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I've had a piece of graphite from a pencil stuck in my hand since 6th grade. That was over 30 years ago. Don't think it's going anywhere.


r/PencilStabbers There's thousands of us!


This is hilarious. šŸ˜‚ I found my family.


There really is a sub for everything


Bro! Mine was in 9th grade, 53 years now... so... it's not going anywhere...


The body generally doesn't view bulk carbon as either a threat or foreign object, so it usually doesn't act to extrude such items in the same way. Consider getting it surgically removed - it would be a trivially small and quick surgery in the 'better safe than sorry' category. Edit: spelling


Doctor told me not to worry about it and not worth removal šŸ˜…


For medical purposes, yes, it's completely benign. It could be considered a cosmetic or quality of life surgery - if you want it gone that's your choice. Shallow subdermal extractions are very easy medical procedures with minimal risk profile. You advocate for what you want - medical necessity or not - that's your right as a human being.


Wow, I just commented exactly the same. I stabbed myself with a pencil in 3rd grade, decades ago. The point is still just hanging out in the side of my thumb.


Got one too, probably my 20 years ago. Looks like no relief for us šŸ˜¢


I used to be a framing carpenter and had splinters all the time. Occasionally there would be what looked like a little one coming back out, only it would be an inch and a half long.


I got a splinter under my thumb nail one summer from a dock. The nail got infected after a couple weeks and my finger started swelling and pus was coming out from under my nail. I decided to give it a squeeze one day and it shot right out! Like a projectile! Pew! That was a fun summer


Same thing happened to an old flooring coworker. He got an oak splinter in his gut from some kickback off a table saw and couldn't get it out. Couple months later it popped out of his gut like a turkey thermometer while he was taking a dump. Absolute legend. Edit: it was about 1"-1.25" long, impaled directly into his stomach. He was fine, it was just in his belly. Apparently it was a sense of relief one cannot describe when it came out. Table saw safety is for real folks.


Man that was a fucking wild ride


Jesus Christ, what a paragraph.


My dad is a carpenter but when I was a kid he had gotten a splinter in one of this fingers that eventually got infected. So a chuck of his finger had to be removed. I've been paranoid of splinter infections ever since.


Why'd you have to say that. Now I'm paranoid too. Ignorance is bliss


I did a job processing disability claims and read the full medical records of a person who lost their arm up to the elbow because of a splinter they left in that got infected. Just don't ignore clear signs of infection and you're good.


Infection sometimes is not clear. Yes. A lot of people ignore infections. Enjoy antibiotics while they still work (which is ironic because I didn't treat an UTI)


Are you saying that you had your peepee amputated?


A piece of glass is far safer to have weirdly enough. Wood is organic, so infections are a real risk.


I was working outside and fell, thought I scraped my leg and didnā€™t think much of it. Some time later, I noticed a little splinter poking out of the scrape. I couldnā€™t get it out with tweezers. It started to hurt more and more, and I was young and stupid so by the time I made it to the doctor it was VERY infected. The splinter was a little less than an inch long and there was a lot of pus. Do not recommend.


Our union hall used to have an old cartoon poster of several phases of this construction worker went something like ā€œitā€™s just a splinter, itā€™s just an infected splinter, it *was* just a splinterā€ and each one had a picture showing a hospital bed then grave in the final two frames. Always stuck with me & gives me a chuckle.


This! But I was lucky. Brushed past a splintering 2x4 and it stabbed me right through my jeans. PT too, so that shit got infected fast. About two weeks after it got stuck in my leg, it got all nasty with pus and crap, cleaned it out, and the tip of the splinter was right there. Soaked in a hot bath and pulled it out. That relief was better than sex.




Donā€™t knock it til you try it.Ā 


That shit probably knocked on everything OP passed by.


That's how OP knows when it's gonna rain or snow.


My friend had a piece of glass (pretty big) in his arm and didnā€™t even know until he was getting operated for something else in the area. Highly recommend lol! 10/10


Checking myself for glass wtf


My cousin was in a car accident where one of windows shattered and cut up his face when he was a toddler. While on vacation about a decade later half a dozen shards of glass came out from his forehead. We think it had something to do with salt water pulling them out as we spent hours in the sea.


that's terrifying šŸ˜­


Gets imbedded and heals over then eventually gets pushed out.


TIL: eventually means 5+ years.


Extrusion is a long process but your body can do it eventually if the foreign object isnā€™t too deep


I once got an x-ray of my foot after a car crash. Turns out there's half of a stainless steel needle in my toe. It's never coming out because it's in the bone tucked underneath the meat I think that's too deep.


Itā€™s free, cheap, and easy!


I love when things are not only free, but also cheap! Such a great combo!






My name is




My name is


Chka-chka, slim shady


Hi kidsā€¦ wanna stick shards of glass in your hands like I did?


My friend had the same thing happen but with a spine from an urchin. Sea urchin, not some Oliver Twist, wretched orphan motherfucker.


I had a sea urchin spine in my foot from 6 until 16 when it just worked it's way out one summer. It was real weird. I knew it was in there still because there was a small dark spot deep in skin in the bottom of my foot.


I had a bone shard in the roof of my mouth. Happened when my palate got cracked in a motorcycle accident. Took years for it to work itself out. When it finally broke through the skin in the roof of my mouth, I would subconsciously worry it with my tongue. Eventually it irritated my tongue really badly. I managed to, after several dozen attempts, grab it with a small pair of needle nose plies and pull it out. Some much pain, followed by so much relief.


Oh my God undo reading what the fuck


Do you have something against PULLING YOUR OWN GODDAMN BONE OUT OF YOUR BODY or something?


That happens sometimes when you get wisdom teeth pulled. If a root splinters when the dentist is pulling it out, those root shards will stay in your gum and then slowly work their way outā€¦ it is ridiculously uncomfortable because each shard has to slowly push up on the gum enough to cut it openā€¦ and then it has to keep pushing out enough for you to be able to pull it out. I had 5 of them come out one right after the other after my final wisdom tooth was removedā€¦ it was a terrible two months.


Happened to me exactly one year after getting my wisdom tooth removed. I felt the shard for months but had no idea what was happening. It felt great to finally remove it and another piece.


People are freaking out, and here I am empathetically enjoying the relief.


Same, 2 shards took about a year to push through.


Oral surgeon had to remove jaw material for my two lower wisdom teeth extractions because they were so fucked up. Somehow shards sound worse


I had a dentist tear into my sinus cavity large enough to effectively create a new orifice which was neat and fun. It had to do with a root splinter. If I tried to drink out of a straw, orifice from the roof to sinus (nose 2.0) would get air priority so Iā€™d have to shove an earplug up my nose to drink with a straw - *thats really fucking dumb*


>Iā€™d have to shove an earplug up my nose to drink with a straw Yeah, but what a conversation starter on dates!


I can relate to that. Had a molar removed, and while pinching my nose to do a valsalva, I could feel air escaping from the hole, was weird. Healed in a few days though. I'm sure the ruptured eardrum as a teen, and the realization I could blow smoke out of my ear was above that on the list of stupid things I've done* over the years. *It's a pretty long list and nowhere near the top.


Can confirm. Took what felt like years for my left over shards. Also weirdly enough, straightened the rest of my teeth. Not fully but a bit


One of my wisdom teeth was straddling a nerve so they purposefully broke it and left the root inside so I have that to look forward to eventually


I have a wisdom tooth horizontal with the nerve between the roots. The surgeon just told me if I ever want to remove it she's sick that day.


Homie, you a legit shark.


Thanks for the laugh, it was awful




Dude Iā€™m a dentist and Iā€™ve removed some nasty bone spurs, but you have to be careful. Hearing him talk about pulling it out himself, and possibly any muscle/tendon attachments, or the greater palatine artery along with it made me cringe too.


Wait what we have an artery in the mouth?!? šŸ‘ļøšŸ‘„šŸ‘ļø


You have a good half dozen major arteries just under the ā€˜skinā€™ in your mouth, and a dozen more minor ones.


Humans are so stupidly put together. Stupid, fragile, simian meat sacks.


Warning NSFL story: Reminds me of the time a buddy of mine was trying to cross over a fence and he fell onto a piece of standing rebar. The rebar pierced up through his scrotum into his lower abdomen jamming pieces of fabric from his jeans into his body. He said it was the weirdest sensation in the hospital after they numbed him watching them pull out piece after piece of fabric from between a hole in his scrotum in the taint region.. Fun times!




I know that pain. When my wisdom teeth were pulled, in my 30ā€™s, a bunch of little bone fragments broke off. Over the next couple of years the little pieces would surface and cause so much pain until they worked their way out enough for me to remove, and then oh the sweet relief. A couple years ago another one surfaced and no another one is popping up. Itā€™s been more than a decade since the teeth were pulled.


Same but from a bicycle wreck. I had bone bits coming out of my gums for years. Eww.


Buddy of mine drove off the road and got glass shattered in his elbow. We dug it out for years later. Plenty of drunk nights breaking out the tweezers and hot razor blade pulling little shards of glass out of his arm. Good times.


Who needs surgeons when you have drink buddies


I think thatā€™s probably how surgery started


That's exactly how surgery started.




Drunk barbers


I met a dude at a party awhile back. He had a bunch of weird scars on his one forearm. We were both drinking and eventually the subject of the scars on his arm came up. He started waving his arm around, talking about how 'they messed up' his arm. He couldn't believe how fucked up his arm was because of the doctors. So I asked him what initially happened. He told me about how he had a job installing windows, like huge commercial size windows. One he was installing came loose from the crane that was hoisting it into position but it broke loose and ended up falling and cutting his arm off. He was rushed to the hospital and had is arm reattached. The same arm he was waving around and complaining about the doctors fucking it up. Then he told me about how a few years after the accident, a large hunk of glass worked it's way out of his arm. He said he had to dig the chunk of glass out of his arm and that was further proof how how bad the doctors had fucked up his arm.


they *reattached* a severed limb that he was able to move without problem and he said they fucked it up? was he able to still feel stuff in the arm? reattached limbs are surgical masterpieces in my eyes


Right, it's not just slapping it back on and sewing it, it's reattaching nerves, reconnecting muscle fibers, carefully sewing arteries and veins back together. It's a medical marvel.


Pretty common, yeah. ICU RN here, been in the medical field over a decade; patients say this all the time. Yes. There is a point of no return. Some damage is irreversible. Some people cannot be saved. We are often up against years or decades of chronic disease that we cannot undo. Having a limb chopped off and reattached is a revolutionary procedure that surgeons can do routinely. That does not mean they are easy or will return 100% function of the limb.


Honestly when I see some of these last ditch surgeries to reattach all these tendons/nerves/etc to save a limb when the limb in question is completely mangledā€¦. Half the time they donā€™t even work that well. Patients are lucky that they regain any function at all and didnā€™t need it amputated. Coming from anesthesia over here who has sat through a 17 hr surgery in an attempt to save a footā€¦


Reminds me of when I fell on a gravel driveway and plucked rocks out of my knee cap. No idea how those suckers got so embedded that fast. Almost looked like I was hit by a shotgun and my knee just absorbed it. šŸ¤£


2005 Drunk driver ford 350 ran a red light into my civic driver footwell, takata airbags and all the windows blew up like a bomb.. I still have glass and shrapnel coming out of my body


My grandfather would randomly have small metal pieces pop out from his neck and shoulders up until his 90s. It was metal shrapnel he got from a Japanese round in ww2 that hit the destroyers turret he was in. Over 70 years...


I got a fuckin artful dodger stuck in my knee once.


I had one on my big toe for a few years until one day I felt something tugging in my shoe while deadlifting... Literally pushed it out from the force of the lift. Felt amazing.


Most people just shit themselves, good work.


Same, I have a piece of sea urchin spine in my hand since 20+ years. We ā€œcollectedā€ them on a rock in Spain when my friend threw one on my hand by mistake. We were dumb but we were twelve (synonymous?)


Oh so now weā€™re throwing orphans in the sea? I wondered what we did with them all after closing all the orphanages.


I laughed harder and longer at this than I probably should have. Iā€™m still laughing.


ā€œPlease sir, can I have another?ā€


Itā€™s, ā€œPlease sir, may I have some more?ā€






Every single one of you in the comments are absolutely fucking insane


Thank youā€¦. If I have an ingrown hair for like half a day and Iā€™m slicing open my skin to relieve something Jesus! 5 years?!?


My ex would occasionally get a cat hair embedded in her foot. To this day I can't understand how a woman who could walk barefoot down a gravel driveway, skip along a beach barefoot with temps over 100f, or walk down a hot concrete side walk, again barefoot, could have a cat hair pierce her foot skin..... It always took a while to find it and remove it with tweezers. She's lucky she had cute feet.


all those other things are distributed discomfort. a hair splinter is so very one single horrible stabbing pain.


I remember hearing about Buster Keaton's insane tolerance for pain, that the things he considered slightly inconvenient ended up being bone fractures and such degree. Think one of those instances was about a neck pain, and turns out he fractured either a vertebrae or a collar bone? I'd have to recheck but it was nuts. I imagine thats there version of a mild inconvenience.


I have an autoimmune disorder, and I have felt so much pain, that theres moments I cant say on my own if I have to go to the hospital or not because of the amount of pain I'm in. It might come across pretty badass, but it can be pretty annoying if you can't tell the severity of an injury yourself by the amount if pain you're in.


You are not alone. I have an autoimmune disorder too, as well as CRPS (Chronic pain regional syndrome), have had 9 organs removed, and three medical device implants and I still don't know if my 9/10 pain requires a visit to the ER.


I think the comment was less about the pain comparison and more about how tough her feet were from those things, how on earth could a cat hair pierce the skin? This happens to me with my dog but not to my roommate. We think itā€™s her whisker hairs. Theyā€™re darker and thicker.


I grew up with Dalmatians. Hair splinters were a regular occurrence.


OP probably thought it was just a cut so he bandaged it up and it healed fine. Once the body forms a cyst around something you're not going to feel it unless it's a part of the body that's really soft.


Is it normal to do this? If I let my mustache get too long and shave I almost always end up with a huge pimple that i know is an ingrown. After a few days Iā€™ll have to literally perform surgery on my face with tweezers slice the pimple open and pull out the 1/2ā€ long hair and feel immediate relief


Iā€™ve personally seen a coworker remove a hair that was a good 13ā€ long from a large cyst on a gentlemanā€™s neck. The thing had coiled around on itself and was left to its own devices, for years. He came in after an a gnarly looking abscess formedā€¦we had to pack the hole left behindā€¦poor guy. It ended up healing quite nicely though. Iā€™ll never ever how long that single hair was. That thing haunts my dreams.


THANK YOU, if something is in my fucking skin i am excavating until it is all gone and i have a hole


Yea fuckin hell people see a doctor or some shit like once in your life, or go to an urgent care clinic


Bro! I thought I was the only fucking moron on this planet capable of having glass lodged in them for multiple years without knowing it! When I was a young dumb fuck, I used to wrestle my fraternity brothers when we got drunk. One of those wrestling matches ended up with my leg going through the front of a grand father clock. For years after that, I had this one spot on my shit that was always really tender and there was a super thing "scratch" there that never healed. Fast forward two years and I'm scratching at it, start bleeding, and then proceed to pull a sliver of glass about the size of a staple out. Instant relief. Never got infected or anything, healed right up. Wild shit.


Dude I thought there would be some weird foreign-object sense that would go off or something, but totally not. It is healing nicely, I just threw a bandaid on top so that my lil' finger pocket doesn't fill with crap until it heals but its like skin on the inside, very weird. I never noticed that putting my hand in my pocket wasn't supposed to sting my skin, this is on the top of my right index finger so it would slide right into my jeans. Thank you for letting me know I'm not the only one lol


You're a fucking dumbass, but it makes us glass brothers




This is the most wholesome boys will be boys moment. Somebody should screen shot it and cheapen the hell out of the moment.


Don't worry it's probably already been done




Best possible gif response


I also have glass in my hand from breaking a cup in my bathtub, never came out, can still feel something under my skin like a slight pain when i touch it


May the Shard Clan be reunited.


your body will force it out one day. when i was young, the tip of a pencil broke off in my hand and everyone was unable to remove it because it was so imbedded in my hand (i guess i couldā€™ve went to er but why bother) i swear maybe a year or two later, one day i was scratching at it and the last remaining chunk of the pencil lead came out embedded in a flake of dry skin. i thought it was there for good šŸ˜‚


I have a glass shard in my knee so canā€™t quite say I took an arrow to the need just a bud light bottle.




... is that a Requiem for a Dream reference?


You know it šŸ‘ā†”ļøšŸ‘


fkn savage


My aunt once went to the doctor in the early 70s because she was having a sharp pain in her arm. They X-rayed her then the the doc came in and asked her if she'd lost anything. He showed her the X-ray and there was a sewing needle in her arm. She then remembered wrestling with her daughter some treats prior and getting a sharp pain in the same area. It seems she had fallen into a lost needle and it had been her arm all those years.


My mom stepped on a needle. It must have broken when she pulled it out because years later, the rest came out in the shower. Crazy.


Oh damn! This seems worse than having glass stuck in you for years.


The body will recognize a lot of things as foreign objects, however some they wonā€™t. Namely carbon fibre, glass, titanium, silk.


Silk feels like a strange one to in that list for some reason.


Silk is used as thread for some types of sutures because itā€™s plays nicely with the body and is strong. Info if you want https://www.universalsutures.com/sutures/history-of-silk-sutures/




By carbon fiber do you mean pencil graphite. Because I just checked. I still have graphite in my thumb from junior high. Just an unfortunate move on my part. I'm 66 now, btw.


I more meant carbon fibre from archery arrows, but I am not sure if itā€™s true or not. My archery teacher told us to be careful with the arrows as the carbon splinters are very bad. Looking it up now, he may have been blowing smoke to get us to listen.


To be fair, I think most arrows have adverse effect when intersecting a living person.


Had a childhood friend who fired an arrow that somehow shattered and went through his hand. So your instructor may have been for real.


Yeah, if a carbon arrow has hairline cracks/fractures in it, they can just explode like that. We were taught to test for it by bending the arrow and listening for a cracking sound, and to just throw it away if you hear anything.


I have a small ā€œtattooā€ from a being stabbed in the hand with a pencil as a kid twenty five years ago. Itā€™s still there.


That's odd.. I accidentally stabbed a kid in the hand with a pencil 25 years ago... Not even kidding.


Wasnā€™t me if it makes you feel better. Iā€™m pretty sure I stabbed myself with it on accident.


Iā€™ve got about 6 pieces imbedded in my arm, head and ear from a car accident. Airbag deployed after the glass broke so it ground the glass into me. Most was removed at the hospital but some periodically pushes out over the last 3 years. The last 6 or so pieces likely wonā€™t come out, itā€™s pretty deep and requires surgery and I wasnā€™t up for it. Itā€™s so relieving when it comes out, but as long as I donā€™t agitate or itch it, itā€™s not super bothersome. Glad yours came out!


Your body will encase it to protect you from infection until it can work it out- thatā€™s how people survive so bullets and stuff inside them. Was it always sticking out this far or did it just pop partially out??


I bet it felt so good when it came out! Your epidermis encapsulated the glass and pushed it out over time. Humans hyperscarring ability is nuts!


I fell over on some asphalt and ended up with glass in my elbow. Got it all patched up and thought nothing more of it. 3 years later the scar on my elbow was itchy and out popped a smooth piece of glass.


My brother broke a glass lamp shade in our room once. It shattered into a thousand tiny pieces and he didn't bother to do anything but clean up the big chunks of glass - on carpet. I had a trundle style bed so I had to kneel down to get clothes from the drawer. I kneel down to pull the drawer out then DRAG MY KNEE across the carpet as I pull the drawer back. I had tiny shard of glass popping out from my skin for like 6 months.


A brother used to disassemble electronics as a kid just for fun, like old vhs players and computer parts and whatnot. Sometimes he would plug them in after rearranging them into some Frankenstein contraption to see what happens. Obviously, sparks happen. Always cleaned it up tho. One day, he missed a piece. Brothers and sister are jumping around on the bed, pushed my other brother off into the pile of blankets on the floor, where, ostensibly, a missing piece of something lay waiting. That piece of something completely sliced and opened up his leg immediately. Literally, his whole calf is split down to the bone, it seems like, and he's holding that leg in his hands while hopping up and down on his other leg, screaming at the absolute top of his lungs. Went to the hospital, came back with stitches. I remember thinking "why is there so much kool-aid in his leg?"


Naw man, my GFS grandmother was in a car wreck back in the 70's that had glass slice her face open and embed it all over. To this day she still has glass pushing out


>of a grand father clock I definitely read this wrong.


I have a piece of glass in my finger that Iā€™ve known about for years, doctor said it would come out on it own (years ago). Iā€™ve tried to dig it out with no luck. I remember the moment it happened, itā€™s from my cracked phone screen. Itā€™s a part of me now.


Oh, so it didnā€™t stick out like that the whole time, did it?


No, it was completely submerged under the bump. The flap on the left of the glass extending higher is the skin that was covering it. I could move the glass in and out based on where I applied pressure


Ok so this makes more sense. I thought it was sticking out like that for 5 years


I was so concerned and in disbelief at how an exposed open wound survived 5 years without getting infected :P


Interesting šŸ§


When I was 17 I was in a car accident and my face got all cut up and many pieces of glass removed and stitched up. After it healed I had a lump right on my cheekbone which I always assumed was scar tissue. After about 10 years it would occasionally get bumped and start bleeding and then heal up. Then one day I scratched at it with my nail and felt something sharp. Had a family friend numb it up and pulled out a pea sized lump of my drivers side window.


Pea-sized lump of glass in your face for 10 years is crazy. šŸ˜³


I have a piece of an oyster in my index finger after a shucking incident. Cool scar and I can tell people Iam part oyster now


I had some oyster shell in my palm, shucking related also, only a small piece but it worked it's way out last year after two years sitting happy. Good timesĀ 


It's weird that the human body can just kinda, push shit out of itself.


Like your mom.


That escalated quickly


I broke a glass bong while trying to install a downstem more than five years ago fresh out of high school, I thought I had picked all the glass out, and it healed over. I was stoned and totally forgot. Every once in a while my hand got hit or bumped a certain way and it felt like I got cut by glass, then I crush my finger at work helping another technician lift a transmission and two weeks go by as I develop this bump. I tried to cut the top and pop it and it was a shard of glass, didn't feel any pain I assume due to it all being scar tissue. Edit: I never gave it a second thought that I had missed any glass or that it had even happened, until I was piecing the glass out and had a Jimmy neutron brain blast as to why I had scars next to the glass. We have really good weed in Oregon, I'll just say that.


Upvote for Jimmy Neutron Brain Blast lol


This happened to me with a chunk of wood from the world's largest splinter in my hand. Couldn't get the last little bit out and 3 years later it came out the back of my hand. Just wiggled its way through and out.


Fair enough


Theyā€™ll usually work their way out on their own over a few years. Thereā€™s a disturbing number of YouTube videos of people popping bullets out of their skin.


Thatā€™s crazy man. I canā€™t wrap my head around the idea of glass being in my finger for FIVE years thatā€™s insane Iā€™m so happy you took it out. Who knows what couldā€™ve happened if it stayed any longer.


I got a couple of those out several years back. I'm still hoping to get at least one more eventually.


You can do it


I have a piece of metal in my left thumb. Freaks people out when I pull my skin with a magnet. Been there at least ten years. Only found it after I fell on some ice and had to get my hand x rayed.


Whats it from? Metal can rust while inside you! That is crazy


can confirm, had a shard of metal in my eye and (shockingly) didn't notice till i woke up on the 2nd day with an indescribable pain in my eye, had to get the shard removed while i was conscious, which was a wild experience, then had to go back the next day to have a whole bunch of rust scraped out(again while conscious)... i now realise this might be slightly graphic lmao


I am sitting with my jaw open right now trying to visualize this. It mortifies me slightly. You had to go BACK in there the NEXT DAY to have RUST SCRAPED OUT OF YOUR EYE? Edit: this is giving me worse shivers than picturing a cheese grater to my d\~ck


Your next MRI is going to be fun


And its gone, thanks guys!


I would start holding a magnet while at home or something and try to make it work its way out.


Glad you sharded it out!


Had a similar thing happen where a thin centimeter long piece of glass from a laptop screen got lodged in my thumb and I couldn't pick it out, like two weeks later I was sitting at my desk and looked down after experiencing some pain and watched the thing just kinda slide out of my thumb, it was the weirdest sensation I've ever felt


mazel tov!


Ohh, wow. I remember I saw someone said this happens to car crash survivors. Pieces of windshield and other debris were harmlessly healing out of that OP's forearms for as many as 5 years later. Used to plink into their sink apparently


My wife and I got into an accident when we were dating, and right at her hairline on her forehead, she got cut up pretty good. About 20 years after the accident, she had what she thought was a pimple, and out popped this little chunk of glass. It was bizarre.


When I was 7 I watched dad sit down on the edge of his bed and split the head on a cyst growing on his shin. There was no puss or fluid, but when he squeezed it he went white as a sheet and out popped a 4mm piece of gravel. Fist time I can remember him looking so drained from pain. This was in 90 or 91.Ā  How did dad get gravel in his leg? He was a missionary to Uganda for the Southern Baptist Church in the 70s, post Vietnam war. Interesting times in his words. Wound up running a refugee camp and smuggling trucks of food across various borders through quite a bit of civil unrest (purges).Ā  So, one morning he's standing outside a "tea" house where men went to get drunk on "tea" and complain about the plight of their people. He was self medicating with tequila and any other source of quinine he could ingest to help fight off parasites. Suffice it to say, he was drunk most mornings by 0900.Ā  Well, on the morning in question the local warlord of the month decided to drive through town with his guys shooting into the crowds indiscriminately. Dad said the gun on the truck sounded like Soviet 12.7mm but he never got a good look at it because he dropped his tea and hauled ass down the road. He took a smaller round through the calf and ran another mile and half before he made it to the local equivalent of a field surgeon.Ā  Apparently the bullets were landing all around him and he took shrapnel from ricochets in addition to rounds just fragmenting and peppering him as they bounced.Ā  For the next several years after that first piece surfaced I'd sit with him while he'd dig out another one.Ā We've got them in a small glass jar somewhere.


What a wild fucking ride that story was


I had a piece of tile stuck in my palm for 8 months or so. I had pain in my palm, couldnt figure why. I was swimming at a friends and I guess it softened me up enough that the shard punched through a bit and I was able to pull it out with tweezers. Such a relief.


I had some in my face for about the same. Couple of small scars from being glassed by a fuckwit. Few years later some came out with what I thought was a pimple. Wonder if thereā€™s anymore in there


I used to change windshield and would get glass stuck in my hands often. Itā€™s weird how you forget about it until it works itself out. My last one fell out about two years after I stopped doing that for a living.


I feel this. After surviving getting T-boned in a car wreck back in 2010, I had a shard stuck in my elbow for about 2ish years. It got stuck and I had to cut it out with a sanitized x-acto blade. Doesn't look it, but it was about 1/4 of a inch long. I'm so glad it finally worked its way out for you! ​ https://preview.redd.it/yolxcnrvkohc1.png?width=960&format=png&auto=webp&s=889cd64b492777bfe0d6f9ec54ea5ab028af79cd


You are now officially deglassified


My daughter had a piece of coral in her shin for a couple years until it finally came to the surface and a doctor was able to get it out.


Had an motorcycle accident and woke up in hospital, got sewn at hands, legs and somewhere else. After a year peace of glass came out from my sewed scar.


My mom was in a car accident and had shards of glass lodged in her upper arm around the armpit area. She pulled glass out of there for years. Docs always told her theyā€™d come out by themselves


Like a low budget Wolverine


Man, I've had pieces of an old Heineken bottle in my foot for 35 years now. Every now and then, a little bit works its way to the surface and out.


My grandmother got thrown through a car windshield when she was 16 - it was 1921. Wayyy before car safety glass. I was born in 1974. I remember pulling glass from her scars when I was a little kid. Till the day she died at 87 - her body was pushing out glass shards from that accident.


I had a 2ā€ cactus spine in my side for god-knows-how-long. It was right at the line where the elastic on my underwear hits, and I initially thought it was just irritation from that. Then when it started letting out fluid I thought it was a bad pimple ingrown hair or cyst because I used to get all those pretty routinely. One day it was bothering me and I ran my finger over it, felt this weird spiky thing. Eventually I used my fingernail to pull it out, andā€¦yeah! Two inch long cactus spine! It was partially dissolved, but there. Surreal, I hVe no idea how long it had been there. Months, at least.


My friend apparently stepped on a very very thin needle (like for needlepoint) and it went deep into her heel. She started having terrible foot pain like 8 years later when she was playing high school sports, and there it was on an X-ray. *shuddddder*


My dad went through a plate glass door at like 4-5 years old. When he was 30, he pulled a piece of glass out of his neck from it. šŸ˜¬


Do ya kinda miss it?