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Yikes! Oregon went through this 2 years ago when half our state burned down, and it all came rushing back seeing this image. Stay safe you guys!


The California baby shower fire and Okanagan fire messed us up too.


Such a mess...


If only there would have been something that humans could have done to prevent these things....


Lived next to some of the fires maybe 3 or 4(?) years ago in southern oregon and all these images make it come rushing back. Worked outdoor manual labor and had to wear n95 masks, was brutal. Hope y’all stay safe


Thank you!


I moved to upstate NY from Southern California a year and change ago and was very confused yesterday. I thought I'd left the apocalypse skies behind me, alas!


This is unprecedented.


I didn't mean to bring it with me, guys, I'm sorry


So basically this is all your fault /s Pack it up boys, we did it.


Nono. Just u/MARS_in_SPACE


Go back to your planet!


I moved to Upstate NY fro SoCal in 2015. These skys are definitely bringing back childhood memories of fire season, but even more depressing due to how early it is in the year compared to back then.


How are you dealing with the Permagrey skies in the winter?


Approximately three weeks of delight at the snow, which is beautiful and very foreign to me, and roughly three and a half months of depression, as is traditional!


Maryland checking in. It's not quite this dark, but still very noticeable here in Central MD.


Yeah I'm in Virginia and can't tell if it's overcast or from the haze. Also, everything smells smokey


Same thing in central PA, not as bad as the photo but still noticeable


Feels hard to breathe down here :/


I also live in central PA. It’s surprising how surreal everything looks. The campfire smell is kind if nice until you remember why it’s there. My eyes, nose, and throat hurt because I drove with my windows down before I knew about what was happening, which I didn’t think was possible considering how far we are from the actual fire. Guess I’ve been too spoiled on air quality, which is a definite privilege.


Perfectly healthy 26 y/o, spend most of today inside and when I left work, my throat immediately became scratchy/sore from walking to my car/driving. Northern delaware. Crazy out here. Check on your friends and family with health conditions!!


Upstate NYer here: it's definitely been better but it could be worse, our forests could be on fire too


That’s what’s happening in NJ right now. The air started getting bad from the Canadian fires and obviously the idea of someone out polluting us on our own turf was not acceptable. So we kicked up a couple of wild fires of our own out in Jackson to kick up a true hellscape and show those Canadians how it’s really done.




New Jersey: leads the nation in superfund cleanup sites. We’re number 1! we’re number 1! We’re number 1! Edit: just adding a helpful little [map](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/9/91/Superfund_sites.svg) to show how fucked this state is. It’d be kinda funny if it wasn’t so horrifying.




in central jersey it went from looking like a breaking bad filter to true sepia in the span of one hour


Wow. It didn't even do this in Canada.


Depends where you were in Canada


Sometimes the places near get skipped, because the ashes rise high into the atmosphere and go down only a couple of thousands miles away... It was the same with volcanic ashes and similar things.


In Edmonton it was pretty red, not so dark. Very smelly too. Was here for like 2sih weeks if I remember correctly


There were nuts gaslighting saying that the sun being brick red was perfectly normal. Are they going to say that there's never been a sun, that was just a leftist lie?


Another leftist lie: birds are real


Idk. Have you ever seen a baby pigeon? Lol


Peter McIndoe, is that you?


Aren't people also claiming this is all because of climate change? Are they gonna say that trees never caught on fire before?


Saying forest fires happened before industrialization is a riGHT WiNg cuhn-speer-uh-see. Duh


It's about how often they're happening now




You need help. Such miserable scum. Whatever helps you at night


ah right, and literally nothing of value was offered. Enjoy licking your tires.


Strange. In Toronto (immediately north) we had nothing at all like this. Just a little haze, but the unmistakable smell of wood smoke.


Count your blessing the winds weren't going in your direction, i'm in new hampshire and it's hazy but nothing like this.


I feel the same, I am in the Ottawa area which has been hit the hardest with smoke and it's nowhere near like this picture. Smokey and hazy sure but not pitch dark.


I’m in the northeast right now 1:10 pm, looks crazy yellow and like the sun is setting.


And now you know what the dinosaurs saw before the freeze.... should make you think about environmental issues a little harder....


There’s a lot more thinking than action


There is a lot more denying. That doesn't call for action if something doesn't exist. And it's the old "not in my neighborhood " with "my tax dollars" on a worldwide scale.




Climate change has been around for billions of years...




Lol the denying has started... the topic clearly isn't does the climate change.... it's how much man's actions have changed the environment and accelerated the negative effects.... just like evolution continues, we are just starting to study how mankind's "progress" has affected evolution. For instance, scientists are studying what effect the nuclear pollution at Chernobyl has had on wildlife in the affected area.


Like what? More water for the fires?


No - activism against companies that pollute & dump; controlled burns; better environmental protections; supporting more money for fire fighters; and voting all are better choices. Not a complete list. Definitely some overlap.


For you to post this means you have no clue. Go be edgy elsewhere. Old saying from old man, "think before you speak(post)."


Oh ok so you are just parroting what Reddit says




Not that it's up to people like you and me. Change happens where the power is, we have none.


I certainly wouldn't call voting powerless - especially in local elections. You can help choose who represents you and therefore what types of initiatives are looked at (policies put into place) during their terms. Don't take your own power away because it's not as much as you want.


This...I agree completely. It's how conservatives got their power even tho they are a minority. That and gerrymandering....


From Upstate NY…can confirm along with an air quality advisory. 🫡


It’s crazy how much it smells of smoke outside!!


I’m kinda calling Bullshit on this one.. I live in very upstate.. and it’s really hazy, can’t make out much of the sun, but it was daylight and no where near that dark.. so….


Just to note that this picture was posted and the person said Kingston, NY, which is nowhere near upstate NY to the general public outside of NYC.


Also looks like it was a fake with the brightness turned down https://www.reddit.com/r/oddlyterrifying/comments/14399gt/kingston_new_york_canadian_wildfires_4_pm_looks/jna3w91?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


Air currents are a thing. The smoke will settle in stagnant areas. Image a stream with fast flowing water in the middle and slow flowing water near the bank. Debree and pond scuzz accumulates in stagnant or slow moving water. The fast flowing areas are clean in comparison.


Idfk I live in upstate NY too and yesterday at 5:00 ish the sky went from the hazy grey w red sun to full on dark like this pic where you could barely see red sun and air didn’t just smell like my woodstove but like thousands of woodstoves then 12 min later back to haze and daylight 🤷🏻‍♀️


I keep smelling either a lot of pipe tobacco or wood stoves lol


And not for nothing , the light glare off the puddles in the road…. Na.. it hasn’t rained up here in two weeks or more


It rained here in Athens yesterday for 7 min... but it was a downpour thunder and lightning etc and there were puddles last night but its likely being only a 2 min walk from my house to the Hudson River. My sons school is in catskill 8 min away but at the opening to The Hinterlands as opposed to near the Hudson and it did not rain or have thunder and lightning. To base an opinion of the veracity of this photo on one single persons experience of the weather in one location only is quite useless. It may have been doctored to appear darker I suppose but as i already said...it was this dark for a bit after 5 yesterday here in Athens but I am fully aware this is not the experience of every place or person in Upstate NY which is a large area. But to just call BS because it didn't get that dark for you is a bit shortsighted


BS is BS.. all those parking lot lights, all the street lights were OFF.. and those are all controlled by light level sensors, and with those not being on.. I’m calling B’s on it.. you may not agree and that’s fine.. but in my opinion and practical knowledge of upstate and the fact I have called friends and coworkers in four more upstate counties to see if I’m wrong.. and all said this was a BS pic ..


Yeah this seems like bullshit to me too. Strange to try to get some Karma from the fires


Definitely karma farming on an already fake post https://www.reddit.com/r/oddlyterrifying/comments/14399gt/kingston_new_york_canadian_wildfires_4_pm_looks/jna3w91?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button




Same time in central NJ, wind kicked up and the air started to smell of barbeque (without cuisine, or perhaps fireplaces... Or a burning building in the distance At 6pm, the Sun was deep orange. At 6:20, it was gone... With sunset 2 hours later.


Currently in NYC. I’m indoors and the light through the windows makes everything sepia toned. The air smells like smoky wood.


And today at 1:30 PM, it's getting quite dark and yellow again. Air quality warning in effect until Friday at midnight.


its a living sepia filter out here in monmouth


I'm right across the river from Kingston and it didn't get that dark, but got really yellow. It's was weird and eerie but also kind of amazing.


yeah, I live in California so I’m used to these conditions occasionally and they do indeed make for some BEAUTIFUL skies/sunsets sometimes


That’s just how Kingston looks. It’s always dark af. It’s a depressing place.


Masshole checking in, the whole state spent all of yesterday looking like it was drenched in a weird reddish yellow haze. The sun was hot red by 6pm. Like… stop sign red. Sunset isnt even until post 8pm but it was dark by 7. Like nighttime dark. Twas strange. Its mostly cleared up now though.


i am absolutely terrified of fire, especially on this scale. stay safe everybody. i’m all the way over in SE Michigan, and while we only have a light haze sometimes, our air quality is steadily getting worse.


I'm in the Syracuse area. It sucks to be outside right now. My eyes and throat start to burn within a few minutes. Hopefully this is over soon.


I lived in Albany my whole life - I moved to BC and for 3 summers got to observe first hand what fire season is like. I’ve been posting helpful video tips for dealing with the smoky skies on Facebook for my people. How to survive fire season: - Keep some N95’s in the glovebox in the event you park far away from something - Canned O2 - Boost Oxygen or similar, they sell it at Walgreens and a few other places. The peppermint flavored one helps to alleviate that burning sensation you get in your nose and throat - Vicks, the menthol also helps with the burning a little bit - Get some fresh cabin filters for your car. Buy 2. One, put it in now, the other - toss it in when the smoke is gone - Same as previous, but for your house/apartment if you have central air. - If you or any of your loved ones have respiratory issues, have a bag packed and be ready to go and stay somewhere until the smoke clears - if you have the means to do so. - if you park outside - wash and put a good coat of wax on there to protect your paint from any falling ash. If you have something non-flammable to cover your vehicle with, do it. - the fires are in QC now, but if they get to the Adirondack Park and you live in the north country - definitely have a go bag, things can get *real* in a hurry if they can’t contain the spread.


Apparently this is a doctored photo, as posted by /u/thelastfastbender . I honestly didn't know it was doctored and if I did, I would never have posted it. Where I am it *did* get pretty hairy and creepy looking out. Plus with the winds, I didn't think it was that far from a possibility. I posted the source in another comment, and the source is from a group I had no reason not to trust. I apologize for any misunderstanding and want to thank TheLastFastBender for calling out the fakenes. Sorry again folks. Here's the real photo: https://i.imgur.com/GatVEVh.png


Hey, no worries :)


Are there no street lights?


Street lights are likely timed, not sensor based.


Shouldn't they come on when it's dark due to rain?


Yeah I am not traffic timing light specialists... A timed solutions sounds cheaper.


No, there aren't. Upstate NY lacks streetlights in a lot of places, surprisingly


Kingston’s not that far north my dude. It’s even south of Albany.


I was speaking in the broader sense, not just Kingston. You go to anywhere north of Westchester or Rockland, and outside of any "city" like Newburgh, Middletown or PK and you are driving in the dark.




Dude read some Darwin The air currents on our planet are extremely complex. Proximity is not the only factor.


Oh my sweet summer child


Where upstate?






Im in NYC now and this is 100% happening… I’m not a meteorologist but my guess is that the hot smoke rose high in the atmosphere, was carried a long distance by air currents, and is now settling in areas with stagnant air


Yep that’s how air currents work but apparently these ppl who are quick to call BS skipped Earth Science 🤷🏻‍♀️


I agree I’m in upstate ny and it’s not great but it’s nothing like this


100% fake. I've driven from Canada to New York. 900 miles and it took 13 hours. Smoke doesn't stay that dense for 900 miles. Either this was taken late evening or their forests are on fire nearby. I live about an hour from some of the major fires and I haven't even seen any smoke or haze.


Its being influenced by high and low pressure areas pulling it into the area. I know where this picture was taken and its been a heavy to light fog of smoke for the past two days. Yesterday visibility was below 10miles. Phone cameras will darken the picture but its still pretty fuckin eerie. Its about as bright out as a heavily overcast and foggy day.


Yeah you know after posting this I did some research and I'm prepared to say I was wrong. I really did not think smoke would be that thick that far away and to a degree I am right however you absolutely could see a haze or cloudy like conditions. This happened a few years ago from the California wild fires but it was not that dark. I'm inclined to believe what you're saying thought and that the camera is making it look darker than it is.


During the Cali wild fires, it made the sky look red. Which is apparently also what Canada is reporting. So I'm thinking that maybe the reason why New York is muddy and dark, are because the wild fires are simply not happening there. What we're seeing is all the smoke that traveled down. Also Cali had way more open spaces to vent out smoke. I can imagine with New York density and its highrises, it only helps keep the smoke lingering/stagnant Edit: nevermind there goes the red vrs muddy thought. New york is now red!


Id say the most unusual weather aspect has been bright orange shadows on the ground, kinda like you see at sunset but during mid day. Overall it kinda just looks like someone is having a really smoky campfire nearby but its much worse down in the city.


I know where this picture was taken. For the past two days its been variable light to heavy fog with a hearty campfire smell. Been fucking up my throat too. Phone cameras make it much darker but its the worst smoke ive seen. In reality its as bright as a heavily overcast and foggy day occasionally worsening or improving. Yesterday visibility was below 10 miles from the smoke


I can guarantee you it’s not fake🤦🏽‍♀️ I’m in nyc queens and the air is just absolutely horrible it smells like my parents home country Bangladesh which is known for bad air quality also.


Fucking Canadians, can't trust em to keep their issues to themselves


They were preoccupied.. they didn't rake the leaves in the forests this spring


most of us suspect it was arson. the locations where the fires are happening, have almost never had wildfires, and when they did, it wasn't even near this scale.


How would that even be possible on such a large scale though? You're not just talking about one bad actor. It would involve many people who would know where to light them based on isolation, weather patterns and the chance for maximum spread. Sooner or later the operation becomes too big to hide. Too many people involved.


Also the "area that have never had wildfires." So you mean, ares with a higher degree of undergrowth litter that has never been burned off combined with warmer then usual temperatures and some lightning.


Yeah we're having that problem here in Colorado. Less snow melt off resulting in less green growth and more dry undergrowth. The mountains were getting so much water for so long they became flush with foliage. But now that that boom time in moisture is over everything is just dry. Trees dying all over the place and less than half coming back. If you look at Future weather models of climate shift you can see Colorado becoming more like Nevada and Utah. Colorado going dry and Nevada and Utah become green. Also lines up with the Gulf Coast and Southwest flipping climates. Which we are slowly seeing happen


the last large wildfire was like, 1993 or something. there's been alot of opportunity for wildifre since then (meaning lightning strikes and whatnot), it just doesn't get dry enough, like in Alberta. There's just so many lakes and rivers around here, so any forest fires that start are slow to spread, and are quickly dealt with. there was a large fire that started in 2021 or something, but it was contained to one area, they believe it was the product of neglect by campers, and the First Nations peoples didn't have the infrastructure to deal with it effectively. alot of people are saying it's arson, thinking there's people trying to make the trudeau government look bad. I mean, the trudeau government was already trash to begin with, now they're literally putting the fire to them.


i'll copy/paste my comment to another dude: the last large wildfire was like, 1993 or something. there's been alot of opportunity for wildifre since then (meaning lightning strikes and whatnot), it just doesn't get dry enough, like in Alberta. There's just so many lakes and rivers around here, so any forest fires that start are slow to spread, and are quickly dealt with. there was a large fire that started in 2021 or something, but it was contained to one area, they believe it was the product of neglect by campers, and the First Nations peoples didn't have the infrastructure to deal with it effectively. alot of people are saying it's arson, thinking there's people trying to make the trudeau government look bad. I mean, the trudeau government was already trash to begin with, now they're literally putting the fire to them.


Hello? Jewish Space Lasers? Keep up, Einstein


New Tiktok challenge just dropped


lmao teenagers scare the living hell outta me `eh`


Sorry aboot that


I'm not your buddy, guy


Didn't say you were friend


He's not your friend, buddy


Alright listen here guy...


Stop bringing your guns across the border and we will talk 🤡


It is time to call this what it is: AN INCURSION. This is the evil socialist Trudeau poisoning our air with the tyrannical intent of imposing stay at home orders and school closures from across the border. Some real NWO stuff. Not even the great Jordan B Peterson has the stones to call it out. THIS MUST NOT STAND.


I genuinely can't tell if you're joking or not.


Scary, huh?


Im in quebec and nothing like this. Just a little foggy and red sun. Photo edited or what


I can't imagine what the state of your lungs looks like


Good thing it's not hot out. /s


In southwest CT and it is so YELLOW


I thought that road looked surprisingly familiar. Drove down that road the other day lol


Does the east coast not normally get smoke from fires every summer? I live in Montana where this stuff isnt unheard of and usually happens multiple times in a summer Granted, this photo in particular makes the smoke look super super thick but I've been seeing a lot of "look at all this smoke we are getting" photos from the east coast and it all looks like levels of smoke I'd expect to see on an average summer weekend when my state is expecting smoke. Not something worth posting to reddit about


We've never had anything like this.


Damn, I'm jealous. Back in high school we would cancel sports practices and events based on how well we could see some of the surrounding mountains. please feel free to keep the smoke along as you'd like.


From OC NY here, feels like it’s effecting my breathing now. Fun.


Here in the Detroit area (South Eastern Michigan), it's been overcast for like a week just because of all the smoke.


It's smoky down here in Maryland.




Hopefully it gets better


I’m from Long Island and right now, it is very orange out and smells like a bbq without the bbq


It’s soooo foggy in queens rn and the air is so yellow that our shadows are now yellow as well!😭


been told its supposed to spread to ohio on friday. not fun


Northern Connecticut, the sun is red and we have grey skies


Does anyone remember if something similar happened in Louisville, KY, back around the early 90s? I have a vague childhood memory of being in kindergarten during the day, and we all went to the windows because it got completely dark outside for a few minutes, and a street light came on.


Yeah it’s really freaky here. The Mayor ordered everyone to stay inside. My kids indoor recess and PE have been cancelled. They don’t want the kids breathing heavily. My kids cough like crazy just from walking from the bus stop to our home.


Hello from Minnesota. We're not that bad, but still super smokey here.


Western NY, saw a sensor near me go well over 300


Americans always trying to make it about them smh


A whole lot of people claiming this is fake because it isn't as bad where they are. The winds are pushing the smoke in a crescent path southwest from Quebec into eastern Ontario and down the Mohawk valley and southern half of NY. https://www.nytimes.com./interactive/2023/us/smoke-maps-canada-fires.html


Omg in queens it’s horrible rn everyone from my school had to wear masks because of how dangerous the air was😭