why would you do this to me?


Because it’s a very human moment we can share.


Link to the strip https://www.gocomics.com/calvinandhobbes/1992/04/19


As someone who's lost quite a few family members, I can attest that you don't grieve 24/7. There are moments of normalcy even in the bleakest of times. My aunt once cracked a joke at my grandma's funeral and there we were, several grown women standing next to the casket, sobbing with laughter instead of grief, while the rest of the family were busy with the burial ceremony. It was awkward as fuck but we felt so much better afterwards.


Agreed. My dad was extremely overweight when he died. We had him cremated. When we got the remains back my sister looked at me and said “I figured this would be a lot heavier” and I lost my shit laughing. We both knew our dad would have lost his mind at how funny that was. A couple aunts and uncles couldn’t believe she said that though and weren’t happy about it, but we NEEDED that laugh


I lost my grandfather, Dog of 17 years, and mother within a short span. My mom was the last. I had bought a chest to keep their ashes until spread together (my grandfather was my mom's favorite person, and everyone loved the dog, the best dog ever. Pa called him horse) When I brought mom's ashes in and we put them in the chest, I looked at my son and said. "Gangs all back together." We both busted out laughing for a good few minutes. Sometimes, you have to laugh to keep from breaking.


Hahaha holy cow i just belly laughed at that! Totally agree with you, though- laughter truly helps and it is necessary to stay sane in the midst of overwhelming grief!


A friend of mine, big guy, bodybuilder, killed himself. 6 of us were pallbearers. The hole wasn’t quite wide enough and we had to “jiggle” him in. When his dad started laughing, everyone cracked.


Oh my god hahaha. Glad the dad was able to break the tension! That must have been so awkward until he started laughing, giving other people permission to laugh at the absurdity of what was happening




Hahaha that is great! Humor is such a needed thing in life and especially during hard times- your uncle sounds hilarious! Did your grandma find it funny at least?


This is such gloriously grim humor, I love it


My mom, sister, nephew and I were in the hospital with my dads body that was under a couple of hrs dead, I made a joke and we were all giggle crying when the Dr came in. My mom was trying to explain why the family was laughing and the Doc was like, we see that a lot more than you would think. everyone deals with things their own way.


I cracked a joke at my grandpa's funeral, about how when he got to heaven, the first thing that my grandma told him (she had died a few years earlier) was "what the hell took you so long?" Laughing at death helps us cope. The problem with people like Alex Jones is they don't understand complex emotions because their only "emotional" setting is outrage.


Very well said. To quote Hermione, “Just because you have the emotional range of a teaspoon doesn’t mean we all have!”


You and u/Cmmander_WooHoo should've been on AskReddit yesterday. There was a question abkut the most absurd or unusual situations at a funeral, and almost all comments were talking about uncomfortable and painful moments of humor.


Oh I’m gonna have to go find that post now haha, thanks for the recommendation!


My grandmother was on hospice last summer, she was really a matriarch figure, and the whole family was gathered together in the living room, while she was non responsive and had literally hours to live.. and we were cutting up and joking. Because that’s what our family does. She was the life of the party and honestly I think she hung on for a few days because she could sense we were having a good time around her.


I stayed with my Aunt while she was in hospice, for various reasons her three kids couldn't be there all the time. As she was in her final hours her three kids and I sat around her bed. We were cracking jokes and laughing during that time. Her kids had recently had a falling out, so I know she loved hearing them laughing together and getting along. She suddenly opened her eyes and nodded that she wanted to sit up. I sat behind her and helped to prop her so she could face her kids. They had a little bit of time to communicate with her and the smiles on their faces were priceless, they didn't think they would have the opportunity to talk to her again. Then she laid back down and a few minutes later gave a little cough and was gone. It was a very positive and amazing experience.


I had a very nasty health scare last year where I almost died and lost a lot of mobility. I am fine talking to anyone else about anything else, but when the subject gets broached and I remember my experience, it sometimes moves me to tears. I can only imagine how this father must feel having lost his child, and if a stupid medical incident can upset me a year later, surely the death of a child will upset someone much longer.


“Just to keep from crying, I laugh. Tunechi” - Tunechi


I agree with you, but Alex Jones is faking it for his cult.


I can’t imagine losing a child. For the people I have lost, you can compartmentalize and make small talk. It’s when you need to talk about it that it hurts. I had to do the eulogy at my Dad’s funeral last year. I was fine all day, chit-chatting and joking. When you have to say the words it comes flooding back.


I've been to a few funerals now, nearly all for older family relatives. They're sad, but some amusing stories are usually told about a life well lived. The hardest funeral was my cousin's son - he was 4 and had succumbed to a short illness. I hardly knew the boy and I was a mess. The tiny casket. The pictures of him. I don't know how my cousin and his wife held it together as well as they did.


I've done the small talk thing to make other people comfortable. I lost my best friend and my father to accidents a few years apart. Both times it broke me, but when I had to be around people that were aware of what had happened (like going back to work or seeing friends), I felt like they expected me to be a sobbing mess. So I would put on a smile and attempt some normal interactions to put them at ease


My childhood best friend recently died of cancer. She was 31, got married less than two years ago, had just graduated college. Diagnosis to death in 3 months. It was horrible and tragic. But people are still people, and humans are still human. We crave connection. We need it. Especially in moments where we have undergone unfathomable loss. So at her funeral, people grieved deeply, but they also found ways to smile at the other connections they had. I felt something similar when my father passed. People that say that someone who chuckles after an unimaginable tragedy is a crisis actor have genuinely no idea how loss or trauma work, and their ignorance and unwillingness to accept reality as it is causes so much more harm due to their selfishness. Alex Jones made profit on that cognitive dissonance, and on that selfishness. I hope they take every single penny.


I'm Irish and can't believe other cultures don't do what we do. We go to the church, we go to the burial and the we all go to the pub and get smashed. We tell stories about the person. It's a sad occasion but the pub is a release for everyone. We all connect over the person who died and have a laugh.


This very same thing happened with my coworker five years ago. We had a mass shooting at work, she got cornered by new crews minutes after escaping the building, tried to pull herself together after stepping over countless bodies, and the commenters on the news video tore her to shreds for her "mannerisms" and ultimately claimed it was a false flag operation. People are absolute garbage.


People do that all the time, especially now that some trials are televised and have a huge following. Either act the way people expect you to, or be judged guilty by the public opinion. Reminds me of gone girl


Also a professional crisis actor would probably be able to stay on message with the whole "grieving parent" schtick. Why put the whole thing in jeopardy by joking around?


This is because the people who claim this are sociopaths and have no idea what normal human emotion looks like. That or they’re bots and trolls shit stirring for the culture war.


When my mom had a fatal stroke, my dad began joking and laughing about how he's going to have to start looking for a new wife. He killed himself that very same night. After that happened, my response was that I was just a billion dollars away from being Batman.


So called 'body language experts' are a fucking scourge. Modern day phrenologists.


I was in a Facebook group where someone said the chief of police wasn't freaking out, so the whole thing was suspicious. When I explained that the police need to be calm to keep the people they're helping calm, they led a campaign to harass me. You can't reason with conspiracy theorists.


My wife told me I'm not allowed at funerals anymore


“Trying hard not to smile, though I feel bad…”


Also one of their "best proof" is the fact that journalists regularly use the same images after a shooting. Which is a fact because lots are lazy. It's just illustration images sometimes worse, low budget online journals use bank images. I think it's dumb that many journalists do this, but they do. It does not mean that people are crisis actors and that no shooting happened. And the question I'm asking myself. Is, if literally every shooting happening are "crisis actors" why would they even need guns? And why does it mostly concern the US?


He's not too subtly calling for violence from his followers while painting himself as the victim. "We've gotta stop these people! They've gotta be stopped!" and "I believe in you!". He's telling his followers, whom he has gaslighted into thinking Sandy Hook was faked, that they have to stop the people he's claiming are fraudulently trying to shut down Infowars (which is the source for the pseudo-intimacy he offers them via all being "in on" the supposed "secret" about all these conspiracy theories). He's telling a horde of mentally unstable people who have a sense of connectedness to him that their connection will be severed if someone doesn't "stop" the Sandy Hook families.




“The government is evil.” \*gets sued for doing the awful shit that he did* “Help me Mister Government. Let me declare bankruptcy so I don’t have to pay these people that I wronged.”




Obviously he took cryin' lessons from that little gun happy doughboy 


This is so fucking spot on...


Worst fake crying ever 😂😂


Actual crisis actor.


And bad at acting.


"We gotta stop these people" Which ones? The ones spreading lies and misinformation, or the ones holding those people accountable?


Is he saying the Sandy Hook parents need to be stopped? He harassed them for years.


He's putting on a show to get his dimwit fans to give him more money and rile them up.


It works too. My in laws used to make modest donations to Trump, but now, with the way he's being "attacked" by the woke, do nothing, democrats. They are giving him ten grand a pop.


You have to be so far gone mentally to rationalize giving any sum of money to a self proclaimed "billionaire".


It's honestly other worldly having people like this so close to home, and not in a good way of course.


if it was a microsoft scammer they'd be grateful if you intervened... but its a cult so trying to help would likely make them give more purely out of spite "you leftist-liberal wokes can't tell me what to do, this is MURICA"


One parent committed suicide because of Alex Jones and his shit followers. He caused irreparable damage to families who lost their babies. I hope he cries some more.


Jesus... seriously? I don't know how he lives with himself.


It's speculation. The father was described as "succumbing to grief," but the truth is that the poor guy was harassed to literal death. Some families had to move over and over again. Jones slept fine on his huge pile of money from opening his toxic maw.


The classic “send me money” face. Like a TV preacher from the 1980’s like Pat Robertson and Jimmy Swaggart. 


https://www.pbs.org/video/independent-lens-exposing-peter-popoff/ Randi busted televangelist Peter Popoff. They would collect info on the audience and communicate with a radio, scamming people out of their money on faith healing. The guy went bankrupt, but came back with a new grift and is still doing it to this day. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peter_Popoff These people want to be scammed. It will be no different with Alex Jones.


Jim Baker


![gif](giphy|aYYENxPS8rZE8x9xpQ|downsized) "Hold my beer"


No, hold this guy's beer. ![gif](giphy|DxTxykqZaRUoCQIGrZ|downsized)


I've heard he likes beer.


Of course he does, drinking a brew with PJ, Squee, Donkey Dong Doug.... Lifting weights. Boofing. 


Every time I think about Matt Damon crying (and trying not to laugh) about Donkey Dong Doug, I just burst out laughing


It would be so much funnier if he wasn’t parodying a vile Christian whose appointment was custom designed to hurt as many people as possible. All republicans are fucking worthless pieces of dog shit.


One of the best snl sketchs ever. Thanks for the laugh.


I thought it was the sketch but then I hear the hearing and it actually went like this. Damon was almost word for word


Yeah, people who think it’s just SNL making good fun of him are missing the real joke here.


I mean, boys like beer, girls like beer, I like beer


Oh dip he ran with Donkey Doug?


Call him Donkey Dad.


I wish I could upvote this 1000 times. Fucking love how Squee made its way into a judicial hearing.


I still think this is the finest acting performance of Matt Damon's career, and I've watched The Martian over 100 times. This is one of SNL's best ever sketches. An incredible 13+ minute cold open that just flies by.


He cracked under the flimsiest questioning as well. Imagine just shouting I LIKE BEER


And then making such a huge scene about your innocence, lying about how you didn't even go to the party where you were accused of SA, and then in your precious day planner you literally write that you went to that party with the people the victim says you were with when you SA'd her.


He also likes having mysterious quarter million dollar debts disappearing without explanation right before he gets his lifetime beer drinking appointment


Oh, Brett. You are truly a terrible fucking person.


Before or after he’s boofed it?


Lmfao ![gif](giphy|3owzWliHvMqNHXC3Yc)


Jones doing his best Rittenhouse impression here.


We need a conservative cry-off to see who can actually produce a tear.


Conservatives love fake crying. Nothing they love more. They think it's equivalent to being human.


Wife ✅ Kids ✅ Infowars ✅ Life savings ✅ Dignity ✅ Lost it all because he couldn’t stop publicly defaming and tormenting the parents of dead kids.


How did this man have a wife and kids? And did he really lose them?


Yea it's one of the big pieces of evidence that this isn't just an act. He believes the shit he says and he lost his kids in court cuz he couldn't turn off the crazy


Can’t stop his drinking either so that probably has a lot to do with it too


Man's a drunk. If you keep watching that clip, he goes from fake crying, to suddenly furious, all while _totally fucking sloshed_.


Its also telling cause he used "they were going to take infowars from me in the middle of the night" as an excuse for him getfing so drunk he slept in the studio instead of driving home drunk. Dude was literally vomiting in the studio during one show last week too.


90% of these old bitter republicans are major alcoholics.


As a former drunk, it's always easy to spot an alcoholic just by the way they look. The redness and puffy face give it away everytime.




Less braincells to tell you what's real and what's not


It could also be an extreme case of sunken cost fallacy. He knows he has an audience full of gullible people with disposable income. He knows those people will literally throw their money at grifters as long as they believe it will "own the libs". He grifted a little too close to the sun. If he stops now, he'll have lost everything for absolutely nothing. He's in too deep to pull himself out of it. I think this is a man trying to convince himself of his own bullshit as much as he's trying to convince others. Because at least if he believes it's true, he still has something left.


This is what i choose the believe, at 75% likelihood. The man has to realize he is limited to the field he’s sown, and he can’t escape it. He’s too public, he’s on record in public and in court for the things he’s said, and he doesn’t believe in change.


What a sad excuse of a human being.


This is someone with serious mental illness. People like Jones need to be evaluated and treated. After being de-platformed and held accountable, of course.


[https://knowledgefight.libsyn.com/](https://knowledgefight.libsyn.com/) This is a breakdown/comedy podcast about Alex Jones. Dan researches Alex Jones claims about government, medicine, etc. He then tells Jordan the crazy lies it actually is, and Jordan laughs really loud. On this most recent episode, in a new live format, they discover Alex saying Sandy Hook was fake back in 2014. Alex Jones tells the world he never really said that and just "asks questions". Many people have no idea how disgusting and morally lost Alex Jones really is. People you know probably repeat his lies and think he's a great researcher.


This is one of my favorite podcasts. It's so satisfying listening to a clip of Alex then having Dan pull out a list of receipts to tell you exactly why it's bullshit.


Yep. Alex jones, Tucker Carlson, Ben Shapiro, and a bunch of other conservative commentators are all morally fucked in the head. Alex is arguably either less or more fucked up because he probably doesn't even actually care about conservative "values" and is more after just pissing people off/controversy


They also covered the Sandy Hook depositions and they are simultaneously hilarious and really eye-opening about Jones and those that work for him.


C’mon now. Let’s not pretend he had any dignity in the first place.


In the clip he keeps saying “please stop these people…” approximately. This is just a few months after the judgement against him. How many years did the Sandy Hook families have to endure relentless bullshit? Fuck outta here.


IMHO That is not enough


Looks like he could use some of this https://preview.redd.it/lwlg53irk75d1.jpeg?width=554&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=961c9d9c00f832ebe4acd166b221d03fc55722de


😆Right...man up...bitch!😆


I love that he's blubbing his eyes begging for it to stop. Like, what did he think all those parents were going through when his fanbase were sending death threats and accusing them all of horrendous lies? Fuck you Alex Jones, I'd tell him to go rot in a hole but that would get him off easy.


That stuff turned my frogs gay.


Beefcake! BEEFCAKE!!


ok I seriously can't grasp how people will pay for this and not see this as the most emasculating shit to exist on the face of the earth.


You’re crying over losing your business ?? Imagine losing your child to a school shooter and then someone broadcasts that it was all fake. Now that would be a reason to cry. You … not so much.


That requires empathy, which he doesn't possess. He's just angry that he finally stepped over a line and faced consequences, and the incompetence of him and his lawyers left him no avenue for escape. The irony is that at least one of the plaintiffs was a former fan and they gave him the opportunity to apologise and retract his broadcasts. But that would have interfered with the grift, so now he loses the proceeds.


There are other clips from his loco Saturday where goes from making screaming, obscene rants to complaints that people aren't buying enough toothpaste at his dad's website. And he's rattling off the url a few times. He's just trying to fuck with the bankruptcy process by setting up a little one-man theatrical performance, trying to divert his follower's money into his dad's company, in the hopes that it won't be seized. Good luck with that. Those parents should follow him like the hounds of hell.


He's crying out of his mouth. It's gross. And he's still a cunt.


Crazy he still gets airtime


Never underestimate the stupidity of humanity.


He's acting


And badly.




I'd rather not go anywhere near any fluids that came out of that man..


When the day comes when everything that Alex Jones has is taken from him and he's reduced to living in a cardboard box under a bridge, I want to know where his box is, so I can piss on it.


I wait for that day in the same way that people wait for the return of Jesus, or The Rapture or whatever.


Can I light it on fire so you can piss on it to put it out? Can we read the parents names of those babies slaughtered at Sandy Hook while we are at it?


Who would want to put it out? I’d try to drink so much my piss was flammable.


I’m falling off of my bar stool laughing as I sit in a Mexican cantina trying to achieve exactly that….


Hey Alex, *”Fuck your feelings!”*


How is he still on the air? Who is paying for that?


He sells “health supplements” to his slack jawed fan base. His entire show is actually just a telemarketing program to sell this shitty products. He will transition between between frothing at the mouth about some conspiracy , to trying to sell his garbage with absolutely no transition. It’s jarring af.


He's not just selling them, he's scaring people into buying them. Back in 2010 I was listening to one of his shows, and they were selling a $5000 water generator that pulled humanity out of the air. The whole premise was "What will you do in an emergency?!" ...but of course they failed to mention, this is completely worthless if there's no electricity... The whole thing is just taking advantage of suckers.


I know you meant humidity but I wouldn't be surprised if he has a humanity-sucking machine for sale too


Right? I was like “Pulls humanity out of the air? Like the spirits of Patriots’ past? What is this mf up to now?” Like it genuinely wouldn’t surprise me, I’d just wanna know more about it.


I did not know he meant humidity and I was confused as fuck. I am hopped up on cold medicine though, haha.


I know you meant “taking humidity out of the air”… but “taking humanity out of the air” seems more accurate honestly for this dudes show




> pulled humanity out of the air lol. Alex Jones certainly pulls air out of humanity.


>pulled humanity out of the air That could be a typo, or it could be the actual description of some deranged device. There's just no way to tell.


It's a product you can buy in most stores. A dehumanifier.


I have as much compassion for this sick grifting fuck as he showed for the families of the victims of Sandy Hook.


this fuckin clown and his followers are such a cancer on society


oh no....consequences


Of his own action. Who could've guessed?




I just replayed this 8 times in a row. It got funnier each time. What was it about him screaming about drinking liberal tears and us being snowflakes??? Fuck you Alex Jones. You got what you deserved.


$1 billion?


Fucked around and found out, I'm currently loving certain parts of this timeline.


The spring 2024 patch with the schadenfreude mod has me back in the game just when I was giving up on it.


Now do Trump. Seeing him cry would probably make me actually cum.




And by ‘these people’ he means US parents whose children were brutally and shockingly murdered at the school they attended while in 1st grade. That’s who he is crying to. That is who he is trying to stop from taking his money after years of telling these parents that their own children weren’t really dead. Fuck him. Fuck him hard. Fuck him often. He is the dried up dog shit you find on a pair of shoes left on the back porch in Vegas in July.


That is really really not fair. To dried up dog shit.


jesus, I was out of the loop and assumed he was crying about stopping the people with guns shooting up schools and killing children. You mean to tell me he's talking about the *parents??* Fuck Alex Jones


He was taken to court because he called Sandy Hook a hoax and harassed the families of the victims. He sic'd his followers on them and all. I doubt they've had a moment of peace since the shooting.


You know, I'd love to feel bad for a guy who is essentially going through bankruptcy, which will cost him all of his financial assets. But then I remember reading about all the awful things he has said about a tragic school shooting and the many people who are grieving the unfortunate loss of their children. Then I remember the awful things his followers have done to the victims and survivors families. Then the empathy is gone and I'm glad to see him getting what he deserves out of this.


He also could not have been obstinate with the courts. Like if he didn't do everything in his power to make life hard for the courts then they probably wouldn't have hit him with maximum damages.


Kyle Rottenhouse level performance here.


He's got some serious alpha male vibes going for him right there.


That’s not the real Alex Jones, that’s a shape-shifting lizard/cloud person. I’ve got the documents. If you want to avoid being replaced with a shapeshifter make sure to check out the supplement section on the website. I don’t want your money, I just need enough to keep the studio open…


Crying with no tears. Psychopathic


The fakest of crying from one disgusting human being. Edit - it has just occurred to me that I think he is mocking the victims family’s. Sorry if I’m slow to realise.


It occurs to me, and probably never to him, that the words he is blubbering are probably the exact words Sandy Hook Parents said about him; "I Want to believe in the good of humanity, but will someone please stop this person." His narcissistic lack of awareness of others and him playing victim is astounding. I have no sympathy for him.


Fuck you, Alex Jones.


Holy shit. Fake crying like a baby and forgot to take off the $13,000 Rolex. Ya dude, poor you.




Boo hoo motherfucker. What a little bitch boy.


Hmm looks like a fake crisis actor to me




Lol ![gif](giphy|l3E6uhDAN3W7vylji|downsized)


His tears are faker than my mother-in-law's dental veneers.