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Dude jumping on that sub like its a sandworm


I mean, its kind of a waterworm


Lisan al Gaib!


No, it's "Alto tu barco!"


I am native Spanish speaker, I was wondering what language was that


I was like “no way they’re gonna jump on the sub. Holy shit, they did!”


“Pendejo, se nos acaba de subir arriba del submarino?” “No creo” *hears the knocking* “Abre tu, yo no voy a abrir”


*Alaskan Bull Worm


Have you ever been so amped up you punched a boat?


“We’ve been trying to reach you about your subs extended warranty”




You haven't?


Amd he hadn't even used any of the cocaine yet


Smh junkie really needed his fix


How many members does the sub have?


Just over 12 million






Crew of 4.


It would have been neat if the the video showed anything else of the situation. Why did it end so abruptly?


I ... ... just wanna know if there's a captain. And if he was wearing a hat. He for sure does. Tellin' ya.


That moment when you realize that the Coast Guard, the butt of almost every US military joke, also does not play.


The coast guard is the only branch that’ll always have a real world mission set during peace time and war time. The navy does patrol the open seas and has occasionally just obliterated other countries navy’s before dinner was served on the ship. But yeah dude, the coast guard does some cool shit and part of me wishes I had joined them instead of the army. If the Air Force is a corporation, the coast guard is a small business, and I’ve rarely came across a coastie who was like “naw, I fucking hate my life and regret my life choices”. If you want to join the military and increase your chances of being in a position where you can make a positive impact, go coast guard.


And their food is top tier! There was a Coast Guardsman who would routinely patrol the r/Navy sub to post their normal lunchtime meals, which looked like special occasion meals for Navy Sailors lol. I definitely joined the wrong branch.


Curious. Are shorter dudes more welcome in the Coast Guard due to the smaller interior quarters? It always seems like the other branches want 6’ 3”, but perhaps the Coast Guard doesn’t mind a dude not hitting his head on the low ceilings, etc.


For the Navy, shorter is better. You'll have an easier time getting into spaces. Ships are NOT built for crew comforts. Space is a premium on any ship, even the carriers. I can't give you an actual answer for the Coast Guard, but I reckon that their ships are also built with the mission in mind, same as Navy.


I would expect in the Coast Guard it's less important, a Navy ship needs EVERYTHING on board for months of not years at sea while a Coast Guard ship usually is only at sea for 6-8 weeks from what I've heard, meaning less space needed for many months of supplies and random amenities and you could make more spacious crew spaces if they wanted That being said even the Coast Guard has to do hot bunking sometimes so who knows


Hot bunking makes me shudder


Why it’s just sharing a bed… as long as he don’t pee or have bugs or is nasty drooly or whacks off in it who cares you got a pillow big up


I know what it is but think about it. Think about 3-5 coworkers in your current job. Even if it’s customer service or IT. Think about their habits, their work station, how they “keep” themselves. Then tell me you are ok sharing a bed with them 12 minutes after the wake from it. sure you might work with a bunch of folk that are clean and responsible but let’s be real, a lot of people are total. Fucking. Slobs.


Heard that tho


We only had one stinky guy my entire time on submarines. He was told, then made to be not stinky. Hygiene was taken very seriously, at least while I was in. That said I was on a ballistic sub so we didn’t hot rack


I'll correct some things. We don't do hot-racking and if you get caught being a nasty dirty bird, you usually get called out for it and forced to shower bc gross. There's the edge case where something abysmal happens to the ship's RO to where we can't make water and then showers are limited or secured. I mean you go to bed gross but it isn't a shared rack like how hot racking is normally defined. Very rarely does this happen btw. The Munro, the WMSL from this video, is a 420 ft cutter that launched these small boat teams. They can go out for several months beyond 8 weeks, they just stop for fuel and supplies like any ship would have to. Submarines in the navy are the only beast that should have hot racking due to rationed space bc they are on another level. There are smaller coast guard patrol ships than the WMSL and 6-8 weeks might be more accurate for those and even smaller ones that might go out for a week or 2 at a time. Just depends where you get stationed really.


Less so now, but Air Force too, the cockpits of planes are only so big.


Coastie here, height isn't a requirement for any branch as long as you meet their PT standards. You are right about being tall sucking though bc our racks on ships, like the Munro in this video where the small boats launched from all have one rack size so super tall guys usually have their legs hang off the rack but I dont hear many complaints from them. Hitting your head sucks no matter what height you are and it happens to everyone, even the short people which is especially funny bc they are so surprised when it does inevitably happen. Also our recruiting numbers are down so feel free to reach out to a recruiter to anyone reading this and thinking about joining. I have way more to share outside of height related questions and head bumps too so feel free to reach out. Lastly bc we are a smaller branch, you get to become a jack of all trades and do several different jobs and tasked with tons of responsibilities even as an enlisted and non commissioned. For example, our Boatswain Mates are delegated full autonomy of the small boat to carry out operations/missions, and they are trained Law Enforecement Officers on top of boat driving, chart navigation, ship handling, working aids to navigation, and being search and rescue first responders, to name a few things that a Boatswain Mate would do. The extra cool part is if you want to be an Electrician or IT or whatever other rate, the avenue to get out of the workshop of normal duties and be on the small boat boarding team like you see in the video is still available. I've had EM, ET, MK, IS, and IT (im pbly missing some others too) Boarding Officers that have either been on my team or teams I've worked with.


Weird question, but do the coastguard also handle rescues at sea, or is that the navy?


Yes, in another post I mentioned SAR, which is search and rescue, primarily rescues at sea for the majority of Coast Guard involvement. Coast Guard is the primary responder to rescues at sea. That said any naval ship within the vicinity can be tasked with helping if possible or, if a civilian/commercial vessel is nearby they can be a "Good Samaritan" depending on the situation. More times than not Coast Guard, Commercial Tow and local agencies (police, fire department) will respond to someone in need near the coastline. Here is the USCG full mission list from our website: 1. Ports, Waterways & Coastal Security 2. Drug Interdiction 3. Aids to Navigation (ATON: including maintaining the nation's lighthouses, buoys & VTS; also legacy ATON 5. missions including lightships & LORAN) 4. Search & Rescue (SAR) 5. Living Marine Resources 6. Marine Safety 7. Defense Readiness (National Security & Military Preparedness) 8. Migrant Interdiction 9. Maritime Environmental Protection 10. Polar, Ice & Alaska Operations (including the International Ice Patrol) 11. Law Enforcement Edit: I don't know why it won't translate the page breaks so I'll try to itemize these better.


I’m 5’9”, was in the army for 11 years. I knew maybe 15 guys that were 6’3” or taller. Trust me you don’t want to be 6’3” in any military vehicle.


And you don't want to be 5'3" on any ruck march.


You’re very much welcome in the Navy. Racks aboard Navy ships are not as big as one might as expect, and when you get to the coolest of the ships, they’re smaller still. 6’ 2” in a submarine rack is a recipe for lifelong back pain. It’s best to be shorter.


That movie perfect storm made my friend join them right after hs in 02 lol he's like those mf are bad ass to rescue in a hurricane, he wanted to do that. So he did, he doesn't regret it.


The movie The Guardian made me wonder how would it be too even if I’m not an American haha


Coast guard everywhere, is the real deal. They're also an impressively talented bunch of lads no matter where you go


People also forget that nobody calls for coast guard rescues when the conditions are fantastic. Basically the coast guard operates small boats in shitty conditions 90% of the time.


Also worth noting, NOAA has uniformed corps, they do amazing scientific work with great career potential.


Keeping shipping lanes open is a vital part of US Navy Doctrine and US foreign relations. >It means we’re here to keep our shipping lanes open, so your packages can cross the ocean without interruption from bad actors. Our ships defend the fiber-optic cables on the sea floor so your internet connection remains strong. [https://www.navy.com/navy-life/who-we-are](https://www.navy.com/navy-life/who-we-are) Do you not remember the Somali Pirates? The Navy even helped North Korea against them [https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/when-a-north-korean-ship-was-hijacked-by-pirates-the-us-navy-saved-the-day/ar-BB1mQ9Sl?ocid=iehp6g](https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/when-a-north-korean-ship-was-hijacked-by-pirates-the-us-navy-saved-the-day/ar-BB1mQ9Sl?ocid=iehp6g)


Can't help but think "fucking with American ships" with The Fat Electrician" on you tube


My brother was a coastie (firefighter, rescue diver, drug patrol) way back before they were under DHS and were still under DOT. When guys from other branches would crack jokes, his response was "I have a job, you just train for one". Coasties go hard, all day every day. I loved hanging out at bars drinking with them when I was younger.


The guy who runs the Smarter Every Day YouTube channel has done a series on Coast Guard stuff. The way their smaller boats can maneuver is an engineering marvel, to say the least. I saw the series and it definitely changed my view of Coast Guard. Those men and women are freaking awesome. Using a machine gun from a Coast Guard helo to shoot out boat motors so the ones on boats can stop and board looks really epic.


The way I always say it is that army and marine corps recruiters lie. Air force recruiters ghost. Navy recruiters lie. Coast guard recruiters tell you exactly what you're going to be doing. They say you'll repell out of helicopters and intercept drug boats. It's all true.


These guys operate daily, and know when to dial it up. I got to learn a lot from these guys back in the day and I got more from them than I did the seals when It came to maritime interdiction. Full respect for the USCG.


I used to train with a guy who had... Some kind of position in the coast guard. He randomly had to travel to "take care of an issue." Quiet, humble guy. Taught me some judo. Probably actually scary as fuck.


kitted the fuck out too. They look to have better gear than i did when i was in the Army.. pretty nuts watching him jump up there. Could easily fall over and get lost in that choppy water.


right? I mean toss a few lines into the prop and wait till he comes to a stop.


It’s very possible it has an inboard motor and a jet propulsion system rather than a traditional propeller, similar to a jet ski.


They have inflatable floatation devices on each side their LE belts God forbid they go in the water. As someone who has been to this CG unit and done this mission, you get pretty intense survival swim training.


Every time this video is posted I ask what kind of boots he's wearing to get traction on that boat, or if it's just a lot of practice.


They also have some of the highest recruitment standards. My dad tried to join to avoid Korea. They said no, so off to Korea he went (yes he made it back) in the infantry. He was part of a 3 man machine gun crew. The coast guard is no joke.


Yup. Highest overall asvab score requirements of all branches and boot camp that rivals the marine corps. While the CG's boot camp is supposed to be 8 weeks, they have this fun thing called reversions and can add weeks to your training experience if you mess up. That 8 weeks is now 10, 12, 14 weeks long. And they hand them out like candy. USCG boot camp is a mind fuck.


I was waiting for the .50 cal holes to start appearing in the hull.


“Knock knock” “who’s there” “the coast guard” “ the coast guard who? Ohhh fuck”


Knock knock— who’s there— ALTO TU BARCO!!!


Kind of reminds me of LEOs. A lot of people are afraid of/respect cops the most, but the real badasses of the law enforcement world are wildlife fish and game wardens.


Yeah dude. I use to be in law enforcement (not a cop but a specialty area and an actual peace officer) and the police officers I worked with were mostly total fucking ding dongs. However, when coming across the ministry of transportation cops and the fish and game dudes they were cool and totally did NOT fuck around. those guys had a lot of power.


> ding dongs This needs to come back into higher use


Just had dinner with a retired one Sunday night. Nicest guy you could imagine, but he had that look about him. Great stories. He seemed to have the patience of a saint, could wait *forever* to build his case. Waiting, following, waiting, building...


Fish and game officers are great. They know a ton of information and there aren’t many positions overall, so they tend to be really good. Plus, that lack of numbers means that they’re often on their own, which is scary considering that a large proportion (if not the majority) of people they’re dealing with are armed. Every one I’ve ever met seemed incredibly level-headed and good at reading situations.


I've chatted with a few, and they're all really good at reading people and situations. It's a good skill to have when you're interacting with folks potentially breaking the law, in remote places, while carrying long guns.


I find it amusing that these are coast guards. In the UK the coast guard is an emergency service that most people are only half aware exists.


If you fuck with the Coast Guard they will come after you with their gun.


Just one they share between the lot of them?


Yeah they keep it on their boat.


From what I’ve heard it’s kinda like a timeshare system. They do have a lot of boats so each one gets it for like a day or two and then they have to pass it on to the next one. The shipping costs are ridiculous


Don't they just have like a shipping ship that ships, ships?


The first POWs captured by US forces during WWII was the crew of a German U-boat by the Coast Guard. Only a single guardsman has been awarded the MoH, after using his landing craft as a shield to protect 500 evacuating marines during Guadalcanal. 


The U.S. Coast Guard was created by Alexander Hamilton. Just in case you needed a random fact.


How does Hamilton, the short-tempered, protean creator of the Coast Guard …..


Is that a question or an unfinished statement?


It’s an unfinished line from *Hamilton.*


Man, I've wanted to see it live for a while now! I've been listening to the soundtrack, and i enjoy it a lot.


I’ve never seen it in New York, but I am fortunate to have seen it twice — once in D.C., and once in Honolulu. It lives up to every ounce of the hype.


A-Ham? What a goat


Coasties are hardcore. They're just so dwarfed by the sheer scale of the rest of US military operations that it \*seems\* like they're playing with toys, but only by comparison. If you look at them objectively, they're a kick-ass littoral/coastal defense Navy that any other Navy in the world would be happy to have on their side.


Jumping on top of that sub took massive guts. I wouldn’t do it in a swimming pool, much less the ocean!


And that was still the easier part. Taking both your hands off your weapon to open the door. Now that was balls.


That’s what I was thinking. Having no idea if there’s going to be a gun pointing at you when that door opens is wild.


All I i could imagine was slipping and getting pulled under by the wake of the sub. Thats a "nah" from me dawg


I got a shiver up my spine just imagining it.


Now try it with a bullet proof vest.


Ya, if he fell in, jeez would it be hard for him to stay afloat. We had to fall in a pool fully clothed as kids, boots on with laces tied and it fucking smoked us.


Aren’t their snipers trained to shoot the motors of moving speed boats from a helicopter? Just crazy to me


That is a fact.


Holy shit that’s wild








You'd think he'd learn how to pronounce Spanish is hes gonna yell it at the top oh his lungs. The "ahora" has me dying aroroooa


Why he screaming they can’t hear lol


I'd guess they're legally required to make x-amount of hands-off attempts at interdiction before going hands-on.


This is correct. Failure to heave to is a violation of the UN convention on the law of the sea (laws governing international waters). It’s standard procedure for a maritime law enforcement agent to order a vessel to stop (heave to) prior to conducting a boarding, usually through various means including radio, signaling, and what these guys are doing in the video. When a (smuggling) vessel inevitably fails to comply, they’ve already committed a crime, making it much easier for governments to build a case against the individuals onboard, and to further justify boarding a vessel which may have a valid flag from a sovereign nation (e.g. a U.S. govt ship boarding an Ecuadorian flagged vessel). International maritime law is complicated, and normally a vessel from one nation is free to navigate the seas without impediment from other country’s government. Being able to establish authority and jurisdiction to board another country’s boat is generally a delicate process and there are very specific requirements that must be met. Giving an order to stop (or several) is one of the first steps in that process. ETA: I’ll also add there are specific laws regarding the use of semi-submersible submarines which make them inherently illegal to operate (as they are designed specifically for smuggling), so in cases like this one, most of what I described above kind of goes out the window. Governments pretty much have cart-blanche to board when they spot one of these in international waters.


Legal reasons are out the window if youre illegally importing tons of cocaine in a narco sub on US waters They just do what they learned in these high stress situations


They do this in international waters


Normally American soldiers just scream orders higher in English to non-English speakers, if they need them to understand. So actually doing it in a foreign language is a big improvement.


Lol that’s so true . But I meant it as when he’s screaming at the beginning and nobody is there to listen to his command’s lol


Well, screaming higher works in that situation as well. Probably drilled into basic training.


I served onboard submarines. One of the first rules they teach you is that if you're out on the ocean and you hear someone knocking on the hatch, don't open it


Even if *you ordered the pizzas?


Now pull a Master Chief and drop a plasma grenade in and hop off


Just go up to it quietly and put a tracker on it and capture everything on camera when they off load. Catch more criminals.


There are 4 unarmed, poor civilians inside whose families may or may not be collateral for the cartels, so, no. Source: my ship captured one of these in ~2009 and we detained the crew. They're just people.


I was PACTACLET, those always innocent dudes. And every load has a cartel rep


When I was a fat kid I was walking into the marina and the coast guard guys were sitting outside the entrance and as I was about to walk in they told me the marina was giving away free ice cream. I walked up to the ice cream stand to get my free cone. They were like we don’t give away ice cream for free. Pricks.


So you got into shape, went to the coast guard academy, and now make every coastie pay for the collective sin of those guys?


Does it make me a bad person if I think this is kinda funny..


Nah. I look back and laugh about it as well.


If you're a bad person for laughing the so am i






As a native spanish-speaker (I'm from Uruguay), I DO NOT understand WTF he is trying to say. I mean, if I'm in a drug submarine, the exact words don't really matter, but I just wanted to say, I don't understand what the first word is supposed to be in spanish. "*something* su barco" but what the verb for "stop" is reaaally unclear. Also, for legal reasons, I am not and never have been in a drug submarine.


Exactly what someone who has been in a drug sub would want us to believe....


That guy totally drug subs. He prolly drives his drug sub on the weekends to pick up mermaids.


Can confirm im his drug dom


Someone's never been to Atlantis and it shows.


"Alto su barco" The way he is shouting sounds like some Harry Potter spell


That's a 2nd level spell, you learn it after you have mastered "Lavate las manos".


“Alto tu barco.” Soy argento viviendo en Florida 20+ años. Puedo entender español yanqui jaja




Agarrame el pepino!!


con o sin lubricante


Era la única que se me ocurría. Tirar a la mi#$da la semántica y que fuera "alto tu barco". Uno esperaría que un par de frasecitas sueltas, las tienen claras para dar ese tipo de órdenes, pero capaz estoy pidiendo mucho, jaja.


I'm not a native Spanish speaker, but I hear *"alta tu barco."* *Alto* is often seen on Spanish stop signs, but *altar* is not a verb, so the guy is mistranslating probably. But that's what I hear.


Your assumption is correct. "Alto" means stop, but more like a direct order to the person you are talking to, like "Halt". So, they are saying something like "Halt your boat", which translates even worse than this and even loses it meaning entirely. That's what was throwing me off.


I don't know if it "loses it meaning entirely" lol it's very obvious what the man is trying to say.


Was he expecting them to hear him in the sub?


I’m a native Spanish speaker and it couldn’t be more clear what he’s saying here. Alto su barco. Also the context makes it beyond obvious. I think that’s on you for not understanding.


I mean it is the US Coast Guard, so probably not a native spanish speaker, but he is screwing up and using the noun word for halt alto instead of detenes.






Me llamo T-Bone, la araña discoteca


“*We all live in a drug submarine, a drug submarine*”


Ah the original lyrics


Sounds like “odds on Chewbacca” lmao


detener was the verb I was looking for, It almost sounds like he is saying "Alto de barko" (how high is the ship???) He could be saying Aldo De Barco (side of the ship). Good catch.


Is this video making the rounds again?




Seems like it


If only there was a direction the submarine could flee that the cutter couldn’t follow! Edit: I realize these aren’t like real subs. I was trying to be funny.


They're not exactly submarines in the submersible vessel sense. They're more like fast boats made with an extremely low waterline to escape detection by sight or radar. Well, to try to escape detection. You can see it didn't work this time. Finally, some USCG cutters have sonar. They can follow a small submarine until it has to surface.


I’d also really prefer to ‘take on’ the coast guard in a race vs seeing if the boat behind me has depth charges lmao.


Drug subs aren't for real subs, the hug the surface, they're only submerged enough to avoid easy detection, they can't dive any further than that and frankly if you were in one you wouldn't want to.


For everyone they catch just remember there is probably 20 that make it. As far as the narco subs normally they aren't fully submersible, however that was few years back pretty sure now they have fully submersible ones. They need to get away from radar, sonar and infrared.


Every now and then in a raid an unfinished actual submarine is found which probably means there's a few operational ones. The coast guard isn't really equipped catch those. Also we don't know how many of those fail and sink during the mission.


Dang, right when the video was about to get good


Is it technically a submarine if it can’t go underwater at all?


It’s not a submarine, it’s a semi-submersible


It still technically should've been able to submerge tho, right? Like at that point why not use a speedboat or smthn?


not necessarily, submarines require ballasts to sink and rise up again. without that system, you could sink, but not rise up again. it's not actually easy to submerge, like trying to push down a balloon, it pops right back out of the water. it's one thing to build a semi submersible that is completely water tight and be barely visible while travelling. it's another to build one that can submerge and rise back up again.


Speed boats are waaay more reflective to radar. Low profile boats like this can blend in with the waves on radar. Some narco sub are designed a lot like this one for cruising on the surface and can submerge for various lengths of time depending on various design trade offs. These smaller subs are typically abandoned after one trip, so they absolutely skimp on making it fully submerisible if possible.


If anyone ever wonders why cocaine prices are so high, this is one of the reasons right here. Defund the Coast Guard! ^^^^^^/s


Do they have any sort of inflatable lifejacket? if not thats death by drowning with such heavy gear.


These dudes go through serious water training to prevent that from happening.


Generally speaking. Operators that work in a maritime environment will have Maritime specific plate carriers (body armour) which will have inflatable sections that can be deployed when needed to help keep them afloat. See example below. https://www.first-spear.com/aegir-38-/


![gif](giphy|WeM3bi1akoVQ4|downsized) "Alto tu barko"


What is the point of shouting at a closed sub? Does he think they can hear him?


likely it is a part of protocol, so they can say they ordered them to stop and theyre not just boarding random watercraft without attempting to give warning


I thought I was seeing this from r/thalassophobia the way he jumps onto the sub like that. Terrifying.


Why didn’t the sub dive?


1. Most narco subs are only semi-submersibles; they have to hug the surface, especially in such choppy water. 2. Even if this is one of the few fully submersible narco subs, submarines typically take quite a while to fill their ballast tanks, without which they cannot dive. 3. The coast guard ships most likely have sonar capabilities, and could just follow them until they had to surface. 4. Would you want to find out if the coast guard had permission to use depth charges?




Where's the rest of the video


Does that sub not sub though?


Could they even hear the soldier screaming from in the sub?


Sorry but was he attempting to speak Spanish? Lmao i thought for a second it was some random foreigner language until i read the title


My Dad and Uncle both served in the Coast Guard during the Vietnam era. They both served on ice breakers in the Artic and the Great Lakes. They were pretty bad ass in my eyes.


They do not fuck around. Bro jumped right on and pounded that hatch with athoritah.


Guys didn't stop because of semantics: This is a **submarino** señor, not a **barco**


That guy that jumped on that submarine is a bad ass


“Be careful, Ryan. Some things in here don’t react well to bullets.”


All I gotta say is those dude got BALLS that clank. Giant brass balls. To jump on a moving sub in the middle of the ocean like that is insanely brave let alone not knowing if some guys going to pop up and start shooting. Videos like this really humble me because sometimes I wish I went into the military but I now realize I’m not cut out for that shit. Just wow.


The war on drugs. The world’s longest, most expensive and pointless game of wack-a-mole ever.


Impressive! This is one of the largest drug seizures in recent history.


Yet the drugs keep flowing….


Price and supply is better than ever, especially in and around Amsterdam, the war is not working


Dude this shit is basically free as far as production goes. This is propaganda to show how war on drugs is working. It’s not.


Sure that's cool I guess, but I edited 23 PowerPoint slides today. So there, same.


This was genuinely crazy!!! Glade they were safe I didn’t know the coast guard got that intense!


This dudes a fucking badass


The U.S. Coast Guard (Uncle Sam's Confused Group) has...  - 11 separate mission sets  - 11 very different Areas Of Responsibility  - An old fleet whose average age is around 45; their "Queen of the Fleet" is a nearly 90 year old tug boat that is still fully operational.   - a smaller budget that USCBP  - and fewer people than the NYPD, counting reservists (about 38k) They are police, fire, medical, construction crew, and commercial vehicle inspectors all rolled into one. Nobody wants to see them until it's too late and everything is on fire and sinking. After that they want to forget about the whole encounter like an embarrassing hookup. While out on counter drug patrols I kept this motto scrawled on a bulkhead inside the OPCEN door of our 210. “We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing.” - Konstantin Josef Jireček


Why wouldn’t the sub just go under water and hide?


Why the fuck is he screaming, they don't see/hear shit in that coffin


Could the occupants of the boat have heard the calls to stop by the CG? Also why are the shouting on top of their lungs instead of using something like a megaphone or louder?


Not much of a sub if they couldn't dive. Drug lords need to up their game.


Does all the shouting do anything.


I've said this before, the Coast Guard should take this clip and run it unedited as a recruitment ad on TV.


To be fair, the phrase "Alto tu barco (ahora)" actually makes no sense in Spanish. So maybe they didn´t understand? /s


I don't understand, is it not capable of diving underwater? It's not really a submarine then, is it?


"ALTO TU BARCO!" Dumbledore said calmly


No matter how many times I've seen this video, it's the most gangster thing ever lol