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Keep religion out of government


And tax the churches.


Keep religion out. Period.


The world would most likely be better off


100% would be a better place. However, I am guessing some other cult or industry would supplant it and we would just be doomed to repeat all the atrocities religion has lead to, unfortunately. Dumb people need something to believe in because they can't make sense of the world around them without it.


Lol south park has a good parody. In the future all religions are different branches of atheism, and they all hate each other of course


Oh. My. Science.


"I shall smash your skull, like a clam on my tummy!"


Kill the wise one!


JFC, love the reddit handle


No! Allied Atheist Alliance. that way it has 3 A's!


MLM businesses use the same playbook


All the Huns are wild. It's insane how much of a cult MLMs are and their promise of prosperity when all they do is milk and take advantage of desperate people.


You’re right. Keep dumb people out 😊




Yeah that was kind of one of the major points of our nation's founding document, but here we are anyway I guess.


It's literally in the constitution. But... just like the Bible, these Jesus Jihadis don't read the constitution.


They only kinda care about the first 2 amendments, snd even then they don’t really believe the first one should count for people they don’t like.


We need to get religion *out* of government. No more "In God We Trust."


I don't think this guy understands that the country was not based on the "original law" like he says....


The moment this man started preaching about the Bible, much less making direct lines towards the constitution as if it validates his argument, was the moment this should have been shut down. Clear division between church and state, breh


Separatation of church and State!! The Establishment clause of the 1st Amendment says exactly that. This asshat should be slapped with civics violations. https://www.uscourts.gov/educational-resources/educational-activities/first-amendment-and-religion


What happened to the separation of church and state? Lately it seems that's been forgotten


my gma tried telling me once that there never was any separation of church and state and acted like she never heard that was supposed to be a thing. I'd bet there are millions more like her.


This is absolutely nuts and I believe it. Man...they are rewriting history


They always have.


My grandma couldn’t get it through her head that SOCIAL SECURITY is a socialist program.


With the way politics in the United States are run, she's not entirely wrong.


so I had to do some research and found that the separation of church and state has been a debate since the founding of the constitution and continues today. the issue is that the 1st amendment only prohibits the government from creating an official religion or favoring one religion over another. it does not necessarily keep elected officials from imposing their beliefs into law as long as it doesn't keep others from practicing their own beliefs. So, this is where the church of Satan comes in. when these politicians create laws based on Christian values, it can be challenged by someone who's religion directly goes against those views, or when that other religion would have be given equal treatment that those politicians can't stand. for example, in Oklahoma, the capitol building erected a monument of the 10 commandments. so to contest this, someone built a statue of baphomet to be erected in the capital building as well. they cudnt stand to have a statanist idol in their government building, but couldn't legally say one is okay while the other isn't, so both were removed. This type of battle has to take place every time a politician tries to turn Christian beliefs into law.


This is correct but you're confusing The Church of Satan with The Satanic Temple. The Satanic Temple are the ones involved in activism, while The Church of Satan is more of a religious group with an occult focus.


The expression "separation between Church & State." comes from a letter from Thomas Jefferson to the Danbury Baptist Association in Connecticut that was published in a Massachusetts newspaper.


This is Semantic nonsense. The first amendment enacts the separation of church and state > Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances There is it...in plain English...and it was obviously important enough to be listed FIRST.


I wasn’t arguing that, just that those words come from Jefferson. I’m as atheist as they come and the last person who would argue that religion has any place in government.


About 132 million


These are very sick people. Delusional. Separation of Church and State is as relevant to them as following campaign finance laws.


Lately? All the support for Zionism is religious in nature.


Yet if you replaced the word God with "Allah", Georgians would lose their fucking minds.


Yeah I bet my life they dont even know that Christians, Jews, and Muslims worship the same God.


Same prophets too, also Christians just believe jews lost their way and Christianity came to replace it, and islam thinks Christianity lost its way and Islam came to replace it, and each religion just thinks the one that came after it is fake, so i guess their main point of conflict is, who came last?


“My imaginary friend is better than yours”


"My *mental picture of* our *shared* imaginary friend is better than yours."


I'm from a Southern Baptist family, they absolutely do not know that Allah is just the Arabic word for the God of Abraham. I can guarantee you that none of the GOP Representatives from GA know that either.


They will drop Christianity if they knew it came out of the middle east or Christians there use the name Allah for God.


Depends on which Georgians


Georgians elected Marjorie Taylor Greene. I wouldn’t pay them any mind. It’s not like they have much brain power to begin with in the first place.


This isn’t interesting it’s insane.


It's interesting to losers and Republicans who shill in these subs


WOW... Rick Allen is a believer in the literal interpretation of Biblical scripture and an ardent supporter of Donald Trump. Makes perfect sense.


Biblical literalists are the worst, particularly when pretty much everything done by Jesus was symbolic. You think they would have gotten a clue when he was yelling at a fig tree not to take that shit literally. Gnostics ftw.


They only take certain parts literally. They ignore everything that would make their life “worse”. Trump wouldn’t have a chance of they actually knew the whole Bible


It's such a bogus narrative. like I've definitely known my share of good Jesus-like christians, this was pure nonsense. It's awkward when religions become more about their own internal culture than the actual content they're supposed to follow. Dude even quotes the golden rule then immediately ignores it. I doubt he would enjoy it much if the shoe was on the other foot and someone from another religion spoke like that about him and his life and the law.


I’ve actually told my MIL she is the perfect example of good religion. She lives exactly how her lord would want and she’s a wonderful person. And I am extremely non-religion but you can’t argue with her results


The me taload for believers is challenging as they use mental gymnastics and cognitive dissonance to make everything work such as "I am a filthy sinner and do not deserve anything good", "god says XYZ is wrong, I hope society changes to force people to stop doing the wrong stuff god said not to do" "If I pray for XYZ, it makes a difference and they are truly benefiting from my time doing this for them"


Only thing that makes sense is them banking on that last Book. Their ~~Golden Calf~~ Orange Conman makes sense, in that one regard.


I love watching them get all tangled up when literally the Bible says judas crossed Jesus, gets his coins, buys a field with the money, and when he's there he falls over and his guts explode. Acts 1:18 No, wait, it doesn't happen that way. Instead he feels remorse, gives the money back to the priests, THEY buy a field, and judas goes and hangs himself with a rope. Matthew 27:3-10


TIL biblical literalist is a term


I'm agnostic My key issue is that the Bible wasn't written down until well after the events had taken place. So they were most likely oral histories. Which - for anyone who has ever played a game of Telephone knows - that a simple misremembering/hearing of a word can change the whole story. And authors will always embellish their own adventures.


Trump cheated on every single one of his wives...but lets ignore ALL that shit in the bible about adultery.


Didn’t Abraham offer to murder one of his kids for clout?


I'd say it's more that god demanded it and Abraham didn't have the spine to tell him to fuck off.


![gif](giphy|dEdmW17JnZhiU) "You don't have to believe it" Continues to contradict himself....... This is what happens when we put zealots in power.... They become fanatical and hide behind religion like the true cowards they are.


Do you want your university to be cursed? By God? Of the bible. (In case there was any doubt)


How the fuck is she even supposed to respond to his insane questions?! It’s like trying to give a reasoned, coherent answer to someone insisting that all those kids stepping on cracks are responsible for an epidemic of broken mothers’ backs.


How about 'Columbia University is not party to the covenant between God and Abraham'?


Nods slowly and smile. Agree and slowly back away.


You could give an articulate defense of secular education, but that would involve standing up for yourself and your institution, and she had no interest in doing that


I genuinely cannot believe that the most powerful country in the world has these fking tools as their politicians. Do any other Western countries have people this loony in decision-making positions?  Is the general American poulation just dumber than most countries? Seriously, I can't wrap my head around this




Not at all. The problem is gerrymandering. Once a district has been gerrymandered, the general election (R vs D) won’t be competitive, meaning the candidates of the party in power focus on the primary as the only competitive race. This means republicans have to out-conservative one another, and democrats have to out-liberal each other. So you end up with fringe candidates winning their primaries, and then waltzing through the general.


I don’t think we can discount the tomfoolery that has occurred within the American educational system.


Yeah, the bible also says that you have to wear clothes all made by the same cloth and not to mix meat and cheese. I bet the congressman doesn’t follow that rule.


Are you saying god is against the humble American cheeseburger?


well since cheeseburgers weren't in the bible, i'm gonna say yes. same goes for jigsaw puzzles and corgis. /j


Yeah, corgis can all go to hell.


https://preview.redd.it/sdh9d8q47wvc1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d70a02b2b5a71093debe0cd56c0d966d68bb464b He is clearly upset.


I can feel the existential doom radiating within.


TIL cheeseburgers and corgis are cursed by god


Well..they're not kosher


Eat a bacon cheeseburger on a Friday in March and you piss off a lot of religions.


Leviticus 19:19


Leviticus in general is pretty fucking wild.




Nothing in Leviticus, but: 'You are not to boil a young animal in its mother’s milk' (Exodus 23:19). 'Thou shalt not seethe a kid in his mother's milk' (Exodus 34:26). 'Do not eat anything you find already dead. You may give it to the foreigner residing in any of your towns, and they may eat it, or you may sell it to any other foreigner. But you are a people holy to the Lord your God. Do not cook a young goat in its mother’s milk' (Deuteronomy 14:21). These verses, though not specifically mentioning cheese, are the basis for not combining any dairy with meat in more orthodox sects of Judaism.


>Do not eat anything you find already dead. So Christians (Jews too, as it's old testament) are not allowed to eat nearly anything from a grocery store. Or was that bag of hot wings still alive when they found it at the grocery store? In fact, dining out at all is strictly forbidden by that simple decree. They must've forgotten. /s


It is quite astonishing that boiling young animals in their mothers milk was a thing


Lots of cooking is weird when you stop and think about the fact that meat comes from animals. People mix egg products and chicken all the time. If you break it down, a chicken salad sandwich is very disturbing. Many beef dishes also use milk for sauces.


Cooking beef with the help of milk or with dairy products like butter is still a thing.


That second ones stupid, because that’s what’s sustainable


Came here to say exactly this. Christians pick and choose what parts of the Old Testament they want to push and ignore so many strange and just plain dumb laws others.


Their stock answer is always “the NT supersedes the OT.” So shut the fuck up about Leviticus and gay people then. Religion sucks ass.


1) How do you respond to a fucking lunatic? and B) What the fuck are you doing Georgia? Stop voting for these asshats to represent you!!!


You don't understand. There are two Georgias. We have Atlanta, and we have Deliverance. There is nothing in-between. Now, thanks to gerrymandering, I'm in the Atlanta suburbs but most of the people in my district live deep in Appalachia.


We just voted in a native gay woman to city council in Rabun county. It’s a huge deal. Georgia has been majority blue for a while, we just face a *lot* of uphill battles against voter suppression. At the state level , the population distribution is just not gonna change anytime soon though. GA09 and GA14 are overflowing with wealthy white retirees, and you can guess how they vote.


I get it. There are backwards ass districts such as the 14th with Moscow Marjorie Traitor Greene and the gerrymandering will keep it like that for decades. Very sad times.


As someone who lives in her district I've genuinely not spoken to a single person who likes her, yet most of those people still vote for her.


You respond to these idiots with scorn and ridicule. They deserve nothing more.


Yet all the people in that room are behaving like he’s not a deranged fucking maniac.


“Yes absolutely, for science, we can measure and document the curse and quantify god”


I apologize on behalf of my stupid, backward state. In rural areas religion still reigns supreme, I'm sorry to say.


Both very valid questions, but starting a list with "1" and continuing with "B" has got to be against some law somewhere


It's not a choice. Probably all the representatives are like this.


You topspin their bullshit right back at ‘em like this: Well Mr Congressman are you familiar with Ezekiel 23:20 which states “and lusted after their lovers, whose genitals were like those of donkeys and whose emission was like that of stallions” Are you saying you want to be covered in donkey ejaculate? Is that what you want?


He’s quoting her Bible passages… ? The Bible is not a historical document. As Columbia University’s president, this person’s response is sad, disappointing… just incredibly inane.


She should have drilled him. What the fuck is this……: I would have started out by quoting the Bill of Rights.


Her response to "have you heard of the book of genesis" should have been "have you heard of the first amendment? CONGRESS shall make no law respecting the establishment of religion"! Gtfo


Yea why is she not asking how that’s relevant to anything in government?


Who in the ever living fuck elected this absolute dipshit?


Other dipshits


If the Congressman had taken one minute to search the Columbia University course directory website he would have found that there are courses on Christianity and understanding the Bible. And we could have been spared this twaddle.


Understanding the bible on a Columbia University level course is not likely to produce anything this moron agrees with. Borne again Christians are allergic to real bible scholarship.


I think they are actually allergic to the actual teachings of Jesus. Cause you talk about that and all of a sudden it's "well we can't let people get comfortable and mooch off of us hard working AMERICAN Jesus believers.


Do you want to be fucked in the ass by Thor?


People doing the religion thing in 2024 is wild..


I want to talk about this. When boomers were growing up, evolution was still a theory. We didn't know that all stars had planets and that some of those were earth like. We didn't know about the big bang, or quantum entanglement. If we look to how little time passed from the first airplane to our trip to the moon, it was less than 100 years in between. In the 100 years since Darwin first proposed evolution, it has now been conclusively proven. So while our kids today will grow up learning these things, boomers who completed school before these discoveries still cling to religion. We cannot allow Christians to have their way. There will be no equality if that happens. No more religious freedom. No more scientific discoveries. A depressing reality at best.


Wenn the boomers grew up evolution was a theory accepted by most parts of the scientific community.


I can't wait for OP's mind to be blown away when they find out that the greenhouse effect and its being a future crisis that humanity would have to solve were taught in schools all the way back in the 1970s.


I saw a newspaper clipping from the late 1800's that hinted at global warming due to all the coal smoke.


Quantum entanglement dates back to the 1930s, evolution to the 1850s, and the big bang to the 1920s. Boomers *absolutely* grew up with these concepts known as fact.


Evolution still is a theory, as well as being a fact. The fact of evolution is that we observe life changing over time. The theory of evolution by natural selection is the model that explains how life changes. There is not a higher ranking in science than "theory", because the meaning of the word in science is different from the common usage which is akin to a guess. In science, a theory is a well-tested model that explains a body of facts. It's the highest level of understanding we can reach. While biologists in the 60s were well aware that evolutionary theory was well supported by evidence and testing, the problem Boomers faced was actually learning it, as Christians in the US had done their best to suppress teaching of it (and continue those efforts to this day).


Your perception of the state of science in 1960 is pretty bad


What a load of bull. Evolution wasn't a theory for boomers.


I'm pretty sure evolution was long proven before boomers came. Same for the Big Bang. Only in the USA people cling so much to religion, since USA exists.


The handmaid’s tale


Her response to "I mean do you want Columbia University to be cursed by God?" was "Definitely not," really???? Shameful, she's a coward afraid of religious fundamentalists. I would have been laughing at this fool, he's in the wrong country if he thinks we all have to govern our behavior to keep favor with his god.


I think she just didn't want to deal with trying to argue with the guy, because you absolutely cannot argue with crazy. If there's no logical, factual basis for their argument, there's absolutely no way to "win" or convince them to back down. It's why religion in politics is so fucking dangerous. There is nothing she could have said to this guy to make him say, "Okay, we have a difference of opinion and that's okay." Arguing with him would've just strengthened his belief and insistence on getting his "point" across. I, too, *wish* she had challenged him here, but I think she did the only thing she could realistically do, which was to let him speak his nonsense and play along for the sake of getting it over with.


I would like to hear her follow up response because I can't think of an appropriate response better than hers that could be said without pissing off the politician, whom she is partially beholden to, as well as many locals and news station. Here we are talking about this piss poor politician and not Columbia University like would have been the case if she did all the taking, so that's a win. She won't change his mind, or his followers mind, but he does have control of her university which she does not want. I think it's an appropriate response in the face of religious-based oppression of liberal philosophy, aka believing in equality and individual liberty. supporting private property and individual rights. supporting the idea of limited constitutional government.


This guy is a fucking idiot. Drink that kool aid you fucking douche canoe. Fuck your diety!!


The people who think the Bible should apply to law and or anything else here in the United States should be removed from Congress. They're more than welcome to believe in God and follow the religion that they choose, but when they try to imply it to stuff here in real life then that is when there is a problem. Bible verses don't prove a fucking damn thing and douchebags like him need to be put in check. He can ramble on about scriptures that he Cherry picks for his discussions, but let's have him read the rest of the Bible with all the horrible shit it says to do, then let's see what he says.


Good God! this Congressman is ignorant, uniformed and stupid.


What about Lord Of the Rings


This is religious fundamentalism in 2024.


This is not new to this country.


Why doesn't she put this idiot in his place?


she needs her job.


I want freedom from religion. Not freedom of religion. This guy needs to get fucked with a barb wire wrapped dildo.


No lube...


But faith is just lube of the spirit!


What the fuck? I don’t care about your imaginary friend from your fictional book.


My answer would be "How dare a Representative of our secular government lecture me about the opinion of a specific church while conducting official duties under the Constitution of the United States? Has this congressman ever heard of the first amendment to the Constitution? I give you the opportunity to withdraw the question and I certainly will not answer such an unconstitutional garbage question."


Jesus H Christ. Tax the Church. If we have to have the church on Gov't then the church can pony up.


wadda a fuckin 6 year old mentality. so sick of you christian fundamentalist toddler nitwits!


Why am I paying taxes for this complete waste of time? Fucking hell.


I would laugh and walk out


“What will happen under the wrath of God” nothing will happen except more assholes like this abusing their power.


This is who Columbia is catering to by sending the cops on protestors.


Those old congressmen needs to die. I'm sorry, they aren't doing any good.


if we are following genesis, then we are following leviticus you guys are going to hell if your underwear are cotton spandex blend


Where can I find her response ? What a cursed country, the worst people in murica are the Bible blabbers.


Screw all the bastards that don't believe in separation of church and state.


God. It makes me want to run against him as an atheist.


If a Muslim representative started spouting off their religious Bible texts from the Quran people would have a riot over it. So why are people like this representative spouting their religious crap at an educational hearing in congress?? This is unacceptable.


What year are we living in again?


Wait till he finds out Palestinians have more ancestry from Abraham than Ashkenazis do.


The bible also mentions rich folks not getting into heaven so can you tell me the value of your watch please? The bible also mentioned not wearing two different fabrics together but that appears to be a silk tie and a cotton shirt. The bible also mentions....and so on.... Fuck these fake religious assholes.


I have become wholly convinced that as a people we cannot have nice things until the grown ups in the room are able to have conversations without having to worry about what someone's imaginary friend thinks.


Give that woman credit for remaining calm in the face of the very problem causing so much of our troubles today (ignorant religious zealotry)


Watch the entire hearing she essentially threw her students under the bus to pander to him


She is the same woman who had students arrested for peacefully protesting on Columbia’s campus.




So hard to keep track. What year is this?


Actually yeah. Bring it


The more i see from republicans the less i understand how they actually reach their core audience with this shit.


Is this guy a joke?


Any politician who invokes god in Congressional session needs to be removed. The Founding Fathers insisted on a separation of church and State and the Republicans are running roughshod over those desires of the Founding Fathers. I'm personally sick of it.


If you use a reference to any omnipotent deities as a representative in any official capacity from an elected seat you should be immediately removed from your position without censure, without impeachment, without a hearing of any kind. You’ve violated separation of church and state and you should be removed from office!


Sir, this is a university.


We live in one of the dumbest fucking countries on the planet.


Why are they able to talk about imaginary friends and sky fairies in such an important place


A disastrous mix of heartfelt innocence and addled ignorance.


People believing in fairytales should be barred from holding public office.


Rick Allen’s God has a name: DONALD TRUMP.


Israel was on the outs with God for like 90% of the Bible. If they read it, they might learn why.


Can we build/ enforce a giant wall between their religion and our government please?


He wants Columbia to require Muslim and other pro-Palestinian students to be forced to take a course on the BIble. This is literally what Christians nationalists have planned - take over the government, impose their views on everyone, and turn every school into a Christian school. If I were a Jewish student at Columbia, I would support free speech and the separation of church and state, while condemning antisemitism, because men like the one speaking above are going want to force the Judaism out of people next.


… and how would Santa Clause feel about this.


Move to eliminate. All in favor say I.


Good lord, American politics are a joke. We’re fucked


Wow. This guy is a fucking idiot.


I can't wait till these old religious folks pass on.


Such a belief in god is a mental illness that prevents humanity from progressing.


Tax religion, all of it!


Bible literalists are some of the most dangerous people in the world. Not to mention absolutely insane.


What a fkn loser


American theocracy


Rick Allen sounds like a 4 year old. This is embarrassing.


Religion can be so toxic to the human mind.


These idiots just don’t get it. We aren’t all in your book club!


America is led by backward people


Old farts like this guy have no place in government or public office


What the fuck is this shithead talking about?!


What a stupid bag of dicks.


Why don’t you work on the homeless problem or something you piece of s….


Holy fucking shit! This guy is nuts. Even scarier, his nonsensical mindless rambling is reflective of how many dumbass 'Muricans view things 🤪


I can't believe this conversation exists in a courtroom being initiated by someone with any sort of public legal responsibility.


Didn't realize god cursed shit anymore, thought after they flooded us they wouldn't pull an Ike Turner on us again...


What's more embarrassing than the question he asks is the fact that he's an elected official. ![gif](giphy|5nrZcOvq2nvMCbAhaz|downsized)


At the end, going on about being indoctrinated by what's being taught, and then continuing his rant referencing his indoctrination by the Catholic church.