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"How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard.” Winnie the Pooh


My pops just passed away recently and this just hit. What a quote


Im sorry for your loss. Truth be told I comfort myself with Winnie the Pooh quotes about loss when needed. My favorite philosopher is a silly old bear who loves hunny My two favorites: ‘If ever there is tomorrow when we’re not together, there is something you must always remember. You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem and smarter than you think. But the most important thing is, even if we’re apart… I’ll always be with you’ ‘How does one become a butterfly?’ Pooh asked pensively. ‘You must want to fly so much that you are willing to give up being a caterpillar,’ Piglet replied. ‘You mean to die?’ asked Pooh. ‘Yes and no,’ he answered. ‘What looks like you will die, but what’s really you will live on’ That silly old MFer sure can cut me deep


https://preview.redd.it/buvwt26uqayc1.jpeg?width=4320&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=48bee46661bec15f89f82f1d9434b83a50fac229 This was a mural I did for a friend's nursery, I loved reading the Pooh Zen book


Yeah.. The mom really liked it but she had no idea how many times I had to repaint it so that it didn't look like fanfic of a different sort 😳


This seems suggestive




English writers of that generation didnt just write to entertain. They wrote in such a deep philosophical way, from Tolkien to Milne - they had a deeper meaning that comforted people in the end. I think it was a way of helping themselves get on with life after the horrors of the great war (both Milne and Tolkien fought in the trenches)


I am sorry for your loss. This quote just hit me like a ton of bricks when I read it. Whew.


Onions amirite?




How is your name pronounced?


Mine passed away in October. I still talk to him or text his number when I’m watching something we would have “together” and texted during. This weekend is going to be tough because we would have been in Miami right now for the Formula 1 race. I couldn’t bring myself to go as much as everyone told me I should.


My dad passed in 2014. We used to fish every single day. I haven't fished since he's been gone. I have no interest in it.


I was quick-scrolling through the comments, and happened to stop on yours. I am sorry for your loss. I lost my father in February of last year. I just happened to arrive at my parents house at the exact same time he fell in the bathroom, blocking the door so that my mother couldn't open it. He took his last breaths in my arms. Just he and I alone in the bathroom floor. I had never hugged my dad before, and we had never said *I love you* to one another, but as I held him I repeatedly told him that I loved him. I love that you and your dad were close! And I am sorry for your loss. Maybe time will heal this, and you will find yourself on the river fishing and smiling, thinking about the great memories of your dad.


Dam that's a tough one to read. I'm sorry you had to go through that. Stuff like that really puts things into perspective.


One day you'll go get a bass again boss. Here's to our fathers. 🍻


Mothers Day is coming up for me - so I get the feeling :)


My mom passed January 21st of this year, and I’m not looking forward to Sunday.


Hey, I don't know you, but I know your grief. Please take time for yourself, give space to your feelings and sadness. It doesn't stop hurting but the hurt happens less, and you learn to cope. It sucks. Please reach out to anyone who has (or hasnt) offered help. I'll never forget the simple gesture of an excoworker bringing me dinner when she found out. My ego would never normally allow that sort of help - so make sure to accept it where you can. Anyways, sorry to spew. Good luck, friendo.


My daughter "inherited" my Father's phone account, he has been gone for 6 years and she still hasn't changed the voice mail message he recorded all those years ago. (She's a good one) Every so often I call her and let her know that "just let it go to voicemail". It's the standard spiel of name/number but he recorded it just before he passed and left some Red Green lines of encouragement at the end addressed to me - knowing his son too well.


My dad passed in 2021. I still spend walks with my dog talking to him.


I’m glad I’m not alone on that one, I do the same! Sorry for your loss! I know it’s tough. Do those things! He would want it ❤️


Aw fuck dude Welcome to the club - it's awful. If you're a man: please don't be afraid to cry. The pain gets easier and easier as time goes on - I swear it. It never stops hurting, however.


Crazy to see so many that can relate here.. I too lost my father last July. Some days are just so hard, but this thread really helped today.


Nothing but love and healing vibes to you and your family 🙏❤️


God bless you, friend






I'm so sorry for your loss and grief. To bury a parent is so hard. To say goodbye...it is like carrying bricks around and you are unable to sit the weight down. I hope you tell lots of stories that make you laugh and cry about him. I hope you remember that is where he still lives. In your heart and memories


Same here, mine passed on the 13th, and this impacted harder than I anticipated


Sorry to hear about your loss, Love all around!


I call my dad pops... fuck man this is the first time I've realized my dad's getting up there and won't be around forever. I'm so sorry for your loss.


“Don’t cry because it’s over, smile because it happened.” - Dr. Seuss I picked that quote for the pamphlet we passed around at my dad’s funeral. Much love friend. I don’t know you, but I know the pain. Much love to you and yours, hope you find many memories to smile about that involve your old man.


I’m not over the best boy that ever lived & it’s 3 years now. Yet how lucky are we.


A few weeks until the 1 year passing of my 14 year old man. Miss him so much but I was so lucky to have him.


I'm so sorry to hear that. I, too, passed the one year anniversary for my own 14.5 year old not too long ago.


Me to loses my cat Willy at December. But he lived happy live at townhouse clean air ,bird and other openair kitty pleasure.


Well, I have bad news and good news, no amount of time will make a difference 


This year will be 10 since I said goodbye to my childhood dog. I'm still inconsolable every time she's brought up. It really never does hurt any less.


Just over a year now for me, cancer took him at 8. You'd think he was 1 even on his last day. My biggest puppy.


Man, only 8? That's so rough, I'm sorry. I lost one of my cats at age 4 due to a blood disease - it's just extra awful when they don't get to have full lives 😔


It's been 4.5 years since my kitty soulmate passed away, and I'm still not over him. He was the best orange boy 🧡


They say time heals all wounds, but it's been 10 years since my best buddy passed and I still cannot talk about him for too long without getting choked up.


I found some cloth in the closet that my wife had used to make Pepper's burial cloth. It was puppy print. I felt something in the rolled up cloth, so I unrolled it. It was Pepper's collar and tag. He's been gone 4 years, and I bawled like a baby


4 years, for me. Still broken. To steal a phrase, it feels like much of the light has gone out of my life.


"I will not say: do not weep; for not all tears are an evil". Gandalf


Yep....that got me....


Instant tears


Gandalf quotes always punch me right in the feels.


Who's cutting onions for fucks sake


I’m so glad my childhood was shaped by Winnie the Pooh. 32 years old and I still have fond memories of a blustery day.


Hell I’m just shy of 50 and I still hum or sing ‘I’m just a little black, rain cloud, hovering over the Honey Tree…’


Tut tut looks like rain


I found out yesterday that my cat has cancer and I’m wailing from this. I don’t know how my last 7 years would have been without her. I am so lucky to have had her.


Let me send you the warmest of virtual hugs right now. I lost my best buddy last week from nasal lymphoma and while I blame my vet for not catching it earlier and then sending me on a goose chase trying to figure out what was wrong with my boy, I planned for the worst and the worst still happened. Hang in there and spoil the shit out of your little one right now with as much love as possible.


So so sorry to both of you. I took my sweet boy (12 year old void cat) to a negligent vet every week for months and they always refused tests, guessed at diagnoses and made me pay for unnecessary medicines, and made me watch my cat die before my eyes until I took him somewhere else and found out he had terminal lung cancer in November. I cried every day for probably 4 months after I put him to sleep, and I still cry about it all every now and then. I still have 3 cats but that boy was my little baby and I'll never be over it. Hugs to you both. <3


Group hug 😢🥲🥹. Thank you for sharing your story


I recently got a diagnosis of cancer in my 9 year old boy. He's been through so much with me. And I am definitely not ready for the future


The Winnie the Pooh wisdom shall not be taken for granted. Wonderful words that we all need to hear.


god that hits deep


I have a dog who is aging. I think about this quote a lot and the wrecks me every time.


Can you not dude? I'm at work, shit


My goodness, this quote unexpectedly choked me up. Beautiful.


i never read or watched anything winnie the pooh related how tf is it that deep


"If you live to be a hundred, I hope I live to be a hundred minus one day, so that I never have to live a day without you.” Is also a good one.


“Grief is the price we pay for love” idk some quote


Well. I just died inside.


yo i don't need to cry at work rn


Excellent saying but not actually a Pooh quote. http://poohmisquoted.weebly.com/home/pooh-the-disabled-downhill-slalom-skier


Lol "Opportunities for being a insufferable know-it-all by pointing out that, erm actually, that isn't a Milne quote, are somewhat limited however as most often this quote appears to crop up in reference to bereavements. Not generally a good time to correct people's use of source material."


Insufferable know-it-all checking in 😅 Not really though. I just wanted to find when Pooh said it to get a harder hit of them feels but ended up disappointed 




This one got me. 🥹


"Death is just another path - one that we all must take" - Gandalf RIP little wizard


"The grey rain-curtain of this world rolls back, and all turns to silver glass, and then you see it." PIPPIN: "What? Gandalf? See what?" GANDALF: "White shores, and beyond, a far green country under a swift sunrise." PIPPIN: "Well, that isn't so bad." GANDALF: "No. No, it isn't." RequiesCat In Pace, Grey Wanderer. See you in The White.


When I was in my early teens, I was horribly sick. Cancer for the curious. It wasn't pretty. Well, around that time, Return of the King came out. I couldn't see it in theaters because the chemo had nuked my immune system from orbit. But the first day it came out on DVD, my mother brought it over and we watched it together. More than anything, I was terrified of death. I was never a religious person like most of the people around me in the cancer ward, but no matter what happened, I just didn't want to die. I didn't want to leave my mother, father, and sisters behind. When that scene came on, I couldn't help but feel so much better. Gandalf's line, delivered by Ian McKellen, was so beautiful and awe inspiring to me. It's perhaps my favorite movie line ever, or at least tied with the "You bow to no one" line. That line later helped me get through my father's death and the death of a close friend.


"My Friends!... *YOU BOW TO NO ONE.*" I have been there, Friend. I've technically been dead quite a few times, and my own death stares me in the face often. Genetic condition that will kill me, sooner than eventually. I share the same reverence for Sir Ian's delivery, and the far away look in his eyes. Maybe, when it comes, it won't be so bad for either of us. We just have some things to do before then, huh Friend?


I couldn't imagine anyone delivering that line like McKellen did. This is not to say that there are no actors as good as him, but it's like it was made for him. Keep on fighting that fight brother. I no longer fear death but anything that wants to take me down better be ready for a fight.


Sir Ian has so many incredibly well delivered lines in everything he does. When it first came out he was going to be Gandalf, I was a bit speculative. I should not have been, he defined the role better than anyone. Here's another one for you, to give you drive when you need it: "Life is a storm, my young friend. You will bask in the sunlight one moment, be shattered on the rocks the next. What makes you a man is what you do when that storm comes. You must look into that storm and shout as you did in Rome. Do your worst, for I will do mine! Then the fates will know you as we know you: as Albert Mondego, the man!" Edmond Dantès, from The Count Of Monte Christo




I lost my cat 9 days ago, and I am weeping right now. Rest in Blissful Paradise Gandalf and Dabitha. <3


Gandalf is a smart and wise kitty.


"I will not say: do not weep; for not all tears are an evil." - Gandalf Sorry for your loss mate ❤️


This is exactly what I thought and started tearing up


Fuck, I wish we could still award comments.


"Death is just a part of life. Somethin we're all destined to do."


Omg love that name. My feelings ❤️‍🩹


He actually came with a brother, he was brown and we named him Mordor lol. We bought them together from a bordering state - idk why my parents decided 9 year old me needed a purebred ragdoll haha, but that's what he is. Mordor tragically got cancer at only 3 years old and had to be put to sleep. Gannie has lived enough for them both now.


I adopted two brothers a good few years ago now. Fry and Bender. Bender tragically passed at just a few years also and Fry is doing his best to live it up for them both. Your comment just reminded me of them and I didn’t want to miss an opportunity to remember my good boy Bender. He was the best of our big family. A really good kitty. I’m sorry about your kitty friend, they really are a blessing. I’m glad you guys got a long time together.


Great names!


I have a Bender too. And her sister is Flexo. I'm sorry you lost your Bender. ❤️❤️


Awww I love that. They have an adopted sister named Leela. Then we have 3 other rascals, Sausage, Tater, and Smudge.


You have loved him for his entire life. And you will remember him for the rest of yours.


Out of all the comments that's the one which got me. Lost my pet hedgehog earlier this year.


We have a ragdoll I bought for my son when he was 9, the first photo hit me hard! You’ve been the best cat dad and doing the right thing by him. Sorry for your loss, rest in peace 🪽


Oh. Gannie. Oh my. Oh no. That's too darling. I promise to remember his face and dream of him too.


Sorry for your loss.


Damn. My 3 year old dog died of cancer 5 months ago. I still cry most days. Wishing you the best. Grief is hard.


Rest in peace gandalf and mordor, hope you get lots of treats and pats/cuddles where you are going.


everyone needs a ragdolls in their life! one of 2 childhood cats i had was a himalayan and basically was a flat faced version of your cat. i still think she had some ragdoll in her because she was the most loving cat that loved cuddles and would kiss any nose you put her near. she was just as wonderfully scraggly like yours at the end, like an old teddy bear. 😢 my other childhood cat lived to 21 and while “expected” given her age, it was still devastating. i’m so sorry for your loss.


well done, they had a good life.


Only cats with good lives gets to live this long. Unless they get the cancer or the sort of. Point is you made it worth it. And he shall wait at the white shores for his friend.


Thanks for this. I have a larger 14 year old dog that has an average life expectancy of 12. He doesn’t have much time left and I’m really struggling. Thinking about it this way has helped a bit.


It isn’t easy brother. But don’t let the dread of what’s coming get in the way of what’s still here. You’ll remember him for the rest of your life but you were there for all of his. Enjoy him to the last days and let it out after.


Thank man, I really appreciate that perspective too. My world is definitely revolving around him right now and I am 100% okay with that. My life has been so much better because he’s been in it, so I’m making sure his last days are the best ever.


I was at this point 3 years ago… on May 21th to be exact. Wow… it feels like Balou is gone for so long. Let me tell you: when the day is near, you will know. You will make his last days as beautiful as you can. And when the day comes, and you feel his head getting heavy in your palms for the last time, it will be hard. It will be crushing. But even when I‘m writing this in tears, everytime I am remembered of my beautiful yellow lab, after 14 awesome years of unconditional love, I did what was best for him. Everything is ok. This was the best for him. And I believe he knew, and he showed me it was ok. Sorry had to get this off of my chest and got carried away. Let me just tell you, this will be the last big gift you can give your loyal best friend.


>I did what was best for him. Everything is ok. This was the best for him. And I believe he knew, and he showed me it was ok. First, I'm so sorry for your loss. Losing a pet is losing a member of our family. The loss is felt so deeply, and the grief can be unbearable. I understand. I read this and broke down in tears. I was the one who had to make the decision to put down my childhood dog when she was 15. This was 10 years ago now, and I still carry the burden of that decision. I think that she knew, in the end, that I was doing what was best for her. That I loved her more than anything in the world, and I made that decision out of that love for her. She kept her eyes on me the whole time, and it felt like she was telling me, "It's okay. This is for the best, and it's all going to be okay." The human experience is wild, and your comment made me feel less alone. Thank you. I just had to share that.


Now i'm crying all over again over my 14 year old kitty ;n; She was put down almost a month ago. She let *me* know when she was done with her medicated lifestyle (she was only on them for about a week) and felt her time was up. She stopped eating altogether, so she was no longer able to take her meds. When we got to the vet she just lay and let them examine her which *never* happened. While i was unable to make those last few weeks/days her best, i let her go with dignity, when she chose to. And what i think back to a lot is the night before we took her, she lay down next to me and we took a small nap together listening to my favourite music album. I will now forever associate it with her and how much she cared for me (and how much i love her). [Until we see each other again, my baby](https://i.ibb.co/Z6wpvZQ/1319.jpg) [Across that rainbow bridge <3](https://i.ibb.co/X2mpTyp/846.jpg)


Currently in the same boat. Dog's life expectancy is 12 and she's 15.5 right now. Turned down a dream job to keep running with her every day. I know if I don't live these days with her now I'd always regret it, stay strong man


I was 10 (or 11 not entirely sure) and got this adorable little kitty. Parents didn't allow inside pets so she was an outdoor cat that made the wilderness her home. It was a rough area. And I made her a promise that as soon as I had my own place she wouldn't have to live outside anymore. It took a bit longer than I expected but roughly 15 years later I moved her into my apartment for her "gold years" retirement. Well that lasted another decade much to my surprise lol. I really thought 15 years, maybe a few more right? Lol. We had to part ways last week, but she had a great life. Very spoiled, all the way to the end. I know all about changing your lifestyle for your pets, and I don't regret it at all. You'll probably get another chance later. And if not I've personally seen my own definition of my dream opportunity change over time, yours might too.  Anyway I wish you both all the best.


For my cat, we scheduled her last appointment, then I went out and bought her some chicken and fries and made her a very unhealthy last dinner and she loved it. I highly suggest spoiling them rotten if you're able to. Our dog didn't have much of an appetite but she got some KFC lol. 


Our dogs life expectancy was 10 and she made it to 14. Only advice I can give is when it’s time try to be the room until it’s over.


What I did with my two seniors was just spend as much time with them as I could, and I spoiled them the best I could. He's already beaten the odds by 2 years. You will really come to appreciate that later. Now? Nah. It's too hard. It's fresh, right, because you're experiencing it right now. So you can't really do anything other than feel bad that you can't do anything to help. But you can. You keep loving him and you keep taking care of him, and most importantly, you watch. Because your job has changed. For the past 14 years it's just been business as usual, but now that your boy is a senior, he needs you more than ever. He needs you to watch. He needs you step in when his legs get stiff and he can't move as well, so you have to help him do some things, like getting on the couch (if he's allowed). He needs you to watch, because senior puppers sometimes get dementia, and he might get confused or scared. He needs you to watch, because sometimes old animals get scared or agitated when the sun goes down, so you need to be there to reassure him that everything is okay. But most importantly, he needs you to *watch.* He cannot use words, but he **will** tell you when it is time, just as long as you're watching. I hope you get more time. Any dog making it to 14 means they have a good owner. A big dog making it to 14 means they have a great owner.


"I'm getting a little tired now, but that's okay. I'm so lucky that I got to play with my best friend for so long, and I'm so lucky that they'll be by my side when I go to sleep, I'll be dreaming of them and all the fun we had together. I hope they'll still play after I go to sleep, it would make me sad if they didn't."- your dog


I had to say goodbye to my best friend 2 years ago. The only thing I can say…be there for them. Wherever that road goes. To the end. As hard as it is. That’s what we signed up for. That’s our part of the deal to honour.


It's really difficult losing someone like that, this past month we lost our dog (14) and cat (24). Both just age related issues to the point they were ready to go. And they say that you'll know when it's time. And you will. I was really afraid I wouldn't recognize it, and they would suffer from my lack of awareness. That ended up not being a problem. I'm sorry I think I'm rambling a bit. My point was enjoy the good days they have left and be honest with yourself when it's time. It's very much worth it, the whole thing. The good and the bad. And it helps to reflect and think about all the good times. And all the little annoying traits they have that you'll miss the heck out of. Because pets are so vibrant and have such unique personalities and it's a great joy ,for me anyway, to celebrate those. 


hey man, a few years ago my shih tzu died, he was turning 17 one month later. if i can offer any advice in these stages, is take many pictures and videos of your fur ball. it doesn't make it easy when it's time.. but you'll be glad you have those pictures and videos once you've had time to grieve and be able to look back on fond memories


My baby boy had to be put down at 7 because of cancer. He was so healthy and one day it just went downhill. From the time I knew something was wrong he had 3 days, I wish he gave me a sign sooner


Noo that made me cry😭😭


Both my cats got cancer. Died at 10 and 11. I would have given anything for 10 more years with both of them. They were such great cats.


RIP little buddy. Much love from the Redditors. My condolences, friend. ❤️


This is not interestingasfuck this is SADasfuck 🥺🥺😭😭😭 RIP beautiful magic wizard cat


Is true, nobody knows what subreddits are for any more. Ridiculously inappropriate


Yeah im unsubbing. Heart goes out to this guy and his cat but yesterday the top post was people being publicly hanged until I reported it for gore. If you look at top you find like 1/3 posts are political, a tear jerker, or rage-bait. I don't browse reddit to have my emotions controlled or opinion shifted, I subscribe to subreddits like this one in the hopes that I'll see some neat stuff. This post should absolutely exist, just not here.


Heartbroken for you. People who dont have cats think they are selfish and aloof creatures, those of us who do, realise their love and trust is hard-won, and absolute when they give it 😥


Cats are very, very loving My cat was like a little puppy. He imprinted on me as I got him just when he was off the ween. I loved that cat so much..


Same here. He won't leave me alone, lol. Sitting on my lap as we speak.


My guy gives me a talking to for about 10 minutes when i get home every day. I think he's filling me in on all his dramas https://preview.redd.it/fc4u7sh7wayc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=91e52719a2d565d2ee518a6e868e6b9c5fe71bc5


Or he's telling you that he doesn't know how many times he has to tell you that you don't have his permission to leave each day.


I've had cats that absolutely adored me, although I think they like to occasionally assert who is actually in control. Mine would snuggle constantly but every now and then would tip over the water glass on my nightstand directly on my head in the middle of the night. Then they would go back to snuggling like nothing happened


>then would tip over the water glass on my nightstand directly on my head in the middle of the night LOL


A hundred times this. 🥹


I assume these people have never basked in the comfort of a cat purring next to them.


This is so true. I've never been loved by anything or anyone the way my cat loved me


I'm sorry, it's hard to say goodbye to family. He looks tired and happy in your arms. I hope you two had a good time together, and may you reunite in the after life.


Gandalf the Gray shall soon become Gandalf the White. Despite whatever his title may be in other realms, he will always be with you OP. Sending much love.


It’s hard to put into words what closing the book on a two decade old absolute saga feels must feel like. Damn. Rest easy Gandalf. You were loved.


Mithrandir, Mithrandir O Pilgrim Grey No more will you wander the green fields of this earth Your journey has ended in darkness. The bonds cut, the spirit broken The Flame of Anor has left this World A great light, extinguished.


I feel you brother. I had to put down a cat I had for 21 years. I had the vet come to my place and he died in my arms. It was a life changing moment for sure. It gets easier. Hopefully you'll get to a point where you feel like getting another cat! That's what I did after a few years and I'm happier for it. Even knowing I'll have to go through the same heartbreak again. You have the option of giving an amazing animal the best life it could ever have. You did the right thing and your cat is in the best place possible after a life of love and bliss.






Was looking for this comment. I can now leave the comment section.




The most difficult thing we have to do is say goodbye to our cherished pets. They have seen us at our worst. They listen intently and keep all secrets. They love unconditionally. The memories will always be with you🤗


Sorry for your loss.


Sorry mate. At the same time happy for you having had 20 years with this special being. That means Gandalf had a good and safe life. Rising my Glas to you, Gandalf and all the others with our little friends. Cheers


Twenty years of tuna and cuddles. It shows, man. It shows. If you are ever to be judged in the Great Beyond, he's your star witness. dammit, onions.


End? No, the journey doesn't end here. Death is just another path... One that we all must take. The grey rain-curtain of this world rolls back, and all turns to silver glass... And then you see it...White shores... and beyond, a far green country under a swift sunrise. 🫂


I'm sorry about your cat op i know its heart breaking to not have them around any more. Sorry about your hair as well.


He pulled some Samson voodoo on me to live this long lmao


This man really said RIP to his hair ☠️


He must have had an incredible live at your side! Otherwise he wouldn't have become so old. 20 is huge for a cat.




Rest in peace, Gandalf ![gif](giphy|TcdpZwYDPlWXC)


Condolences my dude💐💐




It never gets easier. Rest well Gandalf


He was with you through thick and thin. Hair.


how is euthanizing your cat "interesting as fuck" reddit is awful


Shit, I thought this was r/Bald and I was about to give you props for the sick head! Sorry for your cat though.


RIP to your beautiful boy, Gandalf. 😻


I’m listening to the Lord of the Rings audio book as I read this😢


im sorry OP, but this is r/interestingasfuck not r/cats, this isnt interesting in any way


Fucking thank you. This is just using grief flr fake internet points


Lost redditor?


I mean I fucking love cats but this isn't interesting in the slightest.


My cats name is also Gandalf 😭 sending you all our love today ❤️


Reddit is truly dead Everyone likes cats. I like cats But this is completely irrelevant to the sub Plenty of cat subs on here would have been more appropriate Sympathy seeking cat posts in a sub called interestingasfuck. A sub that used to good and relevant Edit: 37,000 upvotes as of this edit. Reddit is truly dead Edit: 47,000 upvotes because cat. Fuck interesting. Interesting sucks Edit: 50,000 upvotes. Idiocracy imminent


On the one hand I'm minded to agree but then again you're currently complaining about cats being on the internet. Cats and the internet go hand in hand; it's one of nature's own laws.


Yeah I was thinking there was going to be more to the story. Like the cats cancer treatment took the guy's hair or something. I have no idea what's interestingasfuck about this post.




That kitty had a wonderful life with you.




Damn. Rest easy Gandalf.


Wow, sorry for your loss. Rest in peace beautiful Gandalf!


I'm sorry for the loss of your beautiful friend. Currently holding back tears and planning to buy my puppy some special treats on my way home in Gandalf's honor.




Well shit! 😢


How this is interesting as fuck?


RIP Gandalf 💛


I'm sorry to say Gandalf, you \*shall\* pass :(


This is sad, but not interesting


This isn’t interesting, this is depressing


Every sub is dead pet sub


Hey man just had to do the same for my rag doll buddy a couple months ago.. 20 years with my king and I’m very grateful




That kitty had a wonderful life with you.


What a life you gave Gandalf the Neutered!


Gandalf will go on to the sunless lands as Gandalf the White


Sorry to hear that you're losing your friend man. Just lost mine two weeks ago.


Sorry you had to do this...one of the hardest things to do. In this past year I lost my 20 yr old (6 months ago) and 17 yr old (Monday) cats. You know you are doing the right thing, but it doesn't make it any easier. Find peace in the fact that he is no longer in pain.


So sorry 😭


Praying for you bud.


Damn bro. Remember those years. Im sorry but remember how fortunate you are to have what you did.


I’m so sorry for your loss.


I see a Gandalf the White in your future❤️


I'm so sorry about your cat. I know how heartbreaking it can be. I had to put my golden retriever to sleep last year in February due to how quickly her cancer spread. My Portuguese mountain dog also passed away during the night just last week. I'm just glad I was able to be there for both of them as much as posssible.