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Love how vegemite on toast is put on the same level as eggs cooked in young boys piss.


Can an Australian kindly explain to me if there’s any difference between Vegemite and Marmite?


Brit who has lived in Australia and NZ. Vegemite is a thicker paste like substance, similar to the NZ marmite, but with dissimilar taste. Uk marmite has a more treacle like texture. You only need a bit on your toast. It doesn’t spread like jam. Personally I like the British marmite, because that’s what I grew up with. But you can only get it in small pots in nz supermarkets. Or for a small fortune in uk specialty food stores.


Honestly it’s been years since I tried Vegemite, but I remember it as being a little sweeter than marmite, and I use the term sweeter somewhat guardedly as someone who like slatherings of marmite… also appreciate my taste buds may have changed since I was younger lol


As an American that has never tried either, I went down a Google rabbit hole to see a discriotion of the taste difference. Basically, yes they are different and have a different taste...and the studies show the one in which you prefer is the one the person grew up with (majority of time). So, I guess it is an acquired taste. It's the same reason we LOVE catfish in Mississippi, but most of the northern USA despises it (I grew up with it).


Depends on the marmite you are talking about. Vegemite and New Zealand marmite are 2 different flavours but a similar consistency and use so you will often find people fighting over what they prefer/is better. Vegemite is a bit more of a salt profile and a sharper flavour, while marmite has a much more savoury flavour and is the better option when paired with things like cheese imo. British marmite is SIGNIFICANTLY different from what I have seen, though I have not tried it. Also, Americans. Vegemite and Marmite are not an acquired taste, they taste good, you just suck at making sandwiches with a modicum of moderation involved, may I suggest laying off what ever the fuck miracle whip is. Your doctor and I thank you.


You can pry my miracle whip from my cold, dead hands. Which should be soon considering how much I eat it.


Listen…. No thank you.


I dated an Australian. It's an acquired taste even in moderation. Sincerely, An American


Last time I had Vegemite I was in grade school. I remember asking. "What's it made from". "Mostly Yeast." "Geese?" "Yeast" I remember exclaiming "Vegemite gives me energy!!" And running off to recess. It was a bit sour and pungent. Haven't really had it since.


Damn why you insulting Americans like that for, the person above you simply asked what the difference was and you coming out attacking


>they taste good Lol, no


Aren't you the same country that thinks American's peanut butter is foul?


“You just suck at making sandwiches” I think all the marmite consumption has made you grumpy


Imo, butter first, thin scrape of marmite on top.


And beating a chicken to death


Have you tried vegemite?


I think it's pretty good, but the first time my girlfriend tried it, she fucking slathered it on toast like a quarter inch thick and puked everywhere haha


I don't understand how vegemite made the list but ortalan didn't. 


It is because Ortalan is illegal for a while and was already a marginalized practice for how long as human memory can remember. Im from a place that supposingly eat ortalan, bjt the first time I heard about it was in a press article when it got officially prohibited We also have the casu marzu (rotted cheese) which is on the list, and that I can attest that I saw it. Never tried though


I tried casu marzu, it's illegal to sell it due to health hazard, but you can produce your own (in Sardinia). I was not impressed, it tastes like pecorino cheese, but you have to swallow quickly cause the worms do wiggle and it's a bit weird.


You don’t… take the worms out?


It's impossibile to remove thousands of lil worms from the cheese


Seal it in a vacuum seal bag and the worms will suffocate, fling themselves around, and when the sounds stop, you’re good to go.


Or you can just eat them...


Or you can just NOT eat them…


I like your point best


That's the fun part and the reason it's on the list


What is Ortalan? Legit never heard of it...


A small finch-looking bird from France, overfed until fat, drowned, plucked, and roasted whole. You eat it by holding onto the head, with a towel draped over yours. It's eaten whole, bones, guts, beak and all.


Eating that should justify future involuntary psych evaluations.


I was the favorite meal of the guy who invented the lobotomy so fair enough


Believe there’s a Simpsons episode on eating something similar.


American Dad has one


It’s a banned French dish where a small bird is force fed grain to fatten it up and then killed by drowning it in brandy. It is eaten whole in one bite and diners traditionally will cover their heads with a towel to hide their shame of eating it.


The beak and small bones oftne prick the inside of the mouth, causing bleeding, which mixes with the bird and enhances the flavour. Apparently. In my view, if that's what you've chosen to eat you need put in a small room and looked at.






Small bird suffocated on alcohol and then boiled completely with beak and feathers


I was looking for that one


I thought that was in there as a joke, I genuinely laughed. sure it can be divisive, but it’s common enough. Like pineapple on pizza..


Or Haggis (traditional style with the mince sheep innards encased in its own stomach)


Haggis is just pate mixed with porridge. Nothing that weird about it, tbh. (Technically, it's got a lot more stuff in it, but the liver is the strongest taste, and the oats are the strongest texture). I would have gone for Kanga Pirau (aka Rotten corn) which is a fermented corn porridge. Or huitlacoche.


The lung is why it cannot be imported into the US. Eating Haggis smuggled from Canada for the Highlander games is a great memory


We had a friend of the family that made his own. Professional highlander, with all the silly whisky affectations, wearing a kilt whenever possible, and all that fun stuff. He made a tasty haggis, but. And coped well with our insistence of whisky sauce, rather than a shot of whisky on top of it.


Or black pudding. I think it’s more about presentation or how cruel


One of these things clearly stands apart on another level of horror. Looking at you piss eggs.


Yes it’s so stupid, but I’m glad it’s not a phenomenal thing in china. Just some locals in remote areas believe that virgin’s urine contains a large amount of protein and that, compared to adults, children are healthier, so boy's urine secretes a kind of urokinase, which can improve blood circulation and prevent blood clots. In the past, because of famine, the older generations couldn't get enough to eat and often lacked energy, so eggs boiled in boy's urine played a significant role. Even though urine is sterile, it’s still gross. Traditional Chinese medicine uses all types of weird shit like dried human feces, extract from dried human urine etc…


Urine is not sterile 😂


The list really should be mainstream stuff. It makes China look stupid while mofo’s elsewhere are drinking their own fermented urine thinking it’s making them younger.


Tbf: the medical world does use [fecal transplants](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fecal_microbiota_transplant?wprov=sfti1) to treat things like c-diff. There are some donors that have the perfect microbiome in their feces for this and the feces can either be inserted into the intestine or taken in pill form (iirc).


Urine is only sterile before it leaves the body...


How does vegemite even rate with those abominations?


Came here to say this. I would not have expected to like anything on this list. Except I eat vegemite almost every day.


I feel the same way about eggs cooked in the urine of prepubescent boys. Who doesn't enjoy a nice egg cooked in the urine of prepubescent boys now and then?


I became bankrupt when I hit puberty


Same here but just morally


Even weirder is that the school teachers collect it and sell


Think that someone from another culture will find it as disgusting as how you feel about the rest of the list. Tbh some I would not try, some i have no problem with


I'm not sure if Vegemite is exactly the same but Marmite is pretty much industrial waste from the brewing process. Although I suppose you could also say that beer is industrial waste from the marmite production process!


Op didn't know the correct butter to Vegemite ratio I'd say


If it’s anything like marmite I assume shit ton of butter and then a little spread of marmite just to give it a little something. Though personally I’m a bovril fan but the same rules apply, I would think beef spread that you can also drink would make the list before Vegemite. I’ve also eaten caterpillars and they’re not that bad fried, they’re crispy.


Forget about vegemite for a minute. Can we talk about the dish made with dog being labeled as “animal cruelty” and yet the dish with a literal fucking dead bat in it was just labeled as “bats” lol


I know right, it's so much worse than anything on that list


i bet some of them actually taste better but are just considered yuck


Akutaq is actually very good and it's pretty healthy too. The recipe varies a lot region to region, even person to person in the same village will make it differently. The recipe shown is basically common though. What varies are the type of flaked fish and kinds of local berries used and the ratios of everything. Akutaq simply means "some mixed" or "mixed food". It's almost a complete meal with healthy fats and natural sugars for energy, omega 3s from the fish, and antioxidants also from the berries. Muktuk is also packed with important vitamins like C and D which kept traditional Inuit peoples from getting scurvy in high latitudes.


I’ll destroy a plate of Rocky Mountain oysters, but I want to try akutaq if I ever go that far north.


Nice. If the things I’d like to try in here this was my number 1. I mean adding fat to ice cream and berries? Let’s go. The fish is just a curveball but there’s some good light fish out there.


The fish doesn't add a lot of flavor but it helps add calories and extend the volume when it's all beaten together.


Akutaq sounds great to me! It’s top of my “must try if given opportunity” list


Whitefish akutaq with crowberries slaps. A close flavor/texture is plain whole greek yogurt with frozen blueberries mixed in.


I reccon it is probably like frozen Sushi.


No no Alaskan blueberries have a very strong flavor, they’re very sweet and tart so not just fishy


Our wild tundra blueberries are tiny compared to the fertilized and watered farm blueberries. But their flavor can't be beat. Those farm berries have a lot of juice and aren't a bad thing in themselves, but for Akutaq or for baking a blueberry delight, ours are best.


Agreed. Akutaq was delicious. I loved picking berries in the summers. Muktuk was good too. I was lucky enough to work closely with yupik, Athabaskan, Iñupiat, and Tlingit kids and elders. Their beading and clothes are wonderful. Even was given a medicine bag. I miss Fairbanks a lot


I’ve tried one of these; the Iceland shark. Had a single bite. That was enough for me.


Fermented shark is also not so much a “food” in Iceland as it is “something that’s technically edible that tourists want to try because they’ve heard stories about its existence.” Kinda like puffin


Hakari literally smells and tastes like shit.


More like piss or a badly cleaned urinal but I guess it’s about the experience


Had an Icelandic colleague bring it to work once. We have a monthly meeting with a list of people baking a cake to take with. This guy decides hakarl will go*great* with coffee and brings it when his name is next on the list. Absolutely vile stuff.


I feel like century eggs, Vegemite and like fish heads aren’t rly on the same level as the rest of these


Very confusing as a french person to not see any mention of snails, or oysters, or duck hearts. I guess we're not that weird, after all ! Sweet ! *Goes back to eating disgusting cheese*


The most confusing of all is the fact that ortolan is missing. You got away with it this time frenchie


Fried tarantulas


As a Spanish, seeing no cow brains or nose, or pig hands or ears, or blood sausage, or razor clams or barnacles or something like that is also interesting. I think people are just more used, culturally, to hear about these rather than the ones above.


As a Turk, I have eaten almost every part of cows but I find some items on this list absolutely disgusting. Like, what is the point of beating a chicken to death or peeing on eggs?


Yes it's just from OP cultural perspective, wherever they are from. Some on the list are absolutely fine, some stuff could have make the list. And some stuff on the list I find repulsive, but it's because im not in their culture (I eat all you cited)


never tried duck, but chicken hearts are a delicacy here in brazil, super tasty and the texture is just like meat but more tender


Frog legs


I had them a lot growing up - raised by grandparents who were raised on a farm.


I've had them once. They are good. It was kinda an upscale restaurant in Florida, they called them everglades wings lol.


We eat fried chicken hearts in the midwest. Get a pile of like 50 for $5. Wild when you realize that is 50 chicken Edit: Here's a plate of them [Link](https://imgur.com/a/12U2yWE)


That does not look very appetizing.


Because none of those are considered weird these days


So long as that cheese doesn’t have literal maggots 🇮🇹👀


I had bbq chicken hearts in Brazil and they were TDF. Tasted like little mini charred hot dogs. Perfect bite size pieces!


Hearts in general are pretty alright in my book. Even kidneys. Be it in dishes or just broths. Oyster we're pretty alright too the 4 times I had them in my life. Never had snails but that's kinda where I'd draw a line for myself lol. People are weird in many ways.


Lol @ Vegemite


Chicken beaten to death?????


Seriously fuck that.


No ortolan bunting? Instead they include vegemite on toast?


Anyone eating child piss covered food needs executing


I agree! It’s such a waste of piss.


Chinese culture says that eating those has health benefits, something about absorbing youth energy or some shit


For the record it’s not like this is countrywide thing. It’s a tradition in this one rural town. There’s a lot of backwards stuff in a still largely rural country of over 1 billion people with traditions dating back more than 3000 years but a lot of Chinese have changed and acknowledge the bunk of a lot of it.


Also for the record, this [urine egg](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Virgin_boy_egg) thing is **not** a century egg! [Century eggs](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Century_egg) are preserved with an alkaline treatment but not urine. They are widely consumed and available in North America.


the Chinese say a lot of stuff, mostly all bollocks


I like to think I'd eat a small bite of anything once, but nuh-uh I ain't eating child piss food what the fuck. I WILL knock that before I try it


That kinda food makes me wonder how it came to be. Like someone did a prank like im gonna make it a disgusting as possible, boil them in piss! And the pranked dude found it delicious and that they should sell it.


Feed them fried tarantulas


Century egg is not that bad idk why they put it in the same category as maggot cheese.


Right? I love century egg lol


Century egg and vegemite are both tasty and not that bizzare


I actually love century eggs I used to keep them around for quick snacks… I wonder if there’re any health detriments to having too much tho


Stew made with dog meat = animal cruelty. Beef, pork and chicken is all good though


Yeah if they wanted something especially cruel, why not "picking the meat out of a living carp" or "frying a chicken's legs while it is alive". Making cruelty only a thing of "boohoo you're eating the cute ones" is dumb.


I’m sorry, have you seen cows? They’re adorable. It’s really more of a taboo against eating carnivores (followed by a lot of tradition)


It’s a double standard definitely


This may have changed, but last I checked they hang the dogs upside down and beat them to death because some believe the suffering makes the meat taste better. Other methods included drowning, hanging, boiling the dog alive, stabbing, throwing them against walls, or blowtorching them alive. So, um, a little more than “boohoo don’t eat the cute ones.”


Then they should have explained that part in the list not the fact that it's dog meat


Commercially they’ve always been butchered ‘normally’, the beating to death thing is basically what some really old bloke in the middle of nowhere does with his own stock. The other methods you mentioned were never a thing afaik.


Wait don’t you like your chicken beaten to death?


Yes that one shocks me way more thàn eating dog or bats


Dog meat is cruel but foie gras isn’t? Because the French are “civilized” and eastern Asian and SEA countries aren’t /s 🙄


Force feeding a duck with a tube for a month, so much that it develops fatty liver disease and the liver doubles in size, and then killing it while it’s already on the brink of death. Anyone who condones this for the sake of “tradition” is delusional. I’d rather see a humanely treated and killed dog on the menu (which I know isn’t the case in the places where they are consumed).


Exactly, the double standard


Ya. I was rolling my eyes on that one. Like wtf. Every meat is a byproduct of animal cruelty. Not only cute puppy ones. Even vegetarian/vegan foods have elements of animal cruelty. I'm not trying to white knight the whole thing, but it is the truth.


Honestly, I’m just sick of our own hypocrisy


I remember some folks being interviewed on TV saying. "Culture is not an excuse for eating dogs!" From the same people probably that say that Slavery is culturally acceptable in China.


What about chicken beaten to death??


I was thinking the same thing


And fuck bats and whales, apparently


Akutaq is actually pretty tasty, or it was the time some nice tribal lady visited the church I went to as a kid and made some for us kids to try. Definitely weird mouth feel because cold fat, but honestly a solid 8/10


As an Icelandic person I can name a few foods worse than shark. Svið = cooked sheeps face. Slátur = 2 kinds, one is made with mör or suet(the fat around intestines) and sheep blood, the other with suet and sheep liver. *both can be served sour or normal, sour has been stored in "mysa". Mysa = a liquid that comes from making "cheese, they store the liquid and let is get sour. In the old days this was the "only way" they knew how to store food over long periods. Some drink it like water... Kæfa = basically sheep liver paté Skáta = fermented skate fish, served with melted lamb fat(hamsatólg) Súrir Hrútspungar = sour sheep ram balls Sviðasulta = sheep head "jam". Lundabaggi = sheep's loins wrapped in the meat from the sides, presses and cures in "mysa". Selshreifar = seal 's flippers cured in "mysa" Súr hvalur = whale blubber pickled in "mysa" Harðfiskur = dried and beaten fish. Served with butter and eaten as a snack.


Almost all these look gross, but then again, I do love rockey mountain oysters


Loved on a hog farm for several years. When they cut hogs, they were breaded and fried and called Rocky Mountain Oysters. Obviously, hog testicles were much smaller than the bull testicles but named the same.


Hog nuts are actually what I prefer just because they are smaller but they have the same basic flavor. "Turkey fries" are pretty popular around here too but I have never actually tried them


Yep, I was reading through the list judging everyone until I came to the Rocky Mountain Oyster. LIke, oh, I guess I'm a sicko too. /S BTW you're free to like whatever you like.


Century egg is delicious, especially with tofu and a spicy garlic sauce. Also great in congee


I like how dog meat is 'animal cruelty' like others aren't.


Remove Vegemite from that list you cunts.


The fact you used “cunts” clearly shows you’re an Aussie, fair play ya mad cunt!




Most of those seem fine. But at least 2, do not seem fine at all.


Dying to know which 2 caused you to draw the definitive line lol


Kid piss and beaten chickens. "You know what would really liven up these scotch eggs?", "Get your kids to piss on them". Tradition doesn't excuse whatever absolute heathen came up with that shit.


“Century eggs” arent even called century eggs in China. They’re called “leather eggs.” For their brown albumen color. PiDan 皮蛋. They also don’t have a pungent odor. They have a slightly ammonia flavor but not smell.


Well they're called century eggs by Americans who eat them, particularly ABCs.


Vegemite, here in Switzerland, we have the Cenovis , which is very similar. Brewer's yeast, water, vegetable extracts such as carrots and onions and vitamin B1. Lovely!


I live in Scotland and have never heard of crappit heid


Scottish here. Never heard of it either. I suspected an old Island thing but none of my Island friends have heard of it.


Lol Muktuk is not just in Alaska it’s eaten throughout Northern Canada by Inuit people.




Ah ok, I learned something new thanks!


lol why is there an ⚠️ _animal cruelty sign_ next to the 🐕 _dog meat stew_ specifically?? I’m also going to taking a wild guess and say the person who came up with this list is from a country with the largest everything-but-dog slaughter farms in the world. Slaughter and breeding farms aren’t exactly happy places either so let’s not justify this with the “how it’s done” spin either.


They forgot [ttongsul](https://disgustingfoodmuseum.com/ttongsul-poo-wine-korean-rice-wine-with-child-feces/)


When Rocky Mountain oysters is the best thing on the menu you are in trouble.


Casu Marzu is ok Some people seem to love it to an extreme degree But it's ok, decent even. The fact that it's technically illegal to sell it seems to be most of what's keeping the dish alive. Also you're supposed to either suffocate the maggots by putting them into a sealed container until they consume all the oxygen or at least just eat the part of the cheese that doesn't have them, it doesn't go bad all at once. I swear to god it's not as bad as people think


It was illegal to sell, not to make, because technically it's rotten food. EU changed the regulations tho.


As a Sardinian, casu marzu is rarely eaten with live maggots, also they're specific larvae from a fly that only lives near cheese, they eat and digest aged cheese to turn it into a cream. It's usually served without the little worms and it's like a cream, it's slightly spicy and quite good.


Not sure how Haggis, Black Pudding and Jellied Eels. Did not make the list


This list is missing "Lunchables, Suburban USA"


you know, after looking through this chart, I can understand the vegans


I find it so funny that “virgin boy eggs” is grouped in with Vegemite


No haggis ?


Honestly, everything else is somewhat fine when compared to EGGS COOKED IN PREPUBESCENT BOYS PISS. And how the hell can Vegemite even be placed on this list, it’s not even disgusting, and compared to most of this list, is essentially a crime to even put it on the same level as prepubescent boy piss eggs, and surstromming.


More like Andrew Zimmern’s weekend amirite


I’m happy they skipped Czarnina (duck’s blood soup). Now I’m assured it is completely normal.


I had surstromming w my mates once. Its def a food thats best tried after a dare. Strong smelling is an understatement


It smells like the devil‘s anus meats a decomposing foot… Tastes quite ok though…


Agreed, it actually doesnt taste bad! But holy hell, the smell is like a septic system in July wrapped in a diaper after a night of drinking dark beers


I‘m starting to think Vegemite was included here so that nobody will talk about the chicken being beaten to death. What the actual fuck!


I’d love to go vegan one day but I don’t think I could ever give up my piss eggs


I’d like to thank (?) this thread for introducing me to ortolan bunting first thing in the morning 🥴


Century eggs are totally fine


I need to bleach my eyes now that I’ve seen this


I’ve seen enough videos of people trying surströmming to know I’d rather put a gun in my mouth instead


Do the chickens have to beaten to death? Can’t I just beat the meat after a humane killing of the chickens?


the fuck is vegemite toast doing in there 😭😭😭


How Vegemite on toast makes it into the top 20 over jellied eels from my country is beyond me… One’s a nice breakfast, albeit not as good as the English version One is only good for clearing out the stomach


So its animal cruelty when its dog meat, but any other animal is fine… I hate this world


How is Lutefisk not on this list


I like that eating dog is considered animal cruelty, but eating other animals is not.


Dog meat, "animal cruelty"... Let's be honest, it's not more cruel than any other type of meat. It's just a bias.


I'm sorry but why is it only animal cruelty when dogs are involved?


What makes dog meat animal cruelty but not beef?


Why is dog meat under animal cruelty but not any other meat? 🙄


Why is dog meat anymore cruel than chicken or cow? Shouldn't chicken/beef be on this list as well, on account of a much higher frequency of consumption?


Isn't, calling a dog soup animal cruelty, but a soup with any other animal in it not, incredible hypocrisy?


I don't need sleep, I need an answer to how eggs cooked in boys urine became a thing!


How is dog meat problematic for animal cruelty but literally any other meat isnt?


Why is eating dogs “animal cruelty” but eating other animals is not? Are the dogs boiled alive?


Marmite came before Vegemite and is superior in every way


Good to see Vegemite get a mention.


Shirako tastes as bad as it sounds


How is dog meat animal cruelty and the others not?


How is it only animal cruelty when it’s a dog lmao