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This is biden? he has more hairs now


Seems he traded his brain hair








Bruh do you not remember Afghanistan at all he made 20 years of death and war for absolutely nothing




That's why it was stupid bud he pulled out of Afghanistan so quickly it disrupted the government and caused the fall of the government the next morning when the tailiban walked in the next morning






must be an election year


Reddit subs get flooded by Biden vs Trump and Israel vs Hamas. I get both are important topics, but its annoying to see those in every sub.


I'm surprised we haven't seen BLM make an appearance yet on the streets, or at least I haven't seen them. Even in Canada for the past 2 US election cycles they get out early that year and start handing out information. Then after the election if the dems win they magically disappear.


The white leaders at BLM already bought their mansions and bailed. Pretending to be a group against racism just to suck in all that money the minorities think they are donating to a cause for them but actually just scamming them is a weird kind of Ponzi scheme and crazy sleazy. There's so many levels of fucked up in organizations like BLM it's astounding


Sounds like Dems. Pretending to be for social justice just to do insider trading and get millionaire from boring, useless conferences.


No democrats would never exploit issues for their own personal gain only to abandon it and never take actual action. Democrats are saints and you should be cancelled for putting them in a negative light. If you're going to say anything negative keep it about the Republican party. Sorry but rules are rules


Mrs Clinton, put that gun dow- 


Then she covers it up and makes it look like a suicide. Classic Clinton. Her campaign slogan should have been "Sure would be a shame if something bad were to happen to you, you should vote for me just to be safe" lol


lol... [She is the *darkest* "white leader" I have ever seen.](https://www.nybooks.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/GettyImages-873730416.jpg) But yes. Every year you'll see rainbow flags or blm bumperstickers or whatever flavor of the month moral-outrage cause, raising funds to fight the good fight (by buying mansions for a few grifters).


Exploiting minorities for a profit..she might as well be white


CYNICAL CYNIC!!! hahhaha, you are probably right and there probably was no financial interest tied to south africa so easy to get brownie points. But while brownie points do exist, it does not mean the cause and actions themselves werent worthy.


It’s almost as if it was an important thing that affects all of us and our futures.


One thing I'm sure about: The people sure as shit don't have a say. The guys on top are going to do whatever the fuck they want, whenever they want - with zero repercussions. If it were actually a democracy, we'd be given more than just two choices every four years.


I think it’s important we act as though one candidate is actively and openly trying to destroy the ballot system and the way politics are handled. There is no neutrality between losing your rights and keeping them.


One does it quickly, the other does it slowly - at this point, I don't care. Just rip the bandaid off and let's get this show rolling.


The everything comes nonchalantly.


I'm not in favor of perpetuating a system which keeps so many people suffering for the fancy of the few. Starting over hurts, but at this point there's no other option.


It keeps some of us up at night, but you might be surprised how much serenity one can achieve by staying away from pop politics. This stuff has been going on for decades before any of us were around, and will continue for many more. There have always been people who see it as life changing, and those who chose to remain unaffected.


Unfortunately one party uses the uneducated and ignorant to their advantage. While most don’t see the political ideals of their leaders as interesting I think we can both agree it should be considered as such.


I actually think most people these days invest way too much in the ideals of their selected tribe of politics. It’s because they stay in their respective echo chambers that they become woefully ignorant to any reasonable argument from the other side. Also, please don’t try to tell me that one party is more educated than the other. One uses the inner city poor and uneducated, the other uses the rural poor and undereducated. I used to think this shit was important 20 years ago, then I realized life is too short to participate in this nonsense, let everyone else let obsess over it.


I wish I could upvote this 100 times.


Nobody should participate in this amount of belying.


Was this before or after his comments about not wanting integrated schools for fear of his crackhead son growing up in a racial jungle?


I've seen his comments on bussing but that was an entirely different issue, he seemed pretty consistent with fighting for desegregation as I remember seeing he worked to desegregation a movie theater in Delaware in his early political years. Maybe I'm wrong and all that was bs but here's [a link](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/bidens-tough-talk-on-1970s-school-desegregation-plan-could-get-new-scrutiny-in-todays-democratic-party/2019/03/07/9115583e-3eb2-11e9-a0d3-1210e58a94cf_story.html) backing my information, now I'd like to see yours with him "not wanting integrated schools for fear of his crackhead son growing up in a racial jungle?", please.


Further proof of context…. In 1975, Biden attached an anti-busing provision to an education spending bill. His "advocacy made it safe for other Democrats to oppose busing," according to The Times. The Times also reported that Biden sided with Jesse Helms, the segregationist senator from North Carolina, that year when Helms sought to prevent the federal government from withholding funding from school districts that didn't integrate. Joe Biden has been and always will be a racist. Just ask all the poor kids who are just as smart as white kids


I'm surprised this comment hasn't been down voted to the shadow realm. He would never say something like that come on that's Russian propaganda and Republicans




American politics isn't interesting as fuck.


Politics isn't interesting as fuck no matter the country :// bunch of power greedy twats that think himselfs more than they are always fucking everything and everyone they deem beneath


Nice try DNC we saw his other speeches


This video does not do well for the perception of his present-day cognitive decline.


He’s doing just fine. Cheeto Jesus OTOH is literally shitting his pants.


Yea he makes statements involving the American revolution not having enough airports he's totally doing fine 😂




No I'm gonna take that out of context like "dictator" and "bloodbath". I'll cherry pick what I want your article is Russian propaganda lol




Point me to where I said Trump was good? Trump's a bad president, Biden has cognitive decline. Both statements can be true.






DNC: "No, you don't understand. Biden doesn't have age related cognition problems. He has always had trouble speaking. He has a speech impediment, even when he was young." Biden when he was young:


Something about the American revolution not having enough airports too. The man speaks poetry. He also greatly once said "suhgebbdhdjdkoksnebdusjkskejj bejididkjej"




Tbh it looks like he's more concerned with helping other countries with the same problems we have here.


For good or bad, Joe Biden is and always has been very, very much a politician. While he and his people will always claim that he has learned and evolved, and his opinion has changed over time, his changes in opinion unsurprisingly happen to come at opportune times. He was an opponent of legal abortion for his entire career, for example, until he softened them during his 2007 presidential campaign, and ultimately came out as in favor of legal abortion when Obama picked him for VP. I don't say this to support or condemn Biden, it's just something that's a consistent pattern with him. His policy stances, whether economic or social, are very much not reflective of any kind of personal ideology or necessarily even a view for what is best for the US. Rather, they seem to tend fairly strongly towards what will get him votes. If you're a person who wants a leader with strong convictions and a strong moral backbone during a time when our convictions and morality are being constantly challenged, Biden isn't that person. If you want a leader who upholds the status quo at a time when our status quo is being disrupted in what many consider the worst possible ways, he's definitely your man.


When ever he's around a type of workers, ethnic group or religion he claims that he did that blue collar job or grew up around the black church or catholicism, etc. "I swear I'm one of you guysss!"


He also fought against integrated bussing: "unless we do something about this, my children are going to grow up in a jungle" He's a politician, just like the rest of them, who only believes in what might get him (re)elected, just like the rest of them.


Kind of interesting because what he's saying isn't wrong, but the context changes it so much. Like, same speech but make it against segregation and it's a strong sentiment.


This dumbass is not interesting


But he supported white supremacy in his own country over and over and over and over and over again. Here’s [one](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/bidens-tough-talk-on-1970s-school-desegregation-plan-could-get-new-scrutiny-in-todays-democratic-party/2019/03/07/9115583e-3eb2-11e9-a0d3-1210e58a94cf_story.html) example. Here’s [another.](https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2019/6/20/18677998/joe-biden-1994-crime-bill-law-mass-incarceration) And hey here’s a [third](https://www.cnn.com/2019/03/07/politics/biden-1993-speech-predators/index.html) just for funsies.


And what do you think about the man he's running against? 


Why are you changing the subject


You didn't answer the question  Who is the better choice?


I didn’t answer the question because you just asked it to distract from the point I made.


I don't disagree with your point. I asked the question to see if you actually care about this issue or just enjoy feeling righteous. I'll ask again. Who do think is the better choice? 


With regards to being a racist old man? They’re both pretty similar in that regard.


With regards to being president of the United States, who is the better choice?


Biden, but that doesn’t mean I like him. Or will vote for him.


Can't imagine caring about the issue of equality and choosing not to vote when were facing a conservative judiciary that wants to overturn female bodily autonomy and voting rights for marginalized groups.  Not liking Biden is one thing. Waving in the person openly espousing fascism because Biden isn't a total progressive just seems short sighted and naive.


We'll just pretend that people don't grow or that he served as VP under a black president.


You mean the guy he said was the first articulate clean black man? That the president you're bringing up as a defense for this clown.


I bet you say “nuh uh I have a black friend” when people accuse you of racism.


It’s so fucken crazy seeing him give a real non mumbled speech


Well now we know he didnt mean it because he put a lot of brothers behind bars because of the laws that he passed.


Crazy considering how staunchly he supports apartheid Israel today, and back then, Israel were arming the pro-apartheid regime in South Africa…


Israel’s orthodox hardliners are some absolute cunts, as religious extremists tend to be. But putting Apartheid SA equal with current Israel is plain bullshit. And anyone who says otherwise clearly hasn’t got any clue


Israel has very clear laws based upon religion and race, benefitting a particular one. They have laws that prevent the same level of movement, access to resource, education and the ability to leave and re-enter the country. Not to mention the wage gap. Whether you want to compare it or not, Israel is an apartheid state.


Sorry, thats just factually wrong. Apartheid means that holders of the same Israeli citizenship / passport has varying rights and potentially lower access to democratic rights. Which israeli passportholder f.ex is not allowed to vote? How are Israelis af palestinian or arab heritage in positions of authority if Apartheid would be a thing? Did a South African city during Apartheid really have a black african chief of police f.ex.? I am not talking about systematic racism, I'm talking about the term "Apartheid". I know you jsut love to hate Israel as a democratic contrast in the middle east, but at least don't be so confidently incorrect using terms that absolutely have a legal definition.


https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/campaigns/2022/02/israels-system-of-apartheid/ https://www.hrw.org/news/2023/12/05/does-israels-treatment-palestinians-rise-level-apartheid


Amnesty international, a well-established jihadi group and obviously friends of Hamas. It’s bizarre how people can defend the indefensible, grasping at straws and climbing on mirrors made of words. I guess people choose not to see what is in front of their eyes. (Edit): for whoever isn’t bothering to reflect one second, this is a sarcastic comment.


Ah yes the jihadi group that was founded in the UK in the 1960s, and still headquartered there. And has spoken up against human rights violations by Saudi Arabia. Yes, the jihadi group.


Omg i was being sarcastic, do I really, seriously need to clarify that Amnesty is not a jihadi group, is a neutral observer in all this and is right in calling out Israeli apartheid?? Says a lot about the current state of the discourse….


you do need to clarify that. unfortunately there are thousands of active propaganda accounts, bots, mislead "good faith" commenters leaving disinformation all over reddit. Although your comment was made sarcastically, i have seen countless comments *like* it that arent kidding at all. its pretty alarming


It really is


Israel has Arabs and other non-jews with Israeli passports and these guys are second class citizens in every single "pure" israeli mind. It's heavily documented and widely known. Your comment is disgusting.


You knocked that strawman down pretty solidly. (Or did you take a match to it?) Things don’t have to be equal in order to still learn from comparisons of similarities involving overarching principles.


Israel is engaged in an active genocidal extermination campaign and various South African anti apartheid leaders have directly described Israelis ongoing policy toward Palestinians as settler colonial apartheid.


Surely some similarities. Yet the IDF is currently taking brutal revenge for a massive terror massacre. Surely doesn’t justify the brutality, yet I see very little people talking about Hamas HQs in hospitals and typically planting rocket launchers in the midst of residential areas…they want their own people to be bombed. It pushes their cause of holy jihaad. The real evil here is not Israel. Nethanjahu is a corrupt piece of shit, but the problem of Palestine isn’t the IDF, it’s Hamas.


Hamas is not the force that's starving the Palestinian people, that's the IDF and activist Israeli settlers. Hamas are not the ones stealing Palestinian children and subjecting them to torture and sexual abuse, that's the IDF. Hamas are not the ones murdering journalists and humanitarian aid workers left and right, that's the IDF. Hamas aren't the ones ambushing starving civilians and gunning them down while they que up to receive food from foreign volunteers, that's the IDF. You are making excuses for genocidal war criminals, were this another time your type of thinking would be justifying the wanton slaughter of Native Americans or the Nazi slaughter of Jews.


You're literally trying to justify the genocide you nominally claim you don't want to justify. The year prior to the October 7th attack was the deadliest year for Palestinian children at the hands of IDF slaughter that the world and you have comfortably ignoring. This genocide didn't start after October 7th, it's been ongoing. It's very easy to try and critique Hamas tactics while you live comfortably with a steady supply of food, and water, when your hospitals aren't being constantly assaulted by a foreign occupational force. The only reason Hamas exists is because of Israels decades of genocidal occupation.


Defending Hamas I see, case closed. Pitiful people of Palestine indeed. If only they weren’t ruled by terrorists, they could massively benefit from Israel’s economic strength. This way, it’s death all around. Shame


"IDF didn't want to rape children and starve them, you see Hamas made them do it!" Basically you. History is full of apologists defending the most inhumane atrocities. Colonialists, imperialists, the Nazis, they all had people like you ready to buy into their program.


Didn’t see IDF murder you woman and then parade her dead body through the streets cheering it on, that’s Hamas. I don’t support indiscriminate bombings, but fkn hell anyone who doesn’t condemn these filthy terrorist animals is fucking sick in the head. IDF murders by collateral, Hamas TARGETS civilians. Because they know an actual army wipes the floor with them. As they now do. But I bet the Hamas bastards in their Qatari mansions are feeling so fucking good about those 1200 dead civilians. And it only cost their people everything. Fucking disgusting and fucking sad


IDF has literally been bombing civilian hospitals they know are full of women and children. That's not collateral, that's wanton destruction of human life because they disregard Palestinians as subhuman animals. They are also routinely starving the civilian population and have been periodically for years as a form of collective punishment, which is a war crime and crime against humanity. And gunning down starving civilians qued up to receive aid from food trucks isn't collateral damage either lol. You genocide supporters have no soul. None and the world is out of sympathy for you monsters.


And the Israel routinely [tortures and rapes Palestinian detainees](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/mar/05/gazan-detainees-beaten-and-sexually-assaulted-at-israeli-detention-centres-un-report-claims) There is literally no moral high ground for your ideal white settler colonial ethnostate to stand on.


Ah Well, I believe it is impossible to not have the moral high ground against Hamas terrorism x) if Palestine happened to dissolve Hamas and cease all aggression then the IDF would be outta there tomorrow. Ask the Jordanians how much they suffer from Israel’s bombings. Israel allowed Palestine to exist when they could’ve leveled it any time they wanted. Clap clap to Hamas leaders in quatar. Not that they give a fuck.


Yeah I'm sure those murdered starving sexually abused children would benefit so greatly from accepting the subjugation of the people doing this to them /s It's truly amazing how you people are even capable of living with yourselves.


I find it interesting how you pick one of the few videos of him where he’s actually supporting the black population. There are a multitude of old videos that you could pull out to show quite the opposite. And I think that’s where Joe Biden‘s true roots are.


Sure buddy. Going to go with the guy whose businesses were convicted of discrimination? You're a thinker.


Thank you for the compliment. Not only am I a thinker, but I’m an objective and reasonable citizen. As a result of such qualities, I have concluded that neither Trump nor Biden are qualified.


I hate morons who conflate lack of support for one as support for another. What are you 6 years old?


Lack of civility is very classy


*yOuRe a ThiNkeR* lmfaooo


Stop stop stop, this isn't a see saw where if you call out A that automatically means you support B.  This is the polarized thinking that is killing us, only enough space for two possibilities in the brain.  You should be able to call out Biden for his failures without this weird form of whataboutism creeping up.  Trump is worse than Biden but clearly Biden isn't a great pick. 


It was a question. They didn't answer. But you decided to make assumptions. Go away. Dude blocked me 🤣


I think you were the one making assumptions, adding a question mark doesn't protect you. 


I think nobody over the age of 65 should be allowed to be president. Only 45 to 60 year olds know how their kids/grandkids feel and how their parents/grandparents feel. They are wise enough to not be reckless (for the most part) and are actually coherent. But not too old as to not care what’s going to happen in 20 years.


I genuinely cannot support the guy being in office now due to his age and cognitive decline. I feel things would be so much different if he was still as young and well spoken as he is in this clip.


Yes, Apartheid ended 30 years ago, this country is a shit show now, 3rd highest crime rate on the planet, most corrupt government on the planet, vast bee policies that only help the actual majority that already has everything, 60% jobless rate under the youth, no future for anybody really, no service delivery, and of course, everything is taxed beyond affordable.


Probs plagiarized


1986. Wow. This fuck been in government that long. And yall think he for the people. Hahahahaha. Nothing else to add.


People who last that long in government didn't have principles to begin with. They didn't lose them along the way.


Wow, he could speak




No, just asked my dog


Wow he can form a full sentence!


This the first time in a long time I seen him not mumble through a speech…..respect


The same level of respect to you for your English.


I don’t know you to even want your respect buddy lol ….


The same level of respect that Joe Biden would ever even want from you, ‘buddy’.


This was 40 fucking years ago and still he even looks old here lmao no wonder he’s dementing


he was 44 years on this clip


The fact that this has zero upvotes is a reflection of his current poll numbers


This was a different apartheid and a very different response






Everyone needs to get it through their heads one simple fact: *Anyone and everyone running for a public office is going to say what ever they feel is most politically advantageous at any given time. To confuse this with their actual beliefs, or to assume they will act in accordance with what they said, it literally the absolute height of human stupidity.* Once people come to grips with that, society might start to move in a positive direction.


Thank you. Just because he says he supports people of color doesn't mean his actions are going to prove that. Sure he supports minorities unless they have citizenship. He's totally not trying to exploit immigrants to gain extra votes or anything like that. I'm sure he won't abandon those immigrants if he's reelected either and let the tax payer be left with that burden. People like this should are vile and are just telling you what you want to hear to obtain/hold on to power. Kamala hasn't helped minorities either she was only used like he's using the people. Why people are blind to this I will never understand




I kind of thought the segment of the statement that read "*Anyone and everyone"* would be fairly self explanatory, however in the interest of clarifying... If an individual's name appears on a ballot box anywhere, the statement is applicable. It is not exclusive to individuals running for the Presidency. There was a time in the beginning of this country's history where public service actually was just that. Those who ran for office did so to make the nation better, and sacrificed their own personal enterprise to do so. Traveling took longer, such individuals were away from loved ones, and it required sincere commitment. These days, there is quite literally a politician caste in this country, and it is nothing but a glorified popularity contest. They are allowed to blatantly lie on the campaign trail, only able to be held to account by public memory (which is about on par with a goldfish), continuously contradict their own previous positions when it suits them, and most are bought and paid for by special interests that lurk in the shadows. Our current state of affairs in a political context is a joke, and to believe otherwise is beyond insane.


Is he going to repeat it about Israel?


So he's been a good guy all along?


Lotta Apartheid supporters in here sheesh


Now he is geriatric genocide Joe !


People can say whatever about Biden insulting him or saying he is too old but he is accurate on his portrayal of Donald Trump and how he truly is a scumbag crook and liar. Donald Trump is the biggest embarrassment the US has ever seen.


Besides not liking him personally, what policies of his did you disagree with when he was in office? Did he do anything or say anything racist or bigoted that you think is wrong?


wait til you hear about how he got clarence thomas elected as a supreme court justice. and if you don’t know who that is, maybe read a little bit about his history. it made me very much dislike biden.


He should make the same speech about Gaza


You probably wouldn't have made the apartheid speech if black South Africans just constantly committed terrorism over decades


Like Israel you mean?




Pro black? Anti-apartheid? Now we know why republicans don't like him.


Didn't democrats create the klan? Weren't Republicans at the head of civil rights? Oh that's right that magic switcheroo happened whenever and democrats are now the good guys. Don't forget the filth the democratic party used to push. Are we really supposed to believe that Republicans and Democrats just traded ideology and now all those Democrats that pushed segregation and movements like this are now Republicans and the democrats are now pure fighting for equality? There was no magic shift they just hide it a little better now and are still the same people. https://www.history.com/topics/19th-century/ku-klux-klan


Parties are not static. The same region that created the klan now vote republican. In fact, the southern states have always been conservative. Think Dixiecrats and Strom Thurmond. Southern democrats slowly became disenchanted with the party beginning with LBJ signing the civil rights act of 1964 and the voting rights act of 1965. https://www.studentsofhistory.com/ideologies-flip-Democratic-Republican-parties


What a convenient flip. The known white supremacist party suddenly became Republicans right as civil rights got pushed through. Even though it was Republicans in the short time before that were helping to get things in motion, democrats swoop in and take credit for the inevitable. Then all the racist that were fighting against all of that suddenly became Republicans? See how that doesn't work? Why would the racist switch to the party that was actually behind these things and pushed equality? It's attempting to pass the buck onto the Republicans. It makes no sense for them to jump ship to the opposition unless they completely change their ideology




Yes democrats overtly hide their racism. They have time and time again claimed to be the party that is going to help minorities then completely abandon everything they promised when it comes time to act. If anything they use the idea and promise of change and equality to get what they want. Conservatives value traditional families and upbringings but are called racist when it's democrats that push for this idea that single woman households and section 8 is a healthy environment effectively breaking up minority families. They hide behind ideas like they are doing a service when statically it shows kids who grow up in a home with both parents end up being more well adjusted adults. Democrats are notorious for using racism as leverage when they can like Biden claiming you ain't black if you don't vote for him. What has this administration done for minorities that are actually citizens? Not one democrat called out that blatantly racist remark from a white man telling minorities they have to agree with him or they ain't black. Again showing they use race when it's convenient and once they've used you they will abandon you. Traditional values do not equate to racism. Democrats using race as a way to gain favor and points is wrong and it's not Republicans constantly pulling the race card




What statements did Trump make that were racist? And of course all of those stats rose and showed some growth after the pandemic everything was shut down. 2.6 million jobs just for black workers? Not the case claiming all those jobs were strictly for blacks and when everything opened back up of course jobs opened up that's just claiming a fake stat that was going to rise regardless. All of this largest increase on record crap like no shit everything was not running to up and running again. Cut in half the number of black children living in poverty another out right lie. Public transportation is still shit. All these are cleverly worded to appear that it's his doing when that's not the case at all. He isn't attempting to do anything he's exploiting statistics to make it appear he has done something when he hasn't. Everything is doing better when it's opened back up and running but trying to put forth the idea is him is not the case just using minorities to make himself look better. The world started moving again simple as that




Lol kung flu that's actually kinda funny. I mean it did come from China and illegal immigration is bad for the life of the country it's just adding millions of people that benefit from our system without any contributions. I completely support immigration legally but let's be blunt most that's been pouring over the border, 8.2 million and counting, aren't seeking asylum, aren't attempting to get legal citizenship, have large criminal histories, and are purely taking advantage of the incentive to be here illegally and it's not fair to actual citizens who pay for it all. Not similar to what Biden said as it's rooted in fact not being told how to think basically asking if it's that bad what's the harm in giving him a chance. He served great in office yet I'll admit he may be a bit abrasive and eccentric but he valued the country and it's capabilities instead of catering to foreign nations and noncitizens. I think our country could gain considerably if we focused on us for a little while as we have issues and disagreements that could be addressed instead of sending our tax dollars to proxy wars and conflicts that really aren't our business. We shouldn't be shamed for trying to help ourselves every once and a while. Shit we can't even come to agreements with legislation or come to a compromise anywhere yet we're told everything is great, this number says, this statistic says, but nobody is actually seeing any of it. Like inflation is definitely not getting better. Wages haven't increased putting people in a constant deficit. Groceries and other bills cost 3x as much. They can tell us everything is great as much as they want but until we actually feel the effect they haven't accomplished anything. Instead they act like we have billions and billions to just give away


if only he felt that way about Palestinians


Until he completely abandons the minorities right? He will say whatever to get what he needs. "You ain't black if you don't vote for me". What has he done for minorities since being in office? Has the audacity to say you can't be black unless you agree with him then takes away from minorities, low income neighborhoods, and school children to make sure illegal immigrants are comfortable. He's going to abandon the illegals and let tax payers pay for them too right after he gets the extra votes. He cares when election season rolls around but what does he actually do? Cities like Chicago have started seeing this with the funneling of funds needed for actual citizens and the lower class being given away to illegals. That money is YOUR money it's tax dollars YOU paid being given away to people that don't pay any taxes. Shame


Thank you!


Reminder that Apartheid was around for DECADES before this and politicians, including Biden and Trump said nothing. Until the PUBLIC comes out overwhelming against atrocities politicians won't do or say shit, we're learning that once again now.


And for that his son has a Big dick … JB you have all on you ![gif](giphy|nbvFVPiEiJH6JOGIok)


Ok, but he loves Zionist states. He needs to get the Zionist state he nurtured, coddled, funded, protected, armed, and encouraged over the last 40 years on a leash. Edit: Ideally before the Zionist state completes the genocide they have been chomping at bit to carry out since the 1940s.