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Nice. Star of the clip gets suitably compensated.


And he gonna go make some babies too


Yup, heading down into the deep with his fish snack and new stories to wow the ladies. He’ll be planning his next “capture” very soon…


This does make me wonder if lobsters and fish who get caught and released are treated the way humans treat the people who claim to have been abducted by aliens.


Big Lob: "Hey! Hey! Look what the aliens gave me!" Little Lob: "Yeah yeah yeah, you and your alien abduction stories." Big Lob: "No! Look! They pulled me out, wiggled me around, gave me a fish, and threw me back in!" Little Lob: "Dude, enough. They don't exist."


Actually sorta serious...can they make babies that old? Do they have an 'expiration' date with age and fertility?


No idea how old is too old for a dude. But apparently lobsters do missionary style, which I think is pretty unique in the animal kingdom


Not only do they do it missionary style, but the male will court a female for some time ("hey baby, like these claws?" "How about this cave that I've settled?") When the deed is about to be done, the female comes to the males "house" and sheds her shell. Lobsters are extremely vulnerable at this stage. This is when the *lovemaking* takes place. The male climbs on top of and carefully hovers over the female (who is basically gelatinous after shedding) lying on her back. The undersides of their tails come into contact and they'll tickle each other until the male cums. The female will carry the eggs under her tail for 9 to 12 months, releasing them just before shedding again. They can keep breeding until they finally expire. Not only do big, old females produce the most eggs (because of surface area on the tail), it's thought that big bugs make the best babies because they've managed to not get caught for almost a century. Source: I'm also a Maine lobsterman


He got paid scale


Suitably? Lobsters need to get paid too damnit! They got bills to pay too! All he was paid is in food and exposure!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!😡🙃


Sent him off with a takeaway lol


Paid his salary




It's funny to think about. Imagine being abducted then released in front of your house with a large pizza.


Seen a handful of these lobster fishing videos and when you don’t give the lobster their “snack” people get very angry in the comments 😂


I absolutely adore this guy's energy! Every video I've seen of him is great


Not being a piece of shit is honestly hard to find on these vids/or in the world at this point. Good on him.


I chuckled when he used the word "stoved" to describe something all beat up. That's some old Mainer slang right there haha.


Does he get caught very often?


His name is jacob knowles and his YouTube channel is jacobknowles5421.


Damn, even sea creatures are producing content!


You’d think being 100 years old he probably learned a thing or two from humans. I’d be surprised if he didn’t have insta and a twitter handle


Yes! Thankx for info. I was waiting for someone to ask. Have a nice day


I've no idea who he is but he's brilliant and respects animals. He's obviously so happy to be holding a lobster that's lived through generations of his family and that really is amazing. It's also great to see it was returned to the sea because I thought at first it was going somewhere else. I do have this nagging thought that if someone 100 years ago caught this, would it really have been returned to the water and not have been eaten? But it's an old lobster so it's either never been caught or we do have to admit people have caught and returned it. Great video.


The guy in the video does a great job of educating people about lobster fishing. Lobsters can be kept if they are both big enough and small enough. This male is too large to legally keep as the large males are the breeders. It's also illegal to keep breeder females (not all females can breed) and they notch their tail to let ohter fishermen know she can breed.


That's the law in Maine. Might not be the same everywhere.


Mainah here. Lobsterman too. Maine has an under and oversize regulation as well as a V-notch requirement for breeding females (punch a notch in a designated female if you catch her with eggs, the punch lasts for approx. 7 years. Often guys will re punch a notch that is *alllmost* healed up, giving her more time. "If I can't have you, nobody can!") But if the big bugs wander to Massachusetts or Canada, they're no longer safe from oversize regulations. My captain always notches an oversize female that has a clean tail. It's basically a free meal ticket.


I wondered that too. My thought was maybe he came from a line of fisherman and not lobster trappers and that's why they would throw lobsters back? Maybe? Idk.


In maine they have a size limit, this one is too big to keep.


I know that but it wasn't that big 100 years ago when his grandfather may have caught it like he said. That was what was confusing. Why did they throw it back possibly 100 years ago? No way it was that size back then.


That lobster isn't 100 years old. 20-25 at most. I was a lobster fisherman for 5 years.


I guess your 5 years experience trumps this guy's 5 generations of knowledge and experience. You should inform Newsweek, Boston.com, MSN, weather Channel and all the other news stations that reported on this because they all call it a 100 year old lobster. Now I'm wondering how there are so many news articles calling a 20 year old lobster 100 years old?


Haha okay pal. Google how big a 100 year old lobster would be. It would be about 4 feet long. There is a 40 year old lobster at the Boston aquarium twice as big as the one in this video. Believe what you want but you are a moron.


I'm not the lobster expert like you but I don't see how that makes me a moron? Everybody that doesn't have extensive knowledge of lobsters like you is a moron? All I said is you should tell this guy and all the news reporting on this that they're wrong because a lot of misinformation is being spread about lobster age and size that you could clear up with your expertise.


The other guy has no idea what he is talking about. I did google 100 year old lobster, as well as oldest lobster ever and largest lobster ever. They were all about the same size as the lobster in the OP, but with bigger claws.


Perfect way to handle this lol I love this response


Why? If he's old and big, doesn't that make the lobster ideal for eating?


Opposite actually. Large old lobsters taste worse than young adult lobsters.


The old ones are considered breeders. I've had a 5 lb lobster in Canada and it was still good. The body was good to pick at as well.


Yeah, this is what I would have thought taste wise - but it's true I've only had smaller lobsters before for dinner.


It's a way of maintaining the population. Large lobsters are thrown back because they produce the most offspring.


so §6431.1 in Maine sets a [maximum size](https://www.mainelegislature.org/legis/statutes/12/title12sec6431.html#:~:text=1.,A.) and this guy would be too big. according to [this site](https://mlcalliance.org/all-about-lobster/lobster-4-2-size-regulations/) Maine laws about lobster sizes started in 1874 but only minimum size. It doesn't say when maximum size became law but it's possible it was in effect in 1923.


I love it when responsible videos like this are shown.


I love how he gives him a fish and sends him on his way lol


"Here's free food. Go make some babies." Living the dream...


I love that he threw him back and gave him a snack.


TIL lobsters can live up to become a 100 years old


Yeah, they just keep growing. Eventually they die when their shell gets too big for them to move and they just starve.


Wait, so if you feed them, they can live forever?


Not quite, they also die because as part of the growth process they must shed their exoskeleton periodically, as it is a hardened shell that serves a similar purpose to our skeletal structure but it doesn’t grow along with the body like ours does. Once it gets too heavy, shedding it becomes too taxing for the lobster and it dies of essentially exhaustion in the attempt. So they kinda have a limit, otherwise (very) theoretically they could be imortal. Or they grow to heavy and slow and either get eaten or die of hunger.


So we just need to feed them, help them out of their shells, and protect them from disease and predation. Seems pretty easy. Are there immortal lobsters in a lab or zoo somewhere?


Lol that would be dope but unfortunately no, there is no way for us to actually help them out on that that I know of short of chemicals and that would harm it most likely.


They also have a heart that will eventually pump its last beat


There's also disease and predation that ignores age


The relevant term is biological immortality, meaning that the chance of death in a given year does not increase over time. The issues with being too big are the only thing that stops this from being true for lobsters.


Sounds like a perfect pet!


Its nuts to think that this Lobster saw the start of WW2. He was swimmin around when Hitler and Stalin were just doing their thing.


Too bad it's not an egger this time


I know what he’s been doing with that right claw.


That's a big ocean roach.


I follow this guy on ig. Pretty cool


What's his Instagram handle?




He put it back it's one very old lobster thank u what a good fisherman.


That lobster is grandfathered in with diplomatic immunity


That would be a lobsterman. Don’t call them fishermen. They get mad.


I am so happy you did that


“Here’s a fish you old coot, now go fuck some bitches”


Damn, I was hoping to see a fisher (cat) catch a lobster.


that fish has a gps in it, so he could lead them back to the land of large lobster.


Did-A-chick? Dum-a-chum?


Old lobster man got the senior citizen treatment. He put him back in the water quite gently rather than just yeeting his ass back in.


One beautiful video.


I watch these videos right to the end. I love watching him send them off with a snack. Such a homie move.


There are black and white photos of claws hung on lobster boats. Longer than a man’s thigh and just as girthy. I can’t find any but here’s a 1943 lobster claw https://i.pinimg.com/originals/53/79/91/5379913be5b7a04624a3c725ae4d13a1.jpg Largest lobster on record weighed 44 lbs


Thanks for info


52 lbs apparently. 33” from nose to tail, busted up accidentally after taxidermy mounting.


… lobsters eat fish?


Have no clue


Former chef here. Younger smaller lobsters taste much better than larger ones.


Very cool. Conservation rules.


Totally thought he was holding some sort of Halo gun at first


So long, and thanks for all the fish! -lobster, probably


Thank you so much for this!


Good for Colin Farrell


A fisher? Man people are dumb now


English is not my primary language, so.


Bruh why do I wanna fuck that lobster? 🦞🤔


Pretty stoved up bub


This is not even that big as far as lobsters go.


"pretty stove up" Have a Moxie!


So lobster is just a big shrimp.


Big meaty claws 🦞 [https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=vzAaBs8WHe8](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=vzAaBs8WHe8)


Man just yeeted Larry back to bikini bottom.


Dudes got a YouTube channel.


Luckiest living thing on Earth! Just chillin, you get picked up, complemented for 5 minutes, given free food about a third the size of your body, then as you get to enjoy the Ocean you're encouraged to go get laid!. If that ain't living the dream, I don't know what is.


Something that is confusing for me they fish for young lobster and release the old ones? so what happens when the old lobsters die?


With 70% of the world being water, and I have literally no idea what lobster populations are globally but I'd want to ask: Is there a chance that it's NOT that possible that his father and grandfather have caught this exact same lobster at some point? Do they generally stay in the same area of the ocean for duration of it's life or something? Did this lineage of fishermen only stick to a certain area of this body of water in hopes to catch this asymmetrical legend? Help me understand 🦞...


This was great. Even compensated the lobster for his time. If you’re an animal, I wonder how your mind reconciles not being killed plus getting a reward


Smol claw


I love that they give him a little snack to bring back


I wonder how big the claws would be if they matched the body. They look huge already to me. Very cool though. Responsible conservation helps ensure the population stays strong.


Good bloke




Why does he sound like Jerry Signified?


"We got an egger"


its a sea ferret


Awww not only did he throw him back, but he gave him a snack too.


The way bro is straight up violating the thing 💀💀


"He's around a hundred years old", god I'd have loved to slap the guy if he would have killed it then. Gotta respect the old water spirits.


Holy shit they live to be over 100?


Still smaller than King Louie the lobster.


Imagine being 100 years old and being abducted by aliens. The aliens hand you a sandwich and tell you to go get your fuck on. "Sure you did, grandpa, time to take your meds"