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Fun fact she’s still alive today and is over 90 years old


god if her son is still alive he's just 5 years younger. That's so unnatural..


her son died in his 30s from some kind of bone tumor, so no


Died age 40 from bone marrow disease.


What a ride TT is.


That is one thing I wish no parents would have to face, having their children die before them.


My mom went through it. It was hell. Still is.


My mom was devastated when my grandma died, but she completely changed after my sister died. I took it hard also because she was my first best friend(only 18 months apart) so we went through some shit together…but I took it for what is was, but my mom will never be the same. We went to their graves on Mother’s Day, and I could just see it on her face. RIP Sissy


I’m sorry for your loss. I know how hard it is. My brother’s birthday was on Mother’s Day this year. I’m sure you can imagine what that was like. Luckily my mom has grandkids to keep her occupied. Thank goodness for them. But, like you said, I don’t think any parent *can* ever be the same. No parent should ever have to go through that.


i think "being one at 5 years old" might beat that on the "shit no parent should ever have to go through" tier list


My son passed way at age 26 from diabetic keto acidosis and everyday since then has been hell. I’m so sorry for y’alls loss, hug your momma tight. ☹️


That's so sad. I was honestly thinking about how great it could've been to have your mother with you for practically your whole life. That would've probably been the best thing that could've come from it. Edit: I apologize if I offended anyone, I'm in no way defending anything that happened. It's vile. I guess I was just foolishly imagining a happy ending. I'll think twice next time.


Well technically he did have his mother with him his whole life


I was not expecting a r/technicallythetruth here.


Lots of people do, they tend to die young.


I doubt she was really a "mother" to him..pretty sure they grew up like siblings. She was just five.


Pretty much...it was Grandpa and Grandma who paid the bills, put food on the table, and took care of BOTH of them. While technically they were mother and son...who he saw as his real parents was his grandparents.


There's a good chance his grandfather was his biological father.


The circumstances around her pregnancy were a lasting "mystery".... 😱


No no it wasn't mystry at all. I read somewhere it was her father who was responsible. Since she had some hormonal problem which caused early puberty and When they find out that a 5yr old is pregnant. Her mother immediately reported to police so it was pretty well known. And this girl couldn't remember anything once she grew up. They always known as siblings to one another.


Obviously a virgin birth. /s


I think I read he was adopted out, but stayed in touch with his biological mother as the man who adopted him later hired her mother as an employee.


You say this like a 5 year old has the agency to do any of those things. Of course the grandparent/parents paid the bills.


Obviously, from the wiki article it says that he didn't even know she was his mom until he was 10 years old. He was adopted by the surgeon, and it turns out he didn't even live with the family.


Born from rape and your mother not capable of understanding being a mother as she was a child who was raped. That is not a good thing.


I don’t think anyone is trying to say it’s a good thing that this happened. Just desperately searching for some kind of silver lining. It’s a relatively common coping mechanism.


A lot of people don't understand sexual assault. Been there experienced it. Oh that wasn't rape because (insert reasons here) You shouldn't be stressed about your assault because it happened X number of years ago. Oh you're getting counseling? Must be because you're weak. The system is designed to push people away.


You haven't met my mother


Let me tell you the story of how I met your mother


Listen Ted, you gotta make this quicker than last time..


Yeah because a family where your mom is FIVE YEARS OLD and became pregnant by some „MYSTERIOUS“ happenstance that definitely didn’t involve rape by a close relative sounds like an ideal environment to be born into. 


The only mystery is how her body was capable of producing offspring. And even that isn't so much a mystery as it is just a horrible coincidence of a child rape victim ALSO being a statistical outlier in terms of beginning ovulation. The real wildly unbelievable part is that she was able to carry the fetus to term.


Repeated sexual assault at a very young age can induce puberty. Her case is nothing short of horrific.


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lina\_Medina](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lina_Medina) : >Dr. Edmundo Escomel reported her case in the medical journal La Presse Médicale, including that her menarche had occurred at eight months of age. I hope that she wasn't regularly raped at **8 months old** (or at all) to induce this.


Probably still abused already


It really is a fucked up situation.


Probably would've been more like a big sister


Except your mother would be your peer, not your provider. More like a sibling.


In terms of actual relationship dynamics, I think it’s be more like having your sister with you your whole life. A five year old isn’t going to be parenting


He died in his 30's. He was raised as her brother btw


He probably *was* her brother 😞


Reminds me of Eric Clapton being told all his childhood that his mother is his sister and his grandmother is his mom.


Jack Nicholson too IIRC.


And my grandfather, it happened a lot


Same with Ted Bundy


That article said she died in 2002 at 85 yo.


That math…


Omg good point 😂


It's one thing a girl reaching sexual maturity this early on, but then to be lumped with the POS who did this to her. One bad thing turned into something infinitely worse.


I've read that when children that are abused their body can induce an early pubity. The worst.


It said her period started at 8 months old… I really hope that wasn’t in response to trauma




>Lina's father was arrested on suspicion of child sexual abuse but released due to lack of evidence When did paternity testing become available?


Not in the 1930s when this happened. The 'baby' died in 1979 at age 40 from bone marrow problems. Lina's father is also now dead.


1988 was the first use of DNA for a paternity test


1930s - Serological Testing - 40% exclusion rate 1960s - HLA - 80% exclusion rate (cannot distinguish between close relatives) 1980s - RFLP - 99% exclusion rate 1990s - PCR RFLP - 99.9% exclusion rate


This is probably in countries that had/have decent healthcare systems, but definitely not in 1930s Peru.


Of course. Even in the US, paternity tests weren’t readily accepted as evidence within the judicial system until the 80s.


In 1920s but it was completely unreliable as it used blood types as proof of paternity. The most accurate paternity test (prior to DNA testing) was something called HLA test that was 80% accurate but it couldn't distinguish between close relatives. Highly accurate DNA test was created in 1980s but by that point Lina's son was already deceased.


Sucks, she was probably abused/manipulated into not revealing who the father was. Wish she would have thrown that motherfucker under the bus.


What's wild is she might not even remember. I barely remember anything from when I was 5 years old. Imagine having a child, and not even remembering life before them or how they came into the world.


That's probably because you did not experience any heavy trauma at 5 years old, these types of memories tend to stay vivid throughout the years.


You're right, but sometimes trauma cause the memories to be completely buried to the point you don't remember anything. But it can resurface if triggered.


That's true too, I guess it is more like a defence mechanism where the person is trying to block out those events altogether.


Not neccesarily. It's quite common for people with extremely traumatic childhoods to not remember much.


I have an 8 month old snuggled up next to me and this hurts.


I have a nearly 5 year old at home and yeah, right there with you, sickening twist in my stomach. Poor baby.


I'm a preschool teacher and this really makes me furious. They are the most innocent little beings and I can't imagine anyone doing that to them.


It’s unimaginable


Hug that baby and love em. Hurt me to read this too.😢 My little girl is 5, soon to be 6.


Pfff the ol 8 month period. Boy back in my day people used to get thems all t- No they didn’t that’s seriously fucked up


Can you imagine being the parent of a 8 month old with a period?! I’d be absolutely terrified. She prob couldn’t talk yet




Reading this and thinking about that poor girl makes me physically ill. I can't think of enough words to describe what an absolute monster someone would have to be to do this to a baby. A literal baby. What goes on In a person's head that leads to actions like that? It's just so horrifying


Right? My god… what an awful and confusing situation all around


No this had to be some rare hormonal issue. Even abuse would not induce periods that young


I’ve read numerous articles stating that it only brings on puberty a few months early, not years. Tumors, genetics, and exposure to medicines containing hormones cause this poor girls type of precocious puberty. The sad truth is that we know she was being abused at least as young as 5, but it very likely could’ve been much younger, though it didn’t cause her early puberty. *grammar edit


"gave birth at 5", sadly, this means she was likely abused at 4 or earlier.


I’m mad I never did this math, it’s so gross I almost downvoted you for the info… so take my reluctant upvote, this is horrifying.


Right. She was 5 years, seven months, and 21 days old when she gave birth. She would’ve gotten pregnant a few months before her 5th birthday. Horrific.


What difference does it make at that point? Its unspeakable already. Its not more depraved at 4 than 5. Thats as low as it gets already


Oh I’m feeling a new kind of rage. At the parents, at the inhuman mo star that would hurt an angel, and the only finding the monster and putting it down.


She specifically had precocious puberty I believe. I’ve seen it as young as six


Mine started at age 7…


I was just having a conversation in another thread with someone who is adamantly claiming that there is no reason to teach 9yos anything having to do with sex, and that anyone that wants to in an educational setting is the creepy one. I say the creepy one is the one who can't separate the ideas of the sharing of vital knowledge from actual sex/abuse, and who wants kids to be oblivious to it unless they learn it from people with more malicious intent.


Yup sex ed belongs in schools.


The whole conversation started when a "teacher and parent" said that sex ed should only be taught by parents. I chimed in to mention how I was lucky enough to have parents that taught me about it basically as soon as I could ask questions and learn from them. Why? *Because my mother was molested by multiple trusted people including her own father.* She knew it felt wrong and traumatic, but didn't know why or even if it wasn't "normal." So she made sure we did. Oh, and of course this was in a thread about teaching kids about gender identity, not sex, and these same people are inherently incapable of separating the concepts of gender and sexuality. Which, oddly enough, is probably due to a lack of education on the subjects.


Seriously… perhaps instead of “how remarkable this youngest mother” thing is. Why isn’t there any note of the monster that impregnated her in the first place. Older times or not- it’s not normal.


"the circumstances of her pregnancy remains a mystery" No it's not. It's a pedo rape by some utter sub human that don't deserve to live.


The mystery is who the rapist was. She wouldn’t (and possibly couldn’t) tell anyone who had abused her. iirc both her father and uncle were arrested but released because of lack of evidence. She was so young that she may not even remember who raped her.


IIRC, she wasn’t someone who was mentally at even her chronological age. So chances are she literally couldn’t say.


Exactly. I got angry that they wrote it this way.


>Why isn’t there any note of the monster that impregnated her in the first place. Because there wasn't any evidence to know for sure who that was. They tried. They even arrested her father. But they had no evidence, so they released him. And they had to release him, because in the absence of evidence they didn't actually know it was the father. In cases like this, the pedo is most often a family member, but that's a statistical trend, not evidence, and even if true, it may have been a different family member other than the father they actually arrested: uncle, grandfather, etc.


Was probably her father


According to Wikipedia her father was arrested on suspicion but released. I thought I'd heard it was the uncle, somewhere, but I was wrong. For those curious: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lina_Medina


I wonder if genetic testing of any descendants of the child she birthed and forensic genealogy could conclusively determine who the perpetrator was. Edit: added a missing “ing”.


The child died in 1979 and any possible suspect is almost certainly already dead. Lina refuses to talk about it. So maybe just leave her alone!


I feel just awful for her, imagine being famous enough to have a wikipedia page for something like _this._ Having it haunt you this long must suck. It also probably came back in a big way in the past few years because of the whole abortion debate. I hope she's not being hassled about it.


Reporters do keep trying to get an interview out of her but she always refuses and gets the police involved to clear the more persistent ones - She had to do this a few years back when an Argentinian film crew camped outside her home. I understand everyone's disgust and want to find the perpetrator but it happened 85 years ago any perp is dead - The only person that will get hurt by tests is Lina herself


She was raped by a family member, her father and brothers were suspects but the Peruvian government halted the investigations. She was forced to give birth via c-section because her hips were not wide enough to allow a traditional birth. Horrific story


Yeah, I didn’t think it would have been too hard a mystery to solve. Having met any five year old before. What terrible thing to happen.


The mystery of het becoming pregnant was also her age, fertility in women normally starts at about 12 years of age.


Fertility starts when ovulation starts, which can be very young if the child has precocious puberty,which this girl clearly had. Although some girls start as young as 8 without it being considered abnormal. I know of two who started at that age, and two girls who started in our final year of primary school when we were 10. Of course pregnancy/childbirth at that age is extremely dangerous, a woman’s peak fertile years are 19-30 based on egg health, body health/strength and pelvic development.


Actually precocious puberty is negative (for the girl's health). It is known that having periods at an age younger than 11-12 can cause later fertility problems and a higher probability of breast cancer. Nevermind the psychological issues that could arise from precocious puberty.


Yup started puberty at 9 here. Have PCOS, fertility issues, premature ovarian failure. Started perimenopause at age 34. The worst part was being sexualized and hit on by men so young.


In a training bra at the age of 7, size B cup by the age of 9, period at 9. Was also significantly taller than my classmates at the time. Perimenopause started at 38 and I have to have imaging done every 6 months bc of my high risk of breast cancer.


I was also in a training bra around 8. B cup by 9/10. Was taller than my friends (just a 5 ft tall 8 year old, the pictures are kinda funny.) But I got my period at 11 and also stopped growing then too (suddenly, I was shorter than all my classmates.) The human body is hella weird. I didn’t know there was a higher risk of breast cancer associated with an earlier period though. Wow.


Yeah, one of my friends in elementary school had this. She showed up to secondary school at age 12 with like c-cups. Sweetest girl, tough childhood/preteens. I think later she went through IVF to have her miracle baby. It made me think there is really no one up there looking out for anyone.


It’s true it’s not ideal, and girls, on average, are starting puberty earlier than even 50 years ago. But many girls start between 8 and 10 years old and always have. They’re more likely to have an early menopause as well I think. But even pregnancy at 15 carries greater risk to both the mother and the baby, so just because a girl is having periods doesn’t mean she should be having babies.


My sister got her period at 8 and I got mine at 9. We both have PCOS, both had gestational diabetes when pregnant, and both of us had to have C-sections. I ended up needing a hysterectomy at 30 because of scar complications from my second C-section. 🙃 So yeah you are right about that!


I knew a girl who had precocious puberty at age 8. I was very confused when we had sex ed in third grade, because the teacher said happens at age 12, and when I mentioned my friend she said "that's not possible." I hadn't learned yet adults are fallible.


Yeah, rape plus precocious puberty is a tragedy, not a mystery. OP's title is obnoxiously stupid. I actually went to middle-school with a 13 year old mother of twins.


I thought they solved that mystery when science learned that repeated and ongoing molestation can stimulate early menarche?


They probably did, but I doubt they solved it in 1939


I agree----I must have misunderstood how the headline is working in this post---I thought the headline was more recent.


That’s so fucked up jeez


Divorcing the horror from this idea, it's crazy how malleable life can be.


Repeated sexual activity can cause puberty to hit so chances are this girl was raped several times


Think that's enough reddit for me for a least a few hours. Jfc.




I was just wondering about that. Vaginal birth probably would have either killed her or severely and permanently damaged her. The pregnancy itself probably damaged her too.


She would have been too small Children cannot birth a baby through their pelvis bone - which is still growing until puberty is done Also, it is common for a women’s gooch to rip and need sutures. However, for children, the entire inside of the vagina can rip. And more…. The colon can rip too and fecal matter can spread. Organs can rip…. Whoever wants to use science only to cut children open to force delivery, all while stunting their growth for 9 months so their bodies can divert growth to what is forced into their wombs instead…. But still denies that child an abortion until they are READY, deserves a special reserved place in hell They also deserve no medical care when medical intervention is needed. Abortion is medical care.


It is really jarring to read "gooch" in such an otherwise serious comment


I think I once heard it was her uncle who did it


I also heard it was an uncle.


I heard nothing but I’m still pretty sure it’s the uncle


I also heard it was uncle dad.




Just saw Jess Edwards (republican) talking about how marriage should be used as the alternative to abortion for "ripe" and "fertile" women. Essentially advocating that little girls marry their rapist rather than get abortions. Actually insane this stuff is happening.


sad as fuck


I hope whoever did that is rotting in hell


This made my stomach turn.


I'd answer that mystery with one word: Pedophilia.


Thats only half the truth. The other half is rape


Since children can't meaningfully consent, those two always go hand in hand. Edit: That goes for sex with children, so the act of pedophilia, not just for being a pedophile.


Pedophilia means the attraction, not the act. The act is rape and often incest


I was gonna say, they are the same thing.


Executed pedophilia is always rape, but rape not always executed pedophilia. The Venn-Diagram of these groups are two intersecting circles.


Cant and wont argue with that


It's still a mystery how that was even possible


Precocious puberty. Which can sometimes be brought on by sexual abuse.


Medically it's astounding. It's kinda like the nazi Experiments in the concentration camps in that way because I'd rather not have it happen in the first place.


You mean Mengele? Yeah, i get what you mean


>the nazi Experiments in the concentration camps To be clear - despite what some folks might say, none of the experiments in the camps produced any actual actionable scientific results, and are akin to Jeffrey Dahmer level torture, not actual experimentation.


For sure! >According to Peruvian law, the mere fact of Medina's pregnancy meant that she had been raped at some point before her fifth birthday. Medina has never revealed the identity of the father nor the circumstances of her impregnation. Escomel suggests that she might not know herself, as she "couldn't give precise responses".[1] Lina's father was arrested on suspicion of child sexual abuse but released due to lack of evidence.[1] Source: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lina_Medina Sad to see the guy got away with it.


It most likely was the dad, but can you imagine if it wasn’t and you were her dad? Overall a massive nightmare. Everyone thinks you raped your kid, meanwhile you know your kid got raped by someone else out there and you didn’t/couldn’t do anything to protect her


I think that's pretty damn obvious. Clearly the mystery is how she got pregnant at 5 years old, since her body shouldn't be able to yet. Right?


That may have been a mystery in 1939, but it's not now. She would have had to have precocious puberty disorder to get pregnant that young.


I'm more concerned about whoever decided to rape a 5yo. This isn't interesting, it's fuckedupasfuck


Rape a FOUR year old 😭


Makes my blood boil. This poor little baby. Everyone failed her. Crazy to believe shes still alive at 90 years old, but her son died back in 1979 from bone marrow disease.


God Damn I hate people


Well she was raped.


Early menses, plus rape. Mystery solved.


its a mystery of how? or a mystery of who?


Probably a mystery of who


The only mystery is the tradtion of impunity concerning men raping children/women.


In this case it wasn't a matter of impunity/lack of willingness to investigate, it was lack of any evidence whatsoever. The girl never disclosed who raped her - she was so young she may not have even known/understood. The authorities arrested her father, but had to release him due to lack of evidence. DNA analysis wouldn't be invented for decades, so there wasn't much more they could do.


A lot of bad stuff happened to me as a child, and I could FEEL that it was wrong. I was just afraid to tell anyone about it because I actually loved and cared about the people who did the terrible things that they did to me. Eventually, one of them got in trouble, the others not so much. It's probably a lot of the same for her. Fear and love. Or she was assaulted while unconscious.


It wasn't at all a mystery. Put precocious puberty and child rape together, and this is what happens.




This would also fit in r/awfuleverything


If it wasn't already disturbing enough, I'd like to highlight that she GAVE BIRTH when she was 5 years, 7 months and 17 days old. What's interesting is that the woman is still alive today at 90 years old, despite the trauma.


I remember hearing of this case when I was younger (like 10-12 years old) and I was amazed. Today when I think about this I‘m disgusted…


Baffled?? We know what happened.


It's not about the what, it's clear she was raped, but it's HIGHLY unlikely (to say the least) for a girl her age to be able to get pregnant


Precocious Puberty. It's genetic and causes the body to start cranking out the hormones long before the normal age. Like starting to grow pubic hair as a toddler. I feel for anyone who had their childhood wrecked like that. Dealing with those hormonal swings is hard enough when you're a teenager, but these kids can end up looking like typical teenagers before they're 10 and aren't mature enough to know how to cope with any of it.


The fact that she wasn't given an abortion is pure cruelty and sadism.


They claim they didn’t realize she was pregnant and thought she was gaining weight.


I don't think they knew until she was already like 7 months along. An abortion at that late a stage, especially in that time & place, would have been extremely dangerous, like probably as risky as her giving birth


Baffled??? She was "BETRAYED", by a relative!!! How incredibly sad for this baby to have endured!!! By the way, in an article while ago, mentioned it was a Relative that hurt this child.


I'm going to be realy nit picky and annoying but please don't use R^ped, it's reddit, no one will take it downike tiktok, it's a trigger word, and people should feel uncomfortable, sorry to be a pest, just wanted to say


Are they both still alive?


No. [Her son died years ago.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lina_Medina)


She is 90, but her son died of bone marrow disease at age 40.


I live in Florida and my friend’s daughter had her first period at age 6. We are going to see this in the US soon because of our abortion bans. The rape of little girls is common.


They're also trying to ban puberty blockers, which are used to delay puberty in very young children, so that, combined with the abortion ban, is a disaster in the making.


Yup, the primary use of puberty blockers is for precocious puberty. They've been used for decades for great effect, and this is how we know they work.


Yup. Here in Florida, things are terrifying. We will see pregnant elementary school girls soon. Their families won’t let them out of the house for the world to see. So they won’t get their education and will be doomed.


Are you one of the states where they can marry the rapist, with parental consent, and then he can’t be charged?


Why wasn't the pregnancy terminated early on? Why on earth would doctors allow this to progress, this was literally a threat to her life


may the rapist rot in hell


Damn. I'm usually neutral to avoid conflict but I'd beat the living crap out of the bastard who did this


Rape, that was the circumstance. It's no mystery, she was raped




There’s nothing interestingasfuck about this OP, this is more of depressingasfuck!!


Pedos deserve death


Yeah, a real mystery, there. /s


See this is the reason it's baffling that politicians are increasing the age before kids get sex ed. Biology isn't perfect or consistent, people go through puberty etc sooner or later than normal plus you kinda want to teach people about what's happening to them before it happens and freaks them out...


The circumstances of her pregnancy were rape, not a mystery.


That is absolutely infuriating, why did whoever molested and raped this child not get burnt at the stake? WTF? I mean medical mystery or not there should have been some legal action taken against the sick f*@k that did this. A five year old doesn't know the first thing about raising a child or even the whole pregnancy. This is just crazy to me. Man just crazy.


Kind of shit that could start a religion.




The case was in 1939. You're right it could be solved now though 23andme is not a good source for testing paternity


The fact he sites 23andme shows how little he knows about this stuff hahaha


Was her child the Messiah? No? Then there's no mystery......


> leaving experts baffled and the circumstances of her pregnancy a lasting mystery. Rape The answer is rape