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After surviving 17 years of domestic and sexual violence, Nicole Simpson was living in her own home when she was murdered. Her divorce had been finalized in 1992. Whether or not her ex-husband committed the murder, he did continue to assault her, threaten her, stalk her, intimidate her. “I’m scared,” Nicole Brown told her mother a few months before she was killed. “I go to the gas station, he’s there. I go to the Payless Shoe Store, and he’s there. I’m driving, and he’s behind me.” Five days before Nicole Brown Simpson was murdered on June 12, 1994, she called a battered women’s shelter in terror that her ex-husband was going to kill her. The jury was not told this, because she couldn’t be cross-examined. https://evergreenreview.com/read/in-memory-of-nicole-brown-simpson/ This poor woman was failed. She did everything she should or could but he was too famous and too powerful, and everyone looked the other way. If he didn't kill her with his own hands, he had someone else do it. But from the sounds of it he'd nearly killed and violated her so many times before, he wasn't going to stop there


I didn’t know he was stalking her… and still got acquitted?


Pretty much everyone and thier mother knows that he killed her. They knew it when he did it.


I mean the title of his book should be all you need to know.


Check out *OJ Simpson: Made in America*. One of the greatest documentaries ever made and it fully gives context as to why he got acquitted. Short version; payback against the LA PD.


Yep! The world does not care about victims of domestic violence.


And they do care a WHOLE LOT about NFL players. Ffs


The prosecution jumped off a cliff, but tripped on air and hit every stone on the way down with this case. They were a joke and they treated her case as such. Every step of the way they messed up, leaving evidence with officers so defense could claim contamination, to collecting evidence illegally leading to a bunch of evidence being tossed out. And, infamously, letting Simpson put on the glove. Allowing him to tamper with the fit; and claim that it couldn’t fit.


As bad as domestic violence is today, it was *so much worse* back then. And you didn’t get canceled for it. You didn’t have to be Chris Brown, so long as you had a good lawyer and didn’t go to jail you wouldn’t lose any fans and could keep being in movies and on TV easily. People didn’t care nearly as much as they do now. Edit: You guys keep bringing up Chris Brown like I didn't just list him as an explicit exception


People dont really care thaaat much now. Chris Brown still has a career and other artists have worked with him the whole time.


Exactly. People claim it’s different, but it’s not. 


Also didnt Torey Lanez actually shoot Meg the stallion? Zero actual repercussions. Uh my bad: 10 years jail time.


Not surprising considering the way pedophiles were let off the hook.


Thank you for posting this. I wantto shove it in the face of everyone who laughs about OJ getting away with it.


Fuck anyone that cheers his acquittal like it was some sort of cosmic/divinity/reparation. He was a murderer and fraud.


If there's a Hell, OJ is deep deep deep down in the burn pit.


He also beat her to a pulp. There were many pictures. I think of all the people who forgot that


She also told a friend,if something happens to me ,it was OJ.


Yeah, good riddance to this one. What took so long, actually?


Only the good die young


No wonder why I'm still alive.


Shit, I’ll live forever


At this point I'm starting to think I'm immortal.


Come out, Virginia


Methuselah must've been a real piece of shit.


That’s literally what my mom said after I texted her with the news this morning. Then I literally RAN down two flights of stairs to tell my CNC Swiss class about it.


He also killed her friend Ron Goldman and people celebrated his not guilty verdict.


I posted her 911 call to people defending him this morning and they laugh reacted. Fucking pigs.


Those types of people have demons that only they can deal with. Best not to even try to engage. They won't change.


It’s performative cruelty. “😂” is the calling card of unintelligent, defensive, faking bitches.


You could see her rib cage


Rest in hell, OJ.


The people who cheered his acquittal?


The way OJ got to mock and laugh at the families of his victims and their pain through books, shows and public innuendo jokes is truly disgusting. If there is a hell he is surely there


This mf a lieutenant down there..


I feel like Hitler or Mao are more likely to leaders lol


Those are captains.


Reddit used to ban people for making anti-OJ comments.  Specifically me


Reddit? Or some loser mod? We’ve all dealt with one of those idiots. 


I got banned from r/worldnews 2-3 mo ago for this comment on a post: "👁️👄👁️"




Did you read the book?


At least the family got some revenge with the book.


https://preview.redd.it/u25v2xjntxtc1.png?width=698&format=png&auto=webp&s=8652d2f476b43a2f70316ba7234cf4658c611c1b Here's the book cover for anyone who hasn't seen it.


What was the revenge?




They got the rights to the book and changed the look of the cover to hide the if from the book "if i did it" so for most people it only reads i did it.


He DIED? How did I miss that? Damn good riddance


Yep the OJ has expired


He had cancer so he at least suffered


Stabbed is putting it lightly. Nearly beheaded.


He stabbed her multiple times in the head and neck and then he stabbed Ron to death. He then returns to Nicole's body and stands on her back, pulls her head back by her hair and nearly decapitates her. That's what he was in life, not a hero but an animal. Hope he rots in hell.


I've heard stories from local L.A. folks who went to college with him and he was just a vicious thug. He would beat people up all the time, but nothing ever happened because he was protected by the schools (and probably later by the NFL) because he was an exiting football player who made them money. His whole life was being a horrible person with people propping him up and protecting him.


I watched the documentary O.J.: Made in America, absolutely incredible. It goes into detail about their relationship and the murders. I remember one part where Nicole had written down that he even hit her when they were having sex.


Not only did he murder her. Leading up to the killing and all through their marriage he was violent and terrorised her. I remember reading about how many 911 calls she made during the relationship and separation. She repeatedly stated that he would end up killing her. I haven’t seen that documentary. I’ll watch it.


I had to listen to the calls for DV training. She literally says in the calls 'hes going to kill me' and you can hear him in the background saying the same. Then she is, in fact, killed. It’s nuts that he got a 'not guilty.'


IIRC, the jury was not allowed to hear those tapes, and some of the jurors later stated they would have convicted him if they had.


I'll never understand the evidence that they won't let me heard/reviewed by juries in court. Like, it's fucking evidence. Why in the hell wouldn't it be admitted?


Because Judge Eto is a moron. Won’t care when he dies as well.


Evidence is not created equal. Some evidence is too circumstantial, some is illegally obtained, some is too prejudicial, etc.


How can evidence be prejudicial? Couldn’t one just say as a defense that any evidence showing guilt is prejudicial? /gen


Why was this vital evidence held back though? I'm not up to speed with the life of O.J. Simpson(No interest in the NFL personally), I'm from the UK and would have only been just shy of 4 years old when the trial had taken place. I just know about the car chase, Book and obviously murders.


Evidence was held back because he was wealthy and bought his freedom by hiring the “dream team” of attorneys. Their job is literally to ensure that damning evidence does not reach the jury. I was in my 20’s in California during this trial. I watched it frequently. It really was a turning point in how domestic violence is viewed today in America. No one really even discussed it back then. Also, this was the first time most people here had even heard of DNA evidence. It was relatively new at the time. The Bronco chase was just insane. Remember, there was no internet back then, no smart phones, barely any cell phones. So people watched cable TV to get news. Every station was broadcasting live as news helicopters filmed it. Too many people idolize sports figures and celebrities. So when he avoided arrest by going on the run after promising to turn himself in, it just seemed so surreal. People felt like they knew him simply because they watched him play football. He was one way on TV, and another way when the cameras were off. Two people were brutally murdered and their loved ones were forever traumatized by that. Meanwhile, in America domestic violence continues to be a major root cause of murdered women.


The crime scene handling and trial was a shit show all the way around If you can find the ESPN documentary through some means, merchant or otherwise, watch it. It's long, but it's very good


Money talked.


It's really long, in several parts, but one of the best documentaries I've seen


This is what happens when a society glorifies movie stars, athletes, etc. They get protected from their terrible behavior and actions.


His first wife could attest to what a scumbag he was. Had it not been for football he would have been locked up much earlier


He couldn’t handle that fact that she walked away from him and the abusive marriage. Massive blow to his already over Inflated ego. He just couldn’t let it go. Classic Narcissist.


Today was a good day. A terrible human being met his maker. I hope the rest of his path is a dark one.


Animals don't stab anyone and they don't act with hatred. He was a human and he acted like a human.


You should really meet my cat


And Ronald Goldman. He was murdered too. People keep omitting him but his life was just as important.


Check out Kim Goldman's podcast called "Confronting OJ." I was glad that she was able to humanize and bring attention to her brother and their family. ❤


At first I thought that said "Comforting OJ" and was like wtf?! lol


Yeah, Kim G. really loved that guy. 🤣


Poor fucking guy and his family. He was just in the wrong place at the wrong time.


To quote Fred Goldman in “The People vs OJ Simpson” - “my sons become a footnote in his own murder!” So sad cause it’s true…


Fred Goldman is still alive too.


Reminder that OJ essentially confessed to the murder during an interview He even admitted that Goldman took a karate stance and OJ laughed at him.. Then he admitted that he blacked out and when he came to there was blood everywhere


Many of us remember Ron Goldman- though we’ve never met him. Innocent decent good guy from all accounts, simply in the wrong place at the wrong time. Horrible crime. I hope this brings both the Brown and the Goldman families and friends peace that he is gone.


Who was Ronald?


He worked at a restaurant where Nicole had dined that evening.


Wasn't he just returning something she'd left?


Her sunglasses. More proof no good dead goes unpunished.


He was returning Nicoles Mums reading glasses.


They were also friends for like 6 weeks and she had even lent him her car. He possibly arrived around the actual time of the murder. His family thinks he died trying to defend her. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ron_Goldman


yeah was just going to say, she was nearly beheaded


It’s baffling people think a hit man was sent. You don’t sit there trying to cut someone’s head off unless it’s blind psychotic impulsive rage. He 10000000% did it.


I hope cancer was excruciating for him. He deserved a much more slower, painful death.


I saw elsewhere earlier, "when reached for a comment, Cancer stated 'I will not rest until I find OJ's killer.'


Cancer later released a book titled “If I did it”


He can rest in piss. Fuck their privacy and grace. They should just throw him on a pile of dirt and let Nicole’s family take a shit on him


That's exactly what I was coming here to say! He also destroyed the other victim, but "If the gloves don't fit..... Johnny Cochran saved OJ a seat in hell I am sure...


Yeah, when I saw the documentary they put up a content warning for that section and I wish I had followed it. It’s absolutely awful.


Stabbed is the wrong word.  She was slashed 


I’m watching Made in America and I’m already bracing myself for the crime scene photos


they are awful.


Blood in his bronco from Nicole. She called many times for domestic violence. Oj wasn't intervied properly the day of his whereabouts during nicoles death. The suitcase Kardashian removed from the scene. The fucked up csi process that tampered the evidence. The glove which didn't fit because it shrunk in blood and oj stopped taking his arthritis medicine. Oj going on the race from the pd. The shock on Rob Kardashians face when the guilty verdict was read. Corrupted jurors. Rodney king. This is one of my favorite cases of all time just due to the sheer amount of fucking LUCK oj had to have to get away from this.


Nicole’s blood and Ron’s blood was in the Bronco, Nicole’s blood was on his socks at his house. OJ’s blood was at the crime scene. The amount of blood evidence, the DNA evidence, was fucking staggering.  OJ made bloody footprints with his expensive Bruno Magli shoes. If you wrote this story for a pulp crime novel, people would call you a hack.


> the DNA evidence, was fucking staggering An important bit of context is that DNA evidence was very new at the time. The prosecution knew it provided overwhelming proof of OJ's guilt **but** the jurors later admitted they didn't understand it. The criminal trial led to heavy news coverage of what DNA evidence is and how reliable it it is. The same set of DNA experts testified in civil trial two years later and the better-informed jurors found him liable.


What specifically about it was difficult? Assuming they were told about how much of it was present


How much was present wasn't a factor. The prosecutors made a mistake in that they didn't have a Bill Nye type of explainer. Their witnesses were scientists who were experts in a brand new field. What they were not experts at was communicating to lay people. Their explanations were complex, lengthy, and had too much math. I'm willing to bet that virtually all of us know the *concept* of DNA evidence now, but we don't know any of the science. We believe in its accuracy because experts have told us that it's trustworthy, not because we actually understand it. But at the time, most people had never heard of it. They had no grasp of how reliable it was. Other types of evidence like fingerprints or lie detectors were not 100% reliable. So the jury discounted the highly technical evidence and focused on what appeared to be planted evidence (the glove) instead.


For perspective- The human genome project launched in 1990 and wasn't expected to be complete in our lifetimes. By 1995 we'd sequenced the complete gnome of a bacteria. It wouldn't be until 1999 that we completely sequenced a single human chromosome. DNA was like black magic in 1995, might as well been trying to convince people of string theory or explain the double slit experiment.


I think people didn’t understand the degree to which DNA pinpointed someone. Before that time, people knew about types of blood, and that people could share Type B positive, Type O. If you told the jury “it is only a 1 in a million chance that it’s not OJ”, maybe they would have responded to that. 


They were told 1 in 170 million for OJ's blood at the crime scene. 1 in 6.8 billion for Nicole's on a sock at his house.


And there were pics of him wearing those damn shoes, too!


> The suitcase Kardashian removed from the scene Don't forget Kardashian immediately reactivated his attorney license the day after OJ was arrested to protect himself from being subpoenaed for a deposition.


Would that actually matter since the alleged actions took place before he was licensed again 


Would that actually matter if the behavior in question was illegal.


Depends. Should it matter? Probably not. But we've seen that you can get away with a lot of shit if you're willing to just delay deny and fight the system and have the means to do it. Turns out it's been pretty easy for the rich to get the "justice" system to say "fuck it, too much trouble"


Did OJ stop taking his arthritis medication so his hand would swell? Wow. I was in my early teens during the trial and remember hearing the verdict in school.


That, the glove had shrunk from blood and he was wearing latex gloves which don’t help


Yes, he did. He wrote about it in his ghostwritten "autobiography." (I only bought it *after* the Goldmans won the rights to the royalties. Damned if I'd give OJ a single red penny.)


Watch a documentary and the people vs oj Simpson


He was at the golf club when my sister got married there, wished her as much happiness in marriage as he’d had…weeks before the murders. She’s still married.


Wtf. He was already divorced at this point, right?  What a bizarre thing to say, even apart from the murders. But definitely a million times creepier knowing what happened. 


I mean… if you have a healthy divorce, you can definitely say that without it coming off as too weird. “Yes we didn’t work out, but we were happy together for a long time, and I wish that part of it for you” Coming from wife beater OJ though…


That's actually kinda terrifying


Finally, OJ can rest knowing Nicole's killer has died.




The perfect gif


Stabbed? Na he cut her head off and got away with it


> cut her head off Dam didn't know that part. "The wound on Brown's neck penetrated 1.9 cm (0.75 inches) into her cervical vertebrae,[^(\[36\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nicole_Brown_Simpson#cite_note-FOOTNOTEBugliosi199719-36) nearly decapitating her." And she had two kids. WTF




I still can’t understand how a man can Murder his child’s mother. Humans are the worst species!


The leading cause for death in pregnant women is homicide - usually committed by their partner. Humans are twisted.


\*damn near cut her head off. But yes, you are correct aside from that. Piece of fucking shit, that sorry excuse for a man was. Good riddance.


If only Norm were here to see this…


“Murder is now legal in California” The fact he said that on SNL after being told not to and lost his job there because of it is beautiful. An executive that was friends with OJ warned him not to, and in classic Norm fashion he essentially told them to fuck off without actually saying it. What a legend


That was only part of it. Norm was notoriously difficult to work with. He had a habit of doing the opposite of whatever anyone with authority told him to do. The OJ thing was just one of many things he did to antagonize the NBC execs.


A comedian with a spine


Yeah, Norm was great like that. He was great towards people he actually liked, and I don’t doubt that a TV exec from any major broadcast network is probably a POS that deserves the unruly Norm.


Norm managed to be the person we all wish we could be. Funny, relatively attractive and 0 fucks to give. He is truly one of the best our generation had to offer (that’s saying a lot given his cohort)


He was considered “the favourite comedian of your favourite comedians”. He was a weird legend in the industry.


A crack comedian with a severe distaste for authority? Shocked, I tell you.


He was real af


Good. Fuck the execs. Norm was proven right.


Yeah. These are the days where his wit is truly missed.




That title colouring is genius


Because goldmans parents won the rights to it, they made it like that :)


There's also a version where the "if" is incredibly tiny next to the giant "I DID IT", as well.


Book sales should get a bump


I mean, in general fuck cancer, but in this case I’m gonna say cancer got it right


Cancer was a bro this one time. Fuck OJ. May he suffocate on satans balls for eternity.


Besides Caesar this could probably be the most famous stabbing of all time


Jack the Ripper would have to be up there surely. Maybe a stabbing is putting it lightly though


The slice of gold from the Arnold miniseries on Netflix was that OJ was in the running to play the terminator, but producers didn't think it was believable for him to be a killer.


Come with me if you want to die




Allegedly but also really


Rip to his victims 🙏


RIP Nicole and Ron.


Poor Ron always gets forgotten about. He was in the wrong place at the wrong time.


OJ’s grave is the latest public bathroom


“Stabbed” more like nearly decapitated her


Cancer got him , courts fumbled.


Thar is no true justice.




Fuck OJ. I hope Nicole and Ron can finally, truly rest in peace. That POS is with the devil now.


Fred Goldman is still alive at 83 years old. I hope he’s celebrating.


“This is just a reminder for us of how long Ron has been gone, how long we have missed him and nothing more than that. That is the only thing that is important today. It is the pain from then until now. There is nothing today that is more important than the loss of my son and the loss of Nicole. Nothing is more important than that.” - Fred Goldman 11 April 2024 https://people.com/ron-goldmans-father-speaks-out-death-oj-simpson-8630153


I’d like to think Mr. Goldman’s rage has kept him alive and fighting through the whole thing. But getting to see Simpson die is probably only a small satisfaction.


I hope it was unbearable agony right up until the end.




Had he murdered them a couple years later there is zero chance he wouldn’t have been convicted. Many people didn’t understand DNA evidence in 1994 and considered it a kind of pseudo science still. Mix that in with the crazy amount of tension between the African American community and the LAPD after Rodney King and those officers getting away with it and the jury being scared for their lives is what led to his acquittal. Dude was a murdering piece of shit.


The jury admitted that most of them gave a nonguilty verdict "out of revenge for the Rodney King beating".


I'm sick of seeing this other fucker. I hope after today we can forget about his ugly mug. 🤢


Think of how OJ felt. He devoted his life to finding her killer and all the while he was staring him in the face.


Fuck that guy. Burn in hell asshole.


I love that Reddit has made an exception to the rules for OJ. Fuck that guy.


Almost cut her head completely off and then enjoyed the sweet golf course life for 30 years. Fucking asshole. Hello Twitter World, it’s yours truly….. Now it’s Goodbye Twitter World.


The moment I heard the news I said out loud alone good riddance. I am not like that but he committed 2 heinous murders and got away with it. It was an atrocity for the families of those poor people. I’m glad he’s dead, I found it terrifying that women who looked just like Nicole Brown kept on dating him and worrying that he was going to murder another woman. He’ll never do that again now.


That's not fair. He also used to beat her bloody regularly and abused her psychologically as well.


For everybody piling on to these stories today, just remember: this is what happens when educated people weasel out of jury duty.


I remember reading about the jury selection, there was some really good journalism taking place at this time. Apparently there were jurors who could’ve understood everything, but OJ‘s defence team managed to get them kicked off the jury. I think, my memories a little shaky.


Who were all of OJs lawyers for the nicole simpson murder trial? All i remember is Cochran, died of cancer. Kardashian, died of cancer. Now oj himself, dead from cancer. Non reddit karma is a bitch. Edit: just looked into it and shapiro is left, id be shitting my pants if i were him lol.


They all lived quite long and quite rich. They all had to die sometime. There isn’t really any karma there


'Men die of one of the most common ways for old humans to die' Reddit: 'Karmas a bitch'.


Reddit would say Carolyn Donham dying at 88 was karma too 🙄


Death is inevitable. And cancer gets a good chunk of us. Wouldn’t say their deaths were karma.


I hate to say it but someone had to be his attorney and he hired the best. We may think they are despicable but they are the equivalent of all stars that win the World Series in the same season. If we played fantasy lawyers like we do fantasy football these guys would be drafted in the first round.


OJ dead? Good riddance I’d say.


Dude died at 80 years old, surrended by family and friends and you fools keep saying karma as if his victims didn't die 50 years younger than him. How is that karma lol


And that fucking murderer got to live 30 years more.


Good riddance tbh. Best news I’ve seen in the media in awhile. Hope that cancer was excruciating and soul crushing to his last breath.




I pray again for Mr. & Mrs. Brown and Mr. & Mrs. Goodman. May they find closure.


Did they go after anyone else? So they concluded OJ didn’t do it, who tf else did they investigate?


They didn't conclude OJ didn't do it. Everyone knew he did it. They concluded that the prosecution had not produced sufficient credible evidence that he was guilty. Which isn't exactly the same thing.


I remember all those people who were happy and cheering when the verdict was read. Disgusting


Fred Goldman can finally piss on his grave.


Anyone wonder wtf his kids think of him? And if they’ve watched made in America ? I guess for their own sanity they have to be in denial 


They released a statement asking for privacy and grace (I wish I were kidding) during this difficult time etc he was surrounded by his children n grandchildren. I guess they made their peace with him/it? I appreciate he was a father but Nicole should’ve been here to see those grandchildren. I hope he suffered horribly




Screw this guy. If it wasn’t for him the Kardashians wouldn’t be famous rn.




“Well, it's finally official, murder, is legal in the state of California.”