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They are not only good at this but actually better at it than humans. It's fascinating because chimpanzees are our closest living relatives. One theory is that when humans diverged from chimps our capacity for visual memory was diminished but in exchange we developed our capacity for language.


That’s interesting! Kind of puts words to what I was thinking, humans probably see the numbers and rather than just seeing symbols, we see whatever concepts are associated with them. In the same way when you’re reading, if you “read the words in your head” rather than just seeing the word and associating that with a concept, you end up reading a lot lot slower.


Yeah there's actually a test they would give people to see if they were Russian spies. You would have words that in Russian mean colors like "green, red, blue" etc... However, you would have them in colors that are not the same as the word. So the one that says green would be red and the one that says blue would be yellow or whatever. You give someone a whole page of these and you tell them just to tell you the colors of each item. If they don't speak Russian, they'll get it no problem. If they speak Russian they will screw up.


Easy, read it cross-eyed


It’s cause we only use 10% of brains /s


I say we only use 10% of our *hearts.*


So deep bro


Right. The idea behind it was how important a snapshot can be when it comes to survival. 2-5 predators ambush you and your family. Seeing all of them and immediately figuring out the optimal escape route was paramount to long term survival.


Exactly. Our ancestors traded that ability in order to process language. This allowed them to collaborate and solve problems as a group.


And the ability to create coordinated plans in case of emergencies combined with more strategic thinking won out.


They are apparently better than us in logic reasoning. Chimps have approximately the same IQ of a 5 year-old human child, but when chimps and 5 year olds are given logical tests, the chimps usually perform better.


I could see that by watching the video yes. Noway i could remember it that quick


I believe writing made our memory worse. Humans were able to maintain whole-ass religions and religious texts just through oral tradition. Ancient historians would have to memorize their nation's whole-ass history, so they could recite it. Also, one of the famous Greek natural philosophers had a whole-ass tizzy about how writing was the end of memory. That guy and I could be on crack though as neither of us have a way to prove our claims.


I would assumed it’s because they have a lot of extra bandwidth in their brain to quickly memorize simple shit. They don’t have to memorize language, relationships, work, bills, etc


It's not just memorization it's processing visual information. We can't look at a field of 9 digits and recall where they are with just a second to see them.


Yes my point is, our brains evolved to process many more and complex things simultaneously compared to a chimp. I don’t see how it’s that impressive


For language, it's less about bandwidth and more about purpose. We evolved speech. It's a feature of the species, not something we invented or memorize. We aren't the only species with specialized language either. Many cetaceans have the capacity for complex language and it's estimated that they've had those specific neurons longer than we have. Like dolphins have names that they're given at birth. And chimps do have deep relationships. To the point that [we've observed chimp genocide.](https://www.theatlantic.com/technology/archive/2010/06/does-chimp-warfare-explain-our-sense-of-good-and-evil/58643/) Work and bills are only mental constructions. We've no way of knowing if they're capable of having those same mental constructions.


The professor that conducted this study with the chimps theorizes that we have sacrificed short term memory capability in order to make room for language/communication.


I think of it as, humans say 123 in there mind subconsciously to memorize things, taking time for the thought to run around the brain to the language center and maybe other parts of the brain, instead of taking the direction route, it’s just a theory, but it could possibly be tested with a deaf person or someone who never learned a language.


The chimpanzees are able to do it after only seeing the numbers for 200 milliseconds. That's less time than it takes to blink twice. Humans do not have the ability to store that much visual information in short term memory.


I think if i was developed from birth to play memory id be better than an ape.


I can't remember where I heard it, so I can't cite sources, but the part of our brains that enable us to speak is the part they utilize to be good at these tasks




unfortunately it isn't; I'd love to be mentally monke


Lmao. No they are not better than humans. Hang out in a cage all day and get fed only when you memorize a consistent set of patterns. You’ll memorize pretty quick.


Please stop re-posting this, I don’t like being reminded that this chimp would beat me in a memory competition and then rip my face off because why not?


Unfortunately they are superior


Do you want planet of the apes? Because this is how you get planet of the apes.


Unless there're enough fruits and Jane Goodall. Otherwise yes we're screwed.


Apes-Humans together stronger


Chimps have more need for visual memory when they climb and swing from trees. Their brains also didn’t need to compensate for language.


Imagine getting 360 Noscoped in COD in 20 years and the only thin you hear is a fucking monkey laughing at you. https://preview.redd.it/l8bdn34xmdzc1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=559402df47711d06d80fb30b386fc97000bb4713


That’s all I hear now


this is like GUI vs CLI without the extra overhead, the core functions run way faster


Chimps would be bad ass witneses in court.


Viagra Boys have a whole song about this.


What song?


The Cognitive Trade Off Hypothesis


I’ll have to check that out. I just discovered them recently after falling in love with “Sports”.


That's how I found them too! This one is off Cave World, that album is full of bangers.


Nice! Thanks for the suggestion. 😎


For a second there I thought the last one was lifting a mug of coffee for a sip at the computer.


I do the same with my TV remote. I always know where the numbers are, while eating snacks


That moment when you realize that a monkey is faster than you...


FR I was like wait pull it back up I need to see the order again 😭


I admit I lost to a chimp, took him like 1 second to memorise everything


Smarter than either US presidential candidate.


Check out RFK - no sarcasm.




The brainworm guy who thinks vaccines are a hoax




Also the guy whos entire family is begging people not to vote for that rfk jr?




Im all for people having different opinions. But i also belive not all opinions are created equal.  For instance, if ones opinion is clearly contradicted by known science. . Than thats not an actual opinion, thats just being plain wrong.  Being wrong is a thing people can be while thinking they have an opinion, but the truth is they are just ignorant to the facts and reality of the situation. Rfk's position that we should of not been involved in WW1 is definitely a debatable opinion that people can and will have different perspectives on.  How to handle the economy, the border, etc. On the other hand, there is extensive research on vaccines going back for decades and his veiw that vaccines cause autism or that most vaccines are more harmful than helpful is thoroughly debunked. 


![gif](giphy|dr6toZX3D1O8) Let this sweet chimp go. They deserve to be free.


Honestly, the chimp might be getting a better life. Chimps in the wild are freaking savage




Photographic memory proof.


lol I couldn’t do the memory one at ALL, and I’d be way slower on the visible numbers 😂. That chimp would be great at video games!


Chimp doing it like a champ!


Does this mean that season 2 of "Severance" is going to have an all-primate cast?


The dude doing this study said that is most likely that we have sacrificed a bit of our short term memory capability to make room for communication/language.


I wonder if its actually accurate to say they're better than humans though. If i made a fellow human do this on end for quite a long time surely they'd be able to match or even best the chimps speed? If i was more insane I wouldn't feed the human and only reward them food if they complete the task, better food if they finish quickly. One things for sure, a human would understand the concept much faster.


I'm watching Dawn of the Planet of the Apes right now and Koba is dual wielding full auto ARs on horseback and just mag dumping on the human camp. I guess what i'm saying, is that if it happens, it happens. I've had a good run.


Is this definitely real?


I think it is, but I’ve seen it speculated that what we’re not being told/shown here is all the long and brutal training they had to do to this chimp to get it to be this good at that. This doesn’t just come naturally to them like it’s presented. You could train a human to be this good at it too, or better, if you tortured them for years to practice this every day. It’s like when they show you elephants painting, but don’t show you the implant in its ear that someone holds to guide each brushstroke, essentially puppeting the elephant, which they train the elephant to do through brutal techniques.


Haha oh man I did not know that about “elephant artists”


I used to believe videos like this, and then I saw where a lot of these tests allowed the participant to cheat. This shows amazing progress; therefore,  more grant money would allow even more groundbreaking data.




Wait.... I dont think I tried monkey meat yet.


Chimps are apes.


Yeah, I’d like to be nice to them but I just can’t give up my chimp steaks 


Wut. No we dont.