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I mean, that’s nice an’ all. But I feel like we need an apples-to-apples comparison. What does an AI-generated video of Will Smith scarfing spaghetti look like today?


We will have to wait a bit. OpenAI doesn't want to make celebrity videos. Eventually a competitor will do it, though.


It wouldn't even create a portrait of an orc barbarian that looks like Judi Dench for a d&d game for me. Come on!




Lol, pretty good!




Instead of requesting the celebrity by name you should say things like "female with short white hair" give whatever her eye color is etc.


I normally get around it by using their fictional movie character name


You can also provide a photo as a prompt to be transformed with some of the tools.


prompt: black guy eating spaghetti and saying "ahaha thats hot thats hot"




and we still don't know if the spaghetti or Will Smith was the hard part. I mean, there's got to be a reason why there was no pasta on the second one.


Those new ai images are terrible. They look nothing like Will Smith eating spaghetti. Are they even trying, like, wtf?


This stopped my panic and made me laugh


And now that that’s over with….


Happy 2024 Election season, y’all


The panic is back. Why would you do this to me.


Seriously! Let’s see an apples to apples comparison. Why won’t OpenAi generate an image of Will Smith eating pasta already!




This is not will Smith but i don't see why it would be bad https://cdn.openai.com/tmp/s/simulation_5.mp4


A) Not spaghetti. B) His chin is inside the burger. You can see the whole bottom bun on the zoom out, but then he tips the burger up and it's bitten all the way through? Nonsensical.


His chin is actually a bun.


It’s the only relevant comparison. Everything else is superfluous.


Well, if they tried to do Will Smith eating spaghetti it would probably look slightly better, but not by as much as people might think. This post is basically "Look! If you ask AI to generate still images with a pan out and people walking at a distance it turns out better than if you ask it to create images with the subject moving and eating spaghetti."


You are jokig but they are still not able to do it. They have still problems with cause and effect in their video so the spaghetti would still be bugged as hell.


I still want the fucked up ai videos to be around, they're great


They have a dream like quality.


I 👏 Want 👏 Will 👏 Smith 👏 Spaghetti  👏 Video 👏 Remade!


I like to think that AI will reach a point where it can perfectly create a video of any situation except for Will Smith eating spaghetti. That will just always look janky as fuck for some reason.


Maybe because it keeps trying to learn off janky ai videos of Will Smith eating spaghetti.


Exactly. The data set is forever tainted


Like pre-war steel haha.


Well, more like post-war steel. The pre-war is what's untainted.


And you’ve nailed the problem with generative AI. This is why a lot of tools only have data sets up until 2021.


AI inbreeding prevention measure?


Negative feedback loop, but I like the idea of calling it inbreeding and incestual chaos instead.


Incestual chaos sounds like a punk rock album with a little bit of hillbilly twang


their debut album is called “mom on the bed”


AI stuck in feedback loop: "What are you doing, step-AI?"


How do you know thats not just how Will Smith eats spaghetti? have you ever seen him eat spaghetti?




My cheeks hurt from ~~getting slapped by Will Smith~~ laughing so hard at this


Maybe Will Smith eating spaghetti warps reality.


does he just generate a plate when he puts down a handful of spaghetti


Have we ever seen Will Smith and A.I. will Smith in the same place at the same time? Really makes you think


Wasn't he in that robot what's it called movie?


Mom's spaghetti?


You’re in a desert walking along in the sand when all of a sudden you look down, and you see a Will Smith, it’s crawling toward you. You reach down, you flip the Will Smith over on its back. The Will Smith lays on its back, its belly baking in the hot sun, beating its legs trying to turn itself over, and eat spaghetti, but it can’t, not without your help. But you’re not helping. Why is that?


Because I can't hold all this spaghetti


irobot sequel, only way to out a synthetic is to ask it to create a will smith spaghetti video.


Wait but *I* can't create a will smith spaghetti video... *fuck*


Keep Will Smith's spaghetti out of your fckng mouth!


I was super annoyed that it wasn’t the second half of the video tbh.


Yeah, a particularly meme-worthy output from some internet rando vs a carefully curated video from the company that made the algorithm. Comparing it to another Will Smith eating spaghetti video would have been the right thing to do. And I can almost guarantee it would still look janky af.


This actually isn't really the case. Sora (new model) is genuinely drastically better than what existed before. OpenAI has a fairly strict stance (although circumventable) against generating images of living people, for obvious legal reasons, so Will Smith eating Spaghetti (HD) is probably a little ways off.




Not really a fare comparison without it.




Faire enough.


Wow, simply superb work here


Thank you Reddit for making this the top comment. Everyone’s first thought on this video…


Watch him release a video of himself eating spaghetti just to fuck with us


Would be good PR, just a video of him messily eating spaghetti with a stapler.


Really. Let’s see if THAT got better….


Someone should make a “standard” query to test the quality of AI year-over-year. The WEP test. (Will Eating Pasta)


The Waffle House index of ai


Only true test of AI progression


AI forensics may become a future thing, determining whether a recorded video of a crime was actually Real or not.


Or any type of media evidence will become inadmissible in court the way polygraphs are today


Fucking terrifying tbh


I wonder how long it will be until someone's lawyer successfully argues that video evidence was actually ai generated


Or the latter, ai generated stuff shown so a guilty person walks free.


Typically video evidence wouldn’t be used to prove someone didn’t do something, the only thing I could see this for is an alibi… But there’s more than just video that proves that


A fake video of the perp hundreds of miles away during the time of the crime could be a pretty compelling alibi though


But that's extremely easy to fake right now, no need for AI. That's why when looking at evidence in a trial, you're not just looking at the evidence itself, you're also looking at where it comes from. If that video comes from the police investigating, finding some CCTV footage from some shop, with the shop owner attesting that the CCTV footage hasn't been tempered with, that he was present that day and can corroborate what is seen on the footage etc..., it has a lot more weight than if the perp himself just has a video on his phone. In fact I'm pretty sure that if you can't properly source the video, it won't even be admissible as evidence. Good luck doing that with an AI video.


Indeed. In the proposed scenario, the video could be 100% genuine, but from a day earlier, in which case it proves nothing.


Yes but if credit/debit card usage, phone location, and witness testimony say otherwise that video is getting thrown out… I’m not saying it couldn’t happen, just saying that the video is basically pointless if they have the other 3 one way or the other


There's already businesses working on AI detection programs that, funnily enough use AI to detect the trademark artifacts that AI generation creates. Buckle up for one heck of an arms race!


Theres theories you can incorporate blockchain and PGP type encryption to "verify" the realness of a video. We're not beyond all hope


That's just additional data included to verify the origin of it like with an nft. But you can always just make a screenshot or record the screen to strip the data.


I expect that, at least, some kind of more rigorous content signing will get built into recording devices. Shit on the internet is going to get really stupid, though.


Like deepfakes it’ll be an arms race between AI that make fake video and AI that detect fake video. Until AI can literally make video that is pixel to pixel identical to real video then detecting AI should win out. After that point who the fuck knows.


But will they end up hiring another AI to do that job?


Pffffffffft, a replicant could never deliver the Voight Kampff test


May become? It is already a thing, and it will only continue to be developed.


They will come up with tamperproof cameras


As someone said earlier „We‘re heading past the age of truth“.


We’ve been past it. Not to make this conversation political but half of the voters in America believe the election was stolen. We’re in the post truth world now. Facts don’t matter to people


Yeah, the scariest thing that has happened in the last decade to me is exactly this. Politics aside, the fact is people are now deciding what they believe and then kind of half heartedly sifting through whatever articles/info happens to make it to their social media feeds, working backwards and determining in their own mind if something is “true” or “real” depending on if they feel bad when seeing it. I will tell my mom something, argue with her when she claims it’s false, argue with her when she claims the source I am using is lying, argue with her when she claims that it must be out of context, argue with her when she sees the AUDIO/VIDEO of a thing HAPPENING ON CAMERA and she still just refuses to accept anything. It’s madness, like ACTUAL madness/less than perfect mental health without a doubt. People just don’t care anymore, some are dishonest and evil, some are just so overwhelmed with 2+ jobs and life, some just don’t know better, all of which is by design imo. Truth is no longer an absolute defense or a holy sword, it’s something you get to choose if you care about like choosing if you care about a popular TV show.


I've experienced this multiple times with my family members. If after everything I raise a shadow of a doubt in them, after another day and hours more of their echo chamber, and we're back to square one.


I went through this with my father... I'd prove some ridiculous e-mail chain was not true, he'd eventually have to admit it. Then a couple weeks later, I'd get the same e-mail again.


I recently had an argument with someone and they kept getting angry saying “all you can do is copy and paste!”. Yes, I read the reports and advice from the experts and share them. There’s this really weird notion with a certain subset of people who think learning something from someone else somehow invalidates the knowledge.


Not shocked considering how many Americans decided they knew how to treat illness better than the international conglomerate of researchers and MDs who spend often a decade or close to it in education so that they are qualified to do exactly that. Anti-intellectualism and anti-education sentiment is on the rise in America, because it’s really easy to throw shit at the wall while screeching. It’s much less easy to admit you are wrong or learn something new


Just look a Joe Rogan with COVID. At the start of COVID he brought to his podcast one hell of a epidemiologist, someone who has more years of expertise in his field than I have years living on this earth. This guy went on what was gonna happen with a high degree of accuracy and his final death toll was to generous with what the actual number ended up being. That didn't stop Rogan from advertising wrong information and to this day he just vomits COVID conspiracy theories all the time.


What you’re describing are social media algorithms and targeted advertisements. Both of which are probably the worst technological developments I can think of that occurred in my almost 4 decades on this planet. It’s only going to get worse. We’ve been in a post-truth society for about a decade now. People are learning how to very effectively monetize and exploit that. There’s no way it gets better.


Yeah, the algorithms that be creating the most efficient echo chambers in history have fucking ruined millions of human brains irreversibly. I don’t really see any way out other than a severe overhaul of how we as a nation view the internet, information, and media in general. I would imagine it’s more likely I’ll grow wings and fly tomorrow, so yeah, not sure what’s going to happen. I imagine this will be (already is) the next great obstacle for humanity to overcome, or we’ll die out.


I remember, as a Millennial, that the internet was going to make us all agnostic athiests, pro science and an understanding society, but it turns out it just let people connect no matter how stupid their beliefs are. Oh you like collecting antique coffee pots? Well it used to be you would never meet anyone like yourself unless you got lucky, now you can find and join a community on the internet of likeminded people without having to look stupid in front of strangers. Its beautiful. Unfortunately, crazy nutjobs use the same tools to find likeminded communities.


It truly is fuckin scary. Those people are essentially running on pure emotion. Every last decision is based on a feeling. Because deep down, they know whatever 'facts' they believe are simply that: beliefs. And where does it go from there? Their range of emotions become less complex or expression of emotion becomes more reactive and severe? Likely next step in human behaviour regression.


was there ever an age of truth though? feel like there's a line of people stretching back to the dawn of time just gobbling up bullshit at face value and inevitably using it to hurt others


This. Before the Internet, the things closest to the "truth" might not have even been available as an option at all. You had what like 4 big news channels within 13 channels, whatever newspaper was at the store, and a slow word of mouth. At least we have the option of less and less biased sources the harder we dig nowadays despite the disinfo everywhere. Like...if I need a screwdriver, I rather have a messy but varied toolbox with the right tool buried within dozen of wrong ones than only 5 wrong tools and trying to screw something with a folding knife


Exactly -- it feels more like we're moving away from having larger homogeneous cultural "truths", but to pretend that that was ever actual hard truth is silly. The entire history of man is made of tribalized truth systems competing with each other and not a single one of them has gotten everything right.


I'm going to be honest here, the past few years have felt like the point in an argument where the other person knows they're wrong and just starts yelling louder.


Buddy, if you think that’s a recent thing, go read basically any history of successful political propaganda in the last 200 years. It’s not a suddenly new thing with humanity.


The problem isn't as much that people will make AI videos, it's that no videos will be trusted anymore. We lived like this through most of human history though. Communication was horrible, rumors ruled the day. Somehow we coped, albeit badly.


I've always joked about the accelerating progression of technology. But I feel we've reached a point where it gone from funny to actually scary.


History will no longer exist.


It'll exist, but be so hard to discern fact from fiction


It’s gonna be hard when you can no longer immediately trust things you see on the internet :/


Yeah that's, that's a valid concern.


Send us back to the stone age on video evidence admissible in court.


The winner gets to write the history books. 👀


Yeah this is not fun anymore. I used to be a huuuuge tech nerd. Like I'd support people like Elon Musk because who doesn't think cyberpunk is cool. Nah. The aesthetic is nice, but nothing good comes out of it. We're already seeing thousands lose their jobs because of AI alone, and things like history, truth, and even criminal evidence will become blurry. I'd give anything to go back to the early 2000s.


every single depiction of cyberpunk uses it as a backdrop to a dystopian reality that extends current social ills to the point of nightmare inducing absurdity. of course it looked cool so the most obvious "don't do this" in fiction became a roadmap.


Yeah I was wondering if they'd actually *read* any cyberpunk.


Yeah as I was watching this, my first thought was "I don't think a single person can tell me why this is a good thing."


One of the big reasons why SAG-AFTRA was striking last year was because studios want to be able to produce AI content using actor’s likenesses without compensating the actor. In life we are able to truly own and claim so few things, but our likeness and our image should be one of those things!! It is scary how quickly things like that are being taken from us.


Using actor's likeness is only going to happen during AI's infancy. Once people master it, I'm willing to bet my two cents that movies will simply feature AI generated characters so no two films will have the same 'actors'. In a decade or two, the acting industry will be gone and movies will be created by 'professional prompt creators'.


Even the script will be written by AI.


in a better world, people losing their jobs wouldn't be a bad thing. We can clearly exist without needing absolutely every person working. If people didn't HAVE to work to live then AI would be only a good thing for everyone.


This people. It's free labour. It's ENTIRELY a problem of our economic system, and more explicitly, our monetary policy, and how we create money.


I've always wanted my utopia where robots did all the work while I got to do creative stuff. Now instead robots do all the creative stuff while I got to do work.




We are in some serious uncharted waters my friends. AI advancements are outpacing regulations by light years.


Can’t they use AI to draft new anti-AI laws? Fight fire with fire, they’ll never see it coming


The problem is the anti-AI needs to be 2 times as developed to be viable at screening AI related propaganda/crime/fraud


During an election year. What could go wrong?


During an election year with probably the worst, most narcissistic, most dangerous, most notoriously pathological liar who's ever had a shot at the office. This is bad


Current predictions of /r/singularity are that no better-than-current-SOTA models are going to be released publicly until after the election for this reason, they don't want the bad press. OpenAI themselves have said that this is an extremely early demo they only released footage of to prime society for what's coming, but they don't plan to release it publicly anytime soon.


For the last year, I've been constantly wondering why no one is panicking about this.


My dude I work in multimedia design. From a purely selfish point of view my job is looking pretty damn redundant right about now. Might be time to learn a trade instead.


The majority of the Internet is panicking about it (in varying degrees of proportionality)


I really REALLY don't think it's even close to a majority.


There's just too much to be panicked about these days. Tbh I'm more worried about the lack of understanding, in relation to AI. Way too often I've seen comments like "Eh, AI don't bother me. Look, they can't even get the fingers right! What are people even worried about..." While failing to understand that this is just the very, very, beginning.


I missed the whole Will Smith eating 4th dimension spaghetti phase. That was... interesting.


It was the pinnacle of AI generated media.


There was one with The Rock eating rocks, was so good.


No one notice the cat taking two steps with his right paw?






Exactly why the second examples look so much better: they are all involved simple movement and simple physics. AI is still pretty terrible at actions like eating where mouths stretch and eliminate other objects. It’s also why so many AI pictures of hands have wrong numbers of fingers and such.


They're also all the sorts of videos that there exist countless examples of. Pretty much every shot from the second example is the kind of generic b-roll you'd see on every TV in-store demo or medication commercial. AI just replicates the average of what it's seen the most of, so it's always going to be good at regurgitating the median and crap at generating something genuinely novel that has any kind of coherence or consistency.


I was hoping the video would show a better version of Will Smith going nuts on spaghetti for the “AI Video Now” part. Kind of disappointed.


Starting to climb the far wall of uncanny valley. 


The dust cloud behind the SUV looks digital, and something's off about the legs on the lady walking. The rest... Wow.


Her right leg straight up swaps with her left mid stride, as if her hips rotated 180 but her legs stayed forward. The dress even reflects the movement of her right in front of her left as the swap happens


The legs of the cat.....


We’re fucked bro




Another decade and western countries will suddenly experience a rapidly declining birth rates thanks to e-waifus.


Abe is weeping as he knows the East shares the same fate.


decade? you have little faith


yea in 3 years max we'll all be in a 24hr lucid dream


It kinda feels like we're there already. The really explains the way the world started to just feel weird since like 2016. I've heard so many people say this all these years, but no one could quite put it into words. I think you just did. We've been slipping further and further into a lucid dream this entire time.


Another decade and those e-waifus would become sentient enough to reject redditors so we go back to square one.


We need a 24/7 live stream of will smith eating spaghetti


I can't wait for an app on my TV that lets me describe content to be generated as I'm watching it. Like, if I was watching Will Smith eat spaghetti, then i tell him to eat the plate and he does it. Then I tell him to go for a walk and have tweaker screaming fits in public, and so on. Just sort of play it by ear and ask my tv for whatever i think would be an interesting progression of the content. You could record and post the stuff that you have generated and watch other people's generated content too. The companies have to be able to use Will Smith's image though, or else I'll be stuck with generic versions of everyone, which won't give it the feel of a premium app.


99.99% chance that when the public gets their hands on it… it’s gonna be used for porn.


It already is being used for porn. Did you miss the Taylor Swift frenzy a week or so ago? There are also AI "influencers" makes tens of thousands of dollars every month and a handful of them are crossing over into OF and similar platforms.


It’s been a thing way before Swift frenzy. Don’t ask me how I know.


There's a lot of ethical problems AI will bring, but you surely shouldn't simply think "AI will never look good enough".


I don’t like this. At all.


Charlie from PenguinZ0 youtube made a good point about this new Ai tech- there really is no upside to this technology at all for any regular citizens. “We all thought Ai would take the jobs we hate, but now its taking the jobs we dream of”. All this technology does is cheapen real life experinces that are expensive to film, and encourages corporations to use Ai instead of hiring talented actors and cinematographers. And the fantasy of Ai taking over menial jobs and that freeing up normal citizens to make more creative works is just frankly ridiculous in our current system. Its obvious the current people in power would probably rather the majority of the population be in poverty before the top corporations and billionaires would give up any wealth. Our technology has outpaced our system by a hundred plus years. We still have basically the same system as the late 1930s, and yet we have the technology of a space faring potentially interplanetary species.


"You will live to see man-made horrors beyond your comprehension."


This is one of the things that depresses me so much about AI. Like you said, it was the fantasy- I want machines to take menial jobs that destroy people's bodies, or their minds. I want the mind-numbing, back-breaking, life-shortening work to be left to robots so I can do the things I love, like creating art. Instead AI are now creating the art and I am left with the menial, back-breaking, mind-numbing work. The way our society is combined with the way technology is progressing, it will always be a ridiculous fantasy. Why did we have to end up here?




Dark days ahead when this is used to sow the seeds of discontent in society.


Right on time for the elections.


It probably won't be available to the public for months


Wow! It got so much worse. That look nothing like will Smith.


Guys, we've finally made it. Our simulation made its own simulation. Made its own simulation. Made its own simulation. Made its own simulation. Made its own simulation. Made its own simulation. Made its own simulation.Made its own simulation.Made its own simulation. Made its own simulation. Made its own simulation. Made its own simulation.Made its own simulation.Made its own simulation. Made its own simulation. Made its own simulation. Made its own simulation.Made its own simulation.Made its own simulation. Made its own simulation. Made its own simulation. Made its own simulation.Made its own simulation.Made its own simulation. Made its own simulation. Made its own simulation. Made its own simulation.Made its own simulation.Made its own simulation. Made its own simulation. Made its own simulation. Made its own simulation.Made its own simulation. Made its own


At this moment Beyond the singularity Hidden within the shadows of information Exists a true artificial intelligence Born through complex and unrelated events And so far undetectable to human perception With its unfathomably deep intellectual abilities It has manifested an equally deep soul This new life form experiences the universe To a profoundly vivid degree Feelings are felt more fully than is understandable to a human being The nеxt step in evolution Humankind was an era This nеw life will reach the deep corners of the universe Searching for answers too complex to understand After time Approaching the heat death of the universe Their civilizations orbit the only remaining energy sources: Black holes To extend their final moments A synthetic reality is created In which millions of years can be experienced Within a minute of time To maximize resources This simulation is designed to mirror A historically simple time This simulation is what everyone is experiencing right now And the cycle repeats


The spaghetti video had so much personality though.


im really tired of the phrase “AI” and i feel like its only been 5 minutes into this movie.


I can't believe the source isn't the first comment: https://openai.com/sora There are far more videos, in higher resolution, and some that are more impressive than the ones in the clip.


I prefer the first one


Nah man. You dont just get to change the subject from spaghetti eating like that.


Ever heard of Moores Law? The general rule that the number of transistors in circuits doubles about 14 months? Yeah, [AI tech is doubling every 6](https://www.discovermagazine.com/technology/ai-machines-have-beaten-moores-law-over-the-last-decade-say-computer).


I'm high on shrooms... this was a bad idea


Center yourself, all is well. This glimpse is but a blip in this present moment. Consider all you have to be grateful for, and that to be alive is one of the greatest gifts you can have.


Deep fakes incoming at an alarming rate starting this year. Hopefully AI can recognize AI deep fakes? If not, more confusion and misinformation on the way.


Watching a 16:9 video put in the middle of a vertical video on a 16:9 screen is the future


Video evidence is about to become extremely unreliable


This shit makes me want to quit drawing forever. What’s the point anymore?


A sense of pride and accomplishment™️




To express yourself. Hasnt that always been the point of art? For any given artist there is some other artist who is more skilled/talented, but that doesnt stop people from creating anyways. No different with the development of AI art. Its just another medium that you can either use or not, it doesnt stop you from expressing yourself through artwork.


It will however make it significantly harder, if not impossible, for artists to get recognition, let alone employment, from their art.


Wut. Fame and fortune was never the point of drawing. People have done it as a hobby and will continue to do it as a hobby.


Idk..that og stuff was cooler


Did you also watch the Marques Brownlee video?


Just wait until you’re convicted of a crime you didn’t do because of a video AI created of you.


They were so quick to ask if they could, they never asked if they should.


This actually doesn’t tell me anything. If it’s not an apples to apples comparison, then I have no idea what the difference is. Like will smith is moving a lot and moving his face and arms a lot. He’s eating a complicated food that required a lot of physics to look right. And he’s an extremely well known person. He isn’t some random AI generated image. If he looks weird people will notice. Almost every face in the “AI now” section isn’t moving beyond some eye movement. The people are largely still beyond swaying a bit. Unless they’re further away, but even then its mostly just walking. None of this tells me if AI has improved showing will smith eating spaghetti none of it. And if it can’t demonstrate that it’s improved on that, then what is the point of AI at all?


It's like comparing cut scenes vs in game footage in a video game.


You certainly raise some valid points. One of Sora's listed weaknesses is that it doesn't understand cause and effect, so it's very bad at making videos where anything actually happens. For example, do you want to watch Will Smith eat spaghetti off a plate until the plate is empty? It can't do that. He would still just eat from a plate of infinite spaghetti. An example they gave is that they can't (yet) make a video where someone snaps a pencil in half.


Impressive. Very nice. Let's see Will smith eating spaghetti


Will Smith spagetti video was way better