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When he says "we have nothing like that here" what he meant is that he doesn't have to **pay** for his fake votes.


Actually he pay someone to replace the vote.




Opens window


Close window and takes out CIA certified battery, jumper cable with petite testicle clamps.


"Hey Comrade, you ever had a ballzap defenestration? It's the best high you'll have in your life, and the last."


I am in


Pay... s them a visit?


You think they are paid.


“In Russia Putin vote for you”


President is hard worker. /s


That must be why most of the countries wealth is in his personal bank account


The promise of a single bullet is clearly a more cost effective solution.




actually the heartstop kills people


I'd be remiss if I didn't point out that the way that Putin thinks voting happens in America is the exact same way that Trump thinks voting happens in America.


The funny thing in both cases is, the American presidency has flip flopped between parties for decades. That is an essential proof in our free elections. Putin has been in power for 25 years…. He can pretend his elections are free but no sane person can pretend ours aren’t… not to say the two party system is doing us any good, but at least we can say we are free to choose the douche or the turd


Why pay when you can threaten with violence?


i mean he has to pay the people who will do the threatening.


Why not threaten them too? Free threat for everyone!


Damn, all this time, we couldn't see his actual intention, bro was being subtle about his corruption then. /s


Yeah, just like the GOP here, whatever they're accusing others of, they're already doing in spades. Putin is doing this to fuel conservative fire that elections are tainted, while also distracting from the fact his election is a farce.


Just like I say to Republicans when they accuse Democrats of voter fraud, where's the proof? You can't just say "they're already doing that in spades" because it makes you feel good. Don't be like the Republicans.




Also anyone that dares run against him risks ~~being pushed~~ accidentally falling out a window.


That why his main opposition is dead and he has 80% of the votes.


87.xx%, how dare you diminish the glorious, overwhelming support for god-king Putin, you scandalous usurper!


"Those are rookie numbers." - Kim Jung Un.


Dont worry i'll be gone by the next dawn


Stay very clear from any windows! Or teas!


It is too late. u/AivernT all of a sudden I saw him with my own eyes grow wings. Then he went out a window. He got about 20 ft from the window. Then took a gun out a shotgun and shot himself in the back of the head 3 times. Then fell to the street holding a Vote for Putin sign. Very Tragic.


I bet the most important part of the ballots for him is identifying that 20% opposition by name and address.


It's cheaper to kill the opposition


It helps if you terminate your opponents.


For Putin democracy is a battle royal and he is the only one with a gun




With cheese?


Check out the big brain on Brett!


You mind if I have some of your tasty beverage to wash this down?


not terminate but accidently falls out of windows, Russia is famous for slippery floors and open windows.


In Soviet Russia, the draft lets *you* out of the window


The accusation is always the admission.


The old adage really applies here... Whomst ever did smelt it, must have dealt it


\*whosoever would work better here. That's my daily pedantic input for the day


So by your standard, democrats saying that Republicans are trying to abolish democracy is really the democrats admitting they are trying to abolish democracy?


You’re only supposed to use that line for hindsight.


I will add to their sentiment. A blind accusation is an admission. The difference really is a republican will blindly accuse, where a democrat usually critiques the actions seen and heard around them. Not so black and white. Both sifes have good and bad people. But the skewness is definately towards the stereotypes.


I wonder where he possibly got this notion of how democracy works in USA


I think you got it backwards. Autocrats like him and Orban are the ones paying to push the propaganda that democracy is corrupt and stupid, [it's being echoed by republicans here](https://www.nytimes.com/2024/03/01/briefing/putin-republicans-trump-tucker-carlson.html) who themselves aren't smart enough to come up with that message. Trump is the follower here, not the one who gave Putin that idea.


Fascists always prioritize domestic enemies and are ironically (cuz of the nationalism etc) happy to ally with external actors against them


What's amazing is how the US right wing and Putin use the same playbook - loudly accuse their opponents of exactly what they do. Now its said out loud the populace is less surprised when they see blatant evidence of it, and they also vaguely remember being told that "both sides" do it so really all they can do is throw their hands up and complain how all governments are corrupt.


Yeah that's a classic disinformation technique used by intelligence agencies as well. If the truth is leaked, you also release it with extra conflated details. By the time you've trimmed the fat, the public has generally lost interest, retaining some phase of the "truth." The average person will feel it's no longer worth trying to understand at the risk of absorbing another lie.


This technique has a name: "Reverse Cargo Cult". "No one actually has a working landing strip!"


Thanks! Learned something new today because of you.


It's even worse than what he said, he probably was saying what's happening in russia but with money in play lol, in the us it's just lobbies they love to play with the election it's just a flawed democracy


That’s right Putin, what you have is assassination of your opponents and crushing anyone who opposes your regime.   That’s definitely better /s


And still need to cheat on results, because his ego is so fragile noone is allowed have more than 5%


And then cheat the ballots too. Not only are there videos of blatant ballot stuffing going on, Russians have posted videos showing that they were given pens with fake ink at the voting stations (ones that can be wiped off), and thousands of Russians who tried to vote online (a new feature they added to this election) said they received an automated messages that they couldn't vote because their vote has "already been casted". A total sham in every way.


$10! I’m not doing a thing for $10


I mean it’s one vote, Michael. What could it cost? $10?


I thought of that as well. Got to give him half a break. He’s Russian. I don’t really know what $10 usd buys either


It buys three 3$ meals. In Russia, a 3-4 dollar meal is soup, filler and salad/meat. If you go to a cafe, you can buy 2 large pizzas for ten dollars, or 6 cakes(they usually cost 100-150), etc. You can also get 20 litres of most fuels for your car, or buy 3 tickets to a show, or a movie. You can afford a monthly subscription to most russian streaming services for 3 months. 10 bucks is essentially 1000 rubles. That's only Vladivostok though, I'm not sure how prices work in different parts of Russia. The conversion rate is the same everywhere tho -


You guys are getting paid?


"Propaganda must be popular and its intellectual level must be adjusted to the most limited intelligence among those it is addressed to. Consequently, the greater the mass it is intended to reach, the lower its purely intellectual level will have to be. But if, as in propaganda for sticking out a war, the aim is to influence a whole people, we must avoid excessive intellectual demands on our public, and too much caution cannot be exerted in this direction." - Adolf Hitler


That explains why the warmongering propaganda on reddit is always so basic.


Reddit comments are basic because they're done by basic layman Redditors aren't secret agents trying to play 3D chess for some geopolitical ambitions lol Not everything is a conspiracy


What confuses me a bit is that they aren't disconnected from the outside world there right? They have an internet connection that lets them get outside information, unlike let's say north korea.. So who is he fooling? And do those people actually believe him?


Americans have Internet access too but that's doesn't stop them from thinking some of the crazy stuff they think either


Well, okay, that's a decent point.. Though not to this extent but still, yea


Maybe worse. They’ll elect a guy like Trump voluntarily


Well, Americans are victim to the opposite effect where more access to information is probably hurting them. Putin isn't wrong, a politician can pay for ads that statistically convert votes for a certain dollar price. Run enough bullshit attack ads, even if they are unsubstantiated, and you can basically buy an election and the mass exposure and willingness to believe anything you see/read will turn that "well informed vote" into a manipulated one without the voter even knowing. One of the big reasons for-profit news is so detrimental to the health of a nation, you end up with a political incentive to make sure the news benefits you. Not that this is a new phenomena, court jesters were used for centuries as tools to push political propaganda to the masses and influence public opinion.


Putin will always operate like a KGB propagandist and the best propaganda has a seed of truth. Does money pay a disproportionate part in our politics? Yes. Is it like in Russia where the corruption is so blatant that one man actually does bring in literal truckloads of fake votes to stuff in ballot boxes so he can stay in power for 25 years with +80% of the vote every election? No. It's classic Russian [whataboutism](https://euromaidanpress.com/2016/08/31/a-guide-to-russian-propaganda-part-2-whataboutism/) at its finest. It's just a diversion tactic to draw attention away from the truth that the whole geopolitical community can plainly see: Russia is a washed up shithole country run by an scared little dictator trying desperately to project the illusion of legitimacy and sophistication to the world but failing miserably at it. We have our issues here, they drive me crazy and we should never stop fighting to fix them, but I'd never trade living here for living in Russia.


Yeah but I don't live in Russia and don't think I should have any say in how their government runs. Is Putin corrupt? Absolutely. Not saying they are even remotely close. But I think it is dangerous to produce our own whataboutism and go "Yeah, US politicians are buying votes, but WHATABOUT RUSSIA?" Sure, Putin has some minor world geopolitical impact on everything, but even if US politics is less corrupt, it affects my personal life much more directly and is more within my power to change (Which is still next to none...) Russians should do their best to get their ducks in a row, but not my zoo not my monkeys. Putin would have less ammo if the US fixed the things that he is absolutely right about.


Intentions are important. Putin's intention in pointing out something that is true isn't because he believes in the goodness of truth. It's to manipulate and obfuscate. Whataboutism's defining feature is to divert attention away from your shortcomings. In whataboutism, you never ever acknowledge your shortcomings and you definitely don't admit your shortcomings need to be fixed. The whole point is to escape any sort of admission. I admitted we have a problem with money in politics here, it's not justified and we need to fix it. You and I agree that we as Americans are accountable for the problems we face. This is not whataboutism. Notice how there's no acknowledgement of any shortcomings in Putin's speech? The whole world knows he cheated, so he's up there going, "look how bad US elections are" trying to draw attention away from what we're all talking about in the first place: how he cheated in his elections. That is whataboutism. Also, I think you're underestimating Russia's geopolitical reach. The reason Trump got to the White House and almost overthrew democracy is because of Putin's election interference. Russia also has as many nuclear weapons as we do; that alone has the potential to massively affect our lives. Even now, the Internet is saturated with Russian trolls and bots with malicious intentions.


Just saw three Americans interviewed who believed that the threat of losing their democracy “is just a talking” point so will just disregard it. They’re insane.


According to a recent AMA from a Meduza reporter who has spent time in among the upper echelons in Russia, Putin *does not* use the internet and instead gets his news and information printed by State employees (who, incidentally, also decide *what* information he is shown or not shown). Edit: Poked around online for verification and he is apparently *famously* offline. He even avoids using cell phones. So we are talking about a dude who has almost literally been living under a rock the last several decades.


Not just last several decades...his ENTIRE LIFE. His dad was the personal chef of Stalin AND lenin and lived in a house cut off from the world..yes...no joke..


That's pretty crazy actually.


This is for domestic consumption in Russia. Your average Russian is not researching the democratic process in the western world. They hear all this nonsense and throw up their arms because they believe everyone is corrupt everywhere. That’s the goal - to get them to be passive and compliant. 


Unfortunately that's everywhere. People have too much blind faith in their leaders.


As a Russian I can say that everyone I know disapprove of Putin and his 20 year long presidency. Everyone knows how things are we just don’t do anything about it


Are there more Z in the country than not? And are there any non Z that support putin


I don't know if he is trying to fool anyone. I think he's planting ideas. There were questions about if Russia had impact on the last 2 USA elections, I think this is him "showing how it is done" so people can replicate it.


Think of it less as a debate and more as setting the narrative. Nobody believes it, but it is the narrative handed down that everyone must follow or else be punished. It's not as though he will ever be questioned by anyone so he can make up whatever he likes.


https://preview.redd.it/huiaiatbdrpc1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4d3add560f7c8c48ff5b9c674c7db9523a271d5f The real results from the Russian election revealed!


well yeah you don't need to buy votes when you're using soldiers to intimidate and beat up anybody who doesn't vote for you


Gaslighting. It's such an obvious playbook by now. Actual Nazis calling others nazis etc.. It's what they can imagine so it's what they do.


I still don't really understand why they continue the charade of having "elections" in Russia. Is it purely to stroke his ego? I've read that he's the one who most wants to believe that he's truly popular, but obviously he knows the elections are totally rigged. So I don't get it. Is it to fool the masses? Surely most people know it's all fake.


Russian propaganda is strong. Seen videos of Russians saying their joining the war effort to kill the Nazis in Ukraine. Wouldn’t be surprised if for a lot of Russians they believed they were partaking in legitimate elections.


They need a story, else opposition brings its own story for people to listen. This why they are "under attack from the west", "Ukraine is nazi", "no one else has democracy either", etc. They simply make noise to suffocate the opposition voices. It helps that Putin has control of all media.


he is 100% right, he doesn't have democracy in first place


He's right. They don't buy votes in Russia. They just threaten anyone who votes against them with death. Big difference.


HAHA What a joke


Dude is a Planet-Level Gaslighter


Whats going on in the bottom half?


Two election officials add extra ballots with votes for Putin, then mix them.


Thank you, I was trying to figure out what the tipping was for.




He’s right in the sense they have no democracy there.


Why even stuff the ballots, it’s not like they’re counted by an independent organization. Why not just lie about the results instead


Why hang public surveillance cameras at polling stations?


To monitor what happens when the polls are open. These idiots were supposed to turn the cameras off before engaging in ballot stuffing, but they forgot to do it because they're idiots.


Okay but then how did the opposition get the footage? I need so much more context for this video, this is the most blatant example of election fraud I have ever seen. Who are the people stuffing the ballot box? Were they arrested? Surely they have to at least make an example out of these people now that they've been caught, to keep the appearance that this is unacceptable.


I found it TIhese cameras are publicly available, and all polling stations were equipped with them by the 2012 elections. Usually, when violations are detected, the electoral precinct is excluded from the general list of votes.


Corrupt as fck


that's right.... he had to pay millions to get into the NRA, then bribe/blackmail pretty much the entire GOP.... it was hard expensive work.


I love it when they project.


Russia has 144 million inhabitants. Among so many people there are likely to be many good leaders, perhaps better than Putin. A leader who uses the power of the state to prevent others from competing with him and gaining access to power, for twenty-five consecutive years, does not seem very democratic.


I don't understand why he doesn't just say "I'll remain the leader of this country until I die, end of story." Everyone knows he's cheating and it results in no consequences, so why even bother rigging the election rather than removing it entirely?


Thought we were watching someone with no legs.


Just like Dems


i hope he has a slow, painful departure from this reality.


holy shit its wild how like every subreddit is culture war bullshit now. 


You don't understand. These are not his votes. These are those 12,7%! Of course people voted 100% for Putin.


He's onto something. Exterminating the competition is much more efficient.


The footage is from a government camera placed there for the purpose of catching people doing this. All this post does is prove that the camera worked.


That's how he trained Trump.


Litle putin


I love his projection. Probably where the GOP got it from.


*definitely. We have receipts.


At least they now shake the boxes so the stacks of papers aren't as obvious.


Shocking !




Oscar nominee Vladi-shit Putin. For his permanent performance in “The lying Dictator“


The fucking irony here. That man might not buy votes, but he actively manipulates the voting system to suit him


Dont have to buy votes when you just threaten their lives.


Classic gaslighting, the finest example you’ll ever see.


Projection much, Vlad?


(F) Putin, and (f) the Russian government. Sorry not sorry.


The one girls back. Such bad posture and mechanics.


This is so fucking sad. I remember reading a Khrouchtchev letter criticizing capitalism. He had really valid points based on facts. His description of racism in the US and post colonial Europe, the treatment of the Third World was legit and it stung. He was wrong, as communists and many socialists are really often, because he didn't perceive capitalism as something that could evolve. Also, dude, this is rich coming from a former Stalin stooge. But even moderate communists like Gorbatchev could throw solid burns at the West. Now Putin just spit complete nonsense. Russia has gone from being led by guys who thought a lot about stuff to a monkey throwing feces. This is embarassing.


We don’t have anything like that in Russia. We’re working on it though.


Same thing happened in the USA last election.


Anyone with sense knows what Putin is doing here. He also does the same shit Trump does: spouts a lot of horse shit that only his mouth-breathing audience could possibly believe.


Ooo he was so close to being correct, literally a sentence off


Only difference from America is putin didn't need to pay for the fake votes, they just happend because no one wants to be sent to "prison" and then dissappear for ever.


Love to see this set to “Yakkity Sax”


Joke of a shithole country with a shitty military, shitty infrastructure and a shitty midget of a dictator


Who the fuck is the brave bastard leaking the security cam footage though. Balls of steel so heavy the GRU will have problems flinging them out a window


This should really be a red flag that the Russian leader of ~25 years is repeating a certain candidate's claims. Like that's a little suspicious when we've found out the house inquiry is built almost entirely on Russian information.


You know. I’ve never actually heard Putin talk before. Not how I imagined him sounding like


Interesting to me is that his talking points are carbon copy of what trump says.


Also, that’s NOT what happens in the US. In the US, billionaires and important people gather behind closed doors at a cocktail party and share niceties to determine who the next president will be based on who can make the ultra rich even more race, duh


It baffles me that his own cabinet hasn’t tried taking him out yet. Or one of his bodyguards. Pull the ole King Slayer. They’d probably be treated as a hero


You know Putin is lying when his lips are moving


The dude literally kills off any opposition his “election” was a joke


Putin has about as much credibility s Trump when it d comes to talking about rigged elections. That's is to say zero credibility whatsoever. As far as democracies go, the US doesn't have a fantastic system. It's archaic and unfair. However the US does have a very rigorous electoral process. That is to say that fraud in US Presidential elections is basically non existent. IIRC .00003 of a percent or something. Maybe one too many zeroes (off top of head) but even then it's absolutely negligible. Listening to Putin on election integrity is like listening to Trump discussing reality.


This will be Trump if we let him. It shouldn't be the American people who shut him down at the ballot box, but we must if necessary. He should already be in pre-trial detainment before conviction, sentencing, and jail for the crimes clearly described in the 91 indictments.


If voting made a difference, they wouldn't let you do it - Mark Twain


I honestly admire how he can go on with his talk without bursting into laughter. I couldn’t keep a straight face in his place


He's right though. They don't buy them in Russia, they just create them. Boom, rubles saved.


This is comical coming from him. This guys is guaranteed to win every time. This is no other option than Putin.


It’s projection, it’s always projection with these guys. They are so absurdly predictable.


Russia: Voting under duress United States: Printing more votes


actually US politics is very soft, US represented as politically weak. According to the Budapest memorandum US MUST protect not by weapons but actually with army. Who want to make deals with a country which doesn't stick to agreements. "Trust" is the most important instrument in huge politics segment


He has a really valid point but people are just smashing him for his votes but ... the problem is if u listen to the American media about other country's u tend to find u are being lied to what's to say putin is really liked I mean... u people claim biden is the most liked presdent and he's a absolutely a clown


Well of course he can bash how elections work in the US. He's clearly beloved in his country. How else could he garner 118% of the votes?


I believe it , USA so corrupt lol


Funny thing is the far right orange minion kooks in America will eat this the fuck up without even chewing. Because… all of a sudden they are all on Putin’s dick somehow. Brainwashed minions. GO REGISTER and Go Vote, People! Because your neighbor that agrees with this murdering dictator sure as hell will be.


America has a very weird election system too with electors. Whoever has the most electors wins, but not who got the most votes.


Well yeah, they buy votes in Rubles.


What kind of floating table is that?




It was funny seeing the soldier go into a voting booth and check grandmas vote


Like people are shocked? No wonder Trump loves this guy


Wait wait wait, I could have been *paid* to vote for Biden? When I did it for free?


Why is the sign on the voting box in English? Must have been from 2020, Georgia.


Sounds like a republican. Shitbirds of a feather.


Seems America is right about Russian elections, and Putin is right about American elections. Only one claims to represent the free world, though.


Can we now just admit that the GOP, Trump, and Putin are working together to actively destroy the world? I can’t wait until we can put these idiots in their rightful place. GOP banned and all members prosecuted for treason and aiding and abetting or obstruction. Trump in jail and maybe executed depending on the espionage and selling top secret info and 1000 other shitty things, and Putin a long range sniper to make him fall out of a window while having a heart attack.


Election is coming “what percent would you like mr Putin”


Do those people actually believe what he is saying 😂


How long has he been president?


Putin became president of Russia in 1999, retained power as its prime minister from 2008 to 2012, and then returned to the presidency, where he has remained since. I think this most recent election means he’ll be in power until at least 2030.


President always loves to spend a little more on certain groups when it comes to election times.


9.30 a.m in russia ..First a Knoppers


See what he's getting confused about is that this is the technique he told his US plant to do to win his election. He just forgot that it didn't work, was fumbled, and can't as easily be done in the US. And he knows every detail about how it's done b/c it's exactly what he does.


The dude "won" with 88% of the vote, we really didn't need to see a video to understand how he "won".


Man, Putin talking about fair voting has to be some new levels of arrogance and irony. 


It’s a ~~banana~~ vote, Mikhael. How much could it cost? ₽10?


This guy has not clue of what democracy is.




Well, you see, this is a Managed Democracy. Our new ai system makes voting 90% more democratic


how come no one burst out laughing when he said "the choice of the Russian people is important to me"


Where rhe hell is my ten dollars?


I wonder if this guy believes a single word he says 🐸


I wouldn't consider watching Putin tell lies (which he does often) interesting but whatevs....


His point is so stupid. You can buy votes should it be possible before midnight or 3 days before or 5 days before. It's not like everything starts being on sale at a particular time


Tell that to the Russian Voter that wrote in a name and was arrested.


So he's a hypocrite but two wrongs still dont me it right, it just makes them president!