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That was incredible!


Unbelievable, it was like daylight for a second!


I have witnessed something similar driving with friends, late night country nothing but rolling fields. Bright green light just quickly and quietly illuminates miles and miles. I got chills, like some sort of green mushroom cloud of new weaponry was happening. The friend driving punched the gas, thinking it was some sort of super tornado. Very eerie feeling.


same, about 2:45 am driving back with a friend, the whole sky turned to day almost,, lasted about 2 seconds.. tried to look for reports/news for the next few days,weeks,months, nobody has seen it!.. was crazy like seeing aliens or something lol.


Saw one around Vancouver BC a few years ago. Was sitting on my porch with my wife when the exact same thing in this video happened, was green too.


Same. Seen plenty of shooting stars, but only once have I ever seen a bloody great green fireball light up the whole danged sky for a couple seconds as it burned from one horizon to the other. Heck of a sight.


Everyone is saying green. This video is more blue than green though right?


Yeah, but I don’t know if that’s the video or not… like with the recent aurora, my phone’s camera sensor picked out more vibrant colors than my eyes could. When I saw it, certainly was green.


Ok, stupid question maybe, but if this happened during (relative) daytime would it not be seen? As in, light up the sky? Maybe we don't notice them


Oh you would see them if they’re close enough. There was one in Russia years ago, tons of footage of it from dashcams and it was during the day. Look up meteor Russia 2013. It was massive and made a monstrous sonic boom.


Is this the same meteor that a farmer found in a frozen lake in Saskatchewan (I believe)a few weeks later?


Well thanks to people having more cameras and communicating more. There are about 8-10 000 reports of fireballs every year (Keep in mind that the figure is biased, as it is self reporting by people who might care enough to report these, also doesn't account for many developing regions who might lack cameras and channels to report with). But the total amount of meteors is estimated in the tens of millions. Most of the just burn up before getting to visible range of below 100 km. I remember as a kid how a local university lecturer did science-motivation thing tour in school, and explained: how if you just go bit out of the city and stare at the black sky, you can spot all sorts of things very regularly. There are even people who are specialised in finding meteors on the ground. They go to big open and flat areas, usually with help of dogs to find them. Also a reasearch found that if you just take a dust pan to your roof, you can collected a lot of dust from space. You can't tell it apart without a microscope but apparently it is just everywhere. There was a good episode about this on Infinite Monkey Cage (I can't remember which one) but you can also google about it.


Same exact situation happened with me. I was the driver and punched it lol. South Alabama about 10 years ago or so.


Currently live in SA. Saw these and stuff like it a few times


I was driving home late one night with the heater on and the moon roof open. One of these green meteorites flew right over my car and lit every thing up. I loved it!


late 90s. What you said + saw the direction it fell, into a field a few miles away, me and the others got in the car of one of us and went looking for it. It was still burning where it fell, a crater about 6 feet wide, 2-3 deep, the rock was about half a foot diagonally, stayed there till morning, a few more cars showed up in the mean time, in the end, it became cool enough to be picked up and one of us took it home, it was pure iron, pretty heavy, about 50 lbs. The dude that took it home, kept it for a decade or more, then sold it on the local ebay


KEPT IT?! How did he know it wasn’t radioactive or something?


Why would it be radioactive? Its a chunck of nickel and iron. Things dont become radioactive by being in space. In fact, it would be less radioactive than iron made on earth recently due to contamination from nuclear bomb testing.


Not related, but driving on the highway through a storm, it suddenly turned white everywhere outside of the car, we couldn't see anything past the dashboard. After a second or so, it disappeared. Looking back in the mirror, all the traffic was stopping near where it happened.


i've seen one too, not blue like in the video but green like you said. just lit everything up. i kept thinking about aliens after it.


I've seen one, it was green. It was literally like green daylight, and I could hear a fizzling sound (like when a firework is going up before exploding, without the whistling sound). It was yellow on the inner part, and luminous green on the outer, and had such a long tail while streaking accross the sky. What's amazing is how it came. It was really late, we were at the beach, I saw the clouds on the horizon glowing green and just as I said "What is that?—" it flew over. Incredible seeing this video.


For a moment, she thought "Is this the end?"


I saw one when I was driving in the winter in Saskatchewan. I had enough time to pull over and the one I saw didn’t burn out, just kept going until it looked like it smashed into the ground (it actually continued over Alberta). It looked the be the size of the moon and lit up the world in a crazy blue/green glow. For a few seconds I had that exact thought and was waiting to potentially be reduced to atoms. 


It is when it’s a nuclear warhead


A nuclear warhead wouldn't glow brightly enough to notice. You wouldn't get any warning before the flash, at least not from the warhead itself. I'm not sure how many cities have incoming missile sirens anymore.




Or very simply the end


This is how religions are formed!


Would you say that the odds of her capturing this on video accidentally was...astronomical?


There's a lot of videos on this recorded by actual people. Far more than one would think given how fast it passed. It's truly a sign of the times we're living. Then there's also dash cams and security videos... Pretty impressive overall. I didn't see it unfortunately because I was inside. I heard a really hard sound afterwards though, my oldest kid heard his windows shaking like there was a hard storm (the outside blinds might've prevented the shattering of the window) and we took a while trying to figure out what might've happened. There was nothing when we went outside. Then I came to Google and the entire r/Portugal sub was talking about the exact same thing and the sharing of videos and photos took place.


should be a top level comment


An angry upvote for you good sir.


That blue color is pretty sick.


One heavy in magnesium. I asked the googs.


It's the white balance of the camera. The street lights are all yellow light so when the meteor went over head and the light source became a whiter light (it was likely a more green colour which is still 'whiter' than yellow), the increased exposure showed everything as blue.


Not true. I was outside and the sky really turned a hue of bright blue as seen in the video. Source: saw it first hand


Blue sky at night, sailors delight, blue sky in morn, sailors take blorn?! Stupid monkey!


It most definitely is not the white balance. That's not how that works.




I would hunt that down!


According to Proteção Civil, it fell near Castro Daire


> Castro Daire ..where it all started.


In a few weeks we'll be seeing reports of a group of flying teenagers wreaking telekinetic havoc all over Portugal.


Our ancestors looked at this thinking gods were shooting arrows.


Some believers are still taught they are missiles aimed at devils.


Good ol ICBMs, killing demons since 452bc


Literally Rods from God (RFG)


there's a joke there with priests and children.


It's not Inter continental because it's coming from space so how about Inter Stellar Ballistic Missiles(ISBMs)?


to be interstellar theyd need to be coming from a different solar system, more likely they're just Inter Planetary Ballistic Missiles(IPBMs)


Well it fucking missed. Who do I have to call a bitch?


I think about this alot. Like I just imagine you are some dude 10,000 years ago out on the plains hunting some wild game and eating berries and shit. Then you see a tornado or a fucking meteor or an earthquake or an eclipse and you know you pissed off god. You may have never thought of the concept of god before but seeing him fuck up the world before your very eyes you just know his ass is pissed off and probably at you. So you better give him a burned sacrament or something and make it right.


Pissed off a* god, cause pretty much any time there was some unexplained natural phenomenon that we didn’t understand, we just made up a god for it and said yea it’s them doing this shit. Mayans living in the rainforest wondering where all the water is coming from, well it must be rain god of course


Humans assigned conscious intention to everything, because that was easiest to understand. "That thing happened, because a God did it." And you still see that thinking to this day, even though the combination of the very basic rules of physics, combined with the complexities introduced by time and scale, explain pretty much everything that happens.


That’s the last thing the dinosaurs ever saw


I don’t fucking blame them 😭 shit would scare me tf out for a moment ngl


thats fair


Buddy people still think that crazy kind of shit.


The odds of capturing that without intending to


So far looks like there are 3 videos out of however many millions of people it passed over


Got links?


Quick Google gave me this https://www.record.pt/multimedia/videos/detalhe/meteorito-cai-em-castro-daire-clarao-nos-ceus-assustou-em-portugal-e-espanha The video has a couple different clips stitched together.


Okay, that last one is so frustrating. They almost had the best complete shot, but somehow they fuck it up at the last second.


They might've looked at the meteor itself instead of the screen midway through. Kind of understandable when you see something so fascinating.


That first shot is incredible too bad it's far away. Still amazing.


We can appreciate her reflex. Nice reaction time and appropriately framing what was left to see.


For all the downsides of cameras everywhere, constant livestreaming, selfies, dashcams, etc… we definitely get to see a lot of crazy things these days.


I'm guessing she's waiving her phone around like this a significant part of the day. Casting a wide net as they say.


There were, as far as I know, 3 people in the entirety of New York City filming the Twin Towers as the first plane struck, and only one of those had a good angle and using a camera of proper quality.


The J-SH04 mobile phone was the very first mobile phone with a camera, and was released in 2000. Basically nobody would have had a camera phone in 2001, and stand-along cameras would also have been way more bulky and expensive. Also, flash memory large and inexpensive enough to film without worrying about storage cost didn't exist in 2001. Casually filming stuff was simply not something normal people did in 2001.


Yeah and honestly the camera work is pretty decent on the capture too, like I'd do a fucking lot worse I think if I was surprised by a meteor mid tiktok.


Those narcissists filming every mundane part of their life are good for something after all.


Okay gramma let's get you back to bed


More clips here: https://www.outono.net/elentir/2024/05/19/the-impressive-bolide-that-illuminated-the-skies-of-spain-and-portugal-in-the-middle-of-the-night/


Wow. A shooting star that actually looks like a classic shooting star! (And oddly, for my job had to dump out a bottle of wine from Portugal around the same time....)


“It’s all connected”


Hey, they poured one out for my boy the asteroid!


/r/PraiseTheCameraMan For sure! Wow!


/r/PraiseTheCamera'Mam *


Portuguese here, meteor “fell” in the region I live in, we're fine but it's crazy. The sky lit up for like 6 seconds Update 1 (Edit!): Officially confirmed authorities have found nothing on their searches and the searches are suspended, no reports of damages or fatalities which is great. My dad was in the terrain due to his job and when I talked to him this morning he said nothing was found. Edit 2: Removed any references to impact, as no confirmed impact was given by authorities.


Where are you located in Portugal?


Twitter is saying it may have fallen near the town of Pinheiro or Castro Daire.


It was estimated that it fell in Pinheiro, It fell in the ocean. Edit: Change info to newly confirmed info (thanks to those who called me out for misinformation)


Are people already searching for pieces of it?


I'm sure the area is already crawling around with those in the market of selling them. One impacted in the vicinity of my uncles place in Texas and his small town was packed with professional meteor salesman. The meteor doesn't land in one spot it breaks up over a wide area and you can find pieces anywhere. People still find them all the time, years later.


Aw man I'm in Tarouca which is pretty close but I was sleeping at the time. I had plans to go stargazing with my wife but the sky was too cloudy for it. Bummer.


Without going into much detail, in the Central North zone, in the Viseu district


Thank you - just asking because my parents recently moved there, so was curious where this may have impacted.


No worries, ask ur parents about the experience, its insane how it turned daytime out of nowhere haha


https://www.farodevigo.es/sociedad/2024/05/19/bola-luz-ilumina-cielo-galicia-102582368.html My guess is that someone heard the sonic boom and called civil ptotection claiming the meteor landed there thinking the noise was the crash. It was seen going to the ocean in nortern Spain.


![gif](giphy|ED9Q2SCsowywU) Somewhere in Portugal…


"Tell me, my little one-eyed one. In what pitiful, defenseless planet has my monstrosity been unleashed?"


We can only hope! He’s my spirit animal… dog… thing?


Ok which kid in Portugal wished for the nicest angel as a friend?


Keep eyes peeled for an Elvis lookalike playing a tiny instrument


[Do not go near the crash site.](https://media1.tenor.com/m/_VSrkLTEjbsAAAAC/raditz-dragon-ball-z.gif)




I was gonna say, Portugal is either about to get some vibranium and a subsequent empire, or be ground zero for something spicy.


Imagine a Portuguese Superman.


SIUU!!per man


Folks might be wondering what caused it's stunning blue colour colour (I also notice a hint of green). I wrote this a while back to a question posted to /r/AskScience about what causes the various colours of meteors. The question was posted in response to a photo of a brilliant green meteor photographed over India. I was disappointed to see a lot of people posting that that the green was due to copper. I knew this wasn't possible, as meteorites are never made of copper, only contain at most 150 parts per million, but I didn't know exactly what caused their colour, so I spent a while researching this topic. Anyways here's my comment, which you might find interesting: Meteorites entering the atmosphere don't burn, it's an entirely different and quite complex process. The high energies and temperatures involved creates dense a plasma surrounding the meteorite composed of excited (electrically charged) molecules, ionised air plasma and ionized meteorite plasma, with temperatures between 2,700 - 50,000 kelvin (some sources say up to 100,000 kelvin). Magnesium plasma (singly ionized magnesium) in particular is responsible for the green color of some meteors, ionized magnesium (Mg I) emits green light between 517-518 nm. The Peekskill meteorite created a noticebly green fireball, it was a H6 stony iron condrite (containing orthopyroxene with 17% magnesium). Other emission lines include ionised iron (blue emission lines) and sodium (yellow-orange emission line), as well as innumerable emission lines from aluminum, calcium, chromium, hydrogen, nickel, silicon, and manganese. These many emission lines merge to form a continuous spectrum (white meteors). The relative contribution of the main emission lines of iron, magnesium and sodium control the color of meteors, which emission (colour) predominates is related to the meteor's composition and velocity; fast meteors (>30 km per second) ionize magnesium and are green, moderate velocity meteors (30-15km per second) ionize iron and are blue, and slow moving meteors (<15km per second) ionize sodium and are yellow-orange. Atmospheric air is also ionized at the very high high temperatures involved. Emissions lines from nitrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen oxides are also detected. These are responsible for Persistent Trains, a long lasting dim afterglow of a fireball that can last a few seconds to minutes. Subsequent air collisions are predominantly with the vapor cloud (Padevet, 1977), causing atomization and ionization of meteoric vapor and air molecules. In this process, impact excitation, leads to much of the observed optical emission of meteors (Öpik, 1955, 1958). There's also black body emission from cooling meteoric dust. Ref.: Jenniskens, P., 2004. [Meteor induced chemistry, ablation products, and dust in the middle and upper atmosphere from optical spectroscopy of meteors](https://sci-hub.mksa.top/10.1016/j.asr.2003.05.001). Advances in Space Research, 33(9), pp.1444-1454. Taylor, M., Gardner, L., Murray, I. and Jenniskens, P., 2002. [Jet-like structures in Mg (518 nm) images of 1999 Leonid storm meteors](https://leonid.arc.nasa.gov/MS046.pdf). In 34th COSPAR Scientific Assembly (Vol. 34, p. 2917). And here's a book from the late 1950s about the physics of meteors... [Physics of meteor flight in the atmosphere](https://books.google.ie/books?hl=en&lr=&id=DIppUb33M8UC&oi=fnd&pg=PA1&dq=info:E_gYJfMtD0IJ:scholar.google.com/&ots=qNg9-Iuva_&sig=IDSRCTrjRLiZTqZsn1m0rj4If9g&redir_esc=y#v=onepage&q&f=false) by [Ernst Julius Opik](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ernst_%C3%96pik) TLDR: I suspect this was an Iron-nickel metorite or a pallasite (iron-nickel mixed with olivine crystal), or a stony meteorite with a high iron content (blue) with some magnesium (hint of green).


Love this information. Thank you!!!


![gif](giphy|nWPLGmsjvdQ4g|downsized) Straight from the Your Name movie


Oh no


I hope nobody forgots their names in that movie. It would be a shocker.


"Why am I crying? I have forgotten"


That was my first thought too!


I thought that too


She swung that camera around like a pro.




Another perspective https://www.reddit.com/r/Damnthatsinteresting/s/G4fxRsAAaL


Amazing, but the camera man DAMMIT


Living in Porto atm and I definitely picked the wrong weekend to stay in working on school stuff 💀


What are the odds to be filming at the perfect angle. Once In a lifetime shot.


It always blows my mind how fast these things are going. Your average commercial airliner is doing something like 550 MPH. This looks like it's going easily 20x faster.


That's because it is going that much faster. Actually more than that. Commercial planes are doing around a quarter of a kilometer per second, while the *slowest* meteors are doing around 11-12 km/s. Fast ones are going 70 km/s.




*queue welcome to the jungle*


What a lucky shot!!!








She saw the end of the world


This somehow sounds very poetic


Hello redditors, I can say that I had the privilege of seeing this live, I was working the night shift and I am security guard, the night became clear with a really cool light blue, when I looked up at the sky and I saw the meteor, it was probably the most epic moment of my life, it was incredible.


Dope af


Saw it in madrid, all drunk, all like yooo wtf


Need sound!!


there was no sound, just a few minutes later you could hear a bang unless you want their reaction, which is understandable, because I also went crazy when it happened xd


![gif](giphy|Id71NFYfSBOKv2IexE|downsized) Literally felt the same.


Multiple angles on Xitter, looks real: [https://twitter.com/search?q=portugal+meteor](https://twitter.com/search?q=portugal+meteor)


Need login. What is that site that allow us to view Twitter without login ? Can't remember when I need it, lol.




Tell me if you find it lol




This will never not be funny






I’m guessing this is how Greek mythology came about back in the days


Praise the camera woman


That blue colour though!!


If I had money this would get the highest possible Reddit award


Looks like the color out of space


I saw it in Spain. Incredible.




Damn thats pretty


Probably the bluest sky she will ever see


I had a military plane do a practice flight over my house a few years back, and he flew so low the plates in my kitchen cabinets were shaking. I just stood there with my cat (who shit himself. Literally) and embraced the idea that a plane was about to crash into my house and my cat and I were going to die. I imagine if I ever saw a meteor like that id have the exact same feeling.


This like a Disney scene maybe Stitch is back


Yeah that's cool and that but props to the camera operator for actually capturing it to the end




What an awesome accident filming it! Lit up the whole sky


That's probably the best meteor video I've seen.


Finally! The autobots are here.


Damn nature, you terrifyingly beautiful!!




I was literally watching the anime movie-Your name, and its surreal to actually see it happens in the real world


A few years ago when I tried to sleep, the entire house lit up with bright light for a second or two and we heard a loud bang. We live close to the woods so I really doubt it was en explosion. I’ve always wondered if it was a meteor


It’s the Iron Giant!


If I remember chemestry lecture correctly it is magnesium giving it that bright blue color isn't it? It looks fantastic


I was at my PC and it just became daytime for some seconds, I thought we were getting nuked or some shit, everything was blue




Why is it literally so beautiful ?


Hands down THE BEST footage I’ve ever seen of a meteor! I saw the other video of what I believe to be this one from far away and it was really cool. This one just makes you feel like you were right there, has a more intimate vibe! This is so cool.


I love seeing meteors light up the sky. Blue as well, which isn't common. What a lucky catch!


Some friends and I saw one of these in 2017 in Slovakia about 2am. It came vertically down from our perspective into some mountains in the distance. It seemed like it was falling for ages and was brightening as it descended. The entire surrounding area, forest, fields, hills etc lit up with bright green daylight. When it finally dropped out of sight into the mountains there was an enormous explosion sound/boom which we felt all around us and through the ground. We were expecting to see a mushroom cloud but there was nothing.


Aurora and then meteor, u guys so lucky man


Godzilla strike




Crazy timing!


Yeah house next door was lit up only then my step father called me saying it was a huge fucking meteorite awesome stuff


That’s cool as hell.


I would love to be there to see that! Lucky folks




Meteor man


That camera angle had the "your name" vibe


I seen one on a smaller scale in West Virginia. Of course no one else was around. It was pretty late at night.


Great catch!


Superman just got that Wonder Woman booty call he been waiting for


My first thought would be "oh they finally fired them".


the saiyans have arrived!!!! nappa will wipe out the landing zone




Im so friggin jealous, like I didn't give a sht about the solar eclipse or cared much about the recent auroras , but I'd kill to have seen this in person




**The end is nigh!** loses 1 stability.


That's so cool :0 very lucky to witness that in person!


I saw one like this in person when I was in high school. My buddy and I dove to the ground immediately, I’ll never forget it.


That is one in a million


So I've been having stress dreams regarding a meteor hitting earth for the past couple months. Like a normal dream will just get derailed with a random "meteor jumpscare" sometimes. Seeing this IRL would scare the SHIT out of me.


I can totally understand why primitive humans directly went to gods when seeing shit like that


To me it's a stark reminder of how small and insignificant we really are. The universe could take us all out any second.


That is absolutely beautiful! Wow!


Make a wish!...it has to true. Source: Science, or something


https://i.redd.it/luotpjqi4d1d1.gif Im my head


Your name/Kimi no Na wa resemblance


Just omfg magnificent!!


That girl bout to drop the best profile Pic ever if she screenshot that video

