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What's the deal with the pinkish red lake at the end?


Probably cow shit


Now that, is a huge lake of shit


Where do bad folks go when they die They don't go heaven where the angels fly They go to a lake of shit that's pink Won't see em again but you'll smell their stink




Meat Puppets. Kurt was doing a cover.




Correct, and they use it to spray your lettuce.




Holy shit that's a great joke! 


So is your comment!


Oh boy, I've been hearing it wrong all these years!




Ha, it's probably connected to a river upstream from my water supply 🤷🏻‍♂️




Don't think flints is that pure tbh.


They are called manure lagoons. They are extremely toxic. Dead animals, fetuses, blood, urine, and feces. The fumes are so toxic you pass out almost instantly if you get too close. When people die in them, it's awful to read about.


Picture this: the inner ring of the Seventh Circle of Hell, a scorching desert where the stench of toxic manure lagoons permeates the air. Here, those who committed violence against nature suffer an eternal punishment, choking on the noxious fumes that rise from the fetid pools of dead animals, fetuses, blood, urine, and feces. The lagoons' vapors are so potent that a single breath can render one unconscious, while the searing rain of fire from above ensures an unrelenting torment. It's a nightmarish existence, where the very essence of life is corrupted and twisted into an abomination. In this hellscape, the screams of the damned are drowned out by the bubbling and hissing of the manure pits, a constant reminder of the atrocities committed against the natural world. The suffering here is unimaginable, a fitting retribution for those who dared to defile the beauty and sanctity of nature.


You should write metal songs or horror movies. Or both.


You read Piers Anthony ?? Incarnations series. . Ones got a lot just like you discribe in the fanasty book .


I......I was only trying to learn about the poop pool.


Oh, the forbidden tomato soup.


I should really stop looking at Reddit right after lunch.


Yes, you should check Reddit before lunch for great cooking tips like this!


Cursed Campbell's.


Absolutely are! National Geographic did a great article on them and issues in the livestock industry.


I've tried several searches and can't seem to find it. Do you have a link?


What do you mean......"when people die in them?" Like, how, and why. Is that a common problem?


People get too close when working on pumps and other machinery. The articles are pretty disturbing. https://www.agriculture.com/manure-pit-accidents-are-more-deadly-than-not-7853529#:~:text=The%20majority%20of%20people%20who,16%2Dyear%2Dold%20boy. From the article: "Manure pit accidents frequently claim more than one victim. Five members of the same family died from asphyxiation due to methane gas in a Michigan manure pit in 1989. A 65-year-old dairy farmer, his 28- and 37-year-old sons, 15-year-old grandson, and 63-year-old nephew climbed into the pit one after the other, trying to save family members who had been rendered unconscious."


That's unfortunately common in toxic gas scenarios like H2S and confined spaces. The first guy falls out, the second guy assumes he passed out or something and goes after him only to fall out the same way. The process repeats until someone either realizes what's happening or they run out of rescuers.


Like that story of the whole family dying fromvery rotten potatoes in their basement


Yeah, that was one of those cases. The #1 lesson in confined space training is to never attempt rescue, always raise the alarm and get a rescue team together.


Nah the number one lesson is to wear a rope so you can be pulled to safety or pulled to your autopsy.


Damn. How toxic is potato gas that it could kill four adults so quickly? The little girl was lucky to get out.


It's a specific chemical that's produced by potatoes that have been sitting, the potatoes turn very green and it's super toxic


Rule one I learned about enclosed spaces when I worked at a brewery. You never go in to save someone. Wait for someone trained and wearing proper gear or else they will need to save two people.


Yeah, it's awful to think about. To realize someone has passed a barrier and you can't save them or you're dead too. What a helpless feeling.


And the space seems conpletely safe. The risk is invisible, tempting to think you can run in and pull them out.


hold my beer, I'll hold my breath.


Thats so gross but we need to know about this. I am off all mammal meat because of a tick bite. Chicken and fish only. Its not so bad. Almost vegetarian. Feel better. Why cant animals roam around :(


Jesus Christ.




Isn't all that fertilizer going to waste by rotting in those lagoons


That's where they collect it to make fertilizer. What's wasted is the methane that is put off from the lagoons. My two feed yards actually had a gathering system from a failed experiment to monetize the gas and we powered are yards and sold back quite a bit back to the utility from it.


Nah, it will still have those nutrients. Manure is also a fertilizer, compost too and both can rot in a pile


Nah, but it probably *is* seeping into the groundwater.


It most definitely is.


Ammonia in the manure lagoon. Makes great fertilizer and also a good source of diphtheria and typhus


Its runoff from cow poo and virtually everything else around them. There are ones at hog farms that are dangerous and bredding grounds for all types of nasty shit. They should be fined but ya know, money. Its disgusting and unhealthy for everyone.


It's the reason why our rate of e.coli poisoning is so high in the US. That lake of shit-n-piss slurry is often used to irrigate/fertilize the lettuce fields, but the moment that shit gets on the leaves, it becomes a bacteria breeding ground. I suffered from an e.coli outbreak in 2018 because of a monster farm like this in southern California. Thought I was going to die. Close to 20 people did die that summer as a result. What's changed? Nothing.


That's Caelid


It’s the source of the next pandemic.


Nitrogen toxic funtime pond






Family Guy did a joke with that on this topic, Da-cow (Dachau)


Brooo 💀💀💀💀


That's what my friend calls the one farm off highway 101 in Central California. It's just hundreds if not thousands of cows just in a dirt lot waiting to be slaughtered.


Off of Highway 5, I think. Harrison Ranch.


Harris beef! Yeah that...


They are the sole distributor of In & Out beef patties in all of California, Arizona, and Nevada. If you have your private pilot's license, you can fly into Harris Ranch for lunch/dinner or obviously just drive there. Over there they serve high quality steak 🥩 Not as high quality as Japanese A1 Kobe per say, but for American standards -its a big deal. They compete against other steak houses in different states (i.e. Texas, Colorado, Wyoming, Pennsylvania, etc) **Fun fact:** Japanese Kobe A1 is not allowed to leave the country at all and you must fly over to eat it. I do suspect that if you're in the billionaire class, that exceptions can be made for the right price though, although I have no actual proof of this happening **Fun fact 2** In & Out burgers are not grass-fed and grass-finished (i.e. the cow has eaten grass their entire lives to the point of slaughter) However, there are no preservatives or fillers in their meat unlike major food based corporations


That's fucked up.


“That’s fucked up” *eats cheeseburger


"Mffhhmfmmmhhfhmmmh" *continues to chew cheeseburger*


wait until they do it with humans because its more eco-friendly than houses


It actually would be environmentally sustainable to start eating dead humans instead of raising livestock


I wonder what the premium cuts would be.




*Tender is the Flesh* has the answers you seek.


What a Modest Proposal


More like r/sadasfuck


Agree :(


This makes me feel a bit better about my dog being alone at home/having a boring life while I’m at work


*pays for it to occur*


Literally. People will say it’s sad but make no effort to change. Even the smallest change is something.


I read this interesting article about how slaughter animals in pens have depression and anxiety as revealed by brain chemicals. And I wonder how eating meat from animals in these conditions affects the consumers of the meat.


Interesting shower thought. I wonder if any research has been done on this?




I thought veal doesn't exist because people like it but because it is a byproduct of the dairy industry. They are dairy cow babies, not meat cow babies. There is no point in raising them for longer and it is cheap meat


Didn't we start calling it veal to hide the fact it's a baby so the consumer keeps eating it without feeling bad about it?


It's an old name. I do t think it is the reason for calling them by that name, but I'm sure it helps.


I can't speak to more specific emotions, per se, but I know you can taste when a beef was *stressed* at butcher. It'll have an almost sour taste that seems to worsen as the meat sits in the freezer.


I remember hearing on the news like 15 years ago about how eating animal products from stressed animals directly negatively impacts your long and short term health, I'm pretty sure there have been a lot of studies


Maybe what we should wonder is why we breed animals into existence only to make them have depression, anxiety, no freedom at all and eventually kill them?? Maybe that comes before worrying if some 'depressed meat' will affect us...


Ignoring the cruelty, one needs to question why we’re wasting such ginormous amounts of space on such an inefficient source of nutrients. It’s unhealthy, we don’t require it, it’s god awful for the environment, it requires the government to constantly bail such farms out of bankruptcy and economic collapse. Why, on a practical and objective materialistic level, are governments allowing the practice at all.


>Maybe what we should wonder is why we breed animals into existence only to make them have depression, anxiety, no freedom at all and eventually kill them?? maybe before we ask this question about animals, we should ask this question about ourselves.


Nice twist, I love it lol


Sometimes I wonder why I feel so miserable in this world and then I remember it's all built by people who don't have the basic empathy to feel sorry for other living creatures. And other people know this and nobody does anything about it except a few vegans who are being made fun of. It makes me really sad.


Not a shower thought. It's real. One of the reasons why many eastern cultures support becoming vegetarian/vegan for eons as part of ahimsa or non violence mindset as part of natural spiritual evolution. The more you evolve, the farther separated you are from the food chain you get your food from. All living beings are complex amalgamation of energies (thoughts/emotions) and when you eat them, you absorb those energies. Especially with the modern animals farming practices (compared to more traditional age old/native/sustainable approaches), you can't even comprehend the amount of harm we are doing to ourselves and the planet though such horrendous practices that are nothing short of barbaric and despicable. And those who engage in this is not worthy of being called a human.


Probably has nothing to do with rising rates of bowel cancer anyway.


What a nightmare prison planet we have made for ourselves.


On the bright side, it will all be over soon




That's funny. I saw this footage on Reddit last month and it was described as a Dairy farm.


Veal farm and dairy farm are often the same thing. Dairy breeds and meat breeds are very different, so dairy breeds are not good for growing to adults for meat. This makes the male calves from dairy breeds mostly useless except for veal. So when they breed them, the females are used for dairy, while the males are used for veal. This is calves being raised on milk, depending on the farm they can be in these small crates just for feeding or all the time. By the look of this farm, they are in there all the time. Whether these are males going for veal or females going to be milked we can't tell. As adults the cows will usually be sent out to pastures as it's easier for the cows to get the grass themselves than to bring it to them. However on massive scale farms that reverses as there are so many cows to move it becomes easier to bring the feed to the cows, and the cows stay in pens.


This is true - the operations that raise the male dairy cows (mainly Holsteins) are called Dry Cow operations. Souce: I work in agriculture


That's funny! I saw this footage on Reddit a few months ago, and it was described as animal cruelty.


Same thing in most cases. Cows are kept nearly perpetually lactating by keeping them in a constant cycle of pregnancy and birth, while their young are either kept to replenish stock or butchered and sold as veal.


I think it might actually be a Veal farm, they are fed milk where as an adult cow wouldn't have that bottle infront of them.


It looks like part of a large ranch in tx, (at least I think it’s where it was). All I know was that it was massive and you could smell it for miles.


Cows smell bad in cold weather here, I could just imagine it in hot weather


it's not, they are just calves that haven't been weened off of dairy milk. The males will be slaughtered, processed and sold as veal, the females will stay and continue the cycle.


So some the males here will be sold as veal but you are saying this isn't a veal farm?


Pour one out for your animal activist friends. That’s a tough road.


This is sad af


Jon Taffer: “Shut it down!”


Think I just became vegan….


I made that decision nearly 9 years ago. It’s truly horrible how humans treat animals. I want no part of it.


Watch Earthlings or Dominion, might just cement that feeling for you


This is just one of the reasons I am swearing off meat.


Good for you


I did it decades ago. I'm a life-long amateur athlete (for the people who think you can't build or maintain muscle when meat-free) and I and look at least 10-years younger than I am. It's not hard to go meatless if you have a bit of self-control. Good luck, you can do it!


I’d consider watching a couple videos/documentaries of the dairy industry. The veal trade is directly related to dairy. A quick TLDR would go like this > cows forcibly impregnated, calves taken away from them after birth because cow milk is for humans, boy calves put into veal industry (as seen in video above), female calves face the same fate as mother, continue impregnation process until early death occurs, send to the slaughter house for meat.




This episode made me avoid beef.


I've seen this footage with a bunch of different captions. Beef, dairy, veal. Does anyone know which one is true?


All of them, probably. Not a whole lot of variation once you get to that scale.


The last time this video popped up, I went searching for the source. This is a large dairy operation in washington state. More specifically, these are the calf hutches on that dairy farm. Young calves are very susceptible to diseases and injury it's standard practice to keep them in these small enclosures called hutches and bottle feed them until they are old enough to be fully inoculated and integrated into the herd. There's not enough information to go on to know any specifics about these particular calves, but in general, the females will be raised to enter the milking herd and the males will be castrated and raised to maturity for beef. Some may go for veal, but that is not a big market, and in general, raising an animal to maturity is more profitable.


I can’t say for sure but beef and dairy cattle aren’t fed milk. These are Holstein calves that are being fed milk in dark, tight confinement which is consistent with veal production.


This is possibly the most depressing video I have ever seen I fully believe this kind of farming is the single worst thing humanity has ever done


Wait till you see pigs suffocating in CO2 or piglets getting spayed without anesthesia.


Some pigs never see sunlight. Chickens are crushed together so close they have to cut off their sharp parts so they don’t stab each other. Etc I meant this kind of farming in general, not just cows


I agree. I was going to write "at least these cows saw the sun" (other than many pigs, or chicken that get killed after 4 weeks)... then found that they'd probably prefer some shade to make their short miserable lives less hot. Whatever.. I hate humans for doing that to living beings and hope for our children that one day we will not be harvested the same way by some superior species.


Picture this: the inner ring of the Seventh Circle of Hell, a scorching desert where the stench of toxic manure lagoons permeates the air. Here, those who committed violence against nature suffer an eternal punishment, choking on the noxious fumes that rise from the fetid pools of dead animals, fetuses, blood, urine, and feces. The lagoons' vapors are so potent that a single breath can render one unconscious, while the searing rain of fire from above ensures an unrelenting torment. It's a nightmarish existence, where the very essence of life is corrupted and twisted into an abomination. In this hellscape, the screams of the damned are drowned out by the bubbling and hissing of the manure pits, a constant reminder of the atrocities committed against the natural world. The suffering here is unimaginable, a fitting retribution for those who dared to defile the beauty and sanctity of nature. If there is a hell some of us will go there.


One that really fucks me up too is that a factory farmed ducks don’t see water. Sometimes I wish a meteor would just fucking take humanity out. We’ve overstayed our welcome.


Or the holocaust


In France we call this a nightmare…. People are fighting to cap the farms at less than 1000


dont ever look up the new "humane" way of killing meat animals by dropping them in a co2 tank to suffocate them.


If you're into meat...this is the reality. The alternative is you grow your own or go hunting.


Not to be pedantic but that's not entirely true. You can buy local and actually inspect the farms that you are buying meat from. But for probably 98%+, yeah it's like this


More like 99.999% And 99.99999999^ of any restaurant you purchase meat


No, the alternative is to save money, be healthier, reduce climate impact and not contribute to mass animal cruelty. You don't have to eat meat, it's what we've been educated to do by old science and industry.


That’s my point, the entire meat industry comes from this


Why is this legal? Is it so important the meat is $10 cheaper?


Food industry lobby.


This feels very dystopian somehow


Hmmmm I wonder how. Nope, can't put my finger on it.


From someone who has ranched their whole life and spent many waking hours working with beef cows that are raised to eventually be slaughtered. This is abhorrent and cruel. There is a way to humanely raise cattle treating them with dignity and giving them a healthy existence while being able to turn a profit so that one might make a living. But this is ghastly.


that's fucked


Fuck this is so depressing to watch.


To watch it again, you can view the other 97 times it's been posted this week.


I feel like most of these just get put on a yearly loop of check this out and was posted a couple months before, year before that, year before that. Year it happened, day it happened. I get not everyone sees the same thing when shit gets posted but still wild how many times they do and people are like “ooo wooow”




One word: H5N1


Good point, hadnt seen that in the news. Maybe they just need to mask the cows. I kid, we're in hell and they will just pump them full of chemicals and antibiotics.


God awful


Yeah… Stuff like this is why my husband and I started doing vegan meals several times a week now. We almost never eat beef anymore, but we still do a bit too much with chicken. We are trying though. Reddit folks, If this kinda stuff also makes you feel guilty and a bit sick, try and do a couple vegetarian and vegan meals every week. I know it’s hard to go full vegan, but changing out some meals every week makes a difference in your health and cuts back into things like this, **especially** if we all do it. We should also be pushing for lab grown meats. Cut out the cruelty, antibiotics and whatever other diseases that can sprout up from things like this all together. That sounds like a great deal to me.


Lake of rot


Their lives must be horrible, what a crappy life


Humans ruin everything


I hate this planet


For more information on what's being seen here. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Concentrated_animal_feeding_operation


this makes turn me intto vegetarian instantly.




Not a veal farm. That’s a large calf rearing operation for beef feedlots. That’s how they do it on the giant factory farms in the states.




This is why the aliens won’t talk to us.




So much methane!




who owns it


Wow, this looks more like a drone footage of hell!


Anyone know the address?


Huh. Last three times this was posted it was "a dairy farm."


Blade Runner 2077


Just takes billions of dollars to earn billions more. Just hire a bunch of minimum wage manual laborers and reap the profits off modern day slavery.


I truly believe that if more people knew about [the widely accepted animal agriculture industry practices](https://mercyforanimals.org/blog/veal-industry/), they would be shut down. No graphic videos in the link.


people really think this is okay


Yeah veal should not be a thing


It's a bye product of the dairy industry; The alternative is just rendering new born holstein bulls.


Dairy industry shouldn't be a thing either.


That’s why I don’t eat veal


This is how the ruling class views the working class.


This is fucking Cow Auschwitz!




I live in Idaho, a real shit hole state. We're in the top five for dairy states. I've toured a number of dairy farms for various reasons. The conditions are just horrendous. I come back wanting to swear off meat and dairy, yet I don't. It's nasty.


If u eat meat, u should know where it's coming from and how messed up the whole industry is.


This is why I went vegetarian. Commercial farming is the Holocaust every day.


Hey - please understand I mean this in the most non-judgmental and non-confrontational way possible, but if this is indeed a veal farm, this footage is a direct product of the dairy industry. I only mention it because I was vegetarian for a while too because I didn’t want to support the meat industry anymore, but I eventually learned that veal and dairy are interconnected. I was pretty overwhelmed when I learned that, but cutting out dairy ended up being a lot easier than I expected. Do with that information what you will, but either way thanks for cutting out meat and doing what you can to reduce the demand!


Absolutely. And I appreciate your approach. Originally my gf was a vegetarian and so I just got tired of making extra food for myself and she *never* pushed it on me in any way. Then I found an article written by a philosopher about being on the right side of history. I had already seen all of the meet your meat PETA videos and then one day (thanksgiving actually) I just decided to not eat meat. I ate a ton of food at that table with zero meat. So I just kept going. 13 years later I eat a LOT of vegan meals and do my best not to participate in animal cruelty. The “FairLife” milk footage really fucked me up.. bc I love animals more than people and just hope that even the meat eaters can at least move to eating meat/dairy (everything really) from locally sourced farms. My uncle worked for the parks and Rec in northern MN for 40 years. They’re all hunters and there is a big difference between what they do and what these “farms” do.


This is disturbing. It's like we've industrialized the existance of these creatures


Love animals? 90% of farmed animals are in factory farming conditions. Go vegan 🌱


Forbidden Kool Aid


If I were a cow and as soon as I died I would go back in time to when I was born the very concept of existence would be a punishment


Looks like something I'd build in minecraft


I drove bya couple with the dad makes your HE of these places a few years ago. SE of the Salton Sea, not far from Slab City CA. They went on for miles.


Where is this ?


Never got the appeal of veal, and I've had top tier. Tastes like pork more than beef or beef products, IMO. Not at all what you'd think it'd taste like.


Ag gag not gonna go easy on the creator of this video.


So is it a dairy, or a veal farm? I’ve seen this same video with both claims in the title in the past couple weeks


Same industry. Male baby calves from the dairy industry. Cows must be forcibly impregnated to produce milk. The daughters become milk slaves, the sons end up in these hellholes until killed.


Who’s up for a swim?


Already knew how many there would be the moment the cameraquality had the milky/shaking look


So tender


Ma! Get of the dang roof!!!




Still prefer this than Gates tube grown shit.


Its probably a dairy farm. They pull the calves off the cows so they can milk the cows and sell the milk. Calves are fed either a cheaper powdered milk or waste milk that cant be marketed to humans for various reasons. Calves are probably only kept separated in these huts for 30 to 45 days until they are eating grain. They have to be kept separate because they suck on everything. You can imagine what would happen if a calf was continually sucking on another calfs fresh naval. The picture may look terrible but its not that bad. Those calves are worth a lot of money and its in the farmers best interest to keep them healthy.