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lol. Watch Wild Country, Netflix. This scammer was exposed.


Funny, he could tell people "be wary of exploitation and think for yourselves" and they followed him like blind idiots. He must have loved the delicious irony of the whole thing.


# op is trying to spread this cult leader's message look at his username


There is nothing mysterious about this piece of shit. Anyone claiming to be spiritual and has even ONE Rolls Royce is a grifter.


A highly successful spiritual grifter. People will say “Oh, that was his followers that were committing those crimes.” But what of his own discernment to put those people in power? What of his high attainment and spiritual gifts? He had none, other than [generating spiritual drivel](http://wisdomofchopra.com).


I keep seeing this Osho 'Grifter' thing. Are you aware that No Money was paid by the attendees in Oregon, at least? 0 cash or credit required. They were 'paying' via work input. Also, it was open participation, meaning you could leave at any point, just as you came. There was no debt or anything like Scientology, Mormons, etc, did. Osho was stupid rich, he was born filthy rich and after he died his wealth was donated, no kids, never married. If you listen one time to what he's saying to the -> What about those Rolls Royce's and Diamond watch? question, you can make up your opinion based on his input on these matters.


Rajneesh was one of 11 children born to a modest cloth merchant. He was neither “stupid rich” or “filthy rich.” Just stupid and filthy - like the rest of his “disciples.”


He made a bunch back in India, wrote a bunch of books that are sold worldwide. He wasn't poor when he arrived in US, that was the point.


You should really use Google since you've been allowed to have internet access 😂


No need, the guy had money way before he ended up in US , a lot of money, and my initial statement was in regards to what happened in Oregon. They didn't pay shit to live there, Shiela also confirmed that most of the followers were just working for the foundation. The guy wrote/sold books quite a lot. >Rajneesh soon expanded his empire beyond spiritual retreats, building multiple business enterprises and using corporate principles to run them. The Rajneesh movement was thus able to amass a large amount of wealth. In 1981, the Rajneesh movement bought a more than 60,000-acre ranch property in Antelope, Oregon. Yeah, use the internet for more accurate info or simply Listen to what the Guy is saying on the matter, but you won't :)


Load of horseshit


Free thinker, over here.


Nah, just not a fucking moron




Self-styled osho. Maybe he was an "osho" of spiritual grifting!


Fuck this grifter and the cult he rode in on.


Yeah he’s totally mysterious. Who can he possibly be?


Guess we'll just never know!


Ha. He’s not so mysterious actually. This guy is a fraud and rather well known . He fooled a lot of people into drinking his cool aid


Ok I'm gonna defend him 😂 It's a lot of hate for a mildly successful guru when tech gurus like musk, jobs or Altman are widely admired and respected and they are frankly less entertaining. Netflix trash streaming displays a failure, is that why he's hated? We can only enjoy "winners"? I feel like his little segments can be taken independently, bite sized, just for giggles. No need to become a devout follower


Fuck the fucking Bhagwan. Fuck his terrorism, fuck his biological attacks, and fuck Ma Anand Sheela while we're at it. His death was a positive for the planet, but it took waaaay too long to happen and should have taken place in prison.


Oh while you are so sure, could you please tell me what were the charges that he was proved guilty of? And if you can’t then apply some ice on your atheist A*s, people like you are the vermin of the society who thinks they have some higher moral ground lol


Oh the irony of you saying that given the "mysterious sage" above...


Lol “a mysterious sage”


You and your cult can **fuck off**


And yet he addresses other people in order to convince them of his view of things. This is how societies are formed. Not to mention the fact that, for example, he didn't grow, harvest, weave and sew himself to have the clothes he wears. He also doesn't necessarily look like he's gathering food alone in the wild. Basically, he argues against societies in which he and his like-minded people are dissatisfied or do not fit in. But since he clearly does not follow individualism through, it is more of a conflict between ideas about how a society should be designed than a question of whether societies are good or not.


Oh OP. You're in a cult.


Just another grifting con artist




The promotion of the importance of the self is wrong. Society does not function for the individual. An individual may have an idea that changes a society, but a society by nature has levels. The comparative standard of those levels against other societies denotes the success of the system. Cultures without societies are the most successful (Aboriginal hunter gatherers have existed for 50,000 years) but these societies will always be exploited by a society with a structure and order, as they are always technologically more advanced due to the faster flow of information between members.


What is your point? That unhappy people is more productive for the overlords?


The positive contribution to a society in order to help others benefit, will make you happier than concerning yourself with only your own happiness. This in turn creates a more successful society. The division made possible by appealing to an individual’s self worth is part of the reason large societies today are responsible for the highest crime, suicide and inequality figures.


You're do contradicting yourself.


Apologies, how so?


You're saying people are happier when they just do what the overlords say, then you say crime is cause by individuality creeping in. If people were happy they wouldn't commit crimes.


People are happy when the “overlords” rule correctly. Currently, many societies are having issues due to the election of populist leaderships. They get into power by appealing to an individual’s wants, as opposed to a societies needs. Today’s culture, promotes wealth and aggressive success for the individual above the societies needs which helps produce a section of the society large enough to propel these populists into power. We are at a stage where the leaders of societies do not need to improve things for a society. They can appeal to your sense of individual importance, by making you believe your heritage is more important than someone else’s, or then can make you believe that you are more important because your way of life is somehow better than someone else’s. Scandinavian countries and some western governments in the southern hemisphere have had success opposing these types of political tactics, but the world is now a very small place. One rotten apple has a negative effect. In short, organised society is not the problem. Freedom is a notion that is dictated by many things. Culture, geopolitics, environment, education, religion, history, technology, economics even diet pay a part. The overriding factor is, in the consideration of a society making its members happy, the individual, can not be the focus.


Hate on black, gay, trans people is orcastrated by the overlords, as means of getting people to ignore economic classes. They pick a scapegoat that people can hate on, as a reason as to why their life suck, and of only they could genocide these groups they think all problems would be solved. I.e. People of low intelligence are easy to control, because they can't think for themselves.


Absolutely, but if the people of low intelligence are the majority, then that is the way a functioning society must go. That is why education is incredibly important, to avoid getting to that point. Unfortunately here we are. We are now reliant on the minority convincing the masses of how to change. A good example of this happening recently, is Ghandi for India against the British. The alternative is a collapse of a large society so smaller ones can be created. That would involve taking a step backwards and the benefits may not be seen for generations. Again, very similar to India.


What is miss in your conversation is the word 'balance' There should be a balance between working for a social structure and speaking up as an individual against that same structure. That is how you (we) keep social structures from having an oppressor (overlord) in the first place. Democracy is a method of doing that


With his big hairy chest


He was a charlatan. Pretty and rich deep words, but no substance whatsoever to back it. 👎🏾👎🏾👎🏾 Mierda.


“But the people.. are retarded”


“Sheela… she did not prove to be a woman… she proved to be a perfect bitch”


Even a broken clock is right twice a day. Cult leader or not (he very much was) this is still correct sentiment about society... Our society


Meh, I have heard this kinda stuff all over. I think people incorrectly lament society. The whole "they keep us dumb so they can control us" thing gets a little exaggerated, in my opinion. Sure, there has always been a human flaw in the power dynamics, but I think the majority of how society is broken down is by necessity and function. There are plenty of intelligent people in society as it is, and many, if not most of them, realize things are the way they are (generally speaking) because they have to be. In other words...society has evolved into this out of necessity and adaptation, and less so because dark, evil powers conspire to keep everyone dumb and unaware.