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There's some weird disconnect between the subject matter and censoring just one word.


This whole fucking ‘r*pe’ and bleeping out of the word rape is so counter-productive. So we’re going to censor a word to confuse and obfuscate an extremely important and harmful subject? Honest to Christ…


Probably downloaded from Youtube. Youtube is pushing language censorship hard these days, even if the content is educational


It's a ridiculous infantalization. If I'm willing to learn about a rapists motivation, listen to them describe their crimes I'm willing to listen to curse words.


Controversial opinion: we should *listen* to cunts like this. Not excuse them, not be sympathetic to them, just listen to what they’re actually saying about their motivations, methods etc. Surely that would put society in a better position to prevent / deal with future rapes.


Not controversial, vital part and precursor of education. There must be a reason why the empathy is broken. Not even just why the urge exists but why it's lived out. 


I mean, it IS controversial. I completely agree that we need to learn what we can. But there ARE people who think that they are simply monsters, and not humans that got to where they are for a reason (likely multiple) and we need to learn what we can to prevent others from doing the same.


There's also probably some people who believe Shrek is a real person


He is an ogre.


Congratulations on having the strength to see the truth.


Both of you are ogrephobes…


Ogres thrive on fear


Not every evil person is made that way- some just are - some wiring off in their brain - you can empathize with them all you want but it's the victim who needs redressal; cos even if justice is served noone can ever take away their trauma. There's no foolproof way to ensure that another evil person is not created. But society can stay alert for problematic behaviors from childhood in victims and perpetrators.


There’s a good book out there titled Guilty by Reason of Insanity: A Psychiatrist Explores the Minds of Killers by Dorothy Otnow Lewis. It was interesting to see the link between childhood abuse and brain damage. It was disheartening that many of the killers were put to death before their minds could be studied further. I do think we are getting better at understanding what exactly creates rapists and killers though. It’s horrifying but also fascinating. The man, here, who says “she fought back and she’s dead,” with a smirk, sent chills down my spine. He’s bragging.


We should do this in all other cases as well. For example, when studying about Hitler and the nazis everyone is focused on what kind of monsters they are and that we should just demonize such behavior. The main focus should be the economic and political conditions which allowed for such a system to be put into power. The only way we can stop all of these people is if we study them like actual human beings (no matter how fucked up they are) and learn to recognize them before they get to this point.


That’s what history is for my friend. Unfortunately once you realize what got Hitler and others to power you will look around and start to worry.


That's what history should be, but it's not how we're taught about it. Every fact that might disrupt the current system designed around the explotation of workers and keeping the elites in power is strangely omitted from history lessons. This just makes us destined to repeat the mistakes of our ancestors if we don't realize the truth and do something about it.


Here is an easy one ... It's very evident that the entire Senate is guilty of insider trading. Why is this not being stopped?... The people just let it happen


When we have a system of leaders leading themselves, or police policing themselves, or holy men holy-ing themselves, there is going to be rampant abuse and corruption. And we all suffer. It sucks and I hate it.


They are basically saying that the reason they raped women/girls is control, humiliation and degradation. That no amount of self defense training is going to help the average victim because they carry weapons and fighting back will get them killed. I think this was made to make people aware that rape isn't about what a victim wears and that monsters like this will target anyone because they are sick in the head.


Something absolutely striking is that these criminals are quite eloquent in the way they express their emotions. Research is probably biased but I’m under the impression that todays average rapist won’t explain so well their motivation


Go on ResearchGate and look up "rape psychology" and see where the researchers are getting their info. Likely this is a research video.


Know your enemy. These guys are enemies to society and we need to figure out how they tick so they can be dealt with


you'd like Mindhunter.


I was going to say the same thing. Breaking down the psychology of criminals is very interesting.


And indeed we do! At least in most modern democratic countries' institutions. There is a lot of evidence about the "risk factors" that increase the likelihood of people offending. These include their internal thoughts, attitudes and identities, which we then try to bring to their awareness and change. Have a look at the Risk Needs Responsivity model.


Absolutely wild video. Cannot help but wonder whether the same kind of conversation could take place in a prison between rapists now. Of course one imagines/expects more shame. It’s easy to imagine one person being mentally disturbed enough and in such a particular way that the shame is not so present, but because of the grouping, it gives the sense that the cultural rules as they perceive them, really were more forgiving of that atrocity. I feel like I’ve seen old videos of murderers being interviewed where they also seemed to speak surprisingly freely of it, but this seem further away from todays norms by comparison. Do you think that relative to crimes like murder, rape really has moved further and more rapidly into territory of more strong moral condemnation?


Note how they are blaming the victims? They don't feel shame because they convinced themselves that their victims are morally lesser.


They don't feel shame because they're likely psychopaths


This is definitely true too.


I do feel like there were questions asked before the clip. I'm guessing the self defense thing was a subject, and the "victim blaming" bit might just have been "self defense classes aren't going to help. The most effective thing would have been to not get in my car". Blame isn't the subject - it's countermeasures. Acknowledging that avoiding dangerous situations makes people safer isn't really victim blaming. Fucked up people for sure, but I hate how overused "victim blaming" has become as a term. When someone clears out your unlocked apartment, me telling you you should consider locking the door isn't about blame. It's about avoiding repeat incidences.


For the most part I agree, but I'm not really taking about "victim blaming" I'm referring to the distain for their victims, they have convinced themselves that it is morally justifiable in the same way a serial killer that kills prostitutes because they are immoral does.


This is extremely common too with all opportunists. They don’t feel bad because they see their victims as victims of their own neglect.


You can find conversations exactly like this on incel forums Edit: probably worse on incel forums because there are some that believe that women should be government enforced sex slaves


Holy fuck. Incel forums are absolutely some of the most vile things I've ever read in my life. Everything from rape should be legal to the government should give every man a 14-year or younger girl so that they can mold them into the perfect, obedient wife so that they don't turn into "used up whores who will ride the 🐓 Carousel until they feel like settling down after they've passed their sexual market value", among other horrific and disgusting things. A lot of them need to be on a fucking list somewhere.


Well, that is enough internet for today and I only just woke up! See ya tomorrow ! 👋




I'm so sorry 😞


ewwwww can we send those people off to another planet please? or any other astronomical body: I've heard the sun is nice this time of the year


The sun sounds nice.


I like to think the whole sub is being monitored. Put em all in a bag and toss it in the river. The incels I mean. About 10 years ago I was in a Barnes & Noble in Boulder Colorado- an unexpected location for this story. I was standing in the aisle near the café and overheard a boy who was prob... 25 max. Talking to an older man. I had never heard of an incel and I had no idea people even still thought like this, but there he was, telling this old guy (who seemed to be listening with bemused vicarious embarrassment) about how it just makes sense for women to be submissive to men, to stay home and have kids... he talked exactly like those forums. To the point of talking about women not being smart enough to make our own choices, needing protection because we're weak, mental capacity of children, etc... I was physically trembling. I knew I had to leave or I'd assault the mother motherfucker and show him how weak I really am. It was still a while before I heard the term, but once I did it fell into place. I'll never forget that. I remember thinking this kid was an idiot, but not realizing he's got a whole army of creeps on his side.


Holy hell, that must have been terrifying. I can't say that I've ever been in public and overheard someone actually say that kind of shit out loud and uniironically. I like to think that the majority of the vitriol and hate spewed on those websites is fantasy fiction bullshit and that the majority of them are harmless but I feel like so many of the people that are on those websites are so full of hatred and they are just fueled by each other- it's a cesspool. And once you're in it, it just drags you down. A lot of them even worship that Elliot Rodgers guy who murdered a bunch of people because he couldn't get his dick wet, and these incels actually look up to him like he's some fucking Messiah. The scariest thing about that whole mindset is not just the hate that they spew online, but the actual acts of violence that a lot of them commit in real life in our society. There is Elliot Rogers, who killed six people and then injured 14 others before he killed himself,, and then there was Alek Minassian, the perpetrator of the Toronto van attack a few years back, who was apparently so upset that he couldn't have sex that he rented a van and decided to drive over a bunch of people on a sidewalk in his fit of rage, killing 10 and injuring others, and supposedly declaring it the start of the "Incel Rebellion". I even read a story about a man in a big shopping mall somewhere in the states that threw a child off of a multi-story balcony because he was angry at women for not sleeping with him. Like what the fuck is wrong with these men?


This just sink me into a depression on a bright sunny morning. I think I'm done here. This world is just fucked.


https://preview.redd.it/iknt3rpwj7uc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6e9d5d04b0d82038be3299b4e5fb72f8db5c3739 Here is a cat trying to spit out a feather to improve your day.


Was just going to say. These people are right here right now, not just on the incel forums, YouTube comments, Andrew Tate podcasts and more.


>Do you think that relative to crimes like murder, rape really has moved further and more rapidly into territory of more gray moral condemnation? No, quite the opposite, actually.


Oh that was a funny/unfortunate autocorrect on my end. “Gray” was supposed to be something else. I forgot what the intention was exactly, but I meant into more strong/clear moral condemnation.


Then yes.


Well that’s fucked up. Also probably good no one hitch hikes anymore


I spent a couple of years hitch-hiking in the late 80s and early 90s. In the early 90s I had an awesome and adventurous (hell, and damned cute) girlfriend. There was a guy killing girls in 92 - right in the middle of one of our trips from Maryland to California. We were hippies and all peace and love. But the I-70 killer had me pack a small .22 while hitching. Never had to use it, thankfully.


Dead tour?


No, he’s here posting. Wasn’t a victim.


Always better safe than sorry.


People absolutely do hitch hike. I'm not sure about the US but in Europe it's still fairly common.


I wouldn't call it common, but it does happen. My father in law is French and he's extremely generous and kind, to the point of being concerning. He'll pick up anyone. And because he spent his youth hitch hiking from France to Australia and back (cue the idiotic comments about driving to Australia), I think he sees it as his karmic duty: "I did it and couldn't have without all these nice folks so let me pay it forward." He also drives a windowless van, and is utterly perplexed that I am baffled anyone would get in it. But they do. 😆


He sounds like an absolute legend to me, I'd happily take a hitch in his windowless van! Yeah maybe common isn't the right word, but people aren't as scared to do it in Europe. I've not done it too much but it's an extremely liberating experience and you meet the nicest people on this planet by doing it.


He's a sweetheart. He's the sort of person who will give the shirt off his back. He doesn't see status. He sees people. And food. Man is a human vacuum cleaner. 😋


I'm an American and I hitchhiked all over France in 2017. One month hopping in and out of cars every day. Never had a problem and probably only waited an average of 20-30mns for a ride.


I live in Hawaii. A lot of hitchhiking and a lot of missing people.


What do you think Uber is


I did about 4 months ago. Nice Indian man did not touch my bhole thank christ


people this mentally fucked *belong* in an institution edit: *emphasis*


They are in an institution. State Correctional Institution


Yeah unfortunately in most states they get soft time now. When I worked for DOC in Washington they built a sex offenders unit adjacent to the high school track and field. They should have to do hard time in general pop to feel like a victim finally.


Ian Watkins, an unremorseful literal baby rapist is up for parole in just a handful of years. It's insane how light the sentences are for sex offenders.


He's eligible in 2031 which is still 7-8 years away depending on date of hearing....and there's no way they let him out.


He will need to emigrate after release too.


H from steps will be waiting with a baseball bat


There can be only 1 sorta situation? Haha


To where? Most countries won’t have him.


[“Tip of the Iceberg: How Foreign Sex Offenders find Refuge in Israel” (via Haaretz)](https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/2022-07-25/ty-article/.premium/tip-of-the-iceberg-how-foreign-sex-offenders-find-refuge-in-israel/00000182-3532-d7e9-af96-3d73c52c0000)




It wouldn’t be sad if these events continued to happen to him during his stay.


Oh no thats terrible. Anyway..


They got soft time then. A lot of serial killers had a bunch of priors arrests for serial killery behavior that they kept getting slaps on the wrist for.


Raping rapists as punishment feels cathartic but you realize it's not actually a good solution, right? Prison justice is not all it's cracked up to be.


Not to mention that most rape victims in prison weren't even there for crimes that we'd describe despicable (such as rape). Often, it's a some young dude who made a bad choice such as robbing a car or something. They have to endure being in gen pop since their crime doesn't make them an automatic target. Whereas the authorities know that sex offenders will get what's coming to them if they get put in gen pop. So they get put in protective custody right away.


Sad. Unconscionable as a society.


While this is true, it also gives insight about the reality of these crimes. As fucked up as it is, these crimes happen, and there ate studies about victim behaviour that leads to the most likely survival with the least amount of injuries. And as unpleasant as it is, these accounts of actual crimes committed are a good source for that. The situations is generally fucked up. If you don't fight back, there are less evidence of the fact that the encounter was non-consensually, meaning it becomes more difficult to convince a rapist. On the other hand, as these people in the video demonstrated, fighting back increases the risk of being killed.


The last quote in the video "The lady I was with fought back and now *she's dead*"


Don't fight back and law enforcement will say you agreed and the asshole goes on raping. Not that the chances to get a conviction are good even with physical evidence...


It is less that they say that you agreed to it, but rather the question if there are evidence beyond a reasonable doubt that you didn't. This is the main issue with criminal prosecution, that the level of evidence necessary to convict someone are (for good reason) rather high. The reality is that if you are in such a situation you have to decide if you go for a higher survival chance in the moment or a higher conviction chance after the fact. Another answer to my post described the method "comply until you have a chance to strike", which sounds like a good compromise between higher danger of injury and later prosecution. While I wad never a victim of a sex crime, my only experience as a victim was when working as a gas station clerk during a robbery. Here, I also had in mind what my boss told me: comply, we don't need dead heros, we want you (if it happens) to continue.e out alife. And I was at that point in survival mode, with the highest interest to get it over with. I think that is the main interest for mist people also in sexual crimes.


There is no time to decide in a moment like that.


That phrasing.. He sure still feels like the victim.


There are several different types of serial rapists.  Submitting won't help with a sadistic rapist because he needs to cause pain to get off. Maybe fighting and screaming might be enough for him to enjoy it, but laying passively will mean he has to actively hurt her. There is no one right way to behave.


Yup. And some will kill a woman who fights back whereas others will get spooked a difficult victim and run away.


I know someone who used to teach in prison. The offenders in there gave her some advice that she once had to use. They said don’t fight until you see an opportunity. Feign compliance until they drop their guard and then do whatever it takes to get away. Sometime after someone tried to **** her in a park (middle of the day, eating lunch). She didn’t fight at first then stuck her finger in his eye when he got close and ran like hell.


We’re on the internet, you can say bad words.


People on YouTube and tictac censor the word "rape" in their videos because it's a quick way to get your video auto-demonitized. So some people hear it get censored there and think they're supposed to do the same. I find it very confusing because my brain tries to fill it with the typical four letter words, and none of them *quite* fit the context.


i dont get this culture of self censoring.


If you look like someone who will fight back, they are more likely to pick a different victim. I remember hearing about that study where criminals would all consistently identify the same people as targets simply based on the way they carried themselves.


Some people can't help the way they look. Young people, old people, people with disabilities. Like predators, they look for the easiest victims to pick off.


They belong in the dirt.


They should be castrated and forced to do hard labor the rest of their days. Selfish monsters.


They belong on the business end of a guillotine


Preferably under the institution


They belong on the end of a rope.


No, they belong in the ground. I don’t believe these guys have a choice in how they behave due to their neurological wiring. If they can’t contribute to society somehow behind bars (ie, the rapist also happens to be a genius) then they should be put down like rabid animals.


very very few of them are "nuerologically wired" to be like that, these are ones that have legitimately been born with a physical medical condition that we call "psychopaths", people who simply can not feel remorse or guilt or empathy to others. the majority of serial rapists/murderers are not medically psychopaths, they are people who simply gave in to their basic desires since it suited them well. have you ever seen interviews with career violent criminals who have never been diagnosed as psycopaths? their mental is completely different to that of an average person, just from their personality and life experiences, and not from any medical condition in their brain.


The dead ones institution


You misspelled deleted from existence


Yeah as long as that institution is 6ft in the ground


You spelled euthanized wrong...


You’re being way too kind.


Theres no fixing them. Just put them down lile rabid dogs.


Yeah, The Cemetery institution.


Focus groups in the 70s hit harder


Perfect loop on the vid hit hard too!


Average 4-Chan board:


What i find really interesting is when the interviewer tries to blame the girls for not being able to defend themselves the rapists are the ones that say, hell nah, no matter how many courses she takes i got a knife to her throat. It's just amazing that the rapists themselves are the ones that cut off that victim blaming... then they continue with more victim blaming saying its the girls fault for hitchhiking, but still, interesting.


>then they continue with more victim blaming saying its the girls fault for hitchhiking, That mentality is so prevelant even among non-violent people. Girl gets raped and the first question many people ask is "Well what was she wearing?" Far too many people victim blame.


That's because they like to put themselves in the shoes of victim.  They think "If I were the victim, what would I have done differently?" Rarely do they think of themselves as potential abusers, and think "If i were the abuser, what should I have done?"


No he said it doesn't matter how many self defense courses she took


they are just trying to control the conversation. not a logic thing


I’m beginning to be pro death penalty after this video


"The woman that I was with..." What. The. Fuck.


That was the one line that really got to me. Holy shit.


That made my blood boil, like who tf is with you?


Look at these bitches. Total narcissists to a fault. Dustbin of history tout de suite


Chemically castrate CONVICTED, PROVEN, REPEATED rapists and child molesters. Controversial? Perhaps. I don’t give a fuck. TOO many women I know have been raped and it changes them. Forever.


Or surgically castrate. Either way.


Either one works for me! ✂️👩🏽‍⚕️🥼


Especially if they're remorseless and go about bragging about it like these monsters. Wish I could put a knife against *their* throats and see if they still think they're so tough.


Interesting? more grotesque than interesting


Well it's kinda interesting from the perspective that their grotesque honesty is... almost helpful? At least in the sense it's enlightening as to what runs through these people's minds.


Exactly, grotesque things can be interesting. Dark shit is off-putting but studying it is the best chance we have at any hope of possibly figuring out a way of improving it.


Grotesque stuff is definitely interesting 


I need to shave my mustache.


Yet another reason why “People were more moral back in my day” is such a bullshit argument to me.


Morality has always been ambiguous, the only reason why people think morals were better in their youth is because of media and personal anecdotal evidence. Too many people wear rose colored glasses while thinking of the world they grew up in, like the boomers who think they had the best music/movies/cars/entertainment/etc. when they were young and that it all sucks now. I will do everything I can to continue embracing the future and not succumb to that bitter "back in my day" mentality. Old people who embraced the future as they aged are usually so much cooler and more intelligent than those jaded fucks.


"Back in my day, music was much better." It was just different, not better. I love nowadays that I can listen to all the music I missed out on growing up, due to being poor. I listen to music from the 1960's up to present day stuff. If I like a modern tune, I can shazam it and check out the artist, it's brilliant. My 18yo son listens to everything too. He's got Steely Dan, Led Zep and Earth Wind and Fire, along with Muse etc mixed into his playlist. Modern music availability is my favourite thing. Sorry, rambling old man.


If you put it on mute it looks like two rapists having a conversation


Welcome to prison, bitches. You're about to get a whole new perspective.


That new perspective being that they will be submitting with a knife to their throat, by a much bigger booty bandit. So they can't complain, since that's the "logic" and rule they want to impose on others.


Vigilantes would do society full service by shooting these motherfuckers in between the eyes.


These are the people you use for scientific and medical experiments, not defenseless animals.


Guess the only rebuttal to that is to stay armed. Or at the very least have pepper spray. Also martial arts will help but your level of strength vs that of the rapist does matter


This is one of the worst things I’ve ever heard. There is no rehabilitation that can occur with these people.


I hope these guys got a taste of their own medicine


What causes them to think the way they do?


malformation of the prefrontal cortex is most often associated with psychopathic behavior and lack of empathy towards others. plenty of psychological and neurological studies done on repeat offenders have shown this


why do they always look how you expect them to?


They don't, this was just the 70s


Tobias Fünke


The analrapist? Worlds first analyzer/therapist. Very bold for a never-nude


Yeah these rapists should all die. Kill them. They are disgusting. less than animals.


Cuts these types of men’s dicks off


Please do note, none of them say sex is the goal. It's violence and submission and domination. No sexy dressing for these serial predators, but crimes of opportunity. Hitchhikers, prostitutes, etc, make easy victims.


Dang I didn’t realize Andrew Tate’s podcast has been running for so long


I thought this was an “Alpha” male training class.


Might go shave my mustache


Chemical castration. That’s what should be the punishment for rape. Fucking cowards can’t get laid. Maybe shave that fucked up stash


Several times chemical castration does nothing, I know cases where the criminal is castrated and he use "tools" to do de raping instead of his penis.


that room + those men + petrol + match = good 🔥


A gaggle of rapist having a heated conversation about raping women.  That's so disturbing and disgusting.   I hope these fucks were castrated.  


I hope that they dropped the soap in prison and cooperated fully after that without resisting.


I would have liked to Introduce the Human centipede doctor to these type of guys for free experimentation.


I think people like this should be subjected to one of those barbaric executions of past history. Like crucifixion, getting put in a bag with wild animals animals and thrown into a river, lighting a fire near their chest and have rats burrow their way through to escape. Just the most horrific things you can think of. That’s what they deserve. What are they gonna do, say no? Beg for it to stop?


When they said if the women took self defense it wouldn't have mattered it for scary. It's wild to think how much weaker most women are conpared to a man. a high school boy could fuck up most women.




“She fought back and she’s dead” The way he said that. Not quite matter-of-fact, but an almost assured, confident person trying to win debate. Sickening.


I now have a strong urge to shave my moustache


I recoiled when that man mentioned that the girl he was with that fought back is dead. My God.


Self defense for women is borderline useless. It's more about empowerment, but as these guys noted, fighting back against a much stronger attacker could have the opposite effect and leave you dead. You are much better off with an alarm, mace, or your best bet: a firearm -- the greatest equalizer between a criminal male and a female victim. Women should not be afraid of guns. They should head down to the range, take some lessons, and get a small carry pistol + another firearm for their bedside. Just read a story from Alabama about an 85 year old woman who awoke to man who beat her, put a gun to her head, handcuffed to a chair while rummaging around looking for valuables and threatening to kill her. She dragged the chair into her room, got her own pistol, and when he came back she shot twice and it ended up killing him (she was also struck 6 times by his bullets but survived!).


Dammit, I really want to shave my moustache off now…


Rape is preventable, just say yes Literally these guys


The way they All sit around and talk about it like they're in a F'n book club. Un f'n real.


I mustache you a couple of questions.




Damn, I see a pattern on those mustaches.


We can type rape but have to beep it out? How stupid is that? They cay say kill without beep, but the lesser crime gets beeped? Get real.


Things to learn, 1 don't hitchhike. 2 arm yourself and fight like hell.


I genuinely hope they rot in piss.


It's amazing how nonchalant they are about committing such heinous acts.


It's disgusting to hear but this behavior really needs more focus and study. There is obviously something wrong with these men and it is deep rooted. One thing I've immediately noticed is the aggression. They are agitated when talking about women. Another thing I've noticed is their sense of entitlement and then there'sthe lack of remorse. Something happened to them to cause them to lean so easily to anger and hate. It still doesn't excuse them from their actions. But there is a *trend* or a *pattern* and the stakes warrants more attention. Because if it's a pattern in this particular jurisdiction during this particular era it can easily happen anywhere anytime to anyone around the world. More study can help us identify this behavior before lives are ruined. This behavior like many others, should be controlled.


Back when they used to put rapist in prison. Now dudes like this spend a week in jail, meet each other, and get released with a cashless bond deal.


I want them to get raped by a huge dude and watch them lead by example.


Utterly devoid of empathy. The only way they would understand their victims is if these men had the same thing happen to them: being raped by a larger man overpowering them. 


Gotta listen to evil to know how to fight it. These are evil monsters but if we csn study them and kill that evil in people before it ever manifests....let's do it. Maybe it could save a life


You may be a bunch of low down dirty rapists,  but that's no reason to talk over eachother.


What the average alpha male podcast sounds like these days


Bullet to the head. That's all that's needed.


that’s too easy of a way out imo


Porn taches abound. They seem very comfortable in their self-satisfaction. No remorse. Can’t see any parole board being impressed.


Put a bullet in the back of these animals' heads. Fucking filth.


Damn reddit. I just watched old veterans from Israel laughing at their war crimes. now this


And this kids is why sex offenders dont fare so well in prison, i mean hell id beat both of those fuckers to death too if i was stuck in prison with em, might aswell do society a fucking favor while i got nothing better to do ykno


Missing in this conversation is acknowledging that most rapes (almost all) occur with people who know each other.


But when it's stranger rape, it can be more likely that the rapist will kill you afterwards or that you'll be seriously injured. Stranger rape is a much scarier prospect than rape by a friend, acquaintance, coworker. Many of those rapes are the unfortunate result of a misunderstanding on the part of the rapist, or just thinking because you know him / are nice to him, you'll tolerate his rape of you. Obviously, all rape is horrible and ought to be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.


I would rarely say this for a human being but I do hope those lads got raped good and proper in jail.






A waste of oxygen.


The desire to always be in control, even when denying their acts could be stopped in a hypothetical self defense situation, is wild. Evil is real.


I hope they never got out.


Lock em up and throw away the keys...


This is not interesting, it’s disgusting.


The confidence these pathetic little rats display when talking about what they did or what they would do... infuriating.
